Sippin' with the Shannons

The Tickle King

December 06, 2023 Episode 69

On this week's episode, we still haven't moved off the couch and we've got baked potato soup this time! But no matter how hard she tries, Colleen will never turn Bridget into a soup person. Colleen has a VERY exciting update for us, Carrie Nation lost brownie points, and the Grinch is the most relatable person in Whoville. Then we get into the topic of the week... COMPETITIVE TICKLING. Yes, you read that correctly. David Farrier simply stumbled upon a video on the internet one day and you will not BELIEVE this rollercoaster story and where it will go next. Then we play a game of "certified jump scares" and leave you with some positive stories of the week. Someone help! We're becoming our mothers!!!


Positive Stories of the Week: 

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you in the throat. I'm perishing. This is the episode where I kill Colleen. I, I want... It's him or her. She's so annoying tonight. If something happens to me, you know where to go. I cannot with you today. I have done nothing wrong, but sit here and make you soup. Okay, I will say, you all know how I feel about soup. I think soup is trash. However, Colleen came over with cheesy garlic bread and baked potato soup with big chunks of hunks of bacon in them. Oh yeah, it was not really liquid. It was chunky. It was so much potato. It was... Celery and carrots and just so fucking yummy. Lebroff. Lebroff will do it to ya. What? It's the season. I wouldn't consider that true, true soup. Okay. I agree. Because it's more of a carb with a side of liquid. Mm hmm. A dipping. Like a... Like the bread was the main event. The bread was the vessel. Yeah, the bread was the vessel. The soup was nearly just like an ignorant side. I think I'm going to do a soup Sunday series and make a soup every Sunday, even though you won't partake. I definitely won't. But if it's that, I, I would consider it. Okay. I was going to make lasagna soup. Okay. See, again, that's the kind of soup I can get behind where it's like actual food. Okay. None of this broth crap. Shall we start getting you to like soup? No. Okay, never mind. Take it back. We're going too far. Too far. We draw the line. The line has been drawn in the sand. Oh, God. What's new? What's poppin Oh, wait, do your intro. We always forget. Hi, everyone. Hi. Welcome to this week's episode of Sippin with the Shannons. We're cousins and each week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, and we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Shannon. And I'm Colleen Shannon. Hi, everyone. Hey. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I hope you're so thankful and ate lots of potatoes. We had a good Thanksgiving. Yeah, we did. Yeah, it was fun. It's a good time. For sure. I'm feeling thankful, hashtag blessed, grateful. You have gotten worse and I have gotten better illness wise. What's up with that? What do you think is happening? I don't know. I think my own personal issues of wearing myself down, and not getting able to say no and not be able to say no, not being able to get REM sleep in, which is again, my fault. I'm not looking for, you know, I'm not looking for any attention, but. Please. No, I'm just kidding. I don't know. I just think I'm run down. Also, every single person I was with this past week is sick, too. but some of them, the stomach bug is going around, which is like my fucking nightmare. The only good thing that comes from getting a stomach bug is you feel a little skinny after. So, we'll talk about it, but I was given a drink on Saturday night that immediately made me feel unwell. I don't know. Not in a not in like a it was spiked kind of way like I was at a bar and a bartender made it I don't know what type of liquor they used it was not I felt so bad I came home and puked but I it wasn't the kind of puke where you've had so much to drink here max cap Yeah, it's like your body is on involuntary. I made myself. Yeah, I felt so awful for the rest of the night Can I ask if it was an espresso? It was a Cosmo. Horrible. They put battery acid in it. it immediately hit my stomach the wrong way, you know what I mean? Yep. I hate puking though. I do it a lot, I don't mind it. I don't know if it's because I've had every eating disorder under the sun. Not gonna be fair. But you know what I mean? I hate the act of it. I want nothing to do with it. So many people puke the day after drinking. I can't do it unless I'm in dire straits. That's crazy actually. I have a friend that genuinely doesn't throw up. I think last time she threw up was when we were freshmen in high school, and That's a long ass time ago. Yeah, it was buffalo chicken dip, I'll never forget it. Oh, brutal. But you know what, I'm a soldier, I picked it up, so. But no, she really doesn't Friendship. She never throws up and it's been like over a decade, which is like so crazy to me, that people just don't throw up. Yeah, I'm not a puker. I don't know how we got into this conversation. We were talking about the stomach bug because you were saying that's going around, that's your nightmare. Yeah, so I really don't want that. Yeah, that's fair. I'd rather have this than that. So I'm just, I'm gonna sit tight and just shut the fuck up. Cause if I put it out in the universe, it'll happen. I just know it. But if you hear me cough, just mind your fucking business, okay? Tell me about your weekend, Bridgette. I had a really busy weekend. I saw, uh, one of my besties, Sarah. She, a while ago, months ago, I had been talking to her about doing merch for the podcast and obviously never got around to it. Some things have happened since and when I saw her, when I saw her, she was like, Oh, I have something to give you and just handed me a magnet, a sipping with the Shannon's magnet for me and Colleen and then a bunch of stickers and she even has one on her laptop. That's so cute. She's, she's just the fucking best. She's loyal. I didn't even ask her to do it. It was just something we talked about, and then she just went and did it. She's one of those friends. Those are always the best gifts and the best surprises. And after I lost my job, she sent me crumble cookies. Aww. Like as a surprise. That's thoughtful. She's just a really thoughtful, wonderful human being. Good friend alert. And then we had Thanksgiving. It was very yummy. Smaller crew than normal, but was great. Nonetheless, fabulous. We had a great, the baked potato soup was obviously a crowd pleaser. People were slurping it up. Like it was going out of style, the turkey was perfect, our Aunt Terry is just the best cook on the planet. Uh, spent a lot of time with the family, went and saw my friends Kara and Steve for a couple hours, went out in the North End, saw the Patriots absolutely blow. They're so bad. They're so bad, it's so painful to watch. I didn't even watch, I just knew it. I said, this is karma for so many years of us doing well. This Yeah, yeah. I'm not down. They're in their flop era. So many people are just living for us to suck. So many people love it. They don't want to see you winning. They love to tear you down. so My college friends went out on the North End the other night. We went to Carmelina's, which was fine, but didn't have a full bar, question mark? I feel like it's like almost, they try to be like old school. I have never been to a restaurant on the North End that's not full bar. I didn't know Carmelina's was. I know that, I said it earlier, but I know that Giacomo's doesn't have a full bar. And for everyone, that's just beer and wine. Like, no cocktails, nothing other than the beer and the wine. But we love an espresso martini. Like, we talked about it all night. Oh, we can't wait to go out to the Northern and have an espresso martini. And they were like, sorry. We're like, oh, what a buzzkill. We ended up going to Brico, which was great. Brico's is, I mean... That's a sign. They have better martinis anyway. So good. So, so good. And then, I had the most. underwhelming experience at one of my favorite places, Carrie Nation. I love Carrie Nation. I go regularly. I love their cocktails. I've talked about it on this podcast. Business in the front and party in the back. So this really nice, beautiful front bar where you can get really nice cocktails. And then you turn the corner and in the back is a DJ where you can full pussy pop with like a high noon in your hand. We love options. We loved both options because that's what I want to do. I want to do both. We walk in, well first of all, 30 minutes to get in in the freezing cold. Line outside. What? What time does this have if you don't mind me asking? 10, 15. Oh, interesting. Then we get in and the bar is so packed with literally 15 year olds. Sorry, I come here because this is a classier joint with older people. Like go to Wes and Johnny's. Go to Coogan's. What are you doing here? Go to the Harp. Go to the sticky floors. Yeah, know, know where you're at. Know your roots. Know your roots. And then, we couldn't get a drink, then we tried to get into the back room. A woman, there's like a big hallway to the back where the, the bar is where your pussy pop is. Yeah. Woman is screaming, you're not allowed back here unless you're on our wait list. I'm like, wait list? So I had to put our name on a wait list. They wouldn't tell me where it was. They were like, oh, it's at the front of the restaurant. So I go to the receptionist working, and he's like, I have no idea what you're talking about. And I was like, oh, okay, so they call a manager over and he goes, sorry, they're not very smart. I was like, uh, your staff? The fook? The what? So then he brings me back to the lady yelling about people being in the hallway and she has an iPad in her hand and he's like, you have to wait in the line. I go, I already did this twice. He tries to grab it from her and put my name in. He's a manager. Another guy comes out of nowhere and goes, I'm sorry, she has to wait in the line. And I go, I've already waited in the line twice, sir. He's just helping me put my name in. Yeah. Everyone settle the fuck down. We are not trying to get into the White House. My good lord. So he puts my name in. I can't. We get drinks while we wait on the wait list. He also, I will say, he offered to buy us a round because it was that much of a shit show. Oh really? And then he went MIA for the rest of the night, but I did appreciate Whatever. He like brought me around, so I, I did appreciate the help, but it, it was like a nutso. Then they gave me the drink that made me sick. And she goes, really? Martinis? Right now? And I was like, I have come here. Over a hundred times and have come here and gotten Cosmos, espressos, lemon drops, every martini you can imagine. And you're gonna give me a hard time? Imagine being a bartender and saying that to a patron! I was like, I'm sorry you're busy, but we literally came here for drinks. For cocktails. And you make them and then I tip you. Yeah. Just do it. Really? Martinis right now. Did she make one? She made the ones that made me sick. Hmm. Interesting. So I don't know what she, I don't know what was in I was not well. But anyway, we finally get in the back. We did Pussy Pop. It was fine. But I was just like, this is when people come to Boston, I go, you should go to Carrie Nation. I love it. I was so disappointed. My friend Jessie put it perfectly. She was like, We had fun because we would have fun in a trash bag. If that was my first experience at that bar, I would never go back. 100%. I wouldn't either. So wild. But anyway, I honestly had a very busy, uh, fruitful weekend seeing many different groups of friends, lots of family time. Lots of time with my niece's nephew, like 10 out of 10, just little hiccups along the way. What about you? I actually worded my notes because I knew I'd forget because I have the brain of a gnat. Okay, guys, you know, I'm a work in progress. Um, I put pussies were popped. Tell the people what you did. I have great news. Fucking call the president, call president Joe Biden. We have something to tell you. Me at 26 years old. The one who says she never would. I kissed a boy in a bar. Well, specifically a stranger. Sorry, I've kissed, I've kissed a boy in a bar. Just like, not a stranger, you know. It was my favorite phone call I've ever gotten, I think. Yeah, I had to, I actually don't even remember that phone call. Miss, I would literally never. I just, the vibes were perfect. That I was like, eh, whatever, you know. for context, I went out with my high school friends. Like a couple of the guys and a couple of the gals. And we went to Belle and Hand. Which like, It's just a guaranteed, like, good time, but, like, sometimes the people in there are a little scary. but I don't, you know, we were just, I wasn't even paying attention to anybody else around me. So I think in that moment I just, like, took advantage of it, but this man approached, I don't remember his name. Oh, or really what he looks like, to be completely honest with you. Well, the vibes are vibing. The