Sippin' with the Shannons

Everyone Sucks Here

Bridget Shannon and Colleen Shannon Episode 81

On this week's episode, Colleen and Bridget are back from Florida and had polar opposite experiences. One went to a spa and the other went to a strip club - you decide who went where. Then we get into the topic of the week... AITA? We do a deep dive into the world of Reddit to figure out if people are, in fact, TA. Would you go fully granny on someone in bed? Would you charge your husband for being forgetful? Would you buy regular milk and switch it out so your stingy lactose intolerant roommate will fess up and sh*t themselves?! Or does ESH? We are the judge and the jury!!!


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Like they were trying to really go green and like they made it seem like all the celebrities were like recycling and stuff and like we're trying to save the earth like one celebrity at a time on Disney and be like send it on on and on just one I can feel another I have no idea what you're talking about respectfully and like you know when like they would use do music videos with like all the Disney stars yes it was like that but we were like recycling reducing and reusing and recycling you know I love the videos of them doing the Mickey Mouse ears, but nothing with nothing. It's just the wand or whatever. Yeah. and you're watching Disney channel. I don't know why I just couldn't say my name. Like, I got shy. First time for everything. I'm shy. Can I tell you something? Sure. I poured a splash of the orange juice in here and it came out a little brown, but I'm still going to drink it anyways. And I realized it expired last year. The orange juice too? I mean, the orange juice would expire before the frozen tequila, obviously, but I'm just I feel like the orange juice was brought here for you as well, but a long time ago. Yeah, it's the same time as the tequila. So the tequila and the OJ are both old. Yes, so the orange juice came out brown. It doesn't look brown. I think it got diluted a little bit with the tequila. Why are you drinking it? Did you hear me gasp? I'll just throw it out. No, I just, I put it back. Why did I put it back in the fridge? I don't know why. I'm just, I'm so strong. No, don't drink it. No, I'm gonna. You also took, An old, we have a board behind us we put pictures on. She took Miles Teller, who used to be on the board, rolled it up and then used it to mix her drink like an animal. Well I didn't want to use my finger then it would get sticky. So you use a dirty piece of paper with ink on it. Put some hair on your chest. I just, you know what, one day I would love to get to the point where you have the will to live. I mean, that had nothing to do with will to live. I'm actually just You just don't do That couldn't kill ya. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Stand a little taller. Somebody help me. Even if you drink all tequila and OJ. Today is the day I beat her. I swear to god you guys. Really? I thought we were off to a good start today. No, I'm ready to kill you. What have I done wrong? She texted me earlier, and I had headphones in, like my AirPods. And you know what Alexa reads you, your text messages? It's like, message from Colleen. I want a pussy popped Lion King later. I had a craving for Lion King. Be prepared! But just Alexa reading it to me. Mid walk on the treadmill was very funny. That's fair. I've never had Alexa read things to me like that I think it's a setting and I actually want to turn it off because I don't like it because it interrupts whatever music I'm listening to that's annoying like you're messing with my flow. Does it say like message from yeah, you know, that's disgusting I hate people when I hate when it doesn't in the car or like if you have like car play on or and shows your Tax, it's like no, I'm trying to talk shit It can't be you can't be popping up in the middle. I will not be on ox if I'm talking shit which is How often? Just kidding, I'm a good person. Uh, hi everybody. Hey. Welcome to this week's episode of Sippin with the Shannons. We're cousins and each week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Shannon. And I'm Colleen Shannon. Annie Hoosier. Annie Hoosier. Annie Hoosier wetsie. So, how was Florida? How was your time? You don't look it, we don't look nearly as burnt as we did when we came back last year, which is good. But I do see some paling. Yeah, I'm, I'm crusty. Stop drinking it. No, I need it. She's literally gagging. No, I'm not. Stop drinking it. I'm just, I'm toughening up. I'm, I'm making myself a little rough around the edges. As someone who is that, you just let life happen. You don't have to drink anything, it'll just, life will just wear you down. I'll let the cookie crumble. That's one tough cookie. My scalp. Yeah. It's crusting. Yeah, the nose. For sure. The top of my ears were really hurting yesterday. Oh, okay. Did we wear sunblock? No. No. Great. So do you think with Irish skin that you are stronger than the Sun? Sometimes yes. And how is that working for you? I'm sun kissed. Yep. Mm hmm. I mean, you're, you're definitely less red than I was picturing, but it's also been a couple days since you've been back. That's true. I did get off the plane and made direct eye contact from the moment I touched down with the Chick fil A in which we made the grave discovery of how burnt we were. Of how burnt we were, yeah. I mean, it wasn't for a giggle. For myself. I was like, oh my god, it was so funny. I didn't share that information with anybody else though. It's our secret Yeah, no one listens to this podcast so just between you and I So, how was it? It's good. I have notes great. I love when you have notes. Yes, that's I'm on I'm on my game She forgot her laptop. So they are printed out Like, she's about to give us some very important report. I feel like I'm at the White House right now. Reporting live from the White House. With my in dedogural speech. In Oh no. Is it really off? It's so bad. Inaugural. No. What is it? What's the word I'm looking for? Inaugural. Inaugural. That's like, not right at the mouth. For the mouth. Inaugural. Inaugural. There you go. Cool. Ah, Madam President. I don't need to know how to pronunciate to be the Just pretend to be Moira and it'll make sense. To run this country. Clearly. I'm just kidding. It's all going to shit. Okay, anyways. My weekend, okay? May I start and say I feel like this is a book report by a 8th grader standing up in front of the class and I'm fucking here for this energy. She's using her drink to prop up her papers. Okay. We got on this flight so my flight was, uh, a Wednesday night flight. It was supposed to take off at 7, I was supposed to land by 11. 30. So I leave work at 5. I don't go home. I go right from work. We get there. It is, we get a delay. Fine. Sure. An extra drink. We'll just drink at the bar. Went to a good old Not Your Average Joe's. Had their buffalo tenders. Mmm! So good. Spirit Airlines? Uh, Spirit, of course. You gotta fly Spirit. I, at this point, could be a Spirit Gold member. My actual nightmare. I will not pay for a bag. I won't. I will do everything in my power. I wore my wedges on the plane. Naturally. Because I couldn't fit them in my bag. Got it. And I was like, so you wear them on your body. That's what you do. Great. So I wore my wedges to the airport. But we got on eventually. It just gets getting more and more delayed and more delayed and we're like, okay, so we have to get out tonight. Like there's no way that we won't get out. Like that's not an option. So we just, we take a beat, we rest and relax. Our flight is now delayed until midnight. so we go to like one of the little couches, we're resting, we're relaxing, and I am laying horizontally. And so I'm about a foot off the ground. I look up, and as I look up, I see a mouse dart underneath me. From underneath the couch, above my head, and across the room, and Erin is sound asleep. And I am in On the floor, right? Isn't she on the floor? It's like on this little couch thing. Oh, that's easy. But they're like back to back, so I can't see her, but I knew she was next to me. Right. So I'm going, Erin, Erin, Erin! She's not answering me because she's asleep, so I start aggressively tapping her. She's like, what, what, what? I'm like, that was just a mouse! It was a mouse and his family. In Logan Airport. In Logan Airport. In the terminal. Like, I was like, no, I was not okay. I could not put my feet down. So that's the first thing that happened. we're still delayed. Whatever. We get on the plane. Erin and I are separated. I just, like, I'm really, I don't mind flying. I don't really like flying alone just because I get nervous. You don't like doing anything alone. That's correct. So that makes sense that you don't like flying alone. That's fair. So I was, she did text me and said I was in her vision and it's actually really funny because she was behind me and she could see my heel, my wedge out like in the middle of the aisle. And every time she would text me something funny, I, she could see my shoulder shaking. I was actually a really nice mom and her daughter who was probably like 12. I was her other child. Like we were vibing. It was just, it was a thing. We all made friends. What time are you officially taking off? Midnight. Okay. So mind you were supposed to be in. Tampa, Florida by 11 30. Right. We're now taking off at midnight. So cool. Cool. Cool. Great. Mind you, there's also children on our flight who thought that they would be landing at 11 30 as well. So we have screaming children to my right is swear on Nana's life. Father God has to be had his doppelganger. No. Like, full on, I was like, I texted Erin, I'm like, we are in the presence of Father God. She's talking about from the cult documentary on HBO. Oh yeah, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, simply go watch it. I have nothing left to say to you. Father God is next to me on the plane. I'm like, so this is either a good sign or a very bad one. Very bad. I have never experienced turbulence quite like that in my life. Were you bouncing? Yes. To the point where people were going, oh my god, like, it was, we were wilding. We were wilding out. You were pussy popping. We were. But not in the way that's consensual. No, like, this was colonial woman on the wing of a plane, they're churning butter, like, something is wrong. There's something they're not telling us. There was something wrong. And, uh, Let me tell you. I have never experienced anything like this in my life. I felt like I was in a movie. There was a person on this plane. Trigger warning. Every single time the plane moved, which, mind you, was for the entirety of the three and a half hours. Three hours, every single time the plane moved, and it was like, and everyone was laughing because we were like, what? This can't be real. This can't, the most guttural, I hate Spirit Airlines so much. The most guttural sound I've ever fucking heard in my life. It was so turbulent. No one got up one time. Not one person, not even the flight attendant got up from the flight. I mean, it was Spirit. Were there even flight attendants? I don't know. So we did not sleep. We could not find peace. And there was a man. violently gagging and I don't think anything was coming up like I don't, I don't, I don't know guys, gang. I felt like people were laughing because it was just like this can't be real for three hours every single time it moved It was like clockwork. You were ready for the next gag and it was like long ones And he could not stop. It was so fucking gross. But were you not trying to hide it? Could you not help it? Did you have Tourette's? No, that's clearly someone who can't help it. Yeah, so I No one's actively doing that for attention during turbulence. So the other part of me was like, oh, that must be like, imagine the anxiety he probably has if he can't help that and he has to go on a plane. Like, that sucks. Right, right. I was being a good person for like three seconds, but at the same time I'm like, what the fuck? Shut up. I'm like, what the fuck? It's like someone who sneezes too many times and you're like, knock it off. You should drive to Florida, I think. I'm just, I'm just thinking. I don't think you're capable. I don't think this is for you. I don't think the air is for you. Yeah. So it took us That long amount of time we arrive at like 334 in the morning and we get an uber who is Probably just woken up having a grand old day and will not shut the fuck up me his life story his Literal your dream my fucking nightmare And me and Aaron are like death gripping each other and likes we're like we smell we just had a flight from hell We were I'm should be asleep right now. This man had just woke up and is starting his grand old day like horrible We arrive At our friend's apartment, which is like in a wicked nice like complex area It is Fort Knox. We, we cannot get in the facility. And we cannot put Erin over the fence. It's too tall. And of the night, essentially. It is 4. 30 in the morning. Yeah. They are all golfing at 7am. So it's one of those things where it's like, do we wake them up to which they are about to be up in an hour? No, they're golfing at 6. So I was like, do we just wake them up? And like, tell them to come get I just felt bad, you know what I mean? Like, even though it's not our fault that our flights were delayed, so we ended up having to call our friend Nate and he woke up and came and got us and like, drove his car over to the gate and like, got it to open and like, let us in. But what the f just like, there's no it's not a code system, there's nothing, like, it has to be the person. Did they know you were getting in that late, though? Yes. They could have to have known one someone would. Well, they gave us like, directions well, they did say I would say majority of the time it is unlocked, but they were like, no one's tried to come in at 430, so I don't really know if it actually is. Fair enough. And they just moved down there, so And they left, they were like, we left our phone on rare, like, let us know if you need it. But we didn't want to. We felt bad. Yeah. So we were like trying to do everything in our power not to have to do that. Sure. Sure. So it just like felt so bad. Waking them up at 430, and then they came and got us, and we went to bed for like three hours. It was like a whole thing. that was, that was the start of it. Great. But other than that, it was fine. We had a lot of fun. And this time we did like a hotel, a pool day, a beach day, and a boat day. Love. and a lot of tequila, a lot of giggles, lots of funsies. That sounds lovely. another thing I wanted to tell you about. We went to a strip club one night. And I've talked, I think I've talked about how I like strip clubs before. I just, I love the energy of a strip club. Colleen gets, I will say it's not your first stop in the evening. Love No. No. Oh my god. It's the last. Right. In your defense. You're not like actively going to a strip club on a Thursday. Colleen loves to frequent a strip club at a certain level of drunk and not in Boston. Correct. It's when you're traveling, it's when you're with your friends, and it's like, it's 2. 