Sippin' with the Shannons
Sippin' with the Shannons
On this week's episode, Bridget is spiraling and Colleen thinks her luck is turning. Can we please talk about Mike Tyson's ass for a moment?! Then we get into the topic of the week... ALEXANDER HAMILTON AND AARON BURR. How on EARTH we got two years into this podcast without Bridget covering this... we'll never know. Strap in for some pettiness, grudge holding and scheming brought to you by the founding fathers themselves!. Listen to this episode and tell us women are more dramatic than men, we DARE YOU! Mom? Can you pick us up? We hate it here.
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So if you can't find me, look to the western sky. Can't get on my iPad. That's the remix. Like why was I just doing that like a, I was going like this. Yeah, you look like a nine year old. What? What's that button do? I think that all old names like that should make a comeback. I think they are. Ethel, Agnes. Agnes. Aggie. Get out of here. Grandma Aggie from Halloween Town that you know. Oh. It's a sleigh and a half, they should bring her back. I'm still shook by the fact, so for everybody who does not know this, I watched Halloweentown for the first time more recently and then I watched it again this year and was like, this movie is wild. But I cannot get over that they just changed whole ass humans and just didn't tell anyone. It was like the biggest tragedy of our, our time. Like, why did they do that? Why would they change the main character? Like kept the character, kept the story and just changed accesses. They thought we were dumb, you know? It's just insane. And we were bamboozled, duped. Led astray. Led astray. Marnie and the, that and the Nick Jonas diabetes thing that we talked about yesterday were the biggest quakes of my era, I would say. Not kidding. Your shirt makes your eyes look really green today. Oh, wow. Thank you. That's the last time I'll be nice though. Oh, great. Back to your usually scheduled programming. And that's that. That's all, folks. Hi, everybody. Hey. Welcome to this week's episode of Sippin with the Shannon. We're cousins and Sippin with the one Shannon. Did I say Shannon? Yeah. Just the one. Just Just me. Keep it. I liked it. Sipping with a Shannon. And which one? Might that be? You get to choose this time. You get to choose. Uh, we're cousins and every other week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit and we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Shannon. And I'm Colleen Shannon. Yikes, just in general. In life? Yeah. Why? Tell me. Just everything. Okay. I feel like Tell the folks at home. Katniss Everdeen, after she wins the Hunger Games and she goes home and she's like, wow, I made it, and then gets called back into the Quarter Quell. That's so specific. I feel like, in Toy Story, when they all look at each other and hold hands before they go into an inferno. So like we're past DEFCON, right? My mental health is so bad. Really? I can't sleep. I'm so anxious all the time. My brain does not shut the fuck off. I'm also sick. The world is on fire. Everything is on fire. How are you? I'm okay. I'm scared Should we have taken something before this? Honestly, I am looking back on that fucking night I had my little gummy in my system and I sound so hopeful and I loved it. I was living for it Yeah, you actually messaged me and was like we should do that again. Yeah, I thought I was annoying Like, when you're editing yourself, you're like, oh, good lord. Well, yeah, that's why I don't listen to us at all. Yeah, that makes sense. So that really sucks for you, I'm sorry. But, yeah, no, we should really run that one back, for sure. Okay, well, maybe next time. Yeah, I wanted one, I'm like, no. Well, because you've, you were very anxious. Oh, no, that's true. So I was trying to help. I was like, what are some remedies that I have at my disposal to help you? No, that's very kind. I fear I would scratch my own eyes out, though. I don't think you would. No, I do. I'm, I'm, I'm positive. I'm confident. Yeah, I can't. If I couldn't control myself, I would be like in shambles. It's easier than being drunk. No. Really? Yeah, I think because I know how to get myself sober from being drunk, I don't know when the high will end, so I don't like it. Oh, it's like if I get to a certain point I'm drunk I'm like okay, so I just like won't drink anymore and have a couple waters and I can like I know that you know the process. Yeah, whereas when I like you have to be in a very specific yeah space. Yeah. Which is totally fine. That makes sense. Safe spaces. Never thought I'd ever say those words. Me either. I need a safe space. What are your thoughts? What's the tea? How was your weekend? What'd you do? We haven't talked in two weeks. Well, technically we have talked, but the listeners at home, the peeps, the homies have not heard from you. Yeah, doom and gloom. Oh, okay. No, just, no, everything's, I'm fine. I'm fine. I saw my friends caught up with some bitches, babysat the babies. It's fine. Everything's fine. Okay, so we're still slaying. Like Elmo, that meme with Elmo with all the fire burning in the back. It's fine. Everything's fine. Right. I feel like that one with the cat that's like this. Do you know what I'm talking about? Again, you're doing, we're an audio podcast. Well, yeah, but you, you describe it usually. I have no idea what you're talking about. Okay, let me do what Bridget does. Okay, gang, she's doing this thing where she puts two arms up. It's a fluffy white cat and its eyes are like panicked. It looks like it's basically like been electrocuted and it has two hands like this. And there's one high arm and one low arm and it's just like a pose. I've never seen that meme in my life. Well, you know what? I'll tell you when you're older. I'll show you when you're older. Okay? You don't even deserve to know at this point. Great. Cool. Anything you want to talk about? What'd you watch? Uh, I did watch The Manhattan Alien Abduction. You did? I did. Wow. Okay. Wow. Thoughts? Do we believe? It makes so much sense that you loved this documentary for so many reasons. So much tea. So much drama. Yeah. So much pettiness. No. Like, still. Still? Like, residual? That woman is a hater! But you know what I mean? There's still so much in between them. Yes. And I was like, oh, this is like, if Real Housewives in Alien Abductions had a baby. Like, that's a, in a, in a dramatic format. No, correct. So I totally get why you enjoyed it. I do feel as though people in different locations seeing the same thing in a city that large is insane. It's insane. I don't know. I don't know. The guy from the embassy or whatever? Come on. Yeah, I do. I will say I hate when they go on like talk shows and try to preach about what they believe because the talk shows never help. No. Like how many times have you seen a family, like we did this with Twin Flames. We were talking about Twin Flames and a family goes on and they're like we need her to get out and they just make fun of them the whole time. Yeah. And so that part I felt bad because you can tell he, he gets really. He thought people would be like. Open their eyes and they're like what a fucking lunatic. I think, I think Oprah believed them. You think? I think, I don't remember though. I mean, if there's any talk show to go on though, it is Oprah. I'm saying. If I had to pick one. But yeah, it was crazy. Martha. Martha motherfucking Stewart. Need I say more? When did you watch it? Before or after me? I watched it before you. Okay, that was my question. Yeah, excellent. We'll circle back on it because I Top tier. Oh, you need a minute. No, like We'll do an episode on it, like, I'm obsessed. Oh, no hyperfixation. No, I'm dialed in. I think in my brain, the concept of her, for me, was like, and I was talking about this with Fiona, was that she was like some horrible person that did a horrible thing and went to jail for it. Like, uh, no, this woman's a fucking slay. She's an icon. She, like, set