Sippin' with the Shannons
Sippin' with the Shannons
You Pooh Beared It?
On this week's episode, Bridget took a gummy to deal with stress and Colleen thinks she's better than foliage in New England. Then we get into the topic of the week... REINCARNATION. Colleen picked this one, obviously. We each tell real life stories of people who believe they've lived more than one life. We then play a game of "Real Life Haunted Houses" and Colleen feels attacked. Watch out!! It's someone from high school who remembers that weird thing you did in 7th grade!!! AHHHH!!!
- Meet Shanti Devi: The Reincarnation Case That Shook the World
- The Mind Boggling Case of Shanti Devi
- Wikipedia
Positive Stories:
- Neighborhood Learns Sign Language For Halloween
- Spaniards Took to The Streets After Flooding in Valencia
- Parents Think Boy Is Reincarnated Pilot
- The Case of James Leininger: An American Case of the Reincarnation Type
Review and subscribe! You can find us on Instagram @Sippinwiththeshannons or send us your stories at Sippinwiththeshannons@gmail.com. Love you, mean it.
She was a fast machine, she was the best damn woman that I've ever seen. I don't know the rest of the lyrics, but. Tellin me no lies, knockin me out with those American thighs. Those Irish thighs. Those thick ol Irish thighs. Her Irish thighs are smiling. I'm saying. You know the new bop. Mine aren't smiling. My crack's not smiling. Weeping. Oh god. How are ya? I'm good, how are you? I'm so scared of you. I'm loving this energy you're bringing to the table today. It's not scaring me at all. Listen to me. Okay, I may or may not have acquired a gummy. Oh, in my defense, it's election night. If there was any night Oh, I didn't know if you were gonna reveal that, so I wasn't gonna say it. Oh, no, I'm gonna tell the people because if I sound hysterical the whole episode, they'll understand why. I'm here for it. It's because all day I was so anxious. And I wanted to puke and cry and scream because it's the night of the election and I need to be distracted. And I just got so worked up, I was like, today is the day she takes a gummy. And I can't stop giggling. She did sit in the, in the, the chair and go, Well, you know. And that's what I knew. She has hit. She has risen. She is here. Do you know what? It will probably be a really good episode, I hope. Yeah, I think it's fine. Everyone has advices. Do what you gotta do to get through the day. I don't give a shit. If there was any day to disassociate. She's currently crying right now. I don't know what's happening. I'm scared. It's not a crazy amount. I just think I'm on one. I also bored myself a cocktail. So light them up, everybody. Do what you gotta do. Get through the day. We're truly just trying to survive. How are you? I'm good. How are ya? We already did that part. I know. You asked me first already and I said, I'm good. How are you? And then you just asked me again. Welcome to this week's episode of Sipping with the Shannons. We're cousins and every other week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Shannon. And I'm Colleen Shannon. What would you have just done if I just said, I'm Bridget Shannon? I feel like you would have just been My brain would have melted out of my ears. Uh, I feel light as a feather. To be totally honest with you, I feel so well. Life is okay. Life is worth living. Is it? Life is worth living. No. No. No. No, we gotta let that one go. Yeah. Just. Just let it go. Let it happen. I'm here. I have a pulse. And like a half a smile. And half a smile. And like a half oiled lip. So. Yeah. That makes sense. Slicked back bun. I was literally just gonna say bald eagle slicked back bun. I know you were. That's how I feel whenever I have a. What do you feel like? Please describe that to the listener at home. It kind of looks like I'm about to bonk like a chicken, you know? And chicken's kind of like, mm, mm, mm, like that. That's how I feel, like a bald eagle. Yeah, yeah. Coming in. Definitely. Soaping in. Bald eagle, America, election night. Whenever I agree with something, I keep forgetting to be like, no. I think I went from saying 100 percent to this. Because I just do this all the time. Okay, she's just putting her again, they can't see us. Oh, I was waiting for you to describe it. Because you always go, gang, and then you explain it. Well, because they can't see us. I know. Nothing It's our thing, it's our bit, you know? No, it's nothing like showing doing something visually to people who can't. See us. Or if we're talking about With no context, she's not even saying anything out loud. If we're talking about, like if I have something up on, like, the computer, or like, the, uh, sorry, the iPad. Your medium screen. If I had something up on my iPad and I was like, oh, and this person, you're like, you have to explain who we are talking about! Well, you do mid sentence. I feel like I've cut a lot of it out, but she'll just, she will turn and she'll just start talking about a person she talked about ten minutes ago. And I'm like, you have to, who is that? Who she be. Who do she be? I don't know What have you done the last two weekends? Nothing. No, like seriously nothing. I rotted, I watched a lot of things though. We can talk about that. Oh, let's talk about the things that you're watching.'cause I barely watched anything. Wait, I have a question first. It's on my brain. Okay. I was having this discussion at work and in my group messages, it's like a hot topic at the moment. It's actually so stupid, but I want your take on it. What do you think is worse? Which I feel like I know your answer. Wait, I have one for you. Oh my God, that's so weird. I was gonna ask you something like this. Okay. Sorry. Go, go, go. I got excited. No, no, you're fine. Somebody go Which do you think is worse? Yeah. In the same day, like you're, you don't brush your teeth before you go to bed. Okay. That's just like, you don't brush'em. Okay. You go to bed or I say, I was in this outfit all day and I just went home and got in bed in these clothes. What do you think is worse? Okay, you have issues with. Yes, I'm a psycho about dental hygiene, however, it won't get you sick to just not brush your teeth for a day. It's gross, but you can have gum, you can have a mint. You always feel like you have a layer, though, and that's so gross. It's also like you're going to bed. Like, I'm talking about like going before bed. But if you go to bed and you have your outdoor clothes on, those germs, like that's in your bed now. So that happens every single time. But whereas teeth, it's like one weird day, but you can do things around it. That's what I'm saying. It really affects you. 100 percent the clothes and the bed. Okay, cool. Same. That's what I said. And like, everyone I worked with said, and then one of my friends was saying this conversation got brought up because she knows a few people that just like, brush their teeth one time a day. And when she went to the dentist, her dentist was like, oh, do you brush your teeth like, twice a day? And she was like, of fucking course I do, what do you mean? And the, her dental hygienist was like, no, like, you'd be surprised, people do not brush their teeth twice a day. And she was, she, she's like, I'm upset. Like, I can't stop thinking about it. So that's why we started talking about it. And I was like, to me, that's the equivalent of, like, going to bed in your day clothes. Like, the way you feel about it. Not brushing your teeth. Oh, really? There have been times where I'm tired and I just go to bed or I'm really drunk. There have been times where I haven't brushed my teeth at night. Yeah, no, same. But I brush them in the morning. But, the morning is like not even up for debate. I won't do, it's the first thing I do every single morning. It should be for everybody. It's not. My mouth feels like it needs immediate attention when I wake up. So yeah, that's all. Just a little thing that's gross. I, listen. That's it. People who don't go to the dentist and do that freak me out. What are you doing? Where is it going? Cuz it doesn't go away People get it together. I couldn't I couldn't find floss the other day at work and I was putting a safety pin in between I mean not a safety pin, a paper clip in between my teeth. Oh god, just put them in your bag You love, you're obsessed with those. I know, I keep forgetting. You call them Christmas trees in my house, right? The, not the Christmas trees. That's what I have in my apartment. Yeah, yeah, I love those. Great. I love the feeling. Are you ready for the TikTok question I had for you? Yeah, what is it? Would you rather every song ever written be sung by Pitbull? Okay. Or that every song No. You're so strong. Or every song that's ever been sung was a Pitbull song and everyone was just doing a cover of it. So there's never any other songs other than Pitbull songs. Or does he sing every single song ever made? He sings every single song ever made. Really? Yeah. Cause I, I like the You need a difference. I need a different, I need a cool beat. I don't want like all the same fu all different people singing the same fucking song. I agree with you, Colleen. Wow. Wow. Kindred spirits. My hands are clammy. Feel them. Stop. Alba. Sorry. So violent. Tee hee hee hee. Okay, what have you been watching? Tell me everything. You guys. Dial in. Buckle up. You simply must, must, you simply must stop everything you're doing and watch The Manhattan Alien Abduction. Did you watch it yet? No. It's like number 2 on Netflix right now. I know, I have, I told you I haven't really been watching anything. It is. I have no words you guys. So basically it's about this lady, it's not, I'm not giving anything away don't worry. This lady who Believes that she was abducted by aliens and she was seen by like multiple people like levitating outside of her window Naturally in Manhattan. So like it was seen by a bunch of including someone that worked for the United Nations So it was like the FBI came to her house to make sure she wasn't like a threat like it was like if like It's a thing. Okay noted and so it's like her side of the story the guy that she was sought help through that was like he believed in it and was like studying it or whatever. And also the POV of like a skeptic. And it's just like, it's like, it's three episodes, but it's crazy. And like, she's like their POV of how they like fully believe that aliens are obviously are real. I believe that they're real, but in what capacity, I don't know. They, they're like studying us. Like you just have to watch it. It's crazy. Okay. So, well, I, I have to watch it before I ask you your thoughts. Cause I want to know, what did you leave feeling, but I want to know after I watch it. Felt leaving, like, yeah, if some, if you, this ended up being a hoax, like, okay, but, like, I really don't feel like it was, like, she had this issue where she noticed one day after one of her dreams where she was, like, taken, that her nose, like, was, like, fucked up, and she took a photo and was like, why do I have a bump on my nose? And she was like, that's weird, so her husband was like, go to the doctor, like, make sure it's not, like, a tumor, whatever, so they Go in and he's like you had no you had surgery on your nose and she's like no I did not And he was like you did you have an incision and she's like no I I have not had surgery on my nose and she was like, oh, I probably scratched it And he said no that was from scalpel like you had a foot like yes So it's just like things like that that she's I mean she could be saying that but I don't know You just gotta watch it you guys Good lord. You know how I feel about alien stuff though. No, I know. I, I, there's a, there's a point. There's a line for me. Yeah, there's a line. Cool. So you should watch it. Cool. I also watch that stupid movie Time Cut. It's like number three on Netflix right now. Yeah, you're all in on Netflix. Every. Thing, you've Yeah, I went, I, I watch has a Bish B. Yeah. I hyper fix it. Im around, you know, bop b bop, bop streaming service. Whoever's, uh, streaming service I can steal. I'm on it, dude. They've been kicking everybody out though. Like, I share services with people and vice versa. And it's, it's beginning. That would be like, in this economy, just let us have this. You'll never hear the end of it. If that ever happens to me, that's the first thing. I will come in guns blazing this week. If that happens to me. Knock on. That's where you draw on the line. Knock on the wood, I'm telling you. Anyway, time cut some stupid movie about with some people from like Ginny and Georgia and Outer Banks. Just watch it It was it was like an easy like whatever. You're not selling it. I I'm shocked. You're like, just watch it I'm not into time travel. Yeah, so it's like a murder and she goes back in time like save her sister I don't know. I give it like a four again. You're not selling it, but you're