Sippin' with the Shannons

I Be Shrubbin'

Bridget Shannon and Colleen Shannon Episode 83

On this week's episode,  Colleen cried and took her shoes off at two concerts in the same night and Bridget's back from a bachelorette in Nashville. After some pop culture updates we get into the topic of the week... THE DISAPPEARANCE OF KARLI GUSÉ. Colleen gives us a breakdown of the night she went missing and theories on what could've happened to her. Don't worry everyone, we're on the case!!! #SoupSnakes #TheDevilsLettuce


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Pour me a glass of rosé, I'll make it a Chardonnay, Come on, you're sippin with the Shenands. Oh, if it's Riesling, Rimbaud, or a Pinot Grigio, You know you're sippin with the Shenands. We're here today in the sunlight. Let the sunshine in. I've never heard that song in my life. Come on! Let the sunshine? Let the sunshine in? Let the sunshine in. No. Let's listen. Good effort on your part, though. And let there be light! Oh, and now we're at church. Why does it always come back to church? I don't know! It's not normal behavior. How you doing? I'm good, how are you? I'm good. Okay, nice. I don't think we've said that in like a decade. I know, it's usually like, alive. Still breathing, somehow. I feel like I hate, hate, hate, when people, you ask someone how they are and they're genuinely like, I could be better, and then you're just like, Oh, now I feel awkward. But like, we have never said that we're good. You know what I mean? Like, we do that. Yeah. We're honest. That's why. Yeah. But if I ask a stranger like, Oh, how are you today? And they like, not so great. It's like, Oh, nevermind. Well, it's meant to be a nice thing. There are some people you actually tell how things are going and there are some people you just understand that they're being polite and you go, I'm good. How are you? Mm. But at the same time, like, that is overrated. That sucks. Like, what's the point of saying that then? Yeah, maybe we just need a new term for it. It's giving wasteful. It's giving wasteful. It's giving wasteful. You know what I mean? It's wasting my energy, wasting my time, wasting my voice. Yeah, I do I do know of some people, though, who have been asked that and they're like, Not good, man. You know, at work, my boss is really busting my balls. Like, no, I think Using that as an opening. Yes, correct. I think I'm using this in a context that is work, and whenever I ask somebody in my building how they are, it never comes out great. It's polite and it's meant to be cash, not a trauma dump session. No, we don't need that. It's just like, we're approachable. It's hard. I have always said when I come back, I will have resting bitch face. The amount of times I have been places and people are like, can you take my picture? Do you mind taking our family picture? I just have that face that reads approachable. And I don't mind. I actually love taking people's pictures. I love when they look at and they go, Oh my God, I love this. And like the potential that it's on their Christmas card one day or hung on their fridge or way too nice. Put it in a frame. It's really nice to be a part of that in some weird way. But sometimes I'm like, I'm the person you always cut in line. To walk through when you're trying to like get through a line. I'm always a person you cut I'm like, I just wish I was a bitch. Not that I can't be a bitch I definitely can be a bitch, but I wish I was written on my face a bit more Yeah, so people would at least have fear and like hesitation. Yeah, and they're like, oh don't don't fuck with her I feel that seek alternate routes shall be and unassuming, you know, yeah, it's like Oh slightly smiling constantly Chubby Irish girl, she wouldn't, she would never, she would never, she's not going to fight back. She has Catholic guilt all the time about nothing. Good Lord. Hi everyone. Hey, welcome to this week's episode of Sipping with the Shannons. We're cousins and each week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, we have a good giggle. I am Bridget Shannon. And I'm Bridget. And I'm Colleen Shannon. What was your weekend like? Tell me all about it. I'm actually more excited to hear about yours, to be honest, but I will, I'll get my, my little recap. I'll go to my notes. Cool. Uh, Friday I hung out with the college girlies. They came over. We had a little giggle, nothing to cry, cry, very hang, very shroomy, very giggle, very shroomy. Yes. Did you do mushrooms? Yeah, but I had before. That's not new. That's not new. You did mushrooms the other night? Yes, but like just a little nibble. So let me give you Like a chocolate? Yeah. Yeah. Let me give you some context. Okay. So like, it's, it's a new thing. Well, when we're bored and like, we're not leaving the house or like, we just want a little giggle. Like I don't, I don't smoke the devil's lettuce or any, any, no, she just does shrooms or does anything. Extensions of that, like no edibles or whatever. Allegedly does shrooms. Yeah, allegedly. So like, we'll nibble on like a little like fruity pebble chocolate bar. Like that's fine. And then we get giggly and we get silly and it's not like weird. Like it's just the perfect amount. It's a good vibe. Yeah. But the other night, Olivia was like, Oh yeah, I have some. And we're like, Oh, cool. Thanks. Thanks for bringing that. So great of you. Cool. Uh, pass it around. I was not silly giggly. And after she's like, Oh, I bought them at the dispensary. And I'm like, Olivia, that's not, Oh, it's weed. Yes. But she was like, I got them in New York. They sell them in New York. I'm like, I don't think anywhere in this country sells rooms. So what did you feel? I just like, was like, my eyes were falling out. Oh, was it a bad thing or was it a good thing? It wasn't like anxious, but it was like, ugh, I just want to giggle and I don't have any energy. I was like, in the couch. Mmm. So like, it was fine, but it was like, now me and Fiona was like, I swear to God, like, I'm Like hot right now, you know, like I'm not yeah, I do know that there are two types and there's one I think it's indica is in the couch Oh in the sativa is like a little bit more high energy based off of my friend who is highly knowledgeable in these Areas, but I think there's two different types and it sounds like you took the mellow type Yeah, so no idea. But the next day we were like, Olivia, you drugged us. Like, I'm not sure what you gave us. Like, I, and the next day I was like in a haze. I'm like, I hate, just so annoying. Like, you know, I just wanted to be silly and giggly and I couldn't, but it was fine. The next day I went to work. Not your drug of choice, as it turns out. Oh my God. And this is why we don't do drugs. What would Smokey the Bear say, honestly? Hold on. I just, like, had a, like, an ooh moment thinking about him, given last week's episode. You just got a body chill? You got a PQ? A pussy quiver? Oversmoking the bear? Someone touched my elbow this weekend and I said, literally, never do that to me again. I just got a PQ. An elbow touch? Yeah, it was a weird touch. It was one of my friends, too. It was, like, a girl. Like, I was like, don't do that again. That made me feel weird. That made me feel some things. Yeah, it was just, like, an unexpected feeling, an unexpected touch. I've been overhearing so I know my mother is definitely horrified or actually not even my mother because she doesn't listen. But whatever family members probably call and tell her horrified, who cares? I don't clearly, clearly cause you keep doing it. On Saturday. I went to, oh, Dan and Chey at the Garden. Mm hmm. Fabulous. Because you love a country concert. I do. They're really not even like that country ish, though. I just I would put them in the country category, though. No, I would too, but they're not like, Kenny Chesney, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're just like, they're just a good vibe. They always have, they have such good vibes. Good, like not romantic songs. They do have good romantic songs. So like I wept the whole time. Oh my god, go. No, like I couldn't even look at Fiona. And like, cause she would be crying and then I'd be crying and I'm like, I, we're so lonely. It is cause every song is about like, finding the love of your life. The nicest things. Like I can't even fathom a man thinking those things, let alone singing them. saying them, letting alone putting them in a song, like, and they write their own music. So it's not like, you know what I mean? It's a play in front of thousands and thousands of people. And they have fucking wives and the wives are just probably sitting in the audience like, Hmm, I can't, can't compute. I was so upset. I'm so upset. I'm so upset. But they are so fucking good. Yeah, they're great. They have great voices. But I went from that to ending up at a table at big night live for Waka Flocka. Sorry. They're great. in classic Colleen form that just escalated in a way I never saw coming to be quite honest with you. I wanted to do something so disgusting before I even get into Waka Flocka. I got a drink. It's disgusting. I texted you guys. But I have to share it with the people. Disgusting. Disgusting behavior. I went to go get a drink at the garden and I asked for tequila soda and she said, do you want to make it a double? And I'm like, yeah, I don't want to fucking come back here and make it a double. I don't care. She makes it a double. I get the same thing for Fiona. So that's two doubles. And then it asks you how much you want to tip. 20 percent obviously because I tip 20%. Of, like, normal drink, like, you know what I mean? Right. 