vibes are vibing. You just roll with it. And I just, like, said fuck it, and he said he was a firefighter, and then I was, like, fine. And then I just, like, made out with him, and then, like, He wouldn't leave me alone after that, and I kind of just, I wanted to fuck around. I wanted to fuck around with my friends, and You wanted to fuck around and find out. Yeah, I wanted to play around, and you know, we were having a good time, and then I just like, had this like, bug in my ear, and I was like, GTFO brother. I love that. So that's that. You had options. I did, I do have You had multiple... options that evening. I did, I just, it wasn't the vibe. As it should be. So I get it, like, I guess I can't complain ever again, which like, I don't really complain, but if I was to complain, you could be like, Hello, you had options that one time, and you denied, and you know what, you got, you're right. No, you are allowed to have options and deny every single one of them if you like to, that's the beauty of it. But I was just having, like, such a good time, I just didn't want to be bogged down. Yeah, you don't have to be, that's for a different night. By these little creatures in the bar, you know? But he was nice, I guess. I'm so proud. Yeah, so just... Big moment. Big moment. Read it and weep, bitches. I did have a funny story about something that happened to someone I was with on Saturday. so... There was a group of, obviously it's my friends from high school, and they brought a couple of their friends from like, home home. because we, I went to private school, long story short, they're all from different towns, whatever. So I know all of their, like, extended friends from their hometowns that they grew up with prior to going to high school with me. Okay? Cool. so two of them were out with us, two of my guy friends, guy friends from home, who I've known as long as I've known them. and we, I got in my Uber home with my two girlfriends, and I was like, we didn't, we were missing one of them. that one of those men was definitely missing when we left. Like, I don't remember seeing him, like, get into an Uber. Not that I have to pay attention to these people, like, you're a grown ass man, I don't care where you go, like, you're fine. so we get in the Uber, and I'm like, I think we might have left him, I just, like, want to check. So I call my guy friend, I'm like, did we leave so and so behind? He was like, yeah, I think we did, but he's fine, like, he's probably with somebody, like, he's good, don't worry about it. Sure. And then my Uber is listening to me say this, like, on the phone, and he kept calling me boss. Like, okay, boss. He's like boss We going back? We gotta go back boss? You good boss? I'm like, yeah, yeah, I'm good, I'm good, he's fine, whatever. We go you loved that. I did. I was like, mm, keep it going, we're good. Like you're a mob boss. I'm pretty sure I was like, thank you brother, we're all set. And then, so then we go home and then the next day we just proceed. I call my guy friend because I go to go to work the next morning and I realize that my car is at his house and not at mine, which I don't know how I forgot about that. Like I literally went up, got out, and like got dressed, grabbed my keys, walked outside and said, hmm. Something's wrong. So he came and got me and brought me to my car at his house, but he's like want to laugh So and so the missing friend I guess was trying to call an uber like he realized he was alone Which is fine, and he was waiting outside And was like fuck it. Well, I really shouldn't leave soldiers behind. I think he was talking to a girl But I can't confirm that I don't know. He's a grown ass man. He's fucking fine, you know If it was like my girly pop, I'd be like, fuck no, no soldier left behind, but he's fine. he took it upon himself to go out in the abyss and be lost. He's fine. but not the point. He was looking for an Uber, I guess. And he was texting and calling everybody, the guys, and being like, dude, I can't get an Uber. And we're all like, You know, there's no way that's possible. How do you just not get an Uber at, like, midnight in the busiest par In, like, Faneuil Hall. Like, you're getting a fucking Uber. Like, what are you talking about? There's even taxis on the corner. And he's calling, he's calling, and eventually he FaceTimes, like, this other guy, and he picks up and he's like, Let me see your screen. Like, there's just simply no way you can't get an Uber right now. Like, I'm not coming to get you unless Prove it to me that you can't get a fucking Uber. And he puts it on his screen. This man's on Waze instead of Uber. This man spent 45 minutes On an app that you use while you are physically driving a car. Correct. Are men okay? Drunk people are so dumb. They s no, men. It's not even Well, true, but Add the I mean, add the drunkenness to it too as well. Yeah. Knowing this man Wasn't the drunkenness. I'm just saying it's just like figure it the fuck out But when he told me that I was crying laughing Poor guy. He's like there's a map with little cars on it that you're looking for. Correct. When you didn't see that. So he's like I can't get an uber and he's like share your screen He's like you're on fucking ways go on the uber app. Get it together Isn't that funny though? Oh, good lord. Not okay. Yeah, but when I called to tell you about that like, incident the next day, I was like, it was like a daze. Like, cause I went to work. Naturally, she's a soldier. As Colleen loves to do. uh, then I went and got my Christmas stuff on Sunday. Oh, so fun. Which you guys can, you know, the usual, pop off in the comments about this. But, real tree versus fake tree. I'm a fake tree girl. I know people die on the hill of the real tree. I like when the tree has The lights already on it, so you just pull it up, you plug it in, and then you put your own Pizazz onto it. Okay, hear me out. So like your parents house, right? You have a fat ass tree So of course like you gotta have a fake one like you have a big beautiful tree Yeah, but the one I have right now is I think I got that at Christmas tree shop for 50 bucks. I know i'm just saying it's six feet tall. It's adorbs It's just it's so personal and so cute to go And walk around and smell that balsam air and pick out your life. It's like pick out your child I don't know if it's like picking out your child Personally, you also don't pick them out. But yes, you do Oh, the stork brings you them, or whatever, right? so we had this plan. I was gonna make soup and then we were gonna go pick out our real tree And it was gonna be so cute. We were gonna have a day and we're gonna go Christmas decor shopping And then I get home from grocery shopping I got my ass up while these bitches were asleep and got some soup actually no Fiona was driving home from Maine She wasn't sleeping. I'll give her that and I went and got the soup stuff. I came back. I'm unloading I'm like, so guys, where are we gonna go get our new tree? And they're like, so we were thinking we're thinking we should just get Oh, you would've thought robbed. Oh, robbed of joy. Oh, the soul left my body and I, I've never gone full, like only child in my whole life. I was like, I'm sorry, are we not making soup either? Because you just switched up the whole plan on me. Oh my God. Golly. The fucking drama. But like, it's just so nice. They smell good. You pick it out and, and so what happens? It's the whole experience. Oh, they thought that they won the battle, but I won the war. And we have a fake tree. I mean a real tree. I was like that, I just gave the same spiel I gave to you and I was like, But it's fine. But it's fine. It's fine. We can go, we can go to Home Depot and pick one out. I was just being a wench. Because the whole experience is now soiled. I think you're being very dramatic. So then we went and they strapped it to our, the roof of our, Car. Of my car and it was just so cute. How'd you carry it in? Erin carried it in. Aw, what a baddie. Yeah, she's a, she's a, a soldier. She just, she does it. She's strong. Right over her, her back. But smells so good, and so cute, and then we decorate it, and then we make cookies, and we watch The Grinch. Which, by the way, as we get older, I, I really understand The Grinch more. Yeah, The Grinch is the most relatable of all of the characters in that movie. It's just like, the Who's are fucked. The Who's are not well. Whoville is. Sorry that the Grinch is a realist. He's the realest bitch out of all of you. Ooh. Ah. Ooh. That's it, I'm not going. I do love when his heart gets bigger and he's like, I don't know. He's like, Feeling. It's such a good movie. It is. Bah hoo dah ray. Bah hoo dah ray. I'm just saying, if I heard people singing like that, I wouldn't run to it, I'd run the other way, but yet he's like, Run up the mountain. He's coming to the mountain, like down the mountain, and I'm like, I don't know. But yeah. Yeah, it's a great movie. I heard that he is signed on for Grinch 2. I also heard that. I can't imagine that's real though, because he fucking hated shooting that movie. Which is wild. Like has done many interviews saying he sat in hours and hours and hours of makeup a day and he was so uncomfortable and to get that color eye, that yellow, he had to wear like four or five contacts on top of each other. Now I'm sure with technology nowadays it probably wouldn't be that painful, but man, if they did a Grinch 2 at Jim Carrey, I would be. I hate when people make second ones though. I know sequels can kind of ruin the first one sometimes. This won't though. Grinch one is so good for me. Even if they came out with a second one, that one's still perfect. Yeah. I also think that like Cindy Lou Who needed some more supervision. Oh my god. And to think, imagine they get her for round two. Oh my god. I hope she's okay. Taylor Momsen? Momsen, yeah. Yeah. Jenny Humphrey from Gossip Girl. If you know, you know. If you know. If you know the eyeliner, you know the eyeliner. Mm hmm. She was a little ho in Gossip Girl. Okay. She was. Let's not judge. She was annoying. Her character, not her as a person. Jenny Humphrey was annoying. Jenny. Jenny. My weekly thoughts are, the bugs going around and the germs are going crazy. Yeah, correct Colleen. Tipping everywhere. Have you noticed, which I am, I am never one, To not be like, you deserve a tip. That's not what I'm saying. Okay, yep. But why, why is it like, transactions that are, there's no human contact? It's just, Oh, and they're like, leave a tip, and it's the 20, 22, 25, whatever. And you're like, It's the dumbest thing. No. And I'm like, okay. Like, I'd get it if like, you were the one like, making me a coffee or something. And they turn, The thing, the tablet over to you, and then they watch you do it. It's just like, ugh, then obviously I'm giving 25 to who I am as a person. Like, I'm not an asshole, that's all I'm saying, it's just like, it's No, I totally agree with you, it's gotten completely out of control. It's, they're wilding out. Like, this is a robot, I don't even have a person in front of me, and all of a sudden I'm tipping? Who am I tipping? Who is this going to? The government? It goes all the way to the top! I do that every other episode. I'm calling Joe Biden! Where is this money going? I got Kamalala. Wait, how do you say that again? Kamala. Kamalala! I just added an extra syllable for no fucking reason. Kamalala! I got Kamala on speed dial. Oh, you're so unwell. Cause she, she values my opinion. Yeah, but she's been... Waiting to hear from you, honestly. She runs all of her ideas by me. There's not another person on this planet who she'd rather hear from than you. My name holds value, so. I'm tipping. Carries weight. Oh lord. In this economy. In this economy. Don't be surprised if you see no tips. For again, after she hears this one. After this podcast comes out, it's over. I told her we gotta start printing more money. It's just paper, print more. I've seen plenty of trees. Kill them. Kill them all. We're not running low. We're not running low. Have you ever been trying to collect my student debt? Have you seen your debt, America? Hello? We can borrow trees from Canada. There's plenty up there. I would know. Go to Alaska. Figure it out. Oh my god. They got plenty. British Columbia? They got plenty. Oh my god. My cousin Brian and his wife Shannon were home from Alaska because they live there with their kids. And they were saying that they're right next to a national forest. In Alaska, you go into the national forest and literally chop it down. Your Christmas tree? That's like a thing. Oh, that's cool. It's very Alaska. Very Alaska. But, Shanna was saying they are a little Charlie Brown ish. They're not the Christmas tree that you think would be like the big full ones. So she's like, mm mm, not for us. That's fair. Yeah, same. My uncle had a Christmas tree farm. I like a thicc. Thicc. Thicc. Who had a Christmas tree farm? My uncle. Other side? Yeah, my, my mom's dad, my uncle Mark, he used to have one every winter. So that's also why