Sippin' with the Shannons

Tales From The Crypt

Episode 63

On this week's episode, Colleen is actually well (for once), is a neighborhood hero and has lost her debit card for the 34854 time this year. It's a full Colleen SPO0O0O0OKY takeover because it's our HALLOWEEN EPISODE, bitches!!! And it's a graveyard smash! Get ready for Halloween costumes we never want to see again, our sexual awakenings and stories that are extra, extra spooky. They'll give you a PQ... or a NQ. We won't judge either way. #JusticeMustBeServed #SkellyAndSkella 


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And we're live. I was cooking in the lab late one night. What's the song? What's the words? An eerie fright. He did the mash. It was The monster mash. It was a graveyard smash. Good evening foolish mortals. Hi everybody. Welcome to the spooky episode. It's Sippin with the Shannons After Dark. Woo! Sober. Is that your wolf cry? I think so. When people ask you to bark, I'm usually like, Well, is there a full moon out tonight, do we know? I don't know. It's not Halloween, but this is our Halloween episode. Maybe like Mercury's and retro dick or something, I don't know. Oh, okay, that makes sense. That adds up. That happens a lot, I think. Yeah, definitely. I'm no astrologist. But it looks like retro dick to me! Anyway, hi everyone. Do your thing. Welcome to this week's episode of Sippin with the Shannons. We're cousins and each week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, we have a good giggle. I am Frigid Shannon. And I'm Colleen Shannon. How are you? I'm good. Oh my gosh. It's spooky season. You guys, she just said that with like, she was genuine. I meant it spiritually, mentally. I'm, I'm good financially. We're not shambles every other place though. Splendid. Yeah. It's just, it can't be a triple. I bought, I got a manifestation candle last night. We said our incantations over the candle while you lit it. Did you say, I love money and money loves me? No, that's the abundance candle. I'm gonna get that one next. What's, okay. Sure. What happened with the manifestation candle? It has certain crystals inside of the candle that are for certain things. So this one's like manifesting, like manifesting your own. You are the pilot of your own life. Destiny. Yeah. So we had to say incantations out loud, so we did it over dinner. Oh. Yep. And you cooked a lovely meal. I did. I made a pot roast. For hours. I did. You crock potted the I like just threw it in and came back later. I know that, that still means you cooked it. I circled back on it. I'm gonna circle back in about seven hours. I did. I made a, I'm gonna do you. It's a mix between like Jersey Shore taking me over and like really needing to do those Sunday dinners. Yeah. And also like I just needed a hobby that wasn't like drinking or sleeping. So I think I'm gonna try. A reading smut. Or. I took a break, I put on the back burner, I came up for air, and now I'm cooking. And my friend Victoria has this thing where she wants me to create the naked chef. Not actually like, well nudity. Do you cook naked? No, but I'm always naked, so they're like, that would be wicked funny if you just had an apron that said like the naked chef. Oh, I love that idea. And you only wore the apron, but like obviously everything would be covered because it's an apron. But like. Except for your asshole. Well I wouldn't turn around. Only for the special. Only for a certain price. Would I turn around? She got a while back, low ass crack. Just kidding. But, yeah. So that's where that came from. And I'm on a cooking journey. So I take requests. I'll probably give up in a week because my ADHD will simply kill me and we'll say, onto the next one. Hyperfixation. I was gonna say, this is just added to the hyperfixation list. For sure. How was your weekend? What'd you do? a lot of things. You got up to some spooky shit? Yeah, I'm happy to, I'm here to report it, okay? Okay, tell me everything. Okay guys, dial in. Buckle up. She's focused. on Friday, I had plans to go to the drive in. Drive in movie theater, even though it was like a crisp 40 degrees out on Friday night. We got in the car to go. I look up and I see a pup. The pup is like a sweet, bed bed German Shepherd. You will never stop talking about this dog. No, I haven't stopped. I can't stop. she was walking down the street, and I was like, Hmm, she definitely doesn't have an owner. But like, you know when you let out a dog, And they run like a bat out of hell because they're trying to Like, it wasn't doing that. It was just like, vibing. So I was like, okay. She was trotting. She was trotting. She was sniffing. She was chilling. So I was like, oh, her owner must be like lagging nearby. Whatever. And then I waited, and there was no person in sight, so I was like, I just can't, and we live right on that, on the beach, so it's like, very, I don't know how to explain it, it's like, it's just popping off, I could just see her getting clipped by a car, so I just was like, I feel like I can't leave her here, so then I went up to her, and she was so cute, she came right up to my feet and sat, and I just like pet her, she didn't have, she had a collar on, but she didn't have a tag, but she had a flea collar, so I was like, okay, she's obviously someone's dog, like, right, she belongs to somebody. So we're like, what do we do? Like, you can't call the cops, you have to call Animal Control, and then Animal Control will take hours, we're supposed to be at the movies like 10 minutes ago, I knew the, Animal Hospital was closed, but it was right down the street, so I, I just like called 9 1 1, and was like, Hi! It's me! I have a dog! But we didn't have a leash either, so like, Fiona just wrapped her sweatshirt around his collar. She was so cute! And so we took her, and it was really sad. And we had to drop her off and leave her there, but I saw on the Facebook page that they had posted her. I was gonna say, she was found. Her family has her now. Yeah, her family has her now, but there was something a little sus. But I, I looked up his address and everything, so it was fine. She was just so sweet. She was so skinny. I was really nervous. So like, I'm just a hero. Not all heroes wear capes, but look out world, I'm wearing a cape. So to John and the missing dog, you're fucking welcome. So she's home safe. She was very cute. She was. I really, I secretly wished She didn't get claimed. I wanted her. We had a moment. Yeah, you bonded. Yeah, we did. And I put her in the car, and off we went. Off into the sunset. On for a special adventure. so, spoiler alert, we missed the first movie, due to the dog. and we saw the second one, which I, we're so dumb. We did for the Exorcist, like the new Exorcist. You know how they have the old one that's probably really shitty? I think I've seen it like ten years ago. They made a remake, and that's when we missed. And then... They had Friday the 13th, but I forgot that there's like 12 Friday the 13th movies. It was the OG, so it was from the 80s. Yeah, so it was brutal. It was like borderline funny, probably. So terrible. Yeah, yeah, sounds about right. No. So first of all, just to paint you a picture, like, when you pull in, there's two different movie screens. One had Taylor Swift, The Heiress tour playing. Okay, well if I had known that. Yeah, and then the other one was The Exorcist, and... Friday the 13th. Right. We caught the tail end of the exorcist. So we were like, what the fuck is this? And we were sitting outside and I could hear everyone's teeth chattering. But like, no one would be like, it took someone to finally be like, so we should sit in the car. And I was like, so we didn't think this through because I drove my golf cart here. So I was like, okay, well, I guess You didn't drive. Please explain to the people. You did not drive a literal golf cart. No, I don't drive a literal golf cart. Uh, I would say my Nissan is equivalent to one. Although I do wish that I had a golf cart. It is enclosed. Yeah, which is helpful when it's cold out. Yeah. So that's that about that. the second one, it was terrible. We ended up going in the car and then pulling up closer, you know, when there's an elephant in the room. Or in the car, I should say. And no one's saying it, but we all just were thinking it, and just no one could say it out loud. We were like, where the fuck are we here right now? Because you're all just sitting in a car watching it. And we all had bednecks. Oh yeah, because you're all leaning to see the screen. Good lord. I turned around and won't point, all three of the people that were, it was Brianna, Victoria, and Erin. Erin was in the back, sleeping. And I had full bedneck. I bet she had a great nap, though. Oh, Fiona, knocked. Right next to me. She's like this, like a corpse. And I was like giggling at the movie because it was so bad. I love the drive in, though. I wish it was a little closer. Yeah, it was so cozy. I was like talking to myself at one point. Like, you know, I didn't realize that they were asleep. That was when I woke them up and brought them home. But, I mean, in retrospect, it was fab. But, like, just think about the weather, people. And think about the movies before you drive an hour. That's all I'm saying. yeah, maybe... Maybe I'll run it back and try it again next week, but So on Saturday, I went to Salem, which everyone's like stay away. It's so packed fine I'm I love witchy things and like the the whole aspect of Salem But like let's get real like I'm not getting in line to go into witch stores Like I'm just here for a Bev like I'm not so we're fine. I'm fine. I have no problem You're not like going into the gift shop. You're walking around and just experiencing this. Yeah, I'm not like I need that fucking wand Like I'm good. I'm just here for a Bev right? So we just bar hopped and just you know When you just go to the bar, like, you can just get right in. You be bopped. Yeah, we just be boppin Did you go and see any of the I saw Michael Myers. Okay, I meant more of the Salem Witch Trial stuff, but sure. Oh, no. Because we we didn't drive. Oh, okay. It's oops, because we knew it would be unwell. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah. You did see Michael Myers. We did. I did get a photo. I did kiss him. On the lips. Colleen! His mask. Colleen! I did, did you not a strange man! It was his mask! It was fine. It was actually a beautiful moment. Okay, just a peck. Okay, just a little kiss. It was my dream. Did you get any response? No, I saw I got some eye contact. I mean, if it's through a mask. He had big hands. Loved it. He did. That's the first thing I looked for. He had big, big hands. I do have a funny story. Really nothing happened in between our bar hopping. I did pay the Irish singer at the Irish bar five bucks to play, uh, Boston Rose. Oh, great choice. And he did play it for me. He had his little accordion banjo thing going on. I love Boston Rose. Great Irish song. Best song. My favorite song. Something funny that happened at one of the bars. So, my, we were taking turns charging our phone behind the bar. As one does. Yes, as one, when you're drinking all day, sometimes your phone will just be dying. So, I think Erin's was charging at the time, no, no, no, mine, my phone was charging at the time. Yeah. The topic of conversation between the gals and I was about someone that they knew, that I actually also knew, that it's someone that they like grew up with, I guess, I don't know. What? What? So they're talking about a person. That's all you need to know. Okay. So, say that again. The girlies are talking about a person. They know. Yeah. I also know her. Okay, great. From when I was younger. My mother also knows her. Okay. My mother also does not like her. Okay. Or her family. Sure. So. The topic of conversation has come up and I said, give me your phone. I gotta text my mother. So Brianna gives me her phone. I text my mom and I'm like, tell me your thoughts on this. This is that person. This is what we're talking about. Ha ha. How funny. Whatever. We're texting back and forth. I say, save this number. It's Brianna's number. Good night. Goodbye. Hand my phone. We switch our phones. She charges hers. I get mine back. Flash forward to the next morning. I wake up to a text message. I'm unwell, of course. Like, I'm like, I get a text from my mom, a screenshot of her text from Brianna, and it says, stupid, see you next Tuesday, with a smiley face. And my mom is like, how dare you, I've never been so disrespected. Life, all this stuff, and I'm genuinely confused. I'm unwell, and I'm half asleep, and I'm like, what is she talking about? And the bartender, it didn't say mom, obviously, I texted a random number on Brianna's phone, which is how my mom's number saved. So the bartender accidentally Must have just said, stupid cunt. Just like, probably thought it was funny, behind the bar, because he was, had our phones. Oh. And texted my mother and called her a stupid see you next Tuesday, but obviously not knowing it didn't say mom. It was Brianna's phone, right? I called my mom immediately And she's like in the grocery store just shovels. I'm like mom in what land I have never even I have never called you any Any anything i've never even called you a bitch. Like I would never fucking do that. I don't even use that lingo in normal Day to day speech. I just thought that was hilarious. Okay, wow, that could have gone so much worse. But also, like, I texted Debrie and I'm like, Did you text my mom and like, no! Why on earth would I do that? You should have seen my confusion. I was like, what? Who texted my mother that? I mean, but that's pretty bold for the bartender to do. Yeah, he probably just thought it was a random person, though. He wouldn't know. Oh my god. Fucking hilarious. Mance. Sorry, Nancy. And she's like, oh, so I'm gonna hang up the phone. I'm like, okay, have a good day, stupid cunt. I'm calling. No, I would never, I would never disrespect my mother. I don't disrespect my elders. So, that's not how I was raised. I'm a fucking lady, so. I sit with my legs crossed, and I use utensils. And not to brush my hair. Oh, lord. yeah, so that was that. I will say you are gonna hate me. Why? What did you do? I lost my debit card. How? Literally how? It's like the sixth one this year. Easily. How? I don't know. What do you mean? So the memory is that I gave it, the last place we were was the Irish bar, where I paid the band to sing the song, O'Neil's, if you're, if you know, you know. You paid. The band. With your debit card? No, I gave them cash. My last round of cash. So then, I gave, I think, Brianna my debit card to get the round of drinks. And my inkling is that she might have opened a tab, but she doesn't remember and neither do I. So why wouldn't you just call the bar and ask if they have your debit card? Because either way I wasn't going to drive to Salem to get it in the middle of October. Just to get my card. I wasn't going to do it. So you're just gonna let it sit there. Yeah. And order a new one. Correct. You are so unwell. So that would be correct. But Stop giving your card up just Venmo people you can't be trusted. I know I know none of us can be trusted I think I was like in depth conversation. Sure I don't know, but that's the story. That's the first thing I thought. Lucky number seven. The first thing I thought was, Bridget's gonna kill me. and then I woke up unwell. And then I made a pot roast. And now I am here. Tales from the Crypt. From the other side. I'm back, boy. I have risen. So I feel when I crack my neck, I'm like, I'm out of the crypt. how was your weekend? Uh, it was wonderful. I hung out with Paula one night. I hung out with Leanne one night. my friends Orin and Jessie picked me up and we went and surprised our friend Heather who lives on Lake Wadeposaki in her... Hallmark Town. Okay, cute. I guess you remember when I told you about that? Yeah, of course. Last year. Uh, yeah, she lives in like the cutest town ever and we decided to surprise visit her so we spent the night at her house and we went out and we had drinks and we had charcutes and it was fabulous and then I came back here and we took a nap and then Jessie and Orin came over and Orin's English. This is the couple that just got married in Italy who I love. Baddies. Auryn came over and cooked us a sundae roast, my new obsession, and it was delightful. Delightful. And then you came here tonight and cooked for me. So I have had Yeah, yeah. You absolutely cooked for me. It was a slight sauté, it wasn't like a fucking seven course meal. I sat on my couch and food was delivered to me that I didn't order or buy. As you deserve. As you sit in my kitchen and cook it. So, I am chalking it up as it were. I should be feeding you grapes from the stem. With a fan. With a leaf fan going at the same time. Correct. Anyway, no, it was lovely. It was very chill. Hung out. And actually we walked outside and we were in Lake Winnipesaukee, which is in New Hampshire if you're not from here. And the foliage is beautiful. And I walked outside and was like, there really isn't many. Things that are better than crisp fall air. Oh my god, it could cure any hangover. I couldn't. No, it can't. I just love Chris Foller. But you know what, you like take a deep breath and you're out and it's peaceful and it's so nice and you're like, why do I live in a city when places like this exist? It was like 65 and sunny, so I was walking around just like a sweatshirt. And it just was so comfy and cozy. With the sun still out, you can wear something cozy, there's a nice breeze. Oh my god, we got donuts. Oh, yum. It was so yummy. That is yummy. What kind of donut did you eat? It actually was from a place called the Yum Yum Shop, and it was very yummy. I just got a good old fashioned glazed. Mm, pickle rum. Really cured my soul though. And I'm not a donut person, so fluffy, so yummy, can't recommend it enough. Gorgeous. And that's that on that. And that's that on that! And now I'm ready to be scared. Why, but from whatever you're about to tell me. Good evening brothers and sisters. Gather round, cause I have a tale for you. She lit the virgin candle. The black flame candle! Always pour spilled salt over your left shoulder, plant lavender for luck, hang rosemary by your garden gate, and fall in love whenever you can. Oh, how lovely. Practical magic. Yes! Oh, scary. Uh, yeah, I have no idea what this episode is about. You all know how much Colleen loves Halloween. It's a spooky takeover. It's a spooky Colleen takeover. It's giving! Tales from the Crypt! it's not that bad. It's a little light, a little dark. Great. It's a perfect mix of... Are you light and I'm dark? No, I feel like I'm dark. Yeah, you are. I was that a joke? Yes, it was. I don't know, but your, gold Skelly right now is giving. Also, we're both in cheetah print, which... Cheetah girls, cheetahs. And little wizard hats. So we're really, we have Skelly, we have our new gold friend here. And we have our hats on and we're ready to rumble. Yeah, this room is giving over stimulation nation. Oh yeah, there's a lot of colors and prints happening in here now with the cheetah print and the lizard hats. Yeah, It's fine. Everything's fine. This is like... If someone walked in here and didn't know what we use this room for. We look like LARPers. We look like LARPers. Don't we? Yes. Dungeons and Dragon enthusiasts. That is my nightmare. We look like we're about to summon Liberace. Like, we look ridiculous. I mean, I've always wanted to do a seance. We're not doing a seance, Colleen. Okay. You are not summoning the devil and other... God only knows what. To my apartment. Do it at your own time. There's enough going on here. Yeah, there's enough happening here. Thank you. Guess what? What? Their fucking alarm won't stop going off again. Not again. Yes. Upstairs I can hear it. 15 seconds a little beep. I'm like, uh. Ah! Smoke detector! You should leave a note under the door and be like, please let me in. I will do it. No, it's not my business, but it's just, I can hear it. I can hear it everywhere. It's a poor chart. Erin called me earlier. Your friend Erin. Yes, my roommate Erin, as you guys know. she called and I was like, hello. And she was like, hello! And I was like, okay. In the middle of the day, I'm like, what? She's like, I was on a call and the alarm in your room won't stop going off. And I was like, what do you mean? And she's like, your fire alarm will not stop going off. Obviously, I'm not home, and she's like, it's blinking blue for gas. I'm like, I'm fucking graved! Oh my god! Did you call the fire department? No. Ok, so when that happens, you should call the fire department, because that is what they're there for and it's never silly to call them. Like, you might think, oh, you know, I'm not gonna call them, I don't want to make a big deal out of this. They actually, that's what they do. You should just call them, just to be safe. Well, maybe I'll call them when I go home later. If it's still going on, then I would, I would just call and say, Hey, not an emergency, would just love for someone to come in and check this. Okay. I would like to see a firefighter. They do it all the time. That would be divine. Yeah, put on a cute outfit, get your mascara on. They come over, I'm in a gown. Wear your cheap print outfit that you have. Yeah, and just be like, I'm like, hopeless me. Oh, help me. There's gas. You know, really sell it. I know you can do it. Erin did contemplate it, but I did tell her that, she had, my vibrator's on the floor, so she'd have to move it if people came in. Oh yeah. I did tell her that. I mean, honestly, leave it. She goes, oh, okay. Just kick