so many bars and then she just happened to accidentally go to jail like which whatever pish posh it was for something that it was barely even proven okay and it was like her friend and like her friend like she wasn't even mad at her about it she was like they were making her say all these things like I she just we'll get into it next week but like later date later time but we'll we'll get into it yeah me and Val were talking about it and Val was like I don't think I realized why Martha even went to prison when it happened no it made it seem like they're like oh she's like disgusting like she's a criminal no she's fine she's fine I want to be her she's you Stunning, beautiful, smart, all of the things. I did love when she goes on the roast and I actually vividly remember seeing the roast clips the next day and being like, Oh wow, good for Martha. Yeah, where did this one come from? Her and Snoop Dogg, I mean, Slay, it's a Slay. She is, I agree. Two full circle Sippin with the Shannon moments happened recently. Okay. One is the Delphi murders. Delphi murders. Oh, I missed that. So way back when we did a true crime episode and I think it's the episode you do Maramari. In one, the crime that I think about like once a month is the Delphi murders. It drives me nuts that it had never been solved and like what happened to these poor girls and the police held the investigation very close to the chest so, you know, we didn't know a lot about it and they just Found Richard Allen guilty of all charges in those poor fucking families who had to sit through the most horrific testimony in pictures in Accounts of the crime scene and what happened to those poor little girls I hope he does not find one moment of peace for the rest of his life. He definitely won't I hope he burns, even after he dies, I want him to burn in the fiery pits of hell as slow as humanly possible. Disgusting. Yeah. So those poor families, but I, I don't know if closure is the right word. No. No. They'll never, they'll never experience peace the rest of their lives. They just won't. I hope they feel some sort of justice was served, even though like how, how could you even. Yeah. No matter who they charge, no matter what they do, it definitely makes it better. No, it's, it's fucking awful. And then on a happier note. J. Paul, Mike Tyson, who gives a fuck, but the big story was actually Katie Taylor. And I did a whole episode, or we did a St. Patrick's Day episode, and I did a story about Katie Taylor, the Irish boxer. Oh yeah, I saw an ad for her recently for something. Yeah, in Amanda Serrano. And I remember, They were gonna do a fight and then it got shut down and this was their second fight and she won. Everyone's saying Amanda Serrano should have won and Katie Taylor went on in like a technicality, but either way our girl is back. Katie Taylor swaying the day away. Slaying. I mean she was the mat away, I guess. I don't know. The mat? Isn't that what they would work out, do their fights on a mat? The ring? The ring! Yeah, the mat. The ring. I don't know. Whatever the fuck. I'm thinking like high school wrestling right now. That's where my brain just went. Swinging the day away with her punches? No. Now I'm trying to help you and it's getting worse. Yeah. No, it's okay. Okay, we can let it go. They get what, they get what we mean. Yeah. They get it. The people get it. And then other than that, uh, my brain can't really No, I have to sidebar for two seconds to talk about Oh, okay. Please. Can we talk about 1. Mike Tyson's ass and 2. Mike Tyson's lisp? Two things I can't I could not handle. I just The butt cheeks were clenched. No, like, who did that to him? Come on, man. Is it not bad enough with the lisp? We had to include his And also Why is his ass nicer than ours? Why is that? I don't know. Genetics? Probably. So fucking rude if you ask me. The grabbing of his junk? Oh, yeah, I watched that a couple times Just just how long is this video? Yes I watched it once I was like, oh good lord. What's wrong with the other one? The other one's fucking weird jake paul Yeah, I saw a video that was like women are so dramatic and it's his entrance. I can't he I get the ick just looking at him. Yeah, I don't know. That's all. I don't know That was my only sidebar. Sorry to interrupt I forget what I was gonna say. Oh, this is what I was going to say. Oh, what was it? I can't handle a lot of true crime right now so we're going light and fluffy. And so we've been doing a lot of British Bake Off. A lot of Nailed It, a lot of Queer Eye, a lot of RuPaul's Drag Race, just like, nice, fun, warm and fuzzies. Okay. The Christmas tree is lit. I mean, she's lit all year round. I lit. 365, 24 7. But, extra lit this year, there's an ambiance. We're doing cozy. We have to do what you can do. We are controlling the things that we can control. And that means drugging ourselves to go to sleep. Jesus Christ. I'm not kidding. I'm not well. It is a fucking struggle out here. It's drugs to fuck. Well, you're presenting great. Thank you. I'm not getting it. Like, you shocked me when you said that. You know? Really? Yeah. Wow. I fake it really well. The R is great. Well, I think I'm just a positive person in general, so most times I fake it pretty well. I also had to look presentable for work today, so that also helps. Because last night, my hair was so greasy it should have been illegal. I was like, okay. I didn't even notice. It's, it's time. It, it is time. It is time. It is time. It is time. To shower the bod. Maybe like move it a little bit. Maybe go outside. It is time. Maybe go pick up a rotisserie chicken. I don't know. Do you go outside during the week at all? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I force myself to. That was a genuine question. No, no, no. I force myself to because I work from home and I just think it's unhealthy to go like multiple days in your apartment. Also, I think it's weird. There are some days where I don't talk to a single person out loud. Oh. Because if I'm not on a meeting and I'm like working on a project, And then I'll text people, but I don't, I'll, I'll actually call someone. I'll be like, you have to use your voice every day. It's giving robot. That really scares me. Yeah. It's giving A. I. No, no it's not. I just use that as a buzzword sometimes. Yeah, you just like to throw that in there. You psycho. I was getting my nails done the other day and my nail guy said out loud, What is A. I.? And someone was like trying to explain it to him and I was like, I don't know. I'm having a stroke right now. I'm seriously am. I also was so tired. I, there's nothing more fucking annoying when God bless them. Kind, kind humans. So do your nail. No. Well, yes, they're always so slow, but I have no patience to sit there. You all know I have like severe ADHD. Clearly. I can't when they don't stop talking. I'm like, I get like, we can chat. I'm like, what's your name? Like, we'll do the little chatty thing. How are, but the entire time. The the entire time I have an air pod in which like I think people are rude when they put it in full air pods Like to do things like I think it's so rude But I like just like had one in anyways because I forget why I was doing something It's just whole time what are we talking about right now for literally a fucking hour? I don't want to I just want to sit here in silence And actually be within my own thoughts, which never happens I never want to be alone with my own thoughts Like I actually like the only time I watch the news is at the nail salon and like i'm usually like a wolf You Some shit's going down out there because I like my bubble. Yeah. But instead I had to listen to this man jibber jabber for a fucking hour. And answer. And respond. Because I can't be rude. Because I can't be rude. It hurts me. Just exhausting. God really does give his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. First world problems. I don't know. I'm perfect. But I had a midday RC today. Roteschek? You had a purse? I just