Sippin' with the Shannons
Sippin' with the Shannons
Peace Out 2023!
On this week's episode, it's CHRISTMAS on STWS! We sing our favorite Christmas songs (very badly) and do a wholesome gift exchange. We recap on our year, the highs, the lows, our favorite episodes and all the pop culture moments from 2023. What a YEAR it's been!
To our listeners, whatever holiday you celebrate we hope it's merry and bright! We adore you and we'll see you next year!!!
Review and subscribe! You can find us on Instagram @Sippinwiththeshannons or send us your stories at Sippinwiththeshannons@gmail.com. Love you, mean it.
Sir, I wanna buy these shoes. For my mama, please, please. It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size, just her size. song. I didn't know she was dying when I was younger. I just thought it was like, it was almost Christmas and time was running out. Cause like, it wouldn't be Christmas anymore. I want her to look beautiful when mama sees Jesus tonight. Yeah, well, then we get to that part. You just meant like the baby Jesus in the manger? I guess. I think it would get to that point of the song and I'd be like, oh, the cuckoo. And the little boy at the end who sings, too. No. Like, I want her to look beautiful. Uh. Why are you rolling your eyes? Oh, I get awkward. You don't say. When it comes to death. Death. Maybe. Outtakes. No, I'm going to have that stuck in my head. And then I lay them on and down. I just hate him. Oh, God, help us and pray for us. How you doing? I'm good. How are you? Good. Since the last time you asked. I was going to say. No, we just recorded before this. Sorry. Yeah, we don't really have, oh, no, we had some, we have some updates that we saved just for this. Oh, we did. Yeah, the Christmas ones. The Christmas episode. Our Christmas New Year's episode. Merry Christmas. Merry Chrysler. What a fun day. Mer Mer Christmas! Can I just say, too, we didn't do one last year because Auntie Mimi had passed away and I had taken a few weeks off. No, you're right. So, this is our very first Quith Mith! Quith Mith! Quith Mith! Happy Quith Mith, everybody! Happy Christmas, Harry! Happy Christmas, Ron! Did you know that if you play it at a certain time, it'll say that at exactly midnight? Oh, that's cute. Yeah, we should do that. Okay, we'll do it tonight. Because we'll still probably fucking be in this room. That's way past my bedtime. Alright, hi everyone. Hey. Welcome to this week's episode, of Sippin with the Shannons. We're cousins and each week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, and we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Shannon. And I'm Colleen Shannon, and we're fucking jolly. Have a holly jolly Christmas. Do you have a favorite Christmas song? I love how we keep saying it with a lisp, as if. It's just like, cute. Like, Quithmuth. Quithmuth. Merry Quithmuth. Merry Chrysler. Merry Chrysler. I love that. Merry Christmas. I think that was a Vine. Yeah, it was. Oh, God bless Vine. I miss Vine. I think her name was Christine or something, but yes, iconic. Christmas song? No. Do you? I mean, I love Christmas music. I don't have one particular one. I pretty much like them all. I like Kelly Clarkson's. Oh, Kelly Clarkson, Wrapped in Red, is a banger. I don't think I know that song. It's too high, like the chorus, she sings too high for me. Oh. But I try to harmonize. And I also love Carrie Underwood's. She's fine. What's the beef with Carrie Underwood, bitch? I don't know, she's, she's sketchy. I love her. Okay. I love that for you. What if I mean, she has a voice of an angel. No, she doesn't. My mother loves her version of How Great Thou Art. I have literally gone to her home while she watches it and weeps. You know what song of hers that makes me, and actually Erin and I were just talking about this. My Erin or your Erin? my Erin. Yeah. Temporary Home. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like, I'll cry right now. I will cry right now on the spot. Don't you make me. Same with Miranda Lambert's, The house that built me. Oh, the house that built me is I like don't have a, I don't have a home that I've lost. I, I could weep. Yeah, I would agree. I would absolutely agree with that. What were we talking about before this? Oh, Christmas songs. Imagine if I was just like Justin Bieber when he's like, Pa rum pum pum pum pum pum. Little drummer boy. You pump up a little. Little drummer boy on that pussy. Already unhinged. Already, your mother's gonna have a stroke. Did you hear that? 100%. She's gonna text me and say, Bussy? yeah, Google it, I dare you. Uh, I actually really like the pentatonics. What Christmas means to me. Okay. Auntie Terry always has it on when we go over. Yes, she does. And so it's that version too I really I really love. I mean, of course, anything Kelly Clarkson. You know what one slays? Tell me. Rod Stewart's Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Oh, Rod Stewart's a gem. Is it Rod Stewart? I'm pretty sure it is. I don't know. Santa Claus is coming to town. That's not Rod Stewart. Is that Rod Stewart? Who is that? My dad loves it. It's my dad's favorite. think it's Bruce Springsteen. It is Bruce Springsteen! It's Bruce Springsteen, isn't it? What's the difference between Bruce and Rod? Honestly, fuck it. I was obsessed with Rod Stewart as a kid and he sang this song called We're Having a Party. We're having a party, dancing to the music. Oh, and I was absolutely obsessed with it. no, I, I mean, I love so many. Mother is going to be so ashamed. Okay, go. Do you know what I absolutely hate? What? Is. Dominic the donkey. I'm sorry, Italians. I can't get behind it. Kill me. Also, he's the man. With the toys. I don't know. Either one of those fucking songs get out here. Yes, you do. No, I swear on Spencer's life. No, he's the man with all the toys. It's the worst. It's the worst. No, I don't, I don't really like Christmas music. Like, I swear in my life. I don't know those. Ugh. I live for it. I mean, we talked about it last episode, AK for us 20 minutes ago. but Mariah Carey is All I want for Christmas is you. It's just a banger. I always feel bad. I was in Sephora the other day because I try to get all of my Christmas shopping done because I know that everyone's off. The week leading up to Christmas and usually people take off in between Yeah and I don't want to battle children at Sephora like I I just need to get in and get my stuff and get out of There worse like a 12 year old and fucking a crop top and jeans Oh and like the way they little girls put on makeup now is so much like Influencers it's sickening my little cousin has like an eight step skincare routine No. I would tell my kid to just get the Neutrogena like the rest of us. Get the Neutrogena that literally clears an entire layer of epidermis off of your face and figure it out like us. I want to see St. Ives in your cabinet. Get that pomegranate St. Ives and figure it out. Sorry, you can't have the CeraVe until you grow tits like us. No tits, no mascara. No, you're not allowed, uh, great moisturizer from Sephora. Or the bronze drops. Everyone's obsessed with the bronze drops. I'm not buying it for myself. You're not getting it. Sorry. For real. But I went in there the other day and I just felt so bad because I was in there like, Doing my thing for a bit. I wanted something new so I was like looking around I asked for help in they play essentially the same Christmas songs just over and over and over again I was like by the end of the day, they are probably ready to throw themselves off the Tobin Bridge. I would hate that I Would love it There's a Christmas song from This, I watched a weird version of Rudolph growing up that like I swear in my life no one has ever seen. Oh yes, we've talked about this on this podcast. to me. It's like Ferngully to me. Yeah, that's crazy to me. And like Whoopi Goldberg is the, the, Yeah, so it's not that. Is the Ice Queen. No, I'm not joking. I have not met one person that's like, Oh, I've seen that. I wonder what it was. Simply having a wonderful Christmas time. I would go through my The choir of children sing their song. That's in that movie. Ding dong, ding dong. It's a good one. It's such a good movie and it's upsetting to me that I haven't seen it. That's all. Okay, great. Uh, we got to hang with our fam this weekend. We had our Shannon Christmas party. We did. I was so happy both of your half siblings were there. I don't get to see them that often. It was so nice to see them. Same. Our cousins from New Jersey came up. I got to hang with Gretchen and Brendan extra long. And it was just so nice to see them and get to hang with them. It was great. We had a great night. Yeah. What Secret Santa or Yankee Swap gift did you end up with? White elephant gift, if that's what we call it. We call it Yankee Swap. I gave it to my parents. It was like a, a Christmas house. A decorative Christmas house. Oh, cool. The theme was old fashioned Christmas. I wonder who brought it. So it was like all old school stuff. So I got Bells. Like jingle bells. Yeah, my parents, my mom bought that one. Is that from your mom? Yeah. With the sign that says Old Fashioned Christmas on it? Yeah. Oh, it's so cute. Yeah, I told Matt, she was very excited that you had that. Oh, yeah. I'm really excited. She called me at 8. 