it under the bed. I was like, so if you're gonna do that, like, I don't really care about the carbon monoxide scare. I'm just, please roll it. I remember hearing a thud the other night And that's what it was. Oh Colleen, what am I going to do with you? Yep, that's where I'm at. All right, so obviously we have Halloween, bitches. I want to start off by saying that if it weren't for the potato famine and everyone coming over from Ireland, we would not be like popping off with Halloween like we would be today. I thought Ireland loves Halloween. They do, but that's where we got it from. Oh, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. The potato famine said, oh, we're starving, gotta go to America. And they brought their tradition with them. Oh, very cool. Very cool. So, thanks ancestors. I'm glad you didn't die. The potatoes were famine ing. And we were Halloween ing. So... So that's all that matters. I wanna, we could start off light, you know, light and fluffy and fun and just talk about some of our like, favorite, least favorite Halloween movies. Such a fucking goofball. I wanna start off by saying also that, I don't know why I've said that like four times. Yeah, you have. You're starting off by saying quite a bit. I feel like sometimes when I say that, I'm like presenting on a speech on like a pedestal at like church. You're on your TED Talk? Yeah. You're in your TED Talk hair ass? And this is not my TED Talk. Okay. It's just not. I don't really have any favorite Halloween movies. I mean, everyone that I like, you shoot down, because you're like, that's not that scary. Yeah, but some just aren't truly scary. Yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't. Like, I like Saw. I like Get Out. I watched Saw 3 last night. Oh, I haven't seen all of them. I like the first one. Oh! Isn't there like seven of them? Yeah, there's a bunch. I watched the third one last night and I liked it. They're a little too gory for me. I don't really like when they do the things with like the skin and the eyes. Like, that's, I'm good, I'm good there. And I like all the nice... You know, Disney ones, like the Hocus Pocuses, the Practical Magics of the World. We watched Haunted Mansion the other night, the OG one with Eddie Murphy. I was gonna say, tell the people about it. Yeah, it was great. It was so fun. The headstones. I mean, I love Eddie Murphy. I love the quartet headstones who have perfect pitch. We love that moment. No, it was great. I'm not really a Nightmare Before Christmas girl, I will say. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not really for me. I love a Goosebumps moment. I like Ghostbusters. I mean, I like, spoiler alert, light, scary movies, not full blown. I'm not gonna be able to sleep at night. Things are popping out left, right, and center. Casper Ancient. Love Casper. I Casper was my sexual awakening. I was like, oh, I like boys. You know what The little vampire. The vampire brothers. Uh, that was my awakening. I don't remember their names, but if you know, you know. The little vampire. When Casper became a boy, I became a woman. Is that what happens in that movie? You don't, what? I don't remember. I don't remember the premise. You don't remember? Oh my god. Sabrina the Teen, it reminds me of like Sabrina the Teenage Witch though. Yeah, which was also fire. We lived for it when we were kids. Harvey! Halloween Town! Oh, that's a good one too. Love Halloween Town. Uh, yeah, Casper becomes a boy at the end. The Hocus Pocus people are in Salem this weekend. Oh, really? Yeah, they're doing, like, meet and greets. The actual three Bette Midler is in Salem this weekend. No, no, no. Sarah Jessica Parker. No, no, no. Uh, Max, and Allison, and, the sister. What the fuck is the sister's name? I don't remember. Yeah, the older sister. Yes. I'm gonna twist the bones and bend the back. Well, that's fun. Yeah. Are you dressing up this year? No. Okay. I will not It was a firm no. Yeah, well, I won't be here. Me and my family are going to Arizona, so it's not really That's true. And then it's on a Tuesday, so it's not like, I won't be here for the weekend, so I won't be popping off. That's fair. And then on Tuesday, what, me and you are going to dress up to record? We could. Don't look at me like that. Come on, man. I'll get, I'll get Amazon some prime, some good ass costumes. No, you're getting it right now. I'm in cheetah print and I'm wearing a wizard's hat. So this is me now. This is real. Thank you. This is me. Thank you. Costumes that I simply can't see this year. sure. Overdone. Sure. Okay. My number one most hated costume. Thank Oh wow. Harley Quinn. If I see it again, I'm good. Is it the short shorts? Is it it's just like the, I've seen it, we're done here. It's just overdone. Yes. You just don't appreciate it. And it's just not, it's simply not cute. And it's not clever. No, it's not. Okay. It's just, half those people, you ain't seen the movie anyways. I know you haven't. Can you even imagine how many Barbies are going to be out about this year? Which brings me to my next one. Barbies. I'm not into the Barbie movie. No, I'm not. No, I'm just, I don't like it. Did you watch it? No. Of course you didn't. I refuse. You just don't like it because there was too much hype around it. Yeah, and it was just like not It was excellent, Colleen. I mean, the Princess and the Pauper was cool. Isn't that a Barbie movie? The what? The Barbie movie. That was a Barbie movie, no? No, the one with Margot Robbie. You goofball. Did you just name an animated Barbie movie? That's the one I like. Princess and the Pauper? That's the one I like. Not this fucking new one with real people. Okay, but on RuPaul's Drag Race, they always joke about paupers. Why? Because gay men take them. Oh, yeah. So that's all I can think of. Doesn't it loosen parts of their body? Uh, the anal cavity, it seems to be. Fiona accidentally took a popper once. You need to double check that that's okay for you to say. No, it is. We laugh about it now. Okay, great. Yeah, it was an accident. Fiona. Oh, I could die. God bless her. But that's what I think of when you say Princess of the Paupers. Gay men and paupers. that's not where I was going with that. Live your life, paupers. Sandy from Greece. I'm sorry. Yeah. It's cute when little kids do it. It's cute when little kids do it. Stop. As an adult. We're done. We've seen it. It's tired and old. I'm sick of you. I'm sick of your shit. Bratz, Bratz dolls. Okay, who the hell is still dressing up as a Bratz doll? Oh, it was huge last year. No. No, it was huge. Absolutely not. Everybody was. Absolutely not. One I think I'll see a lot this year, even though people did it last year, is Elvis and Priscilla. Yeah. Priscilla's really pretty. That to me is Danny Zuko and Sandy though. It's essentially the same thing. Yeah, that's from a different time. But it didn't become re popular until all these movies started popping off. Yeah. Cause now there's a new one coming out with Jacob Elordi. Yeah, I think I'd be okay with that. I still never saw the other one. Can we just space out the things that we do? Like do they all have to fall on top of each other? Do you know what I mean? Yeah, but do we need to Elvis Presley movies in only a few years? I saw a video of Elvis recently, which like did it make you feel thing? And I was like, I get it now. Yeah. At first I was like, what's the hype? Talk about feral. Animal energy. Like, you think Taylor Swift fans are crazy. Elvis fans were nutso. Really? Yes. Feral. Women were feral for him. Is it how people were like for Justin Bieber back in the day? Like the tweens were creaming for him? Yeah, but he was older, so it was older women. Oh. It was like if me and you were doing it. Versus like That's weirder. Teeny boppers. I think it's okay when teeny boppers do it, but like No, grown ass women like throwing their bras at him while he was on stage. Okay, that's kind of cool. He's like, I saw him in an interview with, I forget who it was, and I just like feel like I never seen video footage of him. Glorious. Yeah. I was like, who? Who? And a who. And now I get it. He died. He died on my mom's birthday. August 16th. Yes. On the toilet. Yeah. Off the Rip brother. Poor guy. Yeah. Off to Graceland drugs, man. That'll do it to you. The purge. I'm done. Why is that A costume Isn't college, is it called murdering everybody? Yeah. It's basically like a mask in like a black outfit and like an A knife. That's so I feel like that's a cop out costume. I, no one's like, you know what, I wanna be the pet. It's like, oh, I can wear this mask in this Co in all black and be ready. That's fair. Three blind mice. I did that in college. Did you? Everyone did it when I was in college too. It's easy. Again, a cop out. You wear little mouse ears, you get a little walking stick and you wear all black. It's quite simple. That's fair. I guess. I'll give that to you. Okay, great. The whole Space Cowgirl thing. Have you seen that? No. Ugh, it just, it doesn't make any sense. Like, what the fuck is that? That's not a real thing. You can't just make it up for Halloween. Space Cowgirl. Yeah, I swear. I know you didn't watch this, but it's giving Xenon Girl of the 21st century. Of course I fucking watched Xenon. Did you watch Xenon? Yes, I did. Oh, I thought that was Beyond Your Times. Xenon the Z Quil? Wow. Of course they did. What's that song? Zoom, zoom, zoom. Everybody go boom, boom. My supernova girl. Oh, classic. It was like, The pussies were popping. That was probably like the first, like, movie. Disney movie I watched. Oh yeah, classic. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They just unlocked a memory for me. Something that frat boys. Mmm. Just don't. Yeah, I mean. With like a backwards hat. Like, let's not. Unless they're actively making fun of them, I'm not here for it. Yeah, that's fair. But it's just like, get your sparrows out of here. Don't be doing that. It's weird. Get your puka shell necklace out of my face. You can't be dressing up as them and sleeping with them. It just doesn't... It doesn't work. You can't have it both ways. Are we making fun of them? Or are we adoring them? What's happening? Neither, I hope. Yeah. Oddly enough, I'm not bothered, though, by like, cops or firemen. Like, I think that's cute. Interesting. Nurses? No. No. No nurses. And Britney Spears. You can be any Britney Spears at any point in time and I will not judge you. I agree. If you put on her red, oops I did it again, oops, ugh, that latex outfit, or there was one of her on a plane too, Oh the blue one? Yeah. That's a cute one. Then of course the school girl. Oh, yeah. I think Aaron was that one year. But being able to pull off that red leather. I mean. That's what dreams are made of. Truly. Iconic. This is what dreams are made of. I just want someone to be that with me. From the Lizzie McGuire movie. Okay. But no one will. Isn't that sad? I don't understand what you mean. You just want someone to dress up exactly the Lizzie McGuire and Isabella. Okay. From Lizzie McGuire. You know that end scene when they dance off with each other and she's wearing green and she's wearing purple. In the Coliseum. That is such a fucking good costume and no one wants to do it. Hello? A brunette and a blonde. Duh. Like that's such a good costume. You want to be the brunette. Obviously. It'd have to be. Okay. Gotcha. Gotcha. Gotcha. Any blondes out there? That like the color lavender? It wouldn't really work with us because I'm nearly one whole foot taller than you. You legitimately are. So it would look a little weird. I mean we could. We could just be like, hey now, hey now. You could tower over me, you know, that could be cool. That'd be a cool vibe for us. Maybe. I also think it's rea I still think the Cheetah Girls costume is cute. You know, when you wear the pants No one does that enough. Well, you need four people, right? Yeah. Yeah. Some people just don't have four friends. Yeah, some people out here just... You gotta scrape the bottom of the barrel. Scrape the barrel. I certainly am. Just kidding. No, I actually, I came to the conclusion, not that you asked, or that anyone gives a fuck, but, no one gives a shit. This is just the way my brain is processing. I came to the conclusion, for Halloween, it depends on where I'm going and like, what the vibe is. I know we talked about this last week, like a little bit. I, there's just no amount of confidence in this world that anyone has that they could walk, as a single person, could walk into a bar as Reba fucking McIntyre with friends who have their pussy lips out. I'm sorry, I disagree. I think. That people with the right sense of humor will love that and go up to you. And it's more of an icebreaker. But also if you're at like a, I'll use it as an example, like a Marielle, I'm, I'm not saying I'm going there, I'm just saying like, if you're at that type of a nicer restaurant, if you'll Yeah. A high re but you guys aren't going to a nice restaurant to sit down and eat a meal in. Well, the basement's really fun. Fucking, the basement's fun. Oh, okay. I wasn't thinking about the basement, but that vibe, you know what I mean? Like I, but if. If we're going, uh, I don't know, Divie MacDiverson. West End Johnny's. Oh, catch me at West End Johnny's. Like, naked. Like, I don't care. Well then just pick a spot already. Yeah, well it's not me. You said this last week. I'm not the decision maker. So I'm just saying like, You should make the decision. But I will say, I think Erin's gonna be Cinderella. And I said I would be her fairy godmother. That'd be cute. That would be very cute. So that's, I'm okay with the one from Shrek. Oh my god, with the red dress and the purple hair? She has purple hair, right? Something like that. No, she does. Yeah. I need a hero! Exactly. That definitely just went up so high. I'll adjust the volume, don't worry. Thank you so much. You just, you can't go wrong with a funny costume and that's just how I feel. and Mario and Luigi. Yeah. Great, great costume. I think. No. You hate it. That's what I was going to say. You don't want the plumbers. As a hater to my core, I don't, I don't fuck with the Mario and Luigi. Why not? I don't know. I just can't. See, we would be great Mario and Luigi because one's tall, one's short. That's true. If we're both pretty. I'd make a great Toad. Do you? I'd make a great Bowser. You would. I miss Mario Kart so much. What I wouldn't give to have just a day where I play Mario, Mario Kart all day on a classic Nintendo 64. I don't want any of this new crap. I want Mario Kart and Super Mario Brothers on a Nintendo 64 where I have to pop the thing out and blow in it because it's not working right and slam it back in. Because it's dusty? That's what I want. I close my eyes and I'm on Rainbow Road. And I, I want Bagel Bites. And I want Coca Cola on ice. Maybe some pizza rolls, but they have to cool down, because if you bite them in the middle, they'll light your mouth on fire. And they'll squeeze out the other side. Yes, and it's so hot, it burns the entire roof of your mouth. And it's so embarrassing. Oh my God, when it squeezes out on your shirt, your limited to shirt, you're like, uh, how will I go on? And maybe for the road, a nice little Smucker's Uncrustable. Ew. I... Love PB and J Smuckers. Really? No, most people do. Oh my god, The Uncrustables? They have them at my work all the time. I'm obsessed. Is that weird? One time. I have this friend named John. We were at Gillette Stadium and I would love to tell you this was like 15 years ago. This was like right before the pandemic, so not that long ago. We have this ongoing joke because as I was leaving, I just grabbed snacks because I didn't know how long we would be like, I didn't know what the deal was or if we were tailgating or whatever. We ended up having this massive tailgate and there was. tons of food, but I got a little drunk and I went up to him and I was like, hey, do you want an Uncrustable? And I whipped an Uncrustable out of my coat pocket. He was like, what the fuck is happening right now? What is this sorcery? So every time I see him, he's like, do you got any Uncrustables? I was like, I really, I really wish I did because what an excellent snack. I wonder who invented those and where they're at today. You know what? Maybe we'll do an episode on it. That's, that sounds good. Shout out to you, ma'am or sir. I was thinking we should do an episode on the Appalachian Trail. Okay. Rural Appalachia. Do you have a hyper fixation on this? I do. I'm on Appalachia TikTok. Great. Lovely. last thing I promise, regarding costumes, because I'm a hater to my core, stop dressing up like fucking minions. I don't like it. I don't like it. They're weird. They don't speak words. Erin's dressing up as the little... Oh, what the fuck? The aliens from Toy Story is always going to be my favorite costume. Oh, that's cute. That's cute. The claw. Why was that so good? I don't know. I don't love minions though. I do like the aliens. I can't tell you why. I can't tell you why one works and one does not. I like Bud Lightyear, like in college, like stop. Bud? Bud Lightyear? Yeah, look it up. So like Bud Light? Yeah. Oh no, I hate it. Hate it. I thought you forgot his name was Buzz for a second. And I was like, it's really simple. It's like a huge part of the story. I didn't really fuck with Toy Story when I was younger though, I won't lie. Oh, Toy Story is so good. You should have ended it though at the third one and then they came out with a fourth and someone says they're coming out with The fifth the end of the third is the most iconic way to end a series and they just kind of fudged it up But that's fine. We're moving on. It doesn't matter. It's fine. Everything's fine. Everything's fine I was listening to a spooky podcast in the shower the other day Oh, and I gave me that shower Aaron's like what the fuck are you listening to? I was like just mind your business. You don't need to know Nobody asked you you don't need to know. Mind your business. it was snap judgment spooked, which I know that's a mouthful and it sounds kind of funky. Sounds right up your alley though. So good. It's like real people tellings, but like, and it's just easy to listen to except, you know, when you get on like a podcast that is someone's voice, but it's like, you don't, you just don't like their voice. Yeah. I'm sure people do it to us all the time. I meant when every episode's different. Like, there are some episodes that you're like, Oh, I can't. I literally can't get into this one tale because I don't know what the fuck this person is saying. I'm sure people feel that way about me. I know what you mean though. You mean when every episode comes from different people where you're like, Oh my god, I can't listen to this story because this person... It just gives you the ick and you just can't pay attention and that's how I feel. Sure. there's also a 13 Nights of Halloween podcast too. Okay. And Ashley Flowers. That's the spooky one. Love. That's all I need to know. That's for you. You trying to read? Read some Frieda McFadden and shut the fuck up. It's so good. Every one of her stories has a good twist. I highly recommend. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. so, you know, with the topic of Halloween, it brings us back in time to a time in which some out of pocket things have happened on this particular day. Over the years. Okay. On October 31st. Correct. Got it. I'm ready. Because, you know, the spookiness is in line, you know, All Hallow's Eve brings out the crazies. Is this where we take a dark turn in the podcast? We started off light and fluffy and now we're going to go dark? A little bit. Okay, great. We're going to go on a rollercoaster. It's just going to go dark and then it's going to light and then back to dark and then hopefully up at the end. All right, let me get Skelly ready here. Yeah, Skelly needs to be. Skelly, you're so bony. Honestly, goals. What's your regimen? Do you do keto or intermittent fasting, do you think? He's just like eating a block of cream cheese. He's like, I'm a fucking vegan, leave me alone. Oh, Skelly, you silly little bitch. He has been through so much. He, he's really not doing well, he's like. Definitely has scoliosis. Anyway, please continue. I think he's perfect, so. Sometimes I forget about him. You I forget about him and then I'll just like find him entangled in something in my backseat. I'm like, how'd you get back there? I feel like he moves at night. Oh, like Toy Story. Yeah, I think he does. Oh, there you go. I think, I think he does. Love you, mean it. He does sleep with me sometimes, I won't, I won't lie. Colleen, I actually need you to get all of the grips. Like, not even just one grip, every grip that you can grip onto, I need you to catch them. He sleeps on my right side. He has a side of the bed? Yes, he does. You have completely lost the plot. What is going on right now? I mean, I've never slept in the middle of the bed. I always sleep on one side. Ah, okay. So he's the other one. All the time? Sometimes. Colleen, I simply do not have the time or the strength. But he's just so nice, you know? He just, he doesn't talk. Stop holding his hand, it's making it weirder. He listens. Do you know what I love about you, Skelly? You never talk back. And I'm always right. And you never disagree with me. And you don't yell at me when I lose my debit card for the 17th time. Okay, enough. Okay, sorry. So we're taking it back to 1974. Great. Okay, to all Hallows Eve. The 70s were wild, so this is gonna be cray cray. Oh, 100%. Oh, we were watching, obviously Friday the 13th, and it was the 80s. And they were like, hitchhiking, obviously. Yeah, thumbs