Sippin' with the Shannons
Sippin' with the Shannons
The Untitled Episode
On this week's episode, Bridget is back from NYC and has all the star studded tea for us!! It was a weekend for the books with two broadway musicals, fancy hotels and cocktails with A list celebs. And someone in prison is getting a very special present soon. Then we get into the topic of the week... THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HANNAH UPP. Colleen digs into Hannah's rear case of dissociative fugue and her multiple disappearances leading up to her final one in St. Thomas. You know how she be, fugueing. Is she still out there? Would you wear a house arrest anklet? Can someone give Barbara some peace?! Then we play a game of "our Spotify Wrapped if it had nothing to do with music." Ship our shit to St. Thomas so we can look for Hannah!!
- How A Young Woman Lost Her Identity - The New Yorker
- Vanished In Paradise: The Untold Story - A&E
Review and subscribe! You can find us on Instagram @Sippinwiththeshannons or send us your stories at Sippinwiththeshannons@gmail.com. Love you, mean it.
And we're live. And we're rolling. Via couch. We cannot be moved from the couch anymore. We shall not be moved. Hey. Hey, how's it going? What's going on? Oh, you know. Living the dream. How you doing? I'm good. I'm nice and cozy shmozy. Cozy shmozy. A little bit too close to you, but that's okay. Way too close to me. Respectfully. I mean, I'm not mad about it, but. Your feet. It's the feet. They're tucked away. They fuckin better be. They're gonna stay that way, too. Well, they might make a little No. appearance. No. Then they go out that side of the couch. Free the dogs. Free the dogs! Let the dogs out. Woof! Woof! Oh, sorry. I can't be loud. No, I want you to project. I don't want you to scream into the microphone. Okay. Is that projecting or is that screaming? No, you projected there. Okay. Great. I'll really work on that. Thank you. Maybe that'll be my New Year's resolution. Sure. To clean my feet and project. Hi, everybody, and welcome to this week's episode of Sipping with the Shannons. We're cousins, and each week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, and we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Shannon. I'm Colleen Shannon. What's new? What's up? What's poppin I'm feeling silly. Great. You're not gonna, you're not gonna like it. And boy, do I have something to say. No, I'm just kidding. I don't have anything to say. I, went to SantaCon, which isn't real. It's not a real SantaCon. It's not like New York SantaCon. Yeah. But like, it's Boston SantaCon. Yeah, how was it? Ratchet Edition, like Sissy K's, Hong Kong. Stop. Get out of here. Wild Rover. Did you go to Coogan's? No, we didn't go to Coogan's. I've actually never been to Coogan's. Really? Yeah. No, never. Oh man, the trashiest of the trash. See, I don't think that. They have dollar drafts on Saturdays. Yeah, that's kind of gross. So catch me at Coogan's at 11 p. m. when that opened up at 9 and then talk to me about how it's not that bad. Okay, that's fair. That's fair. yeah, I was wearing a Santa suit, I lost my beard, I'm really upset about it, was gonna re wear that. You know. Duh. The looks we were getting from people in Faneuil, it's like, please. Please act like you've been here before. Control yourself. Yeah, for real. Control yourself! But it was fun. I will say I went to one of the places on the list that we hadn't been to, obviously before because it's like newer, Margaritaville. Let me tell you. Is in Faneuil Hall now? Jimmy Buffett is rolling over in his grave. Why, why? You'd be so upset. Horrible service. No one was friendly. No. We stood at the bar for literally 20 minutes and I was like, okay. I guess we're leaving now. I guess we're leaving. Where is it in Faneuil? It's the Sephora. It's like right across from the Sephora. Oh, okay. Yeah. Oh, I don't like that at all. No, it ain't it. I'm not happy about it. I was legit yelling going, Jimmy Buffett would be rolling! We were leaving. We were walking in, obviously I looked up and I could see a window of like people eating because it was the second floor. Yeah. Yeah. And there was like a. Two older ladies just like looking at me and I go, Merry Christmas, like in my, everyone was like, just stop, end it, end it. Call it here. Just call it here. Stop. but yeah, it was fun. That's literally the only thing I did this weekend. Like, I have nothing else to say other than I veg. Well, I have plenty to say. But you have a lot to say and I respectfully have asked you not to tell me a single thing so I could give my honest reaction. I don't even know how to describe to you what The last three days were, they were magical. I mean, it's just unlike anything I've ever experienced. And I think, you know, everyone who knows me knows I experienced ultimate highs and ultimate lows. I think the listeners probably have picked up on it too at some point. Everything I touched turned to gold this weekend. That never happens. It just was a high for three straight days. So let's get into it. Give me the tea. Also, it turns out, if you don't feel well, and then you run your body into the ground, it doesn't make it better. I don't know if that's true. Up for debate, honestly. I don't believe it. So I had, like, a lovely weekend, caught up with friends, did a lot of, like, Christmas things. And then I, on Sunday, drove to New York in the morning and got there by noon. And I was going to see a show called Gutenberg, the musical. I've been dying to see it. It only runs till the end of January. And it's the love of my life, Andrew Rannells and Josh Gad. They are originally the two guys who played the two main characters in the Book of Mormon. So they've been big, big, big fans for a very long time. And they reunited on Broadway for the show called Gutenberg. So I last minute just bought myself some tickets, drove into the city. And I had two hours, so I went and found a cozy little bar. Cute. That was playing Christmas music in like 90s music, which was great. And it was all decked out in Christmas stuff. And I ordered a French onion soup. Vibes are high. I don't know who you've turned me into. I have never been at a bar and ordered soup. Like as a meal not ever not once in my whole ass life. Have you ever had French onion soup in general? Yeah, okay, but I've never gone in and said give me that. Oh, I want to order something Let me order that but it just the vibes it was raining. Oh, New York at Christmas time cozy I had my big fluffy jacket on and we found a little cozy bar and had some wine And some French onion soup. So the vibes, we just started off on a high note. Cozy city core. I was listening to a true crime podcast that Erin has got me completely obsessed with. What one? Share with the class. Oh my god. It's called the Three. Oh! It is so fucking good. The moms in this story of these three people who have gone missing and some have passed away. or been murdered is it's just about if you want a new true crime podcast to listen to that will take over your whole life, Bakersfield three, 15 episodes. So well done. The journalist is amazing in it ends with the end of the trial. So it's like the full shebang got it. Makes sense. Yeah. You heard it here, folks. So then I go to Gutenberg. And I splurged and got myself front row seats on like the side and it was so funny and I laughed so hard. My face hurt. It just lived up to every expectation that I had. And then some Andrew Reynolds and I made eye contact. Josh Gad was inches away from me. It just, it was so fucking funny. And then after that. I was walking down the street and it was getting to dinner time and I only had French onion soup, so I was getting a little hungry and there was this steakhouse that's really yummy and the line was out the door and I was like, let me just pop in and see one seat right at the bar waiting for me. It's like everything was in line. Everything, everything I touched turned to gold all weekend. Like it didn't even hit traffic. Really? To New York City. I did not hit traffic. On a Sunday. On a Sunday afternoon. Interesting. So, I go, I sit at the bar, I get this amazing bartender, he gives me the yummiest Cosmo, I get myself a steak, I get myself some whipped mashed potatoes. You deserve it, truly. And then a couple came in and I moved down to make room for them at the bar, and so obviously we become friends, and they start talking and they're like, Oh, we're about to go see a show soon. Have you ever seen it? It's called the Book of Mormon. And I was like, have I seen the Book of Mormon? I could do the fucking choreography for you right now if you wanted me to. And so they were like, oh, you should go see it. We got tickets for super cheap. And I was like, OK, it's 640. There is a show at 7, and it just so happens to be like two blocks away. Let me just go see. Let me just see what the deal is. 70 bucks. Damn. 70 dollars to see one of my favorite shows of all time. So? So your bitch went and saw the Book of Mormon, showed up at 6. 