30 in the morning the that wall. To, to ask me who got what. Oh, really? I was like, I, I mean, she was like, why do you sound like that? I go, I literally haven't opened my eyes. I, to be totally honest with you, wasn't paying attention at all. I was chatting it up with my mom. Kyle and Gretchen and Brendan and like shoving a chicken finger down my throat because we got Chinese food And I was not I couldn't tell you like three. I usually am all in. I want to know what everyone gets I I had no idea what was going on this year That'll happen man. Can we talk about my sweet baby Claire my little precious angel reached for Colleen multiple times. Oh, yeah, yeah. Like, saw her across the room, went over to her and held her arms out. And Colleen was like, It did make me feel things. Right? It was weird. Doesn't it? Yeah, it was kind of weird. I know. It was like a pang in like my ovary or something. Yeah, you were like, oh, what the hell is that? Warmth. I feel warmth in my ovaries. Can no one explain that to me? It was very strange. It was so funny though because we were Getting them in their PJs because it was getting late and Aaron and Joe were already getting ready to take them home and We put them in their PJs and then they were sitting in my mom's bed And we just like put on a cartoon so that they could kind of like simmer down as people were leaving Unwind and what did Danny say to you my little nugget? Oh Which first of all Claire so fucking cute. She was like tucking herself in. Yes. She loves to be cuddled up She wants her blankie, she wants her binkie, and she wants her milk, and she wants them all within reaching distance. And she will tap you to give her, like, she won't settle until you get the things that she needs. She gets us. She's a queen. She really does. Dani had said, can you sit next to me? On this side, specifically. I was like, sure. So I came over and I perched my little ass, not my little ass, my ass, on the edge. And he looked at me and said, no, tuck your legs in and put the blanket over them. I went, yes sir. And I sat and we, we, it was Spongebob, even though he really wanted Paw Patrol. But yeah, we vibed. Yeah, it was so cute. So I, knowing Colleen was in the room with them, Just started recording and walked down the hallway and have a picture of the three of them Looking so cute like in bed together. Colleen has like reindeer ears on Just that there's the whole thing our cousins were there with their kids too. It was so good to see them There were so many tiny children. There's so many babies now. It's so crazy tiny people the inmates are running the prison. Oh, they could run us over. Yeah. Easily. Oh, yeah. If they, if they decided to revolt, they could at this point. We're nearly outnumbered. No, we are. I'm scared. It's so fun though. We had like a PJ party, everyone was in matching PJs. I was sweating balls. I know. That's the only thing about PJs is you just like sweat a lot. sweating, eating Chinese food, and drinking wine, and having a good time. Yeah. Vibes, man. Vibes. Vibes. Nothin but the vibes. What do you usually do on Christmas? I forget. Yeah, so it depends. last year was my aunt's one year just passed. It was weird. I hated it. I forgot. No, it's okay. I didn't post or anything. I know that's I don't expect anyone to actually remember dates or holidays or anniversaries unless I post it It just sucks. I just miss her a lot. And she made this time of year really incredible and fun and I am helping out. They did this thing in her memory called Mimi's Angels where you could donate. To people in need and then all of the presents are getting sent to a specific house And then we're going and delivering them next week And so like that makes me really happy because that's something she was really passionate about but that's why Christmas is so tricky because I love it, and I'm so excited for it, but it's also like, I used to love this because Shannon would come to visit, or like, Yeah, they're always painful reminders too. Yeah, my dad, you know, my parents always had amazing Christmases for us, and it's like, Oh yeah, he's not here, and he doesn't know his grandkids, and never will, and it's like, Auntie Mimi's not here, you know, all of the, our grandparents, like, Yeah. So many of the old fashioned gifts given out yesterday, We're based on our grandparents it's hard. The holidays can be wonderful and also equally as difficult. I would agree. Yeah. So, I mean, I'm excited. So Christmas Eve, my mother's side of the family gets together and then Christmas Day, my mom and I wake up first thing in the morning and we drive to my sister's so we can be there when the kids wake up and, I got Danny like a ton of dinosaur books, like that's kind of his jam right now. He loves the dinos. Loves a dinosaur. Is obsessed with dinosaurs. I got Claire a Minnie Mouse ice cream shop. And it's probably the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. I'm obsessed. So, yeah, we get together, uh, just my immediate family on Christmas Day and we, I cook everyone a big breakfast after we open gifts and then we watch movies and so we'll watch. White Christmas, we'll watch, you know, whatever. The one we always, always, always watch, though, is It's a Wonderful Life. And every year, my sister, it's an ongoing joke, like, I was at a friend's house the other day and her husband said to me, my friend Greg, was like, I can't wait to see your sister, the video this year, it's gonna be great. We live for, it's like an ongoing family joke. I actually looked the other day, I think the first video I have of her crying is 2014. That's insane. 10 years of Erin's tears. So I've just, every, and it's not like we've seen this movie 1, 000 times in every single year she weeps. As if she's never seen the movie before. I've never seen it. Oh, it's an incredible movie. Everyone should watch it. Every single human being should watch it. It is, it'll make you feel some things, and you'll see why she cries at the end. The end specifically, like the last ten minutes, are just, oh man, all the feels. But like, if you know it's coming, It's like crying when Mufasa dies, you know, it's coming and you know, it's not gonna be great But this is a happier version of that. This is like all happy good things But yeah, we watch it's a wonderful life. And then one year we played a board game Sometimes we go to like an aunt and uncle's house for the nighttime portion But I'll probably go to Erin's and then I leave for Mexico at 4 a. m. The next morning So I need to be up and at them. I actually have to pack Just to make sure I have everything. I kind of think I was silly doing that. I probably should have bought a ticket for The 28th, just so I had like a minute, but like also like, what the fuck else would you be like, are you doing, I mean, I would, you know, when you just feel rushed though, and like with all the holiday craziness, yeah, that's true. I just hate New Year's. So I think I was just like trying to get out of Dodge and get to a beach and get somewhere warm. But now I'm like, Bridget, really? But yeah, it's gonna be great. It'll this is what happens though. There's stress and then I get there and it all works out and it's all good. And my thing about packing to other than your passport. And your cell phone, and like your credit cards, everything else you can buy. Yeah, that's true. Like if you forget your deodorant, you can just go to a store and buy one. If you forget your sunglasses, you can go to a store and buy. You just need like the basics and then you can figure everything else from there. Fair. So yeah. Gorgeous. What are you gonna do? Nothing. Like for real, I don't have any, I don't have any parties to go to. I'm just gonna. You're gonna, no, you have dinner reservations, you have a family party this weekend. You have things coming up. Yeah, but in my brain that's not Christmas, you know? Yeah, that's not like opening presents and stuff. Like yeah, I made a girlies dinner at like a place in the North End because I thought it would be cute for Christmas. Just like have a teeny with the girlies. Yeah, love that. Nothing crazy, that's like Friday. oh, I mean my mom is having my, her side of the family over on Saturday, but it's like during the day. And then Christmas Eve I don't do anything, Christmas Day I don't do anything either. Just vibes, you know? Vibin I got Erin and Fiona really good Christmas gifts and that's what I'm really excited about. Well, speaking of which What? What? Would you like to gift exchange right now on the pod? Yeah, that could be fun. Okay, let's do it! No pressure though. Do you want me to go first or do you want to go first? I want to give you yours first. Okay. Let me put my wine down. Okay, cool. This is so exciting! I know, I love this. You're a very good gift giver, so I'm excited. Mmm. Okay. Here. Okay. You have to start with the card, it doesn't make sense at first, but just, just trust. Okay. Can I trust you? Oh yeah, it's fine. Tell me what to do. It's actually beautifully wrapped, I will say. She, it's matching, there's a beautiful bow on it. If you can't, If you don't follow us on Instagram, you can't see it. No, I wrote this last night and I forgot what I wrote. Oh, okay. Okay, yeah, that's fine, you can read it first. Do you want me to read it? if you want, doesn't really, yeah. Do something cray. Maybe we can hug. We can definitely hug. Okay, cool. That could be fun at the end. All right. I honestly don't want to pull this bow because it looks so pretty. Rip it. Ooh. Okay. Rip. Oh, interesting to do with one hand here. Oh, it's a real knot. Oh, okay. Okay. You can just push it to the side. Okay. Do you need a hand? Oh, a phone case! You melted the last one. I did melt the last one. Oh, it's navy blue! And it has a spot for all my stuff! Thank you! Yes. Cause you were like, it's just, it's not the time for another one. It's just not the time. I was stressed. Thank you. That's very thoughtful. Okay, what do we got here? Oh, wow, you really, you don't mess around with this wrapping, huh? I love wrapping. Oh, shut up. No, you did not. I don't like to buy certificates, but you were so upset when you got laid off that you wouldn't be able to go. So I was like, oh, this is an okay one. Oh my god, Colleen. She got me a gift card to my absolute favorite, favorite spa in Boston. You lunatic. This is too much. No, it's not. You literally do everything for me. Oh, Colleen, that's so nice. Oh my God. I might cry Fucking hell. Shut the fuck up. I love self-care so much. I I know you do, and I know you won't get one anytime soon. No, I love, unless, unless you're on vacation. Because you're gonna be like, I'm unemployed. Yeah, I'm unemployed. And why the fuck not? No, this is my nail salon, isn't it? Oh my God. Colleen, I wonder, did you get your nails before you went to Mexico if you didn't already? I just did the other day. This is gonna be perfect when I get home. This is so nice. These are all my ways that I take care of myself. Oh my god, I'm actually crying. I'm such a baby. Okay. Oh, shut up. You got me a Harry Potter? I was