I think I like real trees. I always had one because we would go to his farm and we would like hang out for the day and we would pick a tree and we would bring it home. Oh, no wonder why you like the whole process. Yeah, it's just like cute and sweet. That makes a lot more sense. Yeah, my uncles and my cousins would like work there. Oh, that makes so much sense. And they would chop the tree, wrap it up, and I would just like fuck around there and they would give me like a mini tree. I would cause a scene, of course. Naturally. but yeah, he used to get them from Canada. It's also like, you make a lot of money doing that, because you don't really have to pay, the only thing you have to really pay for is like, them being grown, which isn't a lot, it's not very like, you don't have to maintain them, and also you just pay to transport them from Canada. And then I'm sure they upcharge. You just sell them for like, what, 75 bucks or whatever it is? And you don't have to clean up. It's like, everyone's just taking it and going. Take it out! And he like, and it was during the winter, so he would just sell them at an ice cream shop. Wow, what an operation. That's what I'm saying. He didn't do it anymore, but whatever. Tough times. I don't think I've ever been happy since. I'm just kidding. I've never felt joy since. My, oh, uh, the new Hunger Games. I haven't seen it yet. I don't really understand the concept of it, but I keep seeing it on TikTok. Did you look anything up about it? No. I just knew that. I just figured you would know. I also know that, what's her name from, Euphoria is in it too as well. Yes, Hunter. Yes. I'm excited. I'll definitely see it. I think Brianna saw it. She said she didn't like it. I'm more excited that I'm going to a movie premiere this weekend. Oh my god, yeah, I forgot. So on Monday, I told a friend that I traveled with that it's my lifelong dream to like go to a movie premiere. Turns out, one of my friends... Does red carpet events and was like hey check your inbox couple days ago, and guess what I'm going to a movie premiere pop off I love that you just say like I just mentioned to a friend and turns out like she just that's just like the craziest thing Yeah, we were because we were talking something came up about celebrities and meeting celebrities And she started bringing up different ones that she obviously has had to work with. And I will say she said the nicest one was Lin Manuel Miranda, which made me very, very happy. There are a lot of douchey ones who I won't say, but yeah, she, she was like, the strike just ended so there was like a drought of them and now they're all popping up everywhere So I'm going to New York with some friends and we're gonna go to a red carpet premiere I can't wait to talk about it next week. I know me too actually, but I'm mostly excited for things coming out in theaters I'm really excited about Mean Girls and also for a couple of days, Waitress, the musical written by Sara Bareilles, they filmed it and it's going to be in movies for a couple days. Oh, that's cool. I'm 100 percent going to go see it. I'll go. I've never seen it. I only brought up musicals. I mean, it's fair. There's got to be other movies I'm excited about. I just love Renee Rapp so much that I can't imagine that I would have a bad thing to say about Mean Girls only because of her. 100 percent agree. If it wasn't her, I'd have all, I'm not kidding, I'd probably have all bad things to say. Oh, wow. Tina Fey is going to be in it. Some of the OGs are in it. Jenna Fisher's in it. Who's that? Pam from The Office. Oh, right, right, right. Is Katie Heron's mom. Busy Phillips. It's going to be excellent. Busy Phillips. Ashley Park Lady, who was originally Gretchen Wieners on Broadway, is the French teacher. It's going to be top tier. Starr Studdard. Jon Hamm! Who's that? Coach Carr! Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. He's also in 21 Jump Street. That's how I know him. In Bridesmaids. He's the asshole boyfriend of bridesmaids. Is he? Yeah. Then maybe he's not in 21 Jump Street, nevermind. No, you're thinking of another guy, Rob. But they look kind of alike now. Kind of, but John Hamm's sexier. You're right. Thank you for that. Yeah, you're welcome. I also don't know if anyone cares to know, because a lot of you can't see us unless you follow us on Instagram, but we are still on the couch. We have not moved. We have not moved. I've caught glimpses of what the videos of last week's look like, and I can tell you, we should move. It's not a great angle. It's not our best angle, but it is our comfiest. What we sacrifice in angles, we make up for in comfort. That's a perfect statement. The gobbles were gobbling. The gobbles fucking gobbled. I had one thing to say before we, revert into the story of the day, which I have no idea what it's about. Okay. Tommy DeVito. You know what I'm talking about? Yes, of course. I'm obsessed. Yeah, yeah. And he does this. And then he came out to the Tony Soprano theme song. Yeah. Yeah. Did you see what he said about his family? Well, he still lives at home. His mother does his fucking laundry. The fuck is going on? That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. No, it's not. Get a grip. I come home and she has chicken cutlets for me every day. He did say, like, can't find an apartment close enough to the stadium and she's the closest. That's fair. She makes my bed every day. No, you're a grown ass man. She makes my bed every day. That is so. His brother's names are like Giuseppe and Giovanni. Of course they are. Like, I need to move to New Jersey. You really do. I think your soulmate's there. I think so too. And he's a greasy Italian man. I think so too. Who has like a grandmother who beats you with a spoon if you don't eat all the meatballs. You know what I mean? In a good way. Yeah. Yeah. I saw a TikTok that was talking about him and that's why it primed my thoughts. Yeah, he's a piece of work. Someone commented on it. And was like, he's a football player, everyone. He makes millions of dollars and he lives at home and his mother makes his bed, does his laundry and cook some dinner and calling things. He's a riot. He is really funny though. And he does a good play. He does the like, I don't know. Italian chow. Not chow. Like gabagool. Yeah. But I don't know what it is. When all your fingers touch in the middle and you hold your hand out. It's what Italians do when they like yell. They did like a clip of his family pre gaming and his uncles and his dad were just like ripping cigars in the parking lot. Well they, I think they won the other day and his whole family was like praying in the audience. Oh really? They, they honestly seem like such a good time. No, they seem so cute. Yeah. fuck, what was I just gonna say? Oh, someone commented on the TikTok and was like, from being a bodyguard at Karma off to the NFL. What a dream. That's the American dream. From Karma on the Jersey Shore to the NFL. I can't. I cannot. All while living at your mother's house and eating her chicken cutlets. I mean, come on. No, get out of here. But also, like, God bless whoever actually marries him. For real. You're gonna be, like, inside of his mother. Oh, I would rather die. I would give up marrying someone in the NFL to avoid that. Truly to avoid that at all costs. Anyway, you ready for the story of the week? Yep, just wet my whistle. That you have absolutely never heard of and don't know anything about? No, I think you tried to tell me but I wasn't listening. Great. What a way to start. So I actually have no idea what this is about. So, I first heard this story on an episode of The Dollop, the podcast. I honestly think it's like their second or, I think it's their third episode. And this was way, I think it's like in 2015, 16, like way back when. And okay, so my sources of the day. are a documentary called Tickled by David Farrier and his partner Dylan Reeve. They both play a big role in this story. Why does the name Dylan Reeve sound so familiar? I don't know. David Farrier is way more famous, so I have no idea why. Okay. Uh, The Tickle King on YouTube and In an article from The Spinoff, which we'll talk about, but David Farrier is, you probably have heard of him if you like podcasts. He's in the Armchair Expert umbrella. He does a lot with Dax Shepard and Monica Padman. He used to do this thing called Armchaired and Dangerous where they would do like true crime. Conspiracy, theory, cult, like, kind of the stuff we do, and I loved it. Now he has his own show at Monica called Flateless Bird. So, if people have heard his name, it's probably from that. But before all of that, he created and starred in a documentary called Tickled, which I watched. And so, he's a journalist, he's from New Zealand, And he loves, like, a weird, quirky story. Like, he loves finding the quirky story, then going to meet the people and interviewing them and finding out more about their life. This is how he makes his living. And one day, he's searching the internet, and he finds a strange video. competitive tickling. No. I'm so scared. The roller coaster we are about to go on. Can I just ask? Sure. Competitive tickling. Yeah. Is it competitive in the way that you're like the hardest tickler or you're trying, you're fighting being tickled? You are strapped down being tickled. Oh, so you have to fight not to be like, hmm, or you're supposed to giggle the hardest because I don't know. That's actually a great question. I don't know how people win. That's what I'm saying. And I don't think that's the point for my research. Okay, well proceed. So turns out there's a monthly event that Jane O'Brien Media, which is an American company, holds. Okay. And it's all young men slash athletes from around the world, and if you're selected, you get free flights, you're put up in a hotel, and some are given 1, 500 in cash day of. Oh! Love it. So, competitive tickling, there's a Facebook group for it, thousands of likes, and so David finds the Facebook group and messages Jane O'Brien Media. And he asked to interview them to learn more about this area that he obviously, you know, thinks would be make a great story and he's like, I want to learn more about competitive tickling and I want to know if there's any New Zealanders who have ever done it. And this is the response David gets. Oh God, I'm so scared. So far about five New Zealanders have participated, but to be brutally frank, association with a homosexual journalist is not something we will embrace. Rude! We desperately do not want a homosexual participant base applying for this project. My concern is that your journalistic style, reputation, and fan base in your own country, this is offered in earnest and is strictly professional. Regards, Debbie Kuhn, Jane O'Brien Media. Okay, so David is openly bisexual. No. Yeah. So obviously someone did their homework on him. He also got this response almost right away. So the whole thing is just weird. Also, if you watch the videos, which I can show you it has a homoerotic undertone to it. Okay? So their reaction is a little weird considering. What the whole competition is? Yeah, like what they're putting out there. Right. So it's almost like when you get carded at a bar and you're like, No, no, no, I'm 21. Why wouldn't I be 21? I know no one over 21 can get in here. Yeah. It's like the lady doth protest too much a little bit. It's also just like. We can't lie to him and say something else? But also, that's the only reason why you don't want him to interview you? Is because he is bisexual? Yeah, it's not There's just a lot of flags. The math ain't mathin So, this woman, Debbie, in Jane, of Jane O'Brien Media, Keep emailing him all sorts of slurs and how they don't believe in his lifestyle They call him the f word at at one point all sorts of crap They just come in really hot and instead of Dave and being like, well, let's pack it up then this You know, this, they're dicks. He's way more intrigued than ever and he's like, what is going on here? Why are these two women so aggressive? And so he calls Jane O'Brien Media and he just keeps getting their automated voicemail. No one will pick up. So he goes and finds his friend, Dylan Reeve. Dylan is basically a web sleuth. And so they're like, let's do some digging on Jane O'Brien Media and see what we can find. So, they find out that Jane O'Brien Media is obviously, like I said, an American company, but they're owned by a German company? Oh. And that company owns over 300 different domains that all have to do with tickling. Such as, realitytickling. org, ticklishguys. com, ticklishguyscasting. com, ticklish every variation of tickling. I'm talking org, com, net, fucking edu, for all I know. They own every domain, including Jane O'Brien Media. What? And so, Dylan and David are like, what the fuck is going on here? So they blog about what they find in the domains. This goes viral on the internet, which is how I hear about it on the dollop. And in the documentary, they actually play a clip of them talking about it on the dollop. They like play the