50, ready to rumble. Partially obstructed view my ass. It was perfect. So watched the show, had such a great time. Uh, stay with my friend in Jersey, Andrea, and then the next day we drove into the city. And so this is movie premiere day, it's Monday, and the show starts, the movie starts at seven and we wanted to leave around six. So We get into the city and we park and then we realize the hotel that we are staying at with our friends So we did not pay a dime for this. Gorgeous. Just a quick recap. My friend runs events. I met her in South Africa. Her name is Alyssa. She's amazing. And she does red carpet movie premieres for different production companies. And in this case, it was Netflix. Ever heard of them? It's this up and coming production company. Yeah, it's just this, you know, little company. And so they put her up. And I didn't even look up I didn't look up the address. I didn't look up what the hotel was before. I had no idea. Obviously Netflix put her up in this insane fucking hotel. Gorgeous. So we show up at one of the nicest hotels I've ever stayed at. We stayed on the 40th floor facing Central Park. Oh! We were one of the hotels on the front of Central Park facing it. It was the most stunning view, and we paid not a single dime for it. Stunnin So then we, um,, we get ready, we get all dolled up, and then we go to this event, and it was at the Paris Theatre, which is like, half a block away, essentially. and we show up and there are all these people outside like waiting for the stars to arrive and we got our tickets and we passed all the people we go through security and they had these little popcorns for everyone and they had bottles of water for everyone cute and we get our seats and we wait and seven o'clock hits and the second Guy in command at Netflix worldwide comes out and introduces the director and then the director comes out And he's the one married to Emmy Rossum. Oh, yeah, shameless He comes out and then he introduces the cast and out comes Kevin Bacon Ethan Hawke and Julia motherfucking Roberts in the flesh Julia Roberts, all night security called her J. R. Cute. The best. Cute. J. R. energy forever and always. they were so nice. They like were waved to everyone and they announced the movie. And she was like, buckle up everybody. I'm fucking buckled, Julia. I've never been buckled more in my whole life. If she says it, then we are. Strapped in, Julia. That's what you can expect. Mahershala Ali, he had this beautiful Oh my god, they just all looked so Stunning. And so some of them stay to watch the movie, some don't. I think Ethan Hawke stayed and Julia Roberts stayed. And it was a really good movie. It's called Leave the World Behind. And I think it comes out on Netflix soon enough, so everyone's gonna be able to watch it. The premise, without giving too much away, is that Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke have two kids and they, they decide to go on a little vacation outside of New York City. They're gonna stay at like a little small town and when they get there weird things are happening, like none of them have service. Something happens with a boat and they're like, what is going on? And that night they hear a knock on the door and Mahershala Ali and his daughter are like, sorry, this is our house. There's a blackout in the city. Can we stay with you? And Julia Roberts is like we're not fucking letting these people like we're like they're total strangers This couldn't even he doesn't even have his wall on him So they can't even confirm that it's their house and he's with his daughter And it's just it gets really awkward and then shit completely hits the fan. Yeah, it's wild How would you label this movie? Like a thriller, comedy? Uh, Psychological Thriller. Oh, I love that. It's giving get out, it is scary, but not in the scary where things pop out at you. Got it. The music will make you want to, like, your heart beat out of your chest. It's very stressful. That's the best. yeah. I mean, it was amazing. The cast, they casted everyone perfectly. I thought it was great. so yeah, so we watched this movie and then we headed to the after party at the Park Plaza. I had my Home Alone 2 moment, my Eloise moment. They don't even let people in unless you, like if you're walking on the side of the Park Plaza, it just says residents only, like you're not even allowed in the building unless you're staying there. It was the kind of opulence. I can't really, I mean, it's just the most beautiful hotel I've ever seen. It's decked out for Christmas. They had these massive red ornaments on the ground that were like the size of me. And then when you walked in, they were the big red ornaments and then they had like 13 different sized trees all stacked up. It is, it reminded me of like the Palace of Versailles. Like that's how, just absolutely insane. So we walk into this after party. And there's like music playing, and it's open bar, and it's open buffet. Okay, do you want to hear how this went? Yes, I do. So, we go to coat check, and we, we put our coats down, and we're walking to the bathroom, which was a hike. It's like down three hallways, down a flight of stairs. I'm like, do they not know that everyone here is all dressed up and has eight feet? I'd be peeing on the floor. Of course you wouldn't. In the fucking Park Plaza. Colleen! I wouldn't do that where Eloise stays. Yeah, I mean, of course you wouldn't. Mahershala Ali and gave him like a little smile. I was like, oh my god. Because our friend was like, listen, don't get sloppy. and don't approach the talent. Like, don't ask for selfies. No. Just leave them be. We have class here. Yeah, no, but she was just like, here are the, you know, the few rules. Got it. But like, sit, people watch, do whatever you want, but just don't go up to them and be like, oh my god, hi! Like, just don't embarrass me, essentially. So, we were trying to be cool, and so we see Mahershala Ali, and then we go downstairs, and I'm walking to the bathroom, and at the end of the hallway is a woman with blonde hair. That is as high to the heavens as hair can possibly get and I go, oh my god, that's Teresa Caputo No, it's the Long Island medium. Shut the fuck up So I'm walking down this hallway and I'm like the minute the minute I saw that hair And I was like, oh my god, it's fucking Teresa Caputo. So I get to the end of the hallway And I'm next to her and I go, Wow, they really make you fucking work for it. Or I said, I didn't swear. I said, Wow, they really make you work for it, huh? And she was like, Yep, they really do. And giggled, like giggled at me. And I was like, Oh my God, I just made the Long Island Medium laugh. And you would have loved her outfit. She was in this like, black, silk, It almost looked like a button up shirt, but it was a dress. Oh, love. And she had black heels on. And it was a little bit of a muumuu, but still tight enough to be flattering. I, I literally looked at her and said, Colleen would wear that outfit. Bare legs, hair to the heavens. And that's how I made Teresa Caputo giggle. I know she's just smiling at me. That's why she's not making any noise. Sorry. Um,, so then I go upstairs the buffet is all set up and the bar is all set up. And the buffet was wild. No, it couldn't have been more healthy of a buffet. I don't know what I was expecting. Yeah. But it was like couscous, vegetables, uh, duck. There was, uh, like a white fish cut into slim slices. salads, the hors d'oeuvres were literal bite size. I'm like, Oh my God, this is the healthiest buffet. Yeah, I just feel like when I hear buffet, I'm thinking buffet. Yeah, like this isn't the Chinese food buffet that you've seen. Like, no, no, no, no. Like very light. When we ate, I felt comfortably full, but I never felt full. Like we ate pizza at the end of the night. Got it. So, yeah, so we ate and we just people watched and it was so weird in the best way. It's an out. It was a fever dream. Like it's just out of body. You're sipping on a Cosmo and Diane Sawyer walks by and you're just like, what the fuck is happening right now? Is it? Was that real? Diane Sawyer? Yes. Oh, you should have said that too. Yeah. Julia Roberts. Two guests were Teresa Caputo and Diane Sawyer. How is that possible? Listen. I don't make the rules. Kevin Bacon was there with his wife, Kara Sedgwick and Emmy Rossum was there. She was? Emmy Rossum was there. Oh my God. I went to the bar and when I came back, there was this like group of people leaving. It was Christian Slater, Heidi Gartner from SNL was there and there was a lot of people where you're like, I know that person is in a very specific law and order SVU episode and I can't place them. It's like. That happened a lot. J Manuel was there who was one of the hosts of America's Next Top Model. He is the most perfectly manicured man I have ever laid eyes on in my hero of my whole life is RuPaul. I have never seen I love him hair Skin, his beard was perfectly, I swear to God they measure the hairs on his beard to make sure they're all even. He had a curve to his beard that was per it was perfect. I've never seen anything like it in my life. He looked fake. He looked AI generated. Damn, what's a witch doing there? Speaking of which, speaking of which, so So when they, so there's like a friends and family list, right? So when they ask all the talent to go, the talent being the people in the movie, right? They get to pick like who comes, you know, what friends are with them, whatever. After that. They have quote unquote fillers that they use from the friends and family list and this can be anyone and I guess Andrew Rannells was on the list But the love of my life, okay, and he canceled the day before thank God I saw him in that musical because I would have if he showed up I I think he's him and RuPaul are like the two people I would have been able to Know because I still got to see him. Okay, you know if anyone wants to look up Andrew Rannells He's Elijah and girls if anyone watches girls. Anyway, he's a Broadway icon. So It just was really crazy because it was all these famous people, agents, and like