gonna buy the whole set but it didn't make sense so I just got the first two and I'll just buy you the rest as time goes by. This is so nice! Oh, I probably should have gotten you like, five other things. No, shut up, you literally buy everything, Bridget. Ugh. Oh my god. And you know what's so funny? I actually thought to myself the other day, you have a bookcase and you don't have your favorite series in it. Well, you said to me once, I want the whole series so badly, that's my goal. But it's just not something I can, I want, would get myself right now. Yeah, because that's just, like, it's not a necessity, it's just a want. It's just like a, oh my god, Colleen, this is so, these are literally all of my favorite things. I, I'm, yeah, oh my god, thank you so much. This is beautiful. Wow. And I just love a hardcover, they're so satisfying. Wow. Oh my god, thank you. Oh girl. I also just want to say that when I went to Exhale, I, like, made my own parking spot, because that's just who I am as a person. Oh my god, you can't do that there. Oh no, I parked on the sidewalk, like literally like on the Colleen! A guy came out and was like, he started smiling, and I was like, Hi. And he goes, like me. And he was smiling back and he was like, you can't park here. And I was like, I'm literally just running into Exile really quickly. Is that okay? He said, he looked around and was like, okay, just go. And I ran up the stairs. Oh. And I got to the top and I went to the girls and I was like, why am I winded? Oh yeah, there is a long staircase. Oh my God. Connor. That's so incredibly kind of you. You do way too many things for me, so. All right, your turn. I'm so excited. Do you want me to hold? I love that our wrapping is the same. I know, we match, which is not, I did not know that would happen. Can I read the card first? Yeah, of course. Okay, gorgeous. You right, brother? I keep every card that I've ever been given. I know. I have yours still, obviously. Duh. Duh. Duh. Why am I sweating? Why am I so excited? And a gift card now! I can't scream into this. I found our grandmother's classic cookies. Dude, I can't find my ones. I can only find the regular ones. And they're the soft. This is the OG. This is Nana's. How the fuck did you find them? Because I'm a fucking magician, that's why. Homestyle classics. Can I just open them to look at them? Yeah, of course you can. Oh my god, thank you for putting that on, I literally didn't notice. Oh my god, I'm gonna freak out. The old school, I know. Oh my god, I'm so upset. Oh shit. I'm so upset, this is so nice. I'm crying too. This is our old childhood. They smell like nannies. They smell like nannies. I don't like the feel. You'll probably think I'm on crack right now. I know. How did you find these? I don't know. At a grocery store? I'm a lunatic. Oh, I'm lying. Should we have one? Yeah. Okay. I'm really upset. Cheers. Oh, it's so good. It's so good. Fuck you, Archway! Fuck you, obviously. I'm so upset. This is so perfect. This is a really good cookie. It's so good. Everybody educate yourselves. Go get yourself a fuckin Archway cookie. Iced Oatmeal Archway cookies soft is the key. Iced and soft. This is so great. I don't know who left with the potato soup. Do you know who it was? No. Auntie Terry put potato soup in our Christmas swap. Like a whole, in a cooler, an entire container. Like she bought, it almost looked like it was, meant for what you would pour sangria at at a party. Yeah. Except it was all baked potato soup because we're all obsessed with it. I mean, yeah, to clarify, did you come with a cooler? It wasn't like a hot potato soup? Imagine. At first, I didn't see the cooler and I was like, Ooh. Okay. That did not travel well. Mm mm. Oh my god. Wow. I'm so happy right now. Feeling some feels. Okay, let's put these away so we don't keep crying. What else is in here? okay, next. I'm very excited for this. I got you all Halloween themed stuff. Because what do you get someone who hates Christmas? You get them Halloween things for Christmas. I got it 17 sizes too large because I knew that's the only way you would wear it. Oh, really? Oh, I didn't know that. It says midnight margaritas on it for practical magic. No, it's okay. No, have, have your time. Have your mo. Keep going! There's more, there's more fun things in there, I swear. I'm sorry, you know how excited I get. I know, I know. Oh! A tote bag! With your girls on it. My favorite sisters! What's in it? So many things. Is it a candle? Is it a fun candle? Dead man's toe? Dead man's toe. Dead, dead, dead. Shut your fucking mouth! It's a Diet Coke candle, and it smells exactly like Diet Coke. So when you lifted that thing to your face and just said, That smells so good. That's because, even subconsciously, you know that for real. Oh my god. Glorious. There should be another thing in there. No, I just need it. Okay. Sorry. I'm I'm rushing you take your time. You're not rushing me I'm, just taking it all in. Okay, you know what I mean? Midnight margaritas With the lime and the coconut and chicken all up. Oh my god, but this is I'm so scared Oh, it says words. Okay You know how you drop your coffee sometimes and it spills everywhere? Yeah. I figured that would help. Who's coffee? It's Colleen's Coffee, and it's like Witches of Salem themed. I'm just very upset. And by upset you mean happy. Because you hate feeling feels. Right, but it's so thoughtful. It's so specific. It is very Colleen specific. It's the best gift I've ever received. A lot of things were on sale because it's not Halloween. So you're welcome. People are like, wait a minute, what the fuck are you buying a Halloween ship for? Oh, Bridget. Merry Christmas, honey. Merry Christmas. You make every Christmas so much brighter. Stop being nice to me. I'm gonna cry. I'm so upset. How am I supposed to have something after this? You goofball. Can I put my shirt on? Yeah, go for it. Okay, thank you. I can't believe with the lime and the oh wow. What a rollercoaster. What an emotional rollercoaster we just went on together. That was so kind of you. I'm, I'm very, very happy. If that's all I got, I would be thrilled. That is so kind of you. I'm overstimulated. I'm overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with love. So I thought, it would be funny. Okay. If I did this thing a while ago that I didn't tell you, which is make a list every single time, add to the list every single time you got a new hyper fixation. So I have your 2023 hyper fixations wrapped. No, I'm so scared. Are you ready? And these are just the ones that I know about. Sons of Anakri. Oh, that was a tough face for me. Finishing it, lying about finishing it. Coming out about lying about it, actually finishing it. Yeah, that happened. Christina Applegate. Oh, but, yeah. Just would not stop talking about her, the moment we watched The Sweetest Thing, from there on out, absolutely obsessed. It's coming off Netflix, so I'm really upset about it. Oh, okay, that's actually really rude and they should be shot. Antarctica. Still there? Don't worry, we come back to it. Okay, cool. Swamps, the bayou fan, boats, alligators. Anything to do with the bayou in general? Well, going down to the Bayou, the Everglades. You talked about the Everglades a lot. Love the Everglades. Sure you do. Voice overacting. This was a quick one. But you did consider it for quite some time. I don't remember it. Yep, of course you don't. The Scream series. Oh. Binge watching the Scream series, being really excited about it, fantasizing about the murderers. Billy Loomis. Mm, mm, mm. I've been watching Good Girls and, Matt, how do you say his last name? Lillard? Yeah, Lillard, yeah. whatever his name is in the Scream series. You know, he's just like an old man, but I still could get it in the Good Girls. You could get it? Hate watching The Summer I Turned Pretty. The emotional rollercoaster I'm devastated. Of you being so excited about this series and then watching it and hating every second of it and hating every person and how they were portrayed. You know what that's gonna happen with again? What? things we never got over. I just know it. So, did you tell the listeners what's happening? No, I haven't. So, word on the street is Everyone fucking Buckle up. If there ever was, you know, like, Good News Network needs to get on this shit because this is the good Upworthy. I'm going out and I'm telling the good news for the Lord, okay? Good news underscore movements getting on it, don't worry. Lucy Score, my girl. Her book, Things I Never Got Over, you know, it's It's the, the one that started the read between the wines that shortly died after, that made me who I am as a person and was the most intense hyperfixation I probably had in a while. Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score is getting made into a motherfucking TV show. Amazon picked it up, or MGM or whatever it is, and yeah, it's gonna be on Amazon. I don't know when it's coming out. I don't know anything about it. I don't know who's gonna be in it, but I'm telling you right now, just you fucking wait. But I know I'm gonna, it's gonna be like a summer I turn pretty thing and I'm gonna be so amped for it and then it's gonna ruin everything for me. I'm gonna be so pissed for probably six months plus. Great. So we're going in with super reasonable expectations. and I would, I'll like send hate mail to Lucy Score if it's not what I wanted. No, I don't care, Colleen. No, I will. I'm You're not gonna send hate mail to anyone? No, that's, I'll send in my thoughts and if she doesn't follow them, then you know, I will say, she put me on the board. I love Colleen Hoover and we've talked about. Blake Lively and those guys. It's, it's so hard. No, that's a lost cause. That is a lost cause. It is so hard to make Blake Lively look bad. you have to actively try to make Blake Lively look bad. Yeah. So, I think going in with lower expectations is a good thing. If Charlie Hunnam isn't Knox. I'm not watching. Okay, so those aren't low expectations. Those are very specific. But those are everyone's expectations. Have you been on Book Talk? Ha! I have, sometimes it makes me very uncomfortable. As much as I love it, there are some where I'm like, Yeah, I just can't. This woman is having an orgasm in the middle of Target. Like, do you know what I mean? Also, like, why are they, the one thing I can't get behind on book talk is like, Why are you using the C word to describe a woman's vagina? Like, get that out of a book. I would agree. And also, like, why do you need to say milking? You've never heard that in a book? I'm pretty sure it's actually in The Things We Never Got Over. She milked me dry. What is this, a farm? What are you, a fucking cow? Unless you are RuPaul and you are saying, it's serving cunt, like you're serving cunt, I don't want it. Yeah, I'm not, I'm entering your cunt. It's gotta be sassy and if it's not, it's gotta go. That sounded so dirty coming out, I hated it. What? I just said like, that just sounded dirty and coming out of my mouth I didn't like it. But do you know what I mean? Like the women who have their earpods on and they're listening to a really dirty, smutty book as they run errands and they're like in stop and shop with their legs crossed because they're about to do Yeah, like I can't, I can't get behind that. That's like not something I'm Oh my god, I did something so embarrassing the other night. Oh, does it correlate to that? Kind of. Not really, but kind of. Okay. We were talking about the camera in front of your home. The ones that you put up so you can see your Amazon drivers come up, whatever. And I, in front of all of my boy cousins, for, I don't know why, I thought it was called an O ring. So I was just like, oh, the O ring camera? Our boy cousins whipped their heads around so fa like, what? And I was like, the O ring camera. You didn't even know what you were walking into with that one. I did, I genuinely did not. I don't know. I don't know what happened to me. I blacked out. I called it an O ring and they were like, that's probably a different purchase you've made recently. And I was like, no, it's not. I don't know what's happening. You know, it's just called a ring. Are you thinking about an Aura ring? A what? An Aura ring? What's an Aura ring? It's O U, I can't pronounce it right because I'm me, but O U A R. I mean R A, O U R A, Aura. It's the gold ring that you probably had targeted ads for that connects to, like, it tells you everything about you and your wellness. Oh, for the love of Christ, Colleen, no, I, I, No, you've definitely seen it. It's fucking everywhere. Really? Oh, well, now I'm certainly going to get it. But it's called an Aura ring with an O, so maybe that's I don't know how I got there, but my cousins made fun of me for the rest of the night. Familial bullying. It's like, it's fun. Okay, next type of fixation, rafts in New York. You were big on rat talk. you went to New York with the assumption you were gonna see a bunch of rats. That's, that was what you were all about for a bit. Can I tell you? Sure. I put in a list of things that I, hated this year and things that I love this year and one of them was, in fact, the fact that I didn't see a rat in New York. I'm literally not kidding. It's on my list. Does not surprise me at all. Tsunamis. That's why we did that episode. You couldn't stop talking about it. You couldn't stop thinking about it. You couldn't stop watching content about tsunamis. Gross feet videos on TikTok. That's not hyperfixation, that's a lifestyle. Oh, excuse me. Wow, that was right, you didn't even wait a beat. That was right off the cuff. Ready in the barrel with that one. Uh, rural Appalachia. That's also scary. You became really deeply involved with rural. If you hear someone whispering your name, no you didn't. If you think something's following you, no you, no it is not. And you walk slowly. Uh, another classic the listeners have heard, just the hatred pouring out of every pore in your body for Jojo Siwa. I stand by that. Okay, great. Cooking Sunday dinners. That lasted two weeks. Yep. Hyper fixation. Wanted all the recipes. Was dreaming of all the things you were gonna cook. I got busy. Great. The government. Who runs it? What's up with it? Why do they always want our money? what's happening with the government? Why are they taking things out of my paycheck? I didn't, I don't owe you, bitch. And Newsflash, I guess I do, actually. Yes, actually. No one has ever. Oatmore. No, that's not true, but you definitely overcovered it. Yeah, I mean, uh, Joe Giudice definitely is Oatmore. Joe and Teresa. Oh, for sure. Yeah, for sure. Making soup. You went on this whole thing about making soup all the time. You were gonna make One time? It lasted one I made baked potato soup one time. Incredible. Reading smut books, I had to put it on there because it's just, it, that's truly a lifestyle. Sometimes I need to take a breather though, like I'm like, oh, I'm not well. Like if I'm really crying about book characters, I, I take a step away, like mental health. No, I'm not kidding. I need a break from them. I miss them. Yeah. It's been a couple days. I finished my last one and I was gasping for air. Colleen. His mom died, and you know, she was unwell, and she, this other girl lost her memory, and then, oh my god, it was just terrible. It was just so, so terrible. Okay. And then last, but certainly not least, circling back to Anarcha, the most recent one has specifically been the Drake Passage, it's like the most dangerous waters in the, People who go to Antarctica on a boat, because that's usually how you get there, crazy. It's actually fucking crazy. It makes me nauseous just watching it. You know when the music in the background is like, Heee vo yo. I love it. I love it. So those are the ones that, I at least remembered and knew about. That was, that was good and I, I appreciate you for that. Do you feel like that was accurate? Yeah, I do. I think that's very on par. We're on par with like one a month. Okay. Let's see what 2024 brings us. I hope it brings, like, a hyperfixation on, like, vegetables. And, like, treadmills. Maybe pilates. I mean, maybe. You did go through a phase where you really wanted to kickbox. I found a text chat between the two of us that I screenshotted. I was trying to, like, go through and delete stuff. And it was just like, I really want to try kickboxing, will you come into a class with me? And I was like, no. I feel that way about yoga. And you were like, why? I hear it's like really fun. And I was like, do you know you're literally bouncing up and down for an hour straight as you sweat to death? And you were like, oh, ew, no, I'm not doing that. No, and also I don't know who, I hear it's fun. Colleen, who'd you hear that from? Who told you that's fun? Oh, you know why? Why? Saw it on an old episode of Real Housewives of New Jersey. That'll do it. Caroline Manzo went, that's why. That's exactly why. Mhm. Do you want to talk about the year of 2023? Let me tell you. This is how I set up my thought process, for those who want to follow along, okay? I have my favorite moments of the year, but like, pod wise, life wise, and then pulp cult pulp? Pulp. Pulp culture. Pop culture, like, media. Real life. Sure. wise. Okay, cool. Did you want me to hit them all or just hit them? I would do, I picked out the biggest pop culture moment from every month of 2023. Okay, yours are gonna be way better, so I'm just gonna leave mine off. Okay, we will discuss them all. Because the first sentence I have under that is, I had to look this one up. I genuinely don't know half the things that I read. I didn't know any of it happened. Great. Cool. Sick. So, my favorite moments of the year, pod wise. Erin on the pod, obviously. One of my, probably my all time favorite episode. Ah, Matriarch. She's so good. How was Wix? Oh my god. That isn't even pod, that's like trip wise, but that I'm not. I was gonna say, that Florida trip. It's so fun. It's engraved in my membrane. Yeah, I sunburned in that airport. We were telling the story the other day, uh, I think it was on Thanksgiving. To our aunts and uncles and everyone was dying laughing listening to us. Explain. Oh god, so funny. I really thought that I had put, like, my, our sunburn somewhere in this, but maybe it'll just pop up when it's ready. Okay, great. When we chose baddies from history and mine were literally so random and then you just came in hot with Harriet Tubman. And Amelia Earhart. Oh yeah, fuck, I remember Amelia Earhart. Yeah, yeah. I mean, Harriett Tubman's a all time Daddy Yeah, that was, that was a fun episode. I was actually thinking about the other day.'cause my favorite murder, Karen Kilgar just covered the night witches. Mm. I listened to it the episode before Georgia did the Ina Gardner Museum. So the, yeah. Did you say Ina Gardner Garden? Is that like the, the Like a lady from Food Network? I. Oh, shit. No, but I love her. That's why I'm like, are we having a moment right now? I feel like, didn't know if you knew her. love her. She's, she's wonderful. Barefoot Contessa? Yeah. Okay, just checking. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Don't look at me like I'm from another planet. No, but you know, sometimes you don't. Everyone knows I'm a gardener. I don't know. Wait, now I'm self conscious about the way I'm saying it. No, it's Isabella Gardner. That's why I was saying it. Barefoot Contessa, that's my bitch. Okay, great. Just wanted to clarify. Okay. yes, I know, do they want to be us or, I get it, like I do. Karen and Karen and Georgia. Yeah, yeah. Because when they think of podcasts, first on their list is Sippin with the Shannons. Yeah, 100%. When I never understood the topic one time. Oh yeah, there was, was it U. S. history? I did like not U. S. You did the Kentucky Meat Showers? And I did the Boston fucking Tea Party? Yeah, something like that. And there was this other time that I came up with an idea of, I don't remember what it was, and like I literally didn't do it. And you had like such a good one, and I, I, I like gave the prompt. And you were like, killed it, and I was just like, duh. And you were like, so I understood your assignment? Oh, what was it? Yeah. I don't remember. It was so dumb. Henry VIII's weeping ulcers. Oh my god, his, his moldy ass leg. His weeping ulcers. His weeping ulcers. Oozing and goozing. Oh, those poor women. Mom's on the pod. Yeah, our mom's the one year, the one year up. I think we should do that again only because like I felt Like I wasn't giving it like my all just because I was like, I didn't really know how to go about it. I didn't have a vision. I also think, and I think we've talked about this too, it was very reflective of us, of who we are. Oh, for sure. And I mean, I definitely added up, you know, the math, the math, math there. But I also think too, my mom came here and was, In the pod room, so it's a little bit different than you sitting on your back porch with like your phone out and going like, Hey, you know, what's your favorite story about Bridget? Yeah. Which like, she did me dirty. Talking about how I shit in the woods. That's okay, I still love you auntie, don't worry. That's what she lives for, I'm not kidding. She was like, is that okay? I'm like, oh, I don't care at all, honestly. And she's already done it. Yeah. As I edit it, and I'm like The hell? She lives by, asks for forgiveness and not permission. Yeah, me talking to myself and then shitting myself in the woods, like. You talking to yourself like a space cadet in the corner. Yeah, I was talking up at the tree. I can't. Heads up. The bird's nest. Need I say more? Ugh. The fucking Fallen soldiers of my apartment have all been animals that are unwanted and unwarranted, including us. Yeah, yeah. The bird's nest in like mid sentence too. And I think what was so funny about that is we had already been in the podcast room three, four times, never noticed it. And I was talking to Gretchen about it the other day. Cause I was like in any other version. Of any other episode, I'm always looking at you. But because I was, me and Erin were sharing a mic and I was talking to Erin, my gaze was going the other way, which it never would have done. Like, God only knows how long it would have taken if Erin was on the pod. How did I never notice it? Colleen. Sweet angel. I mean, you are actually very observant. I will give you that. Maybe not with that stuff, I guess. I mean, who is expecting to see a bird's nest in my home? In the podcast room? My good lord. That's definitely an all timer though. Dude. That video cracks me up. The Face Manual, is that a bird's nest? Cause I'm in complete shock and horror. And then I like, am refusing to get up. And Erin's like, but you must. She goes, but it is. It just is. It just is. It just is. And you go, you know how I feel about birds. As if it's about me in any shape. You know how I feel about it though. Oh, Princess Colleen. And I also put honorable mention for any other wildlife. And so many PQs. So many PQs, so many giggles, all of the giggles. Yeah, great year. And you. Aww. It's not on there, I just thought of it. I'm feeling sentimental. An episode that I wasn't looking forward to and then ended up really enjoying was Alien Stock. It was so good when you did the running thing. Yeah, and I just wasn't expecting, because I don't really believe in that crap, so I was kind of going into it like, Colleen loves this stuff, just lean in. You're gonna do this thing. And then when I found that video, I was like, oh, I'm all the way in now. And it just was Your crazy stories about, like, the ginger lady who has sex with the, it's, it just got so out of control. I can always, I can always tell when you're like, Colleen, this is, we've gone too far. And I'm like, no, no, but like, think about it. And I just like want you to be like, oh my god, that makes sense. Yeah, no. Instead you're like, uh uh. Too far. Too much. And I'm like, but the skinwalkers! But Bigfoot was there! Oh god, oh Bigfoot. Oh my god, do I miss Bigfoot, dude? hot dog dads, too. That was a good one. Just like us finding out about our dads owning a hot dog stand. Which is still the most underrated thing on the planet. Is so funny, and the way our family talks about it, like, we should have known forever. And it's also just like Yeah, they, yeah, they worked at a hot dog stand. Common knowledge, like Yeah, hello? Which of our episodes do you think got the most love? I think that Statistically. statistically, numbers wise in the last year, yeah, The Henry the eighth episode, I think actually that's crazy. our one year got a lot and the episode where I talk about Shannon got a lot, as it showed. Yeah. And honestly, I wouldn't call it a high, right, because it's obviously a super heavy topic that is very near and dear to me and sensitive, to say the least. You'll note that I don't make any Shannon jokes, but I make plenty of dead dad jokes but I am glad I brought it up because now I just feel like I can bring her up. Whenever the hell I want to and as I please versus mincing my words or oh, I'm not gonna tell that story Cuz it might make people sad. It's just like this is my life this is a person who's very near and dear to me and now it's out in the open and the more people who know about Her the longer she lives on in certain ways. even though it was hard to talk about I'm so glad I did it fairs fair But yeah, We did some Unsolved Mysteries that got a lot of love, too. Also, the Bad Roommates episode, I, People Are Not Okay, I think it's called. My good lord, people are not okay. Oh, Away Team was last year. Last January. That's probably one of our all time, all timers. Yes, I loved Away Team. Loved it. That's one of those episodes that has been listened to the most as well is our our cult episode We'll probably we should do that again and do different ones call part two. Yeah, love has won No, I I never want to talk about that ever again It wrecked me. That is one of those like the for me the Delphi murders. I think about like every other week I'm gonna think about that documentary at least once a month. Yeah, it's equivalent to like Mara Murray for me Yes, 100 percent Oh Mara Murray should we go over the pop culture events of the year? Sure. Do you don't have anything from the year that you like about like your life that you were like, Oh, I love this. Oh, oh, oh. I'm sorry. Yeah, of course. I mean, all my travels, Cape Town, of course, being an ultimate in, in my life, not just this year, just in general, the people I met, the safari, the safari was on my deathbed. That's probably a thing that I'll think about. Just absolutely overexceeded every expectation I had and then some. I had it in my notes. Remember when you went on a safari? Yeah! It was the best. It was the best. And I was so sick and I almost missed it and, you know, I had my girl, Jackie, that woman's name? Jackie. She just pumped me up and got me on there and I'm, I'm so, so grateful to her still that she did that. But our Florida trip was amazing. then I went to Cape Town, I went to Austin, Texas and spent Memorial Day there with my Austin friends and that was amazing. And then me and Paula went to Miami. Oh yeah, I forgot you went. Yep, we went to Miami which was a blast. And then we just like flopped around at the All Adult Hotel which I just want to stay at forever in my whole life. She's actually there right now. then I went to Europe for a month and got to see one of my best friends get married and Croatia and got to see all my friends in England and yeah, and here we are. And like the year hasn't been easy all the time and there have definitely been some ups and downs, but ultimate highs, ultimate lows. I had, I had such a cool year. I actually made one of those silly little Tik TOK things where you just do, 0. 3 seconds of everything you did that year. And I was looking at it saying, I was like. What a great year. As hard as it was at times, like, what a fuckin year. Do you think it was your best year? Mmm, in some ways, yes. if you didn't get laid off, would it have been your best year? Yeah, I would say one of them. One of them, for sure. I like to age well. Like, I like that every year gets better and it's not just like, Oh, you know what I had the most fun in college when I was 20. It's like, that makes me sad when people say that. 2016 was my favorite year. My dad died that year, so it wasn't mine. Why, what were you up to in 20 fucking 16? That was a terrible year. I just think it was a good year for, like, me, like, Fetty Wap was out and about, like. Fetty Wap? You had a good year because of Fetty Wap? 2016 was a good year. Into 2017. Sophomore year of college. Best year. Oh, girlfriend. No, no, no, no. So many better years to come. Why do you think your dad died in 2017? I don't know. It was definitely 2016 for the record. I'm like, are you sure? Not pretty darn. Damn. Any other questions? No, I was just wondering. I didn't know if you had like a favorite year, you know? Uh, no. Not really. Cool. No. Okay. My favorite memories, cause this is, you're gonna roll your eyes at me, but I don't believe in labeling. I don't think even a day has all good or all bad in it. Part of life is balancing both. Mm. Mm. I can't believe you just said it was a good year because Fetty Wap was around. That's a wild response, for the record. Maybe it wasn't him then, I don't know. Something was popping off that was good. I just had good vibes in 2016. Sure. The fall, mostly. I'm sure you have things that you hated. Yeah, probably. I had a bob, I hated that. No, no, no, I mean from this year. Oh. You had a bob? Yeah. On purpose? Who let you get that? You. Weird times, man. Actually, you know, I got a bob and got my nose pierced and a tattoo on the same day. Wow. And I dyed my hair black. We were going through something that day. Some people would call it a breakup, but I've never had a boyfriend, so things I hated. Of course there's always something I hate in everything. John Brewer's closing, hated that the worst. That was so cruel, honestly. Being poor, hated that. Still hate that. When I moved in with my parents, hated that, not because I hate my parents, because I just like wanted to be free. Yeah, because everyone needs their space. Love you mom and dad, followed by when Erin and her boyfriend broke up, best, best part of my year. Honestly incredible. Yeah. Incredible timing. Absolutely incredible timing. She has never looked better. Yeah, couldn't agree more. Good for her. Uh, Matt Perry really had to die. Oh yeah, that was, that was really not great. When I went back