telling me to watch it So if you're watching it, I guess don't how about that you want me unwanted opinion there it is Don't move. So good. Hated it. I loved it. Why did you hate it? Well, I will say I was working and I had it on in the background and just every time I looked up she couldn't move. And so I was like. That's the point. I know. That's the fucking point. But every time I just like picked my head up she was just in a different position. That is something that would upset you. It was the point of the movie. Cause it's like an hour and fifteen minutes in. She gets movement back. No, I know. I did laugh out loud too. I'm just not good with scary movies. It's not scary. I laughed out. It's like a thriller. She's so annoyed. Also, I'm surprised you didn't text me to be like, yeah, that movie you told me to watch. I fucking hate it. Yeah, I'm here to tell you today. That's why I saved it. It was good guys. I have hair today. No one part I laughed genuinely out loud. She's in like a field. And there's a guy mowing along. Oh, when she almost got clipped by the lawn. She's bigger than it. She was laying down. And she was taller than it. I'm like, you didn't think he was gonna see. No, no, that was just the POV. She wasn't actually. The John Deere was bigger than her. Oh, it looked like the size of her. And so I couldn't stop laughing. No, because it's like zoomed in on her like head, her eye. So it's like what she's seeing. It wasn't actually that small. Okay, well that makes me feel Yeah, I would know. I was like I'm a producer and a director, so Oh, perfect. You did set up this room, so good for you. Set designer. But other than that, I hated him so much, obviously. I mean, obviously, I loved him in American Horror Story, though. There was a moment I nearly texted you on site, as you mentioned, to yell at you, because I thought it was going to end one way. And luckily, things Oh, did you think she was going to die when she was drowning? We're trying not to spoil it. That's just so vague. Did you think that she was gonna die when she was drowning? That's just like that. You can't spoil it for everybody though who hasn't seen it. Well, she could have died ten minutes later doing something else. They don't know that. They haven't seen it. They'll just have to watch it. Yes, Colleen. Yes, I did. Uh, no, I, come on. You know better than that. And I was like, if she made me watch this fucking movie. No. Anyway. Of course not. Continue. Woman of the Hour. Did you at least like that one? Of course I watched Woman of the Hour. I watched it directly after the Menendez Brothers, which I don't recommend back to back to back. No, you probably, because you're like like that, you'd be like down in the dumps. Yeah, I was like, oh, I gotta watch Dairy Girls. Like, I gotta watch some great British bake off now. And so, it just made me sick to my stomach. I was just sick to my stomach the whole time. But I thought Anna Kendrick directed it. I thought she was amazing. The fact that it's a true story is wild and how on the show he just seems so normal and nice. They always do. And they always, the part in the parking lot where he tells her to say her number is like, it's every woman's worst nightmare. It's every woman's worst nightmare. And there's a part too, like in each of their stories, and I'm absolutely not victiming blaming here, they know something is off. And they're, they're just either being polite or they're like, Oh, well, he seems a nice guy up to this point. Like, even the benefit of the doubt, like we were trained to just be polite. Yeah. That's where their phrase fuck politeness came from. And it's just like, you don't actually owe niceness to anyone. You don't have to be nice, but they're trained to do that and they just shake it off and then it ends horribly. But that girl who's like, Hey, things got crazy. Do you want to go back? I'm like, imagine. Imagine! No. It's so scary! Like, she should have been, like, she just woke up and was like, that was wild. That was, last night got wild. Do you want to go home now? And he's like looking at her and she's just like, everything's fine. But sure, get me out of this desert and take me home. But sure, let's stop at this gas station. I have to pee. Or he has to pee. Anyway, I did really like it, I just watched it at a tough, you know what I mean? I hear you. Do you want to talk about, what was that show we called, uh, we watched about A Wrinkle in Time? What's it called? Sorry? The one we watched on your couch. A Wrinkle in Time? Is a movie with like, Reese Witherspoon and what? What is it called? The show with the woman that was frauding everybody on Reese Anatomy. Anatomy of Lies. Where did I get a wrinkle in time? I have no idea. That's a wild transition. And the fact that you were annoyed, I didn't know what that meant. Anatomy of Lies, Wrinkle in Time. They rhyme. Live your life. Lies and time don't rhyme. Times! Times! Times! Fucking dies! Anyway, it's so crazy. It's one of those shows that now I keep thinking about it like once a week i'll be like that was fucking crazy It really stuck with me that woman is so mentally unwell in that poor mom Has she not been through enough? Finch, can you go fuck off somewhere else? It's always the people that are most vulnerable. I did watch The Love Is Blind reunion finally. Okay, I don't watch Love is Blind, so I don't know. I know, but I just want to tell the listeners because last episode I was like ripping it to shreds because there was no one to root for. I am in fact happy for the couples. There are two couples that like quote unquote made it. I am happy for them, but good lord. There was some redemption, but just like do better. Do better. And they're already a new season coming out, like they're churning these motherfuckers out. Yeah, no. It's crazy. It's not the vibe for me. It's not the vibe. No. Anyway. No. Just, just no. People are fuckin weird, man. What did you actually do over the weekend? I didn't even ask you that. Oh. I had fun. Okay. And. I. Wait, we have two weekends to cover. Oh shit. What did you do the weekend before that? It was Halloween. No we didn't. Yes we did. Are you sure? I'm positive. Cause we do bi weekly now. We do. What did I do for Halloween? Wow, apparently I put my batty brain on today. Yeah, I left it on Mars. What did I do? I don't remember what I did for Halloween to be honest. I'm pretty sure I kept it very low key. I can't remember anything right now. I don't remember where your location was. Oh, cool. I don't remember. You weren't stalking me that night? You had better things to do? No, I just, I know I noticed. I probably took note of it and then I forgot. Okay, great. Then, this weekend that just passed, what did I do? I went to a barbecue on Saturday with a bunch of my friends and it was super fun and everyone brought babies and I am down with a baby bjorn. That, strap that little baby on to me. And let's walk around this party. You can walk around and it's the one where they face out. They can face in and like sleep if they want, but they can face out. So her little arms were out my My really good friends just had a baby. Her name is Dua. She is the most beautiful child I've ever seen. And she showed up in this, like, little pink sherpa. Pop off, Dua. And they were like, Bridget, do you want to use the Baby Bjorn? And I was like, yeah, I do. And so they popped her in the front, hands free, both of us. I was walking around the party with a, with a drink in my hand, saying hi to everyone. Dua just hanging out with me. Did that make you feel anything? I was Like what maternally no, okay. I love being a not truly. Okay. I have always loved babies and have been good But it doesn't make me like want to be a mom. No. Yeah, I was like No, I mean it what it melted my heart. Okay, but kicking it over is a stretch. Okay, and then I was like Like booty bumping with her she was great. She's the cutest but it's so funny barbecues now are like Babies and dogs and everyone has a home and talks about like, I don't know, redesigning their kitchens and I'm over in the corner like I actually watched my friend in a conversation the other day and I Watched from afar and then afterwards I said what what were you just talking about? Like what could this group of people possibly talking about and she was like the fucking economy. It was terrible Like what what how when did we get here? How did we get here? Like, if someone came up to me and started talking about the economy, I would start drooling. And probably saying the R father in Spanish. And then I'd run away. Like, what? In this economy? In this economy. Sorry, I just screeched. Anyway, that's okay. I'll adjust your volumes. Thanks. Then I went to Erin's. Went and saw the kiddos. Hung out with them all day. They're the friggin best. That's cute. And here we are. I did something else, too. Oh, and I had a Chinese food night for, actually Friday, I had a Chinese food night with Jessie and Oren. We just ordered a bunch of Chinese food and watched like British shows and just gabbed and yapped because Jessie's about to give birth in three weeks. So she just was like, I want to lay. And so that's what we did. We laid. As she should. As she should. I'm like, I'm coming to you. We're ordering food. We're not going anywhere. We actually have been going on walks recently. It's great. At the reservoir down the street. So nice. That's when you know you're old. I actually said that to her the other day. We were on one of our walks and the foliage was absolutely stunning. Like it was a red tree and an orange tree. Like it was. Okay. First of all, stop saying that with disgust. The foliage is foliage ing and you're rude and you're fucking rude. Okay. And so like, what did you do with your picture? How dare you? Did you post it? Second of all, I didn't take a fucking picture. So get your Gen Z ass out of my face, and if I want to take a picture of foliage Colleen, I will do it without judgment. And show it to who? Sorry. Sorry, you're better than foliage. You think you're better? You think you're better than Boston, New England, Fall, Quintessential, October, November, Foliage? Medford Foliage? A little bit. How? First of all Sorry, we were First of all, I hate you. Second of all, there's battery acid running through your veins. And you should be ashamed of yourself. That's so true, dude. Anyway. Anyway. I was saying that you know you're old because you start talking about the foliage like you're on a walk Because it's warm that day and you meet up and then you walk around you go. Oh my gosh Look at how beautiful this foliage is. That's when you know, I didn't take a photo Colleen But now now I'm going to on purpose because you're a bitch. Anyway, what were you saying? That's like my equivalent to like If you're just gonna take a picture of a random tree and, like, post it, like, cool, great. But, like, the the weekly, if not monthly, baby posts. I know we've talked about this before, but I just need to bring it up again. And it's, like, them laying on a mat. And, like, the moms Dead dead behind the eyes. Even asleep, I don't fucking know. Cross eyed. And it's, like, it loves, uh, speaking and walking and, like, fucking, like I'm sorry, and it's like on the clock and it's like on the three because they're three months old. Yeah, of course. Please tell me he's like 36 months old. Keep doing it. Colleen. Sorry. I don't like it. That's such a hater. I just don't like when people do that. Like, I'm here to see your baby. Like, that's cool. Not every month on the dot and then someone had the audacity the other day to be like, Sorry, we're a few minutes late. We've been, I mean, a few days late. We've been super busy or like this one's been busy and on the go. It can't walk. She is booked and busy with playtime. She can't make her own appointments. What do you mean? Who's calling her? She doesn't have a cell phone. I just said it. You do this all the time, by the way. Do I? You didn't know I can't wait till listeners hear this. I can't I this is a perfect example I keep calling Brianna's baby in it to Colleen. Yeah, you do this all the time every time we're talking about children You're like, what did it do? You were just talking about in our last episode how you might want children And only referred to children as it You don't remember that Ever calling a child in it. I mean, yeah, I just had a call brianna's baby. Yeah, but pre pre pregnancy. Yeah, that's true It hasn't been birthed yet. It's just like a bean in there or something. I don't know You have to be the day. I'm like, what is it? And she's like it's a kumquat today What the fuck does that mean? Yeah, they have an app nowadays and you can go on and see what size Like, I don't want to know if some shit's growing a leg. Like, I don't want to know that. Yeah, it's called the miracle of life, Colleen. It's not a fucking miracle. Read a book. Grow