105 in total. Obviously I wouldn't have tipped 20 percent had I known it would have been 20 percent of 80 probably, but Right. A hundred and five fucking dollars for two drinks. For two doubles. That's, that is highway fucking robbery. Only the garden, man. I mean, probably Foxborough, like, prices around either, like, and I also just like Oh my god. That is, no wonder why you keep smuggling tequila into everything. That's ridiculous. I literally was like, as I'm pressing, like, signing my name. Oh my god. I was fucked. Fucking horrible. But whatever. It was, it was still a good drink. It was fine. It was worth it. And the woman, so nice. Julie, love you. She was a sweet angel. Just wish it was 105 fucking dollars. That was the only drink we got. Shout out to Julie. So we were not tipsy wipsy, but we did pop our pussies to Dan and Che. So good. And then we went and got. Okay. Wept. Wept. Popped pussy. Uh, wept. We were in a box, but we're the only ones in the box, which I love specifically because I don't have to wear shoes and I can pee anytime, anywhere I want. So you have to wear shoes. In the box? Yeah. No, there's no one else in the box but us. Yeah. It's still fucking gross though. But it's Like, you're still in public. But I can, you know. Yeah, but you're still in public. No one can see you in the box. It's not about being seen. It's just about etiquette as, like a human. Right. With your bare feet. No, it sucks, hon. It's slightly better, but it's not great. Mmm, you're right. There was. There was a cup. Doesn't care. I'm like, no, you're right. But, like, also, like, privacy. In a box! In an open box! Like, if I was just me, I would be, like, to the bathroom. This is, uh, We're alone. It's great. I would love that. I do love a solo box. That's how, that aspect sounds great. If you take your shoes off, I'm throwing you off the side. I just I'm banishing you from the box. That's gross. That's a weird hill to die on. We're not, we're not in a living room. We're at a, we're at a stadium. We're at an arena. It's just Fiona. No. A weird hills also like the, the ground of the garden, the rug inside the box. Even better, the rug The rug is, is even grosser. They clean. Mm. Shout out to the garden cleaners. You have no idea what the fuck happens in those boxes. Clearly. Anyway. Clearly I do. Anyways, there was a couple, I could have died. I looked to my right, and like, uh, probably, you know, you guys can't see me, but I'm like pointing to the right. I'd say like, not, uh, They weren't right next to me, but they were like across the way a clock. Yeah. Like, uh, if I'm at six o'clock, they were at my two o'clock. So I could see them and they didn't have the box themselves, but there was like two other people sitting in the seats, but you could see into the box and they were, no one was watching. They knew no one was watching them. So like just to see someone in such like a vulnerable, they were so cute. I could have killed myself. I was, I go, Fiona, please. And they were just so cute. I would like. Oh. I've never seen people act like that unwarranted and like not being truly unlooked at. You know what I mean? Not for a camera. What's the word I'm trying to use? Genuine? Cut off part? I guess. I was like, this? Is it real? Which I want to ask, do you believe in soulmates? I believe in soulmates, but I think you can have multiple. Okay. And I don't believe all soulmates are significant others. I think friends can be soulmates as well. Like platonic? Yeah. Or whatever the word is? Yep. Okay, cool. Just wondering. Like, I think Fiona and Erin to you. Okay. I agree. You know, like, Shannon Newell is my soulmate for sure. Like, I'll meet people that I travel with I have a friend Sajra I haven't known for that long. It's like I've known her my whole life. Do you know what I mean? You just like meet people and it just clicks. Yeah. Yeah. My friends from home. I don't know. I think you can have more than one soulmate. It doesn't always have to be romantic. Yeah. I agree with the not romantic part. But I'd also think that if you were. Like, for example, all the couples I know, like, I wouldn't be like, yeah, that's that person's soulmate. Like, no, like it was, you were in the same place at like the same time in high school. You know what I mean? Like, no, your soulmate could be in Egypt right now. there's So many people on this planet to think that your soulmate is right around the corner from your house. It's kind of crazy. I just think it's unrealistic to be like, this is my husband, my soulmate, and it's like, no, like, you literally were just like, put next to each other in middle school. I think you can fall in love with someone that close of a proximity to you, though. Yes, but I think that's a hefty word to be like, this, this is the one on the earth. It's like, okay, just not, no, because if there is one, how would you know you haven't left the state? You've been dating the same guy since middle school. So shut the fuck up. That's how, I don't know why I was thinking about this today. Yeah, that's fair. I think that's fair. But if some people feel that way, Love that journey for you. I guess. I'm just kidding. I'm just bitter. Bitter Betty. Do you want to be my soulmate? Sure, we can be soulmates. Or as they say in the office, soup snakes. What's that mean? He writes it down, he can't read it, so he reads soup snakes instead of soulmates. That's cute. That's more us. And so they say, in like, in Friends, it's your lobster, you know? Yeah. That could be us. Are we soup snakes? Are we lobsters? Soup snakes better. Okay. We're soup snakes. We are soup snakes. Fabulous. Anything else from your weekend? No. I actually fought for my life on Sunday, but I went to work. I literally got up to go to work at 2. 30. Like I had no pulse. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that story. I haven't fought for my life in a while. Mm. Like I woke, I came out of, I came to, I came to, no, it was like I came out of a yes on the couch with my sleep mask coma. I had my cold cap and my sleep mask on, and I woke up at 1145 and Fiona was eating chicken parm on the next to me goals. And we were watching Jersey Shore and they had, uh, gone and gotten chicken parm, but she was so manic and she was like, all I could think about was chicken parm 11:30 AM or, or DoorDash. I totally get it. So I woke up to her being like, just picture that with the cold cap and the mask on already. And then Monday I did, it was my Monday. So I did a minor pussy pop. Oh wait, sorry. I didn't even touch up based on Waka Flocka really quickly. Yeah. You totally skipped Waka Flocka. I feel like he needs his own category. He does. So a few of his friends got a table at Waka Flocka at Big Night Live. I've never been there. And the people. The crowd was not, not it for me, I would say. There was a group of guys behind us at the table, right? And, mind you, I'm in my clothes from Dan and Shay. So I'm not in club attire. Like, I'm wearing jeans and like a cute shirt, but it's like a country shirt. Like, hello. You're outfit looked very cute. Thank you. But it was not for the club, for walk, for walkie flockie. It was not for that. Yeah. There was a group of guys behind me. It must have been like a bachelor or something. But there was like a couple, like, Guys, you know, know how to fish, you know, like grizzly looking. I thought that was like a play on words, literally get into the water and fish. Yeah. Like they look like fishermen, you know, like not fish for women. That's why it was like fish in a barrel. Maybe these she's talking about, like, no, like they know their trout, you know? And I was like, Oh my God, I love one of them. So I decided that I love one of them. And then I look and I realized this man, beard, you know. He's got a hat on and it was a little scruffy. Insert Jason Kelsey. Yeah, right has L O V E on his knuckles tattooed Okay Did that deter us? We were so close to being like what are the odds that this man is my because then in my head I can convince myself Oh, this is like Maybe he likes Dan and Shay. He wants he's a little softy and he wants to sing to you. At Walkie Flockie? Maybe you don't know. Okay. Well, something was giving not correct in my head. I'm like, oh my God, this could totally be like a mecu. Like, we dwell, don't belong here. A walk fuck, a walk a block. And then I, I literally said to Fiona, I like him. And then Fiona like literally bounced from one couch to the other and was like, kind of near him, scooched over there. And I was like, okay. True friend. Yeah. She was like behind, he was behind me. Another, another table. But don't worry, Mr. LOVE did not. We did not, we did not click. That was the Eck of the night. That was my Eck. Oh. Um, poor LOVE, man. I took off my shoes there as well. I won't lie to you. That's disgusting. I know. That's absolutely grotesque. No, it gets worse. How do you not have tuberculosis by now? Or like hep, one of the heps? Maybe just hepatitis period. So at one point I was like, oh The setup of Big Night Live, the, the tables are so fucking far from the bathroom, like you have to go across the entire establishment, it's literally like walking outside and going all the way to like your driveway, like it's far, and I'm like, ugh, I really don't want to do that right now, so I just like took off my shoes and like took off running and went, and I went to the bathroom without my shoes on, and, um, it was fine, I was in and out, but as I was leaving, there's a security officer by the bathroom, and I heard him say like aloud to somebody else like, She's not wearing shoes. And as he said it, I, I could hear it. And I took off like running a bat outta hell. And I was weaving in between people as if that could like disguise me bobbing and weaving. You are short. Yeah. So no, I was, I was legit ducking and like bobbing and weaving it through people booking it back to my table. I'm just picturing Colleen being like a whack-A-mole where like she dissipates. No. Yeah. No, yeah. I was supposed to buy myself, which is even fucking funnier. I just got back to the table like there was no issue. Oh, Colleen, what am I going to do with you? But Waka Flocka came on for 30 fucking minutes, if that, and did not follow the rules. The security was not happy with him. And, but he was good. He was, he was good. He was fine. It was a vibe, but it was like, what the fuck? What are you doing? What's happening here? How did we get here? Life comes at you fast. To weeping to Dan and Shay to Pussy Bobby to Waka Flocka is Not but three feet next door. Like and that was that. And then I went out on Marathon Monday. And went to the loco at Fenway, because I hadn't been to that one yet. It's fucking massive. How people run a goddamn marathon is It's crazy. I just It's absolutely crazy. Mind boggling to me. The people who run the Boston Marathon, too, specifically, just impress me so much because you train in the winter. Yeah. One of my friends, Brenna ran the marathon and as she was training, she was running outside 18 miles in February. Because you have to go through a certain track of you run this much and then you do a little less and a little more. There's like a proper way of doing it to prepare your body straight up in January, snow outside, just running. Yeah. Cool. You have to be like really mentally well. Yeah, you have, you have to have a stamina and a mental fortitude that we know nothing about. It couldn't be on a further scale. Could not have less of whatever they have. No, but more power to you. Yeah, I do love Marathon Monday. It is such a fun day in the city and everybody goes in We got a beautiful day this