to Plymouth and got slapped in the face by a stranger. Yeah, when you got assaulted outside of a bar. That would definitely be on my list as well. when I got my wallet stolen, but we all heard about that. And last but not least, found where this belonged when my son, when we got sunburned in St. Pete's. Oh, there it is. I actually, that wouldn't be low for me because it was so bad. It's so fucking funny. But it really fucking hurt. It hurt. Yeah, it did hurt. In my defense, I put on sunblock. You didn't. You actively chose not to. No, I did that day. That's why I was rattled. Oh, that's rude. Yeah, that was the day that I did. in regards to things that I did like, I just would like to say that I learned a lot about history and geography from this podcast. Mm hmm. Big win. Yep. And, enjoyed watching single Erin spread her wings and fly. Love single Erin. Not my sister. My sister is still very much married. Her roommate, Erin. And then followed by, uh, moving in with my parents. Best thing, moving out of my parents home. Yep. With Erin and Faith. And your two best friends happened to be available, ready to move in, in an area that you're really comfortable with, and you know really well. Pussies poppin And it really worked out. Yeah, so many concerts, so many birthdays, so much love. Oh, that's really nice. So many concerts. You're, you're a concert girly. I love a concert. A country concert. I was just chasing a high I couldn't find. For a hole that hasn't been filled. Okay, okay. Let's go through the year and I, like I said, I picked one or two biggest things that happen in each month of the year. You ready? 2023 at a glance. I love when Google comes out with their like year. Wrap up and it's always so nice and warm and inspiring and I'm excited for this one. Okay, January. Okay. The Golden Globes happened and Prince Harry came out with a memoir that had far too much detail into it. Oh, the frostbitten dick? I don't need to know about your, penis. I mean, he's giving the people what they want. I hated it. It was like. I don't know. Someone who hasn't been able to say anything for many decades and then was allowed to say everything all at once. Some things should just, I actually was watching Tiktok the other day and some girl was laying out her entire life and a guy stitched it and was like, does anyone have secrets anymore? Like, can we go back to having secrets? And a part of me is on that train, a part of me wants to know all of the goss and another part of me is like. That is for you. That's for you and your brain. Your boundaries. No, it's not a boundary thing. It's just like Oh, okay. Just checking. Figure it out. There are things that you tell a therapist, there are things you tell your friends, and there are things that you don't tell the internet. I would agree that there are certain places you should put, like certain outlets you should put certain things. Yes! People who cry on videos and post them, no. No. I know, we just cried opening those presents. That was different. I almost sent you one the other day that was like, grief just hits you at the most random times. And it's this girl who films herself literally sobbing in various, like, Locations? In front of her computer, like trying to like log into a work call. No. Go to a therapist. Call your family. February. We went to Florida. Yes. And we saw Rihanna's pregnant halftime show. Oh, yeah. Her bebe. How was she? She was bustin her tang open with her bebe. I mean, iconic. Yeah, it was. Great fit. Loved it. Loved it. March. The Oscars happened. Asian Americans absolutely dominated the night a lot of people who have been in the business in many many years finally getting their due The guy from the Goonies, right? Yep. Okay, cool Scandavale And the thing about Scandavale too is I was in the car with Paula We were driving up to our friend's cabin in the middle of nowhere, Maine we've been in the car at this point for like two plus hours and I opened my phone because we lose service when we get to a certain point and I opened my phone and I just kind of refreshed and everything that popped up was like Tom and Ariana, Tom and Ariana. I don't know who those people were at the time. I have no idea what the hell is going on and I just saw that it was Bravo so I just read it out loud. Paula's real, shut the fuck up, shut the, like I didn't know. now. I know. I didn't know. Now her reaction makes total sense. It shocked the world. Yeah. The people were quaking. And how do you feel about the upcoming season? I and like Bravocon and all that stuff. I'm like, whatever about it. I'm just, I miss the OG so dearly that the only thing that could bring me back to watching it is was the scan of all drama. Look, I really wasn't watching it before that. Mm-Hmm. after Stassi and Jax. Kristen Doughty, and who else was kicked off? Brittany. we're all kicked off. I didn't watch it. Okay, so this could bring me back, but sparingly. Are you a summer house girl? Yes, and no. I haven't watched it in a while. Okay, what the fuck are you watching then? I don't back of my eyelids. No, I truly Without any sleep, though. My Kindle, TikTok, and back of my eyelids. Okay, fair enough. Yeah. She's an OG girly for life. Yeah, I am. I'm an OG. I will not. I don't like change. Can you tell? but summer house. Yeah, I haven't watched summer house in a while. I don't watch like winter house. Erin does. I don't watch Southern Charm, but Erin does. And so I'll just like watch tidbits of it. Yeah, like as it's on in the background kind of thing. Because I just, I don't really like, even on summer house, like I don't like, Kyle, I don't like him even though people love him. I just, it gives me the ick. And, and Carl too. I don't like him. So that's why I don't like him. I love Paige. That's really the only reason. Yeah, I was gonna say I love Paige and I don't even watch the show. I like the drama with Hannah Burner and everyone hating her because I also hate her. and now she's just not on it. So it's not really fun. I was gonna say I like Hannah Burner. No, don't. Can't do it. Really? Uh uh. I mean, she's funny, I guess, but then she just makes too many, like, bodily function jokes and wears the ugliest outfits. The outfits are And I just want to put chapstick on her real bad. Do you, did you see the other day on Giggly Squad? She was like, everyone says that my lips are chapped and that my hair looks greasy. Correct. And she says it to Paige, and Paige is like, okay, and she was like, what do you think that's about? And she was like, your hair is greasy because you don't wash it. And she was like, honestly, that's valid. She's like, oh, she doesn't brush it. She literally never brushes her hair. She gets out of bed and that's what she was explaining. But she knows. I've only seen her stand up. Like, I've only seen her crowd work. Or like, her walking around the streets of New York asking famous people questions or whatever. And I think that's funny. And I saw her live for Giggly Squad with Paige. Like, uh, two years ago. She brings Paige down. Wow, that strongly, huh? Mm hmm. Damn. Okay. I just, I don't like her bodily function jokes. It bothers me. That's so hilarious considering we were just joking about if you get kidnapped about shitting and pissing everywhere. Yeah, I literally said I would shit in a man's mouth, but she'll literally just be like I don't know how to explain it. It's just something about, and, but the thing is I know that I'm valid because I've said this to people and they're like, oh my god, I couldn't agree more. So I'm like, oh, I'm not crazy. Yeah, it's like, it's too much. I'm not being randomly hateful for no reason. No, no, no, I know what you mean. Like JoJo Siwa, I do that a little bit too, but whatever. It's a know it. aLso, in March of this year was the ski trial of Gwyneth Paltrow and that man. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. And she was, she whispered over to him, I wish you well. After she won. She's, something's wrong. Something's up. Doesn't she have her like vagina candles or whatever? Yes. Cool. Something like that. April! it was a little quiet, but the TV show Jury Duty came out, which, like, swept the nation. Loved Jury Duty. And the ERA's tour, was well on its way. Period. And that's, I mean, I think it was announced in April that she split from Joe. Taylor Swift did from her long time boyfriend. Oh, yeah. I think that came out in that month as well. And then May, we have the Met Gala. The cockroach that stole the show. Ugh. The cockroach that attended the Met Gala will live in infamy. Wasn't it the worm before that? The worm? Wasn't she a worm one year? Heidi Klum. I'm not talking about Heidi Klum who does that on Halloween. I'm talking about the, the Met Gala. Who was the cockroach at the Met Gala? A literal cockroach. What are we talking about right now? So, I mean this very literally. On the carpet, a cockroach ran by and everyone lost their shit because it's the Met Gala. And then the cockroach became famous and was like all over all of the social medias. I didn't see it one time. Great. so it's clear that nowhere is safe from the cock. No. Hahaha. From the roach. Uh, no. And Succession ended, which made me very sad, and the ending made my heart want to beat out of my chest and then cry, and also the Renaissance tour began. She's a baddie and her daughter's a baddie too. Yeah, so Blue Ivy who starts and she's like a little timid and by the end she's like fuckin rockin it. Bustin Yeah. Love her, love her new confidence, I'm here for it. June. The submersible, the Titanic, when I tell you, cause you, as you all know, now I'm obsessed with the Titanic, especially after doing it. I was before. And then after doing the episode where I learned all this new stuff that was infuriating, the submersible right in my wheelhouse, couldn't stop looking at it. Couldn't stop watching it. Where are they? What, why they're saying that there are noises coming down and it's them banging on the side of the wall. And What is going on? I was captivated the nation was at its knees for this submersible Tell me otherwise Nation was at its knees the people were quaking quaking. I will say too The jokes about it No, they were fucked up, but they were hilarious. That's what I mean. Like they made me Uncomfortable, but they were so fucking funny at the same time This country loves nothing more than some dark humor. And that is why I know I belong here Well, I also think when rich very very very rich people do something like that It's easier to you're punching up as they say, you know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah, there's no punching down there other than them Imploding and being dead. Okay July Barben Heimer. The Barbie movie came out and Oppenheimer came out. Can I tell you what? Yesterday I barbed Heimer. I watched both. Oh, did you? I did. I've seen Barbie. I've never seen Oppenheimer. I haven't seen Barbie. I obviously haven't seen Opin. Oppenham Oppenheimer. You stop. Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer. It was depressing. Is it a war movie? It? Yes. Is it war? Is it War Times? Yes. Okay, cool. And it's every famous white person you could ever imagine. Mm. They just, every white man, ever, was in that movie. They kept popping up. I was like, Another one another in another one like Casey Affleck's in that movie. Did you know Josh Peck is in the movie? Is he Josh Peck is in the movie Joshy? What are you doing? I like hits the big red button like he has he has like a role That's how my song on the big screen. He was like running over Oprah on Jake and Josh Yeah, well now he's in Christopher Nolan movie Matt Damon and Someone else was On the beach on Lawleston. Filming. They must be filming something, yeah. The other day. Like I could just walk to the street. Oh, cool. But I was deathly ill, so I didn't. Oh. Yeah. That's too bad. Love Maddie D. Okay, moving on. August. Kim Cattrall makes a really quick cameo in Sex and the City. Mm hmm. How much did she get paid for that? I don't, probably so much money. For me, personally, and I'm not a die, die, die hard fan, but I am, I have been a fan and have seen almost all of the episodes, it's just not the same without her. Samantha is really The glue, I feel. She's the most iconic. Yeah, it's not the same with just the three of them. Mm mm. I'm also just like not obsessed with SJP in that. Just not. See, I like SJP. Mm. Also, Lionel Messi, who in the States, a lot of people know, but he's probably the most famous person on the planet, went to, uh, Miami to play soccer. Getting a, a vacant look from Colleen and a quick nod. Okay. No, I heard about it, but I didn't want to sound dumb, so I just agreed. Okay. Great. September. Breakups on breakups on breakups on breakups. Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner, Sofia Vergara, Joe, Megan, Megan, Megan, the yellow or whatever the fuck it's like. He's so hot. They broke up. Ariana Grande starts dating SpongeBob. Is no longer married and is dating Spongebob, who was also married with children or a child. Britney Spears and Sam split up. Uh, The Golden Bachelor begins. Gary who made the fatal flaw that they all fucking make which is tell multiple women you are in love with them. Like you think you would get better with age with that? I guess not. You would think that just watching the show. This has happened in so many seasons. So many of them have fallen into this, and I'm sure it's the atmosphere, right? You're having feels for someone. You're dating them in this very intense way, however much of it is real or fake, or what, I'm assuming most of it is fake. There is no way to tell three women that you are in love with them and then break up with them right after meeting their families that is gonna go over well. No. It's just not gonna end well. Ain't it? Mm. Oh, Gary. Mm mm. When will they learn? And then Taylor, this was the month Taylor Swift showed up to a Kansas City Chiefs game. Oh damn, that long ago. Yeah, they started dating in July. Oh, feels like literally just yesterday. Travis Kelsey's jersey saw a 400 percent spike in sales. That's insane. Yep, also I was getting the ick by all these people at the game on Sunday. Oh yeah, because she was there. Like, enough. For real. Just let the man play football in peace and let her cheer on her boyfriend without being like, we're here for you, Taylor. I will say to my friend that I went to the event in New York City and got to go on that red carpet, you know, the Julia Roberts movie or whatever. She went to another event and Taylor Swift was there. It was Emma Stone's Poor Things is her new movie coming out with Mark Ruffalo and every famous person alive was at this red carpet premiere. I'm so intrigued by that movie. Yeah, I'm very curious what that's about. One of her dancing? I'm like, what's going on? Yeah, what's happening here? Yes, continue, sorry. So, my friend was there, and she was like Taylor Swift in the motherfucking building and she said that people at the red carpet. So once they get in, they keep security pretty lax in. Like it's hard to get in, but once you're in, they can just like mull about. People were sneaking pictures of her and I was just like you're in a room with some of the most famous people on the planet. Let her be. Like just leave her alone. No wonder why she goes into hiding for a year. Yeah, don't Britney Spears her too. Yeah, I just, and so at Gillette yesterday, they put her on the Jumbotron at one point and she kind of like shyly is like, Hey, and it's like, just let her watch her boyfriend watch the fucking game. People booed her. They booed her? Why? I don't know, they booed her when she was on the screen. Ew. Yeah. That's fucking gross. Yeah, not a fan. Did the Chiefs win? Yeah, I mean, come on girlfriend. There was a minute that I was like, oh maybe. No. As she would say, she doesn't mind pissing off the dads, brads, and chads. So, keep booing her. She's making fucking 5, 000. A bajillion dollars. A bajillion more dollars than you ever will. Okay. October. Britney comes out with her very long awaited memoir. Taylor becomes a billionaire from her tour and then her movie, it's the most successful concert movie of all time. I don't know how Beyonce's movie did, but as of right now, it's Taylor. Makes sense. Makes sense. November, Matthew Perry passed away. the strike ended in the entertainment industry, but, oh, poor Matthew Perry. She's so upset, guys. Oh, and silence for him. Oh, his, his thing came back. Maybe I'm late to the party, knowing that, but his, Autopsy? Mm hmm. Report? Ketamine. Special K, horse triangulizer, that'll, in the hot tub. Yeah, that, that's a terrible mix. That'll do it. Was there any other drugs? Uh, no, I only heard ketamine, but I'm sure there was other things that maybe he was prescribed rolling around. I don't know. Hmm. Mm hmm. But yeah. December. Renaissance conquers the box office. Mm hmm. Taylor Swift becomes Time Person of the Year and the most streamed artist on Spotify Wrapped. I honestly wasn't expecting to put so many Taylor things on here, but that, that is the way this year has gone. can we talk about the Time article? The man who wrote his name Sam something I can't remember off the top of my head. It is such a beautiful article, like whether you like her or not. It's so well done, and She calls out Kim Kardashian so fucking hard. Good. She had this line trash takes itself out every single time. Like you don't have to take down your enemies, they'll do it themselves. I want it tattooed on my forehead. She is just top tier class. I can't even wrap my brain around it. But petty enough. Yeah, that you know. Petty enough for it to be so good, but classy enough not to do anything like outwardly. Too crazy. She's perfect. I mean, yeah, so wild. I saw a thing the other day that was like What's one thing you can't live without and let's like Selena Gomez being like my family and my friends. Oh my god It's Kim Kardashian. And doing my KKW beauty contour I'm like that is the most on par thing ever. Yeah, for sure. Ever ever oh, I have honorable mentions that I saw online that made me giggle that I was like, oh, I have to share. Oh, let's do it. well, first of all, when I was up, I took over the world for a minute there this past year. For a minute? For a minute? It's still happening! Give it to me! Have you seen Mindy Kaling? No, I know. Yeah, that's Have you seen Kelly Clarkson? Have you seen Christina Aguilera? No, honestly, Kelly Clarkson's fine. Kelly Clarkson's autosomic. Well, maybe if she is. She's not looking scary. Like, minikilling, that's a little jarring. Christina Aguilera. I can't even believe it's the same person. That's fair. I'll give you that one. But yeah, I think it's still happening and I think it's going to continue happening and it sounds like there are new other drugs coming out. I think this is the beginning. Put me on, boy. We'll see. Call me. Wink wink. I saw this. Jada Pinkett Smith, period. Everything I have learned about this woman's marriage or lack thereof to Will Smith has been against my will this year. A hundred percent agree. She would not stop talking. No. And every time you thought she was done, she kept going. was like about what? Me and Pac? Wha Oh my god. No, like, God bless Tupac and rest his soul, rest in peace. No, I But like, for real. Me and Pac. Yeah, and she's like, we've been separated Twin flames. For Anyway, I don't know. It was wild. Well, he's alive in Cuba. Jada, go find him. Go find him, Jada. He's at his aunt's house. Girl, quote unquote, everything. Girl, dinner, this. Girl, math, that. How about everyone grow the fuck up for once? Oh my god. I know. These gays, they're trying to murder me. oh my god, how did I forget? White Lotus season two. Iconic. I love her. I do too. I love her. I want her in everything from here on out, there's just so she can do it wrong in my eyes, she can do no wrong. Please don't do anything wrong. We can't have nice things anymore. Every time I go to like someone, there's a sex. scandal or they're a predator. I just, give me her, give me death. If anything happens to her, I, I'm gonna fall off a boat and smack my head too. Like, please don't get canceled. I can't deal with that. Yeah, seriously. Also Lizzo got canceled this year, speaking of not having nice things. Yeah, whatever. Oh, I was, I was big on the Lizzo train. You did