up. They're all lying to us. What? The government. It goes all the way to the top. We are so unhinged today. I really needed this, though. I was so anxious earlier, I almost puked three times. Can I please tell you about my Halloween experience? Fine! God, why are you yelling at me? I don't know. Fuck! I don't know, but it feels fucking good. Just kidding. Halloween. Dobby slayed the day away. It was stunning, Colleen. Thank you. It was, I'm so proud to know you after seeing that costume. Really? No. People were trying to rip my ears off. It was like some shit. Back the fuck up. That's Dobby assault. There was another Dobby at the party. Okay, well that's Colleen, honey. It's been around for fuckin 30 years. No, not in my house. Nope. You don't think you would ever see another Dobby for the rest of the night? Respectfully, another Dobby? No! In like a, in, in selfie where like people are wearing their clits out? Like no, why would I see another goddamn Dobby? Everyone's bedazzling Clidia for the night? Also, mind you, it was the, uh, Weekend before Halloween, so it was like the 26th, the 27th, whatever, which I'm, I'm down for Halloween before Halloween, not after, and like, it's just like, sorry, like, why are we doing, it's like November 3rd. Okay, let's wear costumes. No, we're not doing that. Okay. We're gonna do it. Oh, okay. I heard you. I'm not arguing with you. But I actually, the person that I saw, he just had the mask on, but let me tell you, I cut the ears and the nose off my mask and I glued it to my face, so who's the real winner here? Obviously you. Obviously. It's no contest. Obviously. You committed and he didn't. My You half assed it. Oh, what I was gonna say was we, my, a friend of mine rented out Tom English's in South Dakota. It's like a cash bar divy. Yes. That's fun. Yeah, but we had like a section of it and like other people weren't celebrating Halloween. So I was just Dobby surrounded by actual attractive men, not in costume. Oh, like again, did you attract the right person though? Because you didn't attract any of them. They were horrified. It was like eyes. Okay, then they all were trash. But also you don't think that's funny. I was trying to like run to the bathroom at the back of the bar and all you would see would be like my head and I would dart. Oh my God. Good Lord. And I was going outside to like, obviously like smoke a drunk cig as Dobby, which is just hilarious and I would go around the corner and I would be like, I'm just gonna pee out here because it was just like convenient. Yeah. I had little slip on. Oh, I saw that. And they, I peed in my shoes like multiple times. It's, we literally can't post it on Instagram or we'll both get yelled at. No, I don't think so. There's nothing revealing in it. It's very personal. You can't lie. Like, you can't hide what you're doing, though. Okay, yeah, that's true. And it's in a public place, which I think is illegal. That's true, so And we don't like toallegedly. Yeah. So this all allegedly happened. Pish posh. My dress, thoughcomfiest dress I've ever worn. My potato sack. Mmm. Could've worn that everywhere. Need to tell you about the Oh, Fiona was Lord Voldemort, also. The poor girl, she has the most sensitive skin. She had, like, ripped a layer of her skin off. No! I was going to town on that. No! So much glue. And then we also, of course, we had a Hagrid, we had a Lord Voldemort, and then we had a Harry Potter. Somehow Olivia looked the worst as Harry Potter. Not sure how that happened, but. And I had ears glued to my head. Also was deaf with those on my ears. Could not hear. It was so funny though, all of you. Couldn't hear anything. You can't hear anything on a good day. And we didn't tell anybody either. So like arriving, everyone's like, I'm confused. Cause we have like, we have a Dorothy. We have a chef's kiss costume. We have you know, Sandy and Danny. And we have, Hoggy's Hoes. Hoggy's Hoes. Hoggy's Hoes. So we decided to leave, myself, uh, Harry, and Lord, Lord Voldemort. We decided to leave to go to my friend's house, because he was having a Halloween party, and he had texted me prior in the night and was like, oh, why don't you come by? And I was like, so no, because I, I don't know any of these people, and I can't come through as Dobby. But obviously, after a lot of tequila, I'm like, yeah, I'll be right there! I am unwell at this point in time because the party started at 6. Naturally. So, like, by midnight, she is And also, like, wanted some Lights are on, no one's home. Needed some liquid car No, not even that bad. Like, I just, like, I don't get, like, legless or anything. Like, I just am, like, wow, you know? Oh, I know. I am fully aware. I Was obviously overcompensating at the beginning too, because like, I need some confidence to be wearing a potato sack, like, come on now. Yeah, we gotta take a few shots So we're taking a few shots. So I was, probably should have gone home. we begin our venture. the theory is, that I stopped to pee, and I think I left my shorts there. Cause I had shorts on underneath my dress. Okay. Because You were bottomless? I believe so. You poo baired it? Apparently. And I lost You poo baired it? I lost, I lost I lost my equilibrium. And I don't usually do that. That's a tough thing to do after you lose your underwear? Or your shorts? Oh, you think this is bad? It gets worse. So I, I fall, ignore the shorts comment. I'm just adding that into the mix. That'll come back later. Got it. But I do fall over. And I have to be helped up. And I passed where I fell on my walk on Sunday. And it's fully slanted. I'm like, you guys made fun of me for falling as if I'm some, like, heathen. That was cruel. It was a full, like slanted Hill. And I lost my, I look at what I had on for footwear, like. And there was pee in there, I was sliding around, like, it was my Oh, Colleen. My equilibrium was off. Thank god you're obsessed with showering when you get home from places. Because the amount of times you take off your shoes and piss in public, you're a heathen. You're a fucking heathen. You're too old for this. I agree. Completely fucking agree. Talk to my anxiety that I have, I'd say. I really don't do it that often, okay guys? So we get to where we need to go. My friend lives above the Taco Bell in Southie. So, we Or in Taco Bell. I didn't listen. This is where I've lost it. I don't really know. But we're in Taco Bell. And Fiona, obviously people are staring. Hello. I mean, I would assume. Because no one is dressed in costumes. Correct. Except for us. Because it's the, quote unquote, weekend before. So we are Dobby and Lord Voldemort fully ordering in Taco Bell. I must have, I couldn't figure out how my friend knew I was downstairs because all of a sudden he just appeared. And I rechecked my text and I was like, we are at tacos, laying sleep, like absolute nonsense, which I haven't done since high school. Like who texts like that when they're drunk? Just put the phone away. And so all of a sudden he appears out of nowhere. And and they were eating their Taco Bell in the corner and I'm like, wow, as Dobby. It was just like, not a good time. All you can hear is the Taco Bell going, Order for Lord V! And then she just gets in and she's like, Yep, yep. And she's still in full cosplay. Full costume. And apparently I flashed my whole Poussoir to the entirety of Taco Bell. What do you mean? I don't know. My friend, my guy friend was like, Jesus, you showed everyone your taco! Dobby whipped out the Poussoir. Like fully. What do you mean? I don't know. I don't know the context in which I did it, but I was told I unveiled her. What do you mean you don't know the context? But my whole thing was, oh no I didn't, I had shorts on. Oh, no you didn't. So I must have left them somewhere. Kind of upset. What type of underwear did you have on? None. That's the point. So when I unveiled the potato sack, I unveiled the Poussois too. Lydia! Yeah, and I went right upstairs. Go to bed, Lydia. And like, And then I, I did go to bed. God bless Fiona. I was screaming at her from McDonald's and tried calling a man and she's like, you are dressed as Dobby. He is not coming here. You cannot have this man come here when you look like this. He's like one of my friends I've, for like a decade. It's really not that weird, but. I know, but of all the times to get confidence. Well, I do it all the time, to be honest. He does it to me too, but I just, we were giggling. Cause he's like, no, like I'm not, I was like, it's okay. You know, Fiona's like, you're dressed as, as Dobby. It's for the greater good. I don't think it's, this is going to fly. Yeah, I was just laying there waiting for McDonald's and she's like taking my makeup off. Do you want to know what I do? Wait, you went to Taco Bell and McDonald's? I don't need to, I don't eat Taco Bell. So you had to make two stops? No, we ordered it. Oh, okay. I was like, please, please don't tell me you left. I think they got a taco. I don't know. So you went to Taco Bell and didn't eat Taco Bell? I have really no, very low recollection from Taco Bell. And I'm not a black router. I blacked, I browned out. Browned. It sounds a little black. No, it's a black ish. No, because I remember Matt coming down and being like, Come on, let's go upstairs. And then me being like, Lord, V, you know? I don't know. Whatever. Not the point. That was my only Halloween that I had to, that's the only thing I had to share. I did see a thing the other day though that like, I'm going to send it to you, but it really made me feel like, you know. Some type of way? Yeah, like I saw a thing that said a blessing as big as your back is on its way. Oh. So what do we think that? I think we are in for, for a treat. Okay. I think that's the only thing I can mean. What kind of treat? That I don't know. Okay. Maybe we can manifest that. Okay. That's fine. Cool. Okay. Okay, one show I did watch that I loved, Agatha Allalong, Katherine Hahn, Aubrey Plaza, Patti LuPone, the icon that is Patti LuPone, I don't care if you don't watch Marvel, you don't have to. It makes more sense if you watch it. It is so good. It is so good. The cast is absolutely incredible. Cannot recommend it enough. Disney plus. Shout out. Amen. We're winding down to the end of Dancing with the Stars. How are we feeling? I haven't watched it in like two weeks. I'm behind. Oh. I will say, Miss, Miss Girl, she's won me over. Who's Miss Girl? Alona. Alona Mar. You like her now? Okay, good. I'm very, very happy to hear that. Big fan now. She's amazing. Her and Ellen. I never wanted to stop. I love her humor. So I'll say that's probably one of the very few times that I've said something and said it's a hill I'll die on and then retracted and said hill. I'm glad that's the one you, you picked. I didn't say that was a hill though, but I did, I did feel strongly. You were, you kind of doubled down. So I'm glad you're retracting your statement. I can't make my wrongs. Okay everybody, are we ready for the topic of the week? Yeah. It's one that Colleen picked, so you know it's gonna be weird. Anyone wanna guess? No? No guesses? No guesses? It's fucking reincarnation, because Colleen is unhinged. It's just something that's kind of piqued my interest for a while, okay? It's a hyper fixation. Oh, can I tell you what my new hyper fixation is to make for lunch? Yeah. So you know how I love a rotisse chick, right? I go to Wegmans, my RC purse. Do you ever put them in the fridge or they got to be fresh RC? So I eat immediately when it comes home. I go around lunch or dinner time so I can eat it for dinner. And then I take all the rest of it off while it's hot and put it in the fridge and save the rest of it for later. But I deconstruct when I get home. I don't go, I don't leave it. in its full form. Does that make sense? Yes. So I get a rotisse chick, I eat the parts, and then I put all the rest in the fridge. I then chop it up, okay? Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop. Then I take a red onion and I chop, chop, chop, chop, chop. And then I take some lettuce and then I take some tomato and then I take some avocado and bacon and mayo and I make a chicken salad extravaganza and I put it in a wrap. And I eat it for lunch. Gorgeous. Is that not the most gorgeous thing you've ever heard? She does sound stunning. So I get four meals out of one rotisserie chicken. Every single one of them makes me out of this world happy. Say less. Actually, it might be more than four. That thing lasts me a while. I mean, I could fuckin eat a whole one. Oh, I, oh, that back in my day. Back in my day? You want to talk about wide backs? Your girl loved an RC right over the sink. Throw it over your shoulder. Elbow deep. Elbow deep in this RC. I mean. This bag. There's no other way to do it. I used to open the bag, so this is, I have a problem. It's okay to admit, it's a safe place here. It's okay. I sound like a fiend. I open the bag sometimes when I get home so the steam comes up so I can eat it faster. That's normal. Is that normal? Yes, that's fucking normal. I do that with all food. It made me really sad the other night though, I made a pizza and I couldn't eat it fast because it was too hot. That's so fucking annoying. I'm like, I'm so hungry. Do you want to know what I do? Sometimes. What do you put in the fridge? I put my Annie's in the fridge all the time. That's what Erin does for Danny, my five year old nephew. Because when it comes out it's too hot. He wants it. I like when it hardens a little bit though. It's just like the perfect texture. It congeals. For my, my acoustic ness. Oh my goodness gracious. So before we get into reincarnation, I must ask you, do you actually believe in it? Yeah, oh my god, yeah. Of course. You do? Yeah, do you? I don't know. Well, maybe my story will make you feel otherwise. I mean, mine really shook my shit up. Yeah, mine. Like, you picked this and I kinda eye rolled. I Shook my shit up. Puh lease. But you know what I mean? You pick very niche. Yeah, things that like are And I'm like, okay, Colleen. Because it's just like, could it be real? Yeah, you like the mystery of it all. Yeah, and you hate unsolved anything. That's correct. Do Uh, who were you in your last life? What were you doing? What type of thing were you in your past life? was? Donkey from Shrek? Shrek? Oh my god, she said this thing the other day that was like, I'm trying to be mysterious, but this is my personality. And it was a picture of Donkey and Sid the Sloth next to each other. It was so funny. It was so funny. I don't know. Honestly. A cigarette. Probably. No, you mean a person? like. Do you mean, do you want me to pick someone we all know? Do you want me to pick just like a random, what do you want me to pick? It could be a person we all know or like a type of person. Like, I see myself on the corner with a cigarette for sure. I could see you as a past prohibition bootlegger Like you you no, do you know what I mean? Don't ask me what I think of you. I don't know No, but do you know what I mean? Like you are making it on the dl and you knew all the people and you like knew who to sell it to Okay, why my brain went that far back in time? I'm not sure but that but I do like that that time Because I was thinking mafia I was thinking and I was like, oh my god What if it was like 1920s flappers with her cigs? I love the wand. And she knows all of the, the Tommy Shelbys, if you will, if you watch Peaky Blinders, that type of person. I love that Halloween costume also, Peaky Blinders. I love Peaky Blinders costume, not Flounder. Oh my god. Not Flounder. Okay, well first of all, the scally caps. Second of all, the suspenders. I would fuck any man in a scally cap, I think. Just the way the suit with the pocket watch, it's all just hot. Like there's just no other, there's no other thing. I will say, I want time. With my girlfriends we went to London and we were there for New Year's Eve and we went to a 1920s like Great Gatsby party in London and it was so fucking cool and I was dressed as a flapper and it was a 10 Well that's acceptable. Yeah. Like, as a costume, I really enjoyed it for the evening. Were you like a, if you were a flapper back in the day, does that just mean you were a whore? Like, is that like a whore fit? No, I think it was a style. Oh, okay. I also think it was a dancer, maybe? Oh, I don't know. I actually don't know. Let me look it up. Cause we learn things on this pod, you know? Yeah, we're an educational podcast. You guys may not know this. Oh, I love it. Flapper was giving Heartlight to me. You know? No flapper was giving batty. A flapper was a young woman in the 1920s who challenged social norms with her behavior and clothing. Oh, okay. Flappers had short bob, hair wore short skirts, and often sported fringed dresses. They wore high heels, bras, and laundry instead of corsets and flappers, often accessorized with peacock feathers. Okay, they also drank, they smoked, they danced the Charleston, they were sassy, they were liberated. They are the baddies of the 20s. Okay, good to know. Noted. Oh my god, we just went on a tangent. What the fuck were we just talking about? Oh, what I would be. I don't know. In your last life? Yeah, I don't know. You would have been like the first drag queen on the planet. I was literally just going to say a drag queen. Yeah, 100%. You would have been like the Yeah. Reigning the parade for drag queens. Yeah. Whenever that was. That makes sense. Whenever that was. Like, hosting the first type of drag show. Yeah. Yeah. You were the OG of the drag brunch. Yeah, I feel really good about that. I feel really strongly that that is accurate. Good. Great. Moving on. Cool. Do you want to tell your story first or do you want me to go first? I have one. I'll tell mine. Okay, go for it. Because I, I need to set the record straight here. Because this is real. Oh, wow. This is legit. Oh, you're going to take this way too far, aren't you? No, I promise I won't. Here we go. Okay, I'm going to tell you a story about a little lad, okay? His name's James, in case you want to know. And I did read instead of watch things this time. Okay, what article did you read? That's the other part we have to do. Because Miss Girl told me I needed to read a book the other day. And you know what? I did. And I read a study, a whole ass case study. Long one. Big one. It was in a document. Really long. Lots of pages. It was called The Case of James Leininger, an American case of reincarnation type by a doctor named Jim B. Tucker, okay? Very impressive. And he spent a lot of time with this lad and wrote a whole case study on it, okay? Very impressive, Colleen. And then I read another little wanky little article called Parents Think Boy Is Reincarnated Pilot by ABC News. No specific author. Oh, those ones are crazy. My favorite murder, and I think Morbitt has done a bunch of those. We're like little kids. They're like, oh, yeah. Oh, we're gonna get there. It's just insane. Like it's crazy It just comes out of their mouth and their parents are like what? Especially about a pretty complex topic like not I drove a truck and I was a firefighter Like I was a pilot during this time With this type of play during X war like that's fucking crazy My child said that to me. Well, we will get into it, but he's out return to sender Something's not right. Okay, so I'm gonna tell you the tale about our little boy James James Linninger He's the son of Bruce and Andrea and they're a Protestant couple from Louisiana. Totally normal family. They're an average couple Totally, like, run of the mill, whatever. They even go as far to say that they are probably the least likely to have a scenario like this pop up in their lives. Do you know what? Every small town, it's like, Nothing like that ever happens to us. Nothing would ever happen here. And then there's like a murder of a family of five. Oh, Jesus, I know, I know. Or it's like a subject of a serial killing. But we're safe here, we leave our doors unlocked. Me and you both. Yeah, it's upsetting. Sorry, I'm just saying it's always, it's always the case. I know, I know. It's also like another thing when something happens to somebody, it's like they were the shining light and they were the nice, they lit up a room. It's like, no, they didn't. Don't say that about me. Alright, I sucked. What do you want us to say about you? I sucked the positivity in the room. A hater to her core. Put it on your tombstone. Okay. I don't want any of that shit. Come on. Anyway, something's gonna happen to me because. You're a cockroach. There are just some people who like You know when there's people who at least deserve it and they live until the end of days? Sure do. There she is. Stop. Don't say that. And it's like, oh, I don't want to make it till 30, I'm going to make it to 102. I just fucking got it. And I'm like, I'd love to be 102 and I'm going to die at 50. I'm like chainsawing cigarettes and people are like, how is she still alive? It's like you and me both. I've actively tried to make sure this didn't happen and somehow I'm still aging. Anywho, back to James and his family. He, the star of the show today is our little boy James. He was born on April 10th, 1998. He is a sweet baby angel child as seen here, okay? Oh, he's very cute. He's wearing a Buzz Lightyear shirt and he's in a little plane. Yeah, he's so cute. He'd be loving the planes. He's immediately loving the planes. Yeah. So, his parents, uh, let us know that the first notable incident that he had was back in 2000 when he was 22 months old. So that's like not even two. Also, can you stop using the months? I don't want to do math. So yeah, I think any time over, I would say normally a year, but some people go into two. Some people do three. It's like, stop. Your child's three. What are you doing? Your child's three. Yeah, knock it off. Touch some grass. So he's less than two years old at this current point in time. Keep that in mind. His dad takes him to the Kavanaugh Flight Museum. It's right outside of Dallas because they were living in Texas at the time. And he was always fascinated by planes anyways. Like, every little kid is with their little knick knacks. Like, doing like, Whoa! And like, throwing things. And like, just kid things. I don't know. You know, they're putting them in their mouth and then like, throwing them. You know, it things. Little things that it's do. Little kid tings. Little grubby things. I don't know. I'll shut up. But on this day in particular at this museum, he was sliving for the World War. Sliving for the World War II exhibit. I couldn't tell you when World War II was. I couldn't tell you. Stop. Colleen. I couldn't tell you who was in the front. Please make it stop make please convey please I can't I don't have the strength today This is relatable because it's like how does he know these things that he's about to say and I I as a 27 year old You're not the you're not the gauge. You're not where we're starting I think if you ask most of the people my age and be like, oh really who sir? I mean it's who served who were the active parties in World War two. I don't think they'd be able to answer that either Catholic school Did you So dirty. Who was slang? World War ii. We literally learned about it for almost a whole year. All I know is is ancient Egypt, Sarco kisses. As far as hieroglyphics history goes, that's all you know. Yeah. Also, futon common. Tell all about him. Ramses? Okay, so last episode, I cut it out because I was talking about Ramses on Love is Blind and in the middle of my sentence, Colleen goes, Egyptian. And I was like, Okay, Ancient Egypt. No, you said Egyptian. And I said, you're being racist. And you were like, no, that's a pharaoh. Or you said some shit. I did, and then you were like, where does your brain go? I'm like, how did we get here? I don't know. Yeah, I cut it out because I thought you were going to get us canceled. It ended up being really funny, and I kind of wish I kept it. It was unintentional. Anyway, off on the 45th tangent of the episode. He is slipping at the World War II exhibit, in case you forgot. Imagine caring about World War Two at the age of two. Can you even talk at two? No! Uh, yeah, yeah, some, some kids can, yeah. Like how old is Claire? But not, Claire's two. Okay. But some, some are super early developed, some wait till later, like some people don't talk till three or four now. So just like think about Claire saying this shit, okay? No, that's fucking crazy to me. I mean Danny, I don't know, Danny was talking in full dinosaurs at a year and a half. Yeah, dinosaurs, not World War II regimen. Yeah, that's true. That's incredibly niche. It's a niche market. We'll get into it. Okay, great. Uh, when they left after three hours, because he literally wouldn't let the dad leave. He was like, no, I'm, I'm dialed in. And so his dad buys him, like, some toy planes, and we're like, we gotta get the fuck outta here. And so he leaves, like, happy as a clam, nothing weird. And then two months after that trip, he starts saying things a little out of whack, like, airplane crash on fire! And then slamming his toy planes! Oh my god! Yeah. Nose first into the family. He's like, brr, brr, brr, brr. No, he did it so avidly that there was tons of scratches and dents on all the tables. Oh my god, he's literally reenacting Talk about hyperfixation. A theater major, maybe? I'd be like, you break it, you buy it, bitch. Reenacting war. Yeah. On the tables. Yeah, what? What are we doing here? Damn. It's coming out of your college fund, kid. So he repeats this ridiculous behavior over and over again and it just doesn't end. And so, James's father traveled a lot and when James and his mother would see him off at the airport, James would say weird things like, Daddy, airplane crash on fire, and he would just repeat it over and over