year too. Oh, it was really nice. That's always really fun versus when it's like pouring sideways. Yeah. That would suck for damn runners. Yeah, that's it. That's really all I have to say. That was a long winded one, but that's all I have. But you were doing fun things. Yeah, I was in Nashville. One of my best friends from home, Chelsea is getting married. They are eloping in Italy. They're going to Lake Como. They're going to do a party later down the road, but they were like, yeah, we're going to Italy. So. A bunch of us got together, my besties from high school, except for Hillary, who's like, about to pop out a child any day now, but the rest of us did a weekend in Nashville, and it was so much fun. It was so much fun. And I've been, this is my third time to Nashville, I've been before, I've never been on a bachelorette. I fucking loved it. There is something about Nashville. I don't want to keep shitting on Boston because I feel like I do this a lot. To just walk down Broadway and to be able to go to any bar and hear one of the best live cover bands you'll hear every single day all day long is a vibe. The energy is just different. The energy is different. The energy is different. I texted Colleen and I was like, you need to live here. It just screams Colleen. It's so upsetting that I live here. Uh, we stayed in the nicest Airbnb I've ever stayed in. It was four floors, every room basically had their own bathroom, there were 10 women, so it's nice to not have to fight over who gets to shower or whatever. The top floor had a sun deck and a hot tub, and it was very clearly built for bachelorette parties because it had the neon signs, You know what I mean, all the decor, there were fun plants, there were fun posters, there was a mini game room, it was very clearly built for bitches like us. It's a six minute drive to Broadway, brand spankin new, lovely. Chelsea's sister Chrissy had every detail down. to a science. She's very crafty. We all got bags. And the theme of the weekend was basically like backstage passes. So she made stage passes with our names on them to put on the bag. And we each got Chelsea loves music. So we each got a band t shirt. So we had like cute PJs, hairbrushes, eye mask, under eye mask, everything. She had everything, all the balloons, all the signs, raring to go. The food was amazing. We did a boozy brunch. There is a biscuit, a fried chicken biscuit that I won't dream of for the rest of my life. The food, the tacos, like everything is just better in Nashville, period. Period. We went out one night, bopping around. Four of us end up staying out till about 2. 30 in the morning. We can't get a cab anywhere. I somehow find an 8 Uber. When's the last time you took an 8 Uber in Boston? I could probably get in my Uber and be able to see my destination and still wouldn't be 8. Yep, that's correct. Yeah. 2. 30 in the morning, mind you. So four of us get into this Uber. We're all drunk. Jessie Gray is singing, We Went to the Moon. By Wren Stephens. Oh my god. Except she keeps going, we went to the moon in 1989, and I'm like. So we didn't. We didn't. We didn't do that. No, that's what Gwen Stephens said. Oh, okay. I'm like, you know what? You're so close. Let's give it to you. Meanwhile, the man who picked us up, Randy, lovely, lovely man. Okay, slay Randy. Paul is texting me from the back, Randy is a virgin. Like we're just all over the place. We can't stop giggling. Do you know what I mean? It was one of those really fun nights where everything was funny. Cause you're drunk and you're with your best friends of your whole life. Oh my God. I had, I actually took an Uber in Nashville once and he, this guy had a whole ass story and he was on Breaking Amish. Oh really? Yes. Oh yes. Oh, I tell you about this? Yes, you told it on the pod. Yeah. Oh, okay. Well, sorry guys for repeating myself. Yes. I do remember that. But like, what's going on with the Ubers in Nashville? What's happening? Also, my Uber home from Logan Airport. So I get in, the driver gets me and is like, what, I think I ordered comfort by accident because he asked me about temperature, which they never do in an UberX. No, they're just like, get in. No, they don't even stop, you have to roll in. So he gets out, puts my luggage in, I get in the back, he asked me about temperature or whatever, and then, I'm not kidding you, two minutes in, he goes, can I tell you this crazy story about my friend? And what's happening with him and he goes, he talks for 25 minutes straight about how his best friend's wife is cheating on him and the best friend just found out what should he say to him? Approachable. Approachable. So anyway, Nashville is amazing. I simply have no notes. our Boozy brunch, we had a waiter who was a dick in the best way, like one you want to be friends with, not mean or deterring our experience in any way, actually quite the opposite. Like if I said to him, can I have this instead of this? He'd be like, I mean, I guess, like if you really want it to be that way. And it reminded me of you so much. Like if you were just a bitch when you were a waitress, it was giving dicks last resort. Oh. My. God. Do you remember Dick's Last Resort? Of course I do. I have trauma. Where they would like, assault you. They were so mean. They would just verbally attack you. I was like 14 and they're like making jokes about like, my bra being padded. Like, leave me alone. So there was this restaurant in Boston called Dick's Last Resort, where They would make hats for you and write things on it, so one person would say I'm easier than a third grade math quiz. And one person would be like, my butthole is itchy, and the other one would be like, my finger smells next to them. So they just like, would do all of these, like, my boobs got me into college. Like, they would just verbally attack you all the time. This man was the light version of that, if they were violently high. He was so high in everything we told him. He was like, I mean, yeah, guys, whatever. Like, if you have to, it was so fucking funny. He was definitely leaning into it. But I'm like, if you had to deal with 15 people, bachelorettes every day, I have never seen more bachelorettes in my whole life. Not even when I went to Vegas have I seen so many bachelorettes. So like if you had to deal with that every day at one point, you're like fucking whatever. What do you want? Yeah, what do you fucking want from me? We also did a lingerie party, which is where you buy the bride lingerie. I, for the record, got her something very cute, black. It's a hot, lacy one piece and without pants on it's very sexy. With high waisted pants, some of you can go out in if you, if you feel the need. She's versatile! She's a verse, as the gays would say. Also, I got her a Chamber of Secrets thong. Love that. Because I had to get her something cute and something funny. I couldn't leave it there. When I went to Google lingerie for a bachelorette, let me tell you about some of the things that I found. I'm so scared. An all camo thong that says the hunt is over. Fuck America Great Again. A woman holding a pair of underwear that was literally the size of her arm span if she put them out that said not tonight. The, the largest pair of panties you've ever seen in your life. Not tonight. are people okay? I, I need you all to just go on Amazon and write, type in bachelorette lingerie and you will find yourself. But how about this? Our best friend, Jesse was like, so do we wear the lingerie? And we were like, no! Imagine if we didn't tell her. She like struts downstairs in her lingerie. We're like, we buy it for her. That's why the email had her sizes in it. She's our Phoebe Buffay. So she's a little on her own planet. Oh, I thought we were wearing the lingerie. I'm like, no! I mean, that's fair. That's fair. If you read the email, it's very clearly said for Chelsea and then had her sizes. So if you just read it, but I don't really feel comfortable wearing lunch. I'm like, what the fuck are you talking about? So we go out Friday, Saturday, we have like a girl's night. We go to a really nice steak dinner, giving Ruth Chris style. We did a rooftop bar. We got into our PJs. We played trivia like Chelsea trivia. It was really fun. Then we went into the hot tub. And then on Sunday, most of the girls left first thing cause they have children. Me and Paula don't leave until five. We had a Sunday fun day and I was like, I have to move here. I just can't even put into words how much fun it was in 65, 68 degree weather. At one point it hits 70 to walk around in a sundress bopping around Nashville. It was expensive. I will say some of the drinks were 20 bucks a pop. Oh yeah, it is. That hurt. But outside of Broadway, it's not really like that. No. won't say I'm paying for your sins, but I will say that I had a jean jacket and that it was on my luggage and by the time I got to the airport, the jean jacket was gone as if someone stole it. Oh, yeah. I think my bad karma has I think I get it. Your karma is rubbing off on me. I did feel like an errand at one point because I was at Friends in Low Places. The new bar is so fucking nice. Really? So nice. And I'm sitting at the bar and the Masters were on. And now that I'm invested, I was actually watching the Masters, listening to country music on Broadway with a drink in my hand. I'm like, have I become my sister? Oh, our guy did not do good. Oh, I meant to ask. Oh my God. Yes. Went to follow up. So did he make it to Sunday? So he made the cut. Obviously. Because it's Tiger. And Erin said the first two days went well. He was playing good. And she said, I just don't think he has the stamina to play four days after his leg injury in the car accident he was in. Yikes. So the last, he, he made it to Sunday, but it wasn't good. Another guy won, but you know, who knows? Maybe he'll come back next year and win. I just never count them out anymore. Never count up or the tag. We were sitting in that bar watching the Masters and a woman walked in. She probably was in her 50s or 60s. She had a jean skirt on down to her kneecaps, the longest jean skirt I've ever seen. To her knees. Cowboy hat. And she had a black t shirt on that in cursive said, get dirty. And I was just like, Nashville, baby. Nashville. That hat you storied? I loved that. Kid rocks my favorite bar on Broadway. I love the first one. I love the top floor, the roof deck. There was a person on the first floor. We're all just sitting there hanging out. Guy comes in with a red hat on, looks like a trucker hat and on the front and said, I bleached my asshole for this. And I just thought it was brilliant because what a crowd pleaser. Like what a great