Yeah. Two weeks later, they hear from Jane O'Brien Media and their lawyers who tell them to stop looking into it or else. That legal action has been filed in the U. S., and the company is sending three people over to speak to David and Dylan, three lawyers. And meet them. So David is obviously worried now. He knows they're not fucking around. He at the time has no money. He's like, I didn't even have enough money to get a lawyer. Like, what am I, how am I supposed to face lawsuits in the U. S. with, like, a team of people who are flying first class to New Zealand. Like, how am I supposed to combat this? But for one of 85, 000 reasons I love David Ferrier, he gets told what day these three men are arriving and not the time. So he goes to the airport at 5 a. m., he makes them a little rainbow sign, and says, Welcome, Jane O'Brien Media, and he waits in the arrivals for them to show up. Oh my god. And Dylan's recording it because they're doing the documentary. And so the three men show up and they see him and they're like, Oh my God. And one guy even says, can I have your sign? This is so cool. Like, this is so cute. And so they chat and they introduce each other. And as they're chatting, this one guy named Kevin Clark, who will come up again. So there's three of them, Kevin Clark, this guy, Marco. And this other guy who I'm not going to talk about. Kevin Clark sees the camera and immediately flips out. And is like, you're not treating me with respect. Like, I know what you're fucking doing. And David's like, I'm filming a documentary. And he's like, this is illegal. And he's like, we're in New Zealand. You can shoot in any public place. It's not illegal. And they, it just immediately gets hostile and very, very uncomfortable. So they set a time to meet the next day. And he's like, we're not recording it. So they don't video it. Audio. But they do have the audio. And they play a portion of it. And. The three guys say, we don't like the idea of the documentary. We can't control how you spin the narrative. We don't know what you're trying to do here. We don't know how you're trying to spin this. And Kevin Clark says, off the record, between us, take the lawsuit seriously. There's a lot of money behind this lawsuit. Make sure whatever you plan to do is worth the trouble that this person is going to put you through. Like, for what though? Like, I'm just Tickling! This all started because David Ferrier asked for an interview. It gets so much fucking crazier than this, Colleen. This is the tip of the fucking iceberg. Okay, okay. So then it gets even weirder when all three men admit they've never met whoever is messaging David and Dylan. They don't know who Jane O'Brien Media is. What the fuck? They're just getting paid tons of money and getting flown first class to New Zealand To show face and scare the shit out of them? Apparently. Get a hitman at that point. Yeah, seriously. So, David's like, Well, I've been receiving these verbal attacks and legal threats from this media company. Or this person, or whoever, whatever is happening. Debbie, and Kevin Clark's like, You started it. You dug in. We told you to stop, and you won't stop. And so, for whatever reason, they don't like Dylan. Dylan rubs them the wrong way. And so Kevin Clark asks to meet with David alone the next day. Interesting. So David goes to meet him, and kevin basically says the same thing. He echoes all the same things and then he says they have a ton of money. They will drag you over the coals until you don't have a penny left to your name. For what? And so Dylan has a family and Dylan's like, I'm not backing down. I don't give a fuck. I'm not backing down on these bullies, but David's kind of wavering. David's like, I don't know. This seems Is it worth it? This seems, yeah, like this is serious. And so he calls Kevin Clark, and the thing about these guys, the entire time, is they sound nice, but everything is a thinly veiled thread. Understood. So he calls Kevin, he's like, David, I'm so happy to hear you're going to distance yourself from all of this. Dylan, you know, he'll be dealt with accordingly, which is such a shame, because I know he has a family. Like that. He'll be dealt with accordingly? What the fuck does that mean? Are you going to kill him? Overtickling? It's giving, I'm, you're going to swim with the fishes. Yeah! So it's just all insane. So the lawyers or these guys go back to the US and a few days later David and Dylan talk a bunch and they're like, we're all fucking in. We're, we are not backing down to these bullies who have these deep pockets. Yeah, baby. We're, we're going, we're going all in. Let's get behind the tickling! What is going on here? So they fly to LA and And they're pretty sure they know that a tickling event, a shoot, is happening in LA. Of course it fucking is! Where else would they shoot the tickling? Don't make me laugh. Sorry. They reach out to hundreds of boys, or I shouldn't say boys. men who have participated in the past and no one will agree to interview with them except for one kid named TJ. TJ says he met Kevin Clark in a downtown L. A. studio at the time he was young and a member of his family was going through cancer treatments and his family was just really struggling to make ends meet. And he was like, they were offering me 2, 000. For a couple hours. Fuck yeah. In cash. I'll do whatever you want. Yeah. And he was like, there were tons of different types of guys there, actors, models, athletes from all over the world, like perfectly normal guys. And Kevin told him that it was a cultural project and they were looking into tickling as a military tactic. And TJ goes, so that's the point where I knew they were full of shit. Because why would our military use tickling as a tactic? When they're like to torture in war like what waterboarding tickling it sounds like two completely different tactics here So but the money is so good and TJ really needs it So he does it and in the video it made me very very fucking uncomfortable to watch it Uh, they do put it in the documentary. I did skip over parts of it. He does an, like a solo interview with the camera where he's just answering questions about tickling and then he gets strapped down and one guy, his arms are above his head and he's strapped by his wrists and his ankles on like a, a bed and one guy starts and he is straddling him like, by his rib cage, like kind of high up and they start tickling him. And it starts off as one guy and then it's like five or six of them and Jane O'Brien media post this on YouTube. They were told these were like auditions. They didn't know these videos were going anywhere. Oh. So, TJ reports it on YouTube, and is like, they illegally used my name, and YouTube takes it down. TJ gets a response from Jane O'Brien Media that is fucking scathing and this woman Debbie starts sending TJ horrible horrible messages Threatening his family being like they better fucking watch out Calm the fuck down Debbie They make a website with his name as the domain and they put all of his personal info on it his real Phone number his real email address. They call him a sexual deviant Which is obviously a lie. They can't, he can't sue for that? I would. So, you just wait. So then they put it up on YouTube, and then they put it up on Vimeo. Anywhere that can host a video, they put it up on every single website. TJ plays football. Not professionally, but he does those leagues. Yeah. Debbie reaches out to all of his coaches calling him a child molester a drug addict saying that he's gay That they probably don't want the media attention that she'll cause so he gets released from a bunch of teams He loses out on all sorts of money. He gets harassed for a long time and he is completely at his wits end. TJ is unfortunately not the only one this has ever happened to. So they're like, okay, this is nuts. We need to find out what's happening at these fucking tickling shoots. So the next day they do a stakeout. And Dylan and David Ferrier Get into a van with their camera and they drive to where they know the shoot is happening at the time in the place And wouldn't you know? Four to five young men walk in with the three guys that flew to New Zealand to threaten them not lawyers Not lawyers Kevin Clark Marco and Marco's assistant. They said they never met that people. Yeah liars Well, they don't know who runs Jane understand media, but they run all of the shoots in all of the events But they don't know who their boss is, they claim. Understood. This is so creepy. The van's parked outside of the shoot. They watch all the boys go in, they watch them come out and do smoke breaks and like hang out. It goes on for hours and they can hear the laughing coming out of the vents. And David was like, it was the creepiest, for hours, just men. Giggling because they're fucking being tickled and so eventually David's like I'm gonna go confront them I was fully sweating watching this he gets out of the van and he goes to the front door and the door is open so People they could come in and out for breaks in David's like hello And they're like you're not welcome here and they start to panic and he's like any last comments you'd like to make Would you like to sit in in an interview and they shut the door and they lock it on him bagged so they realize that they don't know the history of it. How long has this been going on for? Where does this start? What's the origin of tickling? What is the origin of the tickling competition? Endurance tickling. THere's also another guy, I won't go into him, He does it for porn websites. It's a fetish. But he is very open about it. He's like, We're all consenting adults here, It's a fetish, this is why I do it. Where Jane O'Brien Media... I'd prefer it that way, I feel like it that way. 100 percent agree with you. They kind of hide behind like, No, no, no, it's not like that. He's just like, this is what it is. Yeah. I'd be wanking to the tickling. Yeah. I know there's way too many Davids in this story, but they find a guy named David Starr. Who lives in Florida. So they go to Florida. David Starr worked with a person in the 90s called Terry DeSisto, and her online name was Terry Tickle. And Terry Tickle liked, I, it's, I hate to laugh because it's Yeah, we tickle a lot. Oh, it takes such a dark turn so I hate to laugh, but it's just like, Terry Tickle? Of the 90s? And she liked young men. She would have them do videos for massive sums of money and David Starr would film them. And they would get very comfortable and the money was never ending and she seemed great and when they were ready to be done with it, she would ruin their fucking lives. And she would make them personal websites and she would call bomb them, she would call bomb their families. Uh, at one point, David Starr is talking about how he has a dead brother. Terry DeSisto, Terry Tickler, whatever you want to call her, would send him cards in the mail on his birthday talking about his dead brother. Send cards to his mother, his grandmother, all bringing up dead family members, like really cruel. Next level. Really upsetting. Oh, yeah, like out, going out of her way to make these people's lives a living hell. On top of that, now this is the day of like AOL, she would hack colleges. So say you are at a college campus and you're a broke college student who needs a couple extra thousand bucks. When they were done with her, she would hack the system and send, like, death threats to the school campus. So people were getting kicked out of school. For one kid, she sent a death threat to the White House. So the Secret Service showed up. They're called Jorm. Bang down the door. Pretend, she was pretending to be them. It never actually came from them. What the fuck is wrong with this woman? She's crazy. Sounds like she could use a hobby. So David Farrer's like, this is interesting, because Terry sounds a lot like Debbie. In Jane, at Jane O'Brien Media, they have this same M. O. of being like completely obsessed with tickling, liking the same age group of men, and then the minute you're done, threatening to do X, Y, and Z, and then trying to ruin your life. Oh boy. So, it goes on, they're digging, they're digging, they're digging. And one of the guys says, I was sent this file, and was told, if you send this to Terry, she'll leave you alone. And David and Dylan get sent it. And in the files... They find all of this info out. Terry's specific needs, what she wants, they have letters of what she used to write to David Starr. Specifically, like, find young men at this age to this age. And in some of these files, at the bottom, they're signed David D. David D'Amato. David D'Amato. Okay. I, I wait for this. So now they believe that the true identity of Terry is not a woman, that it's actually David D'Amato. Right? David D'Amato is an assistant principal at a high school. Oh, good lord. Come on. He worked at eight different schools in 10 years, which I, I can't imagine. How? Why would he be hired being so copy? That can't be a good sign, right? Like, I don't know what that means, but that