Sippin' with the Shannons


Bridget Shannon and Colleen Shannon Episode 92

On this week's episode,  HAPPY TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY SIPPERS!!!! Bridget covers the Titan Submersible and then we get into the real topic of the week.... US. We answer listener questions, talk about the highs and lows of the last year, things we've learned along the way and we play the Newlywed game. We also have 10 commandments for our SWTS cult that we'll be asking everyone to recite each week and we'll be taking no further questions at this time, tysm!! 

But seriously, we love you. Thank you for listening, for the DMs, for running up to us and telling us your favorite episodes, for sending us all the love and being a part of the crazy train. We'll see you soon and we'll be so skinny you won't even recognize us! Have a wonderful summer you beautiful bitches!!! Love you, mean it. #FullBeatCuteFit


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Chiquitita Tell me what's wrong I have never seen such sorrow In your eyes And the wedding is tomorrow The two year Is tomorrow Next week Yeah, sorry. But same same. Yeah yeah. Two fucking years. That's crazy. That's crazy. People have been hearing us on a weekly basis for two years. I'm literally so sorry. And on purpose continue to listen. Like willingly. Enjoy it. Allegedly. And tell us that they love it. Allegedly? Did you just say allegedly? Allegedly. And allegedly enjoy their time. Yeah, that's fucking crazy, honestly. I can't even. That's so crazy. For two years, I've been avoiding the sound of my own voice and yours. And here we are. I'm just kidding. No, you're not. You're right, I'm not. Two years of lies. Two years of editing us has taught me a lot, but we'll talk about that later. Yeah, we'll circle back on that. Hi, everyone. Hey. Welcome to this week's episode, this very special two year anniversary episode of Sippin with the Shannons. We're cousins and each week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, and we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Shannon. And I'm Colleen Shannon, for the past two years. Just those two years, before she was someone else. That's crazy. That's crazy. How do you feel? I feel like it was just yesterday. I feel like it was 4000 lifetimes ago. And you know why that is? Why? Because you do this. Because I do all the work. Is that what you mean? And I do nothing. That's true. But as I always like to say, the podcast wouldn't exist without me. It literally would not happen, but it wouldn't be funny without you. That's really nice. But like, no. Like I formally think you would have such a good solo podcast. I actually don't, I have no interest in like talking into the ether. What if you had like a rom com show? That had like the sounds in the back. That was like, ooh, ha ha ha. You know what I'm talking about? Like a studio audience? Yes. Where you put in clapping and laughing? Yes, yes. Oh. That would be great. I mean, I'll think about it. Why? You're trying to, you're trying to get booted? You're trying to get fired? This is actually an announcement. No, it's not. No, it's not. I'm just kidding. I'm calling HR if that's the case. Fiona. Fiona can be our HR. Uh, we will be taking the summer off from the pod though. We should say that. Yeah, we are. Rest and relaxation, baby. And it's because I'll be traveling, and sabbatical Susie is on the road again. Yeah, the mental health stuff I gotta work on, and I gotta figure out all this job stuff, which is a lot, 75 bachelorette, wedding, bridal, shower situations. Yeah. And yeah, we're gonna be, we're gonna be back in August. And we're going to be back and we're going to be better and we're going to be fabulous. And it's a great time for you to re listen to your favorite episodes and frolic around. You have 90 of them to listen to, so. Yeah, that's, yeah, that's true. That's true. That's true. Mind boggling stuff, folks. How was your weekend? What'd you do? Yet another one, DJ Khaled. I did absolutely nothing this weekend. Nothing. I worked and I read a book and I watched a lot of How I Met Your Mother. Okay, where are you at? Who do you like? Who do you dislike? I'm just curious. Um, I love Robin. Would die for her. I don't really love Lily, I won't lie. Interesting. Okay, mind you, I'm on like episode six. So like, oh, early, early days, early days. I love Marshall. I love him. I know Jason Segel. I love him. I, I don't fuck with what's his name? Bart. Is that Barney? Bart. Oh my God. Am I okay? I don't really fuck with Barney. Yeah. Neil Patrick Harris. Yeah. Like I know he's supposed to be like the comedic relief, but like I'm not in, I'm not enthralled with him. He's not hot enough to act like that. Yeah. He's giving if Chandler was a bit of a man whore and if Chandler was ugly. Do you think Neil Patrick Harris is ugly? Yes. Interesting. Yeah. Very interesting. Okay. And that's how I feel. I think Ted's a sweetie and more to come. Ted Mosby. Yeah. Like really got to do that to him. You got to do that to him. I think he's a big old pussy, but that's besides the point. I think it'll be really interesting. Your thoughts as the time time goes on. Okay. Do you think it'll be different? Yeah. 100%. I'm scared. Okay. It'll fluctuate. I shouldn't say it'll be that different. Okay. But you'll like people in certain seasons that you won't in others and vice versa. Okay. I like Robin right now. I don't like her with men. OK, you don't like her taste. No, she's just like she just was like on a double date and was being like almost mean to him and like a marshmallow. They were like sharing drinks being like cute or whatever. And he kept being you could tell the guy that she was with was like trying to do the same thing. And she was just like, you know, yeah, it's like and she's like, well, that's just like not my thing. OK. But like, that's sad for him. Oh, I'm mean to most men, so. I'm like, get it girl. That's just so sad. Whatever, we'll get back to her, okay? Yeah, yeah, I'll be very interested to see. Okay, what did you do? Bunker Hill Day was Sunday, bunker Hill Day is a very big deal in my family. It's second only to Christmas. It's for the battle of Bunker Hill during the Revolutionary War. There's a big parade. They shut down all the streets. Everyone day drinks and has fun and is out and about. And it honestly could not have been better. And it was 73 with a breeze. Like it was the most comfortable parade day. I've never missed a year. The only one I've ever missed is the one they canceled for COVID. I've been every single year of my life. We've been. Raining sideways, cold, hot as hell, you want to die, does not matter, you will find our asses on Main Street watching the parade. It was really fun. I just, it was on Father's Day. I fucking hate Father's Day. Yeah. You just open Instagram and it's like, best dad ever. My dad's my hero. I have the best one. I took my dad out to dinner, cause he's like, oh did you? Oh, that must be so nice for you. And it's like, yeah, I had a dad and he was great and that's, and I'm, I'm very thankful for that, but also fuck off. You have every right to be bitter. Be all, be as bitter as you wish. It's really the only day I'm bitter. It's Father's Day and just social media in general. And also the CVS card aisle. Why are you attacking me? I'm just trying to buy some fucking eggs. Stop coming for me with all your Father's Day glory. Leave me be. Honestly, the Dead Dad's Club is like a really big club, I didn't realize. Yeah, a lot of, a lot of dead parents out there, unfortunately. That's not sly. That's all. So a little bitter about that, but I had a lot of fun. I ran around Charlestown. I drank the day away. I have my townies tank top on right now, which I was wearing the very first episode we ever did. I found a picture of us on our first episode. And then I do what I always do. And I ordered Chinese food and I watched the Tonys. That's my thing every year is after Bunker Hill Day. I was out so late though, I had to do it the following day. So we did this on Monday. Okay. Okay. I'm just I'm sorry gang if you are into ariana debose. I used to be one of her biggest fans I'm, I just am not here for it. I'm so over it I should have been over it with the bafta's rap Where Angela Bassett did the thing, but I was still holding on. She's super talented. She started from the bottom. Now she's here. She was in Hamilton and now she's an Oscar winner. And she was in West Side Story. And she's our girl. It was one of the worst hosting performances I've ever seen. Like the opening number was so bad and so underwhelming in so low energy. I am shocked anyone approved of it. But I will say Daniel Radcliffe and Jonathan Groff won. Oh, nice. Their very first time. Very first Tonys. And Jonathan Groff's speech made me actively weep. I cried. It doesn't take much. It doesn't take much. No, I'm going to show you after. Okay. You'll understand. It's one of the best, Acceptance speeches I've ever seen because everybody if you've been listening, you know, I'm obsessed with musical theater The Tony Awards my favorite because they are the most humbled. They don't make millions of dollars So it's not like the Oscars that you can just tell is really stuffy. They're all these insanely talented Humans who make no money and are just amazing at their craft and have been working their whole lives and so their speeches are so genuine and kind and lovely and Jonathan Groff sent me to the moon. Also something happened to me today and I felt petty for a second. I thought you'd be appreciative. Someone cut me off in traffic today on my way back from therapy. Okay. And it was just annoying because the person knew the lane was coming from two to one and merging and so they went as fast as they could to the end of the lane and then just cut off the person who was at the end which was me and they didn't wave and they didn't do anything nice and I was just like, that was so rude. I'm not kidding you 100 yards later got pulled over by a cop And there was a small part of me that was like hmm, and then I felt bad cuz I was like Oh, no, what if what if they get a ticket and they pay all this money? But another part of me was like, yeah fucking take that speaking of getting pulled over Justin Timberlake. That's gotta got a Dewey it just came out today Yeah, this is news to me. This is brand new news. When this comes out, it will be old news. There is a source that has been saying that he said, this is going to ruin the tour. And the cop says, what tour? And Justin Timberlake said, the world tour. Icky, icky, icky. And the cop was so young, he had no idea who he was. The cringiest, other than do you know who I am? I think the second cringiest thing to say is this will ruin my world tour. Also, Justin Timberlake's going on a world tour, question mark? I had no idea. Clearly it wasn't marketed well. Also, imagine a world in which you're so young in the working world that you don't know who Justin Timberlake is. That's crazy to me. I know this is irrational, but this is how I feel about people who are born after 9 11. I'm like, I don't understand. No, I definitely don't associate with anyone that was born after 9 11. Isn't that insane to you? Unless we're blood related, I don't want to talk to you. And those people can actively drink at a bar. They're old enough to do that. No. I hate to say that that is true. I just mean, no, as in like, yeah, we don't accept that. Yeah. There's a thing that gets sent out of my work every day that says, you can drink if for age is like what we have that we get that sent out every day. And it's always like June of 2003. I'm like, I'm physically ill. That's disgusting. Two thousand three. Yeah. I'm weak. I'm awake. You were born the same that. Yeah. By Usher came out. You. I think that was 2003. I mean, I can't really talk. I was. Just six years prior. Prior to that, but. But you were alive. Yeah, I was alive. I was actually thriving in kindergarten, so. I was actually, so where'd you brought it up? Peking. So funny, I could read and you couldn't. So fuck off. Um, I did have an incident on Friday morning I forgot to mention. Okay. My incident was, I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed on Friday morning and I, Awoken, naked, because obviously I sleep naked. Like, think about how disheveled I probably look when I sleep naked. Like, have my, my mask on, like, just I'm naked, I have like a tit over my shoulder. It's like, the whole thing. I wake up, every single fire alarm is going off in my house. Oh yes, I saw the Snapchats, yes. And I'm like, a crazed woman, I have no contacts in, I can't see anything. I'm like, fucking tripping over shit, trying to like What time of day is it? 7am. I am like, running back and forth, pacing in my room. It's like a scene out of a movie, you're like, oh, wait, ah, uh, ah! And obviously I can't reach the fire alarms. I'm so short. You don't have a little stepladder? We don't have a kitchen table, so like, we don't have chairs. You don't have a stepladder. So I do have a bench at the bottom of my, um, bed. But I built that, so we know that's not stable. Yeah, we can be standing on that with our whole ass body weight. So I did, so I did, I'm like throwing my body at the ceiling trying to figure out how to turn it off. I'm holding it down, I'm running to the next room trying to figure out if I can turn that one off and maybe it'll work. I am frantic, I'm ass naked, frantic, running back and forth. I try for 15 minutes, maybe 10 actually, It gets louder. That's just getting louder and louder. I'm like, I don't know what to do. There's a buildup? I've ripped them out of the wall and they still are. I didn't know you could take the battery out. I didn't know how to do that. Colleen! I didn't know! Don't rip them out of anything! They were so loud! You should just be able to turn it and bring it down. You didn't rip any Are you being dramatic? No, I took them out of the wall. Like, I just pulled it down and it came out of the wall. Okay. I don't know if that's, whatever. They didn't see that alarm. We'll get there. Okay? The alarms didn't see that alarm? Oh, the fire department. Gotcha. So, I rip them out and then I text, I text my groom with Fiona and Aaron and I'm like, guys, I dunno what to do. They've been going off for 10 to 15 minutes. Like, what the fuck do I do? And I'm also supposed to be in a meeting, so I'm calling my boss and she's like, what the fuck is that sound? And I'm like, I gotta deal with something. I'll call, I, I, I gotta go. I won't be hopping on to the call. So yeah, not for me today. Clin gotta hang up. So then I'm like, oh. So she couldn't hear me. I can't call the fire department. So I'm like, Erin, you gotta call the fire department. She is. Oh my fucking God. She is supposed to be home, but she's on a walk. Okay. She's on a hot girl walk. I look at her location. She loves a hot girl walk. She does. She's over a mile away. Okay. So I say, so, and she's like, so do you need me to run home? And I said, start jogging. Says, I don't know what to do. I'm not tall enough. I can't, I can't see. I can't hear. I can't talk on the phone. You can't just like take a, a pause. No, I'm frantic. Put some clothes on. Put your contacts in. Deep breath and reassess. I'm thinking about my neighbors. I, it is so frustrating. So unbelievable. There's five of them going off at full volume. Well, you also get sensory overload really easily, so that doesn't, so Erin's like, okay, I'm gonna call the fire department. And I'm like, okay. So just like let them know that it's okay. I just can't figure out how to turn them off. She's like, okay, sure. The whole brigade shows up. Two giant ass fire trucks. Erin said while she was running, they were coming. They send it not down the beach. Yeah. Uh, two big ass fire trucks. Eight firemen with axes, you guys, with whole ass axes, oxygen tanks. It is their job. I know you feel like you're dramatic and you called in the whole ass National Guard. So, but when Aaron was like, okay, I just called, I was like, wait a