30, all the bars are about to close, let's go to the strip club. Yes. And you do that often. Correct. But it's just like it goes with the territory of being away. You're like, oh this is fun in Florida. No! I think that's a Colleen thing. I've never been. Every time I'm in Florida I go to a strip club I feel like. The Fort Lauderdale one. Miami one. And now Even, oh my god, spread my ashes at 11 in Miami. That is the best place in this country. I am telling you right now. But yeah, we went to the strip club and there was like a gaggle of us. Like we had like two Ubers filled with people. And Erin and I get in the front row, obviously ready to go. And the thing about me and Erin at the strip club is we like just, Love to giggle and like have a good time with the gals like we chat But it's like not the time for them to be chatting, you know, yeah, they're at work Colleen So I've never been to one where it's full Poussoir Which is fine like do your thing but it was like Mesmerizing I'm like I have never been this close to someone's alibia in my life and I don't think I ever want to be But at the same time it's like oh like this is their line of work. We must respect it. So it's like, okay Yes, I'm a lesbian So and mind you we didn't like we weren't like bringing the ones the guys were giving us the ones Because they were getting more enjoyment out of us like just being like haha like giggling like doing it like tucking in it It was so fun. We had the best time Where are you tucking things in there like underwear straps or like where you just throw them while they're like labia's in your face But like not in my face like near me. Yeah, it was crazy And Erin's like obviously asking like what's your regimen like is your butt real or your boobs real like we just ask you know one lady she said are your boobs real and she said real fucking expensive loved her one one was like yeah they're real do you want to feel them so me and i were like okay It's just hilarious. Like, and it's just like men around us, like men surrounded everywhere. At one point, this one girl had her, she was doing something and she put like one heel on my shoulder. She was like, give it, I don't know, I don't know where it came from, but we were just like giggling, like we're literally clapping, like we're like this, like giddy girls, like so fun. And this girl puts her heel on my shoulder, on my shoulder. And I'm obviously like, I don't know what to say. So I'm like, Oh, fun. And at one point I'm like, I love your heels. And this guy, like absolute stranger on my left, talking to his I like your shoes. Are you fucking serious? I was, and you're like, yes, I love them. So cute. Loved, slay. Um, yeah. And at one point, Aaron, Aaron is, someone shoved Aaron's head and she's motorboating a woman's. Full boobs at the strip club. Yeah, it's just like you can only have those experiences when you are in Florida Like that's just my opinion and they're it's hilarious I think that's the only interesting thing. I love that for you. It's hilarious. They didn't serve alcohol though So it felt kind of weird like not drinking. Oh, that's very weird So you were like could get a red solo cup and like go in a different room. It was a whole That's so fucking weird. Yeah, so that was strange, but we left at like 4am, so it was like, it's time to go home. Yeah, maybe not the best time to continue drinking anyway. Have you ever been to a strip club with a buffet? Aren't there buffets at certain strip clubs? No, not one I've been to. They do have vending machines with cigarettes though, I think that's cool. Of course, that is what you've picked up on. That I love. At one point, Aaron goes, that's gorgeous or something. And the girl turns around and starts laughing and goes, you're literally talking about my asshole right now. I was like, they were so down to earth. Like we were besties. You're literally talking about my asshole. No, she literally said that to Aaron. And we just were like, ha ha. Yeah, good for you, honey. The girlies were so down to earth. They were just, it was a time. The girlies were great. I love it. And that's that. Oh, the last night I went on an independent exploration. As one does. For cigarettes, correct? For cigarettes, correct. So I called a couple places. Stop smoking. Just when I'm drunk, it's just like a vibe, especially on vacation. You're in the heat of Florida, you're on a poppin street with a lot of bars, and you're, you know, you just want a little ciggy. So I was like, you know what? I'll be right back. So I go on my little walk with my hand popped out like this, like, walking down the street. I find, like, two places that are closed. My homie at 7 Eleven had, I called and said, Hello, sir. I'll You called ahead? Yeah. Like a restaurant? Yeah, I looked the next day on my phone, in my call log, to be like, Who are you calling at 3 o'clock in the morning? 7 Eleven. Yes, correct. And it says, Tampa, Florida, on a Sunday, on the Lord's Day, 2. 30 a. m., outgoing call. I called 7 Eleven. And he was, he was great. I was the only one in there. I was trying on cowboy hats. He talked me out of it, though. He said you could get a better price somewhere else, so I didn't buy the cowboy hat. But he told me it was a good look. He told me it was a good look for me though. Great. And then I left and I walked back and then I was looking. So in Tampa they have like a lot of scooters and like blue, what would be blue bikes here? And I was like, I was like, Oh, I'll just like hop on like a scooter to get home. Like, calling an Uber or like walking in my heels. Cause at this point I'm still in heels and a dress. and I realized I would probably get some sort of. OUI if I was uhhuh. So I, I thought, let's use critical thinking. Okay. And there was no place for my cigarettes and I just bought them. So where was I gonna put them? I didn't have a purse, so, right. You know, had to, you didn't, I had to weigh the options, and Scooter, OUI, no cigarettes, walk with cigarettes. So I walked for three minutes, ripped cig, and then felt at peace, got my Uber. And then got back to the apartment, and then I somehow got back in. Don't love the walking alone at night, but Oh, it's like, no, it was literally, there were people everywhere. Like, it's hard to explain, like, it really was not unsafe. My radar's not that bad, like, I would never just, like, go in, like, a sketchy street by myself and walk for a mile. Like, it's a fu Full street with like hundreds of like college students. All right. With bars, I believe you. so then I go, I go back to, and like a lot of college students live in their condo situations, so there's people everywhere and I go back, you know, just wait. And we decided to go from bar, well for me, bar cigarette to airport. So I did not go to sleep and we just went directly to the airport and right on the plane and I. I don't want to explain how I felt during these times. Did you hit as much turbulence? I don't know. I was unconscious. I fell asleep. Honestly, for the best. I fell asleep before we took off. Yeah. Good. I don't remember taking off. And you woke up when you were landing? Yes. I don't even remember who was next to me on either side of me. Oh my god. Imagine the snoring you did on that plane. Yeah. Imagine the person next to you being like, No, I do think she's breathing. Literally as you like it also I was on the aisle so like for all I know they could have had a pee and they Were like I'm scared to wake the beast I'm gonna physically hop over her before I wake this bitch up and at one point Aaron texted us and was like I just this is how while we were Aaron texted us and said I've had my phone My music on my phone playing out loud for the last time that it's cuz I didn't realize that it wasn't on my in my AirPod like that's level of unwellness. I was someone well, I didn't even take out my earphones I didn't even get the chance to do that. No, I mean listen, this is The risk you take, though, when you go from bar to airport. Sometimes it's worth it. Honestly, to go home at two, it, it's, doesn't even make sense. Oh, I was home by nine. What? I was home, I was home by 9. 30. Like we P. M.? A. M. Oh, you mean home in Boston. Yes. I mean going home from the bar. Oh, never mind. Like there is no point of going home drunk from a bar at 1 or 2 a. m. to get one hour of sleep. Like, I would have done the same exact thing you did. Yeah. And then I Well, now I wouldn't. We scared the shit out of Fiona when we got home because I don't think she was, like, expecting us. And she was, like, cooking herself a nice breakfast. She was, like, on the phone at, like, 9. 30, like, in a t shirt, like, about to make a bagel. And she's, like, POOP POOP POOP POOP Like, and we were, like, Good morning. I was, like, a gremlin. We have arrived. I smell like a gremlin and that's that. I got a few very interesting voice memos, on Easter from Colleen. One of which is where she's just Singing, Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again. If there was ever a day to do it, it would have been. Just a really long voice memo of her just singing. On the Lord's day, he has risen. From the, I almost just said the chapel, oh my god, from the cave, sis, you know. We were saying though, imagine, I think Erin said it, or did you? it was Erin, it was definitely very much Erin humor. Erin was like, imagine the drama when they open the cave and they realize they're not in, he's not in there and they're like Gasp. Where the fuck is he? I want to be at the Last Supper. I think that's where the tea is. Oh, yeah, imagine the conversation, the gossip, the drama. Oh my god, the anticipation. The wine. The wine. The wine. One time, in high school, cuz we were weird cuz you know Catholic school, we were out at dinner for like some reason I don't remember why, it was like girls and guys, there was like 20 of us and we recreated the The last supper photo in the restaurant. That is the most Catholic school thing you've ever said to me. And I remember one of our moms like posted on Facebook as a joke being like, Oh, the Catholic school years like paid off and like someone legit came for her being like, this is sacrilegious. Probably. I mean, whatever. It's just a picture. Sorry. Sorry. We were trying to like, you know, really be one with the disciples or whatever. Do you know anything about maybe once a week is on this podcast many moons ago, you said that you had to be given. There was like a homework assignment where you take a song and you reword it. You, he spins our head around when he comes down, when he comes down. I think of that version of that song once a week. Really? Yes. That's so funny. I like It kills me. Every once in a while, I, and I, I feel like people with similar experiences will understand. I could be absolutely anywhere like laying in bed and all of a sudden like a, a, a church song from childhood that I haven't even thought of in like a decade will just start coming out of my mouth and I'm like, I want to write it down because I'll forget about it. Too bad I can't Shazam this, am I right? And it won't come back to me for like another 10 years. It is like the weirdest thing. It's like something unlocked my brain. I did it once recently. I was having sleepover with my friend Brianna from high school and we were woke up in the morning. And you know, when you're both awake, but like, you're just like not speaking and you haven't opened your eyes. Yeah. I started randomly singing a song. Like I literally was just like, Oh, whatever. And she in tune just went along next to me. And we did it. Yes, it was the weirdest thing. We just didn't that was it. We just didn't acknowledge it And then after I was like that was fucking weird. We just just to put this on the table. Good morning That was fucking weird. Oh my god. Did you see gypsy roses getting a divorce? That's that's crazy. Also, that's blasphemous I'll believe it when I see it. Honestly, I don't know. I think if you're used to having a relationship with someone Who's in prison. I don't know living with them is completely different. I think it's endgame. So I'll believe it when I see it You're still shipping this love's not real I was howling at Erin saying I'm sending a tick tock of something so cringe mind you Jojo See what needs to be stopped just putting that out there I have seen she's out of control before I was like Colleen She dances and she wears a bow leave her alone. It's called they want their outfit back and I I don't even know where to begin. No. I'm fully off team JoJo. If she doesn't have a therapist, she should get one. Like, for real, something's wrong. But anyways, send something along those lines of level of cringe. It's like, this is the worst thing I've ever seen. And we watched 9 11 live. I laughed so hard. Me too. could not get a grip. I had no air in my lungs as I was laughing when she said, we watched 9 11 live. A cringy TikTok. Watching 9 11 live is a wild thing to do. Also, don't come for her. She was obviously fucking kidding. Oh no, that's fucking hilarious. But it's just so funny. And if you didn't laugh at that, like, stop listening. Yeah, you don't have our sense of humor, quite honestly. And you don't belong here. Oh lord. Um, but I guess like, how was your trip? Yeah, totally opposite than yours. Okay, cool. We had five days of just hanging out, napping, laying by the pool, laying on the beach. We did a full spa day. Went to the nicest spa in the area. They got facials, I got a massage, obviously. It was the best massage I've ever gotten in my life. It's the nicest spa I've ever been to. You could use their facilities all day long. So we laid by the pool all day long. They had these chairs that already have padding on them next to this pool with a fountain. It was giving Grecian, it was like the big pillars. And if you wanted something, you had a little flag next to your recliner. And you could just prop that flag up and one lovely lady would just come over and be like, Hi, can I help you? I thought you were going to say a bell. No, oh god, no, that's, no, cause then it would be too noisy, it's a spa. Oh, right, disrupting the peace. But sauna, hot tub, the food was amazing, the drinks were great, it just was top of the goddamn line. It was also Jill's birthday, so we got to go out and meet all of her friends. Happy birthday, Jill! Happy birthday, Jill! Me, Orin, Jessie, and Jill just had this lovely time. I mean, we literally hung out, like we didn't do anything crazy. We weren't pussy popping. Fun in the sun. It was just having fun in the sun and then going out to dinner and then going home and chatting. It's kind of the dream. Gorgeous. Do you know what we did watch? We watched that new movie, Anyone But You, with Sidney Sweeney and Glenn Powell. Ugh. It was so bad. You can't force a good rom com these days. It was so bad. And I love Glenn Powell. There's this part, you would have died. Jesse was like, I can't wait to see your face during this scene. There's a scene where they're going on a hike and they're pretending to like each other. Like, they're pretending to be into each other. And so, in front of everyone, they stick their fingers down each other's pants and in their assholes. Like, she does it to him and he does it to her, to prove that they're into each other. That's disgusting. And I think it was meant to be just really funny, and it's the cringiest. I'm like, this isn't funny. No one would ever do this. No one would be like, oh my god, we're so into each other. I'm gonna stick my finger in your asshole in front of your family. I'm disturbed and also If I was actually seeing someone in a show like would do