talent scouts, essentially. Then there were people, there was like a girl, I could not get over her, she was in New Balance sneakers and jeans. And I was like, what the fuck is happening here? Then there were people in all black, obviously working the event. And then there were just tons of pretty people. Just stunning human beings. And I said to my friend after what is that like what is happening and she said after the friends and family list the fillers they go to like models. Oh. So they just fill the room with pretty people. So there was this couple, I've never seen a more attractive couple in real life. That wasn't an A list celebrity. She was like this beautiful blonde, she had this long black dress on. This guy had like, he just, they were both perfect. Turns out, the next day we were talking about them, because me and my friend Andrea could not get over them. Our friend Alyssa who worked at the event, she was like, Oh my god, I had to kick them out. They were trying to fuck in the bathroom. I had to call security on them. I'm like, the AI couple? Trying to fuck in the bathroom. I mean, I don't blame them. That sounds fun. I mean, it was really an out of body experience to be sitting and eating a salad and Kevin Bacon and Cara Sedgwick walk by. That sounds like an actual dream. And it's like, not a bit, like, everyone's just walking around. It's not that big of a deal. No one's following them. It's just Normal. They're just, I mean, they really are just human beings. I know, but. J. R. My girl, J. R. Julia Roberts. Black sequins outfit. Her, she's stunning. Like she is dazzling is the best way I can describe her. Her like dark red hair, the big smile, like she is so animated when she was talking to people. Now it was pretty loud and there was nearly 500 people there. So there were a bunch of famous people I didn't even see. She's so animated, like, she's using her hands, like, she's got the big laugh. She was everything I expected Julia Roberts to be without actually speaking to her, if that makes sense. I correlate her, like, level of beauty and, like, charisma to, like, Anne Hathaway. Really? Yeah. Like her face. Like, like, just being like naturally like stunning. You can't look away. Like I feel that way about Anne Hathaway in person. I feel like. Yeah. She just was stunning. She was, I could not stop staring at her. there was like a lady from revenge there. Um,, this woman named Carrie Preston was there. She was on the good wife. She was an, I know I knew her from true blood, but again, that thing where you're like, I, No, I know you. I just can't pinpoint where it's from, but it was wild. I mean, it was truly one of the coolest things. I've ever done and I am so thankful I got to do it was like such a big bucket list moment and Yeah, it was amazing. It was weird to be fully dolled up and dressed up in a movie theater That part was weird in the key of the whole night was just to be really nice to everyone because everybody was Somebody and so this guy as if you wouldn't be though. No, right I go and I'm just like a bitch, you know to everyone No I was just really friendly and then someone come up to me after me like did you know you were just talking to I'm like No, of course, I don't I have no idea. So this one guy we were in line for the buffet getting dinner And me and my friend, Andrea, accidentally wore the same dress, essentially. It had a different neckline, but complete coincidence. Same color, same material, just different necklines. Cute though. And he walked up to us and he was like, Oh my god, twinning! And I was like, Oh my god, thank you! This was an accident. And then we started chatting with them. And after he walked away, Our friend Alyssa was like, that's the guy who got us the hotel room. He owns, he runs the hotel. And I was like, sure. Sure, sure, sure. So we started talking to another guy. Security guard, really nice. She walks up to us, she's like, that's the head of Netflix security. Oh! He has crazy stories because he used to be Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's guard at their, uh, Southern France home. Oh! And I was just like, that is so Outside of my understanding in my world. I know, I can't wrap my brain around it, that's why I'm so quiet. Yeah, so it was a lot of that. Where just like, everyone you talk to, even if you were in the cold line, and you were just being really nice to someone, it's like, that was one of the producers. And you're just like, uh, what? I don't know what's happening. met, like, the girl who runs PR at Netflix. What? What do you mean? You're PR for Netflix. It's just crazy. It's just like little ol me? Yeah, little ol me just having, you know, full imposter syndrome while I stand here and, you know, with my jaw open trying to act cool. One kid who is there too, he plays Ethan Hawke and Julia Roberts son. He's like, he plays a 16 year old, which we heard he was 33. And I was like, they always be doing that horrifying. What do you mean? I just saw him as a teenage boy, that entire movie, what's happening. And a guy walked up to him and then he gave him his phone number and they shook hands. And then he walked away and he was there with his little brother and his mom. And I was like, what is happening? And she's like, Oh, that's an agent. He's getting his number. And I was like, it's a networking event too. So that's how that works. Yeah. Each couch had their own plaque on it that had each star's name. So they each all got their own couch areas. It was nuts. That's insane. Yeah, it was crazy. And then the next day we woke up and we just did like a whole debrief We just talked for hours about like who we saw and we obviously had so many questions Like is this how it normally goes? Is it this amount of people normally? This apparently was a big one, especially where There haven't been a lot recently because of the strike, but yeah, amazing. And then I drove to Brooklyn to visit one of my best friends my whole life, Steven Alita, and I loved it and they took me to this really nice restaurant. It was one of the yummiest meals I've had in, I can't even remember how long, even better than the, the steakhouse I went to the other night, like way better than that. They, they put me up for the night and then I drove home today. And here I am. Gorgeous. So it was just like a whirlwind New York weekend. Let's keep that energy. Yeah, the J. R. energy is strong. And then, you know, you come home and you eat Boston Market on your couch. And watch Four Christmases. I've never had Boston Market, but what did you get there? You've never had Boston Market? No. You would fucking love Boston Market. I don't know, it kind of scares me. Why? It's rotisserie chicken. Is it? Yes. Oh, I thought it was like creepy chicken. What's creepy chicken? I don't know, just like chicken that's kind of creepy. I don't know what that means. I don't think. You've never had a piece of chicken in your life that you're like, Ah, it's a little sketchy, a little creepy. Well, probably like KFC. Yeah, that's true. Has some, has some times where you're like, Mmm, creepy creepy. And I know you're thinking to yourself, Bridget, How could you have afforded this entire weekend when you don't have an income and to that I say, I don't know And I don't care. And that is for future Bridget to figure out and if that means I have to wear underwear for three days And send them to a prison and that's what it means You do what you have to do. If an inmate needs my underwear, they need my underwear. I have to pay the bills Who am I to deny? Who am I to deny? An inmate My underwear. He needs it more than I. Listen, or she, honestly, like, I won't discriminate. So yeah, it was, it was really wonderful and I had an amazing time and my heart is really full and my bank account is empty as it should be. It will replenish itself when the time comes. I'm just gonna pray on it. I've heard that's what people do. I'm going to pray on it. They just, they pray. I love money and money loves me. And then manifest. And then it just comes true. Pray for me. Erin said that to me the other day. She goes, if you just write it down. Manifest. So I'm just going to write it down from now on. Honestly, I'm just going to be riding the high of Julia Roberts and making Teresa Caputo laugh for a while. That's a good high. And I want you to all let me have this. Don't take it and fucking run with it. And I will say nothing. Whenever I hear the name Julia Roberts, I just correlate it with Rob Hurts. I fucking know exactly what know. I just can't help it. Like, that's what I thought about for like 10 minutes. I know. It's so bad. And all of security are like whispering into their wrists like that and they're like, J. R. J. R. J. R. Really? Yeah. Yeah, I'm so intrigued. It was the best people watching I've ever done in my life We literally posted up with our drinks and just watched We bear there were times we would go minutes without talking to each other because we were just looking around like over stim Like but without trying to do that being like hey, the person behind you is someone we know But I don't know their name, but I know that we I know that we know that you know Listen, we both know we know who that person is and then we got a sheet of the guest list later so I like actually could figure everyone out. Oh, that's cool. Yeah. It's like playing Investigations. Yeah, so big shout out to Alyssa for letting us crash her party. Good friend alert. Good fucking friend alert. And Andrea put me up, and Stephen Alita put me up, and Netflix put me