minute. I'm like making my bed for them. Like, what's going on? I love how we can't think straight to put contacts in, but we can make our bed. In case the firefighters come in and see it. I'm just like spiffing up. I'm just like cleaning. She puts on some mascara. I was brushing my hair. Oh, my God. Were any of them hot? I think one of them was. He was in my room and I was just like, I'm so sorry about that, my friend. They also when I saw them pull up, I went to the front door. I literally was like, Hey, everybody. I go, how's it going? They're like, you all right in there? I go, we're good. We're all good. Just can't figure out how to turn these things off. Oh my God, Colleen. He was laughing. I was like, I don't have to do eight of them. It's axes. And what was the issue? Oxygen tanks. Let me just call you Fiona. Well, they bring everything just in case, Colleen. They have to. That was crazy. But also, the guy came into my room and was like, do you have a stool I can stand on? And in my head, I'm like, no. I feel like you're going to fall off. Just get a fucking step ladder. I gave him my bench and he was, it was sturdy. I was watching him. It's fine. I look his last name's on the back of his uniform and I looked it up and I already found him. So it's okay. Okay, no follow ups there. So if you hear about us getting married soon, I just like keep calling the fire department. They're like, enough. No, no, they blacklist you. They're like, you're the girl who cries wolf to see the hot guys. My apartment's actually burning to the ground, no one shows up. Yeah, no, do not do that, please. Sorry, I live in hypotheticals, it's actually quite funny. So that happened to me on Friday morning. Basically, one of them's expiring and they're all connected, that's all. That's literally all of us. They just need, do you need the whole new setup or do you need new batteries? Just one of them needs a new, uh, what are they called? Detector? Extinguisher. Ah, gotcha. No, fire, fire extinguisher. No, fire. No. Fire extinguishers don't live inside of a fire detector so that can't be true. I need one new fire alarm detector. You need the detector itself. Yes. Got it. Right, and I haven't, I haven't. I haven't actively made a move to do that. I've just, they're all out of the wall. Cool, so when they all start going off again? Well, they're not on the wall, they're completely, like, the batteries are out. Great, so when your house is on fire, what's your game plan? Uh, out the winder. Okay. Out the winder, obviously. Let me go down with it. You live. Let me go down with it. Sure. No follow ups. No notes. No concerns. Fire burning, fire burning on the dance floor. We didn't start the fire. It was always burning. Anything else? No, that was it. That was my only tea. Okay. My only hot piping, sizzling hot tea. Okay. So we have some things from our listeners and some games for each other. And I also have a short topic for us. I think you need to rip it on the topic. Okay. So one of the questions we got was, what is the topic you haven't done yet, but you want to do? Okay. And so one of them came up and I was like, I'm just going to look into it. And I was like, and I don't think it needs to be a whole episode, but we have to talk about it because you can, you can try to guess. Yeah. The Gold Rush? No. So we did that. We did. That was part of the Oregon Trail. Yeah, but we didn't do a whole Gold Rush. No, cause it, it doesn't need a whole episode. It was just like there was a Gold Rush. That's why I thought this would be it. No. Cause it didn't need a whole episode. You know? No, we looped that one in. Okay. We, we checked that box. It was a two for one. So glad it was memorable. No, I have no recollection of the Gold Rush. Great. Great. It's cool. So what's today's episode about? One year from today, because we're recording on June 18th, one year ago was the subversible. And everybody who listens to this podcast knows that I'm obsessed with the Titanic. And like I said, I just don't think it needs the whole episode. So we're going to do the Titanic today. Sorry, I just need a little something to whip my whistle. I'm sorry. I'm not well. No one has ever said that you have been. I can't wait to hear about the submersible, submersible, submersible in the ocean submerges. Help. Okay. No survivors. So. All right. All right. Easy. Uh, okay. So it's still an ongoing investigation. We don't know all of the things yet. We don't have all the answers, but. I'm just gonna do my version of it. I found this amazing New Yorker article on it written by Ben Taub last year and it's the Titan Submersible was an accident waiting to happen. It is so good. I got nearly every ounce of information from there and also Wikipedia. Okay. Okay. Stockton Rush is a very rich, privileged, well connected asshole who was told many, many, many times and for many years that the Titanic submersible was not a good idea. The actual name of it's the Titan is the actual name of the submersible, but I also call it the Titanic. You get it. What is it with people being told, like, not to do something and it sparks their energy to do it? Have you noticed who usually is told no but does it anyway? Have you noticed a theme like with the Kennedys or the Menendez brothers or like just people who get told no people of power? people who are rich It's always these rich bitches who never get told they know their whole lives and then just do a bunch of stupid shit. So Stockton is actually named after two of his ancestors, Benjamin Rush and Richard Stockton, both who signed the declaration of independence. He is old money, honey, rich out the fucking earlobes. His grandfather is from, he's an oil tycoon. Uh, always the oil. So I think this explains Stockton really well. He ends up going to Princeton, doing a bunch of shit. Decides he wants to be a fighter pilot. He didn't have the best eyesight though. So then he decided he wanted to go to space. He wanted to be the first person to explore Mars. And in 2004, he travels to the Mojave Desert where he watched the launch of the first privately funded aircraft to brush against the edge of space. And the only occupant was a test pilot. Richard Branson announces that this is starting the new era of space tourism. Like, it has arrived, we're doing it. Okay. Stockton Rush. We're gonna be taking field tricks, field trips, field trips up to space. That's true. He's like, this is an untapped market. We're doing it. Stockton Rush abruptly loses interest and according to a profile done in the Smithsonian magazine he said, I didn't want to go up to space as a tourist. I wanted to be Captain Kirk on the Enterprise. I wanted to explore. Like the fact that someone else had done it, he was like, nope, sorry, not interested. He had grown up scuba diving in places that all people do, like Tahiti and the Cayman Islands and the Red Sea. So he starts fishing. being obsessed with the ocean and then he starts messing with the the idea of a one person submersible and Doing some shit. He lived in Seattle for a bit and he would use it like in the marina in Seattle I don't know. In 2009, he is the founder of Ocean Gate, which might be a company that some of you have heard of. And he says, if three quarters of the earth is water, then how come you can't access it? Because we're not fucking meant to. Because there are just some places and some things that humans shouldn't ruin. I don't know. I don't know. The TikTok I sent you guys about the. Yeah, the fish. The fish. It was a TikTok saying like fish of the that shouldn't have been like brought up from the ocean because. Yeah. They're literally. They're terrifying. Their, their eyes are all popped out because they're literally not meant to sustain. No, they're supposed to see in the deep, deepest, darkest depths. Their eyes have evolved from years from trying to survive. And they're just like at the bottom of the ocean and we're just bringing them up. Let's keep them down there. Those things are fucking scary. There is an infographic, I will find it for you later, where it goes into what lays at certain levels of the ocean. It is, I'm a beach girly. I will, I will put my feet in every ocean that I see. Hell to the fucking no. You could not pay me any amount of money. There are just some things we're not meant to explore. And that it should be okay. Yeah, like why can't we just leave them in peace? I, listen, I don't know. So now that he's obsessed with the water again, and he has this one person submersible, he sees this as like a niche market that's untapped, and he's like, I'm gonna pioneer deep sea exploration, and people are gonna pay a boatload of money, and I'm gonna like guide them around the ocean floor. He once said to BBC, people are so enthralled with the Titanic. I read an article that said there are three words in the English language that are known throughout the planet, and that's Coca Cola, God, and the Titanic. Amen. And that we say amen. In 2015, Ocean Gate built its first submersible. It's called the Cyclops is like not a cute name for a Yeah, I don't know. I guess it's like because it's round and it's You know, the one eye thing, I don't really know. I guess, but not cute. Cyclops ain't it. To build it, they collaborated with the University of Washington's Applied Physics Laboratory. They usually build it with, you know, like, backup systems. Whether that be batteries, or oxygen, or, I don't know, some way to communicate with the outside world. Cyclops 1, runs with a PlayStation controller. With no backups. Cyclops. Because Stockton wanted to train pilots quickly. So another theme you'll hear through the story is that he wanted to be first regardless of what very smart, logical people told him, who were scientists and engineers and experts, because he just wanted to be the first to do it. So he will cut every corner imaginable. He also now has his eyes set on the Titanic. So now it's not just about seeing the ocean, it's about going to the Titanic. And it's at this point that the University of Washington backs out. Only one fifth of their contract had been completed, but they were like, nope, we will not be a part of this. This is not giving safe. This is not giving safe. The Cyclops 1 that they built could withstand 500 meters down into the water of pressure, because the further you go down, the more pressure is there. So, in the ocean, that's 1, 640 feet, okay? Like, that's not, no. Simply no. The Titanic is eight times that much. It is at 12, 500 feet. So, if the Cyclops 1 can't withstand that much, how is it going to do 8 times that much? We don't know. Uh, no backups, the submersible was steered through the PlayStation Control, like I mentioned, that used Wi Fi and Bluetooth. If your signal drops, you are completely fucked. They do a test run in a marina. And this, this part's actually kind of funny. They interview a lot of people who were a part of this entire process because it took many, many years before the actual Titan submersible imploded. But they, they interviewed this guy and he was like, it was actually wicked funny because they put four of the most veteran engineer submersible operators into the Cyclops and they put it into a marina and it got stuck 20 to 25 feet in the water. For hours, and the four of them were just sitting in there waiting. Like, four of the most skilled, like, think about four of the biggest NASA, smartest astronauts, and they get stuck at, like, Logan Airport. That's, like, that is what's happening. Also, like, why are we even testing it in a marina? Like, how is it even comparable? Girl, your guess is as good as mine. Get out of the marinas. Yeah, the marinas aren't it, okay? So Stockton denied having an external evaluator come in so that it can get certified because it needs certain certain certification so that it can safely go into the water. He declined. He said, no, thank you, um, for someone to come in and be able to actually understand what we're doing. We'd have to educate them first, and they won't understand our innovations if they're not educated. So I would just prefer no one to come in. So it was not classified. It was, it had no certifications, like none of that. No one checked in on it? Nope. He then announces that multiple people need to be on board because you quote don't do the coolest thing You've ever done in your life by yourself. You take your wife your son your daughter and your best friend You've got to have four people besides the pilot. No notes We're now on the Cyclops 2 people closest to him are pointing out major design flaws in the builds At one point glue is coming off in the water from like the fucking doors. It's getting fire festival So it's so funny you say that because he fires anyone who pushes back in or people just drop out left and right, and they actually had so many smart people say like, Hey, like, there's this one guy giving Billy McFarlane, there's three big players here. And all three of them are very much like this isn't safe, and they keep pushing back, and they keep pushing back, and they either get fired or they drop out because they're like, we're not being a part of that, and it reminded me a lot of Billy and who he surrounds himself with. Uh, they begged him to stop and see reason. to the point where they even end up filing complaints with the U. S. government to get them. They're like, if we can't get you to stop just by your own reasoning, then we're going to force it legally on you. Uh, there were guys watching this saying, we cannot in good conscious, let him do this. And if he's not going to listen, we're, we got to take matters into our own hands. Stockton was fucking furious about the court filing. He threatened to sue everyone. He then gets all of leadership together. and he like screams at them for two hours. How about this? After this whole blowout with like the filing. Rush asked Oceangate's director of finance and administration whether she'd like to take over as chief submersible pilot and she says Quote it freaked me out that he would want me to be head pilot since my background is in accounting She added that several of the engineers were in their late teens and early 20s And at one point we're being paid 15 an hour and she said, quote, I could not work for Stockton. I did not trust him. And as soon as she was able to line up another job, she ends up quitting. Rob McGallum, who is one of the like key players in all of this. He was there from the beginning. He had led expeditions to the Titanic. He tried to reason with Russia as well. He directly emails him this. You are wanting to use a prototype, unclassed technology, in a very hostile place. As much as I appreciate entrepreneurship and innovation, you are potentially putting an entire industry at risk. Which, like, is very fair to say. Yeah. Rush responds four days later. He says that he has, quote, grown tired of industry players who try to use a safety argument as Stop innovation and new entrants from entering their small existing market. He understood that his approach flies in the face of the submersible orthodoxy, but that is the nature of innovation. We have heard the baseless cries of you are going to kill someone way too often. I take this as a serious personal insult and sure, sure, sure. So he's like, how dare you say that to me? Your claims are invalid and fuck off. David Lockridge is another big player in this. He had worked over three decades as a submersible pilot. He's worked all over the world. He's an engineer. He was in the Navy. Like, he is that bitch. He is that guy. He was at Ocean Gate for years and he said this. Quote, I would consider myself pretty ballsy when it comes to doing things that are dangerous, but that sub is an accident waiting to happen. There's no way on earth you could have paid me to dive the thing. I don't want to be seen as a tattletale, but I'm so worried he kills himself and others in the quest to boost his ego. I mean, and here we are. So again, everyone's pointing out flaws. Everyone's trying to reason with him. He won't listen. He also stocked in strategically structured