that in public period like what I'm sorry No, it just was No weird and it wasn't funny and we honestly just giggled at it mostly because it was so ridiculous and then Unrelated, I watched the Mean Girls musical movie yesterday. So disappointed. Yeah. I've seen so many bad Because I also watched Madame Web recently. I have seen so many back to back bad movies. I can't get over it. Renee, rap. Renee fucking rap. I mean Is everything. She can do no wrong. Her back is killing her after carrying the entire movie on her back. Her voice is out of this world. I mean, of course, I love Damien. And I've, I actually thought the girl who plays Janice, I thought she, her voice was great, but I didn't like Katie. I didn't like the girl, which is I don't like her. But Lindsay Lohan does like a quick cameo in it, which I thought was cute. They have Jon Hamm, they have Tina Fey, like, they have all of these people. Do better. I don't know why, it just didn't work. I don't love that. I am an OG lover of the movie. And I loved Mean Girls the musical. And it just did, it did not slap. But anyway, florida was amazing though and Jill has access to a country club where they have the best margaritas and the best pool pizza I've had. And so we literally sat all day by a pool, adult only pool, in late in the sun. Those exist? Yep. And the weather was perfect. It was chilly at night and chilly first thing in the morning, but you could go all day. Like I was wearing 30, which I always wear 50 and I was totally fine. It was lovely. Oh my god. She took us to this coffee shop. It's called Bitty and Beau's. Have you ever heard of it? Apparently there's one in Boston. Bitty and Beau is a coffee shop that two grandparents started for their grandkids who have Down syndrome and everyone who works there has Down syndrome and I was like, this needs to be in every city, everywhere. It was the cutest, every single thing Jill ordered, he goes, That's my favorite thing on the menu! Stop. Every single thing she ordered. They were so sweet, they were so lovely, it was such a vibe in there. If you're ever in Jacksonville, Florida, go to Biddy and Bo's. Let me, actually, let me see if it's, where it is in Boston. They have 20 locations. Oh! Good for them. Ugh. It's not in Boston. I thought I saw a thing on the wall that said Boston. But anyway. It was so cute. I can't recommend it enough. It was delightful. But yeah, I just had a lovely week with my girls. Fun in the sun, relaxing, feeling well rested. I'm back on my health is wealth journey. Mm hmm. So I worked out the last couple of days. I'm already sore. I'm like, I barely have been moving if I'm this sore. I mean, you gotta start somewhere, brother. My muscles are atrophying. At least if you're sore, then you know that it's working. No, it's definitely working. It's definitely working. But yeah. Gorgina. Are you ready to get into the topic of the week? Yeah. Okay. So this week's topic is a deep dive into the Reddit rabbit hole of, am I the asshole? And Colleen and I are going to decide, and all of you, if this person is an asshole or not in the scenario that they're given. You're ready? I feel like we're going to have different opinions. I don't know. I was reading a few today on Reddit where I'm like, this person wrote it from their point of view to get some sort of confirmation that they're doing the right thing. They're swaying it in that yes, regard, like there could be more to the story, right? Or they just feel like they're in the right and they need a place to vent it out, which is totally fine and for someone to agree with them. So I wanna love a little deeper and looked up like all time craziest Reddit. Am I an asshole thread? Okay. Am I the asshole and my good lord? I'm so scared. But anyway Mine aren't that crazy. They're more like, oh, we could discuss this. Oh, great. You know what I mean? Great. We'll have a good mix of absolutely insane and discussion. Okay, cool. Do you want me to go first? Am I the asshole for not warning my sister, quote, enough, unquote, about her choice of baby name? Okay. My grandmother passed away eight months ago. Her name was Charlotte, but she was known by everyone as Nana Lottie. I knew you would love that. Nana Lottie, how fucking cute is that? I think the name Charlotte and to be called either like Charlie or Lottie. So cute. Are you shitting me? Yep. So cute. So her loss has devastated our family beyond words. Sorry, that got dark. In honor of Nana Lottie, my sister wanted to name her newborn baby girl something which Would have the nickname of Lottie, but she doesn't like the name Charlotte, but then what the fuck what do you mean? So there's a lot of brainstormings for different names We could still have Lottie as a nickname in her third trimester My sister came to me and told me that she had decided the name on harlot Which for anyone who doesn't know how about scarlet harlot spell H a r L o t is another word for Prostitute sex worker. This is because it's easy to say You Easy to spell and has the nickname Lottie. I told her this was the bad idea to end all bad ideas and asked her if she had just Googled the word. She said that she had, but quote, no one would make that connection, unquote, because it's such an uncommon word in day to day life. I recommended choosing something else, but she was firm and got so upset about me not liking the name that she stopped talking to me for about a week. So I left it alone. Okay. Now, Baby Harlot was born and an announcement went up on Facebook. She specifically said, quote, in honor of Nana Lottie, I am pleased to introduce Baby Harlot, nickname Lottie. Maybe they call her Harlow? What about like Harley? Yeah, to say the family lost their minds would be an understatement. People were so upset that Nana Lottie was now being associated with the world harlot and a lot of extended family have said that they will not meet this child because they couldn't face the situation. Okay, the drama. The drama. Literally just go change the baby's name. It's not that hard. My sister reached out to me to cry. But when I said I had tried to warn her, she got really upset and said that I hadn't warned her enough. I should have kept trying in different ways and I should have quote, forced her to listen. I don't really know what that means, but now my mom is on her side as well, saying that the hormones lead to bad decisions and it's up to the family to steer our loved ones in the right direction. She said that I should have known a teenager's decision to make name a baby harlot would end in tears. And I should have done more for clarification. The. Sister, I believe, is 19 years old, who's having the baby. Got it. And then it says, also, for clarification, my mom did not know the name in advance as my sister wanted to surprise everyone with a touching tribute to Nana Lottie. I feel quite upset now that so many people who were grieving already are now having to deal with this association, and I maybe could have done more to talk her around. Was I the asshole? No, your sister's a fucking idiot. I think the part for me is he literally says, Google it, and she's like, no, that's so uncommon, no one will get it. Yeah. Yeah. Also, like, are you supposed to beat this into your sister? Yeah. Harlot. Harlot. How about we just name her Lottie? I was just gonna say, just name her the nickname. You ever see those TikToks that are like names that I think that would be cute if they didn't have the connotation? Yes. That's one of them. That would be cute. Harlot. Like, that's cute. But if you put the sex worker aspect into it, then it's tough. It is what it is. You have to think about also how the person's gonna get made fun of. I think I've told this story before, but I had an aunt who She had a few children in her fourth pregnancy. She came to everyone and she said, she had her hands on her belly and she was like, everyone, this baby is going to be Amen. Which is, I forget what it is in Gaelic. So my dad said Amon in a Jamaican accent, and then the whole room, all of the men in the room started saying it. Mind you, this was 20 years ago, so we probably wouldn't do that now. And that child's name is Steven. Do it that way, you will. Do that. That ended real fucking quick. But yeah. Harlot. Damn. Harlot the baby. I could think of so many other options here. I was just gonna say we just don't have to go with Harlot. There are other options. We could just like not have a child at like 19 with the brain of a 19 year old sometimes. Yeah, that's true. That's true. We don't make sound decisions before 21 in my opinion. Before 21. I'm 26. I don't need concussions. I was gonna say before 28. That's true. Okay. There's a gray area. But also the family not needing the baby. Get all of the grips. That's so drama. Drama mama. Get a fucking grip. Anyway. That's drama I'm not here for actually. Nope. Not for us. Damn. Sounds like that could have been avoided, like very clearly, but. So yeah, no, you're not an asshole. Your sister's an idiot. Anyways. Court dismissed. Bring in the dancing lobsters. Oh my God. Did you watch, did you watch that yet? Quiet on set. No. That's very upsetting. I know. I don't love watching those types of docs. That's where I draw my line when it comes to I mean, just go on TikTok. Most of it's on there at that point. Yeah, I have seen the Drake Bell interview, which is awful. I've seen bits and pieces of it, but I have no interest in watching it from beginning to end. I don't think I would sleep. It's long. I never finished it. But, I did watch a show on Peacock, Apples Never Fall. That's what it's called. Yeah, I've read the book. See, I didn't read the book, so I never heard of the book. Oh, oh, interesting. What'd you think? It's good, but now I'm like, oh, I wouldn't read the book, because I already know that the book would be better than the show. Yeah. loved it until the end. Mm hmm. I'm like, are you fucking serious? Yeah, so that's how I fell in the book. I wanted death. I wanted mystery. I wanted death. Like, comeuppance. Like, I wanted so many things, and I did not get any of that. Yeah, that's correct. So fuck you, Joy Delaney. That's all I'm gonna say. If you know, you know. Come for us. But no, do watch it. It is really good. It's the last 20 minutes. yeah. Okay, on to the next. A friend is having a 21st birthday at a public bar. She has invited two of her closest friends, and I have never met these girls before, and a new boyfriend who I've met briefly. She asked me to attend, and I asked if I could bring my significant other, since her boyfriend will be there too, and she told me no. Wow. I don't feel comfortable with you bringing a plus one because I've never met him and it'll be awkward. My argument was that she's going to have her boyfriend around and her close friends and I won't have, I won't know anyone there besides her and not to mention that I'm traveling two and a half hours to go to this birthday. She got super upset with me and said I shouldn't be concerned that my significant other is not allowed to come. I don't understand her logic because this party is, it is at a public party. Bar and it's not like a bachelorette party or something where it's like a girl's only event. Right. It's at a bar and she's upset with me and won't speak to me because I told her I won't be attending. I don't want to travel two and a half hours plus to be at a birthday where I'm gonna feel awkward for not knowing anybody besides her. Am I the asshole? No. No. No. No, I don't think so. It's a fucking public setting. It'd be one thing if like, no, not even that though, like you, your, your friend should want you to be like, Oh my God, bring him. I'd love to meet him. Hello? Yeah. I was going to say, I would want to meet him. I guess if you were paying for food or if you were paying for a certain aspect of it, maybe per seat, you'd be a little bit more hesitant. But if she doesn't know anyone else there, why not just let her bring one person? Yeah. Do you know what I mean? It's not like you're allowing someone to bring a kid, so now everyone with a kid. It's like the domino effect. Yeah. That's so weird to me. And don't you get to a certain point where, like, maybe I'm saying this wrong, but like, Like, when all of your friends, like, have significant, like, it's an extension of you at that point. Like, hello. All are welcome. Like, what do you mean? Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's not like just, it's a package deal sometimes. I guess it depends on how long they were dating, but not even. And that would be the perfect setting. It's your, like, you know what I mean? That feels like the perfect opportunity, to your point. So this girl's a bitch. Yeah. You're a bitch. Glad we agreed. Anyway. Okay. Am I the asshole for taking my girlfriend's lasagna home when she said I could? Is the title. Okay? Imagine taking the time to write this and actually feeling this passionate. Okay. Go ahead. My girlfriend and I are both college students. She lives in an apartment on her own and I live with my parents. I want you to keep that in mind when you hear the story. On Sunday My girlfriend made homemade lasagna for our date night. She made everything from scratch including the noodles It was really good. So after we finished I asked if I could take the lasagna home for my family to try She said yes when I left that night. I took the entire tray of lasagna with me My girlfriend didn't walk me out so she didn't see me take the whole tray On Monday, I get a text from my girlfriend asking where her lasagna was. I told her I had taken it home from my family, and she said, quote, I thought you were going to take some, not the whole thing. I spent most of my food budget for the week on it, with the intention of eating leftovers for the rest of the week. Now I don't know what I'm going to eat. End quote. Okay. I felt bad and apologized, but pointed out that I had asked her if I could take it home and she didn't tell me that I couldn't take the whole tray. She said it should have been obvious that I shouldn't have taken the whole thing since the tray was so big. To be fair to her, it was a really big tray. My family of five only just finished the tray yesterday after eating it for dinner both nights. But I don't think the size of the tray makes it. obvious that I shouldn't have taken it. Monday night and last night my girlfriend complained that she had to eat instant noodles for dinner so she wouldn't have to blow her food budget. Today she's asked me if I can buy her a sandwich since I took her leftovers for the entire week. It sucks that she spent her food budget on the lasagna but I think this is her fault for not being clear that I shouldn't take the whole thing. I don't think she's justified and asked me to buy her lunch because of it. She called me an asshole for not willing to help her. Am I the asshole? No. I 100 percent disagree. Really? When you are in college, and you live alone, and you are doing something nice for your significant other. It was an honest mistake. Yeah, but return the fucking tray. If she texts you the next morning and says, where is the rest of the lasagna? That's my whole budget. So now what? So you just let your family, your parents who have whole ass jobs, who you live at home with can eat her entire food budget for the week. And then you're going to complain about buying her a fucking sandwich. It's so selfish. Also, who takes a