love, you did love Lizzo. I think that I was just thinking Lizzo, but I'm thinking of her line, Yiddy or whatever. Yeah, it feels like she hasn't really come out. Some people have come out to support her, but like, this isn't true. But it hasn't really been cleared up. Like, is she just waiting for the dust to settle? I, I would assume so. I don't know. Yeah, we'll see. Yeah. Pickleball. Still not sure what this even is. Still not looking more into it. talk about something that has the nation at its knees. Pickleball. People are fucking obsessed. No they are. I feel, is it like a less aggressive form of tennis? Yes. Maybe we could. Colleen. Okay. On what planet do you see the two of us playing goddamn pickleball involved. That sounds even worse! I would be sweating! Ugh, no. Nope. Okay, just a thought. Uh, Cardi B throwing a microphone at somebody. Okay, everyone needs to stop throwing shit at celebrities. Did you see Florence Pugh got hit in the fucking face? Yes I did. Followed by fans throwing random shit at celebrities. Oh! Well, there you go. Everybody, knock it off. Harry Styles, Drake, Adele, and most recently, Florence Pugh. Oh wow, look at that. Have all been recently concussed, been concussed by nearly flying projectiles. Harry Styles was also on tour with some iconic moments. But people are very upset he cut his hair. People are quaking. I'm kind of okay with it. I truly don't give a shit what Harry Styles hairstyle is. Believe it or not, so I'm fully okay with it. Cool, I'm glad we're on the same page. And last but not least, Snoop Dogg saying he quit smoking. What the fuck? Yeah, he's not smoking weed anymore. Good for him, choosing health. Health and wellness. Health and wealth, baby. Think about how much money he'll save without weed. I know, for real. I think about that sometimes where I'm like, if I didn't go out, how much more money? Do you think I would have? Don't upset me like that. Oh, sorry. But how much sadder would we be? You know? No, that's fair. There's a point where you have to, like, get the scales even. Right. Yeah. Right. I don't want to be boring. Right. I need it. Right? Yeah. We all need it. What are you doing for New Year's? I don't know. I kind of want to go skiing, but, like, also I'm not going to be the one to book the Airbnb. You ski? Oh, no. I don't ski. I just wear earmuffs and go to the bar and look cute. That's what I do. Yeah. Yeah. There's a word for it. I pray, I pray ski. I pray ski. Is that how you say it? Apres ski. Yeah, I love looking like a snow bunny and going to the Mountain. Good vibes in the mountain, always. the lounge and hangin with some drinks in front of the fire. Mm hmm. That's, I don't know. That sounds lovely. I have no set plans, brother. Cool. Mexico Queen? I'll be in Mexico. one of my dear friends, Sadra, is turning 30 on the 30th and so we're throwing her this like big golden birthday bash and then of course the next day is New Year's Eve. I notoriously hate New Year's. I think it is dumb and overrated. I hate it too. And I think, I mean, we've talked about it on the pod, but. I just really, I've had a lot of bad experiences on New Year's. I very rarely have a good New Year's. I just don't think that a bar that you normally can walk into in Boston for free can charge 80 for you to wait outside in the cold for an hour so that they look busier. And then when you finally do get in, it's basically A fire hazard for the amount of people in there. You can't even breathe. It's not fun. But part of your ticket is a champagne toast at midnight that's in a Dixie cup. and Ubers are insane, which makes total sense, but I think it's just overhyped. Yeah, no, if my friends choose to go to a bar, I'm not gonna go. Yeah, I'm definitely past that age. I do now appreciate like a house party. with friends, somewhere I can like sleep over it, not worry about it. What I've done in more recent years, too, is get all dolled up and do a dinner at like seven o'clock and be home and in bed, make up off by 11 and not even watch the ball drop. Like the ball drop, though. yeah, no, which is so weird because I love holidays. I love any reason to celebrate and get together with friends and have fun. I think I've just had too many bad experiences on New Year's to like it, but I always have fun when I leave Boston. Actually that's not true. I did get stuck in Iceland and hate my life Dark times. Literally and figuratively. And mentally. But. When I leave and go somewhere warm, like one year my friends went to Florida. That was really fun. I think that's it. No, I, I, No, I can't even remember a memorable New Year's either. Maybe in high school. Yeah, I mean a house party is great, but sometimes when you go to house parties, I don't know, now I'm just being a negative Nancy. I just don't like it. No, I just don't, it's not for me. I think that we are speaking for the people and the people are all thinking the same thing, but no one wants to fucking say it. Okay. So, you're welcome. So you're welcome. Collectively, let's cancel New Year's. Thank you. So being on a beach on New Year's with my travel friends and sipping on some cocktails and having a time sounds right up my alley. Mm hmm. Gorgeous. So how do you feel that this is the last time we're gonna record in this year until probably like mid February? I don't know. I don't know. Too much? I don't feel safe. What? Get out of here. Doesn't feel right. Something ain't right. Something's not settling well. We'll still do video stuff. Like we're, we're gonna figure it out. We'll Zoom. Yeah. We'll FaceTime. We'll, we'll do something. It'll be fine. Will you take care of yourself while you're, while I'm gone, please? Yeah. Can you say that and mean it this time? Yes. Great. Health is wealth and I'm the richest person in 2024. Manifesting. Preying on it. Manifest. I have one. Oh. Oh my god. I forgot to tell you. I had we had like a pajama party at my house like two weeks ago and one of the questions in the drinking game we're playing was like you have to read the last note on your phone. Mine literally says manifest at the top of it and the only thing on the checklist is Ozempic. We're gonna get you Ozempic in the new year. Yeah. I feel really strongly. I'm just not paying 1, 200 for it and that's that. No, you ran into a bit of a snag. I did. You were prescribed it. I was. And you ran into a snag. I was. And so we're seeking alternate routes and it's gonna work out. We're finding promising routes. Just, just. I was gonna say, there are some promising things ahead. I'll be strong. What do you want for 2024 other than Ozempic? I want to be skinny and I want to be rich and I. All superficial things that really don't matter. and maybe a kiss a boy. That's all. Alright, going in. And maybe some Adderall, that'd be cool. half of that list was drugs. All of those things? All of those things collectively? You're all fucking done for. When she gets her Adderall, her Ozempic, she kisses a boy and she gets rich. You all are done for. You bitches, it's over. It'll be over for you. You bitches that have been skinny since birth, let me tell you something. I know how to do my hair, and I know how to do my makeup, and I have a personality to overcompensate for my chubby body. So once I get it fixed, you're fucking done. Oh, Colleen, I hate that message. I don't care. I know you don't, but I Well, I'll leave it in 2023, so see you in 2024. Wait, hold on. Kate, she just did that Gen Z tongue stick out. But I'm just saying, if you know, you know, okay, but it's going to be a great fucking year. It was a great one this year and we're going on to bigger and better things that can only go up from here. You'll go to Mexico and then you'll get a job and it'll be great and scrumptious and fabulous and we'll be famous and I'll be skinny and rich. And you heard it here, folks. That's a, that's a really high bar for 2024 and I'm excited for it. I think we can do most of that list. Don't like that energy. I just want to have a job. I want an income in 2024. I want to be happy in 2024. Are you not happy now? I mean, times aren't great. Cool. Just checking. I have my moments. I'm definitely a happy person, but there are moments of a lot of stress. Happiness hit her like a train on a track. Like a train on a track. Okay, that's all. Closing out this year with a bang. Not well. I want to travel more, I want to cross some places off my bucket list. Yeah, I just want to be happy. I want to do all the things that make me happy. Gorge. If I could also be skinny and rich by the end, that would be great too. Is that too much to ask, Santa? Apparently so. I don't, I don't want anything else. Just give me those two things. That's all. Santa, please. God, please. Who's ever listening? Whoever the fuck's up there, who clearly has it out for me. You fix your energy in 2024, you hear me? All right, everyone, we'll listen. Happy New Year. I hope you had a wonderful year and you're able to Rest, relax, feel refreshed. Go into the new year, new year, new mindset. New goals, new values. Be you, be you tiful. Live, laugh, love. It's hard to live, laugh, love in these conditions. In this economy, really. In these conditions. I mean, come on. No, but I hope you all have a wonderful new year. It's been quite the year. Quite the ride with all of you. I'm tired. We love you. Thank you for listening. We do get asked and I never say this and I need to say it more. The best way to support the podcast is one, tell your friends about it into to rate and review and leave a nice comment. And yeah, just, talk about us. If you want to follow us on Instagram, it's sipping with the Shannons and you can email us at sippingwiththeshannons at gmail. com. I should be saying at the end of every episode, but to be honest, I forget. But, I hope you have a wonderful new year, a happy and healthy one, and yeah. Yeah. Tell your friends, your family, your dentist, your chiropractor. Spread the word, motherfucker. Peace out, 2023. Bye, 2023. Love you, mean it. Love you, mean it. Bye. Oh, I thought that was a
Bridget:This podcast was produced by me. Bridget, Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt You can find his band super Stoker anywhere you listen to music.