everything to be outside of the U S jurisdiction. So the former senior, like just a senior. Ocean gate employee said it was all deliberate in a legal filing. They reported that the submersible was being developed and assembled in Washington, but it was owned by the Bahamas. Interesting. And it was registered in the Bahamas and will operate exclusively outside of the territorial waters of the United States. So although it's illegal to transport passengers in an unclassed, experimental submersible under U. S. regulations, and if you kill the crew, you will be in deep fucking trouble because it's outside of their jurisdiction. They don't have to worry about it. And also the word passenger is now illegal. And so they didn't classify anyone as a passenger. They said they were a mission specialist. And when you bought your quote unquote ticket to go, they didn't call it a ticket. They contributed whatever amount Rush wanted to them, wanted them to. And then it would just go like to the company. But that's how you paid for your seat. But it was all to avoid legal. Yep, they didn't want the Navy breathing down their neck. They didn't want the Coast Guard. They were like, we want to be left alone and we want to do this all off the book. So more than three dozen industry experts at this point and send a letter to Ocean Gate pleading with them not to go to the Titanic expressing their unanimous concerns about it. Oceangate doesn't listen. They spend the next three years like testing out different materials and crap. And then Russia's public statements are just wildly inaccurate. He claims at a bunch of different points. He says, you know, we have partnerships with Boeing. We have partnerships with NASA. And. He said that the latest iteration of the whole, which is like the base, I think of a boat. It's like the base of the whole ship. The whole is like the round part. He said that they were working with the Marshall space flight center in Huntsville, Alabama, and they were helping them build it. None of those things are true. Interesting. Not one of those things is accurate, but that's what he's telling everyone. In 2021, he redefines his pitch to the public because he wants people to keep buying tickets. But now he can't claim it's like super, super safe. So those days of being like the Titan is safe. I swear everyone will be great. He changes it. And now it's. The submersible is existing at the very fringe of what is physically possible and clients signed waivers And they were informed that the submersible was experimental and unclassed But the framing of it was like you are pioneering this ocean exploration and it's yet to be done So you are the guinea pig? You're but like in a way that makes you feel like you're an adventurer and you're gonna be remembered instead of a being remembered for a horrible thing. When question two, he has answers, but they make no sense. So at one point he says things like, Hey, you know, the, the whole, the body of the ship, it's made out of carbon fiber. And when you go down far enough, when it has too much pressure, it makes noise. And so when I hear the noise, I just stop. Like I just stopped my descending and I realized, you know, like we're in trouble, let's not do this. Um, except that he wasn't always able to stop descent. And one time in one of his deep runs, he was unable to stop his dissension to the point where everyone in the submersible was like, okay, I guess we're sleeping on the ocean floor for the night. Uh, because they, they just kept going and they were manually able to figure it out. He used some system to figure it out, but like the whole, we can just stop if we want to thing, isn't always accurate. Another time the BBC we're there for a documentary like a film crew the whole shebang and they went on an expedition with them and before they even go down There's a professional diver. That's like the thruster seems off. Everyone ignores this. That's fine They are two and a half miles into the ocean down And they have the PlayStation controller, which is how they dictate which direction they go in in the thruster was installed the wrong way. And when they push forward, it goes into a circle. So they are two and a half miles into the ocean popping wheelies. Like just full doughnuts like at a rotary and they didn't think to do it And one of them is like, oh my god, we can't go anywhere. They can obviously Communicate with the outside world in Russia's like figure it out, dude And they realize that the remotes on the controller mean opposite things So like up is right and left is down like they have to Yep So they had to remap the controller while Rush is saying to them, figure it out. Rush also didn't remember where the buttons were. So they had to Google image a PS3 controller so they could see where the buttons were. Good Lord. So this is a direct quote. Shipwrecks are notoriously difficult and dangerous to dive. Rusted cables drape the Titanic moving with the currents, a broken crow's nest dangles over the deck, griffith, who was the pilot, piloted the submersible over to the wreck and passengers within feet of it while teaching himself in real time how to operate a Bluetooth controller whose buttons suddenly had different functions from those in which he was trained. Suddenly had different. What the fuck are we doing? Like at what point, so they do this a bunch of times, these are just some of them, at what point Do you go we don't have this? I don't know. I don't know clearly. They just don't so more issues arise They are promptly ignored as we all know and on the morning of June 18th 2023 rush climbs into the Titan So no Cyclops II, we're in the Titan Submersible. We've got Rush. We've got wealthy businessman Hamish Harding. The British Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his 19 year old son Suleiman, who reportedly told a relative he was terrified of diving in the submersible, but would do so anyway because it was Father's Day. And he carried with him a Rubik's Cube so he could solve it in front of the Titanic wreck. The fifth diver was Paul Henri Narjolet. He was a Frenchman and everyone called him PH. And he was the Titanic expert. And he was everybody's buddy. All the guys that I've mentioned so far. He was like an old shipmate and friend. And he had been working with Ocean Gate. For at least a year as a wreck navigator historian and guide so like I said the seat costs were I don't even want to call them seats because they weren't classified as seats because they weren't on a classified sub But they were two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a person The vessel had life support for five people for 96 hours. There is no GPS underwater Waze, Google Maps, does not work. The support ship, which monitored the position of the Titan relative to the Titanic, sent text messages to the Titan to provide distances and directions. Every 15 minutes they were in contact with each other. It supposedly had all these backup plans in case something went wrong or out of emergency. Sure. So an hour and 45 minutes into the dive they lose contact. It does not resurface at the time that it's scheduled. As we all remember every effort is made to find them. We're talking Coast Guard, Canadian Coast Guard, Air Force, National Guard, Four different countries, everyone is involved, every naval ship is set out to find the Titan. There is a detection system built in to warn you, in the sub, in the Titan sub, to warn you if there's an issue. So they believe, and they don't know this for sure because how would we know at this point, but they believe that something went off, some sort of warning went off about the hull, because it turns out the carbon fiber. was not built to handle that kind of pressure that deep down. They moved very quickly to get to the bottom. They got the warning and apparently there were some efforts being made in the submersible to fix the problem. So they knew something was wrong. I don't know if they knew how dire it was, but they definitely knew something was wrong and the submersible imploded. Now, if there's any silver lining here, it would be that it was Millisecond, like before your brain can even process what is happening, they were dead. Water never hit their bodies before they were dead. They were pieces. So, okay, so we, no one can find them. Four days goes by because this went on for four days. On June 22nd, the U. S. Coast Guard find a field of debris near the Titanic. So pieces of the Titan were found on the ocean floor. It was 1600 feet from the bow of the Titanic. So for anyone who was wondering how much that is, they were a little over five football fields away. And I don't believe they could see it. I mean, the Titanic is massive, but think of a football field. Yeah, five of those. So maybe they could see, like, But the window itself is tiny and they're all sitting crisscross applesauce. There's no, we're packed. Like, sorry. Yeah, we're in, there's a little tiny window with a net over it. Like they're not getting full frontal view. No glass window, glass window. So yeah, they were close, but I, I don't believe they ever saw it. And so they're still trying to learn exactly what happened. What was the cause? But we, I think we can all agree it was a walking red flag. And so like I mentioned, um, this guy, Lockridge, McAllen, Patrick Leahy was the CEO of the company that designed and helped build the sub. These guys were like the big risk takers of like, dude, you're not, this isn't right. You need to stop. And so Stockton Rush just wouldn't take no for an answer. And PH, the guide, his legacy is a little complicated for his friends, of course, because his last few dives were with Stockton. And so Patrick Leahy says this. This is the conversation he had with pH. She said, I had a conversation with pH just as recently as a few months ago. So this is a few months before the Titan imploded. He said, I kept giving him shit for going out there. I said, pH, by you going out there, you legitimize what this guy's doing. It's a tacit endorsement. And worse than that, I think he's using your involvement with the project and your president on the site as a way to fucking lure people into it. And pH replied that he was getting old. He was a grieving widower, and as he told people several times in recent years, if you have to go, that would be a good way to go, instant. I said, okay, so you're ready to fucking die? Is that what you want, pH? And he said, no, no, but I figure that maybe if I'm out there, I can help them avoid a tragedy. But instead, he found himself right in the fucking center of a tragedy, and he didn't deserve to go that way. I loved pH, He was a brilliant human being, and somebody that I had the privilege of knowing for almost 25 years. I think it's a tremendously sad way for him to have to end his life. Lahey dived the Titanic an earlier exploration in 2019 and he said, I remember pH climbing out of the submersible and being upset at the fact that we were even there. He said, quote, it's a mess down there. it's a tragic fucking place and in some ways, you know, people paying all that money to go and fly around in a fucking graveyard. He trailed off. But the loss of so much life in 1912 set in motion new regulations improvements for safety at sea. Quote, and so I guess on a positive note you can look at this as having been a difficult and tragic lesson that probably Has since saved hundreds of thousands of lives. That's true. But pH then you did it And then it took your life. And now we're learning for PH. And so the mom, the poor mom, of the wife and the son, her name is Christine, she has done interviews. She said that her son was excited to go. It actually was apparently supposed to be her and her husband. Yikes. And to just really dig the dagger in deeper, she gave up her spot for her son. she says he was excited and her, it was like her husband's lifelong dream. And he had like this childlike wonder and excitement about it. And they were so excited and it was father's day and it was this big deal. But I don't know. Then his aunt went on Tik TOK and was like, he was terrified and I didn't want to go. So I don't know, but that, that is the Titan submersible. That was crazy. Stockton Rushman. What a dick. kept saying, like, if you're not breaking things, you're not innovating like he he sounded like the like if your head of an Uber. Do you know what I mean? He was just like, if you're not breaking rules, then what the fuck is the point? Because people die because you're going to a hostile environment that humans were not meant to be in. And that Whether or not you want to be innovative there is like a lot of physics here Yeah, there is so much more that goes into it than like I just want to do it and be the first so he sucks So that was one year ago right now. We were watching TV and just waiting for updates at this point. It was crazy Also, the internet was popping off. Oh my god the tweets They were killing me. The tweets were funny. I hate to say it. I know we're all going to go to hell for thinking it, but the tweets were funny because in a lot of ways it's punching up, right? It's punching up to rich people and not punching down. And so there's an aspect of that where you're like, lol. But yeah, I mean, it's tragic and it just easily could have been avoided. And if someone is saying something and you're looking around and everyone's drinking the same Kool Aid, I think it's a really great point to stop and go like, What's actually happening here? What are what are we doing? What are the goals here? This I this might sound really mean i'm about to say a mean thing. I mean, I highly doubt it's mean I'm glad Stockton rush was on it. No. Yeah, obviously like the the thought of him Doing all of this and then not going and dying and other people dying for his lack Of any responsibility or following any yeah, I I would be I'm almost not happy He died, but i'm glad he was a part of it and not other random humans. I agree. That's not mean to say It's so sad though. They like lost their friends even the businessman. What's his face? Hamish Harding. People loved him. Yeah. And then they brought the 19 year old who brings a Rubik's Cube. Just because he wants to do the Rubik's Cube in front of the Titanic. He wants to solve it in front of the Titanic. And they're that close? So wholesome. Ugh. Anyway. That's the submersible. They croaked not even having seen it either. That's crazy I honestly that would annoy me at least give me a view before i'm imploded. Yeah, so it was so close But that's kind of the cruel fate's a twisted bitch She is She really is can we talk about something really quickly? Sure. Can we talk about how mine at one, one went, went down yesterday? Okay. I was actually thinking that cause I was like, it's possible. It's a really hot day. people are going to be out and about. What if an accident happens? What do you do? What if you just trip and fall and you can't call 9 1 1? What do you do? You just drive to the hospital? Yeah, I don't know. What if a kid gets snatched? Like tripping and falling is the least of my concerns. I'm talking about the major crimes. Yeah, that's true. Um, and I was, I stopped at the liquor store, on my way here. Yeah. But I actually went in and realized I didn't need anything and then I left. Not the point. For everybody curious, this has taken us two days to record for tech issues, but Let's not talk about it. Take two. We're back! Uh, but you guys don't know that. Anyways, I pulled over and pulled in, and I just knew the drama would find me. There was, like, an accident, but not a bad one. Everyone was fine. But, like, a bumper was missing, like, someone's tire was missing. It was all fucked up, and they both were just, like, laughing outside their car. But I was there, on scene, as, like, people were pulling up, and I was, like, in on the drama. Yeah, so it's, like, it knew. Like, there was a reason I pulled over and went to the liquor store, even though I didn't need anything. It was for the drama. Yeah, for some reason you needed to be on the scene. I did. Completely unhelpful on the scene. Yeah. Watching. Yeah. Smiling. Yeah. I did also leave for work yesterday and Fiona left for work obviously, probably like maybe two to three minutes after me and she texts and says, oh my god Colleen did you just see that, um, that fence in that house? And I was like, What, what are you talking about? And she was like, you didn't just see the car smoking that just drove over into the fence on that yard and into the house. What was going on? So it happened. It had to have happened legitimately right behind me. Like two seconds. This is giving final destination. So I was pissed. I'm like, Oh my God, if I didn't have to be at work right now, I'd be like turning the fucking around for like, and she was like, yeah, people were running up as I was driving by. So like, it must have just happened. Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy. I'm like, damn, I missed out. That sucks. I don't know if that's missing out. Well, I wouldn't have watched. I would have jumped into action. I would have gotten it out and helped. I just meant like, I just missed it by the know me. I would have been on the scene. I would have been out there and said, everything okay, sis? Are you slaying or are you laying? Can I Blink twice. No? Okay. They're on their way. 911 is down, but someone's coming. I'm not really sure who. Can I get you anything? Water. Tequila. I feel like you probably need a Marg right now. I hope this person is okay. No, they were. Okay. They were. Well, that's good. But I just wanted to I feel better knowing that. But if that was me in that situation, I would hope that I would have someone that would do that for me. I mean, do you need a marg? Yes, I do. It actually has happened to me. So did they ask you if you wanted a marg? She didn't. She did call 9 1 1 though, and it did save my life. So it's probably. Just some casual drama thrown into jokes. As this podcast does. Cheers to good people. Cheers to people who jump into action. One of the good ones. Anyway. Um, I have a giggle if you want a giggle. Oh, we didn't talk about how the Celtics won. Oh yeah, but who gives a fuck about that. Oh my god, that's so exciting. Anytime a Boston sports team wins, it's so fun. Yeah, I guess. And people are going to be pussy popping all over the city on Friday. They will. And it's I, I don't know. Did you just stroke out? What happened there? I think I just had a stroke. Okay. I think I went to go say I don't care, but like I really Are you well? I was supposed to care, but like I also won't be here, so like I really don't care. Blink twice. I had to think about that for a minute. Blinking on command is hard. So I was watching the game with Aaron and Fiona, and five minutes before it ended, I realized that that was the last game. So like I just didn't understand why they were like so hyped up. I just, you know what it is, it's my fault because when we were growing up, my dad didn't like the Celtics, even though he worked at the Garden. That's really, I mean, basketball's my least favorite, I would say, of the four Boston sports teams. I should say the sport, it's nothing to do with the team, it's the actual sport. I hate that in basketball, the last, I don't know, 10 minutes last 30, and they're the only ones that really count. That's fair. But playoff, any sport I will watch any day. I love, I love sports. So I love watching like the most exciting games. Yeah. Mid season, two bad teams could not pay me to watch a basketball game. No, I'm usually like to go to the game. Like I'd go, it's just for the vibes, you know? Yeah. My favorite bar in Boston is Fenway park. That's fair. It's the best energy about it. Oh, it's the best, you know, Fenway Frank Frankalicious. Yeah. Get me a sausage, peppers and onions. Get me a glass of white, nice crisp pinot grige, get me on that coca cola deck, play some take me out to the ball game, and I'll shove a hot dog down my gullet. Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks. Even though it will cost you minimum 250. You all were listening to the episode I talked about the double at the the garden and I will never go back. Oh yeah. That was tragic. Which is ironic because Multiple episodes later, you said don't ever order a double because they don't give it to you. Yeah, that's true. Let's learn from our own tip. So, let me correct myself. A double is not a double. It is more tequila sometimes. I'm assuming it's more. I'm assuming it does not equal out perfectly to two shots. It's legitimately not a double, I don't believe. I think you can get a tall Which means a little, yeah. You just get more, extra, extra. So yeah, that's that. Okay, great. Um, you mentioned a giggle. Oh yeah. Do you want a giggle? Yeah, I definitely do. And then we can hop into some questions we got from the listeners. The listen us, so you know how we have a call, right? Have a cult following. We do, yeah. We're a cult and we are gonna have matching leather jackets one day and just be slanging the day away. So therefore, we must have 10 commandments of our cult. I am so ready for this. I'm ready. I'm excited. So you, as members of our cult, uh, you must follow these ten commandments, okay? Yep. Thank you. Number one being, thou shall pop pussy wherever and whenever thou can. As far as the first one goes, fucking nailed it. I'm thinking like, you know when you go to church, you have to, you would have to like say the, I don't know if you have to do that in church, but I used to have to like memorize the Ten Commandments in school. Yeah, yeah. What if we did it in every episode? No, no, that's We're taking a weird turn now, so let's just keep it. But you know I don't know where to draw the line. I, that's what I'm here for. I'm the professional line drawer of this podcast. It's an exhausting job. It's a thankless job. And it's unpaid. But we have fun. I I today and every day, moving forward. And I retro that thankfulness, two years ago. Retroactive pushback two years. Um, commandment number two, Aaron is mother and thou shall do as mother says. Period. That's on period. No notes. Thou shall answer to a higher power, higher power being Brittany Broski and RuPaul. Yes. That's correct. Thou shall touch grass and be humbled by a boy cousin when acting out and when needed. We all need it. What if you don't have a boy cousin? Find one. Use ours. We have, we have some to spare. We have plenty to spare and they will humble you. Gladly. You don't even have to say anything to them. They'll just come in hot with it. Thou shall live in delusion if thou chooses to do so. If thou chooses to do so. I'm gonna put an asterisk on that one. Okay. With some fine print, but What would be your sidebar on that one? If the delusion Is that we don't go to the doctor and we don't fix our car and we don't fix very obvious things We have control over that is not delusion Delusional like you should walk out outside of your house every day and just be like, I'm the hottest best thing that's ever existed and I'm gonna make all of the money and I'm gonna find my perfect person and I am that bitch and I'm gonna take Over the world that is the delulu I can get behind. Okay, so we will go with we will roll with that confident Mental health Doolooloo I'm here for. And make it Trolooloo. Yes. Manifest it. Yeah. Got it. Cool. Thou shall be an ally to the girls, guys, gays, and strays. Oh, I love that one. Oh, that's a good one. Thanks. These are great. Thou must always sip on some wine and have a good giggle when appropriate. When appropriate, AKA all the time. Yep. Thou must have dark humor all the time. Yeah. You gotta listen, you gotta be able to giggle. Thou must have random ou spurt, ou spurts, oh my god. Thou must have random outbursts of sing song whenever thou sees fit. So whenever you want. Sure. And last but not least, Yes, even if it's in Valley? Even if it's hidden Valley. And honestly, after two years, honey mustard is still not a salad dressing. Can I tell you, I recently got a salad and it came with honey mustard. I'm really sorry. That makes me sick. Did you use it? I did. That makes me sick. Do you know what I kind of did though? Was it of thin? It came with, uh, crispy chicken tenders on it. Of course it did because that's, I think it was like a cob. Were you at the 99? No. Okay. I would, oh, I would have told you. Okay. Sorry. I forget where I was, but. That's what it came with. And I basically used it for the dipping of the chicken tenders and like barely ate the salad. No, that's, that's exactly how you are to do it. No questions, no notes. I no longer judge. I was, oh, I was in Nashville. Oh, okay. Okay, fine. I was at a bar in Nashville and it came on the side. And you're just telling you now. Yeah. I don't know. I just, do you like hardboiled eggs? I do. Okay, cool. I eat them all the time. Nice. Protein. Do you Uh, I don't know. I love a cob. I do not like blue cheese in any way, shape or form. So I'll just do, if there's feta, I'll go, can I have a cob with feta instead of blue cheese? And that usually makes my little heart very content. I like the moldy cheese. I know. The smellier, the better for you. The smellier, the better. The chunkier, the better. That was excellent. I approve this message. Thank you. Trademark. Okay, do you want to talk about some of the questions we were asked by our lovely listeners? Yeah, I do. I'm curious. So I reached out to the gang on Instagram and said, If you have any questions to ask us, please ask. And if you don't have any questions to ask us, tell us you love us, because we always want to hear that. I was not expecting for the amount of people who reached out to tell us they love us. Yeah, the love was loving. We love you too. You crazy fuckin lunatics for listening to us on a weekly basis for two years. That's crazy. You're crazy. And we love you for it. I can't fathom the thought of someone willing to be like, Oh my god, new episode, I can't wait to hear these bitches voices. Like, can't wrap my brain around it. It's wild to me that, I mean, I try to get away from it, because we do it once and then I edit it so I listen to it a second time. That's sickening. And some people do it on purpose. Like, look forward to it. Willingly. And are like, hell yeah, it's Wednesday. It's time for the Shannon Girls. We will be your emotional support podcast forever and ever. We're totally fine with that. Till the grave, brother. Until one of us croaks. It's gonna be you. Yeah, probably. Hopefully. Hopefully. Stop calling! Why? You have more to bring to the world than I do. I'm serious. If we were on top of a volcano, and say for example, your sister had to push one of us over. I wouldn't even let the sentence finish. I would jump. I would jump. Because you bring more to the world than I. But I would do the same so we'd both die. Yeah, but that'd be really annoying if you did that for me. What? Because like, what the fuck am I gonna bring? To the world? You know? Like, that's just annoying. Then I would feel the need. Joy? Happiness? Well, then I would feel the need to be like, oh fuck, I have to do all this stuff because she fucking died for me. Now my life has to have some value. I think that's annoying. Does that make sense? Uh, yeah. Cause once again, it happened to me. What? That wasn't really by choice. That's true. That's true saying that I would, I have, I do feel that pressure. Yeah, that sucks. I do feel that obligation. That sucks. You shouldn't. That's a lot, that's a lot of burden. You shouldn't do that. Okay, I'll just turn that off. That's like someone who has depression, someone being like, don't be sad anymore. That's fair. I don't recommend it. Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. No, no, no. It's okay. It's the reality. Tough cross to bear. But I'm just saying, don't do that to me. Thank you. Okay. I will not jump. I will let you sacrifice yourself. For the greater good even though I don't agree with it. That's fine. Okay, great as most things First question, I'm confused. Does Colleen have a sibling or not? This one made me laugh out loud both. Yes and no Yes Give them your good description. The description is this. Colleen's father was married previously and had two children. And then they divorced and he remarried and then had Colleen. Yeah. And so, Yeah. She has two half siblings, but they are much older than her. So they were in their 20s when she was born. And so she was raised with a brother and a sister, but not in the same household. So she was raised like an only child. But you'll hear her for, oh, you know, my brother, my sister, you slide some things in there, they're half siblings. Yep. Together they make one whole real sibling. I don't know if that's how the math works, but that is the reality. Yeah. So we could talk about her like she's an only child, but she is too. Yeah, that's the tea. So, sorry for any confusion regarding me bringing up a sister or brother, but then also calling, saying I have Only Child Syndrome, because I do. Because you never, they weren't in your house, and I think a classic Only Child is, it grew up without being around a lot of other kids. Yeah. So, they have very different, yeah. Quirks. Okay, and? Than someone who grew up with siblings. I know how to share. Mmm. Is it who? I know how to share. It actually surprises me you grew up as a, essentially an only child sometimes because of how dependent you are. You would think you would be the opposite. Mmm. That's true. Or maybe because the lack of it made you want to, more, I don't know. You can figure that out at therapy I suppose. Okay, next one. Can you please film yourselves going through a haunted house this year? First of all, how dare you? Second of all, that's my nightmare. Third of all, yes. How dare you? I will do it for you. Even though it's my nightmare, I bet it will be very entertaining and very funny. And so I will do it for you, the listener. That's the best request I've ever heard. For the entertainment factor. Yeah. Slay the taint away. Um, anyways. But yes, we're down. We'll be there. And I used to love those videos of Ellen doing it. With different celebrities and I think her producer's name is Andy and he would always freak out and I know that's gonna be me I know i'm gonna be freaking out and you're just gonna be giggling and Thinking it's the best and probably hitting on the men that are jumping out at us and i'm just gonna Probably wet my pants, but we'll do it for you gang. Yeah, I would I would say that like Michael Myers popping out of nowhere would absolutely have you shitting yourself. And you would be aroused. Yeah, probably. Yeah. Okay, great. Can you believe how much you've learned and taught us in two years? No. Absolutely not. Simply no. I, I don't understand when we became educational. You know? It's so funny because if you told me two and a half years ago that this would be a partially educational podcast, I would have laughed in your fucking face. These are two people, Who barely got through high school and college. That's being generous. The first time I ever fell asleep in class, I was in the fourth grade. I was eight. And I've never forgiven that teacher. She was awful. But, I just can't believe it. But it, it, that's what makes it so fun though. Yeah, I, I Love how much you make history fun and not doesn't make me want to die. Well, that's really nice. I don't know if I make it super fun. Sometimes it's just a bummer and I No, but if in high level you take the probably would be the most boring topics and you actually make them interesting. Yeah, the Oregon Trail was one I went into basically dreading and then was like, oh, There's actually a few. Okay, Scurvy. I have a question mark. Also, Fiona texted me and said, You don't remember playing that game? I vividly remember being like, You have died of dysentery. Yes, big deal. I'm like, you know, we were doing some weird shit back in the day. Yeah, you were. I played it recently. It was actually quite fun. That's weird. Well, I want it when we did the episode. That's how I know about it. The Oregon Trail when