way for women to come up to you and be like, same. That's totally fair. If there was the amount of dms I got about it once I posted it. Really? Yeah.'cause people were like, that's fucking hilarious. I would chat with him. Me too. I would approach, uh, soulmates. Might be real I changed my mind. I changed my mind. I take it all back. No, I'm just kidding. That was fucking hilarious. Every time I watched a bachelorette or a party go by though, and those Bud Light trucks, all I could think about you was basically being in a, in a greenhouse. Oh my God. Essentially fighting are open for your life. Are they open now? They're kind of, they're not open on the sides, they're more open on the top. Someone Yeah, a hundred percent. What I will say though, again, with all of the pedal taverns and all the party buses that go by, they're even doing them on tractors now. I'm like, what are we doing? Okay, wait, I love that. Like a literal tractor on the front and you're like in the back on the, yeah. Now, before I judge, because I am them and they are me, this group all white women come by and the song tonight is on like tonight. I'm a love love you tonight Yeah, give me everything And it's the beginning part with people right in just watching a bus of 20 white women going Took my life from negative to positive. I just want you to know that is one of the funniest. Again, I am them. I am them. I get it. It is so fucking funny. I feel like watching things like that is literally like being at the zoo. I'm like, is this the Truman show? Like what is happening? Is this big brother? Is this a prank? And what's more concerning that I have been that. Again, I am them. I have totally been there. Has someone felt that about me? Because that's fucking terrifying. Do you know what I mean, though? It's not like I want to dance with somebody or girls just want to have fun. It's like, took my life from negative to positive. I just want you to know that. Been there, done that. Tonight, let's enjoy life. Pitbull, Neo, tonight. As seen in the Pitch Perfect finale in movie one, which is iconic. So yeah, like, no notes. I had the best time I made it to the airport slightly drunk, without a jean jacket, as the plane was boarding. So success all around. I would, I would completely agree with that. You have to meet there. Did you ride a mechanical bull? I did not. Okay. I'm sore and I'm old. And I just don't want to. No, we weirdly didn't go into a bar with a mechanical bull. Interesting. She absolutely would have. That's right up her alley. I don't think we ever saw a mechanical bull. Interesting. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. That's one of my favorite pictures of you, of all time, is you getting thrown. In the picture is you mid air. It makes me very happy. It meme. I'm so glad to hear that. It didn't feel great for my vagina, so. Someone had to suffer. That petal tavern is so fucking overrated. Also like, that thing inserted itself into me. I just want to be on a party bus. I just don't need it. Oh my god, a bus went by and they were all dressed as Guy Fieri. And I was like, this is the fucking funniest thing. Yeah, the flame button up, the white wigs. There's truly nothing. With the sunglasses and the fake goatee. It was fucking hilarious. Me and Paula were dying. I love when a bachelorette does like a funny theme like that. Like, I love when they do like Oh, the old women. There was one of those. Yeah, I've seen That's kind of like It's getting too much for me. But I like I've seen like, like founding fathers. I've seen like God, I've seen like The Rock. I've seen Like, I just love when they do that. Like, that's so funny. So fucking good. You can't help but laugh all night. I've also seen funeral ones. Yes. Yeah. Where it's like we're mourning her singleness. Yeah. And so we're, yeah, it was, it was so funny and they were having the best time. I love that. Truly. Yeah. That's all I got. Nashville. I actually wanted to bring up JoJo Siwa again. Why? What? Why? Because I actually listened to clips of her on Call Her Daddy and was scared for my life. Okay, and takeaways. How she talks about her three children that don't exist yet, Freddy, Eddie, and Teddy. Like, she is so unwell and I wanted Alex to humble her so badly, but instead she kind of just lives like, Okay. Like what? And she would just be like, Jojo, you know? So like it was like her way of way I talk to you. This is fucking rude. Yeah. It's basically like your way of being like, what the fuck are you saying and doing? Like this is actually insane. But also like she, you know, viewers and Alex would never be rude, but she was being crazy. She said something I stopped watching after I saw a clip of her being like, and I thought this music was like going to come out tomorrow. So like I was like busting a nut to get the music out. I was like, I'm not. Busting a nut. Busting a nut is what Jojo Siwa said about her music. Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. So, we're done. We're done there. We're just, we're, we're done. She's, something's wrong. We weren't, you've been done for five years. I've never seen you hate on a person more, but now we're done. I didn't listen to the interview. I have no interest. Oh, I didn't either. I only saw notes, but do remind me. I'll show you. But when she's like, you're the age that judges me. I saw so many TikToks of being like, Hi, I'm 20. I also judge you. 20, 000. 20, 000. 20, 000. Because you know who might not be humbling her? Alex, but the rest of the internet is. Yeah. I just, I think you should bring your bows back. Like, something, whatever this transition that's happening, it's giving, like, she thinks she's, was Hannah Montana and is now Miley Cyrus. Like, that's what she's going through right now. Yeah, she thinks she's doing this big transitional period that people are gonna be, like, shocked and awed by. But the, People pay to see her. That's fucking crazy. But the kicker is she's making a boatload of money. What the fuck does she care? As long as people are talking about her, you know. I guess that's fair. Kris Jenner, what bad press is good press? Kim Kardashian was hanging out with Abby Lee Miller today. Colleen, I simply If you had taken an ad lib And just inserted people's names. I never would have put those two names in the same sentence. And food god. Oh my god, O. J. Simpson died. Correct. Good fuckin riddance. Oh! Caitlyn Jenner's tweet. Oh my goodness gracious. Quite literally, good riddance. That's And then someone wrote, you killed someone as well. Yes. Because she I'm sure they feel the same way. Yeah. Not the part I was gonna get into, but like, kinda hilarious. Good riddance. Brutal. Okay, Caitlyn Jenner. Please. It's a lot happening. There's just a lot going on. Why was Abby Lee Miller and Kim Kardashian together? I don't know. You can't just drop that type of sentence on us. I think they were eating a meal. I don't know. Food God was there too. Yeah, cool. So I'm assuming they're probably eating. Cool. Yeah, I don't know. Reality royalty at your service. She's a slay. I didn't have that on my bingo card this year. What did she say to Jojo? Jojo, have you learned nothing? She needs to humble Jojo. Abby Lee Miller shouldn't be humbling anyone. I think she has it in her still. I pray that she doesn't. I have no idea what this topic is. This is a Colleen episode, so everyone just buckle the fuck up. Yeah, it's not that crazy. I promise. I promise. And I know all the time that we say that we're not a true crime podcast, which we are not, and we don't cover true crime that often. It's just kind of like more of a story that I thought wasn't talked about enough. I'm not going to tell you literally anything because it's a giveaway. So I'll just like get into it and set the scene. I watched a People, People's Magazine Investigates episode about it. That's all I have. Okay. That's my only source. Bye guys. Great, take it to your grave people. You heard it here first. The rumors are true. Just kidding. Okay, setting the scene for you. Great. Get comfy cozy. Sit back. I'm ready. Sit back, relax. I have my drink. I'm ready. ASMR. Oh my god. I started working out again. My whole fucking, I just shifted. I did one kickboxing class. Where do you do kickboxing? In my living room. Oh, that's fun. Yeah, I YouTube shit. I don't go to classes. I just do whatever I want in the comfort of my own home. As you should. But 45 minutes of kickboxing and I can't move. That makes sense though. I'm not 82. Yeah, but that's strenuous activity. It's a lot of activity. Anyway. You'd win in a fight. A physical fight. Against who? That's important. Me. Definitely. A hundred percent. Not only do I have a foot on Erin, my sister Erin. Yeah. Take out the fact that she's like not your sister for a second because you would never beat her. But if you actually had to like. Despite Erin to the death. I would never hit Erin. No, I know you wouldn't. What are you saying? I love how I was like, when I beat you, I'm like, yes, Erin. No, never. I would never hit you either. I think so only by height, but Erin would mentally ruin me. That's so true. Like, I may win the fight. She's so quick. But Erin would say something to me that would keep me up at night for the rest of my life. So good. Until I, I ended it myself. Because she just, Mental warfare. She would play a game of mental warfare that I have never been prepared for or will ever be even if I went into CIA training. And she's just like that. She can just cut a bitch down. Damn. And we love that about her. No, we do. That's why she is mother. So physically, yes. Mentally, she would decimate me. I was just gonna say, what about Karen? But we know the answer. Karen would kick all of our asses. At Karen may come off as A pod head cool girl. She would battle a bitch. She would hold my hoop earrings. Let me at him. No, she wouldn't go at him. She would hold you. She would throw you behind her and then take care of it. Yeah, a hundred percent. A hundred percent. You want Karen on your team. Oh, we're playing Red Rover, Red Rover. I'm calling Karen first, respectfully. I'm calling Karen over. I'm calling Karen over. Anyway. I'm so glad I asked that question. Okay. Back to my story. Let's set the scene. It's 2018. So not that long ago. Oh my God. Very recent. Right? And we're in Bishop, California. It's early October. So we'll, we'll chill in the air at night, you know, that perfect weather. I mean, it's still California. Yeah, but still, it's like it's cold at night. But we're also, not only that, we're in a very small town in the middle of nowhere in the mountains. So very Okay, so cold at