can't be good. Absolutely not. That's like a year at. He was going through law school at this time. Okay. And they find out that David D'Amato, who I'm just gonna call D'Amato from here on out because there's too many Davids, D'Amato had two social security numbers for Terry that he got fraudulently using dead people's names, which is a criminal offense. That's a federal offense. So the info is sent to the FBI and Terry, aka David, is busted in 2001. And turns out David D'Amato's father co founded one of Wall Street's biggest law firms, D'Amato Lynch. So David D'Amato gets one of the best lawyers you can get, and guess what he was sentenced to? Nothing. No jail time. Of course not. He could serve his, the rest of his time at a halfway house while he attended law school at the same time. So nothing. At Fordham University in New York. Oh fucking god. Are you fucking kidding me? What the hell is wrong with these people? So even though he committed a federal offense, he's still allowed to finish law school. He also had none of his internet access restricted. So he could still proceed. So he got a full slap on the wrist for a Federal offense that he pled guilty to. It's not like he went in and was like, I'm innocent. He pled guilty. He was like, yeah, I did it. And then the charge is like two federal accounts of computer fraud and abuse. Nothing about tickling the, the young boys, the destruction, the tearing down their lives, the identity theft. None of it. I simply can't. So luckily once Fordham University finds out about this because they do find out, thank God he is not allowed to study law there. And he does end up going to prison, I think they say for like six months. Oh, okay. The tickling does not stop. Around 2006, Terry's persona drops off the face of the earth. Terry Tickler is gone. Thank God. And then a bit of time goes by, and all of a sudden, Jane O'Brien Media pops up. No! So they think, wait a minute, all of these women, Debbie, Terry, Jane, we think it's D'Amato. And they post this theory online. And he, D'Amato, is not fucking happy. He hires two private investigators and two lawyers. Okay. One for New Zealand in New York each, and a lawyer for New Zealand in New York. He tells them to stop what they're doing, that he has nothing to do with Jane O'Brien Media and they need to publicly apologize and print a retraction, or he'll see them in court. Why are you panicking so much if it's not true? Right. So they're like, okay, we're getting it from every side now because now we're getting it from D'Amato, we're getting it from Jane O'Brien Media, and they haven't been able to combine the two yet. They haven't been able to link him to both. Can we get an IP address on this bitch? For real. And then it gets crazier. They get a call from a young man in Michigan who does these tickling videos, and he says to David Farrier that the guys are scared to talk to him because they've all been getting calls, some from out of the country, threatening to kill them and their entire families if they speak to David Ferrier or Dylan Reeve. That's so next level. So they're like, we're going to Michigan. What I'm not getting is, like, what are they doing wrong? That they need to hide? Like, I Yeah, if they have nothing to hide, why panic? Why are you freaking out? Again, just very dumb. Aren't they just being tickled for money? Like, what's the Yeah. You would think. The drama. I mean, he clearly feels cornered. Correct. And he's panicking at the disco. That's what cornered people do. Right. So, they go to Michigan to meet this kid that called them, and his name is Jordan. And as it turns out, Jane has a new interest, and that is in mixed martial arts. Oh, good lord. In this area of Michigan, I know, MMA, am I right? It's just the, the next best thing from tickling, apparently. This area of Michigan is one of the most unsafe places to live in the U. S. Crime rates are through the roof, which means young men who are desperate for money. Will agree to anything and so also in MMA It is not illegal to tickle someone out of a submission So if you pin someone down in this kid Jordan, he's like it may not be illegal But I would never fucking do that because the minute you step out of the ring Someone's gonna kill you if you tickle a grown ass man in a ring What are you doing? So he then tells them that He is hired By Jane O'Brien Media to find other men his age to join this Tickle, he's a recruiter. And he gets extra bonuses for redheads or Asians. What? Are they like rare breeds? I don't know, he also, to do all of this, was offered a car and 30, 000 at one point. Say less. So he's desperate and now he also says, which is really quite sad, and reminds me, I know it's obviously very different. But it reminds me of a lot, a lot of gangs because he says, Jane waits until all of these guys are fully, they're the breadwinners in their households. This is their one income. They take away everything else because they're making such great money and then she pulls the rug right from under you. Yes, they have no other choice. Or the moment you say no, she ruins your life. Like we're, we're stuck and they run these, what they call tickle cells. I can't. It sounds like a tickle cell. Sure. And then he says, we set up these tickle cells, which is a hotel, Jane pays for them, me and a guy go, we drink, we smoke, we hang out. We tickle. We talk about tickling, we record ourselves tickling each other, and not only is it happening in Michigan, it's in LA, it's in Ohio, it's in New York, it's in Florida, it's also in Australia, Italy, and England. And all over the world. Great. And the money is endless. And people are now getting really upset because their quote unquote auditions are getting linked to YouTube all over the place, but the minute you complain, your life gets ruined. So you can't say anything. Yeah. So you just. And so they leave thinking, they thought it was just like LA and New York, and they're like, this is a whole ass fucking empire. This is all over the world. I mean, forget selling drugs, let's just get into the tickling empire. No, Colleen! That is not supposed to be your takeaway. Oh, okay. That is not how we pay off your IRS debt. I mean... How much would you pay? How much tickling would you... Would you do it would depend on how that would be measured like an hour of tickling. Mm hmm. Sure. I do it for her rocks like stop Tough times dude have have higher standards the IRS is IRS Good lord, so it's so much bigger than they originally imagined And so they're like, we're going to go to New York and we're going to find D'Amato. We know he lives there. We're going to find him. So they show up in New York and they're also at the same time trying to figure out how is he funding this? Yeah. And mind you, this is before OnlyFans, where if you had a fetish, you could pay a subscription and make lots of money. If you're a high school principal, then how on earth are you flying at least 10? Young men to LA, putting them up, paying them in cash, shooting it, pay all the people who are shooting it, and then do that all over the world while you make very little money off of it. Like the math ain't math and a lot is going out and nothing's coming in They go and they wait outside his apartment because eventually he has to leave and he leaves a couple days later They wait four days. Yeah, and they follow him to a Starbucks Okay Because we're all everyone needs coffee We're all things must come to an end So there, and I was sweating while watching it because they're driving down the street and they're obviously not private investigators. They're like, he's two cars away. He's two cars away. He's taking a right. And we can't be seen. Yeah. And they show up in the Starbucks and David Ferriero gets out and he waits for Sir D'Amato to come out of Starbucks and he comes out and I, I got to give it to David Ferriero. Obviously. They're blindsiding him, and he's not expecting to see him, and he's threatening them, like, daily. They got h hundreds, hundreds of emails from his lawyers threatening him on the regular. So he's obviously not expecting them to show up at his local coffee shop. Correct. The first word's out of his mouth. I don't like being followed. And then they start to get into it. What I will say is, Dave Ferrier, very calm, lovely human being. He's like, I just want to have this conversation with you face to face. I want to know what's going on. I want to figure this out. I want to understand like where all these threats are coming about. So calm, never raises his voice. D'Amato immediately, uh, starts throwing accusations at him. I just thought you were going to say throwing, like, coffees and straws at him. No. You know, like, you're not here legally. You're not here legally. And he's like, yes, I am. And he's like, no, you're not. And he's like, well, I have a, I have a journalism visa, so I can record, because they have the recorder out. Yeah. He's like, I can record. I can be here. And they just keep going back and forth. And eventually. He gets in his car and he's like, I'll see you in court. He tells them basically the kick rocks. Do you want to know what David DeMato looks like? I have no words. He looks like, he almost looks like Dudley's Vernon. Yeah. Vernon Dudley. Yeah. Yeah, that's a good, that's a good one. That's a good comparison. He's beat. I mean, that's exactly what I would expect A tickler to look. A master tickler, right? King tickler, tickle, tickle king, tickle Terry. Tick tickles. Terry tickler. So they're stuck'cause they know something isn't right. But they can't connect him to Jane O'Brien Media and that's. That's the crux of it, right? That's the missing piece. And they're facing more legal threats than ever. Their emails are just filled with fucking threats from these lawyers. So they go back to those domain names. Remember I told you they had over 300 from that German company? Yeah. This fucking idiot. D'Amato changed from one domain to another. And in this domain directory of all 300, Is a little folder that says, my documents, and they're like, no fucking way. And they click on it and they find tons of private files that are perfectly public on the internet. So easy to find you could have Googled it, such as complete goldmine. One document has the files on the private investigator D'Amato hired with an address because you know when you give a credit card number You have to give an address attached. It is the same address used when Jane O'Brien Media books young man at the Hilton in LA They find a ton of emails from the Jane O'Brien legal department There are a bunch of documents that have both the Jane O'Brien signature and also Debbie's signature So now they've connected Debbie, Jane And D'Amato. Oh my god. He's incriminating himself. Ironically, Debbie was the original person who started all of this and called him a homosexual and said she didn't want to work with him. That was from Debbie. Oh, so she's just taking his name. So now it's tomato. She's taking her name right with it. Yeah. Cause she's just like Spifle. Yep. They're the documents that tell these young men who they have come from all over the world to enter the U. S. using a tourist visa, which is illegal. They're getting paid. It should be a work visa. So, so, illegal. Yeah. Thank you. David also finds out how he funds his tickling empire because all of his personal finances are also in this folder. He has six million dollars in his checking account. Oh, just his checking? His expenses are paid by a trust that his father created when he Fucker. Yep, and he inherited Millions from his mother's estate when she passed away, it is entirely family money. So, the rich people are doing this fucked up shit? Uh huh. They're out here tickling? Yep. So, David, of course, reaches out to the legal team at Jane O'Brien Media, who's been sending him all of these threats. And there's actually, like, a corporate headquarters address. So they go to it. David and Dylan are like, hi, hello, we're here. And they show up and the lawyer is like, can I help you? And they're like, yeah, here are all the receipts. And he's like, we've been receiving all these emails. And he goes, I've only sent you one email. All of them were fake. All of them were from D'Amato. This man is working overtime. He, they were, it was all scare tactics. He did what he's been doing forever. He must've hacked that man's email. And been sending it, or, or still, I don't know how he did it. If he could use his skills for like, the government or something. For, for good? Yeah, that's what I mean. In, at one point they were like, do you know that, he was like, how did you find my office? And they were like, it's written. As this, this is their corporate headquarters and he goes, my addresses and they show it to him and he's like, this is so genuine shock. This man has no idea what the fuck is going on. That's insane. So before they leave the U. S., they try to reach out to someone in D'Amato's family. They're like, we would love to talk to someone who can give us some