again and they just kind of were like, shut the fuck up. Knock it off. Also around this time. He has really ridiculous nightmares. He, I mean as kids do, kids just like have nightmares. But he would do screams at first and then after a while it would be like airplane crash on fire little man Can't get out like really out of pocket statements. What the fuck? What the fuck is happening? Little man can't get out. Little man can't get out. Get out of where? Jeez Louise. There's someone in the well? What the fuck? I don't know. I'm high and that wasn't even funny. It's not funny, that's why I'm laughing. I'm like where did that just come from? Then one day while he's playing James just nonchalantly states Mama, before I was born I was a pilot and my airplane got shot and the engine crashed in the water and that's how I died. You know. I mean, I think you might have been closer to three at this point, but like, either way, two to three, it's fucking crazy. It's way too young. So mom's like, oh, okay. And then another time his mom said that she bought him a home a toy plane and he pointed out what had like, was like a bomb or something on the other side of it. And she says that James fully corrects her when she's like, oh yeah, a bomb. Cool. Like, it's fine. Yeah. All right. Bye. And he goes, no, it's a drop tank. Oh. And she said, I have never heard of a drop tank before. I didn't even know what a drop tank was. What the fuck is a drop tank? It's like when, in World War II, they were dropping, it's called a drop tank on the bottom of the plane. So she's like, oh, and he's, he's like, no, it's a drop tank. Duh, mom, read a book. Duh. Call your boy cousin, idiot. So after a little while of all these weird dreams and these weird ass hyperfixations, James, like, comes up with this understanding and he just, he tells his parents this, okay? He said, oh my, my plane crashed on fire and that's, and it had been shot by the Japanese. Oh. Just like, was like, oh, I just want to let you know. I mean, okay, fair enough. That the Japanese shot my plane. Like, just said that casually. And then two weeks after that, he tells his parents that his plane was a Corsair, which was, in fact, a fighter plane that was developed during World War II, and he talked about flying a Corsair way too many times to be normal. Okay. Like, I would be so fucking scared if that was my child. Yeah, that's fucking terrifying. It's so specific and insane. It's not something he was taught. He doesn't, like, he watches fucking, probably Barney or something. Like, I don't know what they were watching back then. Not World War II documentaries. Barney is not on. He's not alive during World War II. He was born in 1998. No, no, no, I'm sorry, you're right. He was my age. Oh my god. Yeah. That's a weird thing to think about. Imagine I was out in the valley talking about like the renaissance. Britney Spears is on in the background and you're like, Do you know that I shot down Do you know what I mean? I'm like, I was in that tower. TRL. Too soon. Wouldn't that be fucked? Too soon, Colleen. I'm just kidding. I would have been four. I would have at least been a little bit knowledgeable. But World War II at age two is crazy. World War II at age two is crazy. But me bringing up 9 11 at age four is not that crazy. That's true. That's what I'm trying to say. That's true. Anyways, I'd return that child to sender. That's, something's not right. And I get that you could like have high intelligence, or like a really high IQ at like a young age, or like. Yes, true. But it's simply a no. And also I know that whatever I'm birthing with my genetics and my, it's just, that's not what's coming out of me. That's just not. You don't think? No. What if you had a wonderful donor? I don't know. I think the genes are too strong. You can attest to that. The genes are way too strong for us. The genes are way too strong. We can't get rid of them. Can't. Well, you know how like after a while, like if you start like procreating with, like you're mixing it up a little bit and like that part of your gene should become smaller and smaller over generations? No. Why hasn't it? Why hasn't it? Because the other person keeps marrying idiots as well. Okay. With drinking problems and Alzheimer's. Oh, I guess I'm doing that. And diabetes. Not the beatist. The wide backs and the low ass cracks. Oh my Actually, my ass crack is normal. I want the listeners to know. I don't think I've ever seen your ass crack. Why would you have, Colleen? I don't know. Not everyone just is naked all of the time. Girls see girls ass cracks. Girl. I have not seen an ass crack outside of yours that belonged to a female in a very long time. I've been a tanner before. You're a nu outside of you. You're naked in my house at least once a week. That's fair. Whatever. Noted. Noted. No one else is a nudist, Colleen. That's just you. What, people get married and then they don't show their friends their body parts anymore? It's just not a thing. It's never been a thing. You're the weird one here. I want to be very clear so they're like, okay This man's talking about Corsairs, like, he's just not well. So, Andrea, his mom, says that her mom, so, James grandmother, was actually the first person to suggest that he was remembering a past life. If my, if my mother said that to me, I'd be like, I don't think so. No, crazy. So Andrea obviously was like, fuck no. But, Like I said, James is only watching, like, kid shows, and they weren't watching, like, regular World War II documentaries. Like, they weren't watching the History Channel. They weren't talking about military history at the fuckin dinner table. Like, there's simply no way he would have learned this information in preschool when he's, like, playing with, like, blocks. Like, I don't know. I mean, yeah. Again, it's very niche. So, then James's nightmares get a lot worse. And so they're basically happening every single night now, and they're like, What the fuck can we do about this? So, Andrea's mother, who is obviously, like, with the times, clearly, uh, suggested that Andrea and the dad take him to a therapist. Her name is Carol Bowman. She believes that the dead can sometimes be reborn. She wrote a bunch of books on it. She's like iconic. She's like the number one person for this. Okay. So they get some guidance from Carol. She's like, oh, yeah, definitely T here. T's going on. And they kind of encourage them like, oh, like have him share his memories rather than just ignoring them and kind of like getting freaked out by them. So when he starts making those comments, like ask him more about it so that way he can kind of like get it out of his system. And immediately Andrea says that they do this and the nightmares start to become less frequent. So it works. Okay, that's good. And so with that, James becomes more articulate about his past. Like, what? What is he saying now? One day, he told his parents that he had flown his plane off a boat. Oh my god! And when his parents asked him to name the boat, he just says, Oh, Natoma. After that conversation, his dad's like, Okay, well, I'm just gonna look into this. Like, I'm just curious. Where is my son getting these words? Yeah. So he searched online, and he discovers that there was a boat called the USS Natoma Bay, and it was stationed in the Pacific during World War II. This is crazy. This is crazy! This is crazy! His parents kind of like, they ask him, you know, a number of times, like, what's the name of the little man you keep talking about in your dreams? And he always responds with only me or James. Like that's it, but also his name is James. So I don't know. A few weeks after James gave the word to Toma, his parents asked him if he could remember anybody else that was with him or around the little man. And he just, he looks at them and says, Oh yeah, Jack Larson. my god! So specific. I know, and then just proceeded on. Yeah, and that's the thing, kids will just drop that, like pull the pin on the grenade and just walk away. And you're like, what? You just hit us with like actual history. Yeah, what? And then he follows up and he says, Oh, Jack flew off one day and he never returned, so no one knows what happened to him. So he's not like talking about himself, he's like talking about somebody else. Okay, thanks James. So it's a little weird, okay? Very weird. In addition to the babbling, he also starts Drawing. Okay? That was so Boston of you. Drawing. Drawing. How did I say it? We say it with an extra R, ironically, because we take the R's out of other words. Drawing. Drawing. Drawing? Drawing. I don't know. Drawing. He expresses his memories in drawings. Now I feel weird. Okay. No, please continue. And he starts obsessively drawing these absurd battles, aerial battles, naval battles, if you will. And it's And it's Specifically, between the Americans and the Chinese, I mean the Chinese, and the Japanese. The Japanese. In which all the planes are burning and crashing, there's bullets, there's bombs, it's like not normal behavior at all. And on top of that, they're so legitimate that they're propellers in the front and not jets or missiles, which is specific to World War II. And also, he named the American aircraft correctly, he called them like Wildcats and Corsairs, which is like a World War II term, I wouldn't fucking know that. And what did he just hear at this point? Two. He's fucking two. Two and a half. And then he referred to the Japanese planes as Zeke's Arbetty's, which is the exact two terms that they used for them back in the day. And he's two. Cause the girl's name, I think that the boy's name, I don't fucking know. So it's, the whole point is that it's legitimate. Yes. It's accurate. So a two year old is spewing this shit out. Do you want to see a picture of his drawing? Yes. Oh my god, you have it. Yeah. Oh. Sir. Oh my god! Oh, we have to post that so people can see it. Also important to note that he signs all of his He's two? Yeah, he's two. This is how I know, because he keeps signing them all, uh, that says James three on them, and then when his parents ask him about it, because he's two he said the three doesn't refer to his age, obviously, but it's to being the third James. So they're like Is he So they're like, what? So his dad's like, I'm gonna look into this, because that makes no fucking sense. So, James's dad goes to a whole ass Natoma Bay reunion. These people are artifacts. Oh my god, there's like these old decrepit men. Yeah. Oh, I love that they do that though for them. That's so nice. That's really sweet. Like, who's a survivor? Yeah, whoever is left. Pull them in. Like. Oh. Yeah. That would make him weep. So, I know. So he like goes around and like chats a little bit with these peeps. He's like, do you guys know some Jameses? You know Jack Larson? You know him? Yeah. You ever know a guy? Uh, come to find out that he did learn that there was a Jack Larson from Natoma Bay and that he did not die. He survived the war. He said he went missing and no one could find him. Correct. So, though he wasn't at the reunion, he is in fact still alive, and James father went to go visit him, and he learned They do a meet up? Yeah, they do, they do a hook up. And he learned that only one pilot from the ship, he learned from him, from him himself, from Jack Larson. Jack. That only one pilot from the ship was lost during the battle, that specific battle in World War II. James. And his name, he was a 20 year old from Pennsylvania named James Huston Jr. So, After the reunion, James father turned his focus to Huston instead, and he learned that the Huston, that Huston's plane appeared to have crashed exactly the way that James has described and also drew over and over and over again. Baby James described James Jr.'s death. Correct. To a T. Yes. Described. Wrote pictures. So his whole, he disappeared and never came back that, when he's talking about Jack. Yes. The live guy. He, he just doesn't realize that he survived. Yes. But James himself died. Because if he's caulking from James POV, he would've been dead. Yeah, he would've been dead. Right, right, right. he was dead. Yeah. Turns out he is alive. So, live and well. He survived. Turns out, joke's on you, James. You the dead one. That's my POV. Jack's still out here. That's little James POV. Jack's a survivor. Must've been real pissed to find that one out. Eww. So. It appears the same way that he's described, he's been drawing it over and over again, it just makes sense. So the aircraft action report for that day, of the, of the instances, says that Huston's plane was shot down and it includes a chart of the, the paths each pilot took, including Jack Larson, which is the name that Little James originally gave, and it's shown as he's the pilot plane next to Huston's. So he would have been what Huston was watching. Ugh. So that's why he knew all about Jack, if that makes any sense. And because Huston was the only