night. Sure. Sure, sure, sure. So chilly, chilly. It's desolate. There's a lot of rough terrain in the area. Oh, wow. You're really painting a picture for us. I love this. It's very important to know that. To know the location. Got it. The terrain is very mountain y. We got shrubs. We got shrubs on shrubs. Got it. She's shrubbin She's shrubbin Abby's shrubbin Abby's shrubbin She's shrubbin and she's go telling it on the mountain. That was so illusory. She did the mountain symbol with her hands over her head too. Got it. So that's the vibe we're going for. Scene has been set. And specifically within this mountainous area, we're in a little neighborhood that's called the White Mountain Estates. Okay. And in this area lives Slenderman. I swear to God, Colleen. If you fucking whip out some psycho serial killer No, no, no, no, no. In this area lives the Gousset family. Okay. Okay. The Gousset family is made up of Melissa and Zach Gousset. They met in 2006. They got married, fell in love, and they had two kids named Cole and Cody. Cool? Mm hmm. And before all this, before Zach had met Melissa, he was married to another woman named Lindsay, and they had two kids together named Kane and Carly. So Kane, Carly. I don't know. Are they all K's or are they all C's? Are they K's and C's? I believe they're all K's. They're all Ks. Got it. Got it. So Cain being the oldest, I think he's four years older than Carly, and then Zach got custody of the two of them. Sure. Like, right when they were really, like, super, super young. So a little blended. Yeah, so full ass custody. They're a big Ben and Flam Big Ben and Flam That was the worst one I've done in a while. They are a big ol blended family. Giving yours mine and ours. Like so cute. So it's Zach, Melissa, Cain, Carly, Cole, and Cody. Good lord. I know. Yeah, I mean, listen, they're definitely the family with the minivan who have the stick figures on the back. I haven't seen one of those in a while. Yeah, nor should you. They're trash. Maybe they're obsolete. I hope so. Cool. There are so many cute family photos of them together. Oh, really? Yeah, like they're actually like a cute family. I'll show you. Oh God, something's terribly incorrect then. Are they too cute? No, no, no. So, I don't know why they blurred out the children. The children are alive. This is not a preset. Well, They have to be adults. Oh, okay. Cool. So, yeah, they're so cute. That's a very cute picture. But they're kind of in this one. Like, are you shitting me? Look at them. Yeah, they're really sweet. They're so cute. They look very happy. So, yeah, that's a squad. Totally normal family. They did the sports things, super involved in school, very, like, lifetime movie ish. Yeah, PTA. Yeah, small town living, you know? Very PTA mom. She's very PTA mom. Cool. Melissa was wicked close with Carly and Cain, even though she technically was their stepmother. They were just, just as close. Yeah, one big family. Yeah. And so, on all accounts, probably perfect family, if you will. So, Carly is who we're gonna focus on today in particular. Cool. At the time of this tale, she's 16. Yeah. Okay. She's fun, flirty, bubbly, totally normal gal. She was on the drill team, loves her friends, she's just like a typical teenager. Just hanging out on the weekends, going to football games, maybe doing drinking, little, you know, smokey smokey, having a teenager. Just being a teenager in the mountains, I guess. I don't really fucking know. I don't know what life's like out there, okay? Um, so her best friend described her as crazy, but a good kind of crazy. Fun. So not a bad crazy. Yeah, fun. Carly starts dating this man, Donald. I don't like him. And her focus kind of goes to him. She ditches all of her friends. The thing that we hate. The things that we hate the most. We hate when you do that. She giving some pick me energy. But that's OK. Young love. Yeah. Whatever. You can't help it when you're a teenager. I get it. Tale as old as time. Truly. Rinse and repeat. Am I right? This is her and her dad. Oh, they're cute. Yep, cute. So it's now Friday, October 12th. Okay. We've set the scene. We know where they are. We know the family dynamic. We know Carly now. Around 6pm, Carly calls her stepmom, Melissa, and asks, Can I go to the town football game? Which, there's nothing really fucking else to do in this town. So like, obviously. I was gonna say. Football game on a Friday night. Let's go. No, it's not a crazy request. It's just like, oh yeah, sure. Like probably didn't even think twice about it. She says, Mr. Donald is going to drive me. I don't need a ride. I'll be fine. So Melissa says, okay, cool. Slay. Have so much fun. Bye. Exact quote. Yeah. Direct quote. Probably. Definitely. Not a paraphrase at all. Don't look. No one look into that. And this is where shit gets weird. Around 8. 30, Carly calls Melissa and she is frantic. She's panicked. She's begging Melissa to come pick her up. She says, I need you to come here as soon as possible. She's crying. She's alone. So this whole time Melissa's like, oh, you're at the football game. So like, okay, so she gets her, her ass in gear. She gets in the car and she's Books it to Carly and Carly is so frantic that she won't even like let her hang the phone up the entire drive. She's like, stay on the phone with me. Oh no, Carly. Melissa notes, I don't really hear a football game, you know, going on in the background. I don't hear any cheering. I don't hear any announcers. I don't hear anything. Scoreboard. It's so. Nothing. Silent. So she realizes this and then says, where are you actually? And Carly says, I'm running down Dixon Street. Not important, but Running down? I'm running down Dixon Street currently. So you need to come here. Which I, I, to my understanding, it's a street that's within, like a correlation if she would be passing on the way to the high school anyways. So it wasn't like, like she was already on the way, but she was gonna say, it's a small town, so Yeah, so it's not like she's in some like random wack ass place and she has to like turn around. She's like, Oh, okay, whatever. On my way. Yeah, on my way. So Melissa pulls onto Dixon Street and there is Carly. She's sprinting in the dark with her phone flashlight on and she is white as a ghost. Oh my God. Yeah. What the fuck? What's I'm just kidding. Melissa climbs in the backseat with her and she's like, it's fine. She tries to calm her down. She hugs her and Carly just keeps saying, I'm so scared. I want to go home. Please, please take me home. And then she admits, I smoked the devil's lettuce. It sounds like we did a little bit more than the devil's lettuce there. So sweet girl. So we'll get into that. Yeah. So Melissa's like, okay, well, like, let's get home. It's fine. Right. My distress would be over with if someone just said, if my child said that to me, I'd be like, okay, what the fuck ever. And so, her behavior is a little more than that. It's like erratic. It's she's so paranoid. It's so out of pocket and she's acting like she's running from someone or something. And I saw something that said, she was really weird about her phone. Like she would throw her phone. Like something was wrong with it. Like she was. Something was wrong with the phone. I don't know how to explain it. She wouldn't look at it, which is very, just fucking weird behavior. She can't calm down. She's screaming at Melissa to slow down the car because she's going so fast, but she's only going 20 miles per hour, which that's normal, I feel like, to be like thinking you're going really fast. Well, if you're on drugs. Things happen at a different speed than they normally do, turns out. When you high. You high, you high, you high, Keefa. High, high, you both high, hop in the car, Keefa. They get home and Zach's like, what the fuck's going on? And Carly looks at him and then looks at Melissa and goes, who is that? Melissa's like, sis, that's your dad? Question mark? Like, what do you mean? Another exact quote. Bitch, it's your dad. Duh. Duh. She is, in my opinion, what I would describe as, she's being a creep. Like she's just She's being sketchy. She's being sketchy, yeah. She's hiding behind furniture. Like Oh, wow. Like she's having a ball. Oh, this is not weed, Colleen. This is not weed. So it's very, just Very odd behavior. Intense paranoia. It, it ain't right. Sure. So he says, did you take anything? And she said, no, just a little smoky, smoky, you know, the devil's lettuce. It takes him a couple of hours to calm her down and get her in bed and get her relaxed. And Melissa's like just a sweet baby angel. She lays in bed with her, calms her down and Zach's like, okay, well, like what the fuck am I supposed to do? So he just goes to bed, obviously. Dads. Fucking dads. Yeah. And to be honest, like. What else does one do? Like, I, if that was my child, I would not be calling 911. Like, I would put them in a closet and be like, yeah, fucking stare at the wall, and think about that for two seconds, tweak If they're on a hallucinogen, I would give them citrus. So like, orange juice. It's supposed to help. Oh. Well, if The ganja. I would just be like, yeah, learn your lesson. Put her in a closet and just be like, yeah, maybe she just did. I mean, I have theories, but please continue. Yeah. Just like, don't act a fool. Like, relax. Yeah. Be fucking lax, you know? Yeah, that's hard to do when you're on drugs. Like, again, it's just like, you're thinking rationally with an irrational person. Fair. And then I would just be like, okay, go away. And like, we can laugh about it later. Whatever. I don't know. Yeah, you'll be grounded tomorrow. Go to bed. Yeah. Pfft. Lame. Between 8 30 p. m. When she picked her up. It's now 5 45 a. m. And she's still It's still freaking the fuck out. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Again, not marijuana. But it is. Okay, we'll get into it. But anyways, so it's now 545 and Melissa claims that she dozed off in bed next to Carly. It's like the commas hit, whatever. At 715, she wakes up and Carly is no longer next to her in the bed. She checks the whole house, the surrounding property, which is a lot of fucking property they live in the middle of nowhere. The mountains. Yeah. And she is absolutely nowhere to be found. So she wakes up Zach frantically and is like, Carly is gone. He's like, what the fuck do you mean? She's gone. What do you mean? There's nowhere to go. She can't drive. She doesn't drive. She has legs. But like, how far is she going to get? We're going to live in the middle of nowhere. Right. So they try her cell phone and her phone is on the kitchen counter where she left it the night before. Oh, immediate panic. So they separate and they get in their own cars. Because nowadays you can track that. Like if she just had her phone, you could do find my friends or Oh yeah, there's so many ways. Usually when we're talking about this, it's 1992. You know, 2018, you could just Not for nothing. What 16 year old do you know that leaves the house without their phone? So, they separate, they get in their own cars, they both take off, Zach goes to a really high point in the valley to see if he can see her because at that point you can literally see down and see everything in the surrounding area. Right. He sees absolutely nothing. Melissa drives down all the back roads to see if she can find her because, assuming any normal person would follow the road, like, they've never seen her act like that so obviously they don't know what she could possibly be doing, like she's quite literally so unpredictable in that behavior. This is a very particular state. So, like, they can't think like her because they don't. Know what she's right. Yep. Also, I don't think it's weird, but others do think it's weird that they didn't call 9 1 1 right away I just think that the location plays a big factor in that because if it was here, oh my god, it called place so fast Yeah, They probably just thought she was manic in walking down the street, and then they would go down the street and find her. Not everyone goes to worst case scenario, you know? Yeah, like she's dead in a ditch, like, fuck no. For reference, that's what it looks like. Holy shit. I mean, that's beautiful. That's their little small town. That's, that is their town. Like for you to go to like, is there a Malden Center? Like, should I say the little Malden? Sorry. Just say like, the center of town. Sorry, the center of town. For you to like, go to like, assembly. For them is 10 miles full miles away, right? It's where you drive 30 minutes just to go to the grocery store where I just go around a corner, correct? Like that's the I mean, it's a beautiful mountain range town. It's like nestled into the middle of the mountain It's gorgeous, but very much get it Valley nothing around nothing, so they Obviously, assume she's just down the road, like you said, and they search for two hours. Nothing. They run into one of their neighbors, which is literally not a neighbor because it's miles away, but he tells them, Oh yeah, I saw a girl walking south down the road alone around like six ish AM. So like if she fell asleep around 545, he said, I saw a tall teenage girl with long brown hair and she was walking all alone and she was holding just one singular white piece of paper. so fucking weird. And so. Melissa and Zach are like, had to be Harley. Like what other person would be walking along this road? They call 911, the officers come. And of course, tale as old as time. They're like, yeah, she ran away. She'll come back, talk to her boyfriend. We get it. Yeah. That's exactly what they said too. Yeah. Another direct quote from the police, I'm sure. And Melissa really hated that she had to tell them about the smoking part because it, she just felt like it would have painted Carly in a bad light too soon that they would assume things. Like she's some like hoodlum who disrespects her parents and she lies and she breaks the law and all that stuff. She does drugs and She's doing drugs. Ha ha. Because unfortunately, that didn't happen. Too real of a thing. Yeah. So she really didn't wanna tell them, but at the same time, like she had no choice. so they called Donald brother Donald and are like, don't lie, is Carly with you? And he's like, no, I haven't seen her since we separated at the party.'cause they, I'll get into where they actually were. Right. And he also panics right along with them. So when he realizes that she's also not with them, so they believe him just judging by like his panic, they're like, oh, okay. He's not lying to us. Um, he also says that Carly ran off when they were together and was freaking out just as she was with them, like with him too. So it's not like, it was the same behavior. She had the same, right. She had the same behavior with him as she did with them. Yeah. And he knew that Melissa was picking her up because he was with her when she started texting her and calling her and really freaking out. So when she took off away from him, she knew that she was on the phone with Melissa. So she was just like, okay, I ran after her, but then she like outran me and like, what am I supposed to do at that point? So it's fine. He did nothing wrong, just an FYI, in this whole story. Okay, Donald didn't do anything wrong? Donald's cool. Interesting. Donald's fine. Okay, that's good to know. Sidebar. Melissa had actually recorded like a full ten minute video of Carly's behavior from the night before because of the fact she wanted to have like a parenting moment so she could show Carly the next day and be like, this is how you were acting, like, let's learn from this. Like, don't do drugs, you know? Yeah. They do show it to the officers to prove that it wasn't like a typical case, like something's very clearly very wrong with her, like this isn't just what you think it is. And it had never been seen by anyone else other than those officers. They never offered it. They never said anything, like they never, there's a lot of speculation about this video footage. It's very sus. Okay. Like, for example, they go on Dr. Phil. My thoughts exactly. I listened to a piece of it. I'd just like to think desperate parents feel like they have no other choice. Yeah. Dr. Phil is not the answer. No. Not at all. Dr. Phil was a dickhead to them. I did a story. I forget which story it was. I did a story just I think it was Twin Flames. I can't remember though. It was like a desperate family trying to communicate. Or it was the mother of fucking Jesus, whatever her name is. Mother God. Oh, yes. Yeah, yeah, that too. No, there's no Oh, it was Mother God. It was her. It was her family, right? Yes. Yes. And it was her sister. Yes. He just like clearly takes a side and then he's just trying to get kids. He's trying to get viewers. He's not trying to help you. Yeah, that's true. Sure. You're not wrong. And then he acts like he's like a savior. He goes into like, I've seen psychosis. Like he's just a dickhead. Whatever. Not the point. But in the video, Carly saying like, please don't kill me. And like, there's a lot of other off putting things that she says to her stepmom that maybe she was just like, I don't want to play this for people. I listened to a chunk of it. it's not anything crazy. It's her being like, if something's really bad, but you take me to the hospital and she's like, Oh God, of course you're fine. Like she just, she's fine. There's nothing wrong with the video, but it's been spinned a couple of times because they were suspicious about playing it that they're like, Oh, what are you hiding? You know, cause people are so annoying. Like people are going off in Facebook groups about this. Like it's a whole thing. Anyways, the officers assess the situation, and they collectively decide that she was obviously so out of it, incoherent, and is most likely just lost in the sagebrush area surrounding the house. So, like, it goes on for miles and miles, and people commonly get lost. There's coyotes, there's a bunch of shit out there, so they, like, are like, we need to go. Look, ASAP Rocky. Can people like stop moving to places like this? People love nature. You just, I just. People like wide open spaces. Oh wide open spaces. Room to make a big mistake, Bridget. She needs. And they're making a big mistake. Oh boy. Just because you live somewhere doesn't mean bad things will happen. Unless you live in rural Appalachia. No, you can live in rural Appalachia and not have bad things happen to you. Uh, no, the skinwalkers will come for you. Oh, God. Okay, back to the story. You have to close, you have to close your windows. Back, back to the story. Put down your shades and never, ever, if you hear your name, run. Okay, called it. Actually, don't run. Walk fast, though. So the police continue on the investigation. They go to see Donald and his friend James, who they were also with that night, and they try to piece together the events of the evening. James and Donald tell the police that they were actually at a party together and not at a football game. You don't say! They say we all smoked, we all smoked the exact same kind of weed and no one else had a reaction other than Carly. So the officers go to where the party was. I think it was at, it might've been at James's house or it might've been at Donald's. I don't remember. The officers take the lettuce and they test it and it's not laced with anything. There's literally nothing in it at all. It couldn't be plainer, plain Jane. Plain Mary Jane. Plain Mary Jane. They also get, from their investigation, ring camera footage of the squad arriving and leaving at the party, and Carly seems totally fine and happy on both ends. I would say the one of her leaving, it looks like, it could be twisted as like she needs to be held up by Donald, but they also are just like locked arms, like it's not anything crazy, she's perfectly coherent. If someone needs to be held up, it's usually the arm over the shoulder, not the arm locked next to you. Yeah. Maybe like a little guide. I don't know. It could have been anything. You can twist it. But it was nothing, nothing jarring, you know? Right. Right. 