got, I got up from work today and go, I was like, I'm going to Market Basket. I'm going to get Roteschek. How was it? It was great. It's in the car right now. I just like legit ate like an animal like half of it and then I just put it in the car like I am sick Physically sick relatable, whatever. It's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine. This is my legitimate gibberish list. Okay guys, we're gonna go through it completely out of order Like sometimes we like to try to flow the conversation. No, no, this is absolutely this is random thoughts from colleen Okay, got it. Go for it midday rc. Mike. Tyson's lisp and ass we covered that how I had good luck for once alive my phone in purse You That story, that means Oh, God damn it, Colleen. Not this past weekend, the weekend before. I'm telling you, I had a good weekend because I gave blood, which I like, this is good karma. And the next day, I went out and about. had a tough time, shouldn't have. And I was out at a bar with, with the girly pops, and I was with one of my guy friends, just specifically this one guy friend. And we're sitting at the bar, and he looks down and says, you're calling me right now, and I'm like, No, I'm not. And I'm like, wait a minute, where is my cell phone? Where is, where is she? Can't find her. So then I, I'm like, oh shit. So I picked it up. Of course his phone only works on speaker. So I'm like screaming in the crowded bar on this speaker phone. God forbid. Anyone have a working device? I'm like, hello? He's like, this is, I found this phone on the floor. I didn't even know I lost it. I have no idea when I lost it. So I'm texting off of it. Cause I can't hear him really. And I was giggling because I was re reading our text and I was texting off of my guy friend's phone in all caps lock. This is the owner of the phone. Where are you? I cannot hear. The code is 666. Like just I'm being absolutely insane. All caps lock and he obviously can't answer like I don't have the text up on the phone. I just, it was a hot mess. So I find this man. He gives me the phone back first thing He says of course is because my wallpaper is me aaron and fiona like a wicked cute photo of us and he I don't want to say I saw disappointment in his eyes, but he was like, oh like are you he was like? Oh, your your friends are really cute. Like are they here? And I was just like, oh Like you were wondering which one of us is gonna show up like Why would he know, you know? And I was also like, fuck you, I thought about that afterwards. And then I bought him a shot anyways for being a good Samaritan. I was gonna say, it's still a good deed. Yeah, I bought him a shot, and then we continued on with our night. Not ten minutes later, I'm like, I simply have no idea where my purse is. Like, simply not a clue. And I'm not a purse loser. I don't lose my purse. That's not something I do. Maybe a wallet here or there if it gets stolen. Maybe a key or two. Like, here or there. That's neither here nor there. But, I'm like, okay, so purse is absolutely missing. And at this point of the evening, I'm saying, I'm I'm leaving my car here because my keys are in my purse and I really can't find them and I really don't care. So, I said, peace out, and I made a very poor decision and Ubered home without any of my belongings except for my cell phone and my friend. But God was on my side, because the next day They had my, they had my purse, so nice of them, they found it, I don't know where, everything was in it, my keys were in it, my car was still there. You are so fucking lucky, Colleen. My car was still there at 6pm the next day, and it's in Southeast, so like, it's not a real parking spot. You are so fucking lucky. So lucky, I had the luckiest time, normally I, none of those things would have worked out for me. Nor should they, because if you are that reckless to lose literally every single thing that you own, you don't deserve luck. But I think my luck is turning. No, Colleen. This is not the time to go, My luck is turning. I can just do this every weekend and expect the same outcome. This is crazy, but I hadn't done that in a while. It's not cute. I hadn't done it in a while and I never said it was cute. You threw your keys out a month ago in a trash can and had to be told where they were. That is true. That was an accident. I mean not that I did any of these things on purpose. I was gonna say none of this is on purpose. Yeah, that is. Control what you can control. Make your own life easier. I haven't been able to really like hang lately. Like I've just been like, Unwell, like I don't know if I should just like work on my pace or something. Like is it because are you eating? Yes, of course I've eaten good RC is pursed dude. I don't know. It's not cute, Colleen. Stop losing your shit. Get it together. No, I just can't. I think that I wouldn't be me. But, okay, so did you lose all your shit because you were so drunk? Is that what you're implying? It was a mix of both. It was a mix of me being like a mix of you and me. So, I know you don't like a satchel, but I have to say Neurodivergent. I don't know. Am I neurodivergent? Is that a word? It is a word. Do we think that's what I have? Neurodivergency? You're definitely autistic. I don't know about neuro. I don't want to keep throwing just buzzwords at you. I saw a thing about lights the other day, and let me tell you, I can't handle a light. So I feel like that might be and that's for like neurodivergent people like what is that what is that like one side of their brain works the other one doesn't? Colleen, I am not gonna diagnose you today on this podcast. All I'm asking you to do is to understand yourself in the situations that you regularly get into and proactively do things to help yourself because if you had woke up the next morning and had to buy a new phone, buy a key fob, and go to god knows where to get your car because it was towed, you would have spent I'm going to go on a whim here and say, thousands of dollars you don't have. So just do, not even me a favor or anyone else, but do yourself the favor. Right. And keep your shit together. You know, I will. First of all, why are you driving to any bar? Because I didn't have any intention of getting drunk. I was just like going for the social. Oh great great that that worked out So number one, no, no, I realized I didn't have the keys. I was like, oh all hell has broken loose. Give me a drink So number two, I know you don't like the satchels But you could get something really cute that you sling across your body and you can be hands free and it will be literally strapped To you the whole night. That's all I have are satchels cross body bags So, so how did it get off of your body and onto a floor and then you forgot where that's between My drunk self and God at this point. I don't know. All right. Well, I don't know but I haven't able to hang I don't know if I got to switch up the vodka. I mean switch up hopes and prayers. So like cool I don't know. I don't fucking know but till next time. Okay until next time I'm hooked on below deck at the moment. Love that for you. Never thought like Captain Sandy is a sleigh Never realized there was so much drama on board Obsessed. Obsessed. Claudia's pregnant, so therefore I think I'm okay to be pregnant now. I saw that. Okay, well, that second part, I think we Do you know that conversation we just had like two minutes ago? Yeah. Yeah. Right. A child. Well, I don't want one right now, I'm just saying, Oh, well, if she can be pregnant, like, I'll be pregnant. That's fine. Like, I'm okay now. Got it. Got it. I'm very excited for Claudia. It was very, very cute. Like her telling all of her friends and stuff. I know I was living for it. I couldn't. It's really sweet. I couldn't. I had to get a Patreon for like a hot minute just like to watch it. I was like so upset. I'm like, how do I? Yeah, it was really cute. I couldn't get the content on TikTok. I was just like, honestly, the fact that my TikTok was banned is just like so disrespectful to me and my family. Why was your TikTok banned? I don't know. I got a notification saying like, it's been disabled and deleted. And I was like, cool. Thanks. What? What on earth were you looking at? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was in the middle of the day. Like, I don't know if someone was trying to hack me. I don't know. I actually thought it was weird because you sent me something the other day and it was like from the Sippin with the Shannons TikTok account, which we have used maybe four times. And I was like, why is she sending me stuff from Sippin and not herself? I didn't have one at the moment. Because you are banned. Yeah. I've been canceled. Which, like, surprise, surprise. Oh. Oh. Ugh. The other day I just, you know, you were just like having a bad day and like someone will like, like you on Hinge and you're like, this is my 13th reason. This particular day, I awoken to a like from, uh, a throuple situation and they were a Disney couple and they were looking for a third and they wanted me. And that's an honor and a privilege? We're boasting. It was. We're excited. It was an honor. I was like, I am the chosen one. Thank you so much, but I will politely decline. You know how Hinge works, right? I appreciate it. Yeah, like a lot of people Yeah, I am. No, but I was as if you're not a swipe Correct, but I was the chosen swipe of the moment You're right colleen, and I felt absolutely right and I felt so you know what i'm not gonna take this away from you I hope you meet up with them and you put your mickey ears on and you get absolutely ramped Do you think that he makes like makes nicky? No, i'm nicky noises makes like mickey noises like mickey mouse clubhouse vibes Like, I'm just, I have so many, like, of course they're a Disney couple too. Like in all their photos, they were in Disney. Yeah. Like in front of the kingdom, you know? Okay. Yeah. So. No further questions. Just like, that was a great way to start the week. John Krasinski, Sexiest Man Alive. How do we feel? Okay. I love John Krasinski. I'm obsessed with him. I'm a huge Office fan. I am here for it. Do I think it's like a decade late and kind of weird? Sure, I was expecting like a Glenn Powell. Were you? I was not. Yeah, or someone like a Paul Meskel a Pedro Pascal, Jonathan Bailey. I don't know who, oh, Jonathan Bailey. Do you know what I mean? Like these, these very in the moment. So when they said John Krasinski, I was like, oh my God, agree. Oh, that's late, but I'm here for it. I love him. Okay, cool. I love him and Emily Blunt. I think he's super hot. I am here for it. No notes. Megan Fox's pregnancy reveal literally gave me nightmares. Like what happened? I didn't even see it. It was just like her covered in like, goo. Like black goo. Like it was fucking weird. Like what's good with her? Like I'm telling you, she gets up and like drinks blood. I don't, something's not right. Yeah. Some people are just very out of touch. She's doing like sacrifices. The most. She's doing sacrifices. I said the most, and you said sacrifices. I'm not saying it's human sacrifices, but something, she's doing something in her house. She's sacrificing something about ashwagandha, I don't fucking know. What is that? Ashwagandha? No, what's that? What's like, what's when they go to the woods and they like have exorcisms? Ayahuasca? I know she's doing ayahuasca and like throwing up fucking demons, like I just know it. Colleen! Ashwagandha! I wish you could do that, but like go like take a tapeworm or something. Colleen, you won't even do a gummy and you want to do ayahuasca that makes you expel from every orifice that you have and see shit? Oh, I thought it was like a meditation. No, it makes you like hallucinate. No, no, google it. We're gonna google it I thought it was called ashwagandha. So yeah Maybe i'm confusing the two. I don't know I don't know, but it just like points to ponder, you know all things Yeah, i'll just i'll get some ashwagandha and we can do it one night before the pod. Okay, great That would be great. I'd be like machine gun shooting all across this room Um all things wicked Thoughts. So I think, so I think I didn't know Renee Rapp auditioned for Glinda. Galinda. I didn't know that. And then there was sort maybe Seyfried too. Yes. Yeah. And there was someone else that I was like, what fuck, who was it? It's gonna drive me crazy. Dove Cameron. Yes. Yeah. That maybe that's what it was. That's who it was. I could see that. I could also see that. But Ariana Grande is that. It is. It makes sense. Yep. It makes a lot of sense. I can't wait. I am so excited. Aaron and I are going on Sunday. I am gonna cry the entire time. I'm gonna perish. I do not skip a single video. I don't skip a single clip of the behind the scenes. I watch everything. I'm obsessed with both of them. I want more of it. I cannot even believe that there's gonna be a part two after this. We get to do this for two whole years basically. Wicked means so much to me. I know I'm such a fucking Broadway nerd, this is the thing that Shannon and I and Erin would sing in the car on road trips and This is your Super Bowl. This is my fucking Super Bowl. This is my Super Bowl. I cannot wait. Their hand tattoos? For good. I, I, every single time I see Cynthia Erivo sing, I cry. Even before Wicked, I think she is on another level. She's like a Simone Biles to me, right? Like she, there's her and then there's everybody else. Mm hmm. I will never forget her performing I am here at the tony's when she was in the color purple and I wept and I still cry every single time I hear her sing it and i'm obsessed with her and I actually really like ariana grande I'm, not like a big What are our inators are our inators? Oh, i'm, definitely not either like I don't Obsess over her albums or anything, but I am I love their friendship. I love Jonathan Bailey, Jeff Goldblum, Michelle, uh, I just, I can't wait. I'm so excited. I can't wait. Preach. She gave me a preach sign. Love this for you. Love this for me. I'm gonna, I'm gonna scream cry. I can't wait to hear your feedback. I hope the people at the theater are ready. I will say, and I know this is not what you're expecting me to say, I did not pay to hear an audience sing Too Wicked. Like, I know people are probably expecting me to burst into song. I didn't pay to hear other people sing it. I want to hear Cynthia and Ariana. I would hope that everybody that was there, like, that particular day, especially it being so new, would all be on the same page about it. Yeah. I would hope. Like, super fan vibes, you know? Totally. And I love that Bowen Yang is, like, the mean girl of the school. It's so on point. It's so on point. I listened to the soundtrack in the car the other day and cried. And I was like, oh my god, I'm gonna be an absolute mess. I cried during The Wizard and I. I'm scared of you. I know. I'm scared. I'm scared of me, too. It's all I have right now, so if you could just let me have this. Oh, I'm sitting here smiling and nodding, you know? People can't see it. This is an audio thing, not a visual thing. But I am smiling and nodding in joy. And I'm very happy for you, but I'm still scared of you. Yeah, that's fair. All of those things are fair. I think that's fine. That's totally fine. And I think that's, that's acceptable. I can't hear anything more about Brianna Lepaglia and Zach Bryan. Can't hear about it. He's the fucking worst, huh? Yeah. Oh my god, how pathetic. He does have a punchable face. It's always the short ugly ones. Short kings, I'm telling you. I can't. He's so fucking gross. Small dick energy for sure. Big time, big loser, small dick. Bifla. Bifla? Bifla. Big fat loser energy. Bifla. Yes. I decided that I'm just gonna create that. Oh, great. I don't know if that works that way. I think it needs to be, like, picked up by other people, but, like, Bifla. Yeah, see if fetch happens. Let me know how it goes. Big fat loser energy. I, I agree with you, by the way. I think he is that. Thank