we were kids, the video game was a really big deal. So I was like, oh, I wonder if it's online and played it. It was still there. Yeah, you can you can play it online. You can go like buy oxen, like you're given money. Oh, and you like go to the store and you buy food and you Were you in the Webkinz Club Penguin era? Club penguin? Why does that ring a bell? That's like a deep in the back of my mind. That's Webkinz era? You Webkinz. No. Why is all, it all rings a bell. This was like prime, like, I would go every single weekend and buy a new Webkinz and I'd be like creaming my pants over getting a new one. And then you would like activate it online and they would live in this like Webkinz world. Oh, yes. That was, yes. I am like aroused looking at your screen right now. I had hundreds of those fuckers. Do you know how much they cost? They were like 20 bucks a pop. They were, I would be a millionaire if I kept them. Probably, that's how we felt about Beanie Babies. Oh my god, the curio shop. Oh my god, I loved that guy. Yes, I remember this. Wow, that is wild. I just unlocked something. How's that for a throwback Thursday? Club Penguin was a vibe though. I think I got blocked from Club Penguin for like saying a mean word or something. Oh my god, I got blocked on Miley World when I was younger. I had a Miley World account. My mom paid for it. It was like 20 bucks a month. And I got blocked and they wrote a letter to my mom saying I had been suspended and my mom called me and screamed at me. I'll never forget it. I was, I think 9 or 10. I will never forget. Makes a lot of sense, Colleen. Loved Miley World. I bet my mom still pays for that without even realizing it. Anyways, sidebar. Subscription was never cancelled. Probably. Would you ever do a sippers meet and greet? I absolutely would. What's really tricky about it is I can see where everyone's listening from. I don't have your address. I can see what city everybody is in. Majority of our listeners are in New England. It's actually really funny though, because when I travel and I meet people and they listen, it looks like we have listeners all over the world. Even though it's just people from America listening abroad. We're global gals. We're global gals, but it would be, it's difficult to organize because Colleen works two jobs. She works every single weekend and I travel a lot and it would probably have to be in Boston. So there's like a lot of organizing that goes into it. But I love seeing Sippers in the wild, as they say. I love when you guys come up to us and say, Oh my God, I loved this episode. Or, Oh my God, that was so funny when X, Y, and Z happened. Because. It's hard to explain the feeling of we go into a room each week, we talk to each other, but it doesn't feel like we're doing a podcast. It just feels like, because we do this all the time, so it just feels like we're having a conversation. Even after I edit it and send it into the world, I'm not, Thinking and so when we see you in real time and you bring up an inside joke from three weeks ago. I fucking love it Yeah, because it's so fun. It didn't stick with us, but it stuck with you. You know what I mean? Yeah Yeah, or when you dm us or you know any any type of interaction with the sippers? It makes me so so happy I went to a baby shower the other day and our friend emily. Hi emily She was like, oh my god. I love the podcast. I love when people do that. It makes me very happy So I am not opposed, I don't know when that would happen. Certainly not this summer, but I would absolutely do a meet and greet and by me, I, I think meet and greets a strong term for what we would do. We would probably pick a bar and all go get drunk together and pussy pop. Yeah, I would agree with that. I don't know if it would be like us standing in a receiving line shaking hands, fuck no. It would be the girlies us at a bar. Ready to pop. The girlies, the guys, the goodies, the strays. All the goodies. Bring them all in. Yep. Would you rather the Oregon Trail or be on the Titanic? Uh, Oregon Trail. This is so easy for me, it's Titanic. Disagree. You, there's no choice. With Titanic, it's like, fuck, you're about to go into those icy cold waters, and you're gonna drown, and there is no chance of you to, like, being, hanging from the thing, and just knowing what's about to come. I can't even imagine that. I would rather have a choice, like, I would rather start my journey, and then maybe be like, ugh, I can just like, end it right now, and like, have someone hit me in the head with a rock, or a croak of dysentery, like, that's fine. I have an option! You wanna get run over by a wagon? Yes, I'd prefer that over Or accidentally shot? Yes. Yes. After having scurvy? Yeah. Okay. These are my thoughts on this. I am assuming that I'm going to die either way. And so I think for me, I'd rather go out in style on the richest, wealthiest ship on the planet and be a thing that people talk about for the rest of their days than to accidentally run over by a wagon. On the other hand, if I was meant to survive, same thing. What is survive? Yeah. What a story you would have if you were on the Titanic versus like. Oh, yeah, I was just another one of the hundreds of thousands of people who shit blood for six months. Like, you know what I mean? I guess you're right. I think the Titanic is more to me. Yeah, like you get more clout from it, for sure. It's not really about clout, it's about comfort. And there's not one ounce of the Oregon Trail that sounds comfortable in any way, shape, or form. Where on the Titanic You can, you can really live lavish. You can go out with a bang. I just, there's no comfort in the Titanic for me. It's just too much anxious. It's the ocean. It's too ocean y. I don't like the ocean. The thalassophobia will getcha. It's not a vibe for me. Okay, fair enough. I'd rather be in the heated wagon. Oregon Trail or Fire Festival? Fire Festival. The thought of you at Fire Festival live streaming and scream crying about people pissing on your mattress. I would be so upset about the sleeping situation. Oh my god. Do you know what I picture you at Fyre Festival? I picture you in the cutest outfit, in the highest heels, stomping around in the sand with a big floppy hat and being like, What? Who? Like, what the fuck? Okay, Alexis. But however, I could see you going to that bar, that restaurant where that poor waitstaff had to serve everyone, and you feeling bad for them and getting up and like, helping them clean plates. Oh, for sure. And being like, drunk. In saying, let me help you. Yeah, 100%. I'll help bring the food out. Oh my God, if I saw one fucking person who's sitting at a table, go up to the bar and get a drink through the bar and knock to their waitress, I'm swinging. I am swinging. Don't even try that shit. But yeah, 100%, that poor woman, justice for her. Oh, so funny. What's the funniest date story you or your friends have been on? Wait, you didn't answer. Do you want to be a Fyre Festival? Oh, sorry. I would rather be a Fyre Festival. It's much shorter. I think I would personally be able to, like, see the light. Think positively, find a way out, and at the end of the day, it's a weekend versus the Oregon Trail. Which is, there's no end. But I can see you freaking the fuck out when they locked the doors to the airport and locked everybody in. I don't know. I think I'd be alright. Sure. If it was really hot, I wouldn't like it. That, it is. That's, yeah. It's an island. They don't have AC in the airport? No, I bet that in the airport, but not when they got there all their shit was outside. Yeah, that's true bugs Yes, so I'd rather be locked inside like with my gals then be you know, yeah rather be in the air in the wild Are you shitting me with the wind in the sand? Yeah covered mattress and the bugs and the cheddar cheese in the Instagrammers live streaming Lord funniest date story don't have one. I've only been on one. That's just not true What do you mean? You went on multiple dates with the same person. It wasn't multiple. It was like one and a half. If you left your house and the two of you went alone to either a restaurant or you did an activity or an event or if he took you, if he picked you up and took you somewhere, you went on a date. Hmm. So how many would that count as now? Two. Maybe. Mm hmm. Okay. the funniest date story I've ever heard is the naked cowboy, which I've told on this podcast, which is one of my travel friends went on a date. With a guy with cowboy boots on and they met at the beach and there was a drum circle and he was being really weird And awkward and he sat down at the drum circle and in front of complete strangers He took off all of his clothes and ran into the ocean and now we refer to him as the naked cowboy The way that story set me to the moon To the moon. Sometimes people just have callings, you know? He literally said the ocean was calling to me. Oh, perfect, the sea was calling him. Okay, Moana, keep your fucking clothes on, you pervert. You've now flashed children. Never gonna see this person again. I, I think a lot of people bring up the LARPer with me when I went on the date with the LARPer accidentally, and that, that was a that was a pretty bad one. That was iconic. I have a friend who went on a date, like a friend of a friend, and she showed up to the first date and this guy had a full head of hair. It And when he, she showed up to the second one, he was completely bald, and did not address it. What would you do if you started going out with somebody, well actually I don't know why I'm asking you, you're very accepting, so I guess I'll not ask you. But what would you do, I guess, when you go on a date with somebody, and then you're like, starting to have feelings for them, and you're like, maybe like two, three months in, and then you find out they have a toupee? Oh, I wouldn't care. I think I would. You would? Yeah, I think I would. Well, it depends if I was devastatingly obsessed maybe I wouldn't care but if I was like I might like you need to see where this goes cutting it off when you like someone enough you You kind of let them get away with murder. Yeah, I know you mean you're Tossing red flags behind you like you can't see them. Yeah and making sometimes excuses and you're just like no That's just a cute little quirk So I think if you're like a murderer and you're like, no, no, but it's okay You know, he loves me Yeah Once you build a relationship, I think that would be easier. I think it'd actually be harder to learn earlier on. Yeah, to look past it. Yeah. And look into their soul. And see them for them. I ain't even looking into anybody's soul, that's for fucking sure. OK, what's a topic you'll never cover on the pod? I don't know. I don't think there's anything I wouldn't necessarily. Maybe something about like babies or something like children. I don't know. I know you are. Or like, I don't know. That's so vague. I don't know. Something, I'm trying to think of things I hate, that's all. But no, there's really nothing I would be like, Oh my god, I'm uncomfortable to do that. Jojo. Siwa. I would talk about her if it was in my, in the POVA of hatred. That's fine. I will never do Casey Anthony, and I will never talk about Chris Watts. I think they are the worst type of human being that's ever lived, and you couldn't pay me to cover them. I'm just never going to talk about it. I also, if you've been here long enough, you know I've done some bigger heavy hitter episodes where I do a big true crime story that everybody knows, and The way that I learn is by watching documentaries, but I don't just watch one. I watch three. I read a book I listen to a podcast. I really try to diversify my Sources. Oh, yeah, I do. You should fucking try it And my point being is that I I am kind of consumed by it and those are just two stories that I don't have the brainpower or need. I just don't need to do that. Yeah. That's the sort of space I want to live in. No, we don't need to waste our breath on them. They don't deserve it. No, they're the biggest pieces of shit on the planet, and they don't deserve any more oxygen than they've already been given, quite honestly. And I've always said I'll never do Whitey Bulger, who, if you're not from Boston, is a very famous Irish mafia type of guy. He hits a little too close to home for me personally. He's also the devil reincarnate, but a part of me is like, you should do it because I have family who are there and we're. Involved. Yeah, you have, you have first hand sources. So it's, a part of me is like, why not do it? You could do it really well, you could do it justice, but he's just such a piece of shit. And I, and I love that we touch on true crime, but we don't do it all of the time. I don't wanna live in that headspace all the time. No, we do like little, little whispers of true crime. Yeah, we do it like every few episodes we throw in a true crime thing, which I love. Cause we love true crime, we listen to it all the time. All the documentaries, all the things. So maybe I'll change my mind about Whitey, but not the fucking other two. That's for sure. No, family annihilators are not the vibe. Hate. Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Double hate. Loathe entirely. What's a topic you haven't done yet and you want to do? Reincarnation. You didn't, you didn't mention that. That's true. I must. Okay. I'm into that. That's all? Anything else? Yeah, my brain doesn't work that far ahead in time. Cool. But you have a list. You have a list now. Yeah, I have a, I have a bunch of things I want to do. I would love to do Atlantis, I love mysteries, Anastasia's been on my list from the jump since this podcast started, because I, Absolutely obsessed with that movie when I was a kid and I think that's another really heavy story though. Talk about heavy Good lord. I want to do the Trojan horse and like Caesar. Oh, that one's cool. Yeah You did it, okay, you sure did that was just why I keep a list Yeah. So that we never do a topic again. Yeah. I'm sure that'll happen one day. Or, I'm kind of excited for the day we both bring the same thing by accident. I feel as though that'll never happen. You don't think so? Confidently. Yeah. Because we have such different brains and we look so differently. Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. Sometimes I just don't, I don't understand the assignment. You know? No, you don't. Nope. Like the time we did history and you brought in the Kentucky meat showers. And I was like, I did, Tea party. I did the start of the revolution the boston masker and you bring in the fucking kentucky meat showers But it was your idea if I read one thing about war or something i'm out in like 30 seconds So I had I saw each hour and said let's fucking slay the day away. Do you know there was an emu war? What's an emu? It's an animal. Is it like a penguin? Go eat. Or an ostrich. Those make me sick. No, Bridget, I'm a, I have the chills. I'm sick. They're, uh, usually in Australia. That's disgusting. And they're a flightless bird, so they're like the native bird of Australia. Good for them. They should stay there. So there was a war, like people got the emus together to fight a war. I'm not fucking kidding you. You know what animals are secretly so scary? What? Giraffes. Oh, I love a giraffe. When they fight with their neck. No, I love that when you see them in the wild, they're so sweet and they, I love giraffes. That's crazy. Big giraffe girl. When they fight, like, and they like intertwine their necks, like, ow. Yeah. Talk about a neck cramp. That's crazy. It's giving dinosaur. I also think we have to do Helen Keller because you don't believe she exists. Because she doesn't. She doesn't exist. Colleen. Colleen. She's gaslighting us. We've talked about this. She can't gaslight us from the grave, Colleen. She's dead. Where's her tombstone? I don't know. When was her funeral? I'll have to do that. Where was it held? Who attended? Oh, oh good lord. I want to talk to who did her body. That's who I want to talk to. Who did her body? Yeah, I don't know, like finished it out, you know? Sorry? Like did the sawdust or whatever it is? What the actual fuck are you referring to? Sorry, who prepared her body for the ceremony? You want to know who did her hair and makeup? Yeah. Why? Who embalmed her or whatever? Why? Because that's proof. Okay, so not like family members? No, loved her. No. No, you just want to talk to the Undertaker? I want to know who's, who's sewed her eyes shut. That's who I want Oh god, it's so dark. You're so fucked up. Sorry. It's okay. Highs and lows from the year. Some of my personal favorite episodes I went through the last year and just looked. Alien Stalk was so fun. It was one of those episodes I went into and wasn't super excited about because I don't do, I just don't get the whole alien thing. Love when you're open to these things. But your alien encounter stories were so funny. Like the guy who stormed Area 51 and he would throw his arms behind him and run really fast. That was crazy. Make those anime noises. Any wild dating story or like Family drama story if there's a story your family all talks about at the dinner table or gossips about or that person from high school Everyone talks shit about because something crazy happened. We want to know, you know We want to gather with your friends and you're just like, okay well I have nothing to say to you because I saw you last week And also let's talk about the exact same thing. We've talked about for the past decade. Yes a decade ago. Yes We just can't get over it. That's what I want to hear. I want to hear all of those a hundred percent I thought exchanging our Christmas presents was really wholesome and beautiful. Yeah, I do look back on that and watch a video of us crying and I do get icked out but like also it was genuine so whatever but it was still I was gonna say it was, it was genuine. We were smelling our grandmother's cookies. It was a very real moment. Why does that sound like dirty? Like, why does it sound creepy? It doesn't! It does. I mean that in the most literal sense. No, I, I know, but like re watching myself putting my nose to an iced oatmeal cookie and taking a big whiff and then weeping is just not something I need to see on myself. Also, side profile. We don't need to see that shit. No, we don't need the, we don't need a profile. Not an oversized sweatshirt with a, with a blanket. Like, it's just, we did, we did ourselves a disservice. And we're on the couch right now because the pod room's just simply too warm. It's 98 degrees in Boston today. And you know what it is? It's when you sit on a couch and you recline backwards a little bit. Yep. So it's already a tough angle. We were also both chubbier. That's fair. Another high of this year. We both lost weight. God bless. Slay. The hardest I've ever laughed on this podcast, other than last week's episode where you talked about the exorcism you have in the bathroom of the bridal shower, was the movie and TV show recap where I did Camp Rock and you did Seventh Heaven. On Julie going feral, I was dying laughing. I cannot wait to do more of those. I think we need to just specifically to watch more Seventh Heaven. Yeah, we're definitely gonna have to watch some Seventh Heaven. You're definitely gonna have to watch some Saved by the Bell. You're, I mean, I have like a list of things that I love you about. I love Saved by the Bell though. Oh my God, I'm so excited. I need you to watch that episode where she takes the energy pills, she gets addicted to the energy pills. Yep. I've seen, yeah, there's, there's so many TV shows and there's a lot of shit that we didn't watch of each other. So I think that will be super fun. I also did a bunch of, like I said, heavy hitter episodes like OJ, Britney Spears, Britney Spears. The Menendez Brothers. Loved your OJ. The Kennedys and the Salem Witch Trials, I think is the longest episode we've ever done and it took so much research. So much. You did an episode on Alcatraz that I really, really liked. Alcatraz, Alcatraz. It was so good. There were so many stories. Loved it. And of course, people love the deep dives. They tell us that a lot. You also all loved like the stupid funny episodes and I, I like to think we do a good mix of the two. We're very Aware of this was a heavy episode. Let's switch to a silly. Let's lighten her up. Let's give her a good giggle. Let's lighten it up. Let's get a good Reddit thread in this bitch. Any other highs for you? No. Great. Lowe's trying to figure out how to do this podcast abroad nearly gave me Mmm. Was not fun. It was very stressful because I put a lot of pressure on myself because I know people want to hear us weekly and it just, I did not enjoy that experience. I won't touch that one because I was not in the mix on that. It's not helpful in any way shape or form. No, I showed up and smiled and that's it. Oh, I was not well and then my aunt died so that sucked. That's a low. I lost my job. That's a low. Oh, shit. You know, I would say that like having everything on record as a recording is great, but it's also tough because like why the fuck would you want to relive all of that? Yeah, I don't know. That sucks. It is wild though that we have essentially a weekly diary. That's a digital footprint that will last as long as podcasts do. Yeah, that is crazy. I mean, it's really, really cool. Like, I'll never forget, seeing baby Claire's face for the first time while we were recording. You're right. I forgot about that. Yeah. The lows have been low, but also we've experienced some wonderful things while recording this podcast. That's true. They overpower the bad. Yes, they do. They do. But this year was different because last year we were still trying to figure our shit out. What topics we want to do. What's funny. What works. What do we like researching? Like, what are we doing here? Where is this going? And this year we had most of that. Even the tech stuff. We like we have most of it figured out. So this year was figured out for sure. Yeah. But this year was much easier when it comes to topics because we're like, we know what works. It was more solidified. Yeah. Yeah. So it wasn't really podcast Lowe's like, you know, the year before we did a few episodes that if I could just absolutely delete from existence, I would, I don't feel, Oh God, movies, books and movies will haunt my nightmares forever. Yeah. I want, we didn't have any of those this year, but yeah, we have our shit figured out two years in, we finally got it. Slaying the day away. Alright, let's talk about things we've learned. Things I've learned, well I've learned a lot in this podcast about myself, about you, about us, about life, man. Yeah, for real. Life's crazy. Life's crazy. Oh my good fucking god. Okay, I learned that ASMR is simply not for us and I don't think we should ever do that ever. We should partake, we should listen, but we should never do it. We're too loud. It was not built for our voices. No, it's not built for our Irish. Whisper, whisper. Yeah, I have the loudest whisper. We're just like bull in a china shop. As my mother would say, I can't sneak out of Texas. That's what she says? Yeah. Okay. Cause I just, I don't do anything subtly. No. I'm not nonchalant. I'm full chalant. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. I was at a restaurant that was relatively nice yesterday and, uh, Relatively nice. And I was explaining to the person I was with that, like, we talk about how we need a legitimate etiquette class, like, Yes. We're not, I mean, I'm definitely trashy. I would not consider you to be trashy. But I would say that we don't have the best etiquette. Etiquette, like table manners. We're women of the people. Yeah, like we don't have like, we're not delicate. We're not, no. Graceful. Right, so I went to go reach for something and I knocked over like a fucking oyster in like hot sauce and whatever. And obviously I don't eat oysters, I don't even know how. They just taste like salty semen to me. I just, it's just. It's not the vibe. Like that's what I, I mean you'll have a flash to that. And I'm gonna be like, oh, whatever. Yeah. Um, it's just not great. Like, yeah, we do want in the future to do an etiquette class for the pot, like have someone come in and teach us, you know, fork and knife and you start with this one and you fold your napkin like this and this is how you get up from a table. Like I dropped my napkin on the floor, I left it there and then No Colleen, you heathen. And then I dropped my phone, I hit my knee off the table, everything shook. Like I just, I don't belong at a table. I just don't. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. It's just, it's not it. And I was explaining how we don't have grace is what I was saying. Yes. And therefore ASMR is not for us. No, it is not. We will always be tankini girls is something I've learned. Can I tell you something so embarrassing? What? The other day I was donating my clothes because I have too many of them and they're not necessary. I was going through my bathing suits and in a group of bathing suits all the way in the back was a tankini. No. And I hate to say this. I did not buy this in 2001. I didn't even buy it in 2010. I think it's only a couple years old. I recently owned a tankini. When was the last time you wore a tankini? I don't know. It's only been a few years. Like, I hate to say it. Now I'm, now I'm a whole ass tasteful one piece girly. But when you're embarrassed by your body, and back in the day, one pieces were like for the moms. And I, I wanted to be still young and hip. You That's fair. So now I'm just a full tasteful one piece girl. My first bikini was your bikini actually Was it? Mm hmm. What was it? Do you remember what it was either yours or Erin's. I don't remember. It was Ralph Lauren. Of course it was Carolyn and it was, it was blue Paisley and I, my mom always, oh, it was probably mine. Then it was all blue. My mom always put me in a tankini and I remember being like, well, they gave it to me, so if they can wear it, I can wear it. Oh, Colleen. Yeah. And I went, it was my, like, I was like, that was my unveiling. Like I'd never wore a bikini before. Have I never told you this? No. Yeah, yeah. I was also given some of your prom dresses too, but I don't remember. It was a black one. I think it was Aaron's. That was Aaron's, yeah. I was gonna wear that. And then I think I tried on your blue one, but I don't think. I think I was just so short that it just was not the time. Yeah, no. And it had a slit up the leg that literally your pussy lips would have been out. 100%. Because you're so short and you have no legs. Yep. Where I'm all like. 100%. I think I almost wore errands to something, but I don't remember. Uh, but yeah, you're my first bikini. What is yours? And you have all of our VHSs. We do. That is true. When we were kids, all of our Disney movies went to Colleen. I need to look for, like, look through my parents house, cause that would be, that's like a gold mine. Yeah. There's some shit in there. Oh, there's some. There's some shit in there. Yeah. I can tell you that for sure. 100%. Any But yeah, let's abolish tankinis together as a family. Yeah, tasel one piece, or you know what? Rock the fucking bikini regardless of your roles. Who cares? High waisted's accepted these days. I actually do love a high waisted. Yeah, I would never buy a low waisted. Jesus Christ. No, we're not maniacs. What do we look like, sociopaths? I just can't even fathom it. It's like making me upset. Okay, we can move on. You don't have to think about it anymore. That's such a dark thought. Low waisted anything. Jesus Christ. No one needs to see my lower waist. Ever. I haven't seen it. I don't even turn the lights on. Am I saying something? Yes. I've seen her naked. Yes. Once a week. There's no lower ways to be seen. It can't happen at all. Even, I have sex with the lights off. Uh, another thing I've, another thing I've, wait, I actually recently, a guy was like, it's really like, it's really dark in here. I go, oh, is it? That's a shame. And then I like have like a clock with my, the, I'm like flipping it over. No light. I'm like, dark you say? What could that be? And then as I turn the TV on, I'm like putting on like a dark, raindrop. Stop. You're crazy. I can't, there cannot be a flash of light on any part of my body. I will have a stroke. I can be felt, but I cannot be seen. That's insane. You're insane. Even if I have to get out of the bed to like, go do something. Stop. I'll crouch. Stop. No, Colleen, you are so mentally ill. What are you talking about? Can you be crouching next to my bed like, You've already had sex with them. Who cares? They're not really looking. Their eyes are closed. Like, they're just thinking like, ugh, hole, you know? You know what I mean? I unfortunately do. Oh, and you're just like, hello? Hello! Person here! Yoohoo! I'm a human being. Look at me! Yoohoo! Big super blowout! Look me in my eyes! I'm like, look into my soul. Which is ugly! We're done! I see for who you truly are. I love She's the Bad. Oh, what a great movie. Anyway. Um, my memory will never improve. No, it's really frustrating. Yeah, I hear ya. I hear ya. Girls do have Adam's apples. Yep. Thank you, Paul Michael. Also, happy birthday, Paul. Oh, sorry. Our anniversary's on the same day. Happy birthday, brother. We are Florida Twelves, so therefore we should move to Florida and thrive. You could not pay me to move to Florida full time. However, I will continue to visit with you and get hit on and get told, how is rich? Whenever you damn well please. If you're ever feeling low by yourself, just go to Florida for three days. Just go to Florida, go to some random ass, trashy ass beach bar. And get hit on like the good lord intended while you shove a pub sub down your gullet. Compare yourself to the locals, you'll feel great. Yeah, yeah, you'll feel, you will feel amazing. And you know what, I don't feel bad about that because they're happy, so it's not, you know what I mean? They're like the fucking Whittakers. Whatever you gotta do, they're fine. They're fucking content. Happy as clams. Do what you gotta do, you know? Oversized sunglasses change everything. And they're all you need. Whole personality change. You're having a bad day. Pop on those big sunglasses and walk out in your full DeLulu commandment style. You're welcome. And you're welcome. Tom Hanks is in fact alive. He is. That's true. Boundaries are real. Thank you for that one. I appreciate that one. You're welcome. Uh, books to movies is tough and it's not a topic we should ever talk about ever again. Never again. I think we should archive it. I, I think that if we did it again we would just have to be better prepared. How prepared? How many books I gotta read? That's part of the problem. Oh, for fuck's sake. Let's um, table that to the side. Yeah, we're just gonna shelf that one. Pun intended. Yep. Yep. The shelf's gonna go that way. Yeah. Cults are kind of sly. One of my all time favorite episodes was when we did cults. We haven't done that in a while. What's it called again? Away Team. I love Away Team. Away Team. That's my favorite episode. That's in my top five. I'm surprised you didn't like the Mafia one. I did, but I liked Away Team better. That's so interesting. Yeah, the, the cult episode is in my top five all timers as far as episodes go. The most consistent thing in my life is your Christmas tree and this podcast. That's what I learned. Same, same. It's so funny because the Christmas tree is a part of my room now. And my very good friend, Kara, who's a wonderful interior decorator. I sometimes send her a video of one of the rooms in my apartment and I'm like, do you have any recommendations? And I sent her a video the other day, cause I'm updating my living room a bit. And she said, so the Christmas tree can't come down. I'm like, I'm so glad that. It's such a figment of this apartment. It's such a, it's a piece. It's a work of art. It's a work of, uh, And it's just simply not coming down. But I had a window fix the other day and the guy came in and was like, what's with the Christmas tree? And I don't even remember that it's