family size tray that. So let's just be clear. They ate it together, so that's two people. Okay. And then five people ate it two nights in a row. That is literally, that's an entire week. She could have eaten that the entire week, and then some. Yeah, I agree that he shouldn't be complaining about having to like, if that was, I would expect the other person, well, one, I, I probably wouldn't complain about it as much as she did, to be honest. I probably Well, she's probably fucking broke! I would feel awkward doing that, I just wouldn't do that. But I think that he should be, she shouldn't have to say anything, I think he should be overcompensating and be like, oh my god, so sorry, like, it's a common miscommunication. But, you should be overcompensating and buying her things. And lunch. Who has the audacity to go into someone's fridge and take an entire tray of something? I think, Say for example, I had you over, okay? And I made a thing of pasta. And I was like, take it. Like, I didn't say take some, I said take it. If you took the whole thing, I'd probably be like, oh shit. I should have, like, clarified that. But I would not have said anything. I don't, I think this is shitty. I also think the aspect that he lives at home. And I also think men are fucking stupid. But then by her lunch. Oh, I agree. I don't think you should be complaining about it. And then he's like, she's calling me an asshole. I don't think she's justified. It's like, Like, my guy, food budgets are real. People are out here broken the streets. I think she's being a little drum. I do. A little bit. I totally disagree with you. Like, a little bit too much. Like, complaining about having, being like, oh, I had to eat. And like, if you're, like, complaining about it makes me uncomfortable. Well, I think, I think she's saying it hoping he rectifies the situation. But did he? Did he say that he bought lunch at any point? No. No. Okay. So that's the part I'm not okay with. No, he's just like. Obviously. Yeah. No, he was just like. No, I, I, you told me to take it and I fucking took it. I agree that there's definitely a miscommunication here and it obviously wasn't out to like make her starve for the rest of the week. I personally would not complain the way that she did, but the way he writes it, I hate, I hate. Yeah, I'm not liking his energy about it. Okay. But do I think he's A legit asshole? No. I just think it was a miscom. And he's not going about it in the right way, but Boys are so fucking dumb. From the get go, it's not really his fault. That's my opinion. Hate. Disagree. I wouldn't even say anything. I would be like Jury's out. I would be like, oh, sorry, it took my whole fridge. Acquitted. Actually, it's fine. I don't need to eat for a month. My ex husband has been dating this woman for three years. For context, she's 24 years old. My ex and I were married for 12 years. They are 39 and 38 also. Okay. My ex and I were married for 12 years and have been divorced for five years. We have three kids together who are now teenagers. My ex and I got divorced because we were young and we met and got married and we grew apart as people. It was a mutual decision and we agreed our kids came first and have always co parented very well. This has been the case up until last year when his girlfriend moved in with him. Previously, we would do holidays and kids birthdays together. Now, when she is present, They won't even sit near me at our kids sporting events. It's getting bitter. I have always been nice to this woman, despite my kids expressing that they do not like her and feel their dad acts differently when she is around. My ex told me early on that she herself wasn't a fan of me, and that Felt that I intimidated her when I asked him for examples on how I intimidated her He said it's my face that I have a resting bitch face and it makes her uncomfortable Okay, my ex and her got engaged over Christmas and my kids were less than thrilled. My daughter especially She feels her dad made a major life decision without even talking to them about it first My ex called me yesterday saying he's giving me a heads up that I have a year to change my last name back to my maiden name his new fiancé is expressing her distaste and concern for her and I to have the same last name when they get married. I told him we agreed in our divorce that I could keep his last name until I felt I needed to change it, and that is what is listed in our paperwork. I also told him I don't want to have a different last name than our kids. Kids. I was just going to say that's a big group. thing. He said I'm being unreasonable and refusing to see how this would make his fiancee uncomfortable. I told him I can't see it from her side because I'm a grown up adult and not an immature child like she is. 100%. He told me I could ask anyone about this situation and everyone would agree with her. So am I the asshole for refusing to change my last name to make her happy? No. Yeah. No, because the moment she said it, I thought of the kids, because when you pick them up from school or if you call for a doctor's appointment, things go smoother for you if you have the same last name. Yeah. I'm sorry. No. Why would I want to have the same last name as your kids? Also, you had a previous marriage. That fiance can fuck right off. I'd be like, okay, I'm changing the kid's last name then, too. Fuck off. No, because that's such a pain in the ass. But no, no. That woman and that man need to get over themselves. Get your head out of your ass. Agreed. this is the definition of burying the lead, okay? Am I the asshole for clearing out my ex boyfriend's childhood room in the home where he grew up? Uh, okay. I moved in with my significant other two years after my pay was reduced in February due to everything that's been happening and it didn't make financial sense for me to live on my own in my apartment anymore. So my significant other asked me to move in with him, so I took up his offer. Significant other is my ex boyfriend's dad, and I'm now living in the home where my ex boyfriend grew up. My ex doesn't visit the house at all. I suggested to my significant other that we should move everything out of my ex's childhood room. Let me use it to store some of my stuff. And let me use it as my personal office and lounging room. My significant other agreed. So I boxed up everything in my ex boyfriend's childhood room and moved to my them to the garage including the furniture. I've redecorated the room and made it mine. Before I even moved his things I emailed my ex about this and told him he should come by and take a look at what he wants to keep and or sell and or donate. After not hearing from him for three weeks today he texts me calling me all sorts of names for clearing out and taking quote his room. It's not a quote honey you don't put that in quotes it is his room. First of all, I'm really trying to be sensitive and nice here, but he is making this very difficult with the rage filled outbursts and texts. My significant other and I are giving him a year to clear out his childhood stuff from the garage before I donate everything. Neither my significant other nor I feel clearing out his room was inappropriate, but my ex is just melting down in a tantrum filled rage. Why does my ex feel like he owns his childhood room when he doesn't even visit? It is very sad and bizarre. Okay. My significant other. His dad. How about his dad? She says significant other seven times in this. In not, I love how the title isn't, I'm sleeping with my ex boyfriend's dad and I cleaned out his room. It's just, that's why I was, that was my confusion, I'm like, what's the beef? The fact that the dad would be okay with this. You're all fucked. Everyone here is fucked. Holidays must be really interesting in that household. Imagine the holidays. Come gather around the fire, kids. I've seen everyone in this room. Nude. They've been inside of me. Come on! Both of you get a grip. I don't love that. No. I don't, I don't love that. Okay. Last weekend was my dad's funeral. Jesus, Colleen. I planned it since my mom had been a wreck. Mind you, this person spelt wreck, R E C K. Okay. Okay. My mom and my sister are not close. I'm also not close to her and I think she's a dick. So I'm probably biased. That's what it says. My sister dresses in emo style. Sidebar, today I almost got in a car accident because I almost hit a, no, no, like a, just like a bright green Toyota Corolla. Or a Honda Civic, one of those, you know? And the back sticker says, I brake for emo girls. And the person in the car has a bright green mullet and neck tattoos. Like, where, where did you come from? Where are you headed to? What is your story? Is what I would like to know. Oh lord. That's all. Uh, so my sister dresses in emo style. So, skulls, collars, lots of blacks and reds, heavy makeup, and so on and so forth. I truly don't care. Most of the time she can wear whatever she wants. This is an issue at important events. My wedding she did this even after she agreed to tone it down for photos. She's always going full out with her outfits. I don't understand why she won't ever just tone it down. For the funeral, she came in wearing a short skirt, a band t shirt, t shirt spelled T E A, shirt, t shirt. Heavy makeup, I don't think this girl should be judging anybody. Yeah, I'm, I'm getting very mad. Honestly, grammar really bothers me. Yeah, I can tell. a band t shirt, heavy makeup, fishnets and jewelry, collar thing with skulls. I was very upset that she couldn't just dress appropriately for a funeral and I told her to leave. She got pissed and told her to go and I told her to go home and put on a respectful outfit. She stayed until my mom told her to get the fuck out because she can't dress appropriately. She left and she didn't come back. A lot of people who saw her outfit agree that she was out of line for a funeral. My sister has been calling me a jerk and some people are saying I went too far. Am I the asshole? How old is the sister? It doesn't say. But it's giving little sister. It's giving little sister. I mean, it's it isn't appropriate to wear to a funeral but at the end of the day Everyone deserves to pay their respects I mean, I don't know what I I'm at a line of being like be I who am I to say because it's just like it's Your dad's funeral also like be comfortable I guess but also like do you have to? But do you have to yeah, it's very very clearly a statement I'm expressing myself thing To be respectful though. You should just wear something a little bit more muted. It's not about you. It's not about you. Papa's dead Papa gone dad. Okay, and Honestly as someone who has been to my own father's wake you don't really have a lot of strength to deal with people shit You're just like whatever but I think I don't know. That one's tricky. I don't think she's the asshole. I just think that I don't think she's the asshole. I think the sister's the asshole. Just get it together. Yeah. Yeah, everyone get it together. Maybe the way she handled it. How the fuck else are you supposed to handle it? No, I'd probably be like, what the fuck are you doing? Go put I know someone who went to a funeral in sweatpants. And I remember everyone talked shit about her after. Really? I would just be like, oh, I get it. No, full blown sweatpants. It was really not cool. So I can only imagine what that girl looks like. That's fair. That's fair. I am not reading you the title of this because it sent me to the moon. Okay. I didn't put any titles on mine because I didn't want it to give it away. This is one of those deep, deep reddit dives. Okay, cool. live in an apartment block and live across from my neighbor. Let's call him Jerry. Jerry is a 40 year old man who lives alone and works 9 to 5 Mondays to Friday. He gave me a key a few years back when he went on holidays, and I still have that key. Six months ago, my shower broke before a big work presentation. I sent him a text asking if I could use his bath, but he never got back to me. I assumed it was okay. What? What? I assumed it was okay. It turned out he had changed his number, his phone number. Anyway, I had the bath and I loved it. I don't have a bath in my flat, And it was some experience. I brought my own shower gel, shampoo, rubber duck, so I didn't use anything he had paid for. Since then, I've been using his bath when he's not around. It's the best part of my week. Midday on Tuesday and Friday when I head in. Then everything went wrong. Jerry died. I'm stuck on the rubber ducky. Oh, you just wait. Also, like, why are you using it? Like, that man probably winks it in the shower. Like, why the fuck are you using it? It's giving saltburn. I didn't know this, and I went in for my Tuesday bath. Like, Tuesday bath, you know. My Tuesday bath was sitting there relaxing when his brother came in. It was shocked to see me sitting naked on his toilet post shower. It was the worst moment he could have arrived. He was so mad. I was humiliated beyond belief. I am still so embarrassed and I feel so ashamed of my body and how I appeared to this man. It turned into a big thing. Apparently I'm a dick for using Jerry's bath. I don't think so because I always brought my own stuff and Jerry gave me the key to begin with. I am heartbroken at the loss of my neighbor in the lovely memories he gave me. Am I actually the asshole? Because I don't think so. No. I don't think so. How is she supposed to know? Go in! He gave her the key for a reason. No! That's so fucked up. Do you use someone else's tub? Yes, Colleen, that is so, that, no, people's selves are in the, like, when you're, you would use somebody else's shower? No, of course I would, with consent. I don't just storm into their shower whenever they're away and it conveniences me. I would do it to you. No, Colleen. If you gave me the key, I would do it. Even after Jerry died? Well, she didn't know Jerry died. Yes, she did. She used it anyway. No, he wasn't. He wasn't gonna use it. Someone should. Maybe it was a nice one. Did you use my bathtub while I was away? No, I don't take baths. Oh, that's where we draw the line. You just use a picture to stir your drink where both ingredients are over a year old. I don't want to sit in my old, I don't want to sit in my own coochie juice. Well, that's why you shower first. You do a rinse. I thought you shower after. No, you rinse first and then you bathe. So you're clean. So you're not sitting in your own filth. I think you should shower before and after. I have never disagreed with you more than the last three minutes. I want that to be known. I just think if you're giving someone a key to your apartment, you're giving them Colleen! You're giving them That is to like feed the animals and make sure the plants don't die. That is not make yourself at home with your fucking rubber ducky. I can't. You give me the key, what's mine is yours. Okay, everyone, no one give Colleen your fucking key. That is what we have learned today. I'm a great guest. Addy? I beg to differ after this conversation. I'm never giving you my keys ever again. I didn't do shit when I was here. I just sat on the couch. Made myself comfortable. Yeah, I couldn't find my favorite blanket anywhere. It's because she took it into the pot room and never took it out. Sorry, I could see my breath in here. I'm sorry I didn't leave the heat on high while I was in a foreign country. I don't even like the heat. Whatever, it's fine. Oh