insight onto what is going on. Wow, this man is fucked up. They try to call a bunch of people he's either worked with before, like at one point they get his, uh, ex secretary on the phone. He's They get a bunch of people he's worked with before. None of them will give them anything. They all say the same thing which is I don't know anything, leave him alone. Like, don't, don't engage. Run as fast as you can. That man looks like, I could beat the shit out of that man. I mean, he's scary though. He's a different type of scary. Yeah, he has money. Woo. Isn't that how it always is though? It's always like these little twerps. So stupid. Of course the man behind three different beautiful women's photographs is actually some fucking loser in a basement hacking people's emails. And jerk into some fucking tickling videos. But the truth always comes to light. You know what? Play the long game, bitches. Play the long game. David Farrier and Dylan get D'Amato's stepmother on the phone. Oh god, does she does she spill the tea? Of course she does. And he says, Hi there, I'm calling because I'm doing a documentary about your stepson, David. And she's like, Okay, on what? And Farrier pauses for a second and he just goes, He's back on the tickling and his stepmother's like no Really? I thought that stopped In farrier goes it never stopped and she just Unleashes the tea. She doesn't know I will say she doesn't know a ton. But what she does do is give context about his background He was an only child. He was bullied relentlessly. He had no friends. She tells a story about how all the neighborhood kids would bully him. And at one point he shoved in a locker at school and how he was made fun of. His mother was very, very overprotective of him to the point where it was weird. Like, she wasn't allowed to play sports. He wasn't allowed to ski with all the other rich kids because she was like afraid he was going to get hurt all the time. So they had a really weird relationship and when she died he was like never the same and she goes and I don't know if he's gay or asexual or something but she doesn't have a Boston accent sorry I don't know where that came from but she's like we've never met a girlfriend we've never met a partner and she goes I once asked his dad would you be upset if you found out David was gay and he said yes but I'd get over it. because I really want grown children and he's my only child. Yeah. Do you know what also is worse than having a gay child? One that becomes a predator who controls and destroys hundreds of people's lives for multiple decades. Through tickling? That's way more of a bummer. That should be more of an issue on your plate. Yeah. And she also says, which is bone chilling, I think he has a split personality. I'm afraid of him. Woof. So he's not great. Being fearful of your own stepchild slash child slash family is just... Wild. Yeah. So, D'Amato, at some point, does get his law degree from Hofstra, and when this documentary ends, it says he, at the time, had an office in Long Island at a law firm. He was a senior legal consultant, but After he's caught on camera, all the legal threats stop, and you won't believe this, Colleen. Weirdly enough, Jane and Debbie go dark. No, they don't. They do! They're off the sauce. They're off the tickling. And then they allude to the fact that the tickling hasn't ended. So that's where the documentary ends. And you're just like, What? I have more questions than answers. So, this documentary comes out, right? Okay. It's released at Sundance Film Festival. So now I'm referring to Tickle King, which was the follow up documentary to the original one. This one's like 20 minutes and you can watch it on YouTube if you'd like to. Okay. Uh, so they're at Sundance. It's in 2016. It's Park City, Utah. They're at the third screening. And audience members notice a man next to them that is very agitated. And is furiously taking notes in a notebook the entire movie and is like pissed like hemming and hawing the whole time. It's giving mass shooter type of energy. It's giving creepy creeperson. It's giving this is about you and you don't like it kind of thing. Got it. Sundance calls the police and they attend all future screenings but Dylan and David Ferrier are like oh boy we're in for it. Like how is this going to be received by everyone in part of the documentary. That's Kevin Clark, Marco, the other guy, the assistant. Of course, D'Amato, his family, like, there's the boys they interviewed, like, there's so many people who don't want to be involved, who were involved. And here you are at Sundance. And they're worried, and they have every reason to be. The next festival is in Missouri, and David Ferrier goes alone. and things get immediately weird, they spot Kevin Clark and Marco, who were two of the men who flew to New Zealand, they buy tickets for every single screening that week and the festival increases security when they find this out to make sure, you know, they don't cause a problem and two men in the theater during one of the screenings is spotted with a Starbucks coffee. So you know when you're holding, like if you're holding a glass, right, Or a cup. You're probably holding it on your knee. If you're sitting. If you're sitting in a movie theater, right? Yeah. Or maybe you're holding it with both of your hands. This person is holding it in between their chest with one part of the cup facing the movie screen. Okay. recording. Oh. It's like very weird the way this person is holding it. It's not normal. Okay. They call security, security goes in, they refuse to leave. So they stop the movie in front of this entire theater of people. They finally ask to leave, everybody claps when they leave. Like on a plane. Yep. And when they go out. It's not Kevin, Clark, or Marco. It's two completely rando dudes, and one of them, I don't know how, gets rid of the recording device before they get patted down and searched. So, they technically didn't do anything wrong, so they just walk. Suss. What do you do? Swallow it? Shove it up his ass? I don't know if he dropped it in the theater, I don't know if he gave it to the person next to them, and the person next to them was also a part of it, I don't know. So the next day, David Ferrier is just walking down the street and gets tapped on the shoulder and there's a woman who says, are you David Ferrier? And he thinks she's a fan and he immediately gets served. Two very real lawsuits. One is for Utah and one is for Missouri and they're from D'Amato. This motherfucker. Yep, uh, On what grounds? On what grounds? For defamation, emotional distress, and an invasion of privacy. Again, unlike last time, very, very real lawsuits. And now they're worried, wait, and if we play in every city, are we going to get a lawsuit per city? Oh, they do it by city? Or, sorry, state. You were right. Every state. Oh, I was like, damn, that's even worse. D'Amato is also suing his stepmother, Dottie. For speaking to Farrier, uh, for alleging she made defamatory statements in slander in the documentary. It's her opinion. She lived with you. And guess for how much money? Millions? Forty million dollars. Get a fucking grip. No one cares about your, your, Tickle Empire? Yeah, like, no one gives a fuck about you for forty million dollars, brother. So, the good news is Farrier and Dillon, as, you know, the news of this starts to come out and people are watching the documentary, people are so perplexed that people are reaching out and being like, If you need help digging, we will help you. Luckily, one of those places is the DA's office in New York where D'Amato lives. But, that meeting does not go the way they thought it would. They went in, they gave over an hour of everything they found during the investigation. Here's everything we have. And it was a lot of like, I don't really know what law that breaks, or like, that's really out of our jurisdiction, And one of the guys makes a really great point, which is, if they won't help us, who the fuck's going to? Exactly. So they're really just at a loss so they go back to New Zealand to regroup. Kevin Clark pops the fuck off. They, they get more heat left, right, and center. He creates a website to discredit the film and calls Farrier a quote, world class liar. He goes on ABC News Nightline to say that D'Amato has no connections to Jane O'Brien media whatsoever. The guy straight up asks him like, does he have a connection? He goes, no, I'm not saying he doesn't, but to my knowledge, the answer is no. And the guy is like, what does that mean? And he's like, well, I don't ask who my boss's boss's boss is. You should. You should start. And it's like, what? What are you fucking talking about? He also finds Jordan, the kid in Michigan, makes him sit down and do an interview. He recants a lot of the information. He says that David Ferrier fed him a lot of the stuff of what to say, and him and David Ferrier smoked weed together. Which, David Ferrier says obviously that is incorrect. I really feel for Jordan here. He was still in it. I can only imagine what they were threatening him with and what that meant for his family I'm not gonna hold it against them. It's actually a really painful interview to watch because he's clearly making most of it up Yeah, I mean you you watch you watch the first interview when you watch the second one. You're like, oh something is incorrect It's giving you know, when PETA malark is doing the Capitol and he's like, no, everything's fine. Everyone stopped fighting And Katniss is like, everyone's like, what the fuck is PETA doing? And Katniss is like, he's being held against his will. That's what it's giving. It's giving PETA malark. Got it. So, luckily, Dylan and David Ferriere challenged the jurisdiction of both lawsuits and they're dropped. This is a huge relief. Because now they can continue to screen the documentary in any state that they want. Without any threat. Without threat. So they're like, okay, we're back in it, but god damn. God damn, god damn. That was scurry. When I tell you my jaw was on the floor for this next part. So it's June 2016. They both go back to the U. S. to promote Tickled. David Farrier, I know it's insane. David Farrier's going to New York. Dylan's going to LA, okay, for the screenings. They split it up. Dylan is in LA, and they're gonna watch the movie. They're gonna watch the documentary. In the end, they're gonna do a Q& A with Dylan. Dylan walks into the theater, Kevin Clark comes right up to him and starts screaming in his face. Oh my god, go away Kevin Clark! The thing that Kevin is really fixated on, so Kevin turns out has a history with gay porn, filming it. Great. And he's really trying to separate the two things. And he's really fixated that he was recorded and taped without his knowledge and that the tickling videos he shot were spun to look pornographic. Okay. But here's the problem with Kevin Clark. The more he talks, the crazier he sounds. He almost sounds like a conspiracy theorist. And he wants He so badly wants to rewrite his own narrative that by doing so he like digs himself a deeper hole and people are like That bitch is crazy. He's overcompensated. He's way overcompensated and like so fixated on the minutiae where people are like That's not the point of this He's so fucking unhinged at this point. So we started screaming at Dylan. Screaming is a strong word. They get into like a verbal altercation. Dylan is a fucking king. He's like, fuck this. The movie ends. He walks in. Everybody's clapping. And who fucking stands up to approach him, but David D'Amato is in the fucking movie theater. No. And he gets up. I had both hands over my mouth while I doesn't have a fucking restraining order? I would. And he's next to a man, his private investigator, who is the guy holding the fucking Starbucks cup in Missouri. So now they know where he came from got it and you know what? He's nothing if not consistent his entire life He has used legal jargon to threaten and scare people in money to get his way into control He's been doing it for decades. So what didn't you know? He stands up and they like weirdly shake hands and then continue to squeeze each other's hands Like in some weird dick swinging competition and Damato says to him, you know, I can't speak to you in LA, I can only speak to you in New York. And Dylan goes, okay, fine. Well, we can talk in New York then we can set up a time to chat if you would like to do that. And then he realizes they're filming and he's like, it's illegal for you to film in here. Oh my God. And Dylan goes, no, it's not. We're in a private theater and we have permission to do so. If, if I have to pay a fine, I'll pay a fine. And then he goes, well, you can tell a lawyer what the difference in God bless Dylan. He goes, which lawyer this time, who's it going to be? And he slaps him on the chest and he goes, It's gotta be me, you're looking right at him. And Dylan goes, You? You're not a member of the bar. You, you, what? And he goes, I can certainly practice law. And he goes, Yeah, but you're not a member of the bar. And