pilot from Atoma Bay that was actually killed, his parents He's the one that they're looking for. Like that's definitely the one that little James thinks he is. And also when he was saying that he was the third James on his drawings, it's because I think that James Huston, the pilot Junior, he was a junior, so it was one before him. So that would make little right. Him the third. Right. Sleigh. And that's him. So handsome. Oh, handsome boy. Yeah. Pop off. He could get it. I'm just saying he could get it. I don't think we ever agree on getting it men and we both agree on that one. Yeah, that's a, it's the teeth. Yeah, it's a good looking man. Yeah. Handsome. It's a classically American Yeah. Yeah. in a uniform too, you know? Woof. So the parents are like, Oh, this has to be it. And we have to look into this more because like, you can't just like, Okay, cool. We have that information. Like you can't let that go. So they go to visit Huston's sister. She's still alive. Her name is Anne and they go see her and she gives them a photograph. And it's a picture of Huston standing right in front of a Corsair which is exactly the one James mentioned. Right. Sister Anne has also verified other details earlier about his, James's previous family, that he keeps calling them his previous family. And they speak with James. She goes and sees James herself and she becomes completely convinced. She's like, oh my god, this has to be my brother. Like, this is crazy. And says that there's a bunch of, there's a bunch of different things that she says that only like, My her brother would have known and it makes no fucking sense including there was like an existence of some painting That their mother had of ann as a child and little james talked about it and she was like, how do you know that? Yeah, how else would you know that unless you yeah again, so little like it freaked ann out She was like you're my brother. It's not like because a part of me is like, oh the parents just want clout or something Yeah, so there's a lot of people that think but how would the parents know that? How would the parents know any of that or did they just like pick a random person and do it? Yeah, that'd be like so much work and it's so aggressive. Yeah, and like for honestly more of an inconvenience Also, you really can't train children like most kids are just kids and just vibe. This one's like no, I have a whole ass life I'm trying to get back to just letting you know and I won't shut the fuck up about it He's like making them he's not making them but they're flying out to fucking reunions For this kid. Like, good lord. With actual antiques. Yeah! Fossils. Oh my god. A couple other things that are really interesting, in addition to all of this. James stopped having nightmares for a while, right? He has a, has a really, really bad one after not having them for like a year on the anniversary of Huston's death. Isn't that so weird? So weird. And when his parents had asked him why he named his three G. I. Joe dolls, Billy, Walter, and Leon, he just answers, That's because that's who met me when I got to heaven. And then the parents learned later That the three squadron mates of Huston at the time, that I don't think they died at that time, they died later in life, their names were Billy, Walter, and Leon. Too many things that are syncing up. And obviously there's a lot of skeptics, like we talked about, like And I get it. I totally get it. I'm a hater too. I get it. Hater to my car. That's just insane. How could you not? Even just be curious. Even just go, wait, what is happening here? Like, cool, they could have coached him. They could have taught him all that info. But, like, could he? Could they? He's a two year old. And also, his fascination with flying in World War II is, like, Great, that's why he has knowledge about it, but like, the ability to give details about things that not even their parents know and also historical facts about things that aren't written anywhere. Also, I dare you to try to tell a two year old anything and see what they do. I'm saying. Without bribes. I'm fucking saying. Like, this is shit that's not in history books. How did they just, you know what I mean? So James today, he grew up, obviously we're the same age, so I think, actually no, I think he's a year younger than me. So he's 26. Yes because you were born in a different year. Jesus Christ. Oh my god. So what does he say now? So the visions kind of went away over the years, like they're just not as aggressive. But he does say that if he tries to, he can obviously still vividly remember the plane crash, all of the traumatic moments as if they were from his point of view. Like he can remember it that way. That is so fucking crazy. Yeah, and it's, his story is like the number one. You can't even remember what you did yesterday. Yeah. And there is a kid. A second life he can remember. Remember, rifling off plane numbers. From a past life. Yeah. You do not know what you ate yesterday. And his old cohorts from back in the day. All of his old buddies. Yeah, okay. And the very specific trauma he went through. You hate to see it. You hate to see it. I'm kinda jealous. But anyways, uh, his parents, cause it's like the most popular story, his parents wrote a book about it. It's called, of course, Soul Survivor, the reincarnation of a World War II fighter pilot. Like, could we not have come up with a better name than that? What would you name it instead? I don't know, like, Pilots Live On Forever, I don't know, something like that. No, but then you don't know what's actually in it. It just sounds like a pilot book. It has to be like, child re You gotta get all the hooks. I think it needs to have like a sassy Cool name and then at the bottom be like a pie like a reincarnation story like, you know, okay Well, why don't you work shopping get back to us? Okay. Well, it became really popular I'm not surprised He still lives in Louisiana and he stays away from the spotlight People are knocking down his door. Yeah, he wants to live an ordinary life. Banging it down. But also, you were reincarnated as this man. Because he died at 21. In a plane crash. He had more left to do. Yeah, maybe that's why it happens. Do you want to see a picture of them next to each other? Obviously. Ooooooh! Shut the fuck up. Isn't that crazy? You guys, they're, they're not identical, but they're Same but different. Same but different. Like if you put those people next to each other. Oh my God, that's so crazy. If you put these two people next to each other, right. And you made sure that the picture was taken around the same time. you Know, one is very clearly older than the other. You'd be like, those people are twins. They're the same age. Easy. Yeah. Just thought I'd share that. Wow. Wow. And that's the crazy story of our little boy, James. I tried avoiding saying his last name. Cause I knew I was saying it wrong. So. Even though I, the Google sound. Okay, well, what did you hear on Google? Leninger, and I said Leninger. Leninger? Yeah. Leninger. It's, uh, Russian, in case you wanted to know. Oh, good to know. Okay. It's my turn. Okay. Okay. Into the Stop yelling at me. I got my sources from a bunch of different places. I found this article from White Space. I read an article called The Mind Blowing Tale of Shanti Devi, the Indian girl who claims she lived Twice from All That's Interesting, excuse me, by Mark Hartzman and Wikipedia, of course. This one's tough because it happened so long ago that some of the information was like accurate but one article would have one side and the other article would have the same story but different. So I tried to go with like what the most general story I found was, okay? Okay. So, Shanti Devi was born in New Delhi, India on December 11th, 1926. She didn't talk at all until she was three. So opposite of our, our little baby James the third. She's three years old. But when she does start to talk, she has a very interesting story to tell. She told her parents that in her past life she lived in a town called Mathura and they had never taken her. Her parents had never been there, and it was about 75 miles away. Okay. So not like the neighboring town. She, at one point, I think when she's six, tries to run away from home and go there. So she is like dead set on going to Matora. This is my home. Random things would trigger her memory, so they would just be sitting down for dinner, and she would ask for a food that doesn't exist in New Delhi. In a different dialect, essentially. That you've never heard of. And they would be like, we don't have that here. But how would she know that? Like, you know what I mean? You're three. Yeah, what the fuck is happening? Or they'd be getting dressed and she would talk about like the old clothes she used to wear and like the outfit she would wear. And one day, and this is just like, kids sometimes are the fucking worst. She's four, and she goes up to her mom and she's like, you're not my mother, you don't even look like her. I'd be like, bitch, you came out of my vagina. Shade. Shade. Four years old, like, you're not my mom. Fuck off. So, she tells her parents, she's like, My name's Lugdy. Okay. It's not a shanty, it's a lucky. And I died right after giving birth to a son about 10 days later. And she just starts going into like uncanny details about labor pains and surgical procedures that she underwent. At age four. At, at, yeah, like very, very young. And she was born, the way that she phrases it, she was born the year after she was killed. Or sorry, after she died. She died after complications with childbirth. But like, One year later, Shanti was born, not Lugdi anymore. So that comes up again later, that there's a one year difference. So she's about eight years old now, and she starts to go to school, and the girl will be telling everyone the tea, she will not shut the fuck up, about her hometown, how her husband, uh, like, she starts talking about everything. Imagine being her teacher! No! She's eight and she's just like, you guys should hear about my last husband from my past life. So she's just going on. She's like ready to spill the beans. And like I said earlier, she was speaking in a dialect that almost has an accent. It sounds like, like it sounds different. It would be like us being like with Southern accent. Yes. And they said from a young age, it was on point. Like her teachers were like, Oh, this sounds like the different, right. So she even at one point names her husband. Oh! She's like, Goddarn asswrap. Yeah, that's my husband. Is he still alive? Uh, so. Okay. I, again, this is where it gets kinda choppy. I saw her family did this, and I also saw her headmaster did this. They put this man's name down. They write to this town She keeps talking about and he's fucking alive and he writes back. He's like, hello They're waiting and they're waiting and they're waiting and they get the letter back. What do you write? And he says, hey, I'm Kenardith And I had a wife pass away nine years ago She's eight and she died ten days after she gave birth to our son And, yeah, this is probably why she's talking so much about surgery in giving birth. That's crazy. So he's like, yeah, this be me. I live here. And also say, hey, this is from so and so school. We have an eight year old that says she's your wife. I do, oh, you mean to him. I have no idea. Like, what the fuck did they I don't, I have no idea. Okay, that's all. So they arrange a meeting with her past husband and her. And it's weird to say this, but this fully grown man and this eight year old child Is technically the mother in this scenario? Yeah. Even though he has a son? It's like, it's all very weird. Also, aren't the son, they'd be the same age, or he'd be a year older. Yes, so he's ten and she's eight. Uh huh. Or something like that. Uh, or, yeah, ma ma. I go, that's so weird because my next line is, Mother is mothering, no matter the body. I mean, I guess. Sure. I just didn't know what to do with this part. It's weird. It's weird. I'm comfy. So they wanted to test her knowledge so they see if they would recognize him at the meetup. And so they like don't tell her a lot. And at one point, one article says that he like faked who he was and who the son was. She knows right away. She walks in. She recognizes him immediately. In one article said she gets really emotional when she sees her son, who is 10, who is And she's eight? I'm so scared. It's just all very, but she's an eight year old, like going up to her is not emotional. It's weird because I think of it as like, Oh, that's who I used to be. Like, like for example, James was like, I was this before, but I am James now. Like he understands that that's not him anymore where it's giving this girl has no fucking idea that she's like, I've always been lug D it doesn't matter what body I'm in. I'm still going to be like, she's not accepting it. No, she's not here for it. She