up, and everyone's just so nice, and I got to see two Broadway shows, and it's just all my favorite things. She's glowing. I'm glowing. I'm so happy. And I honestly, I know I'm joking, like I spend too much money. I didn't even think twice about it. I was like, I'm fucking living. I am touching gold. I have just a little bit of a pep in my step because it's, you know, you're walking to lunch in New York City, passing the plaza and going to eat pasta in the middle of the day. It's just like, for your mental health. I literally was like, I never want to work again. I wish I could retire. Just write the fuck down. Write it off. Taxes, right? I love that episode of Schitt's Creek where he's like, I don't know, I'm just gonna write it off. Business expense. Yes. Exactly. So yeah, A with extra credit weekend. Damn, that was a lot to take in. Even though it was Sunday, Monday, Tuesday. So that I'm also very thrown off by the fact that it's Wednesday because it feels like a Sunday or Monday to me. That's good though because it's going to be Friday so soon. You should do that every week. It's Friday again. It's Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday. Anyway, what do you got for me? How am I supposed to follow that? I mean with a fun story that you have planned for us. I do have a fun story. Just want to say that I feel personally victimized by the angle of last week's episode. I Gasped. Gasped. But then at the same time, I can't be like, that's a bad angle. Like, sis, that's what you look like. You know? No, you can blame it on, you can blame it on the angle. No, but either way, it's just like, we were also That's what you look like. Let's also point out that we were a bit laid back. Yeah, we were. I also was looking at you like this, which is always, this is never a good. You were diagonal. You were not sitting up straight. You were diagonal. Yeah. Right. Like hospice. Like. Like hospice. I'm just saying. It is. Yeah, we need to work on that, but listen, we're so cozy. And that's fine, that's the price I'll have to pay, and that is That is the price we are willing to pay. That'll do, donka, that'll do. That'll do. so I do have a story for you today, but I'm not telling you what it's about, because then it would give it away. So I'm just gonna say it. Okay, great. That's all. I did that to you last week, so that, that makes sense. Okay, cool. So it's legitimately, it's nothing. But all you need to know is that I watched a Dateline episode, and it was an article from The New Yorker, and that's all you have to know. Great. Cool. It's called The Untitled Episode. The Untitled Episode. So far. Great. That's legitimately what I wrote on my first line. The Untitled Episode. Okay. So you can't now, okay? Okay. Alright. We're gonna get into it. This is so exciting. If you, if you know this story, I'll kill myself. Colleen, that is such an irrational comment that you just made. I know, but it's just like, I just don't want you to know it. Well obviously I'm gonna pretend not to know it now, even if I do. Okay, well I won't kill myself, I was just being dramatic, but I'll be upset. Great. What a way to start. No pressure on me whatsoever. It was August 28th, 2008. Wow, not that long ago. No, it really wasn't that long ago. and 23 year old Hannah Upp, she was a middle school teacher, and she went out for a run near her apartment in Upper Manhattan. Okay? Yeah, I know, I know it well now. Oh yeah, because you're so cool and fun as I'm cool and I, I love New York, but I'm a New Yorker. She's just a borough girly. Is that what they're called? Good morning, Upper East Siders. Of course. Of course. Ah, okay. Referring back to the story. Sorry. I got sidetracked. Anywho, Miss Hannah was set to start her first day of school the next day at a school called Thurgood Marshall Academy, and it was a public school in Harlem. Okay, cool. Got it. But when the day came, she did not show up. Her roommate knew something was wrong, so she obviously went into her room, was like where the fuck is this bitch, found her wallet, her passport, her metro card, her cell phone, her purse, everything on the floor of her bedroom. Great. So literally everything that this person owns is on the floor of her bedroom. Yeah, not a good sign. No. Um, Her friends and her family obviously panic, and they're like she has disappeared into absolute thin air, New York City has swallowed her whole, I have no idea where she is, and they have nothing to go on because all of her belongings are in her apartment. Right. Until. A detective calls Hanna's mother, her name is Barbara. Barbara is a queen. Love Barbara. Okay, cool. That's all you need to know. Love. Got it. Miss Barb, the queen, she comes down to the precinct in Harlem, and he says, I need you to view some suspicious surveillance footage that we have. So she's like, okay, cool. And in the video, it's taken at an Apple store in the city. Barbara watches a woman that's wearing, like, a sports bra, running shorts, running gear, her hair is pulled into a ponytail, and she's coming down the staircase at the Apple store. and she sees a man stop to ask her, like, are you the missing teacher that's all over the news? And Barbara said that I could see her blow him off and just kind of be like, you know, like, no, no, no, like, don't worry, you know me, I'm good, it's fine. And she knew it was Hannah because of her mannerisms. She was like, that was her, clear as day, like, I could tell from the shitty surveillance footage it was my daughter, like. Got it. No, no, no, I'm good. Got it. So then another camera sees Hannah using one of the store's laptops to log into her Gmail account. So she looks at her emails for a second and then she walks away. She signs in no problem like two seconds, and then just please okay Then two days after that she was spotted at a Starbucks in Soho By the time the police got there though. She had already walked out the back door So this this girl is just like bobbing and weaving bobbing and weaving Contacting no one she doesn't have any of her belongings Because they're all on the floor of her bedroom. Okay? The police recorded sightings of her at five different New York sports clubs. At the same time? No, separately. She just keeps bopping around? Where the detect Like, when I tell you, they were searching the city for her. Right. Where the detectives, like, just kind of assume she's there to shower, because she goes to the bathroom when she's there. Yeah. Can you imagine being her mom and being like, What the fuck is my daughter doing? No. And to see it On the footage and not be able to piece it all together must be infuriating. It's one thing if she's nowhere. Yeah. It's another thing if you can see her walking from store to store, that's And not know you're like, kind of like, what the fuck? Yeah, horrible. And also she's just like a normal gal, just like, cute little school teacher. Like it's not, nothing nefarious is happening. Yeah, standard normal gal. Got it. So, then finally on September 16th, on the 20th day that she had been missing, Good lord. Almost three weeks, a captain of a Staten Island ferry saw a woman's body in the water near Robins Reef, which is like, a rocky area, like with a lighthouse near the Statue of Liberty. Mm. The body that he saw was floating face down, and they assume that she was, of course, dead, because you see a body in the water, that is what you assume. And a deckhand and the captain, they lift her by her ankles and then pick her up by her shoulders, and then suddenly she gasps and just starts to cry. This is 20 days after she went missing. What the fuck is going on? She had no recollection of, whatsoever, of where she had been for the entirety of the three weeks. Okay. I don't like anything that's happening. Do you leave me on a cliffhanger? Do we figure some of this out? Yes and no. Great. Sick. She does get interviewed, like, later on, and she does say in the interview that, I went from going on a run to being in the ambulance. It was like 10 minutes had passed, but it was three weeks. Hmm. Okay. Okay. Cool. Okay. So she gets taken to I mean, terrifying. Oh, I know. Absolutely terrifying. Well, she's like, we'll get there, but she's just kind of like, eh. It's it what just just holds. Okay. Okay. She was taken to a medical center on Staten Island and for three hours The medical staff are like asking her tons of questions. Like what the fuck? Who are you? Where are you? What's going on? Like everything eventually, she's like, my name is Hannah and then she tells them her mother's phone number So Barbara whips her ass over there in an hour because Barbara's the Queen. Mm hmm And the first thing Hannah said to her mom was why am I wet? okay. She was treated for hypothermia, dehydration, and a severe sunburn on the left side of her body. So she was left out there for a bit? Yes. In the sun. Got it. Four friends came to the hospital that afternoon. She was like totally normal, like I said, had a ton of friends, everyone loved her, she was very bubbly. Yeah. her one friend, Manuel, who was her roommate at the time, the one that had searched for all of her things, said, she saw me and she smiled and said something like, I hope they release me soon because I have to set up my classroom. She had, still had no idea that three weeks had gone by. You have way bigger problems, Adia, than a classroom set up. Yes, sis. You, you missed. You, you missed quite. Yeah. Quite a few things. Your substitute has been plopped in that room for quite some time. She's a new teacher sis. Yeah. See you