you. I have a friend at work. I got a friend at work that, he's also a Leo. And, so we always say, like, Leo King, you know, like Leo besties. Yeah. And the other day we were walking and we always go like this. But people think, now I'm doing loser. But, like, we're both like. She's putting an L on her forehead. Yeah. Shape of an L on her forehead. And we do the, we do a little handshake. Oh, you're doing the universal sign for loser and you're upset people don't know what you mean? No, but we realized that we look like we're called, like, it's Oh, I stuck my middle finger up to him and he thought I was telling him to fuck off. No, we're on the same page about it, but then someone else was like, And we were like, no, it's Leo's and only Leo's know about it. Okay? Right. Not everyone can speak your secret code with your, your work buddy. Well, they should. Yeah. What's your handshake? You have a secret handshake Maybe. Well, now you can't know about it. I'm a hater. I hate it on it too much. She's not willing to share. Another thing that I'm not educated about, but I keep seeing it, so I just figured I'd bring it up to you. Why is there a man in some sort of office taking, uh, possibly taking away my ozempic and possibly my Diet Coke? Why do I keep seeing that on social media? Uh, RFK. Yeah. If he takes that away, I'm not down. I'm swimming to a different country. those are my two. Like if there was a hill I'd die on nothing that really matters. Cause it doesn't involve me, is my Ozempic and Diet Coke. And if that gets taken away, I'm out. And that's the only thing I'll say about that. Got it. I will get a raft. You know when Kim loses her earring in the ocean, what does her sister say to her? There are people that are dying. Yeah. Yeah, but then I'll die. If that gets taken away from me. You know? Great. Glad we're thinking about this rationally. That, where, you know. Oh, don't get me wrong. Understanding the situation. So aware that it's an actually insane, borderline ignorant statement. I don't care. That's how I feel. I'm just, There's a lot of that going around. And that's all I'll say. You fit in right now. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Everyone on social media is pissing me off, so. Yeah, people are insane, so let me, let me join in on the mix. Yeah, you, you can join in on the insanity, it turns out. And let me just tell you, that's all I have for you. Thank you. Thank you. The pad's going away. Yeah, I pad. Are you ready for the topic of the week? Uh, yes and no. I really wanna, can you, like, let me try to guess it or no? Uh, yeah. So I did make a joke about me and Bridget, like, beating each other up earlier and she was like, oh, what did you say? There would be a new Colleen was joking about, I believe, punching me. And You said something though that was like a different way to hit you or it was something like you wanted a new version and I was like, Oh, well, by the end of this episode, you may have a new way of fighting people. Okay. And you said, is it jujitsu? Oh, is it like the history of like the WWE or something? No, I could give a fuck about the WWE. Oh, I loved Monday Night Raw. Of course you did. No, Friday Night Raw. Why am I surprised by that at this point? Friday Night Smackdown or something like that and then Monday Night Raw. Sick, bro. Yeah, that's all. You should make a podcast about it. I don't like this energy. A lot of men would. I liked Gubby Bridget better. Depressed Bridget? Honestly, that's fair. Mentally ill Bridget, not a bad. So, spiraling Bridget, not as fun. Is it about, give me one more guess. Like, Do you want me to help you narrow it down? Is it like something mental, like mental warfare? Like, I don't know. It's U. S. history. Oh, fun. Okay. Yeah. I can't guess it cause I don't know anything about history. So we're doing a story today that is very near and dear to my heart. We are doing the relationship between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr that ends in a duel. I literally don't know who either one of those people are. Like I've never seen the musical Hamilton. I have not. No. So I thought that this was going to happen. And so I'm For the people who do not listen to musicals, who don't like musicals, I'm essentially gonna tell you the story so you don't have to watch it, but you still get all the tea. Okay. Did he's the one that he didn't invent the telephone? No. Alexander Graham Bell? No. Okay, so we're gonna talk about it, so don't you worry, I'm gonna fill you in, I'm gonna give you all, all the tea. You got it? Okay. I can't wait to be informed and I'm gonna try my absolute damnedest not to sing whatsoever. Can we, uh, can I get a timeframe? Is this like the 17 hundreds? What are we wearing? Pantaloons. Sorry, I'm still stuck on the wooden wheels from the Oklahoma Trail or whatever. Oregon! Colleen! I'm stuck on the wooden, I'm still stuck on the wooden wheels. You, I had to cut a good chunk of it out. She interrupted me seven times on that episode and was like, I just need a picture. Like, what were the wheels on? And I'm like, I'm talking about dysentery. Like, how are we still talking about the fucking wheels? We're talking about a whole camp of people being left in the wilderness and she's like, but the wagon, like the wheel was wooden. That's not that crazy of a concept. Like, how did it just not break the minute it moved? Yeah, that was a problem. That was why the Oregon Trail wasn't an issue. Like, engineers back then went crazy. Like, that's wild. They didn't have anything else, Colleen! That's crazy. It's called inventions. They evolve over time. Insane. Yeah. Smart minds, man. So, okay. So my, before we get into like time frame and everything. Sorry. I don't even know how to source this today other than that I've been a complete obsessed Hamilton freak for, you know, almost a decade now, but I watched a Drunk History episode with Lin Manuel Miranda, which I loved, of course, uh, Wikipedia, and for the first time ever gang, chat GPT. Oh, we love her. Yeah, and because sometimes I'm like, Hey, I don't want to read this whole article. Can you just tell me what year this was in? Like spark outs? Yeah, no problem. And I'll, I bring it up. So we'll, we'll get to the chat GPT again. Okay. So Alexander Hamilton. Okay. He's born on the capital island of Nevis, and it's called Charlestown, ironically. Oh. It's in St. Kitts. It's an island in the Caribbean. Cool. So, he has a pretty hellish childhood. They have no money. Uh, his mother had him out of wedlock, so there's actually no record of him being born. Okay. It was, it was off the books. You're the whore. Colleen! What? That's what you're giving right now. A hower. No! Oh, she wasn't. She just had a baby out of wedlock. Yeah, the guy was a dick. Oh, okay, cool. That's fine. Anyways, continue. We're off to a tough start. Continue! Okay. So, his mother, they have no money. They're very, very poor. And his mother ends up getting sick, and so does he, with yellow fever. And she dies in bed with him. And he lives, obviously, and he has an older brother and they get sent to a cousin's house and the cousin takes his own life. So like, just a real tough start, right? Just like a real tough lot in life right out of the gates. The boys are then separated and they both start working as teenagers, as one does back in these days, and Hamilton ends up being a clerk at a local import and export trade firm at a very young age and he's brilliant. He's so smart. He's very gifted. He's self educated. He has mentors and tutors, but he's self educated and he is especially good at writing. He is amazing with a pen. He can wax poetic. He writes beautifully. It's just his thing. He's a writer. And so one day a hurricane comes and it fucks up the island. It destroys everything. And he writes to his absentee father. Now, I don't think he actually, I think he wrote it as an essay. Like, I don't think he, he didn't know where to send it. He never met his dad. So I think it was like, uh, Dear dad, here's what my life has been like and here's what this hurricane did to my home. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, and so he writes this beautiful letter to this father He's never met and it's so well done that his mentor submits it into the newspaper So it can be published and they publish it and the people around him are like we need to raise money for this kid He is wasted on this island. We need to get him to America. And so his community raises enough money to get him on a ship to America, and that's what they do. Pop off, Al. He's making his big move. Yeah, and Lin Manuel was like, I obviously can't put this in a musical, but the boat lit on fire on the way over here. Like, the poor guy. Can we just get him here? So he gets here. It's all good. He gets to America, comes in through Boston, and ends up in New York City. He attends Columbia University, which at the time was King's College. In the meantime, separate to Alexander Hamilton, so just put Hamilton in the corner for a second. Okay. Aaron Burr. He's from New Jersey. He has so much money. His family is loaded. We're talking money. His dad is the president of Princeton College. Oh, please. Yeah. Unfortunately, Burr's parents and grandparents pass away in really quick succession, all by the time he's two years old. So he is also an orphan, but the difference between him and Alex, of course, is that No one calls him Alex. I don't know why I just called him Alex. The difference between Burr and Alexander, of course, is money. But they're both orphaned at a very young age. He, I believe, has a sister and they go to the uncle's house. But the uncle isn't great. And he, like, tries to run away because I think he's abusive. I don't know. It's kind of a shit show. But anyway, Burr is also brilliant. Super, super, super smart. He gets admitted into Princeton. I mean, at 13 years old. OK, but like kind of had a way in. Sure. Definitely a nepo baby. However, he graduates in two years instead of four. I was like 13? Like what the fuck were we doing when we were 13? You were in a fucking khaki pant in a limited to t shirt at the Harvest Dance. Fair. Popping pussy at the Harvest Dance. I still had my braces. I was doing the Cotton Eye Joe. And I was practicing my cheering choreography in my basement on a Saturday night until midnight. Like a weirdo. Like a nerd. Ew. It was all I ever wanted to do. I was really innocent as a child. Uh, anyway, so he graduates, he gets his bachelor's degree by the time he's 16 years old and he's studying law by 19. So even though he's a nepo baby, he can hold his own. Like he's obviously super fucking smart. Yeah. Okay. We'll be nicer about him then. Right. So they're around the same age. Cause again, we don't really know Hamilton's age, but he's around this age as well, 1920. And so both of them are just like knee deep in studies when the revolutionary war starts. Okay, so they both enlist, and they're both in it, okay? Now, Burr is like on the front lines. Burr is like fuckin in it. He's balls deep. Yeah, he's balls deep. In this army. In this war. Love that. Yeah, we love that for him. Hamilton, He's done some battles, but he's like a rabble rouser. Him and his buddies are like the Sons of Liberty, and they like sneak into the British cannons and steal them. Like, they're doing a lot of hoodrat shit with their friends. Now, it's for the benefit of us, so we're into it. Okay. He eventually catches the eye of George Washington. You may have heard of him. In Georgie Porgie number one, right? The OG? With the wooden teeth? The OG. The one whose blood literally got drained from his body, which we'll talk about in a different episode. Never knew that. Oh my god, the way he died is like, so painful and awful. They like, just kept taking blood from him to like, test it. Oh, so he like way too much. In my brain, like He was dying anyway, for the record. Oh, okay. GW was giving like, leading the war, was, like, great president slay, and then, but then he didn't die happily, question mark? He died happily for a man of that time. He died on this massive property. He owned, uh, a property called Mount Vernon. Yeah. And it's, it's ridiculous. He also had many, many slaves. He was, of course, Amassed a great wealth. He was the first president. I mean he he was fine He was that bit but his his dying breath was not fun for him. We can talk about that another episode So anyway, Georgie Porgie is like hey Hamilton I think you should be my aide and now the thing about being his aide his right hand man If you will is it's basically a glorified secretary And Hamilton wants, the thing about Hamilton is he's almost like recklessly a martyr. He has nothing. He has worked for everything his whole life. He's in this country because people believed in him and he is just scrappy. little fucker, but he's really troubled, but he's brilliant. And George Washington can see it from a mile away, but Hamilton wants, like, blood, guts, and gory. He wants to be, like, on the battlefield, guns a blazing. He's giving drama. He's giving drama. And George Washington is like, Dude, we need you on this side with that mighty pen of yours writing correspondence. Like, we don't need you in the battlefield. So, Hamilton actually accepts, and truly becomes Washington's right hand man, and He can, like I said, he can write crazy well, very poetically, so he writes to the Continental Congress, he explains what the armies need, he's writing to powerful generals, he drafts a ton of Washington's letters so that Washington can just look at them and sign them, he's a negotiator, he's a diplomat, I mean, he is crushing it, but behind a pen and behind a desk. So it's not the glorious job, but it's a super important job. If that makes sense. He got the clout, but he's not happy with the day to day responses. That would, that is correct. Meanwhile, Burr is crushing it. He's on the battlefield, everybody knows him, he becomes a national hero. At one point, Burr saves an entire brigade. from getting captured by the British. So they land in Manhattan, and he helps the American Army's GTFO. He's like, I got you, come with me. And so, the next day, they have General's Orders. And so, General's Orders is basically, if I can do it in this day's speech, if you were on a Zoom meeting, with the whole company, at a, like, company all hands, and the President was like, here are the best things that happened this week, That's like General's Orders. Okay. So Washington would come out and be like, Here are the highlights. And he doesn't mention Burr. He does not mention this. And Burr was infuriated by this. And they never really get along after this, and some people think it stemmed from this incident. They never really mesh. Where, like, Hamilton and Washington. But everyone loved Burr. He's a war hero. He eventually gets promoted to lieutenant colonel. So he's doing fine. He's fine. Hamilton knows the war is drawing to an end, and his opportunities for glory are about to run out. And for years and years and years, he's just tugging on Washington's coat sleeves, just being like, daddy, let me command a troop. Give me a brigade. Fuck in Washington is like, no, knock it off. And Hamilton's like, you know what? Fuck this and fuck you. And he quits. No. And he goes home. He's leaving Georgi. Porgie behind. Yeah. He's like, no, I'm done. And so George is like, fine, fine, fine, fine, fine. You can command some battalions for the Battle of Yorktown. It's probably gonna be our last one. So Godspeed. Take it or leave it. Take it or leave it. So Hamilton shows up to the Battle of Yorktown, fucking literally guns a blazing. He is like showboating. He's like, this is his time to shine. That's his Super Bowl. This is his Super Bowl. So guess what, guys? We won, which was like so chill and cool. Cool. We win the Battle of Yorktown, the British surrender. It means we won the war. we beat the most wealthy, biggest army there was at the time, and we're just like a hodgepodge of