god. Justice for Jerry, but like R. I. P. Jerry. Good for this person. That also killed me, the part at the very end where it's like, I'm heartbroken at the loss of my favorite Jerry. And the wonderful memories, lovely memories he gave me. Oh, dead. Oh my god. My BFF, Mia and I, both 32, have known each other since we were 12, but only became close at university. We're both different in many ways, like our views on marriage slash kids. I never wanted to get married or have kids. Mia has had her wedding planned since she was 10 and always told everyone that she'll be married by 27, travel for a year before having her first kid by the time she turned 30. Sounds way too planned for me, but okay. Mia always tells me I'll change my mind one day, and she brings it up way too often and it's annoying. Which, like, fair. In 2015, Mia reconnected with an old classmate on Facebook, Pete, from our home country and they started dating long distance. Four months later, she visited Pete and told everyone they were engaged. I asked her if she was sure and she said that they were in love and can't wait to be married so she can sponsor him and be together in the same country. I'm ashamed to say my first thought after she told me that she was using, was that he was using her to get a green card. That should be everyone's first thought. Yep. Yep. Their wedding was planned for summer 2016, but in early 2016, it was revealed that Pete had been cheating on his ex, with his ex, and she had DM'd Mia pics and screenshots of their text because she found out about the wedding and felt guilty, as she fucking should. Mia confronted him and they argued for hours, with him admitting he was using her for a green card! Oh my god! Would have divorced her later either way. In 2018, Mia again reconnected with another classmate, Jay. I think it's time to expand on the classmates. For sure. So Mia, Jay, and Pete all went to primary school together, and Jay and Pete are friends, and Jay knows about what happened. Okay. Okay. Mia and Jay got married in our home country in late 2019 and I was her maid of honor. The immigration process got delayed because of COVID but Mia and Jay were finally reunited in 2021. Months later she announced she was pregnant and she gave birth to a boy in February 2022. Everything was moving super fast, but Mia was happy to be a mom at 30. I recently started a new remote job that gives me a lot of freedom. So I decided I would solo travel. I have a close group of friends, and we do a weekly girls night. Mia gave birth again in October and hasn't been able to join us, so last week she invited us to her house for dinner. During a dinner, our friend asked me about my travel plans. At this point, I was like, Only this friend knew about them. When the others found out, they were happy for me. Mia was quiet and she seemed annoyed. One friend said she was envious of me and wishes she could do the same. Mia scoffed and said anyone can do it if they were irresponsible. It got quiet and I just stared at Mia. I asked her what she meant. I said I'm spending my own money and I'll still be working so how am I irresponsible? She said I haven't grown up yet and only wanted to have fun when I should be settling down. I told her I don't want to settle down and just because I'm not married with kids doesn't mean I'm not an adult. She said my life is meaningless. So I said, at least I'm not desperate enough to fly to a different country and marry the first man I saw. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I think I'm the asshole for basically throwing the whole Pete thing in her face, knowing how hurt she was. But am I the asshole? No. Okay. Me as a fucking asshole. So I'm obviously that girl, right? So like That's what I was reading in, I was like, Eh! Yeah. So that is very similar to my life right now. No one judges me for it. And just because you decide to live your life a certain way doesn't mean you get to judge anyone. Like, I don't judge people who decide to settle down, have kids, and I shouldn't be judged for traveling the world because it's the thing that makes me happy. Listen, Mama Mia, look fucking inward. You will clearly have an issue with yourself and your own personal life. Yeah. Mia, you need to shut your fucking pie hole, first of all. Missed, Mia. Maybe we don't immediately go for the ankles with the peak comment, but also if someone was calling me. You know, my life was meaningless and that it's time to settle down and that I was irresponsible or whatever she uses, I would definitely fire back. Oh, yeah. If you low blow me, I'll low blow you twice as hard. You have to. We don't go high. We go lower. Mm hmm. And that's that on that. Yeah. Wow. Yep. That's wild. Imagine being a fly on the wall in that room, huh? No. The silence. Bigger person who? Could it be me? Not us. Could it be me? Fuck you, Mia. So, speaking along the same lines, so this, the person writing this is a 28 year old female about her 31 year old husband. Okay. Okay. So, my husband had to spend two months in a different state for work. He came back nine days ago. I'm obviously thrilled he's back. I've missed him a lot. I was hoping he would be able to spend some time together, just the two of us. However, his mom, who's 56, came over when he was supposed to come home. I was slightly annoyed, but I know she was just excited for her son to be ba to be back. However, she never left. Like I was prepared to deal with her for being there for a day or two, but not nine days. Because she's been there for nine days, we haven't had a second of alone time together. She insists on staying here instead of a hotel. For the record, she lives an hour away. The guest room is right next to ours and the walls are thin. When the two of us go out, she comes with us or makes one of us stay with, with her because otherwise we would be, quote, bad hosts. She follows us around the house constantly. We want to cuddle and watch movies. She's sitting in the armchair. We want to go to a romantic restaurant. Better make that a table for three. We have even left her in the living room to go chat and she follows us into our room. Mama's gotta go home. Mama, go home! Earlier today, I just asked her to leave, even though both of us have been hinting that she needs to go. She kept saying she wasn't ready to go yet and wanted more time with her son. I tried telling her we wanted some alone time and she kept insisting on joining us. Finally, I snapped and said, quote, since you seem to be oblivious, I will put this bluntly, I want to fuck your son. If you don't want to see or hear that, then you need to leave. I don't know. That's tough. I know this isn't the classiest response ever, but I was frustrated. Anyway, she yelled at me but eventually left. We finally got to have our alone time, but now she is blowing up both of our phones saying that I am disgusting and I have no respect for her. her son or myself. She keeps telling my husband that he shouldn't be with someone so crude and how dare he let me speak to her like that. I'm sure you get the idea. I know what I have said was really inappropriate, but am I the asshole? Colleen? That's tough. That's so tough. I mean, she got what she wanted. Did you have to do it that way? No. A few things. Because she writes, Edit. After reading these comments, I will definitely let my husband know he needed to step up. I agree that it should have been him who made her leave. I love him to death and wanted to be accommodating to his fear of making her angry. She's nasty when she's angry and she turned the whole family against him. Like, that's happened before. But he needs to set boundaries. So, a couple things here. He should have asked his mother to leave. She had no right saying that. That is, that's a lot. The like, since you seem to be oblivious, I wanna fuck your son is The first half of that sentence I would never even say. No. It's super disrespectful. Also the other half. If you had, it depends on the dynamic of the family, if you were making a joke out of it and like you had a really cool mother in law that was just overbearing but was like cool, that would be fine. No, this is not that mother. So then no. I also saw a comment that she said he disagreed with her and she called the whole family and no one would speak to him. So they walk around her on eggshells it sounds like and he is scared of her and so they said nothing. A pet peeve of mine personally is when. Somebody pokes and pokes and pokes and pokes and then when you explode is like, you are so disrespectful. Yeah. That personally drives me crazy because then your reaction is all that's focused on instead of the actions leading up to it. And so if you, nine days, nine days is a lot of time for someone who lives an hour away. Imagine spending nine days with me. No. That's what I'm saying. Imagine you're a mother in law that you don't even fucking like. No, like, I can't even imagine doing that to my sister Erin. She lives an hour away. I cannot imagine being, like, just staying and feeding everywhere her and her husband went. I would just go into their room. That's so weird. Have you ever seen Bad Moms for Christmas? Yes. Uh, Kiki's mom. Yeah, Kristen Bell's mother. When she's just like, watching them have sex. Sitting in the corner watching them have sex. Oh god. That's what it's giving. I would have been like, do you want to join? Like what is this? So there is this thing on Reddit that I love where they say, asshole, am I the asshole, not the asshole, ESH, which stands for everyone sucks here. Got it. Everyone sucks kind of in this scenario. I don't blame the wifer snapping, but what she says is obviously wrong. Yeah, I think the husband's the problem who is not brought up in this. The mother is the problem. In that situation? It's the mother, then the husband. I don't know. They're all wrong. They're all wrong. That was my husband. I'd be like, you see those balls I put in your mouth? I put them in my mouth all the time? Use them. Unless you want them snipped, bitch. All it takes is one. And you're gone. Don't test me. My 32 year old brother, Carl. Oh, no. Sorry. My. Carl! No. So. What kind of name is Carl? Pause, pause, pause. Me, 32, and my brother, Carl, 27. No. Even worse. Was spoiled for eight years because he almost died. The short version. Relatable. He was very sick and spent months at a time in the hospital as a kid and both my parents and extended family gave him everything he ever wanted because he wasn't expected to live past nine years old. Fair enough. Medical science did save his life, but it took a couple of years for everyone to stop spoiling him. My father admitted it was just a habit, but once he realized the negative impact it had on me and the entitlement of Carl, things changed immediately. My mother, uh, My mother is to this day the only holdout. That makes sense. Mothers with their sons. Naturally. She wants to fuck her son Carl. Okay. She wanna fuck Carl. It was the only movie I referenced ever. R. V. They know the son's name. You are ridiculous with the same eight movies on repeat. R. V. is one of my favorite movies. That's Robin Williams, right? Yeah, it's like, what Josh Hedgeson is Carl. It reminds me of Walking Dead, because there's a character named Carl and it's the son. And Rick, who's the main character, every single time something is happening, he's like, Carl! Carl! In like a deep southern accent. If I had a dog, I'd name it Carl. Stop. I love Isn't that the guy from Up's name? The old I can't I watched that one time and I was so upset that I've suppressed it and I can't talk about it anymore. Like, I'm I'm so upset. Carl Fredrickson. Shut the fuck up. I can't hear about it. He's a retired balloon salesman. Please, please, don't. Who at 78 is forced to leave the house that he put together with his late wife, Ellie. Okay Oh my god, alright! Oh, I'm done. Alright, deep breaths. Okay. Obviously, Carl hated that he was being, hated being told no for anything. Everyone expected him to adjust over time, but he never did. Shocker. He even told a therapist that he'd never cooperate. Because I can see you doing that. Because he was right and everyone else is wrong. You would a hundred percent do that in therapy. Is Carl mean? Am I Carl? No, you haven't been spoiled like that. Oh God. Later when we're wealthy. No, we're manifesting Colleen. Okay, Carl is extremely intelligent, but he's lazy and arrogant. He had to repeat his senior year of high school because he refused to do any work. He refused to go to a community college because he believed that he knew more than the professors. Oh my god, this is narcissism. Yeah. Jesus. He refused to get a job until he was 24 because he felt that all jobs short of CEO were beneath him. Oh my god. Whenever my dad tried to do something about this attitude, like taking away my dad's credit card so Carl could no longer just buy takeout every day, my mother immediately undermined my dad. Yikes. Carl, Carl, Carl, Carl doesn't cook or clean, he doesn't pay rent, and over the last five years he's starting, he started viewing women as subservient to men. It's caused massive damage to his relationship with my dad. Carl still lives with my dad, but when, when I visit we occasionally talk. Last time I visited, Carl complained that every girl he's taken out has ghosted him. I asked for information on the dates, where they went, what they talked about, etc. But he mentioned that they get weird as soon as he says his life plan is to inherit my dad's house. And have his wife be a stay at home mom while he works. Oh, okay. No, Colleen. Alright. Not with that man. I told him that he, I told him that might be because he's 27 and making minimum wage. Amen. And his plan is to never actually be an adult. My dad also told him that if he died, I'd inherit the house because I know how to pay bills. I said I'd have to charge Carl rent if he stayed or if I'd have to move in. Carl sucks. Yeah. Carl said that ruined his quote unquote life plan because he was supposed to get everything since I'm getting married and my husband should control me. I snapped. I want to stab Carl. I told him the reason he's getting ghosted is because he's a pathetic walking red flag and no woman disrespects himself enough to be with a loser like him. He started screaming that I'm an asshole. My dad understands that what I said is true that But, that I should have been less blunt. My mother keeps calling to demand I apologize for insulting Carl. I do want him to change and grow, but I feel so wrong in calling him pathetic and a loser. I stand by the red flag part firmly. Am I the asshole? No. No. Carl's a fuckin asshole. And he's everything wrong with men. In the A hundred percent. Carl should have been humbled by a boy cousin a long time ago, and if that means his humbling starts now, by calling him pathetic, which isn't even that fuckin bad, then, yeah, And so it begins. I would call him a sad sack of shit and a sad excuse for a human. You're a waste of fucking air. You're, you're It's giving I curse the day you were born. From Sex and the City. I've never seen it. So I couldn't think of a proper response. She's never seen it, gang. I've probably seen it. There's just this one iconic part where a very bad breakup is happening. Big is chasing Carrie is it when he, she leaves him? He leaves her? And Charlotte turns around. Oh, yeah! And she goes, I cursed the day you were born! Oh, I've seen