next year. Yeah, for real. so everyone's kind of like, uh, how do we go about this? Like, does she have amnesia? Like what's going on? she remembered her mom's number. Yeah. Very weird. She ends up. getting a diagnosis of dissociative fugue, which is a rare condition in which people basically just lose their memory and their whole personal identity. And sometimes they adopt a new one and they kind of embark on like a journey of some sort that that's like out of their control. and during the fugue state that they say, you appear totally normal and you act normal. And you're not really confused, so it doesn't attract alarm of other people. So that's why, when she's just in the store on her fucking Gmail, like, no one's kind of I wonder what that's caused, is that caused by trauma? Or, do you know what I mean? Like, do you know how sometimes your brain Shuts down and you don't have a memory of something? Yeah, because it's too traumatic. So, typically when the fugue ends, like for her, they find themselves in like a new situation and they have no memory of what they have done or anything like that. They don't remember the state at all, ever. and it's usually triggered by trauma, like you said, or a change in experience. So like if it's like a change in season or a change in location or like things like that. Mmm. Exposure to a natural disaster, like things like that. Or internal conflict or stress. Anything out of, is that what I'm in out of the normal realm? All of a sudden you're like, who am I? Talk about taking dissociation to a whole new level. Sis gets a whole new personality. Oh lord. but she takes the diagnosis, like, with stride. She's like, cool, sounds good. Like, as if you weren't legitimately missing for three fucking weeks of your life and found in a body of water, but sure. Keep it moving. So Miss Hannah is basically like, not gonna let this drag me down, let's just proceed with life. Okay? Okay. So, flash forward a few years. Hannah was hired as a teaching assistant at a Montessori school for children in Kensington, Maryland. not important, but like, just want to note that she had a different upbringing, like her mom was a Quaker. Of all the things I thought you were going to say, that wasn't one of them. Her mom was a whole ass Quaker. Barbara? Barbara was a Quaker. She was. She was. She's come to, she's come to normal life now. Okay. Not that Quakers aren't normal but I'm just saying like, Sure. Whatever. But her dad, Old school. Her parents were divorced. Her dad was constantly in different countries on voyages because he was like a pastor and was like, Oh wow. Felt obligated to go on these voyages. Whatever. Oh, they were fucking in it. Yeah, so not the point but just important to know. Okay? Sure. So she falls in love with the Montessori method. She's obsessed with the whole concept. She's avidly studying it, follows it, blah blah blah. You know what that is? Okay, it's basically like a form of teaching not like how we went to school. It's like Just focus on, like, child's interests and real world life skills. Oh, yes. I, yes. So, like, play their strengths kind of thing. Like, they don't formally teach them everything, like, how we did. I am for this. They don't give a fuck about geometry. They don't give a fuck about the pyramids. Like, Well, I've said this before on this podcast. that I think that when you are going through school, instead of me being terrible at math and getting more math homework to make sure that I'll get better at it, obviously everyone should have a basic understanding of all the subjects. That doesn't mean I should never do math again because that's not setting me up for success. So that's what they do. But instead of like. Giving me more math. It's like, hey, you talk a lot. Why don't we get you in the theater? Why don't we? Fuel this thing that naturally comes to you versus making you do more of the thing that you're naturally bad at you Don't have a break down the kitchen table with your dad trying to do exactly I don't want to get yelled at and cry at the kitchen table with my dad. I Agree, I agree with that played your strengths and definitely I would say expand on like what you already have versus like forcing you to Do something that you just can't wrap your brain around. Yeah, it's like you should Obviously, like I said, have a basic understanding, but at the end of the day, hopefully the job you pick in life is gonna have a lot of aspects of the things you're already good at. Yeah. So try a bunch of shit that has it in there, in different jobs that you can do that includes that, and then see which one you like the best. And then do it for the rest of your life and make a boatload of money. So I would agree with that only if that was when you're older. Like they do it when you're like two. What do you mean? Like you're preschoolers and you're like, oh this, they like shapes, like they, It's like, oh yeah, you know, you have to wait, you have high school, like, I'll teach you about bills and real life skills and we can go from there. Yeah, let's talk. But like, when you're a toddle, like, let's get some U. S. history in this bitch. coming from someone who's learning U. S. history late life. Because I'm upset. Good lord. but honestly, like, it just is super hands on. It's not like, let's sit and I'll read out of a book. Yeah, sure. And they don't have a curriculum at all. Wow. Yeah. They don't have, they don't have grades or tests. Like they don't believe in like measures of success and achievements. Oh. Oh, interesting. Okay. Whatever. It doesn't really matter anyways, but just know that that's the type of That's what's happening. Got it. That's her gig. That's her vibe. So, on the morning of Hannah's first day of class at her new school, Barbara gets a phone call from the police. I swear to God, Colleen. They tell her that Hannah's purse, wallet, and cell phone have No! No! No! They've been found out. Get out of my house. Get out of my apartment right now. Let's run it back. Running it back. What? Alexa, play Here We Go Again by Demi Lovato. Here we go, go, go again. I was thinking. Here I go again on my own. yeah, that's the song she's singing. That's for sure. Okay, Hannah. Hannah doesn't like the beginning of school, is the vibe that I'm getting. Ah, would agree. Why is this always happening at the beginning of the school year? This gets worse. So many teachers are like, I can relate. If I also could disassociate. The air just hits different. So all of her shit is again found somewhere where she is not. On a wooded path in Kensington, Maryland. So scary. Yeah, a colleague came out and was like, Yeah, I saw her driving to school. All of a sudden she was running in the other direction. In the wrong direction. So, they're kind of like, where are you going? Like, that was very sus. But also it was the first date, like, they didn't really know her that well, you know? Sure. Hannah's mother and all of her friends drive down to Maryland. They're like, oh. Barbara's like, fuck. Not this shit again. Yeah. They look for her in the woods. They put up flyers around town. Like, they're professionals at this point. Uh, and then they discover that she hasn't slept at her apartment. The past night, so it was like, I don't know how, I think they left through her like, phone messages or something, I don't really know, but she hadn't been home for longer than they assumed. In the previous 24 hours, no one had talked to her. So, cool. Oof. Late start versus last time. The next day after that, at 10. 30pm, Barbara gets a call from an unknown number. She picks up and all she hears is, Mom? Yeah? Hannah? The fuck? Hannah had found herself in a dirty creek in a residential area, which was only about a mile and a half from the school. Uh, why the always the water? There was a shopping cart beside her. Oh my god. Random. One of Barbara's friends that had come down to, assist. She was like, Bestie, I'll come help you find your daughter, kind of thing. her name was Jennifer. She described Hannah coming to as she gathered herself instantly and it was sort of like her soul was getting sucked back in. Oh, oh, oh. Okay. So, when Hannah wakes up in this creek, she walks to the closest commercial area and borrows a person's phone and that's how she calls her mom. She realized when she looked at the phone that she had been walking for more than two days. Sorry. Sorry. She force Gumped? Yes, A disassociation. Said that again. She was only a mile and a half from the school. So where the fuck is she bed next to? And then she had just acquires a shopping cart. And why is she always in water? I don't know. It's the question of the air. Okay. And yet again, she's like, it's fine. Okay. I listen. You get one Mulligan, you get one. Abso fucking lutely not the second time. That's crazy. She's like, ugh, whatever. I mean, what are we gonna do, essentially? So many things. First of all, therapy. Immediately. Well, the police are like, sis, we've seen your records. Do you want an ankle bracelet? Yeah, let's put a dog tag on this bitch. So they give, like, our, like, here's an angle bracelet. It's designed obviously for people who are under fucking house arrest, but like, it'll help us track you like very, the pacifier. Yes. That. With Vin Diesel. Yes, and it's like, beep, beep. I love when he pulls up in the van and the little girl falls out and she's like, Land! Underrated movie, underrated. Yeah. Yeah. The pacifier. What's the song? Quick like a Jump on your back. What is the Oh, when he does the little dance to get into the vault. That's