he goes, Well, how about in other states? What? What do you mean? What do you mean? I thought you went to law school. You fucking imbecile! So, he wishes them well, he's like, this movie's gonna have a good ride. And Dylan just turns to the crowd and is like, David D'Amato, everybody. And they weirdly clap at first and then they start to boo him. I love what Dylan's like, no, no, no, no, immediately stops it. He's like, if, and he's like, if you want to say your piece, you can come up and say it. And he's like, no, I'm going to sit in the crowd. And I'm going to listen to this Q& A like everybody else. And so they do the Q& A with Kevin Clark in the back. That's so D'Amato sitting there. Imagine being in that crowd though. And so the first question asked is, what's the hardest part of filming this documentary? And Dylan says, This fucker in the back. How many fingers do I have to point? No, he says, It's really hard to do a documentary about someone who doesn't want to be seen. Like you are you are putting them in the limelight when that's exactly what they don't want and so they show some clips from the Q& A Mm hmm And then Kevin Clarke gets the microphone and starts flipping out about how they made the whole thing look pornographic And bop a bop and it gets go to therapy go to therapy and it gets the point where Kevin just yells something like, So you thought this was pornographic with people's clothes on? And everyone goes, Yes. Sure is. Have you watched it? Have you watched it? And he goes, The real bullies here are Farrier and Reeve. And then everyone boos him. He looks crazy. He so badly. wants to tell his side of the story, like that will clear his name. Yeah. But the more he talks, the worse it gets. So, Dylan goes, this is really surreal for me, but David DeMato, would you like to speak? He compliments the music and the choreography. There was no choreography, but I don't know what he's talking about. And that he hopes it has a long and successful run in this country, and then he tells Dylan to lawyer up. He says, you know, in New York movies and L. A. TV, we like to say lawyer up. He always makes comments like you're not from here without saying that. So he says, like, I hope it has a long run in this country. And the way we say it here and here, so anyway, the Q& A ends. They take it to the streets. Both of them confront Dylan in front of the movie theater. Yeah, well, we'll not let it go. And I'll just end it with this quick conversation. And this is on video so you can go watch it. Demata goes up to Dylan and says, You're a family man, right? And Dylan says, Yes. And he goes, Well, by farrier's own admission, He's gay? Like, it, it's so It's like saying a nasty word. Actual painful, It's so painful for him to actually get that word out. Ew. And King Dylan, Corrects him and says, He's actually bisexual, But that's not really important. Not in the slightest. And D'Amato says, while pointing to himself in Dylan, I don't see the alliance. Referring to the fact that they're both straight and should be allies. Yeah, like. Against Farrier. And Dylan's like, homophobia really problematic. Yeah. And I am not homophobic remotely. And D'Amato goes, it must be a cultural thing then because half of the states in this country have homophobic legislation. And Dylan says, well, that's actually changing rapidly. And also, aren't they from New Zealand? Yeah. So fuck off. And he goes, oh, wow. Well, you're a family man. So there's got to be a decent part inside of you. Oh. And Dylan goes, there definitely is. So like, what generation is this? For real. And D'Amato goes, you might have bitten off more than you can chew. And walks away. The drama. But what ends up happening with this interaction is that all of this comes full circle because all of this fucking started because David Farrier asked for an interview and got a super homophobic reply. And if you were smart, you would know that that will connect you to Jane O'Brien media and fucking Debbie. You idiot. You just exposed yourself. It just all comes full circle. So, that's where the second documentary ends. Something happens next no one is expecting. D'Amato dies. Oh! Uh, right? Okay. The rollercoaster. He dies unexpectedly at the age of 55 on March 13th, 2017. Okay. According to his death certificate, he died of a heart attack that tied back to his obesity and diabetes. David and Dylan released a statement that says this. We are incredibly sad to learn of David P. D'Amato, the subject of Tickle, has passed away. We don't know any specific details about his death at this time because it was before all that came out. David D'Amato has been a part of our lives for around three years now, a very unusual three years. And despite the various lawsuits he brought against us, this news is something that brings us no joy and has hit us pretty hard. We mostly knew David through talking to those he had interacted with online over the last 20 years and people that he had been close to. We only met him twice, once in Garden City and another time when he turned up to a screening of the documentary in Los Angeles. We met a man who came out swinging, so to speak, threatening more lawsuits while at the same time commenting that he enjoyed certain elements of the film. It seems to us that underneath it all, he did have a certain sense of humor. It is also clear that he had certain troubles, and those are troubles that we hoped we would come to terms with at some point. While making Tickled, we always thought, It was important to portray David D'Amato, not just as an online bully, but as a person. That is why the closing minutes of Tickled are so important to us, an insight into D'Amato the person. Ultimately, we'll never know all the things that made David the man he was. Like all of us, he was complex and complicated. So we ask you to keep that in mind while David appears to have lived a fairly solitary life. He did have friends and family members. We ask that in the comments online and out there in the real world, you treat this information and this man's passing with respect. Class acts. 100%. That is the nicest way to put, he's a fucking horrible human being. The death of someone that has ruined, well not ruined, but also just fucking sucks. He has made a point to torment, and so, okay, what I will say to just close up shop is that it doesn't really go anywhere. They don't really get the closure they were hoping for because he dies. In all these lawsuits, I guess in some ways they're still dealing with it, because in New York, you can still. You, your lawsuit continues on even if you die. That's kind of crazy. So like, they've still had to, over the years, and I unfortunately don't have too much of an update. I've looked everywhere. There was a guy, by the name of Louis Peluso, who is the new head of Jane O'Brien Media. Of course. Uh, there's still a Facebook page, I believe. I don't have Facebook anymore, and I honestly didn't want to look into it. There's a new website called Tickletopia. And Louis Peluso has given himself five stars and he said if I do say so myself, rest in peace, David. And it sounds like him and Kevin Clarke both have a similar history and Peluso has at some point been given money by. D'Amato. 75, 000 to be exact. So, they started initially hearing about Lewis at the end of them shooting the documentary Tickled. They've reached out to him a bunch. He has also, this is him. Oh, Jesus. Oh, is he in a, is he floating? Yes, he's in a pool, I believe. Okay. Looks like a lazy river. That looks nice. He sent them a bunch of threats as well and now is refusing to talk to them. Uh, he is apparently now running the Tickle Empire, but that is the crazy backstory about how one weird video was the rabbit hole that was competitive tickling. That is insane. Do you think we'll have a follow up from Lewis's antics? I don't know. I hope so. Let's find these people also. Here's the thing. Because. I've thought about this a lot at the base of this, it's a fetish, right? If everyone involved, like the guy in Florida, if everyone involved is shooting it, knows where it's going, is consenting, is making money, no one is harmed, and it's honest, and then other people get their rocks off for it. I have no issue with it. What is so harmful about it is when D'Amato didn't get his way. And they lied to those young men. They told these young men that they were auditions, that their videos would go nowhere, and that it was a great way to make quick cash. And then they posted it all over the internet, and every single time you googled one of these people's names. Their families could find it, their job searches, like every time they went to go get a job. Anytime they tried to do anything, this would haunt them. In the moment they wanted out, he would ruin their fucking lives. And that's where it's not fucking okay. You can have a different fetish. Like, I won't yuck a yum. Go have your fetishes, go find what works for you, but you don't get to be dishonest about what you do with those videos. No one hurt others, period. And, and they on purpose picked young boys who needed that money. They chose tough areas where crime rates were high, where they knew that young men would do whatever they could for cash to take care of their family. That's fucking wrong. Master manipulator. It's wrong. It's fucking wrong. And the fact that... Hofstra gave him a fucking law degree and that he was I know, why'd they let him in? He committed a federal offense and was brought to court and pled guilty. And was still able to just go about his fuckin life? And there are people in jail for marijuana? Like I, I don't, I don't get it. I don't get it. So he definitely would never pass the bar or anything. So at least he was stopped after school, right? Yeah, but he could still be a consultant. He could still make a boatload of money doing that. Yeah, that's true. All right, so it's just crazy and it was because he was well connected and his stepmom saying like i'm scared of him Is really justice for donny. I know poor donny poor donny david verrier and dylan like let them live Crazy, is that fucking crazy? That is wild. That's not what I was expecting to hear from you today But i'm here for it rabbit hole Tickle, the tickling sensation. Yeah, it is. When, when done correctly, they have all sorts of like gadgets and feathers and whatnot. The Tickled website is a feather. It's like tickled not what you think and it's like this whole yeah, listen if you're into tickling have at it Just don't fucking blackmail people with it. It's a normal human being don't hurt people. It's rude I have a giggle for us. Yay. Yay. And you can partake too as well if you'd like, if you think of any, but I was listing off things that are certified jump scares. To me at least. I have one right off the top of my head. What is it? Give it to me. When you're at the hair salon and they take the towel off and they go to ask to sit They tell you to sit in the chair Yeah and you don't have makeup on and you just look so pale in that lighting and your hair looks like a wet rat and you're Like what have I done? You look like a naked mole rat. What have I done to look like this? I agree Okay, please continue when someone posts a fresh baby on Facebook Fresh baby, you know the ones the ones that don't have kneecaps or a neck yet The ones that have Poussois juices all over the EWWW You know what I'm talking about And they have the eye boogers that aren't eye boogers because it's the Poussoir's juices. That's so fucking gross, Colleen. I'm sorry, but if your baby's looking jaundiced, I don't want to see it. Colleen! I don't, that means it's too fresh! I was gonna say, maybe wait, maybe wait an hour. Yeah, we totally get to see his first bath. You know? Literally get his first cry out before you start posting. Get a little squeegee. Ew. I'm a squeegee nurse. Followed by, when someone facetunes their infant, question mark, in the photo. Okay, here's the thing. Someone, I know, was talking about this recently. Because someone we know used a filter on an entire photo of them and a child and it looked so fucking weird. And I'm like, I'm Why is your three-year-old contour? But why? You don't have to filter a baby No. And even if you want that filter Yeah, you don't get to put that on a, a infant. No, you don't. You don't have the Right. Yeah. A two year old toddler looks like. A baby prostataut, because you needed to have a contour and a fake eyeshadow on. I can't. Spoiler alert, you're ugly anyways. No, Colleen, that's not true. I'm just saying, but like, relax with the filters. Just relax with the filters. On babies. When, this is not relatable to you unfortunately, when a girl my age says like, my husband. Or like, my child. Honestly, it's still relatable to me. I'm like, I'm a child. You're a teen mom. I am a child. You're 26 and have a baby? Ew. Yeah, you're literally like... How does it feel being a teen mom? Exactly how I feel. even though back in the olden days, like, if you didn't have a baby at 12, like, what the fuck were