humans at that point in America. Can we imagine? We collectively probably had one tooth. Yeah. So just like the fact that, you know, in the musical there they talk about young, scrappy, and hungry. Like we were just this very new nation. I mean, no we weren't because there were people here before us, but you know what I mean. And so we win the war, we win the war. Yay, however, now we have to like figure out the country. We got some shit to hash out. Like what is the government going to look like? Are we going to have a king? Are we going to have a president? Are we what are the branches of like so many things to talk about? There's this thing called the constitutional convention. Okay, 70 people are invited brightest minds Highest regard, right? So George Washington's there. A bunch of future presidents are there. Alexander Hamilton is invited. He's very excited, obviously. Okay, did Mr. Burr get invited? No. Oh, he's definitely not happy about this. I couldn't find whether he was pissed about it or not. Yeah, but it's giving. Because I think he was riding high on his like military glory for a hot sec. Got it. But no, he was not in attention, in attendance. Do we think the rev, the rev war? I don't think so. If you will. Is that what people are calling it these days? Uhhuh? Yeah. The Rev war. The Rev war. Do we think that you were like, was that when you were like forced out of your home to, to be in the Army? Like this isn't like, oh, I'm like drafted. I'm down. Yeah. Like do we think that they went willingly or do we think that they were like, I think as many people got involved. Okay, I didn't know if that was like, Yes, let's do it! Or if they were like, Get that ass up, boy! No, they were like, Serve thou country. No, they, we wanted to be our own country. We wanted the British out. We wanted to stop paying the fucking taxes. This is the Tea Party, the Boston Massacre. Yeah, yeah, taxation before representation. Yeah, love how that stuck. Maybe I should just make everything rhyme. So that it sticks with you. No, I think it's from a movie or a show or something. You learned it in school. Yeah, probably. Yeah, you definitely did. Motherfucking representation. So yeah, people were into it. People did not want to be under British rule anymore. So it wasn't a forced effort. I mean, I'm sure some people it was, but for most it was like very gung ho. We want to be America. Cool. So they go to the Constitutional Convention. At one point, Hamilton gets up and he speaks for six hours straight. Talking about what? What can you talk about for six hours straight? Colleen, we do this bi weekly and we talk for hours. Six hours is aggressive. Goddamn though. So here's the thing you need to know about Hamilton. Hamilton is a certified yapper. I was literally He, the thing about him, right, is think of his background, right, context of who he is as a person, all he's been through. He's super headstrong. He stands on business. He has something to say about fucking everything He fights about everything because it's like his name in his Gumption like it's all he has so everything is passionate and he just doesn't shut the fuck up Oh, please he's the kind of friend And for reference, I know my friends are going to listen to this and go, it's you, but he's the kind of friend where you're like, can you, what happened yesterday? And someone would be like, it was a Tuesday. It started at 6am. It was, it was like, just get to the, just tell me what you fucking want. Right? Why is that half of our family members though? Yeah. It's our whole ass family. Okay, cool. Just telling us a 45 minute story to give me the one line I actually needed. Great. No, but do you know what I mean? He's just, uh, he loves the sound of his own voice, and he has a lot to say, and he's super passionate about the country, and he, he just loves to yap. Okay. That's Very I have to say what I have to say and if you don't like it, fuck off. He rubs people the wrong way, also. If you can imagine. Big Al Hamilton. You love him or you hate him. Yes. Very, very much so. So, at the convention, they actually voted on whether there would be a president or not or how long they would be in office. Like would there be terms? And Hamilton actually voted that they'd be in term forever. Like they have, kind of like what happens with the king in England. Really? Yeah. It kind of haunted him for the rest of his life. And luckily, thank God, for so many fucking reasons nowadays, that did not pass. But they all, this is where they all unanimously voted for George Washington to be the first president. This all happens at this convention. Okay. They create the constitution, they sign the constitution, it's a pretty big fucking deal. And Hamilton becomes one of the number one defenders of the constitution. Okay. Big constitution guy. So both Burr and Hamilton after the war passed the bar, they start practicing law. They live in New York City. There is a lot of stuff going on between here, like Burr becomes a New York State Attorney General. Wait, it's crazy that the bar was a thing even back then. Yeah. Oh yeah. My brain can't use that as a concept, like. I'm sure it was very different, but yeah. And the thing about Burr, so what I was just explaining about Alexander Hamilton, reckless, doesn't shut up, powerful stance on everything, rubs people the wrong way, but super brilliant. Burr is charming, he's smooth, he's reserved, he holds his cards really close to his chest. He doesn't really take a stance on anything because he wants everyone to like him and he wants to, He wants to maneuver everything correctly and so he if he doesn't rub anyone the wrong way He feels like he'll have an edge later Imagine keeping your thoughts and opinions to yourself. So he says I mean no like actually no, but he says in the the musical, talk less, smile more. That's the advice Burr gives to Hamilton. Got it. Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for. And Hamilton's like, you can't be fucking serious. I have an opinion about everything. He says, I don't give a fuck. Yeah. So that's Burr and Hamilton. And they're kind of buddies. They're friends. I would say they're more frenemies. They're like, they give each other shit. They're in the same circles though. You know, they both served in the war. They both know the same people, they're both politically involved, they're both lawyers, they live in the same city, but they're, they kind of have their head on a swivel for each other. They're like always competing with each other, always one upping each other. Yeah, I feel like on paper, they would be the best of pals, but They're frenemies. Yeah. But they are, they are friends. They're more friends than enemies at this point. Okay. So, George Washington, who is now our president, appoints Hamilton as first Treasury Secretary, and Hamilton creates our financial system that we still use to this day, which is actually pretty fucking crazy when you think about it. That was so long ago. So long ago. This is also where I hit the pause button. Do you know Tana Mongeau on TikTok? Yeah. So I love her. I don't know how to say her last name. I just have always called her Tana Mongeau. Oh, okay, great. That's correct. She made a TikTok the other day and she was like, me and my friends have started to ask chat GPT to explain super complex topics to us like we watch RuPaul's Drag Race. Or just like short gay terms. Okay. So I was like, I immediately have to do this. And I was researching for this. Did you say this in that context? So I, to explain to you what Hamilton did with the financial system, I asked chat GPT. To talk to me like I was a contestant on RuPaul's Drag Race or in gay terms because that's how I understand things Okay, this is this is verbatim what it said to me. All right, darling. Let's glam this up for you in 1789 Georgia Washington was like Hamilton, babe You're my money man now and gave him the job of running the treasury. Basically the nation's piggy bank. Alexander was the