up. And everyone's like, oh my god, they did that? I'm like, yes, have you guys never heard of how many people were getting just snatched in the 70s? They fucking ruined it for us. Murder everywhere. The Ted Bundys, the Jeffrey Dahmers, they ruined hitchhiking for us. Well, no. It wasn't as bad. They weren't snatching. They weren't snatching like they used to. They weren't also murdering hitchhikers. Ted Bundy did. I think he, he pretended to be hurt. Oh, never mind. He, like, wore a fake sling. Well, either way, they ruined stuff for us. Oh, for sure, they're still terrible people. Yeah. But either way, things were popping up in the 70s, and that's why no one hitchhikes anymore. Got it. But it was like seeing an artifact, if you will. It's like, what is she doing? It's like, that's called hitchhiking. That was 50 years ago. Yeah. Pretty crazy. And then people just, like, took you where you wanted to go. Like, that's crazy. Yeah. For free? Wild. So it's 1974. The hitchhiking time. Got it. And this is the tragedy of Timothy O'Brien. Oh boy. Here we go. It's fucked up. Can I say one really quick thing? Correct. Last week I ended the episode with, so that's the episode, a little darker than we normally go. No it's not. No, it's not. We tell dark shit all of the time. I told OJ like three weeks before. OJ wasn't too, too dark though. I totally disagree. I think the concept behind it is like dark, obviously. Hello, it's Merdeer. But I did more of like the trial. More details to it. There are parts of it that make things darker than the average Merdeer. I don't know. I think it's still pretty... I know you're not saying that about the crime, but I'm just saying in general, we cover, we have covered some pretty dark shit and I'm like, a little darker than we normally go. And then we're like, here's our episode on cults. Where everybody murders themselves. We're keeping it lightweight today. As if a clan of 50 people did not murder themselves. And then we proceed with a positive story at the end. And then I'm like. From good news underscore movement, here is a baby kitten who was saved by a child. Oh lord, I'm so obnoxious. Anyway, please continue. Alright boys. If you can't laugh at yourselves, then what's the fucking point? Because you're probably out in the abyss right now. Let's dial back in. If you're still there, welcome back. Okay, so the story of Timothy O'Brien. Houston eye doctor, Ronald O'Brien, was a father to eight year old Timothy and five year old Elizabeth. Okay. They lived in Houston. Totally normal family. Sure. It's Halloween. Obviously. And he volunteered to take the kids trick or treating with his friend Jim, who also had a few children. So Jim, the children, Ronald. And the other two children. I'll go out trick or treating on Halloween. Okay? Got it. It's raining, so they only covered about like two streets before calling it a night. Which is like, such a shitty Halloween for the kids. I know, that's a bummer. Let's keep it rolling all night long. Pop out those umbrellas, let's keep this party poppin Candy on candy. When you were younger, did you have to wear, like, multiple layers underneath your cute outfit and it really ruined it for you? No, it wasn't that col I don't remember it being that, that cold. Oh, I always hated my mom would bundle me up underneath, like, my princess gown. And I'd be like, no, I'm a princess, I don't need those. And it would ruin the whole appeal. Just in case someone was genuinely gonna confuse me. Fair princess. Sorry, are you? The Thermopolis of Genovia? So glad you noticed. That's another costume I love. People are bringing back the Princess Diaries one. Love it. Love it. So they give up after two streets. Towards the end on their stroll, there was one house that had all the lights off. Okay. So they didn't approach, they're like, yeah, keep it moving. Right. Uh, they knocked, no one answered, whatever. Keep it moving, they're herding the children down the street, but Ronald lagged behind. So pixie sticks. Back in the day, pixie sticks weren't those little, like, wonky ass things. No, they were like a yardstick. Yeah, they were like Massive. Big ol boys. So, he comes back with five of them, and he says, Oh, they actually ended up coming out, they're rich neighbors, they were handing out really expensive treats, and he really just wanted to make sure that everyone got some. They call it quits, they're done, they all go home. So now, it's Ronald's turn to get the kids ready for bed. He told both the kids, Elizabeth and Tim, that they could have one treat before bed. Obviously, you have all this loaded up candy. and so he tells his children, take the pixie sticks. But Elizabeth was like, no, I don't want the pixie stick. And she got another candy instead. But Timothy takes the pixie stick happily. He complains about the bitter taste while he's eating it. But he finishes the treat anyways. He finishes the whole ass yardstick. Minutes later, Timothy, sweet baby angel Timothy, runs to the bathroom and he is like all fucked up. He's having cramps, he's throwing up, he's unwell, he's convulsing, you know, foaming at the mouth, the whole bit. Ronald is like, what the fuck, so he's like, holding his kid, you know, he's going limp, he's like, what the fuck's going on, they call the ambulance, the whole thing. He ends up passing away shortly, minutes later. So really quick. Timothy had ingested enough cyanide in the pixie stick to kill at least two grown men. Oh my god. And he is a eight year old boy. Oh my god. Mm hmm. So, obviously everyone's like shooketh. It's like this small little town, nothing bad ever happens. It's the fucking 70s. So the investigation takes off immediately. They're like, who did this? What's going on? Are all the children safe? So it's like, almost like, what's the word I'm looking for? Mass panic. Everyone's like, what the fuck, the children, no one's eating their candy, which is so sad. Right, because if they don't know the source, and it's a kid, then every family in the neighborhood's gonna be like, Oh my god, my kid is next. Naturally. Correct. So the investigations start, but they don't really have to look very far, because immediately Ronald is sus as fuck. The dad? Yeah. Papa? ain't right. Oh my god. Yeah, his reactions are an immediate red flag. He just doesn't really have much remorse. He's not really too involved. He just doesn't really seem to give a fuck. And who's to say, like, we've talked about before, like, your reaction. You don't know. You don't know. But it was very, like, suspicious, red flag. So they start looking into him a little bit. And as they look into him, the evidence piles up, like, so in your face. It's disturbing. They catch him in a million different lies, he did a bunch of different stuff that's extremely suspicious, he visited a Houston chemical plant, and he stopped in, just like bopped in to say hello, and he asked about buying cyanide. Oh. Yeah. Like, he was just, like, wondering, like, how much you could get for a certain price. That, nowadays, is like if you Google search it. Yeah. How to kill a person. It's equivalent. And I guess he ended up leaving because he didn't like the price for like five pounds or something. Oh my, what is going on my guy? So the people remembered him because he was obviously so weird. Yeah, creepy as hell. Who the fuck comes in and asks how I can buy cyanide? Gross. And they continue the investigation still and it turns out that he had actually attended a community college class and he asked the professor afterwards, what is more lethal? Cyanide or any other type of poison? So obviously, again, Professor's like, mm, gotta remember that one. Yeah, that's gonna sit with me, that question. But the nail on the coffin was, they got a warrant to check in on him and search the house. And they found a pair of scissors with plastic residue that matched cyanide. Ding, ding, ding, brother. So he fed it to his kids. Yes. On purpose. Yes. Was he expecting more than one of them to die? So you might ask why, you know? So insurance money. From his children? Yes. He was more, at the time of the 70s, 100, 000 in debt, which was, I think, 100, 000. A little over 600, 000 in today's money. Okay. And he was also in just like financial trouble in general. I'm pretty sure his home was going to be foreclosed, all the stuff. His car was about to be repossessed. He had a bunch of different bank loans out. So a bunch of different things. He also was stealing from his, the place where he was an eye doctor. Oh my god. Whole bunch of things. And come to find out, he actually put two big fat life insurance policies on his children the week before. And he asked to pay it out the day after Timothy died. I'm so glad they're not subtle, because then we catch them. But what a fucking idiot. Also, not for nothing, the policy he took out was like 10, 000. That's not even going to make a dent in the type of debt you have. So you're killing your child. I just It's not funny. It's not the answer. It's just like, how do you not thought Like, how is your brain processing that? Yeah, no. It's not funny at all. I just like No, I know. I know. You laugh when you're uncomfortable. It's so fucking crazy. Like, oh, you knock out two year kids. You have 20K. You're what? How much in the hole? Yeah. What's that going to do for you? I can't. I just can't get my brain behind that at all. What does that do for you? Also, it's your child It's your actual living. I can't it's just Completely irrational which is why I want to talk about it because like Halloween the crazies come out people are not well And this is prime example, and of course it happens on fucking Halloween So the police never discover where or when or how he actually bought the poison. It's never been to this day He never admitted to it. And he was arrested officially on November 5th of 1974, so a couple days later. He was, indicted on one count of capital murder and four counts of attempted murder, only because he gave. The Pixie Stix out to the children. Right. So it counts on all. Right. He, uh, pleads not guilty. In says what exactly? Insanity? If he pleads insanity, I'm gonna find him and punch him in the throat. He just said not guilty. That's all. So that's in what November? So in June, the following June, he goes to trial and the jury took 46 minutes to find him completely guilty on all counts of Good, good. What a piece of shit. Capital murder and attempted murder. On March 31st of 1984, so Ten years later. Yeah, I really have to do my math there. Ten years later, he was executed by lethal injection. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. His last meal consisted of a T bone steak. Well done. Ew. Exactly. French fries and ketchup, whole kernel corn, sweet peas, lettuce and tomato salad with Ew. with egg. If I didn't think he was a sociopath already, that did it. That did it in. My good lord. Iced tea with a little bit of sweetener, saltines, and Boston cream pie. Like, are you okay? Are you people okay? What a piece of shit. Wow, I'm glad he died. Yeah, off the fucking rip. Bye! And I was trying to figure out where Elizabeth was today, but I couldn't find anything on her, which I'm sure she's living a life in peace and... I doubt it. But, well, as long as she's not out in the public, maybe she's living quietly in peace. Yeah, maybe she's gone off and To the best of her abilities! Trying to start anew. Yeah. Because your dad is a crazy person. I did read that the mom remarried, so that's good. Oh, you mean the da I was thinking about the mother. Oh, no. The peace ever again. No, no. The daughter. But she did remarry. She did. Yeah. Good. But yeah, what a piece of shit. Yeah. Halloween brings out the worst in people. Good riddance, brother. So don't put cyanide poisoning in your candy this year, folks. Please. Murder won't help your debt. Plot twist. Killing your children doesn't do much for you. Nope. Another crazy thing that happened. The fates were aligned. Harry Houdini died on Halloween. Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah. Good old Harry. And how he died is the sus part, so, it's All Hallows Eve. Not yet, actually. So, a couple days prior to All Hallows Eve, Houdini was reclining on a couch. He was preparing for a show. He had a broken ankle, because he was performing a couple days before that, and he, like, fucked up his ankle. It doesn't matter how he did it. Just know that he had a broken ankle. A witness that was, like, in his crew noticed that he was with a companion of his. Her name was Jocelyn Gordon Whitehead. Imagine your last name being Whitehead. No, that's brutal. And for reasons unknown by, I couldn't find anywhere as to what details, I don't know if she was playing around or if she was doing it seriously, but she was punching Houdini in the stomach. Yes. Was that in Boston? Yeah, no, but I know the story now. Okay, cool. So she's punching him in the stomach, and he's kind of like wincing at it, but like taking it. And then he randomly just stops her and is like, eh, and no, I'm good, I've had enough, whatever. So maybe she was engaging him to do it, I really don't know. and so he couldn't get himself up to be like, no, because normal people obviously like, back away when someone's doing that to you, they don't just like sit there and like chill with it. He had a broken ankle so he couldn't get up, so she kept doing it. And eventually, he stops her, and that's it. He just went on with his evening. That was it. It was very casual, to my understanding. They were just horsing around. It was like, ouch, that one kind of hurt a little bit. Yeah, stop it. But I'm just going to proceed with my broken ankle. Yeah. With a pegged leg. So he went on with his night, performed, he was in great pain, but just ignored it. Obviously he's a fucking lunatic. He didn't sleep, he remained in pain for three days. Did not seek medical help. Just go to the doctor. Just go to the doctor. I mean it's the early 1920s, what could they have done for him? I don't know. Like, punched him in the stomach one more time? He was just horsing around. But he sought no medical help at all whatsoever. After three days he finally saw a doctor and he had a fever of 102 and the doctor's like yo, you have appendicitis. And they were like, you need to have surgery ASAP. And he's like, no, I need to go on with the show. The people need me. I must go on. The drama. The show must go on. The show must go on. So he goes to his next show, which is in Detroit. He arrives at the Garrick Theater on October 24th of 1926, and this would be his last performance ever. Dun, dun, dun. At the time, he had a fever of 104. Wow. Mm hmm. Go to bed. Get some surgery. I don't know, just rest up a water, because that'll cure it. Like these people say. These fucking people. These people out here being like, stay hydrated. I just drink a water. Like, it's fine. That's actually not true. No, it isn't. You're being so dramatic. No, people are like, water cures all. No, it doesn't. It does. No, it doesn't. So, he doesn't listen to anybody, he's a stubborn motherfucker, and he gets his ass on the stage. He passes out multiple times during the show, but he was revived and just continued. Naturally. Afterwards, he was hospitalized at Detroit's Hospital, and he just... Croaks. Colleen! He croaks. Oh, Jesus. He's appendix, ruptures, or whatever the case may be, and off the rip, and it's just crazy that out of all the things. In the world, just take care of yourself, I guess. say, all the crazy things he did, all the stunts, all the... On spooky wooky Halloween, this man, an extreme escape artist, did all these like, ridiculous acts, I guess you could say, and stunts. He was a daredevil. And this man dies of little old appendicitis. Because he won't go to the doctor. Yeah, but it's still spooky. Happened on Halloween. It is very spooky. I'm not going to take that away from you. It's just avoidable. Like, appendicitis isn't... Even then, he literally just could have got his appendix out and been fine. I can't believe they did that in the 20s. Like, there's no way that was sterile. Definitely not. They did shots before. You know, they were just like, Numb it up. I probably threw, like, bourbon on it and was like, That'll do, donkey! Bust that thing open! No, they definitely had some sort of numbing thing, but not to today's degree, of course. Oh, no, no, none of that, like, orange stuff. Orange stuff? Yeah. You know the stuff they put on you? It's orange? Before they cut you open? Sterile? Not saline, obviously. I know what saline is. I've seen Grey's Anatomy. How would you know? You've never been to the fucking hospital. I've watched Grey's Anatomy! Okay. That's how I know. She's an expert. Meredith, step aside. Oh, Meredith. Alright, now we're on our... Fun part of this journey. Love that. It's our creepy story time. Oh god. That's not my version of fun. No, They're, I put some light, fluffy ones in there for you. Okay, cause you know what happened, is last year, you told a few creepy stories that you found. One that I think about all the time. Was it the smiling man? Yup. That one and the girls who were driving away, and there was a fire, and there was a body, and they didn't know. Those two I think about all the time. So thanks for that. Hey, you're welcome. Thanks for the memes. I'm glad something's resonated. With all of my babbling. Ah, so I have some good light and fluffy ones and ones that aren't too dark just for my friend Bridget. Thank you. So here we go. Number one. An executive went on a business trip for her company. When she arrived at the hotel, she got the key card for her room, number 213. And she went straight up the elevator. She was exhausted and she couldn't wait to sit down, but her key card for her room, up to 213, didn't work. She went down to complain to the front desk and get a new card. That one just didn't work either. Just as she was storming off to go back to the lobby, the door to her room creaked open. A boy had answered the door and he was standing in the dark. And she went to the front desk again and said, There's another family in my room, and she complained. And the man said, No, that's impossible. No one has checked into that room but you. No. Nope. And that's a nope. And that is a nope. Also, like, women. Why didn't you say, hello, little boy? No, I'd be like, nope. Why would you just like look at him and walk away? I feel like I'd be like, good evening. No, because I would be like, this isn't my room. They gave me the wrong room. That's true. That's true. Okay. That's fair. Ooh, sketchy though. Very creepy. When I was in the 11th grade, my math teacher went off on a tangent about how everything happens for a reason and why it's always important to be kind. At first I was only half listening, then things got really interesting. When he was a senior in university, he decided that in his last days he would go around to students sitting alone in the cafeteria and strike up a conversation. Sweet baby angel. He approached a girl sitting alone and asked if he could have lunch with her. She seemed hesitant at first, but then she agreed. They struck up a conversation and they ended up talking for a while. She eventually asked him, in a startled way, why he came up and sat with her. He explained to her that it had become his goal to sit with people he didn't know. She told him that this wasn't the first time someone had randomly asked her to have lunch with them. Apparently, when she was in high school, she was very shy and unpopular and usually spent her lunch breaks in the library. Towards the end of the school year, a popular, a group of popular girls had asked her to have lunch with them. She was shocked and said no at first, and they persisted and she eventually agreed. They got into one of the girls cars, they drove off property, headed to a restaurant. As they were driving down the road, dozens of cop cars whipped by them. She went to Columbine High School. It was the 20th of April, 1999. She escaped being in the library where a majority of the shootings took place because that group of girls decided to reach out to her. Oh my god. Isn't that crazy? That's insane. She just escaped it because of kindness. Oh my god, I just got the chills. That is so insane. Just because someone was feeling kind. I'm really glad those, that group of girls. Yeah. Asked. Wow. That's awful. Sorry. No, no. My goal is always just to get a reaction out of you, so every time I'm done, I go like this. Jesus. Okay. One day when this man was young, about 10 or 12 maybe, he was playing outside near a small river with a friend. He lived in southern Wisconsin, so it was probably cold as fuck. Definitely. While playing, they noticed something strange in the water. It's a capsized canoe, and there are two guys who are probably fishing, hanging on for dear life in the freezing water. He says they had already turned kind of bluish and could barely talk. So the two kids get the men out of there and essentially save their lives. It's a big thing in the town. There's a story about it in the paper and everything. Everyone's happy. Everyone lives happy ever after. Fast forward five years. My dad is on his way to a concert in Chicago with one of his best friends. The same kid from that story above. It was the story of the dad and the friend. Of course they were young and stupid, and it was the 70s, so who the fuck wears a seatbelt, right? Well, as they were driving past some bar, there was some big party going on, a mobile home was flying out from a parking lot and into the street. The driver obviously didn't look, and was probably drunk. My dad crashes his car head on into the trailer and totals his car. The fact that they weren't wearing seatbelts saved their lives. The bottom half of the car was crushed. The crash propelled them forward and upward. Luckily, nothing happens to him or his friend. Not a scratch, only shock. Just as they get out of the car and try to catch their breath, the propane tank on the trailer explodes and the whole thing catches on fire. Stumbling out of the trailer comes two guys in the flames, screaming, moaning, skin bubbling, the whole thing. And they die right there in front of everyone. Turns out these two guys were the exact same two fishermen. They had saved five years before. The same four people. The same exact four people. And it says, this is all true by the way, I didn't believe him at first but then he showed me the articles in the paper and my parents confirmed. My dad experienced Final Destination in real life. Isn't that crazy? She's too sun to speak. What are the odds of that? And they escaped it the first time. I love Final Destination. Oh my god. What are the odds of that? Like, not possible. Cause it wasn't even in the same state, hometown. No, it's like a completely different state, I'm pretty sure. Yeah, Chicago is Illinois. Yeah. Wow. That is so fucked up. It's fucked up. This one's a short one that gave me the chills. A friend of mine is a nature nerd. So she goes out on these long hikes and camps for a few days by herself. Imagine doing that. My health. So one time she does this and returns safe and sound. Nothing happens. She gets her disposable camera developed and there's pictures of her sleeping in her own tent. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No, Colleen. No. I don't know what I would do, especially if I was already home. Like, I would just be like, what the fuck? Oh, I hate that. I would never sleep again. Nope. No, no, no. It was late and a young woman was driving through an unfamiliar area of the country one night. Her car was old and unreliable, and soon she realized that she had to make a stop for gas. Luckily, she came across a gas station and a few, a few minutes later, the gas station was old fashioned, the kind with an attendant who comes out to pump the gas, but something about the gas station sent. Alarm bells ringing in her head, afraid that she not, might not be able to find another gas station. She reluctantly pulled in and asked the attendant to fill up the tank. The attendant seemed really nervous as he filled up the tank, but finished the job and moved towards her window for payment. She gave him a$20 bill and he examined it carefully, and then he told her that the bill was a counterfeit or a fake. At that point, the alarm bells in the girls head really started ringing. The attendant explained that he would have to take her back into the office. Nope. Nope. You don't have to go anywhere with him. In order to call his manager about the counterfeit bill, as it had to be reported to the bank. Once he convinced the woman to come to his office with him, he told her that the bill wasn't a counterfeit and that he had gotten her out of the car because there was a man with a hatchet hiding in her backseat. Is that it? That's it. That's not where you end that fucking story. That's where I end the story. Colleen. And that's why he was so nervous. I need you to get me more information. Obviously, I'll as well, I'm assuming, he probably called the police. But he got her out of there, that's all that matters. Well, I'm glad he did that. I thought he was going to be the bad guy. I didn't know who to root for there. Imagine she didn't get out of the car, get gas there though, because it seems sketchy. Or if she's like, my alarm bells are going off, I'm just going to drive away. And then he hatchets her. But the guy in the back had to have, I don't know if I believe that story. I think my brain can't believe it like, that's still like, it gives you the, Yes, for sure. Just something to think about. Last night, a friend rushed me out of the house to catch the opening act at a local bar's music night. After a few drinks, I realized my phone wasn't in my pocket. I checked the table we were sitting at, the bar, the bathrooms, and after no luck, I used my friend's phone to call mine. After two rings, someone answered, they gave out a low raspy giggle and hung up. They didn't answer again. I eventually gave up and considered it a loss and headed home. I found my phone laying on my nightstand where I left it. Who answered the phone? Exactly. I would never sleep in that house again. See, these, these people are crazy. How do you not move out of the continent after that? A low, raspy giggle. No. No, no, no. I can't imagine giving up without my phone. I'd be like, I'm planted here. I live here now. This is my new home. A young girl is babysitting for a local family friend. For hours on end, the infant won't stop crying despite countless attempts to calm her down by the sitter. For reference, she's in the room, like in her, her bed, her own bedroom. With a camera. A camera. Got it. Just so you know. Wait, what? It seemed to miss that aspect, but I get what she meant. She's babysitting. She has a monitor. And the, the child is in her, the bedroom. Okay. And she's been crying all night but she can't seem to get her to calm down. Right. And she keeps calling it out of the room. Right. So she calls the mother and says, Belle won't stop crying no matter what I do. I have tried everything and everything and I think that the huge bear in the corner of the room is scaring her. Can I move it? And with a voice the mother replies, Yes, but pick Belle up, bring her out of her room and, and go out of the house. We're on our way home. And the sitter says, Why? And she says, Because Belle doesn't have a teddy bear in the corner of the room. Like a life sized teddy bear because it wasn't a teddy bear. Imagine that mom being like, yeah, so the bear, She doesn't have one. She doesn't have one. So if you could just do me a quick favor and pick my child up and run as fast as you can out of that house. So that was just it? Yeah, that was it. Okay. Some of these stories are incomplete and I am going to have nightmares about poor little I think the short and the sweet is like The way that they get you with the shuddering and the shivering and the crease. No, I like when everything is wrapped up into a bow and I know justice has been served. Justice has been served. Uh, okay. A hiker decided to go on a hike by himself. Something he was not very used to. So let's not. Again, why? The whole day was normal. Trees and bushes engulfed his surroundings. He enjoyed being outdoors in the mountains. Nothing seemed strange to him. That was until he was making his way back to his car. He figured an eight hour hike was good enough. Yeah. The sky was already getting dark and he needed to get back fast. What was odd was how much he didn't recognize the trail back. Hmm. He began to panic. Night had already taken over and all he had was a flashlight and no clue how to get back. He knew it was already too late and too dangerous to keep going through the forest. He began to worry that he would have no shelter for the night when almost luckily enough he stumbled across a broken down cabin. It was dark and it seemed like no one had visited in years. And he knew it was the only place he could rest until daylight. No! Especially since his flashlight was running out of battery. Oh my god. Why is it always Murphy's Law, too, in these scenarios where it's like, oh, my phone just died. And, oh, the batteries are dead. Like, it's this... Ripple effect of awful. Always. Always. I don't know if, if I was stumbling in the woods, I mean I definitely would knock, but I wouldn't be like, Oh, I can rest here. Like, I'm not resting. I won't feel at peace. No, of course not. So he knocks on the door a few times, but no one answers. So he let himself in, where strangely enough, a perfect bed fit if for one person awaited him in the center of the room. He knew that if the owner came back, he could explain himself. He was sure that the owner wouldn't mind or that even he was probably dead. So he went ahead of himself and got himself comfortable in bed. No, sir. Make yourself a fucking home. That's totally fine. I mean, I guess if like that get cozy, if that's your cabin and you're in the middle of the fucking woods, like that's definitely not the first person that stumbled upon your cabin, like needing assistance. So maybe he'd be like, OK, with it, if like you know. It's creepy. As he tried to sleep, he couldn't Try to sleep, oh my god, I can't talk. As he tried to sleep, he couldn't ignore the collection of paintings around the room. Portraits of strange looking people peering at him, wearing a smile that really creeped him out and sent chills down his spi his and sent chills down his spine. Not too long after, his exhaustion from the hike got the best of him and he was able to ignore the faces and fall fast asleep. The next morning, he got up early and he was shocked to see that there were no paintings around the room, but only windows. What does that mean? What do you mean? The faces you saw weren't paintings, they were people. And do with that what you will. No! No, there's not people in the room. No, outside. The window. There were windows. Oh, so they were all just staring at him? Yes. No, I hated that story so much. What would you do? If you woke up and realized that those weren't paintings and they were people? I would run for my life. But no, this man still peacefully fell asleep. Men. I can't. Probably snore to the high heavens while he's at it. Maybe that's why they were fucking staring at you. Oh man, I hate. That was my least favorite one. a daughter was in her room upstairs doing her homework when suddenly she heard her mother call down for her to come down for dinner. She jumped onto her feet and began making her way towards the stairs. But before she took a step, hands grabbed her. And pulled her into the laundry room beside the staircase. She panicked before realizing it was her mother. Eyes watery and bloodshot. Don't go down there, honey. I heard it too. That's it? It wasn't her calling. Oh my god. What is happening? Who was calling? That's, that's the... Oh no. Spooky. I hate it. Spooky, spooky. The first line of this one is, This one creeped me out because it really happened. Period. Thank you for the clarification. Okay. I was driving home from work, and while stopped at a stoplight, I was looking around. I noticed a man standing near a bus stop. His shoulders sagged, his eyes seemed to hang low and dark, and his face was so worn like he hadn't slept in a while. As he turned towards me, I recognized him as an old friend I hadn't seen in a year or so. I remember it seeming so odd as while he was near a bus stop, it didn't seem like he was