that. Never mind. Yeah, I have. But it's like, have you ever just had all of this built up hatred towards someone and been given the opportunities you just deserve? Shoot them down with a line. That's what happens. Got it. I, it made me sad. I, I, when It is really sad. When they're putting her in the thing and she just goes, No! Yeah. Yeah, I was like, Ah! It is actually really sad. Ugh, that's all. And they go on vacation and Charlotte shits herself and they all laugh again. Yep. When she's being fed, when Samantha's like physically feeding her, Ugh. So upsetting. Dead. Okay. Next one. Me and two other guys share an apartment together and we split all the bills. The only thing we don't split costs on are groceries. Everyone's in charge of buying their own food and we don't touch whatever doesn't belong to us in the fridge. Correct. Normal people behavior. We even put our names on everything so no one gets mixed up. The issue has been going on for almost a year and I'm sick of it. Because one of my roommates, Column R. Keeps stealing my food. I get home from work and containers with my leftovers are sometimes missing. They have my name written on it, so she obviously knows when it's missing. Or my stuff finishes too quick. My gallon of milk, for example. I buy almond milk because I like the taste, but it seems to finish after a week even though I've only drank it once or twice. I confronted R about this lots of times and that's caused a lot of arguments. He outright denies it and tells me I'm crazy even though it's so obvious. My other roommate and I carpool together because we both work the same early morning shifts and around the same area so I know it's not him. It's always after we get back home and R's already left for work and I notice my food is gone. My roommates also had a similar problem but not as often as I do. I'm guessing cause R doesn't like what he buys. Great. The funny thing is, R buys a lot for himself and he's even more stingy about his food. He'll literally point out what's his and he came back from the grocery shopping and tell us not to touch it. Last week, my milk was nearly empty again and I got fed up. I went to the liquor store, I bought regular dairy milk, I drank what was left of my almond milk and refilled the gallon with the one I bought. This was to catch and prove that R is the one stealing since he's lactose intolerant. So smart. The next day, Saturday, we get back from work and R is pissed. He yelled at me that he was stuck in the bathroom for 40 minutes with diarrhea because of my milk. He was using it to make a shake. I only responded with, So then you are the one who's been stealing. He frickin exploded. Yeah, he admitted he sometimes drinks my milk and eats my food, but he was way more mad that I switched the milks than the fact that he was caught. I told him I wouldn't have done it if he had just stopped taking my stuff from the fridge or at least told the truth instead of trying to make it seem like I was making it up. I also love that this person wrote Tryna, T R Y N A. Tryna. Tryna. Tryna. My roommate backed me up and thought it was kind of funny that he got payback for stealing from us. It's a little tense right now and my roommate told me R is trying to convince him to agree to kick me out. Little does he know we're both looking to move somewhere else because we are sick of his shit. I told some buddies what happened and a few think I was the asshole for that. No! I feel like I'm not in the wrong here. He was taking my food and not owning up to it and I wanted to prove it. Does that make me the asshole? No, not the slightest. I don't think so either. No. It's been going on for a year. And this person has called him out over and over and over again. It's always led to an argument. Fuck off. Yeah. And you're going to be stingy. You're not even going to be someone who's like, no, of course you can have some of mine to kind of even the scales. Yeah. Buy your own fucking almond milk, bitch. It's literally like 2 please. Get a grip. Even in this economy. And this economy? Actually, I had a roommate in college that did something similar. And it, like, made us all twitch all the time because we, like, knew it was her. Yeah. And then we, well, like, It's so rude. So, It's so selfish. She would be, she was the one that would put her, like, name on things and we, we didn't. Like, I would never put my name on something. I don't give a shit. But the fact that you're doing that, but then also taking, Yeah. Makes no sense. And then, like, one time she, like, came out of her room with, like, a head of lettuce and I was like, Oh, so that's, that's, We're hiding it in the room? So that's how we're doing that? So then I just, one day I just was feeling really petty and, like, she had, like, this one thing that she always drank and I just, like, poured it down the drain. And I don't care. And I, I don't care. And I have, I still, I'll tell whoever. I have no remorse about it. It made me feel so much better. I just think that's so selfish. Have you ever heard the theory that people who are cheating Are the ones who start fight about the other their significant other cheating. Yes. I feel like it's that yeah, like you're so stingy Because you know, you're stealing everyone else's shit. Yes I also think like it's the way you grew up to like if you were not used to sharing Like and you don't understand that concept that was it for mine I think there's a perfect medium between knowing how to share and knowing boundaries of like what's mine is mine Especially where money is involved Or you're just a fucking selfish asshole. If you buy a ton of food for yourself and you know you're all splitting it and those things are yours. Then why are you doing that? Just don't do that! Just buy your own shit! It's just not that hard. It's just not that hard. Common sense. So glad we agree there. Yes. Agreed. Guilty. Asshole. Your roommate. Arr. Yeah, Arr. Arr. Arrg. Okay, so I, 23, recently got out of a relationship with my ex fiancee, Mara, also 23. We were together for three years and engaged for four months. I called off the engagement and eventually broke up with Mara due to her cheating on me and lying about various things unrelated to the cheating. I do think people deserve second chances, but my final straw was when I found out she'd been cheating on me with my own stepbrother. And I knew I had to walk away. In a nutshell, I know. In a nutshell, the breakup was very volatile. There was lots of arguing, and her trying to bargain with me, and I asked her to leave my apartment. Mind you, when I first read this, I thought it said her stepbrother. Like, she was chilling with her stepmother. So I think that's why, as I'm reading it, I'm like, I think that's why I put that in here, because I thought it was hilarious. Anyways. Incest is hilarious. It's step, it's fine. There's like porn categories for that. People love that shit. Uh. In a nutshell, the breakup was volatile, there was lots of arguing, and her trying to bargain, blah blah blah. My family was very disappointed when they found out. My parents really wanted me to marry Maro. No. It was cool. When we first started dating, my mom gave me a family heirloom ring to propose to Mara with. It's value is sentimental. It's not made of any particularly expensive materials like gold or diamond or anything like that. My mom is now asking for the ring back, but I never got it back off of Mara. Once things had cooled off, I did ask Mara for the ring. She asked me why she should give it back, hinting that she wanted payment. Like, you We'll talk about it after, but I offered her 40, and she demanded 300 plus my laptop and my PS5, and threatened to pawn the ring. I called her bluff and said she's getting 40 or nothing, and she said have it your way and shut the door in my face and said she was gonna pawn it. I explained the situation to my mom. My mom was very angry that I didn't immediately pay up to Mara and get it back by any means What, what is happening right now? By any means necessary and asked if my laptop and Playstation were more important than her family heirloom. Oh, oh my god. I told her that Mara probably wouldn't have given it back anyway and likely already pawned it or lost it. She demanded that I contact my ex immediately and offer her what she wants. I told her no and said I'm not doing it, I'm not doing it on principle. This caused an argument between me and my mom and she thinks I'm being a bad son. Am I the asshole for refusing to buy the ring back? I think that's it. Why on earth, no matter how badly you want your kids to settle down and be married or whatever, why on earth would a parent want their child to marry someone like that? I literally don't know. You're disappointed. She cheated on you. Also, like, can you act like a girl and not be a twat for five seconds? Just give it back. You cheated on the man. And also, isn't Christmas gonna be a little awkward with the stepbrother and now the mom is sticking up for Mara or whoever this bitch is? Also, Mama, can you be a little upset with your son slash stepson? Question mark? Why is she sticking up for this woman? I don't know. The way that I would drag that girl out by her hair. Like my mother would be over at that house banging on that door be like come out or you will rue Heads will fucking roll That's so a family heirloom like you're a piece of shit Yeah You cheated you caused these chains of events because your actions have consequences and now you're gonna try To negotiate with a family heirloom for all in the family for all this man's yeah What is going on? Mara is the problem. Mara. Seek help. Okay. I'm not gonna read the Don't. It'll ruin it for me. It says I'm just gonna get right into it. She's 25. Okay. Her boyfriend's 28. He likes to be called daddy in bed while we're being intimate. Okay. I've obliged this request, but it's starting to creep me out, and I've decided I don't want to do it anymore. He is not happy with this and insists it has nothing to do with the connotation of the word, but he simply just enjoys. Okay. I have two things to say about that. One, I just would never, could never, because I do call my father daddy, not in person, but via text message. Two, I feel like you can call, you are, you could be comfortable calling your significant other, whatever. In the moment, it doesn't feel weird. Please hold. Okay. Pause for the cause on that. Okay. Since he wasn't budging on the issue, I told him, I'd like for him to call me grandma in bed as a compromise. No, I love her. He didn't like this option and said it was giving him visuals he would prefer not to have. Like, okay, join the fucking club. That's an exact quote. I did not add that. That is her. Anyway, the last time he tried to initiate intimacy with me, I started referring to him I started to refer to myself as grandma in the third person. Do you like when grandma does that? And he flew off the handle. He said I ruined the mood, made him feel gross, and I was being ridiculous. I think I proved my point, but he thinks I'm being an asshole. So am I the asshole? This woman should run for president. I see that and I raise you the comment section. She is thinking in Light years ahead of us. 2060. Yeah. If he persists in demanding daddy, you should ranch it, ramp it up a notch. Quote, Oh, you like granny's cookies, don't you? You're such a handsome young man. Someone wrote, my, how you've grown. Someone said, made him feel gross, but it's okay to make you feel gross. Keep ruining his mood. Get a gray wig and big glasses and play it up real good before the breakup. Go full granny on him and bust out the fake teeth. She's just gumming it. Play the Golden Girls theme on repeat next time. I love that song. I, I can't. And then some of them are like, Okay, but, and then some people are like, Compromise! Go full fucking grandma on it. That's the best thing I've ever heard. It says, please, please get some Werther's Originals and scatter them on the bed like rose petals. Like, literally. Literally. So perfect. Be careful with my hip, Sonny. Like people are just, this I'm going to, I actually, I'm going to post this thread. Because like, if you're playing granny, you don't got to do much. Granny can't do much. Granny, granny can't get on top. Granny has a new hip. Granny's got a leg. Granny is going to be horizontal and on her back at all times. Crainey's jaw locks. Her dentures be fucking her up. I died. And like, the story itself is so funny. And then the comment section just sent me over the edge. But here's the thing. Back to what you were saying earlier. It is all fun if two people agree to it. If it makes one person uncomfortable, then you stop doing it. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It has to be consensual. So you can call them, I don't care what you call them in bed, but as long as the other person consents to it. If that makes someone uncomfortable, guess what? It's over. Then they're probably not your person. Or help them understand why. That's important to you or what that does for you and maybe they can see it differently But at the end of the day if they say no, it's no. I think it's so hypocritical for him to be like well That makes me feel gross Well, no shit. That's what she's been telling you from the the jump that it makes her feel weird It's a good way for her to make her point. Yeah I saw a thing the other day of Paige DeSorbo and Hannah Burner Even though I hate Hannah Burner and they were talking about I like Hannah Burner I don't I think it's because I didn't watch summer house and I've only seen her You Stand up in her crowd work. I mean, I would die for Paige. Let me be very clear. Oh, I would. Paige is leap years ahead of most. She is that bitch. But anyways, she said, I forget what the question was. It was just like, what's something that you like hate that somebody does better or whatever and she's like There's nothing worse than when they say something and Or if you say something and they're like, what? And you have to like, repeat it. Yeah, it's like, Oh, moment only. It's in the moment only. Let's just like, do I, how long of a sentence is it? It's like someone who asked you to repeat the same joke and it just wasn't that funny from the jump. And you're just like, don't worry about it. Just let's just forget that ever happened. Please proceed. Yeah. Let's, let's just move on from this. Please. I mean, I can, I definitely have been like, what? Cause you're deaf. Yes. I can't hear. And I just actually want to know what you, especially if it's a request. And you're, you also don't move on until you've understood. Correct. You're not someone who's like, okay, whatever. You're like, no, tell me what you said. So I can just see, like, the pause in the I actually, this past weekend, was like mad at the, not the silence, but like the lack there of words. And I was like, so, I literally stopped everything I was doing, I was like, so you, you need to tell me what you would like. I don't know what's going on here, but it was also due to a lot of alcohol, so that's probably why. But I was like, so can we get Can I get it? Can I get a vowel? Can I buy a vowel, sir? Please assist me. Only you would be upset that sex was too quiet. Just like, no communication. I'm like, hello? I send a carrier pigeon. God, are you there? I send a carrier pigeon up there. I'm like, knock knock, what's going on? Meanwhile, he's probably just enjoying himself, but I'm like, hello! Yeah, I know. I need reassurance. See, this is exactly what I mean. You would need someone who is communicative in that scenario. I need reassurance. Constant. Affirmation. We all need a little affirmation. It's okay. Yeah. Anyway. Anywho. Okay. I, 23, have a best friend, 22, Jen, who I've been friends with since the third grade. Jen has always been a bit overweight, but in recent years she has put on a lot of weight. She's 5'4 and 300 pounds. When you're short, I mean 5'4 is an average female, right? 