not the holiday season. It's just part of the decor. It's just, it's like having a lamp. It's in the corner of the room. It's not going away and it has all my favorite things on it. So bye. No, no question. Skelly by, for no reason at all happened to be the most popular guest on the pod. That's true. That's true. And he's still in there. We'd never took him out of the room. No. Skelly's in my basement. He still resides, we had two of them. Yep. Skelly had a bebe, a more glamorous bebe. A glamorous bebe. The glamorous bebe is in there. She's still in there. Um, there's simply no other place to do karaoke other than the Wild Rover. That's correct. As long as it's your fourth stop of the night. Yeah, of course. Don't want to be your first. Don't go there first. That's crazy. Then I'm judging you. I'm sorry. There will be no greater loss in this life than John Brewer's Tavern. And also what was Read Between the Wines. I know. Pour it over Read Between the Wines. That was, that was That was a really bad creation of my hyperfixation. That was a fever dream. Yeah, sorry about that. And, John Brewer's Tavern closing is devastating. I will never get over it. We should go to the wall fan one soon. Okay, I'd be happy to. When you're home from your I miss steak tips. I miss the Caesar salad with steak tips so bad. I haven't had steak tips in so long. I fucking love steak tips. I miss the potato skins. So much. God damn it, John Brewer's. I need a moment of silence. And we'll never know why either. Nope, never. Just one day here, next day gone. I bet if we went to the real one we'd get the tea. Life is too short, you know. Have those chicken tenders while you can. The chicken tenders. Okay, we'll go to the other one and we'll ask. And they have the good honey mustard. They have the good honey mustard. I'm devastated. Yep. Okay, anyways. We simply shouldn't be recorded. Ever. Yeah, so the first thing on my list is that, I learned that I have a speech impediment and you're mentally ill. And. Mm hmm. It's, I think if anyone recorded themselves two hours a week while also having wine, you would eventually figure some things out about yourself. And that's tough. And that's tough to hear. And it's tough to listen back to. I'm glad you guys enjoy it. It's a tough pill to swallow. Because sometimes it's tough. I would agree. Um, animals do belong in the pod room, unfortunately. I know you don't Ugh, no. Like that Stop manifesting foreign, creepy, crawly shit in the pod room. I think the two year is the time to unveil my skate. Tell the people about MySkate, Bridget. If we haven't, have we talked about this? No, you hit it. I was so upset, that's why. Because there are even some things on the podcast that are too much. I do not live in a dirty apartment. I want that to be very clear. I think people know that, don't worry. I don't know, I don't, I don't know between the dead bird and MySkate. I don't know, people, I mean, she doesn't live in squalor, people. Let's get, get a grip. But, I one night. Awoke in my bed, in my very, very comfy, cozy bed, and there was a mouse in my bed. And I cried, I did not sleep a wink. I ran out to my couch, I turned every single light on, and I cried. And then I bought a bunch of traps that killed said mice. And then I cried some more, called an exterminator, and then they came in. And we have never had an issue since. But, Birdgate. The dead bird happened, I'm not kidding you, two months later. So, when I, when you watch that video of me realizing it's a fucking bird's nest and that's where the bird came from, I am distraught. I am like, on my last leg. Um, yeah, and then we just have like the classic flies that Colleen gets distracted by when we're doing the pod and you hear me say to Colleen, Something about like killing a spider and I physically can't get up to do it. It's because I have suffered enough. She's been through enough. I've been through enough. You should be the only creature in this. I should be the only one here. It's a house. It's over a hundred years old. You know, it just, things happen in it that I don't appreciate. Especially when it comes to the things that crawl. Fair. All fair. Great. And after two years, I would say that I learned that this podcast simply would not exist without you and I've learned to appreciate you more than I thought I would. Oh, that's really nice. That's nice. Shut up. That's really nice of you Colleen. Uh huh. Are you saying nice things to me? No Maybe next year. I'm not three year old. Yeah, maybe. Well, I really appreciate that. Some things I learned, other than having a speech impediment and mental illness being a running theme on this podcast. Correct. I do think about the Kentucky Meatshowers about once a week. Okay, that's fair. I do think badass and I'm so glad I know more about her because I did not know she existed. She's a baddie. This is more of a serious one but a real one. How you are perceived in court is just as important as the lawyer that you hire to defend you. Okay. And I'll die on that hill. That sucks, but yeah. Yep, we learned far too much about your body here in Bodily Habits. You're welcome. Bathroom habits, all of it. So I'm relatable. Basically. You, that you are. I will give you that. When the ocean starts to roll back, when you are standing on the sand and you see the ocean pull back in a way that does not suggest low tide, run for your fucking life. It ain't it. It's not the vibe. It is not the vibe. Tupac's friends rolled him up and smoked him and you would like to go the same way. Mm hmm. That I don't want to go anywhere near rural Appalachia. Mm hmm. Truly have never wanted to go somewhere less. And I really, really, really want our girl, Dr. Kathleen Martinez, to find Cleopatra. She will. I am confident. I really, really hope so. Confident that she will find her. Okay. In this lifetime. For sure. I'm hoping and praying. We might be her number one fans. We might be. Also, we keep talking about people who get found and I want that to continue as well. We're like the good luck charm. I will wait for Maramari. I will be so upset if I die without Maramari. Oh, Maramari. Yeah, that's another one that sits with me all the time. Deeply upsetting. Anyways, sorry not to bring that up again. How about this though? So I'm on TikTok the other day. And a woman does, you know, the put your finger down if you've ever done X, Y, and Z. And people say normal things. She just comes out with, put a finger down if you've ever been married to someone for many years, get divorced and realize they were a serial killer. And I clicked on it. She Was married to the guy who kidnapped Kara Robinson and killed those three girls before Kara Robinson. And then they had like a police show. I don't know. I don't understand. And I'm like, that's fucking crazy. That woman's on TikTok just like, My ex is a serial killer. How did you not know that your husband is just like out here dicking around like that? Like, that's crazy. I mean, true sociopaths. People knew what Ted Budney looked like and what car he drove and that his name was Ted and still did not say it was Ted Budney. Like, true sociopaths can really turn it on and off, which is terrifying. That's true. I guess, but I feel like, I would hope you would know, and you have the women's intuition, like women usually know something is up. To miss that is Women are crazy. How could you, you can't get away with anything. I need to know what you're doing. I will know what you're doing at every minute of every day. At every minute of every day. You check my location all the time. Yes, I do. I do. I love to do that. It's my favorite hobby. I might just turn it off for a bit and see how long it takes you to notice. No, I get pissed when people do that. It'll take me 20 minutes to realize it's off. I'm not kidding. 20 minutes? Fiona turns it off all the fucking time. I get livid. And then one time she left it on and me and Aaron were like, let's not tell her. So we didn't tell her for a really long time. But then one day I texted her and said, why are you still at work? And she was like, what? I was like, I've been revealed. You've ratted yourself out. Yes. I was so upset. Oh no. I was so upset. It's on now though. But I'm not telling her until she listens to this episode. Oh yeah. I'll get a text in like two weeks being, sorry Faye. We all get the same treatment girlfriend. Don't worry. She's crazy. She know we are. we did questions for each other, almost like a newlywed game best friend game where you try to, we're so, we're so cute. See what the other person would say. Uh, name three movies. The other person quotes all the time. I said Harry Potter. Yes. Anastasia. Yes. Hercules. Hercules. Because, well technically not Hercules, it's the one with the fucked up guy with the fucked up back. Quasimodo? Yes. Hunchback of Notre Dame? Yes. Quasimodo. I only say one word from that. Yes, because for so long I pretended like I knew what that was. Sanctuary! Because you said it all the time and then I would just pretend like I knew what you were talking about. Yes. Hunchback of Notre Dame. I do love Hercules, but I don't quote Hercules. Yeah. You're right. The Sister Act. I do love the Sister Act. that's a big one for me. I can't name a quote because I don't like I don't know, but like you talk about it a lot. I talk about it a lot. Oh, happy day is something that I watch when I'm having a bad day and the end their performance at the end. Joyful, joyful it sends me to a place that makes me the happiest. I can't describe it any other than that. But after I watch Sleepover, you promised me you would watch this direct too. I haven't. I've been working on it. OK, well, we're taking the summer off, so this would be a perfect time. OK, to pop in Sister Act two. I'll think about it. Rude. Okay, for you, I wrote Four Christmases. You literally quote it every other episode. Yeah. The Outsiders. Yep. Cause you say Stay Golden, Ponyboy all the time. Stay Golden, Ponyboy. You talk about Sleepover a lot, or did for many, many moons. And The Goonies, cause you always go, Hey you guys. I love him. And special bonus point for Maleficent. Because it's weirdly just a random movie you reference regularly for no reason whatsoever. I've probably seen it like twice I don't know why you bring it up a lot. Goonies never say die King make one. He's so cute. So cute Okay, the describe the perfect day for the other so I'm gonna describe Colleen's perfect day and vice versa. Okay ready? Yes Buckle up. Oh my god. Okay, perfect day You wake up on the earlier side. Okay. You have half a Celsius. Not sure. No, no specific flavor, just to have Celsius. Sure. All your gal pals are on the beach. Yes. There's not a cloud in the sky. Yep. It's sunny in 77. Okay. Aaron, Karen, and I are there too, because duh. Duh. You soak in the sun until around 2 PM. Okay. While drinking a few tweez, the light ones though, because you're skinny. Yeah. I'm tiny. There's also a little bit of Regina's on the beach as well. Colleen, fuck my shit up. Why don't you? So it's 2 p. m. You head home, crispy little sunkissed, but not too sunkissed that you're in pain. Right. You shower and you cat nap. Yep. Wind, full AC, dark shades. Just gorgeous nap. Yes. You wake up. Full bead, cute fit. Full bead, cute fit! Meeting the growers for beverages on a patio or a rooftop of some sort. Yes. Same growers you were with that day. Yes. You get a little appy, either a meatball or a whipped feta of some sort. Yeah. Okay, you have sangy. You go to a boozy drag show around 5pm until 7pm. Okay. Skirt to Carry Nation for a bevy, or Go to Wild Rover and get Ratchet and do karaoke. But, you're home by 10pm. You take an edible and you order Chinese food. And you watch a Disney movie. Wow. Yep. That's it. Wow. I have no notes. Really? No notes? I mean, it's so much more detailed than I did for yours. Oh, that's fine. I was just really like, I really wanted to get into that. Because I felt like I could actually do good whereas the other ones I'm like, Hercules! You know? Yeah, Disney movie, it depends on my mood. But yeah, all of the above. Oh my god, wow, that was really good. Okay. So you wake up in the morning, right? Okay. You have your morning iced coffee. Okay. And I would say any beveragino, like it depends on your mood. Whether that's a mimose, or it just depends on what your vibe is, but you have your coffee first, obviously. Obviously, or else I'll be a cunt. You woke up actually feeling well rested for once. Wow. You're like ready to take on the day. Okay, so the mouth tape works. The mouth tape finally worked. All of your girlies are there. You are also on a beach. You don't have to carry anything down to the beach though. Important. It's in a cooler, and it's already pulled down for you by a group of union men who are staying in the neighboring home. I'm not okay. Who are going to be on the beach next to you. Am I skinny? You are not sweating. You are skinny. Oh, thank God. You have one of those chairs where you can lay totally flat and flip over and your face can go through it so you can read your book because you have a really smutty hockey book with you that you've been looking forward to. Wow. There is music on though, and people are talking so you don't have to be alone with your own thoughts. Great. But you are rotting on the beach. Cool. Like, you're partaking when it is valuable to you, but you don't feel like you have to run the conversation. And it's all people you're super comfortable with, so you can be as quiet as you want or as loud as you want. Wow. Wow. That's good shit. So, you're soaking. After the beach, you go back up to the, wait, you eat a pub sub, you have on the beach, you have a public sub with some chips and you either have a Diet Coke or you have a tequila soda, like one of those seltzers. Okay, gorgeous. That's what you're drinking for the day. Then you go back to the house. You skinny dip in a pool with a cigarette. Wow. So, as the girlies are getting ready and napping, you are floating. You are thriving in your privacy bushes, having a time. Instead of going out to dinner. You're gonna order in and play loud music and talk shit and do like a margarita set up and like BYOB And then you're gonna go out on the town live band country hottie Accepts Venmo requests for ABBA Dancing the night away pussy popping the night away getting home safe and sound no injuries. Nothing stolen. You didn't steal anything No puking you go to bed and you wake up Wow That is, I have literally no notes. Perfect. I wish that was real. I didn't say where, but I was thinking the cape. That was like what my brain was picturing. Yeah, so like when can we make that happen? I was gonna say, because ours are not Far off. Far off from each other. So I think we just do them at the same time. We are simpatico. Yes. You always do that when you look at me. Her eyes get like crazy girl. I think it's because I think that you don't like it, so I just like it. Great. Because it makes you uncomfy, but I just want you to like it, so I keep doing it. Because I feel like it's a response that you'd be like, don't look at me and I'd be like, but why? You know? Great. So glad my uncomfiness makes you so happy. Sometimes I like having people in distress a little bit. Yeah. No, I know. What, what is my go to pub sub? Okay. So I had a problem with this. Yeah, I did too. Okay. Because I want to say like, obviously we go get chicken tender subs, like chicken finger subs, but also like, you're such an Italian girly that I didn't know what to say. So what'd you say? But also you would like eat a turkey sub too. Like you would, but you wouldn't prefer it. Nope. That's true. So I said Italian, but then I said, That's correct. Okay, good. I did say Italian. For you, I put chicken finger sub from Publix. No idea what you'd put on it, but I'm assuming the bare minimum, maybe some cheese, maybe some lettuce. in a dipping sauce. It's going to be really plain. Yep. Yeah, that's exactly what it is. I was wondering if you liked mayo. I couldn't think about it. I love mayo. Okay. Big mayo bitch. But also that if, if, for example, you're one of those people that hated mayo and I put mayo on it, that would be like so cruel of me to like not know that about you. Oh no, I love mayo. I do too. I love an aioli. I love, I love a condiment. We're back to our very first episode. We love condiments. Life comes at you fast. It really does. No matter how skinny we plan to get gang. The mayo. We will always be mayoing. The mayo is mayoing. We will always be honey mustarding. We'll be schmearing. Schmearing it all over the place. the other day at work and I didn't get mayo on it. I was just dipping the sandwich in the mayo. So each bite had mayo on it and it was. So divine, but I don't fuck with tomatoes. So I was like ripping them out. Yep that, you know, And I took out the extra layer of bread because I'm so skinny. No, because I literally would have shit my pants. That was for everybody else's benefit. What is my favorite book? So I did some thinking. Mm hmm. And I put Harry Potter, but also put Faerie Smut, whatever those books are, at this moment. ACOTAR. Yeah, so it's either like a classic or what you're currently reading. It's a Court of Mist and Fury. Okay, cool. That is your favorite book? Yes. Okay cool. But I wasn't wrong with where I was going with that. No. Okay. Nope, you were correct. I have The Thing That Started It All, which was The Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Spork. I can't talk about it. I'm not ready. That is what started the whole read between the lines nonsense to begin with. It sparked something internally. It sparked a literacy that we did not know you possessed. Yeah, that was tough. Then I went through like the Colleen Hoover phase, and then I was through like my hockey smut phase, and then I was on my, frida McFadden. I read like 20 Frida McFadden books. In, in like a span of like a month. And now I'm in a rut. So, fuck you all. I don't know. The TikTok trend of, I'm looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. 