the Peter Panda dance or something like that. Yeah that's Okay. Sorry. Anyways. so they're like, please take this ankle bracelet. And her mom said that she didn't want to pursue it. She refused to Sorry. She refused to be defined by this. Listen. And I chose to honor her decision, her mother said. I had to be clear that I'm not living my daughter's life. She is living it. And she needed to have the freedom to make choices. Babs. Bitch has gone missing twice now. She's lost. She's lost it. What is it? First time? Shame on them. Second time, shame on me. Whatever the fuck it is. It's just like I get being like supportive It's it's time to reel it in. It's giving, this bitch needs an air tag. Like she needs a GPS monitor at all times. I am here for the ankle bracelet. Did they not have find my friends back then? They must not have. But she'd never fall? Yeah, that's true. Even at like, girl. Miss girl. Miss girl. So that's that. She's like, I'm free. I'm fine. I'm not letting this affect me and bring me down. I want to live my life. She was very like, adventurer. Explorer. Yeah, but it's more fun to do that when you know where the fuck you are in socials than other people. Like she's the type of bitch that would have like a not all who wander are lost sticker on the back of their car. Like one of those. You know. It's so specific, yet so accurate. Yeah, she's one of those. Okay, great. so then the following year after that, Miss Girl gets hired as a teaching assistant for preschoolers at another Montessori school in St. Thomas, in the U. S. Virgin Islands. Oh, don't fuck this up, Hannah. Don't fuck it up. This is the place you want to live forever and ever and ever. This is I love St. Thomas. I've never been, but you know, it looks cool in the pictures. Oh, so gorgeous. It's so gorgeous. Anyway, please continue. when she disclosed, you know, her condition and her issue to her employees that she was about to be working with, they were like, it's fine, we don't care. They were very warm and accepting about it. So she's like, oh, this is perfect for me. You're cool with me just like dissociating. so yeah, they didn't care. I'm surprised she even told them to be honest. She had even joked with her friends before she went that she was moving to paradise. Yeah, it is. Someplace where they accept my. Mysterious diagnosis and also like a paradise a literal paradise. So she was really excited for this Oh god, this is what it always goes to shit. So off she goes. Okay She moved to the east end of st Thomas which is very far away from the docks where the cruise ships and then sure the tourists and all the people are Mm hmm. She could see the Virgin Islands from the balcony of her apartment, which she called her Island Palace I love it. Mm hmm. Queen. This is my dream. She was so happy. Happy go lucky. Never felt so alive in her life. She was thriving. And then she dies. Are you about to tell me she's about to die? No, no. Okay. A parent at a, one of the students at the school said that she was a modern day Mary Poppins. Like, that is perfect description of. Oh, wow. like, oh, okay. She's, like, incredible with kids. Yeah. And just, yeah, okay. Just like a ball of life. she did see a therapist on the island. I wanted to let you know. Okay, thank you. We're making some good moves. To deal with her issues. But she actually put more attention to, like, physical health than she did her mental health. Got it. Couldn't relate to that at all. Cannot. She swam in the ocean every day. She was Super strong swimmer she could reach caves and like caves that were more than two miles away by herself in the ocean In the open ocean. So she was a really strong swimmer. Got it. And she was just a fearless adventurer One of her friends said that she quote unquote found the world underwater just so peaceful and so magical Her solace was always the majesty of the island so then Hurricane Irma hit St. Thomas. Yep. September 6th, 2017. And that was a week after Hannah began her fourth year of teaching at the school. Okay, so she actually went to school. Yes. This time. Yes, she made it. Got it. She made it. she's been there. This is her fourth year there. Got it. The island is completely unrecognizable after Irma. She is devastated. Like, this is her beloved island, and this is her home, and she is absolutely a wreck about it. Mm hmm. A week or so after that, Hurricane Maria, which was another Category 5 form, was, Category 5 storm was forecast to hit the island directly after. I remember that. So like, talk about kicking a girl when she is down. Yeah, for real. People are leaving, they're looking for safety, they're trying to escape the island because they are smart. That night Hannah's three roommates that she was living with told her they're all trying to leave the island too. And that she should do the same. Hannah instead says, I'm staying. This is where my heart is. School's gonna be the first step towards normality for these kids. That is true. That is a really sweet. thought. However, it kind of feels life or death y here. Yeah, yeah. one of the peeps that were leaving also included her ex boyfriend at the time. so Hannah had driven to the marina to say goodbye to him because he was going to exit the island and get to, you know, safety. So she leaves the marina after saying bye and then she went to go help her coworker, Norma. Norma, sweet Norma. Norma! She was helping prepare the school for safety by taking pictures off the walls, they were like boarding everything up, just making sure everything was good to go before Hurricane Maria hit. Right. Norma said she responded to everything I asked with, yes Norma, yes Norma, yes Norma. Which normally wasn't her tone of voice, it was, she was more of like, she, why? But why? Like she was very, she wanted to know why, like she wouldn't just be like, yes. Yes. Yes. You know, right. so she thought that was kind of odd, but also figured like the storm was causing her some stress. She just had to say goodbye to her friends and her ex boyfriend. They were leaving. so she just figured like that created a change in her personality. Sure. This would be the last time Hannah is seen. And the last time Hannah ever uses her phone. Wolf, Colleen. Wolf. I knew she was gonna die. I knew you were lying. She's not dead. Just, just wait. Okay. On September 14th, 2017, Hannah left her house for a beach swim around 8am, and she planned to go to work directly after. But of course, she never showed up to work that day. Her friends that were still on the island started to get worried when they don't hear from her, so they decided to start looking for her, obviously. They start with her favorite beach, Sapphire, where she often loved to snorkel, and that's where she swam every day, like, miles a day. Mm hmm. Near the water there was a small bar that served only hamburgers and mimosas. I mean. Iconic combo. A dream. On the beach, just burgers and mimosas. A dream. On a stool they found Hannah's sundress, her sandals, and her car keys. This bitch. In her piles of belongings. I can't. Imagine leaving your stuff places? Golly. On a stool they found all that stuff and then the workers were like, oh yeah, we found those in the sand and we were, when we were cleaning up from the storm, so we brought them up and put them on the stool. Her car was also in the parking lot and inside of her car were Her purse, her wallet, her passport, and her cell phone. No, Hannah. So they're like, everything she owns is in there. Immediate panic. But it's also important to note that her friends on the island weren't looped in on the past events in detail. Just her co workers? Yeah, so they knew she had like, when she, before she started she had made note to be like, I do have this. Like, dissociative fugue thing going on, but she didn't be like, she wasn't like, Oh, I went missing for three weeks one time. Like, she did not tell them that. So for this, Uh, so they don't have enough context. No. So they just straight up think she's missing. Yes. Which she is. It's not inaccurate, but Correct. Got it. So the first thing that they think is, hello, the water. Like she obviously went in. Maybe she just didn't come out. So they assume that she could survive for a while in the water because she was that good of a swimmer. Like, everyone knew it. She was just super athletic in general, but then also add the fact that she, like, swam miles a day in the open fucking ocean, like, hello. Mm hmm. Michael Phelps, man. Uh, so by boat they search the shoreline and a small island nearby where the current might have taken her and then the coast guard comes down, they send three different helicopters. They're going in to find her. they checked the manifest of people who left on ships just in case. Hannah wasn't listed. There was no sign of her anywhere. She was absolutely missing. After three days of that, they had to call off the search to prepare for Hurricane Maria because it was finally arriving. And then there's this man, it was a friend of Hannah's that was on the island, I think he was an old army guy, like he, had experience, it was either the Coast Guard or the Army, I can't remember. He, his name was Jacob Bradley, he was an EMT, he is He's a motherfucking king. Love him. Okay, cool. So the minute the storm passes and it's like relatively safe to go, he circles the island, all of its caves, all of its caves, caves, uh, and caves, in a rescue boat and also canvassed the airport, the homeless shelters, the beaches, the hospitals, and he even interviewed captains who came in and out