waiting for the bus. He was just slowly turning around like he was lost. The light changed and I turned Left to circle back and see if he needed help, but when I came back, he was gone. I forgot about it until the next day, when my wife had told me that she had some bad news, and a friend told her about it. My old friend had passed away from cancer two weeks earlier. Oh, chills. And that's how you get the chills. Ghosty. Ghosty ghost. Ghosty, ghosty, What would you do? I don't know, I think I would feel comforted. Like they're out here watching. Yeah. He was just lost though. They're out here, among us. It would make me sad though that he was lost, and probably was just like, Oh, where am I going? Yeah. Yeah. Like, find your way, brother. Get on the bus. Find your way. Follow the light. I'm like, do you see any light? Towards it. Do you, this is so random, but have you seen the trend on TikTok where it's that girl that's like, call me crazy, but uh, I've never The pesto. Yeah. And it's always something ridiculous after the fact. Yes. I listened to one this morning that had me actually crying, laughing. This girl said that she got blood taken for the first time and it was like at a school blood drive, right? Yeah. And the woman that was. Like the attendant at the blood drive was like the math teacher she hated so she's like no I cannot sit here and like recuperate with this bitch. I hate this math lady. She wants to talk about my grades So she like got up and left she didn't like get checked out after she'd never taken blood before so she didn't really know her reaction Whatever. Yeah, she's in high school I think at the time and so then she goes home She's like kind of like ill all weekend and then Sunday she has to go to church with her dad So she goes to church and she's like I'm so unwell like I Can't publicly be unwell, so like, I try to go to the bathroom. She's like, I literally would rather have a medical emergency alone than be in front of people, like, which, totally get it. So on her way there, she like, passes out, and like, a priest finds her in the bathroom, blah blah blah, and then... She tells a story about how she was, literally had her eyes closed and she kept passing out, but she could still hear. And then people were coming, doctors were coming down, and they were like, So how long hasn't she had a pulse? Like, she was fully fucking dead. And they literally pronou like, they were like, she is dead, she's flatlined. And they tried to revive her and like, get her in the ambulance, but she's like, I remembered hearing everything, but I was fully fucking dead. Isn't that crazy? Wait, what was the reaction? She said afterwards she was like, and now obviously since then I've gotten my blood looked at and found a few medical discrepancies. But like, whatever that issue was, she literally like fucking flatlined in a church basement. And, like, died. And it was brought back. She was like, I was resuscitated. It was fine. But she said she could hear... I was resuscitated. It's all good. She said she could hear the people come down and be like, so how long hasn't she had a pulse? And the priest was like, I don't know. I'm not a doctor. Like, she was listening to that conversation. Well, they say that that's one of your last things to go. Is your hearing? Is your hearing. And that's why when, if someone is, like, in a coma and you're visiting them in the hospital they say talk to them because they can hear you. Yeah. That's why, yeah, if you're not on TikTok, there's this TikTok trend happening where a girl says, call me crazy, but I never liked store bought pesto. And people have been taking that beginning and then putting a She, they're like, yeah, you are crazy. One time I lit my ex's house on fire. Like it's always followed by this insane. And it's like, damn, it's hard to follow up with that. But like one time I was fingered by a cab driver. It's like the most absurd shit. Good for her for leaving, cause that's what, it's called stitching. I'm like, good for her for leaving the stitch on so that we can see all of the crazy. Thank you so much, Miss Pesto Girl. Yeah. Store bought pesto, girl, you crazy. She's one, she's a baddie. With her store bought pesto. and no, I have one more for you, and it was light hearted, okay? Okay, thank you. Yep, okay. When my daughter was two, I found her twirling paper towel tubes tied with twine in the air. I asked her what the fuck she was doing. She said she was practicing her nunchucks. I was very confused and she'd have no idea or a way of knowing what they were. I asked her what she meant and she said that Adam had told her how to make them and showed her each night how to use them. She went on to say that Adam told her to practice because she may need to know how to defend herself someday. I almost freaked out but asked her what Adam looked like. She said he was tall, blonde, had blue eyes. She said, Mommy, you know how he looks. You know him. He died of a headache. I had to leave the room. You see, four months before she was born, my tall, blonde, blue eyed, martial arts pro friend had died of a brain aneurysm at the age of 27. She has not spoken of him since that day, and I'm not sure if I scared her with my reaction or if she had completed her lessons. Oh, that's really nice. Isn't that really sweet? I like that one. Just picturing a little baby girl with nunchucks too is pretty amazing. And she's like, Nunchucks! There's like, we should do, not an episode, but like, a portion of like, Children being connected to things like that. They have so much shit to say. Have you ever heard the story about the little boy who was like a fighter pilot? Oh, like reincarnation. Yeah. Oh yeah. People come up with the weirdest shit. Like I've seen one of the kids that's like an old woman and he's like, my name's Eleanor. And it's like, okay, pop off Eleanor, like things like that. We should do something like on reincarnation. We'll do a. A weird kid episode. Reincarnation. Took a weird turn. Kids behaving like elders. I think it's because I read somewhere that like, children are more susceptible because they haven't been told, like, these things aren't real. You're imagining it, so like, they actually are more. We, we could tap into that. We just have been told all of our lives. We've just been told all of our lives. Yeah, I'm okay. Okay, I'm just letting you know. I just, I'm not gonna tap. It's so annoying though, because that just like happens to people, like kids, whereas I'm like, talk to me, and I don't get anything. I hear radio silence. Crickets. Crickets! I'm out here doing seances and I don't got shit. Give me the Ouija. You know what you should do is go to a medium. Yeah. I should. I went to a psychic once, but. She read my palms. And something with leaves. It was giving tea leaves from Harry Potter. Give me the cup! The cup! What does she say? The Grim! The Grim? What's the Grim? Not the Grin, you idiot! The Grim! What does the boy say? The wicked negative boy from Harry Potter? Yeah, he's like, When Sirius Black is close to the school, Seamus Finnegan is like, who's to say he can't escape again? He's like, that's right. It's like catching smoke, like catching smoke with your bare hands. He's so negative, I love him. Yeah, he's like, it's the omen of death. His only lines in the entire movie are ones that are like, horribly foreshadowing. No! I'm like, relevant, sir. He kills me, though. He's, he's got a, he's got a great role. That's what I would love to play. I don't even need a main character role. I want to be when they remake Harry Potter. That's what I want to be. Okay. Just a quick sideliner. You're just in the back like this. In that hat. Double, double, double. Did you decide? Well, actually, it's my decision. I haven't decided yet. But do you have any preference on our scary movie that we're going to watch eventually? Nope. You have to decide. Okay. It's up to you. Is there anything you're firmly against? Hmm. I'll know it when I see it. Okay. Remember how I made you watch Sinister last year? Yes, I was in the car on the way to the drive in and Brianna was like, oh my god What's that wicked good movie where the kids kill the families and someone's like insidious. I'm like, no, wait a minute You're talking about fucking sinister this so there was a point in life that that was like a good fucking movie Yeah, it doesn't exist anymore. That's what I'm saying. It's over that time has ended. It's probably at that time. Oh my god Kevin Bacon was in Friday the 13th, the one we watched. Love Kevin Bacon, but like Baba. Yeah. Little baby Kevin Bacon. Like he was winking. Oh yeah. It was crazy. I was like, you showed boobs in the seventies. Oh yeah. They loved boobs in the seventies, but on tv. On movies, yeah. Oh, I didn't know that. Well, you learned something new every day. Good old Kevin Bacon. I won't watch that smile movie. No, that one wasn't good. Anyways. Okay, good. So we're in the clear. Okay, great. That was it! I just wanted to tell my spooky stories. Yay! Spooky stories! Shut up. I love spooky seasons. I just hope that left you with like a little pussy tingle. That's all. PQs all over. A little PQ. All the quivers. Or a NQ. That's fine too. A nut quiver? A nipple quiver. Oh, a nipple quiver! You know when you get like the full body chills? Do you know what I love about a nipple quiver? What? It's all inclusive. Like, everyone gets them? Yeah, everyb no, everybody has nipples. That's true. Imagine if we didn't have nipples. It's like KyleXY without his belly button. Like, how weird that would look if we just didn't have nipples. Sometimes when you put on nipple covers, it looks like you don't have nipples, and it's so weird. Yeah, we would look so weird. Truly. Tongues are weird, too. I was thinking about that yesterday. Tongues? Mm hmm. Because I have a really big tongue. And I was thinking like, Sorry? I was thinking, like, what would happen if we didn't have them? I don't know. What's their use? Oh Lord. Linguistics? Okay, I think this is where we should call it before you go down the rabbit hole. Speech pathology? Speech. Speech pathology. I think I need someone. Speech. Speech. Speech pathologist. She's losing it, dang. I mean, I never had it, so how could I lose it? That's so true. Alright everybody, we hope you have a wonderful week, and a very spooky week, and a lovely Halloween, where you have. Yummy candy that isn't poisoned by anyone. Yeah, I hope no one puts cyanide in your poisoning. Oh, what? Can't talk in your candy. Please keep it in. Okay. I hope no one puts cyanide in your candy. Alright, love you, mean it. Love you, mean it. Bye! OoOoOoOo


Okay this podcast was produced by me. Bridget, Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt You can find his band super Stoker anywhere you listen to music.

People on this episode