12 hours into her being missing, Melissa starts making these wicked, weird Facebook live videos that have people feeling a little uncomfortable about the situation. I watched one of them and she is, it's giving dramatics. Okay. It's giving performance. Okay, there is a reason to be dramatic in this situation, but to you it's coming off as disingenuous. It's someone who's like milking it a little bit. Yes, and that's how everyone else, I haven't seen it, so I obviously don't know. I tried to find it, I'll explain it to you. Well she does it, she says, in hopes that That someone out there knew where she was and it was just like getting exposure is basically the point of why she did it. But it was giving Oscar a nominee. It was giving Oscar, big fat loser of the Oscars. So she is like saying like, It's been 12 hours since Carly Gusset has been missing. Like, and she takes out, she picks up a water in the middle of it and is like chugging it. And is like, sorry. Like, wicked bad. Okay. It's bad. Okay. And then she's like, I was trying not to cry. Like, very And again, We don't know how we'd react in these situations. But it's just, it's awful. It's over the top. No, it's too much. It's just, it's just, it's much too much. Okay. And so people come for her for this and she says, I just wanted to get the word out and make it spread like wildfire. You know, social media. Everyone's on it. Like, okay. Just, no matter the case, just have fucking Facebook Live, for the love of God, no matter what. Facebook Live, anything live is tough. We've been asked to do an Instagram Live before. I can't imagine it. No. First of all, you say way too many out of pocket things. Second of all, something about it is just really jarring. Yeah. It's too genuine for me. No, that's not true. You're too genuine for it. That's, that's what's happening. That's fair. But okay. So it's a little over the top. She's leaning into the dramatics. It's drama. Yeah. Okay. It is drama. Mind you, at this whole time that they're also doing this. There is a big search going on. Like, the town gathers, Lindsay's, I mean not Lindsay's mom, what am I saying? Carly's real mom, Lindsay, is also flies in, obviously, to come look to as well. So they have the whole ass town, Carly's mom, everyone's searching all of the areas, thick and thin. Nothing turns up. They cannot find this girl, like she's just missing. Nothing turns up. They bring in the dogs. Um, they get nothing. That's so scary though. Because the more time that passes, yeah. The scent goes after a while, right? Well the first 48 hours are the most crucial. I would say even 24, but anyone who watches True Crime. At the moment, we're in the first 12. So we're doing okay. Right. But, yeah. Okay. But no trace, again, where do people who are missing just leave? Disappear to. I don't know. It's crazy to me. And also the neighbor, like, you didn't think it was weird that there was just a girl walking down street at 6am with a piece of paper in her hand. Kinda weird, but whatever. They bring in the dogs, they get nothing. The scent loses right in the middle of a pile of brush in the middle of nowhere. It's kind of along the route she was going where the neighbor saw her, but it's like in the brush. Anywhere for someone to pick her up in a car? Yes. The last known sighting of her by one of the quote unquote neighbors that aren't real neighbors, because they're miles down the road, was close to Route 6, which Route 6 in that area is the main road for everyone passing through, and it's a frequent stop for truckers. Oh, honey, no. And she's just out here strolling at dawn. They could not get an Amber Alert issued because there's no proof of kidnap. So I didn't know there was prerequisites for an Amber Alert. Jesus Christ. So they didn't, it wasn't allowed. There wasn't enough evidence. What? Isn't that crazy? They just completely assumed that this girl's a runaway and she's gonna come back. Maybe, maybe. I, I mean, oh God. Okay. Sure. No, definitely. Like we can't exhaust all our resources? Question mark? I don't understand. God forbid we waste an Amber Alert. Yep. I completely agree. As if that would go to waste. Mm hmm. Okay. Sure. No, definitely. So that's that, okay? She's, that's the last spot she's seen, that's the last area she's been in, that's the last the dog catches on her scent, that's it, okay? There are a few theories as to what could have happened, so here are my thoughts. And also other issues. Wait a minute. No, we get there. We'll get there. I sw I was like, Colleen, Shannon, I swear to fucking God, I was just about to Colleen Margaret you. Not the formal government name. I told you, I said this needs awareness. Okay, got it. We need to talk about it. Got it. So in the beginning, when Melissa calls 911 and tells the story to the officers, she says that she fell asleep in Carly's bed with her and she woke up and she was gone. But then she did an interview where she said she went to bed. in her own bed and woke up and checked on Carly around 5 45 and realized she was gone. Kind of weird in my opinion, like when you, when someone asks you what happened and you just are one frantic to our need to replay it in your head. How do you just tell a story? That's a whole different scenario in your brain. Do you know what I mean? Like you, if I was to tell you what happened to me this weekend, like I, in my brain go back to where I was this weekend. I think, too, as someone who has suffered multiple very traumatic moments, the story that I told right away is the one I still stand by. Like, if I were to tell you about the accident, that story doesn't change. If I were to tell you about where I was when my dad died or where Auntie Mimi died, I would tell you the same story. I mean, I don't want to compare myself to other people though and go like, well, what I did in this situation because I've never been in that situation. I wouldn't know. But that's still weird to me. But the timeline still adds up though. If it was 545 and then someone saw her walking around saying, Yeah, I guess, but like maybe I think like maybe she never slept next to Carly at all and like didn't want to admit that she left her alone. I was gonna say it sounds like we didn't show the video because we didn't want people to think a certain thing. I slept next to her so that you think a certain thing when really you slept somewhere else. It feels like there's a lot of mini cover ups that make people think there's a bigger cover up even when there's not. Correct. I agree. Like if you start being elusive about some things then it looks worse than if you were just straightforward and were like, no, I went to my own bed. She was acting weird. I just thought she needed some peace and quiet. Yeah. Versus like, I watched her. She would be the one to blame at that point. Right. Because you left her. Right. Okay. And then the other thing that she does is she call, when she called 9 1 1, she told the operator that Carly was wearing jeans and a sweater. So like, she's like, what did she, what was the last thing she was wearing when she left? And she said jeans and a sweater. And she was seen by witnesses in gray sweatpants and a white t shirt, which obviously change into pajamas. That's what I'm saying. So like, to me, people are coming at Melissa for this. So that to me is valid of the theory that she slept in her own bed and then saw her when she went to bed, went to her own room, fell asleep, and then woke up and one of her kids wasn't there. So obviously she had changed for bed because with fuck sleeps in sweater and jeans, bitch, whoever's sleeping in jeans, seek help. All the help. The math is mathing. That's all I'm saying. So we're on to something, basically. We're on this case. Another theory, not theory, but like people are just sus for no reason, they're scraping. The OG mom, Lindsay, considered the idea that maybe Melissa did it and even called Zach. Oh my God. Yeah. She calls Zach, the husband, well, her ex husband and says, are you sure that Melissa didn't accidentally smother her in her sleep while she was laying next to her? Oh my God. Yeah. What a fucking accusation. But also like. Like, what is she, a toddler? She's a 16 year old girl, how the fuck is she smothering in her sleep? What do you mean? Yeah, I mean, she would absolutely fight. I mean, I don't know. If you rolled onto me in your sleep, I'd be like, Bleh! Like, what do you mean? What do you mean? If you rolled onto me. What do you mean? I do kickboxing now. I'm light as a fucking feather. There's no way I could smother you. If any human being rolled onto me. No, no, no. I know what you mean. I know what you mean. I would be like, Bleh. Okay. Yeah. So that's another one. Well, if you were her biological mother, though. Think of how absolutely fucking frantic you would be. I would be like, your new wife took a knife and killed her. That's what happened. Yeah. That's what I would say. And I will die on that hill. I was like, and she's buried in the backyard. Tell me. And you're seeing these Facebook lives. Yeah. You're not gonna be like, yeah. Yes, Dr. Phil actually takes her side, really, in most instances. The OG mom? Yeah. The biological mother? Yeah. Cause he's trying to stir the pot, motherfucker. Yeah. He's trying to get his views in. Yep. Yep. Yep. It's also, I saw one that was like, maybe she OD'd, and again, because they're so No, you call 911. And they covered it up? That's another theory? No, you call 911. I don't believe that, of course. No, that's ridiculous. And like, the whole marijuana thing In my unprofessional opinion, I just don't think that any normal lettuce would do that. I just don't. To an extent, yeah. To that, no. And for how long? Absolutely not. But also, there's no way to prove that because they haven't tested her, you know what I mean? And I just think it had to be something else. But also at the same time, like, the exact same No reaction on anyone else at that party and also they tested the actual, it was in the bong. They took the bong and she took something else. I'm sorry. I have been around many addicts. I don't know. I don't know her life. I don't know what she consumed. If everyone smoked out of the same exact thing and didn't have a reaction. I've been around enough drugs in my life to know that weed lasts a couple of hours. Twelve is like acid, or some p c p, some hallucinogen. But you would think Donald would come forward. Her and Donald were obsessed with each other. Donald would've known. Yeah, I don't know. To get that paranoid, to be screaming and running down the street and drive slower and it's still going on hours and hours later till the wee hours of the morning, that is not marijuana. Yeah. Unless, unless she took an edible, she took too many, like there's also, you can get a really bad trip or just a bad experience if you have too much of something. I've never heard of someone reacting like that on weed. No. Ever. Me either. I mean, it had to be something else, which is what, which is what we obviously agree, and what Zach and Melissa think too, and they think it caused some sort of drug induced psychosis, naturally. And also like, When you were 15, or whatever age you were, when you like tried the lettuce, because like everyone does, that's not how I reacted. And like, it's not like it's this new experience, and that's why she's reacting in such a way, like, I didn't act like that, you for sure didn't. No, I did not. So it's like, no, that can't be a re that can't be on the table, that's not a thing. And also, her friends confirmed that she had done the lettuce before. But now, yeah, so if she's done it before, she She's fine, it's not her first rodeo, is what I'm saying. But Everything nowadays is fucking laced. People are dying from smoking weed, because it has fentanyl, like, you just smoke a weed! You're dying from smoking