of all of the marinas to be like, have you seen this bitch? He went to the morgue and looked at 10 unclaimed bodies just in case. Oh, wow. What? A human being. Right. Damn. None of them were Hannah. This man's like, did more in this investigation than the fucking coast guard, for real. So obviously they gotta tell Barbara. Babs. Babs. Hey girl, guess what? She's on the first flight out. She is like, not this bullshit again. Yeah, I can't even imagine. I can't even imagine. No. She is super optimistic though. Like, she's not like, Oh, my daughter's missing and I don't know where she is. It's like, Oh, this again, she'll turn up. She's also like on an island. Like where there's not many places she can go and hide. I think the, I want to say in the documentary, it said that the island holds like 50, 000 people. And I think they interviewed somebody that was like, Yeah, but I mean, it's a small island. And I, I see people that I'm like, I've never seen you before. And like, they live there. Like, it's not that. Like, it's small, but it still happens. Like, she could easily be hiding. Sure. And never be seen. Like, you can hide on it still, even though it's so small. So she's like, it's fine. It's happened before. She drives around her car, a black Suzuki who, and the windows had all been blown out by the hurricane. and she just drove around looking for her and she went to her favorite beaches, her rest, favorite restaurants, her favorite shops. Just thinking like she would probably just like see her at the fucking table, you know, just get confused. And at this point she's probably like, we'll find her. She always shows up at, after one of these episodes. Yeah. So she said that. I'm so sad, actually. In an interview, she was like, yeah, just everywhere I went, I'm like, she's around the corner. I can feel her. Like, I know she's here. Ugh. Yeah. Horrible, horrible, horrible. She said we were thinking she's just seen what was probably the most traumatic event she's ever seen in her life, which was the storm and the kids and all the stress. And it's definitely a high indicator that it could just trigger the condition that she has and maybe put her in a state. So that's how she feels. She's super optimistic about it. She hunkers down and she moves to St. Thomas. So, Natalie Holloway's mother did this too, where she went to Aruba and just stayed there for months and months and months looking for her mom's, and I think I'm in a weird place right now because of the Bakersfield 3 podcast, and when you listen to it, you'll get it. The maternal instinct that women have is unlike any other thing on the planet. I'm convinced. I mean, that makes sense. It's insane. You birthed it. How do you disconnect? It. You birthed it. You birthed it. How do you disconnect from it? You know? I don't know. And it's just, how do you say, like, how do you throw in the towel and leave? Like, how the fuck? No, you can't. I mean, if, yeah, I can't even imagine. I'd be like, ship my shit. I'm here now. Goodbye. Shit my shit. Ship my shit. Ship my shit. Ship my shit. Ship my shit. I ain't ever fuckin leavin This is my new home. St. Thomas is not a bad place to make your new home. I was gonna say, you should not go missing in uh I have friends who live there. You should go missing in like Ireland or something. Listen, if I was gonna go missing, come catch me in Killarney, Ireland. Killarney! Where was I just going? Oh yeah, so she does move to St. Thomas and she just vibes. And she spends every morning sitting at a cafe on Sapphire Beach looking out on the ocean and waiting for her to come out. Oh, Colleen. I know. That was the saddest shit I've ever heard. To this day, Hannah is missing. Colleen. She never came back for any of her things? Yeah, because she's dead, Colleen. No, just wait. She never made contact with another soul, and this past September was six years since she's last been seen. Everyone believes that she is just out there, not knowing who she is, and she's in another fugue state, and it's very possible that she has a whole other persona and doesn't realize it. No. No, it does happen. I'm sorry, no. No, it does happen. So Hannah's friends immediately are like, There's a lot of similarities with all of her disappearances, right? Like you said before. All in the beginning of the school year, it's a change. Drawn to water. One of her friends named Amy was like, the way she describes it is she finds herself in a body of water and then like realizes who she is, like it's a trigger. so it makes sense that she went for a dip during a time that was like super high stress and it triggered a fugue state. And she came out and was probably like, oh, why am I here? But, the thing is some people think that she got caught in a current and drowned, but she was such a strong swimmer that people so confidently are like, there's absolutely no way. Like it's not like the current was extra cray cray that day like she swam in the other storm It's just it's not a thing and also she would have washed up like the Coast Guard were like She would have shown up by now. Like there's no way they searched the waters like she was not in the water Okay, also wanted to note though They did find an adult skeleton on an island like a completely uninhabited island near st. Thomas in September of 2018 but it was so like decompose that they couldn't claim it to anybody. So they actually have no idea who it is. so there is that one little sliver of peace, that one little sliver. So it's a possibility. Okay. I'm just saying, but everyone mostly just believes that she's out there not knowing who she is. And it's very possible just because when you're in a fugue state, she wouldn't remember from the past two occurrences. what she had told people. So she actually has no idea what she was saying to people when she came across them on the street. She could be like, Hi, I'm fucking Amelia Earhart. Like, she doesn't remember, so she doesn't know. And that's what people are known to do, but she, there's no proof of that because she doesn't remember. You know? And there's no one to be like, I saw her and she told me this. I think she's dead. I just don't, that's insane. Maybe Maybe. There might be a small glimmer. Has she had, have there been sightings of her on other islands? Yes. She couldn't have gone that fucking far. Yes, there have been. But there's like a list of them, but it's all hearsay. There's no photos. Like they genuinely were handing out flyers being like, if you see her, please take a picture. That's why I think she's dead. So, no, but there were, is what I'm saying. They just didn't take a picture of her. No, no, no. Okay. So. There are multiple cases where this has happened before. There was a professor that, Was thought to have drowned and he was discovered three years later using a whole new name and woke up Working as a dishwasher and was like where the fuck am I? Who am I? A deacon in New Jersey woke up and realized that the room he was occupied in for more than a year was like strange to him He's like what the fuck is this and his Bible was marked with somebody else's name and he had been missing for four fucking years And he had no idea. Hmm. there was, a guy named Ansel Bourne. He was a preacher in 1887 and he left his home in Rhode Island one day. Just got up, like, peace the fuck out. He went to Norristown, Pennsylvania, over 300 miles away, and he opened a whole ass store selling stationery and candy. That's it. And then he went by the name Albert Brown. His neighbors found his behavior perfectly normal. Just thought he was a new guy in town. Two months after he left his home, he knocked on his landlord's door and said, where am I? Completely in a fugue state. That must be so trippy. Just all of these people in fugue states, they're like, they just wake up and they're like, where the fuck am I? Who am I and what am I doing right now? And this happens because of change. It's, I don't know, it's a, it's a mental concept. I don't know. Mm. So, but because of this, and it's was studied before this ever happened to her, it's not like, it was like an unknown thing and it was like, you are the one, right. they immediately were like, oh yeah, she's fuging. You know, you know, you know how she be fuging So because of this, uh, we just believe that she's, uh, still out here waiting for her to come out of her state and just be like, I am Hannah. And then she's gonna call her sweet mom. And in the meantime, we just wait. Babs. And that is the wild story of Hannah Upp and Dissociative Fugue. Wow. I think she's dead. I thought we were glowing, Bridget. I don't like this negative energy. No, we are still glowing. I'm still bringing my J. R. energy to everything that I do from here on out. I still think Hannah's dead. So, pop off in the comments. So everyone, don't listen to her. She's out there and she's wondering. I think, I think if it wasn't, you know, in the other two, it was the creek. They're smaller bodies of water. This is an, like, you are in the middle of the fucking ocean. And the islands are close enough. I guess. Yeah, I don't know. I don't, I don't know. Miss Girl is out there and one day she's just gonna wake up. She's gonna be like, literally sitting at a bar having a drink. She's gonna be like, my name is Hannah. It's kind of wild to me how even with a skeleton they can't get DNA off of it. No, I don't know. I don't know what the reason was. I just saw an article about it that was like unidentified and they can't because it's been so But also it can't be her be I, I feel like it can't