6'5 blue eyes. If that was about me, or you, how would it go? Okay. I'm looking for a man in musical theater, big family, above six two feet, and he colorized because we don't care. Above six two feet. Also, most men in musical theater are gay, respectfully. Yeah, there are a chosen few. I would love a man who enjoyed musical theater. Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. I didn't. Oh, sorry. I didn't know we're singing a realistic song here. We're talking about dreams. And also you don't have a preference. It's just someone that's maybe not in sales. I don't know. Yeah. Someone not in sales. Yeah. I'm easy. Yeah. Believe it or not. She's easy, folks. I'm easy. I'm winking, but you can't do that. Uh, yours. I'm looking for a man in a union. Bulky. 5'9 Doesn't talk. That's fair. Yeah. I'll take any height. I really don't care. I know. I went with fine vine because you're short. That's like giving. Yeah. And there's a lot of union men who fall into that bucket. Yeah. And you don't need a 6'4 I can't imagine. Mmm. You with someone that is that that that much taller than you. No, like that'd be selfish of me to take I'm thinking like 5'10. A 6'2, 6'4 or away. Yeah, I would punch you right in the throat. No, yeah, I understand. Stay in your lane. I get it. I'm in my lane. My lane is open. I'm in an eight lane highway right now, okay? Next question. What is the one Disney character that I would sleep with? I was caught between two. Okay. Uh, Prince Eric and Hercules. Oh, random! That's where I was going with it. I said Scar, for you. Well, yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. But that's what I said for you. Why, what would you, what would you pick? Really, though. Because I was thinking, oh, she would go for like Prince Eric, I guess. Aladdin was my first love of my life. That is true. I should have known. You were Aladdin, weren't you? Yeah, I was in Aladdin. Yes. There is a photo of my sister and I. We went to some, I think it was like in a mall and there was this random area you could get dressed up and take a picture and the backdrop was Aladdin like the theme of the movie so the genie's there and the magic carpet's there or whatever and they had two dress costumes for Jasmine and my sister and I went over and I was like I don't want, I want to be Aladdin. It's my choice. And so there is a picture of me with the big wide pants on and the little purple vest as a child Hanging out next to my older sister who looks so cute as Jasmine. Maybe I'll post it. You should. Yeah, it's cute. It just makes sense. It just makes sense. I like bleed into the background, like it takes a second to figure out what's happening and then you're like, what, what is going on? Yeah, I refused to dress up as Jasmine. I wanted to be, I wanted to be Aladdin. What is the one drink the other cannot live without? I said I was tied between wine and Celsius. Wine also falls into the sangria category. Yeah, outside of water, I would say wine. Yeah, but water's boring. I'm not gonna say you wouldn't live without water. I mean, I, I, I Logistically, you cannot live without water. No, but it's easily the beverage I have more than any. I am a lunatic when it comes to drinking water. I have so much of it. Yeah, maybe because you're tall. No, Colleen, that's, those two things don't equate. Okay. But, you know what, you live in your little Doolooloo land. I love that for you. Thank you. I set for you Diet Coke. Obviously. And tequila sodas. Love that. That is true. What TV show cast Would the other person die to be a part of? Uh a tie between RuPaul and Love Island Love Island UK specifically. Yeah, I think I would love more more than anything in this whole wide world I think I would love to be a guest judge on RuPaul's Drag Race Yeah, and I think you would I don't I obviously would love for you to be on Love Island like as a contestant But I don't see that for you. I think you'd host Yeah, I would host Love Island UK before I went on it. That is for sure You For you, this was the easiest of all the questions. It is obviously Real Housewives of New Jersey. Yeah. Yeah, I would agree. Like before. I mean, obviously the Sopranos, but Sopranos. Why do I always say Soprano like the singing voice? I do, too. Soprano. No, I say Soprano. I say Sopranos. Do you? Yeah. Even though on the show, like I was like, This is Mrs. Soprano, like, I mean. Yeah, I mean that, obviously. They say Soprano though sometimes when they're talking about him. Like the FBI will be, will say Soprano. Yeah, oh okay. So it can go both ways. Yeah. Yeah, that one was so easy for me. You agree? I agree. Also, special shout out to Schitt's Creek. Which is actually the show we probably quote the most. I don't know if everybody watches Schitt's Creek, listens to this podcast. Who knows when we do this voice. We'll see you guys. We're doing Moira. Where is Bebe's chamber? We didn't know where you were. We were worried sick, dear. Where's David and his bags? I texted Alexis. It was like one text, David. I'm sorry, it was like one text, David. Also, I think that we quote more TV shows than we do movies. Definitely. For sure. I love The Office. You know how people have like, old people now, when they die, they can put these little things, they're like QR codes on their gravestones and it goes to like a video of them madly in love at some point in their lives? Stop. I want one. Of the three minutes of David in the field with a bug on his dress and the other one I want the office CPR training. Okay, that can make that happen. Please make that happen for me. Sure. Those are my two favorite three minute clips of television. Can do. Biggest. You'll definitely outlive me, but I'll leave a note somewhere that says don't forget. Okay. That's okay. Biggest pet peeve. Um, anything I do. Oh, come on. I'm not serious. I wrote anything I do. Pfft. Me. Breathing. Living, breathing person on this planet. Ha ha ha. Incorrect. For you, I wrote, outside of Jojo Siwa and people who use Hidden Valley Ranch, it's people who cannot handle their alcohol. Yep. Hate that. Figure it out. No patience. Waitstaff, because she is Waitstaff. Ugh. Yeah. You're actually the scum of the earth. You're down there with murderers if you're rude to Wade Staff. I'm not. No, you are. In my eyes. I never said my eyes were right. I'm saying, but in my eyes. I never said I could see. I'm just saying in my eyes. In my eyes. No, I hate, it's the biggest red flag to me if you are rude to people who you think are like beneath you. You're fucking disgusting. Yeah. I mean, I really couldn't think of like what your truest, truest one was other than me. I would say maybe like a slow walker, maybe like an inconsiderate person. I don't know. Uh, for me, it's people who don't return their carts. Oh, you do hate that. I forgot about that. And I hate people who are rude while driving. People who are inconsiderate, drive like an asshole, cut people off, don't use their blinker. Like driving in general is a, is a big no no for me. Hmm. And being Rude to waitstaff. Honestly, it's so high up. It's so fucking rude. Okay, and the last one I have is, what would their tombstone say? So, I didn't do like a long one. Okay. Because I was like, how much space is on this tombstone? How much are we putting out cash wise? Yeah, yeah, yeah. For this tombstone. for you, yours would say, in my opinion, Here lies Bridget Teresa Shannon. Full name. Yeah, full government name, obviously. A wonderful daughter, sister, cousin, friend, and an even better podcast host. She sashayed away and stepped her pussy up to the high heavens. She has left a trail of sparkles along her way. May her soul live on through every flamboyant gay man you come across on the street. That's the nicest thing I've ever heard. That's all? That's a really good one. Okay, cool. I have, Ron, the first night at bed when you left crying, Sam, shit I did it wrong, Sam, the first night at bed when you left crying, Ron made out with two girls and put his head in between a cocktail waitress's breasts. Also he was grinding with multiple fat women. When you left crying at Clutch, Ron was holding hands and dancing with a female and took down her number. Multiple people in the house know, therefore you should know the truth. No notes. Then I wrote. Okay. Okay. Here lies Colleen Margaret. She's finally getting a good night's sleep, and she plans to haunt us all. That's it. Watch yourself. Sleep with one eye open. Period. 100%. Oh, yeah. That was gorgeous. Gorgeous, gorgeous girls. Gorgeous, gorgeous girls have crested tombstones. What do you want for year three? What are you thinking? I don't fucking know, dude. I don't know what I want for hour three from now. Let alone year three. Hmm. Um, Let's manifest some things. Let's manifest men, wealth, health, wealth, happiness, and dicks. Yeah, because those are vague categories. I would say the wealth one is the one I'm most looking forward to. Yeah, I would say I've had that on the docket for years and it hasn't happened. But employment will happen. Employment is definitely on my docket. Some nice dicks. You know, a lot of giggles, a lot of funny topics. Maybe we'll throw in a guest or two. I don't know. We might get fucking crazy. Maybe like smaller pant sizes. In smaller waists. Yep. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. That's my vibe. Great. Less humps on the back. Yeah. If we could get rid of our neck hump, that would be great. If you're a plastic surgeon out there, and you can get rid of neck humps, then we've got the show for you. Here's the thing. We can give you a big old ad and not only can we give you an ad, we can give you a whole family with back humps that will probably Yeah, we can, the referral bonus will be high because we have many people that we can Yeah, the humps are humping. The humps are humping. Not as much as they used to be though. We are slimmer. We're a year older and we're slimmer. We're slimmer. Okay, we're on the up and up. We're on the up and up. Yeah. How about some positive stories? Sure. So I have three because I couldn't decide and I was like, it's our two year. I'll do an extra one and it's from all of my favorite sources. So the first one's from Tank's Good News and It says, the generosity of people never ceases to amaze me. A preschool teacher, Carissa Fisher, is donating part of her liver to a five year old student who needs a liver transplant. The student was diagnosed with a rare liver condition and was placed on the transplant list. Fisher, who has a strong bond with the student, decided to undergo the procedure to help save the child's life. The transplant is scheduled to take place soon. Fisher's selfless act has inspired her community and highlighted the importance of organ donation. Aww. Because if teachers didn't already give the fuck enough, They're giving their body parts. No, they're giving whole ass livers, or parts of their livers. This one's from Upworthy. It started off as a tweet, and a woman said, Nurse Kelsey said, Recently I learned that the act of sending your friends and family little videos and tweets and memes you find online is called pebbling, like how penguins bring pebbles back to their little penguin loved ones. And a guy named Adam Grant responded and said, Sending memes, links, and videos to others isn't trivial. It signals that you're thinking of them and you want them to share your joy. It's known as pebbling based on penguins gifting pebbles to potential partners. Pebbling is an act of care. Every pebble is a bid for connection. Pebble the day away. So, pebble your friends. It sounds dirty but it's actually very wholesome. The last one is from goodnews underscore movement. Elijah Hogan, 19, was named valedictorian of Walter L. Cohen High School in New Orleans and graduated May 24th with a 3. 93 GPA along with three others. He says, quote, don't let others define you. Hogan was previously living with his grandmother since he was 11 after his mom died. And he became homeless after the lease on his grandmother's house expired when the homeowner decided to sell the property. He and his grandmother were given 30 days to vacate the house according to Hogan. While he was accepted to Xavier University with financial assistance, he fundraised online for housing and meals. Friends and even strangers donated over 30, 000. 30, 000 doubling his goal. He says that although he doesn't have family, he, quote, has been blessed with amazing people who have encouraged me to keep going in the face of challenges. I love that. Elijah, you are an inspiration. Keep going. And those are the three positive stories of the week. Slay! Slaying the day away. Well, everyone, another year has come and gone with us. We're gonna be taking a few weeks off this summer, so we hope that everyone has a wonderful summer that you pussy pop all over the goddamn place, that you wear oversized sunglasses that give you a whole ass new personality, that you live your true de lulu until it becomes true lulu. And you have a nice, rest, relax, crispy summer. Yeah. Get a tan, skinny dip, make out with a stranger. Do whatever the fuck you want, honestly. Get away from your kids, I don't know, do any or all of the above. Get a babysitter, fuck off, re watch one of your comfort shows. Just have the best summer, okay everybody? Promise? Re listen to our old episodes in the meantime, but we'll be back and we'll be better, and you won't even fucking recognize us. We're gonna be so tiny. Yeah, you won't even be able to recognize us. I'm gonna turn to the side and hide behind a grain of sand. One gust of wind Colleen's gonna blow away like a balloon like you like you never believe I'd fly away You look like the 4th of July They have t shirts with that on it by the way, we should get matching one hundred percent. Okay, everybody Love you mean it. Love you mean it. Bye Damn

Speaker 9:

podcast was produced by me, Bridget Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt Derosiers. You can find his band, Super Stoker, anywhere you listen to music

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