5'4, 5'5. How tall are you? I'm 5'3, 5'2. Oh, you're short, but I'm tall. Yeah. I don't know that feels short to me. 300 though. That's tough at that height. That's what I was just gonna say without any height. That's that's tough. Yeah. I never once throughout our friendship made a comment about her weight or treated her any differently, obviously. Yeah, of course. In the past year, I noticed Jen bringing up her weight more often in conversation. We went on a road trip once with a few of our friends, and she seemed to want people to insult her during the trip. During one of our longer drives, she ate the majority of our road trip food, but on no one cared. Only she brought it up. Jen said, I'm so fat, I ate so much. so much when our other friend, Mae, spent so much time preparing it. Mae just said, no worries, the food was made to be eaten. I added, yeah, we're only an hour away now, it's no big deal. She brought it up a few more times during the drive, and we all just brushed it off and told her it wasn't a big deal and not to worry about it. Little instances like this started happening more often and I honestly felt like I needed to walk on eggshells whenever we hung out. It was almost like she wanted me to slip up and say something fatphobic. At this point, 90 percent of our conversation had been. people bullying her because of her weight. Recently, Jen told me her doctor prescribed her Ozempic for weight loss. She told me she was worried about what others would think and I told her that she doesn't have to tell anyone if she doesn't want to. A week later, Jen tells me she told a few of her friends about Ozempic and that one of them was being judgmental because they asked if the injections were working, which like is a fair question. Jen was crying and she told me When she told me and I tried to be sympathetic But she literally blabs about all of her personal issues to everyone and this wouldn't have happened if she just kept her medical issues private Jen tells everyone about the antidepressants she's using, how she struggles with her eating, depression, anxiety, etc I used to think that she only told me but she has literally been venting to everyone During one of our conversations Jen was bad mouthing one of our friends Emma because Emma said according to Jen Emphasis on according to Jen, I feel like it's hard for me to gain weight. I kind of snapped at her. Jen said that Emma was being fat phobic. I'm also close to Emma and I know she struggles with metabolic disorder. I told Jen that everyone has their own issues and the world doesn't revolve around her and her weight. I then brought up the instance of our road trip and told Jen that she was almost instigating a problem when there wasn't one, right? I told her to stop acting like a victim when she has several close friends who love her regardless. And then I was tired of walking on eggshells around her. Jen started crying and told me that I was just as superficially judgmental as people who bullied her for her weight and that she never wants to speak to me again. Am I the asshole? Of course not. No. Not in the slightest. Okay. There's a lot to unpack here. There's nothing worse than a person that does that. I think that. We are both people, you way more than me, but I still do it too, who are self deprecating. Oh my god, it's all I am. I think that, A lot of people are bringing it up because they're so self conscious about it and they want to make the joke before the other people can. So before anyone else can point it out, her just constantly being like, Oh, I ate all the snacks, I ate all the snacks. It does get to a point though, where it's, you're so obsessed with it, where you're non stop talking to anybody who will listen. It is very clearly tearing you apart. inside. One of your friends has to do that eventually. A good friend says, listen, you have been bringing this up non stop. You need to do something about it. Go to therapy, therapy, talk about it. Like you can't just sit there and make everyone feel uncomfortable. 90 percent of what she talks about is her weight. That's insane. You again, you shouldn't talk about anything that much. Not any one thing that much ever. It's so hard to because weight is so tricky. And it makes you feel like shit when you're not where you want to be. But you don't get to make everyone else uncomfortable because you're uncomfortable. Yeah. I hear you. I agree. I get the self deprecation. I get bringing it up to your closest friends. But she's right. People don't need to know. If you don't want to tell anyone, don't tell them. Once I heard that, like, she was doing it to everybody, I was She's a good friend. She should have been like, Bitch, shut the fuck up. Yeah, not everyone needs to know. It's fine if you do it to me, but, like, enough is enough. I would say not instigating for people to make fun of her. Like, I wouldn't, my thought process on it wouldn't be like, I'm saying this because I know that you're gonna, like, my friends would never say that to me. Or like point it out before anyone else does. Yeah, it's more or less like, I feel like my mentality on it is like, I Say it because I want, not because I want other people, but like I want other people to know that I know. Yeah. You know what I, I mean, you're self aware, like I'm fucking aware. Just so you know it. Yeah, I know. Even though I probably want, you probably didn't have this thought, but in case you did, just know that I know. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Yes. That makes, that makes totally. It's not like, I want you to insult me. It makes me feel better. Like that's fucking weird. No, weird. That makes way more sense. Not that her friends would make fun of her, just that she's pointing it out before anyone else does. Yeah. Yeah, that's really tricky, but you, you just can't do that to other people. And other random people don't need to know that you're taking Ozempic. If that's something you want to share and you feel really confident in that decision and you know it's what's best for your health, then great. But if you are afraid of people judging you and then you tell people and then they judge you, it's like then stop telling people. And also who are you to make fun of somebody else with their own struggle because they're skinny? Like, shut up. Also, skinny people have issues too, believe it or not. And someone who has a really hard time gaining weight. Or maintaining a certain weight because their metabolism works too hard the other way. That's also a really shitty position to be in. Because you're jealous of them. It's just not necessary. We're all, life is hard enough. We don't need to be shitting on each other's bodies or whose problems or what. Just deal with your shit. And just shit it, mind your business. Take care of Zempic and stay silent, stay vigilant. Okay, this is a lighter one. This is another family one. Does anyone cut deeper than your own family? No. The answer is no. She's shaking her head. My family does a gift exchange drawing each other for Christmas. We all reach into a bowl and pull out a name on a slip of paper. That is the person for whom you are to buy a gift for the big Christmas get together. I honestly hate this ritual as it is a bundle of stress to find something for someone you barely know, but we do it because the family always has. In 2019, I drew the 60 year old husband of my great aunt. I knew he and my great aunt were very well off. And really neither wanted nor needed anything. I knew also that the budget we had for gifts of 50 max was not going to get him anything within his or her taste level. Since he did a lot of driving for his work, I found him a rather expensive set of tools to keep in his car trunk should he need them. He opened them up during a party, seemed appreciative, and thanked me. Right? Okay. This past Christmas, I saw my gift was from my great aunt. When I opened it, I immediately recognized the tool set I'd given him three years before. Even the tape I'd put on the part of a torn label was there. I paused, broke into a big smile, And excitedly exclaimed that this was incredible, as when I bought her husband a set three years ago, I'd wanted to get a set for myself as well, but the store had told me that the set was discontinued and no longer available. I gushed that she had gone through all of the trouble to find one just like it that I gave to him three years ago. Yes, I mentioned giving him a set three years ago many, many times. I then made a big show of running over to her, hugging her and saying thank you. She and he just had odd smiles frozen on their faces. See, my great aunt has a reputation, whispered behind her back, of being incredibly cheap in regifting most of what she receives. All the relatives had just witnessed me making a big production out of one of these instances. My mom later took me aside and chastised me for what I did as my great aunt was visibly embarrassed and had left very soon after the gift exchange. I looked at her and innocently asked, why is it wrong for thanking her for a gift I really wanted? Am I the asshole? No. No, I think that's fucking hilarious. I think that it's obvious, she made it very obvious. I think regifted. Too much, but it's funny. But like, just reel it in a little bit. But I think that sometimes the best jokes are the ones you just know behind someone's back. That's fair. And maybe she made the joke for the rest of the family but not in front of her. That could have been cool. That's what I mean. It's like, the whispers behind the backs, just be, like, do an eye roll and a shrug and be like, another one bites the dust, right? I don't think it needs a show and tell version of you saying, the gift that I brought three years ago, that's the same thing, over and over and over again. Yeah, Yeah, she's not gonna change. That's another thing about family at a certain age. They just don't give a shit. That's fair. Yeah, that's tough. So just give it an eye roll, give it a shrug, and move it along. Keep it moving, boy. But I don't, honestly, in the heat of the moment, is she the asshole? No. I don't think so either. It depends on the family, actually. It definitely depends on the family. Ours, no. It depends on the dynamic. Yeah. You don't think we could do that? No, I'm saying, like, I, like, that would be That would be funny for everybody. Oh, for us. Yes. Like, we wouldn't be the asshole for that. That would be fucking hilarious. No, we would all die laughing. Other people would be like, eh. If you have a stiff family, that would be tricky. That would be icky. Okay. A few of my friends came over to our house for a get together lunch. A few of them have kids and brought them. she's 26. Okay. One of my friends, Nora, who's 28, has a 4 year old son named Jack that is notorious for being naughty. Jack doesn't get along with the other kids and is a constant source of crying and screaming. Oh no. Nora brought Jack over. He said he wanted to take a nap, so I showed Nora the guest room and told her to make herself comfortable. Nora came back downstairs after a while and we hung out. Now, 40 minutes later, Jack came back down and he was smiling like crazy. Oh boy. He had my wife sit We'll call her Kate. She's 29's wedding ring. Kate's a doctor and she doesn't take her ring to work. She leaves it on her nightstand and Jack had clearly gone in our bedroom. I told Nora I'd like, I told Nora I'd like him to give the ring back. Nora said he'd just get bored with it now and that I needed to relax. Like, uh. A few minutes later I asked Jack, please give the ring back. This triggered something because he ran to the window and threw the ring out in our spacious backyard. I got really, really mad. My wife adores her ring and I had it custom made with many little touches. It was extra special because it resembled a ring in her Nana's family that she couldn't have because she could, because she chose to marry a woman. Which is so sad. Yeah. so, after all that, all, all of that, I told Nora her god, her goddamn son had no manners and she needed to do something about him. Maybe take him to a doctor because this is not healthy kid behavior. She got very upset and left. Other guests started leaving too. Kate and I spent the entire evening looking for it, but, looking for it, but we couldn't find it. I'm a crying mess. Kate says, Kate keeps saying it's nothing, but I know how much she loves that ring. Despite all of this, every mom in our friend group is calling me an asshole for taking it too hard on Jack and Nora. Was I the asshole? Ugh. So, Nora's the asshole. Yeah, the mom. The mom is the asshole. People, and I was having this conversation with, Brianna's mom, actually, the other day. I can't stand when a mother is blind to everything the child does at any age. Like, in high school, it all, like, happened. Like, I knew the, I, if I went to high school with a girl that, like, I knew was, like, a twat and she was rude or a bitch and a whore, like, all of these things. But the mom, like, sees it as, like, some bright, shiny angel. Yeah. It's like, it's like, no. Like, your, your child's the problem. Well, she's just doing Jack a disservice. Jack is just gonna grow up and be an asshole. Correct. So, it's like that. So, I would just be like, Mm, Nora, you know? you I don't blame him for losing it a little bit. I mean, he probably didn't need to say those things, or she didn't need to say those things about the son. You could just be like, that's, can we really get that back? I mean, there's other ways you could go about it. You didn't need to say those words. Right. Right. But it was definitely called for. I think that's the biggest takeaway from here, is you are allowed to be upset. You are allowed to have a moment, but what you say is important. The moment Jack had that wedding ring, that mother should've walked right over and taken it out of his hands, and he could have a meltdown. Yeah, and then they're like, what the fuck is wrong with you? And the fact that it got to the point where he was even able to run over and throw it out a window. It's just super disappointing, especially because they clocked it the moment he came downstairs. Yeah. It should have been taken immediately. And for her to just be like, it's okay, it's nothing, that makes me so sad. That's not a toy. That's a, that's a family heirloom. That's means something to somebody. Yeah. That was my son. He would not live to see the light of day. I would feel so bad. Yeah, no, I wouldn't sleep. I would be crying. I would absolutely not sleep. I would be crying. Yeah, I would be calling her, profusely apologizing, and buying a metal detector to go over there and look for it. I would be calling scared straight. I would call getting Jack's ass whipped into shape. I would call in the National Guard to look for that ring. Yeah. I would be so upset. That's the other