weed! Uh, you know what I mean though? Everything's fucking laced nowadays, but if they actually tested the stuff that everyone else used, that's why I think she took something else. Because if everything else, everyone else was fine, no one else had a crazy reaction, unless they're lying and they're scared to tell the cops that they were the ones who gave it to her. Yeah, I agree. I mean, we wouldn't want to go. Well, we wouldn't know. They can't like, they can't test her. They can't test it. So it's like, we have no idea. It's just, well, either way, I agree with you. The big issue is what exactly happened after that and whether or not she was snatched up on highway six or did she just get lost in water and pass away in the terrain? Uh, big old question mark. Either way, she has never been seen of or heard of from again. Oh, Colleen Margaret. She's never reached out to anybody. Are you fucking kidding me? So that's why I think like if Donald knew he would have told. No, Colleen, you said we were gonna get to it. We, we did, we just did. No! I told you it was about raising awareness! I hate missing cases! But they think she's still alive, like they have not given up hope. They're like, she is fucking out there. That makes me so fucking sick to my stomach. Yeah, like crazy. And it's not like it's this cr I think it bothers me the most is because after watching it, she's not like, Not, not to say the stereotypical, but like, she's not some She's not a bad kid. Hoodlum. Am I old? I'm using the word hoodlum? Hoodlum, runaway, you know, that type of person. Like, it's not, that's not who she is. She's not a troublemaker. She's not someone who gets into this often, or No, like, that could easily have been us. Like, we would have never done that. That's what I mean. I'm trying to compare it to that. She's just a normal fucking kid. That's why I can't Someone picked her up. Yeah, I think so too. Someone picked her the fuck up. I think so too, but Her family hasn't given up hope they still looking. Oh, that makes me so upset Colleen why? Because she needs to be fucking found. Yeah, so we're raising awareness because like I said, not a lot of people know about it Oh girl, her father says every day. We still look And they just have not given up hope, and they do think she's alive, so And it's been six years? Yeah, six. Five and a half? They did like an age progression, but like that's really all we get from it. Oh my god, that just completely implodes a family. You're just never the same after something like that? No. Nope. Oh my gosh. And that is the bizarre disappearance of Karlie Kloss. Ah! The next time we do true crime, if it is not wrapped up in a goddamn bow with a person in prison or dead, we are fighting. Fighting! Sure. This, this, this you told me earlier? That if I could suffocate you, I'm going to roll over and attempt. Please. Karlie! Please. Stop it! Oh god. So what do you think? I think she, I don't know, I feel indifferent. I feel like if you told me either way, I would be like, oh, that makes sense, but also why would either way what like if she just like wandered and passed away, maybe was eaten by like a coyote like that would explain why her stuff was never found like her body or if she was snatched up. I feel like that gives more. More opportunities to have been seen or more opportunities to have been someone told something like it creates more than just like you disappeared at a thin air, you know what I mean? Yeah, but if she had been eaten by an animal, her clothes would be places, her scent would be places, you would find things of hers. Where if you get put into a back of a truck because you're hitchhiking or you're That's true, and that explains why the scent just stopped randomly, like maybe she was being chased. This is how I feel about Maramari. If a scent stops right at a given point that just so happens to be on a road or just so happens to be near a truck stop, I believe those people are picked up. Opportunists. Damn. Oh, poor Carly. We'll find her. Her parents. I know. They're so cute, actually. We'll find her. Okay. I have faith. We're on it. We're on the case, everybody. Lit. You ready for some positive stories of the week? Yes. I feel like you could use that after. Me gaslighting. Uh, yes. Bitch. So, it was the 128th Boston Marathon and this guy, his name is Marcel Hug. Right? He is one of the wheelchair athletes and he's already run the marathon and he wanted to beat his record. And at one of the turns, cause he's in the wheelchair, he's the one that like rolls with his hands. A racing wheelchair, I believe. He comes to a turn, he crashes. No. And he falls over to the side and people are obviously gassing because he, he crashed into like a barrier, like what, you know, how they have them up on the sides. He crashes. He flips himself back up. He crosses the finish line one hour and 15 minutes and 35 seconds. He beat his own course record, which was one hour, 17 minutes and six seconds that he set last year. So he beat his, even with crashing, he beat his own fucking record. I can't. Marcel. People are crazy. You're a baddie. Mr. Marcel, you a baddie. Did you see that, uh, Nev from, uh, Catfish, what's it called? No. Did he run it? No, he was, oh, you're gonna be so upset. In a good way. Like, just like, oh, you know? He ran as a guide for a deaf person. Oh, I love. those stories. The father and son duo who did that for years. Kill me. Somebody just fucking kill me. 77 year old Ambrose Amby. They call him Amby. He wore the 1968 bib, which was when he ran the marathon 50 years ago. He ran it again at 77. Holy shit. What's wrong with us? Ambie. Ambie. Ran it again. This is his 28th time racing the Boston Marathon. Does it ever make you want to die? Yeah. For sure. Uh, did you see Gronk throw out the first pitch at the Red Sox game? He spiked it. No. Yeah. Very Gronk. That makes sense. I didn't see it. He goes to throw the first pitch at the Red Sox game and he just spikes it because it's Gronk. The real tearjerker of them all. Oh god. Hundreds of golden retrievers met up to honor the race's late mascot, Spencer. The dog. He died last year of canine cancer. No. And so hundreds, hundreds of golden retrievers. Golden retrievers of all ages and sizes went to the Boston Common and got interviewed and played together. It is the cutest thing you will ever fucking see. The beginning of the clip we'll post is like, I think I've died and gone to heaven. So cute. And they get little interviews and they have little mics for them and they're like, what's the naughtiest thing your dog's ever done? It's really sweet. That article is on boston. com if you want to read it, but I'm going to post it. In sipping with Shannon's fashion, I have a Tank's Good News story too. Just hold tight, okay? Love is real. Okay, okay. In 1998, my boyfriend, Luau, I think that's how you say his name, bought me a diamond ring, then made a plan. That weekend we headed out to Vegas to meet his mom and her longtime partner. Luau's plan was to propose on the plane. He would rope in the crew and get the pilot to make an announcement, quote, we've reached our cruising altitude folks or cruising range folks, so sit back and enjoy the flight. Oh, and the gentleman in seat 3B has a question he'd like to ask the lady in 3C, right? It was going to be romantic, yada, yada, yada. I know you wanted something big and splashy, he said, but I just couldn't wait. Instead, about five minutes after picking up the ring, he asked me to meet him for dinner at our favorite sushi place. They had great food, but the place was unequivocally a dive. Situated just above Times Square and right behind a subway entrance. It could never quite seal itself off from the grime outside the door. It was a part of its charm, I suppose, but it was still, you know, grimy. Anyway, I told him that I had a shit day and I really didn't want to go out, but he insisted that I wouldn't have to talk. I could just sit there and eat. Pause. Marry him immediately. I want to take you to our favorite sushi joint. You don't have to do anything. Just eat. Sext. He said, PQ. He said he just really wanted to have dinner with me. It seemed weirdly important to him, so despite my mood, I agreed. As soon as we sat down, I took the New York Times out of my bag. I found the crossword, folded it over, and dug in. I know. I was being a terrible dinner date. But he had been warned before I could register what was happening. He stood up from his seat, got down on both knees on the floor, not one knee, both knees and holding out the very ring that I had fallen in love with months before he shouted, I want you to be my wife. I want you to be my wife. It was awkward and adorable and very, very sweet. This morning. I send our 23 year old daughter, Katie, an incredible photo of a couple getting engaged on a mountain top during the eclipse. And I jokingly wrote to her, quote, Meanwhile, Daddy proposed over a crossword puzzle at a dive sushi restaurant in Times Square, but hey, an eclipse is cool too, I guess. A little while later, she wrote back, And you know, if someone loves me enough to ditch their entire original plan, Because they simply cannot wait to propose, I'll consider myself very lucky. And she says, indeed, my love, indeed. Is that not so precious? That is. I'm sick. We should just go listen to Dan and Shay and weep. Oh my god. Too soon. Sorry. And honestly, like Fiona and I still haven't unpacked that. I'll let you know when we do. I was gonna say, maybe you should go home tonight and talk about it. Yeah, we were with her friends too and they were like, what's going on? Are you two, what's going on? Well, both of them had boyfriends, so yeah, shut up. But that couple, whoever you are, that were over there in that box, like I want to be invited to your wedding. Wherever you are, like. Wishing well. I wish I took a video, like put it on TikTok and was like, find these people. Find these people and give them all the good things. Yeah, I should have. Whatever. Well, we love that couple wherever you are. He loved her. It was wild. Anyways, I'm okay. Have a great week, guys! Have a lovely week. Listen to Dan and Shay and just weep with your best friend as you look into each other's eyes. Get well soon, get well soon, walk a flock of flame, love you mean it. Oh wait, what do I say usually? You say also love you mean it. Oh right. Usually. Love you mean it. Goodbye. Sippin wine. This podcast was produced by me, Bridget Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt Derosiers. You can find his band Super Stoker anywhere you listen to music.

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