is like that. That's my whole ass family. I don't belong to any of you bitches. It's giving orphan. So the husband at one point. pulls her aside and has a conversation with her and essentially interrogates her. She answers everything 100 percent true. Like they talk about everything and he, it's so convincing that he leaves there and says, that is my dead wife. Like he's convinced a hundred percent. That's insane. And he didn't stay like once for an hour. He stayed for multiple days. So they talked a lot. Yeah. He left there saying that's my dead wife. Also, poor him. Yeah, how fucking weird is that? I have a piece of my dead wife, but she's in a fucking 8 year old body. Well, wait. Put a pin in that. So, this story is catching like wildfire. It's showing up in all the newspapers. I'll actually post what popped up in the newspaper to the point where legit Gandhi is interested. Like, like the Gandhi. The one and only. He finds out, and he is like very into it. And he actually sets up a commission to look into this. So about 12 days after her husband, her past life husband visits, She gets on a train with her family, her parents, and 15 people in this commission to go to Matra. Because they're trying to see what will happen if they bring her home. And like how she'll react? Yes. Okay. And she says to them at some point like, I'm not only going to bring you to my old house, I'm going to show you where I've hidden money. And there was like a secret place she hid money or whatever. So the squad is rolling deep on the train. We are Following the 8 year old. We are heading out 75 miles and we are seeing what this 8 year old knows. I think she's maybe 9 at this point. So when she gets there, there's a crowd of people. She picks out family members, no problem, and crowds of people. She's like, hey, how you been? It's been a long nine years. Hey, listen, it's been a decade. How you been? How are the kids? How's the dog? Do I look a little different? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Am I looking like I drank from the fountain of youth? Correct because I did I have been reborn so she like greets all these people and she's kind of a celeb now So there's like a big crowd waiting for her. So like the fact she picked them out is a really big deal They get on a carriage Because, again, it's the 1930s. Right. Okay. They, they were on their way to this town on November 24th, 1935. So we're talking When did Gandhi die? Assuming he's Colleen Jesus Christ. Well, I was gonna ask if he's still alive, he died in 1948. So, it's been a minute. Damn, look at him. What a legacy. Too soon, Colleen. Sorry. So, he's born in the 1800s. Jesus fucking Christ. Okay, so they get on this carriage and she has absolutely no problem leading them directly to her former home. Okay. On the way, she's pointing out new things, like buildings, new buildings, roads that hadn't been paved when she had been alive, and the driver confirmed everything she was saying yeah, that's new. That was built three years ago, not ten. Points, yeah, she's on, she's on the money. Okay, cool. and they get to the house, which is the right house. She apparently runs right up to a room with a floorboard. And in the floorboard is a box and she opens it and there's no money in it. And she's like, what the fuck? Where is the money? And the husband was like, I took it out after you died. Got it. But it was, I mean, how would she know that it was in that floorboard in that house? Sidebar, her actual poor parents, I imagine birthing a child and being like our perfect daughter. And she's like, no, I am a woman from a different, yeah, I'm like a whole ass. 38 year old with a son. And you are not my parent. Like, I would You're not my mom. You don't even look like her. She said it. That's like a loss, in a way. Like Yeah, it's like not giving birth to an actual child that's your own. Correct. Yeah, it's crazy. Like, you don't have a child. Wikipedia also said she found out that her husband neglected a number of promises he had made to her before her demise. Oh, he's in the dog house. Like, on her deathbed. And I just wrote, of course a woman would reincarnate and come back to haunt her husband to make sure that, like The chrysanthemums were on the grave. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. She wasn't cremated in the right outfit. The traditions weren't traditioning, you promised me. You didn't celebrate Christmas the way that I wanted to that year. But anyway, I also saw That when he went to meet her, he brought his new wife. And so I think that's what it's referring to, is that he had already remarried. Yeah, I mean a decade. Which is a great reason to haunt someone, respectfully. Yeah, that's fair. I mean, at least the turn what was the turnaround time? We don't know. Yeah, we don't know what the turnaround time was. Could've been one year, could've been Like, how long did you weep for me? Did you cry for a week? Exactly, exactly. Did you cry for a year? Did you cry for a decade? It does depend. It does depend. You have to give it some breathing room, as someone with a dead parent. You You can't hop right off the bus and go onto another bus. You gotta like, sit at the bus stop for a bit. I don't know why I went a bus analogy, but this is where we are. Yeah, no, you gotta sit there for a while. You gotta sit. The commission published its report in 1936 Confirming. that the case of Shanti Devi, it was concluded that she is indeed the reincarnation. Uh, as Lugdy Debbie. That's crazy. And so years later, a 1958 newspaper interview followed up with her. At the time, she was 32. She never married her whole life. She lived a really quiet life. I saw a lot of places she lived with her parents. She was spiritual. She also said she planned to form an organization, quote, devoted to the idea of living our lives according to the dictates of the inner voice, end quote. Because she's going by whatever her inner voice told her, which was that she is not who she is. Yeah, I guess so. She passes away 1987 at the age of 61 in this Swedish author, whose name I will absolutely butcher and won't even try to say, but will post, published a book titled, I Have Lived Before, The True Story of the Reincarnation of Shanti Devi. It's just, she got so many things right. That it's, how is it not true? It's just like, how is that not true? It's uncanny! Yeah, I don't know, there's like, it's too much. Do you believe now or no? No. Really? No. I know a lot of articles came out after that commission in the 30s. I mean, can we trust anything in the 30s? Right. And there hasn't been a lot, like, okay, you know how we talk about sometimes like what happens after you die and there's a lot of stories of people who had near death experiences or died and came back? It's pretty well documented that if you were to look it up, you'd be like, okay, something's happening here. Yeah, something. This is so rare that the few cases of it, I'm like, mm, I Yeah, but it's so rare because it's like a numbers game. Obviously it shouldn't be happening all the fucking time. No, but do you know what I mean? If it happened more often, I think we would have more tea about it. Yeah. And it would make more sense. Yeah, I mean, I don't really know what's cooking up there or down there, to be honest. Yeah, what are they doing? I don't know. I'll let you know when I go down and you go up. Okay. We'll circle back. We'll circle back. You're probably gonna have to come down to me, though. They're not gonna let me up. At least it'll be warm. I'll get a tan. Great. Or we could use, like, uh, A walkie talkie system. Get on the right channel. Do you think they would let us do that? I don't know. I think we're too powerful for that. Can we call in a favor? Nana! Nana? Nana! I'll pick up gals out. Okay, so we decided to play a game, and I saw this on the internet, and it's, Essentially, like, what's a real life version of a haunted house? You know how you go in and there's clowns popping up? But what is the real life, everyday version? And so we decided to write a haunted house for each other. Hold on, I need to take a big sip of alcohol. Did you do just like one? I just did like a separate. Oh, I did like seven rooms of hell. Oh, okay. I didn't do it like my room, but I was just like, this is what, if you were to walk into a haunted house, like what that would be for you. Yeah, I have that. And I just know that mine aren't as good as yours, I just know it, but Oh, mine are? I'm really proud of mine. No, I might have had a conference call with somebody for this one. Erin? Okay, yeah, yes, because Oh my god, I asked her, too, for awe both asked? Wait, that's wicked funny, I asked because Mother! In my defense, I was like, I know that, obviously, Bridget, like, I know things that she doesn't like, but she's not as hateful as I, that it's not as obvious, like, I really want her to think about it. Like, obviously, I know things that tick you off Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm so interested now. Yeah. So I had some and then I was like, and she just, well, she confirmed them obviously. And then she gave me a couple of good ones. So I was like, thanks. Thank you so much. Oh my God. We both did that. That's so fucking funny. She is mother. Matriarch. We don't deserve her. Okay. Bridget's version of a haunted house to me at least is you walk in and there's gorgeous men everywhere, but they're all under five, five. I'd still make out with one of them to be honest, but please continue. I mean, obviously. Duh. I probably wouldn't, but that's okay. DFMO. You walk in, and it's just filled with people singing Shallow at karaoke, and you are forced to listen to the entire song over and over and over again. Oh! Stop! Everyone get a grip. I know how much I hate that. You walk in, and it's an alternate universe that you are forced to live in a place where there are no dentists or regular dental cleanings. And if there is, they do not take your dental insurance. That's fucking mean. That one's mean. That one is so mean. It's 103 degrees and 90 percent humidity and you are in Disney World with no escape. I'm sweating. I'm fully sweating. This is, this is incredible. It's just a room full of Jehovah's trying to recruit you. I think I'd hear him out. I feel bad for him. Come on, the Jehovah's? Yeah. What about a Scientologist? Who needs, uh, no. Yeah, exactly. Tom Cruise is the front runner. No. And you have a group of Scientologists trying to recruit you. Fuck off. It's a room full of people from the deep south who hate drag queens. I would be so upset. I know. I would be so upset. Just you and them. And you know, I'd be like, listen, everybody. What are they doing to you? This is wrong. Yeah. Oh God, get my soapbox out. My last one is a room full of a 60 year old plus boomers who took the town Facebook group fight out of the chat and are in person and they have brought pitchforks. Your version of hell, mine of a dream. I was gonna say, you would love that. Oh my god, Colleen, that's wild. That's all I got. Super accurate. So wild. Really hard to find things that you hate, to be honest. Oh, I'm sorry. I'll try to be more hateful next time. No, it's a good thing. It's a good thing. Okay, I want you to know that I wrote quite a bit here. The first thing I wrote was very simple, and I was just gonna do this. Okay. Hall of Mirrors. Uh uh. Uh uh. You I don't fuck with that. Because you hate how you look. Yes, correct. So I'm just gonna do that. And then I said Oh well, if it's a skinny mirror. You know how there's mirrors that are skinny mirrors? I mean, mall, Burlington mall, lighting and mirrors everywhere. It's like a Macy's mirror. Yes, a Macy's mirror. No, the Marshall's mirror Nordstrom? No, but Nordstrom's not that bad. Marshall's is fucking beat. Listen, Marshalls, step your pussy up. Okay? Okay. That's what RuPaul would say to you. Okay. You walk in. You're immediately greeted. I think I'd run the other way. Once you sit through that you move on to the next room which is filled with people from high school You never wanted to see again telling you the weird shit They remember you doing and how mean you were to them in a circle around the room. The nuns are singing old Catholic songs Oh my god, this is so specific and I'm so scared. In the next room You're all of a sudden hit immediately by a vicious hangover You're so thirsty. What's happening? There's a refrigerator. Don't worry. There's no Diet Coke. It's lit up in the corner. When you open it, you see rows of Diet Coke. This is amazing, right? You grab one. You take a sip. You realize every single one of them is regular Coke, and they are all warm. You go to the freezer, and there are no ice cubes. But you have to drink a full regular Coke, warm, to move to the next room. I'm sick. Who the fuck drinks regular coke? And warm! Me! I do. Warm? Not warm, but I drink regular coke. No, Ice Cubes is