thing, the aftermath, because I think it's not only how you deal with situations in the moment, but what do you do after. And it's okay to panic and just be like, that wasn't appropriate and leave the party. But to be like, it's not that big of a deal after the fact, you're an asshole for saying that to me without seeing the full picture is so shitty. Agreed. I actually saw, I'm not going to read it, but I saw another Reddit story where this woman is like the main caretaker for her kid because her husband travels a lot for work. And it's agreed upon, like that's how it works. He is, she's like, he's a great husband. We work out swimmingly, but I never get alone time for my kid, like I'm with him 24 7. And she goes on a girl's trip, and one of the friends brings their child and just dumps the child on her. And she's like, I have not had a moment of peace in two and a half years, and now I'm on full babysitting duty? Am I the asshole? And I'm like, no! Because at one point, she snaps and she's like, stop being lazy and take care of your own kid. Yeah, you brought him. And of course, like, the kids, kids are kids, they want to swim, they want to play, they don't want to just sit on a bench and hang, and they don't want to sit on a lounge chair at the beach and lay in the sun. They want to be up and doing something, and the friend would just sit there, and just be like, oh no, you have way more patience with kids than I do, you take them, or you take her. It's like, no! Your own kid is your own fucking responsibility. That is not anyone else's but yours. Agreed. If you need a break and you need help, there's ways of asking without just laying your kids on someone else. Fuck them kids. That's all I'll say. Okay, this person is 20, boyfriend is 26. Okay? Okay, this sounds dumb But hear me out is the first line. Okay. I've always been a picky eater, especially when it comes to tomatoes Ever since I was a kid, my dad would make spaghetti different from the rest of the house. I like having an essence of the sauce flavor on the noodles, but not the overpowering flavor having noodles bathed in sauce. Agreed. So here's when it gets a bit odd. My dad would separate my spaghetti from the family's after putting the sauce on, and then would rinse the sauce off. with the sink in the strainer. I love noodles like this as it's a nice, subtle tomato vibe given to the mild spaghetti. So now her and her boyfriend, she's 20 and the boyfriend's 26, has known about this, the boyfriend, since they first started dating. He always told me my food habits were cute. We've been dating for almost three years now, moved in together at the beginning of the pandemic so we could be in lockdown together. Ever since we moved in together, he insists on taking charge of cooking and all cooking related tasks. Dishes, grocery shopping, etc. He assigned me the role of cleaning the bulk of the apartment. We split other tasks pretty much 50 50 too. Okay, whatever works for you, you know, if that works. Everything was perfect. And he always seemed. to be making the noodles the way that I liked them when we had them. This was until last week when we last had spaghetti. We ate everything, and it was good. But afterwards, he started teasing me, saying things like, You really like your pasta with an essence of tomato. And, how is your tomato essence, babe? Always using finger quotes around the word essence. After a few comments, I felt something was off and asked him if he had done anything differently with tonight's noodles that he always usually does, and he started laughing. When he finally stopped laughing, he told me the whole truth while smirking. He said, I didn't do anything different than I usually do. I have never been making it the way you have requested. Apparently the entire time we've been living together, he's just been skipping the pasta sauce on my noodles entirely. He claimed that if I didn't notice for this long, then it shouldn't matter that he's making dinner in a way that was easier for him. I disagree entirely. I think the lying was a huge breach of trust, and so was the refusal to make dinner how I wanted. I have admittedly been acting passive aggressive towards him since, but he thinks he did nothing wrong, that I'm overreacting, and that I need to let it go. Am I the asshole? Yes, first the fuck of all, if you want an essence of tomato, dream it the fuck up, put some butter, put some butter on your goddamn pasta and shut the fuck up. You are 20 years old and you are expecting this man to make tomato sauce. Put your spaghetti into it and then take it over to the sink and rinse it off. That's disgusting. Use a smaller amount then. Okay, so she had me going for a while because I was kind of like that when I was younger and then when I got to the rinse, I was done. I was done. Rinsing it in the sink with sick water on pasta. No, I know I agree. I would never also expect anyone to abide to my ridiculous habits. You know? Like, I definitely made my mom pick the string beans out of the lo mein when I was younger. It's been like an hour doing it before I touched the lo mein, but now I just eat the string beans because it's like, What the fuck was wrong with me? And I would never make someone do that for me. Like, that type of thing. I am definitely, and have always been, a picky eater. Shut up and eat it. Agreed. Or make it yourself. If you are that ride or die about it, make it your goddamn self. I can't. So, there are a few updates. Okay. Edit. My boyfriend found the post and is not happy. I'm debating pouring the sauce directly down the drain to spite him. Is the first one. Second one. So a lot has happened since this morning. Y'all may be happy to hear we broke up. We had a huge blowout fight since he found the post which led to me breaking up with him. Did not like being called a predator and I started to think y'all had a point about that. So I ended up breaking up with him. He attempted to plead with me a bit. My parents pay our rent so we can't afford the place without me. But I wouldn't budge. now some things I found out in the argument. First, he is not a pharmacist. Like he always told me, he just works at CVS. Second, he was actually cheated on me multiple times with other girls that go to my college. And lastly, and worst of all, he has never actually been allergic to dogs. He just doesn't like them. I bet those girls like tomato sauce. I bet they do. First of all, the fact he's 26 and she's 20 and the fact that Reddit was just like you're dating a predator, break up with him and then she actually did is fucking crazy. Second of all, you can be a pharmacist and also work at CVS. Like, both of those things. Can be true, but it sounds like in this case that was not the truth. I think I respect her, her follow ups. It is just like the cheating and the being allergic to dogs. It's all too much. Everyone sucks here. ESH, everyone sucks here. ESH, ESH. In this economy? ESH. Oh god. Anyway, that's the last one I have. What do you got? I have one left. Okay. I 30 and married to my husband, who is 31. As much as I love him, he is extremely forgetful as most people are. Uh, the most of that forgetfulness being with little stuff like forgetting his water bottle at home or forgetting to close. Cabinets. Drawers. Oh, this shit gets to me. Indeed. That's what it says, when I don't really think it's carelessness. Oh, and I don't really think it's carelessness, but he genuinely just looks around and doesn't remember to do it. A couple days ago, he started writing notes on the doors to make sure he closes them, but he I'm sorry. What the fuck, Colleen? Sorry. But he still forgets to close them cabinets or doors sometimes. Go live in a barn. Go live in a barn. No. Dree, who I know absolutely listens to this podcast, She, in college, would write notes being like, keys, wallet, like she was just one of those. That's not to close a cabinet behind you. That person's just dumb or it's 10 second Tom from 50 First Dates. Those are your two options. He's like 30 years old. No. No. And Fiona does say about me sometimes that I'm like, I leave a little trace of me everywhere I go. You, that's true. So like, I kind of get it, but I wouldn't remember to close doors. No, I would've never, as forgetful as you are, as bad as your ADHD is, I've never walked into my kitchen with the cabinets open because you grabbed a snack. That's fucking crazy. Yeah. It's just muscle memory, like, are you well? anyways, a couple of gays, a couple of gays, a couple of gays ago. A couple of days ago, he started writing notes on doors to make sure he closes them and still forgets to close some cabinets or drawers. And mark my words once our kid is two months old enough to start kindergarten, He is gonna forget to pick him up. I was gonna say if you have children that cute little Oh, you forget to clean my is over real fucking quick when there's a child involved Yeah, well on Friday when he left for work He left at least two drawers open the microwave door open and forgot his drink as well as his food Food. I was actually surprised by the food thing since he never forgets that. I did drive to his job to give him his drink, insert metal image of six month pregnant woman trying to fit into a Q7. When I got there, he retrieved his stuff and I made him give me 50 bucks for my time and for my gas. Shit is not cheap. Charge him, bitch. Charge him. Overtime. When he got home, he asked me if the whole pay thing was gonna be a regular thing and I told him he could always just remember his stuff. He just walked laughed and walked away, but I don't think he's actually taking me seriously and I'm asking here to see if it would be wrong if I did. Am I the asshole? No, you're iconic. I honestly love it because if that is what actually will start making him remember is that every time he will get charged like it's like a shit it's gonna be like swipe swipe the card every time I forget something I don't know at that point I think I'd lose my patience too if there wasn't a child involved and they weren't younger if you're not 22 if you're a whole ass grown man with kids I'd be doing that shit too. You gotta pay the consequences. Yeah. For gotta be some sort of consequence for you being a fucking idiot. That'll, that'll happen, boy. Wow. What a group of reddit posts. Are we the assholes? No, we're perfect. Okay, good. I'm glad we agree. Colleen said to me earlier. In all caps, can I walk on your walking pad while you make dinner tonight? I need to move my body. I said, of course. She says, I am passing, but fighting. And I said, still from Sunday because a two day hangover is just awful. Uh, woof. She says, For my weekend as a whole hitting and I'm thinking it's an aging thing like your hangovers get way worse as you age and I go aging is the worst. She says I am young and spry imperfect. And I said, have you ever been any of those things before? Spry in this economy? And she goes, I don't even know what spry means. And I go to look up the exact, I knew it was like active in, you know, it says, Especially for an old person, active and lively. In a sentence, he continued to look spry and active well into his 80s. So I will be referring to Colleen as spry from here on out because it was more perfect than I ever could have imagined. I went to say something today. erin is deaf because of the plane ride and in college. I don't know if I've ever told you this before Her ears popped now. She's having trouble. Yeah But I don't know if I told you about the time in college that oddly enough I was sick With a like a wicked bad head cold and I went to tampa And when I came back, my ears never unpopped, but to the point where I couldn't hear in class them call my name. So like if I wasn't in class with like my friend for them to tap, like I couldn't hear them. Like I could not hear anything. For how long? Like the entirety of the spring semester. So I was Absent from class so many fucking times. You should go see a doctor. You try seeing a doctor in Plymouth, New Hampshire. You should see what that shit's like. That's not normal, Colleen. It's supposed to be for a couple of days max. No, I was fucked. But I eventually went back to normal and now I'm here. Maybe it never went back to normal. I don't know. So, it's happening to Erin right now and she texted and she goes, I literally need eardrops. Is this what it's like to be 90? I can't hear anything. Or is this what it's like to be you, Colleen? And I was like, that really? That makes sense. Correct. That is what it's like to me. Yeah. She's deaf, but she's spry. Okay. You ready for some positive stories? Yeah. This is from People, it's an article written by Nicholas Rice. Woman celebrates her 103rd birthday in care home with rave theme party. It was full of joy. No, this woman is. Verisac, she is so cool. The entire care home threw her this big 103rd birthday party in Grimsby, Lincolnshire, in the UK. And for the event, workers at the care home transformed one of their day rooms into a club, complete with neon balloons, flashing lights, and glow sticks. What I wouldn't give to be there. Her sons showed up, they shut off all the lights, and they threw this woman a rave. It is so fucking cute. I'll post the article and the picture of it. She is so cute. She is a queen. Vera, to your 104th girl. I feel like I can smell that room, you know. For sure, for sure, for sure. I don't want to, but I can't. Okay, this is an Instagram post from the Today Show. Tony Wells and Beth Thomas, who have been best friends since 1985, couldn't believe their luck when they became pregnant at the same time in 1994. Beth Gave birth first to a son named Luke. Four months later, Tony welcomed a daughter, Ashley. We talked about them getting married from day one. Beth tells Today. com, as fate would have it, Beth and Tony's wish came true four years ago when their children tied the knot. And it gets even better. Ashley and Luke are expecting their first child this summer. That's right, Tony and Beth, whose friendship spans nearly four decades, are going to be co grandmas. Oh, that's cute. Look at, so this is the moms before they're about to give birth. This is the babies, and this is them getting married. That's cute. And now they're preggo. Wholesome. So wholesome! Oh yeah, I didn't even think of it like that, like they have the same grandchild. Yeah. That's crazy. They're going to be co grandmas. Imagine how much fun those vacations are when you're like, Hey, your side of the family is going to come and your side of the family is going to come and they're already best friends. That is crazy. What a treat. What's that like? Don't know. Couldn't possibly know. Hashtag best friends. Hashtag new grandma. Slay. That's what it says. Slay. Alright everyone, that's our episode for the week. I hope you have a wonderful week. I hope you apparently clean out your refrigerator, because if you don't, then you get old OJ and tequila. So it turns out I need to restock. And yeah, I'll resupply. It's separating in my cup currently. Oh god, it's so gross. It's chunky. Oh my god, we're gonna do a whole breakdown of that fridge right after this. Goodnight. Goodnight. Love you, mean it. Love you, mean it. Bye. Bye. Yeah.


This podcast was produced by me. Bridget, Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt You can find his band super Stoker anywhere you listen to music.

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