be her because how can it be that decomposed? It's been like five years. It's not like it's been 2017. Yeah. Yeah. A little dramatic, but whatever. Well, when you're in water, you decompose. Well, don't worry because she's still out there, so. I can't wait for the fucking day for her to come out of her fugue and me be like, Bidget! She's back! I'm still alive! Uh, she's here! Poor Babs. But the reason I chose that is I remembered it because I watched it a while ago, but I was reading a book, one of my, you know, books that make me cry for no reason. And she lost her memory in the book and I was like, Oh, that's supposed to be so fucked up and then I was reading and I was like, Oh my god, that girl. And then I was like, Oh, that girl in St. Thomas. Yeah, I'll just like write about that. Yeah, yeah, that's incredible. Wow, good job. Yeah, thanks. Cool. Hope you all enjoyed. You ready for our game? Eh, yeah. Can I tell you something crazy though? I Was trying before all of this happened. I was trying to get SNL tickets, which I've never tried to do So they do this because SNL is another big bucket list thing for me for sure and I was like, what are the odds I'll do a red carpet movie premiere in SNL on the same weekend like the gods wouldn't have that. I don't know if things were too too good But then I got to see two Broadway shows so it ended up working out. So how about this? To get SNL tickets, they have this, like, open, you email SNL in August, and you ask for them, and you, like, write a sob story, and then they give tickets out. What was your sob story? Oh, I do it once a year. I do it every single year. I write to them in August, because I've been watching SNL for years and years and years. I've obviously never gotten tickets. So, I realized that for the week leading up to the show, they have a standby list. So I'm like, I'm gonna try it. Like, fuck it. Right? Thinking, you know, it goes live Thursday. At 10 a. m. before the show, I'm usually working, I don't have anything to do, so I'm gonna set my alarm and refresh this at 9. 59 until it becomes available, and I'm gonna try to get two tickets. So, the minute it opens up, I immediately apply. It probably took me 7 seconds. Maybe less. First, last name, email, cell phone. I have the autofill. And then you click like a, I read, you know, the guidelines or whatever, terms and conditions. And then you hit send like seven seconds. They're like, okay, we're going to send you an email in a couple hours. If you got it, we only give it out to the first 300 people. If you got it, you'll get an email. So I wait a little while I get an email and I'm like, Oh my God, did I just get SNL tickets? No, no, no, no, no, SNL is harder to get into than the fucking White House. So once you get that email, you're supposed to drive to New York on Friday, get in line between 6 and 7 p. m. They highly recommend you bring your raincoat, that you bring a beach chair to sit in. You're only allowed to leave line for little bits of time if you have to go get like water or food and you wait until midnight and at 1201 someone comes out and hands you a standby Waiting list ticket then you go back on Saturday get back into numerical order and depending on the show They take anywhere from 20 to 80 people so you could do all of that and still not get in What the fuck I would say at that point I'd be so mad So I was talking to my friend and I was like if we're under 100 Let's do it. We were 139 and 140 and I was like, I'm sorry. I'm not driving to New York Booking a hotel Friday night to sit outside for six hours and I was like babysitting Friday morning I'm like, I'm gonna have to leave Boston by noon to get there by 5 to wait in line till midnight to get back in line on Saturday to not get into, like, that's insanity. Yeah, that's not worth it. I'll continue to watch. So, one of these days, I will get those tickets. And I'm a little bummed I kind of didn't go through with it, because it was Emma Stone. No! In NoahCon, and it was Emma Stone's fifth time hosting, which means she's the five timers club. So, Tina Fey was there. Like, they pulled out some of the big guns for it. But, you know what? I had the most beautiful weekend. The gods were not, you can't have two in one weekend. You get Gutenberg. You get the Book of Mormon. You get. And you don't get SNL. You can't get SNL too. On top of the red carpet. You just can't. Okay. So, are you ready for our game? Yeah. It'll be quick. It is what our Spotify wrapped would look like if it had nothing to do with music. Okay. Well, it has a little bit to do with music, but you know what I mean. Yeah. You drank 650 liters of coffee and one gallon of water. I drank 250 cans of Celsius and 400 gallons of water. You ate 45 boxes of Annie's Family Size mac and cheese. That tracks. I ate 52 boxes of stovetop stuffing. I didn't even know you liked that. I fucking love stovetop stuffing. I've never had stuffing. You should be shot. You should be shot on sight. What the fuck do you mean you've never had stuffing? The texture freaks me out. Your tisms are so wild to me. I used to be really scared of onions, so I just never tried it. So now I just never, haven't tried it since then. That's insane. You're insane. I'm making it the next time you're here and I'm force feeding it to you. Okay. Okay, great. My question though, is stovetop stuffing something from your childhood? Or is it actually good? It's fucking incre You know what, Colleen? No, but you know when that happens? How dare you? Sorry, I haven't really seen it on the shelves lately. Take a long walk off a short dock. Gladly. Don't you? Don't tempt me with a good time. Don't you dare. That would be me, that would be like Me saying to you, like, is mac and cheese good, or is it just a thing you've been eating forever? Bitch. That, well, you got the context wrong. My context is, like, you know when you're younger, and you're, like, your mother, well, your mother didn't really make anything. My mother doesn't cook! I know, but you know when you have something like, And it's just simply not a good meal, but you had it when you were younger, your parents made it for you, so it's nostalgic to you, but it's actually not. No! That's not the case. Oh, that's, okay, well that was, do you know what I mean, though? Like, I have some, I've eaten some wack shit from my parents when I was younger, that I'm like, oh, I would love that right now, but normal people would be like, mm, it's a little sus. Yeah, my mom always jokes about that, cause when they were kids, they had hot dogs with brown beans. Yeah. And they thought that was like The bee's knees. That, they thought that was it. But you still crave it in your elder years because it's nostalgic. No, stuffing is perfect. It has nothing to do with childhood. It has nothing to do with nostalgia. It is just perfect. Okay. Noted. Specifically stovetop. Okay, cool. Okay, great. You bought tickets to seven concerts you couldn't afford. I bought four flights I couldn't afford. You had 82 hyper fixations. I cooked the same six meals over and over again for 365 days. But they're so good though. They're so yummy. You got 20 minutes of REM sleep. I got 1, 200 hours of REM sleep. What does that mean in days? How did you do that math? I don't know. I've already listened to 1, 000 minutes of Christmas music. You've listened to 22 forcefully. Because it was on when you walked into a store. You lost your debit card 36 times. I lost my mind 57. You've spent 250 Venmo ing bands to play ABBA. I've spent 250 on skincare hoping it would cancel a night of binge drinking. And it did not. You spent 400 minutes being hateful. More than that. I spent 400 minutes with an iTwitch. And we each had 800 potatoes. Facts. And that's our Spotify route. That's a good one. Thanks. That was a good one for sure. I think we have to do one every year. Yeah, I would say we need to do this like a yearly recap. I think we need to get an interview with the lady that's given me 36 debit cards who knows me by name and face and politely says, I really hope I don't see you soon. Please stop coming here. We're begging you. I'm also always on my way to work, so I'm in the same outfit. No, Colleen. So I'm in my waitressing outfit every time. Oh, you look ridiculous to her. She's like Shannon, right? No, she knows you. Yes. I'm the only one that comes in at least once or twice a month on a Saturday morning at exactly 10. I am asking for a new debit card in the same outfit. Colleen, we, we must do something about this. I forget her name actually. I think it's, I don't know. It's gotta be like Sandra or Donna. No, I was gonna say, I was gonna say Bar ooh, it could be Donna. It's gotta be Donna. I was gonna say Donna the bank teller, come on. I was gonna say Barbara. She could be a Barb or a Phyllis. I don't know. But yeah, just Phyllis. She's the icon. She's the MVP of the year shout out to Unknown woman Phyllis Barbara at Abingdon Bank formerly Holbrook Co op This is not an ad but it could be could be with the amount I'm spending your damn debit cards. Oh Boy, well, that was good. All right, everybody Well, listen, that's the episode of the week. So yes, we hope you are surviving, hopefully thriving. I'm in the same pajamas as last week. And just, just keep up the Jr energy. Thank you and good night. See you next week. See you next week. Love you mean it. Love you mean it. Bye. Bye.
Bridget:This podcast was produced by me. Bridget, Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt You can find his band super Stoker anywhere you listen to music.