fucking criminal. Okay, so you have to drink the regular coke. Okay. I have a few more rooms. I'm feeling so attacked. In the next room, you're greeted by your closest Friends, colleagues, and family members. You're thrilled to see them, at first. But then you realize, they're all in distress. Each one of them needs a favor. Like a ride to the airport, or someone to go to the hospital with them. Or one of them needs to take their dog to the vet. And you can't leave the room unless you go up to each and every one of them and say no. And, it's not even for a good reason. You have nothing else going on that day. You just have to tell all of them no. I'm sure I'm stuck here. The soundtrack to this room is Katy Perry's new album on repeat. The one that got away really hits though. The new album, the flop era. No, she's really just a flop in general, but. You heard me. The next room is a bar. Maybe you can go get a drink. Maybe this will take edge off from this hellscape that you're living in. Wrong. It's filled with gross men everywhere. The lines are too long. You can't get to the bar because it's packed. They're all tall so you can't see shit and there's nowhere to sit. Can I at least go to the bathroom? Nope. No bathroom. You're becoming claustrophobic and when you look at the walls, you realize something. They're decorated from floor to ceiling with all of your lost debit cards. Each man at the bar, is using your debit cards off the wall to pay for their drinks and not one of them is a union man. You have to kiss at least three strangers to leave this room and the soundtrack in the background is the all of the cliche wedding songs you never want to hear again. Why is this so good? I have two more rooms. I'm covered in sweat. Heavy crevice. Okay. Wow. The next room is filled with women. Okay. I like that. You get excited because finally, quote, the girly pops are here. Yeah. Except, their moms, who have babies with weird ass names and they have Instagrams for all of them. They keep calling them their best friends. And then, the children come. No! Little crappy kids. Not the children. Little crappy kids. Who are coughing, sneezing, and scream crying, and you have to babysit them alone for 20 straight minutes. The soundtrack in this room is kids bop and the sound of tears. You're crying. One more room, Colleen. What will happen in this room? I wouldn't have made it through the first one. No, you wouldn't. No. The last room. You're now fully sweating, and quite honestly, crying. I wrote that verbatim. That's when you see your bed. You're lulled into a false sense of security because your bed is peaceful. That means it's over. It's not. You have to get into the bed with all of your clothes on and your shoes. And the nightmare won't end until you go into full REM. But here's the catch. You have to raw dog sleep. No melatonin, no phone, no white noise machine, no eye mask, no penjamin, and the soundtrack in this room are just your fucked up thoughts. Once you hit REM, you can leave the haunted house. I've never hit REM. I've never hit ram. I'm stuck in this house. Mwa ha ha ha ha ha. I'm stuck in this house fucking forever. And that's the end. I'm just like, I'm feeling so unsettled right now. Was it too specific? You should be a writer. That shit is bananas. That was so good. That was so tootie. Yeah. I also called Erin and was like, these are the ones I have. And then she essentially reiterated what I had already written down. And I was like, fuck yes. Glad we're on the same page and that it's all, it's like saying no, taking compliments, talking to moms. Like it's these like basic, so funny. Oh my God. I tell you what I did recently. Please help me. I would love nothing more. When you said the mom thing, it reminded me. I. was at an event where I was talking to somebody who like I don't really know that well but like I happen to know that she was pregnant because I was told that she was pregnant but I also at this time didn't know the context of how long, none of that, whatever. Okay. So when we were like, I was like being in conversation with her because we were like, we're both were uncomfortable and then I was like, oh what are you drinking? Because we were, we were drinking. Actually no, I don't even know if she was uncomfortable but I was. Naturally. And I was like, oh like what are you drinking? I don't know, I was just being in conversation and she was like, oh, because it looked like a drink drink and she was like, oh it's a chili tamale, I'm pregnant. And I was like, oh my God, I had no idea, like rats, whatever. I, she was extremely pregnant, and I didn't know. So like, would you be offended? You know what? No. I wouldn't. Because, do you know what happens? People ask, and it's not the case. Because she just gave birth. I would rather you be And this was like a month ago. A month ago. A month or two ago. She just gave birth. Yeah. No. I would prefer you not act like you have no idea and be oblivious, than say, are you pregnant? And someone isn't. Well, I would never say that. But, I didn't know. Do you think she might have been a little bit offended that I was like Oh, I had no idea. Like, I couldn't have just not, I could have not said that. You know what I mean? No, I, maybe she thought you were joking. Like, I wouldn't read too much into it. Yeah, I lost sleep over it for a little while, but then I was like, she doesn't really care. Cause did you think you were poking fun of like, oh, I have no idea and like being sarcastic because she was so big? No, because I don't, like, I don't know what she like normally looks like. So it's like, did, I couldn't tell. No, I wouldn't read too far into it, honestly. Okay, that's all. Just thought I would share that. Let me know what you guys think. Again, I would rather you go. Yeah, that's all. I had no idea. I probably met this person in person like one time, so like. Yeah. I think that's fine. Didn't know her stature. I don't know. Yeah. That's all. Give me the good positive energy. Okay, so I do have two positive stories of the week I completely forgot the last time we recorded also Colleen Snapchat videoed me and she just said why do we hiccup and I I fear that Colleen has reached a point of delusion where Snapchat videos have become Google, like what your grandma would put into Google. Colleen just puts it on Snapchat for the world. Yeah, I just want a response. Fiona casually. This was this was a snapchat video. I was dying laughing I just was not expecting her to say it. I forgot what we were talking about. The acting it out too was wild. And I was like, no you need to do that again because if that is real that is like criminal behavior. You should, your teacher should I think this, I will say I think this person is unwell. Yeah, but the thing is like what I expected like a fully like Unwell person when she showed me yearbook. She looks like you and I Not to say that we're normal. I was gonna say Also, I pictured like a person with like one eye like I just didn't like just someone that was like fucked up Okay, we'll explain to the people and then they'll understand why we say this. She tells me all of a sudden she's like, oh my god I went to high school with this girl who like in science class across from me used to like blatantly like hump her chair in her desk and like fully Orgasm at her desk in the middle of class and I was like, I'm sorry, what? And so she reenacts it in a way where she like, puss, puss, pusses. Oh my God. Pusses. She pusses, her pussois. No, she puts both of her hands on the desk and she's just like legit humping the air. And then like her teacher would be like, Oh, like, what are you doing? And she would be like, one minute. Like it was, she like would thrust in a aggressively, in a very quick pace with her legs crossed against the table. And so. Fiona does this thing where she like puts her arms directly at like lock your elbows and curl your fingers over like you're curling the end of a table and then just thrust your hips really fast and that's what Fiona was doing. And then she's like, yeah, that's what she did. And she couldn't get the words out because she was laughing so hard. And I was, I couldn't stop laughing at her. I was like, Oh my God, Fi, this is so fucking funny. This is like the first thing you should have ever told me. I was gonna say, how are we just learning this now? That's fucking insane. I was with a person that I've known for a really long time the other day. I was like, And I was talking about how my sister and I and my family, we spent a lot of time in Disney World growing up because we Cheered in every year like we didn't go elsewhere. We went to Disney every year Yeah, I'm sure Erin won't mind me saying this but she got her period there for the first time so I was saying like We grew up there in a lot of ways, like we had a lot of firsts there, a woman at Disney World. And I was talking to my friend and she goes, Did I ever tell you the first time I ever got fingered was at Disney World? This is a person I've known for 15 years. I was like, What? What did you just say to me? What did you just say to me? And she talked about how her and her friend, she was like with someone's family. Oh, yeah. And they were like teenagers. And there was like a pool and everyone was like laying on the lounge chairs and they started chatting. And she, she was like, it was at a resort. It wasn't like, in the middle of business. Magicating him, getting my pussy popped. Okay, but like, kind of a dream to get finger popped at like, inside the castle? Finger popping each other's assholes. She was getting her pussquad popped. No, it was like, at a resort on the property, but she was like, Yeah, the first time I ever got fingered. And I was like, how am I just learning this information now? That's great. Two months in I should be learning about it. Don't ever keep this from me ever again. Two minutes. Yeah, first thing you should say to me, fun fact about me, the first time I ever got fingered was at a resort in Disney World. With someone who likes icebreakers, that is exactly what you should be asking people. Thank you! Colleen! Please bless this. Okay, are you ready for my two positive stories of the week? Yeah. Okay, so both of these are from goodnews underscore movement because you guys know I'm obsessed with them. Two that, like, really made me tear up. The first one is Valencia just got hit. With a horrible flood. Like, everything is ruined. It says Spaniards took to the street after the devastating floods in Valencia to help clean the streets of mud. Cook for those affected. Farmers came in with their tractors to remove debris. Everyone was in the streets. No one was home. This is the streets. Oh. I love good people. They literally, everyone in this city just stepped up. Like, anyone from near and far came and just helped do whatever they could. Tractors, people with shovels were just like, Alright, let's go to work. Let's do this. All day and all night. Where do those people exist these days? Spain, turns out. The second one really got me. It says, six year old Ada Hawks became profoundly deaf at 18 months. Colleen, how many months? What year is that? A year and a half. That's correct. Every Halloween her family was sad and their daughter couldn't enjoy trick or treating. Faces covered in masks in the darkness had, had made communication difficult. That's until this year. When the neighborhood found out and rallied and learned British sign language for Ada. Their efforts have been successful as 60 percent of households in Ada's neighborhood started learning Halloween themed BSL phrases like trick or treat and you look spooky. And so let me show you the video. Adults are practicing their Halloween greetings. Yeah! children, sometimes Ada has to be reminded to say for the candy. So it's a YouTube video from Inside Edition and it's the neighbors, like these little old people really stepping up for Ada and learning British Sign Language so that she can have fun trick or treating. That's so wholesome. I know. People are good and kind, believe it or not. I just don't know where they are. They exist, Colleen. Okay. They exist. All right. I believe you. I think that's all we have today. I would hope so. It's been like two fuckin hours. Well, everyone, we hope you have a wonderful week. We hope the next time you hear our voices we are celebrating life and democracy and Keep calm and carry on and also maybe take a gummy because it's fucking stressful out there. It's tough in these streets. Literally, physically, mental, what? Physically, mentally, financially, spiritually. Metaphorically. It's all tough. It ain't right. And guess what? We fucking love you. So love you, mean it. Love you, mean it. Bye!
Speaker 9:podcast was produced by me, Bridget Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt Derosiers. You can find his band, Super Stoker, anywhere you listen to music