you doing, you know? Yeah. When my mother takes a photo of me. Humbling. It's like, why did you do that to me? Why that angle? You gotta, you gotta pick that camera up. It cannot be below your chin. It's gotta be to the heavens. It's gotta be downward and from the sky. Like it's caught off guard. It's not even like a formal. It's just not fair. My mom has a habit of. If you're, say like, I was Harry Potter over there and she was taking it from where I'm sitting right now. Yeah. She would zoom all the way in, sitting here, just on Harry's face. No, so she does that to me. So I'm like fully posing. No, and it's not even getting the full body It's just this I'm like tell me how you really feel. Oh auntie. No, you gotta stop that. You gotta stop that right now No, or you could just do what my mother does where anytime you want a picture taken of something you go Bridgette, Bridgette, can you go take that picture? Like, I am the family photographer at all times. Good lord, my mom sends me like jump scare photos all the time. Like, one time I was just minding my business at home, and she's like, guess who stopped by for a visit? And I'm like thinking like, oh maybe my uncle, like I don't fucking know. It's like a possum at our back door, and it's like up close and personal. It's like, she's not okay. Um,, well we know where you get it, because you send us jump scare TikToks every other day. But she thinks it's cute, I do it for the, the shock value. Yeah, you're a dick. She can't help it and you can. Sorry she feeds the neighborhood squirrels, so. Sorry you have terrible taste. It's fine. Also, this is followed by when I get like an alert saying I was tagged in a photo somewhere. I'm like, it's unedited and then it's a photo of my backside. We have beef. We have beef. Hearing an old person's ringtone at like the highest of volume is the most jump scare thing that I've probably experienced recently. Put your fucking phones on vibrate. It's just, it should be illegal to have a ringtone at this point. Or if you have a text message ringer. That you just leave on while there's a group chat going and every three seconds it's like Bing! Bing! Shut up! Shut up! We didn't ask for this. So my mother, not to talk about her again, but she has not a ding, it's a full ass song for text. No. Nope. Nope. Illegal. And you know she'd be playing the online slot apps too, so it's like, da da ling! Da da ling! The slot apps! I was over there the other day, and I was like, What? What are we playing? I'm so overstimulated. My dad's TV's on a hundred. The dog is barking. She's, da ching! Da ding! There's a lot going on. This is so funny that my dad's jingling while watching the TV because he jingles change in his pocket. Oh, he loves, that is like, when I think of your dad. I think of Diet Pepsi, and I think of pocket change jingling. Yeah, he's always jingling change. With baggy jeans. I can close my eyes and like, in a room full of 100 people, I'll know exactly where he is. Yes, 100 percent agree. It's so weird. Can I also say, people at weddings, Hey, hey Nana, can you please put down your iPad from 2001 and let the photographer and the videographer get the professional shot? Like there's just always one aunt with their fucking iPhone 3 standing up during the vows. Their arms like in the middle of the aisle. It's like, sit your ass down. If I ever get married, I am doing put your goddamn cell phones away. Yeah. I don't need every angle and shot. I feel like it goes without saying, like, just put that shit away. No, they, they literally can't help themselves. We were taking a photo. We were taking a family professional photo at a wedding in the Photographer had to back up really far because there's a bunch of us, of course. And an aunt couldn't figure out how to work the zoom, so physically moved so close to us that the photographer was like, You are now in the shot. Remove yourself. Like, people are not okay. Get a grip. I can't. It drives me insane. I did have a, I went to a, a gathering once. It was my friend's, we were like in their garage and we were drinking and we were playing flip cups. It was a really long table and her grampy was there, but her grampy got the iPad. Grampy is at the end of the flip cup table, just going a ham with the iPad. Put the iPad away during a game of flip. I actually, I see it a lot when I travel too. People will be like at the Mona Lisa as close as they can get with a massive iPad and you're like, it's not a better photo, believe it or not. There's a photo of me behind Grampy like this. Well, he's holding up the iPad. I want to see that photo. I'll find it. I was going to say, find that photo. God bless him. when someone takes out their Invisalign in front of you. Oh, and they do the, there's not much that really grosses me out because I myself am a gross person. Oh, I have a retainer. Good soup. And let me tell you, when you're starting to date someone new and you're trying to sneak that retainer in and out, it is. It's something else. It ain't it. I brush mine everyday. It's fresh as a whistle. Oh, do you have like, the clear ones or like a metal one? I have a clear one. Oh, I have metal ones. Oh, the metal ones are, they get in there. Yeah, and it's like I had a lisp. Yeah. I had a lisp before. I stopped using them after like six months. I was like, I can't have these. Actually, I lost them. I can't have a lisp. I just can't have them. Period. I had them for like, I can't have glasses and a retainer to go to bed like stop wearing my glasses literally lost the retainer Hi guys I can't see I can't speak. I can't hear I can't breathe It's a lot happening and I might have alzheimer's I was gonna say you put the c pap in Oh my god, you absolutely need a c pap, but we've 25 000 times So we won't bore our listeners with it. No, no, no I would love for you to use a CPAP one time though because I bet you would wake up and feel Like a new fucking person. I bet you would be like, holy shit. People do this every night. That's crazy That's wild. People feel rusted. I like wake up and I'm literally like Yeah, we know She sent me She sent me a snapchat the other day And it said, I just woke up in a gasp of air, and it was at like 5. 15 in the morning. That was anxiety. And your eyes were bloodshot red. That was anxiety. And she was like this. Like, I think my subconscious. That was a jump scare. That was a jump scare. That's exactly what that was. You take so long to answer my snapchats that I forget what I don't check snapchat ever. I shut the notifications off and I never check it. So I forget what I send you when you respond to them, and you'll be like, what the fuck, and I'm like, what? What? Well, I always. It's saying, hey, what about that Snapchat? And she's like, what, what are you talking about? Because it's like 24 hours later. I'm like, I don't remember. I don't remember what I did 24 minutes ago. Let alone 24 hours ago. She Snapchatted me something about a person at work. And I asked her about the person by name. And she goes, who? And I was like, how do you not even know the, the name? It doesn't ring a bell. I don't know. Like Mariah Carey. I don't know him. Or Kiki Palmer. Kiki Palmer. I don't know him. Oh, God. I think my gasp though wasn't my, my, my, my my apnea. It was the anxiety. And also I think I subconsciously knew that I didn't have my car. What forgot? Oh, your body was like So my body was like Houston, we have a problem. You need to go get that shit. And then I was like, hmm, wonder why I just awoken like that. Haven't done that in a while. Cuz I wasn't that fucked up, you know? I knew I didn't do anything. Like I was just kind of like, oh, I'm a little unwell, you know? Oh, someone you once knew, like a guy with like a temperament issue or like, was like a little chode punching holes in the walls in high school. Yeah. And he is graduating the police academy. Jump scare. This man should not be on that side of the law. That is the most accurate sentence you've ever said in your whole life. That exact progress of events. I knew one in college that whipped a bottle at one of my roommates heads. Behind the law at this point in time and that my friends is the most terrifying. Oh, yeah, I knew yeah, I won't actually won't get into that I'll keep that one to myself. It's just it's fucking scary if I actually needed like help and like assistance and empathy and like Advice and like I just called 9 1 1 for a source and he was a motherfucker that showed up Like for real, that's crazy. I saw this, I don't recommend this by the way, I saw this TikTok of a woman getting pulled over in this cop yelling at her and he was, she goes, just cause you got C's in high school doesn't mean you can talk to me. I mean, life comes at you fast. Or it's like the ones that it's like, oh, I like literally. Blacked out and like did drugs with you in college and now you're just teaching toddlers like oh That's that's wicked funny to the teachers or the nurses where you're like you save lives You are molding the minds of the youth of America. Oh my god, the most fucked up person I've ever met became a teacher I'm not kidding you. She's the most Unhinged person I've ever met in my life and she's a teacher. I'm like who who on planet Earth Or one time there was this very, very unwell girl and she's now a nurse at a psych ward and I'm like, How does that happen? The call's coming from inside the house. Like, bitch. Oh my god. Anyway. and then my last one was when you, Catch yourself doing something and you're like, that was my mother. Like, saying something or doing an action, and I'm like, whew, pray. Let us pray. Run for the hills. Or I'm like, bad Dobby, bad. Bad Dobby. Dobby mustn't. Repeat the mother. I'm like, Jesus, Mary and Jojo. I'm like, that's that. OK, so we have two positive stories of the week. The first one, you're supposed to say, Yay! WHOO! Thank you. The first one is from Good News Network, I haven't used them in a while. returning to Maui, Walmart and Salvation Army bring holiday cheer, surprising thousands of kids with toys. It's been a difficult year for Hawaiians in Maui since the wildfires destroyed the community in August, but with the holidays approaching, so is the kindness with Walmart and the Salvation Army stepping up with tens of thousands of free toys and gifts. They basically, they donated 35, 000 toys. To all the kids and they set up in one of the or two of the elementary schools that were destroyed by the fire and They decorated this large gymnasium with all of these like festive things and they did like a big reveal and not only did 800 children receive thousands of toys Walmart also showed the staff appreciation with Walmart gift cards to use during the holidays. Oh, that's nice. Three months after the wildfires and they just throwed this big event where all of these kids were able To get their toys and it's just really sweet. So shout out to Walmart your girl Walmart in the Salvation Army The second one is from up worthy on instagram And hair design by britney posted this this lovely gentleman came in today to learn how to curl his wife's hair Hi. His wife is unable to curl her hair on her own and often burns herself, so he stepped up to the plate and learned how to curl her hair. We had the pleasure of teaching him, we taught him how to do the volume curls on short hair, how to protect her skin from being burned, and we even taught him how to put on her mascara. Ugh, stop. And it is pictures of this little old man. Learning how to use the curler and all of the tools so he can curl his wife's hair so she doesn't hurt herself. I'm upset. You say that every time. It's an old person, It's so cute. It is. I just want that really sweet and wholesome. Yeah, I totally agree. So yeah, that's the episode of the week. I hope people that shit was a rollercoaster, held onto that rollercoaster with us the whole time. Start a tickling business, man. No, okay. You need to work on your takeaways from every episode. But it's consensual. Because they're always not the ones that should be taken away. Clearly there's a business for it, is all I'm saying. The consensual version. You can pop off with a consensual version. I mean, yeah, don't threaten people's lives because you're taking their videos of them getting tickled without their consent. The videos are, let me warn you, because I know some of you won't be able to help yourselves and will YouTube it. It's un com fy. I'm excited. Consent. Consent is king. I almost just choked on a piece of ice. I know, I watched that happen. I didn't mean to go in my esophagus. I just spit it back out. I think this is about that time when we call it. I didn't murder you. That's good. We made it through the episode. We done did it. Alright, everyone have a good week. Love you mean it. Bye. Get your foot off my fucking laptop. My good god.


This podcast was produced by me. Bridget, Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt You can find his band super Stoker anywhere you listen to music.

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