moment when it came to setting up America's financial glow up. He created the first national bank, which was like the VIP lounge for government money. Then he took all the messy state debts and he said, we're consolidating this drama into one chic federal tab. You're welcome states. Lastly, he sprinkled his financial fairy dust. to make sure the economy was stable and fabulous enough to grow. Basically, he turned a hot mess into a hot success. Nail painting emoji. Why was that so easy to understand? I was like, I'm doing this for everything moving forward. Shout out Chad JPT. No, I'm speechless. And Tana Mongeau, who we love. Okay, so we're back in. So that's what Hamilton did this at like 25 years old. My brain is going Yeah. Like, why can't any Like, why can't everything just look like that? I know. Can't we all just learn? I mean, it definitely says more about me than like anything, but like No, that's I do the same thing. That's what I like to do is take something complex and break it down and make it easy, easily digestible. Wow, guys. This is mind blowing. This is I have no words. Okay, continue. I actually I hate when people just talk in jargon. Like, enough. Enough. Stop trying to act like you're the smartest person in the room. We all know you're not. Just speak to me like I'm a fucking human. Anyway, back in. So, Hamilton is taking this hot mess into a hot success So, he's doing some big shit. Also, key to this story, and I can't get into all the players that are in the musical because we would actually, I would talk for six hours, but Thomas Jefferson. Okay. Okay. You know, he was a president. Yep. Okay, great. Cool. Hates Hamilton. Hey, what's the beef? So he's Secretary of State They fucking hate each other. They are like oil and water. They have very different views on everything Economics foreign policy. They're from different parties. They also straight up hate each other's personalities. They don't get along They bicker they fight all the time to the point where George Washington they fight and he has to like mediate He's like, guys, like the president shouldn't have to do that. Yeah, like gang keep it together I'm trying to think of two housewives, but I don't watch like two they can't even be in the same room as each other It's giving Caroline Manzo to tree and to Melissa Gorga. Sure They hate each other and when they're not together talking shit to each other's face reading each other for filth They're doing it behind each other's back and scheming how to bring the other one down like full hatred cool This comes back later. So all of this is going on. He is fighting. They're trying to start up this government He's figuring out the financial system. He's rubbing people the wrong way. He's picking up enemies like fucking infinity stones He's straight up Thanos, right? He starts cheating on his wife. Please. How do you even acquire a wife, this fucker? So, at this point, if you watch Hamilton, you know that Eliza is the story. He marries Elizabeth Schuyler, who he has eight children with. It Yep. Yep, she's wealthy. She's from her dad's a senator. Like, she's from wealth. She is a queen. She is so amazing and wonderful and he is trash. But anyway, so he's married to Eliza with all these kids and he starts cheating on her with this woman named Mariah Reynolds. Now, it started off as a one time thing. It doesn't end up being a one time thing. It's regular. Great. And Mariah's husband, James Reynolds, finds out. And so you would think, like, what would you think if a husband found out that his wife was cheating, what would you think would be the reaction? Of the husband? Mm hmm. It depends on what type of man he is. He either beats her or goes right for the man. Either one. Okay. So, he says to Hamilton, I know you're sleeping with my wife. You can continue to do so, but you need to pay me for it. That's insane. I mean And Hamilton does it. It says more about your goals, I guess. So he's, talk about extortion and blackmail. He is wholly paying this man and just regularly sleeping with his wife. So that's happening in the background, right? So, James Reynolds gets arrested for something totally different. He's just a piece of shit. He gets arrested, and while he's getting arrested, he's like, I have some shit on Alexander Hamilton. And now all of these haters are like, Sorry, sorry, sorry, what, what was that? What's the tea? What, what do you mean? What do you get? And he's like, he's embezzling and he's paying me to sleep with my wife. And then he says a bunch of other shit. So these three guys approach Hamilton. One of them is future president James Monroe, which is like crazy to think about. So these three guys go up to Hamilton and they're like, We have the receipts. They come in super hot. And they're like, you're fucking done for. Like, what do you have to say for yourself? And Hamilton loses his shit. He's like whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm cheating and I'm a piece of shit, but I'm not extorting from America's Bank. I'm not paying Yeah, that's separate separate parties here in because he's Hamilton and he literally is a word vomiter and an overshare He brings out all of his literal receipts Of how it's all from his own bank account, and he comes clean about everything. Yes, I've been sleeping with this woman, I've been cheating on my wife, but I'm not an embezzler. I need you guys to know, I, I, I wouldn't do that. Like, I'm not stealing from the bank. and what? Like, what is the, what's the repercussions? Nothing. Because they were gonna hold it over his head, basically. Oh, like character. Yeah. And so, and he wants to be president one day. Okay. So, at the end of this, Hamilton is like, alright, we're, we're good, right? and they're like, yeah, we're good. But now he just. armed some of his enemies with the biggest secret a person yeah piping hot tea and guess who james and rose bestie is thomas fucking jefferson right that makes sense so no one knows how but somehow please anonymously it gets into the paper that dude men are the biggest yappers they are low key the most dramatic thing wait until you get there is some high school bullshit in here it is crazy men are more dramatic than women i'm 100 agree Have you ever seen a man have a cold a common cold get out of here So anyway, it somehow gets into the paper that you all think that Hamilton's this amazing man But I just need you to know like that's not true and he reads it and he flips out and he goes up to James Monroe and he's like I fucking know you did it I know it was you lady whistle down and James Monroe is like for real and James Monroe was like it was in fact I don't know what to tell you and he's like, well I told three people and I know it was you and James Monroe was like it wasn't me. It wasn't me Let it go I have to take a sip. It was Tommy. It was Tommy Jeff. Like, not my problem. It was Tommy Jeff. Is he on the penny? He's on something. Well, Alexander Hamilton's on the ten dollar bill. He is? Yeah. He created the financial system. I'm proud of America. I thought it was self president. No! I thought I'm shooket. I didn't know that. I thought, Honest Abe's on somewhere, right? Thomas Jefferson. He's on the two dollar bill. Uh Which is hilarious. Oh, uh, the nickel. Just checking. The two dollar bill and the nickel. Oh, he's a twofer. A twofer. Good thing, because we abolished the 2 bills. Like, what was he doing? Why did we get rid of those? People don't want to do math? I mean, relatable. I never want to do math. Okay. Just curious. That's all. Because it's Hamilton, and because he's written his way out of everything. He wrote his way out of an island and a shitty, Living situation, he wrote his way through the war, he's written his way up through the ranks, he's playing to his strengths it's his super power, and so he's like, I'm gonna write my way out of this. And I'm gonna write what is now known as the Reynolds Pamphlet. And he writes a letter to America, admitting to the affair, saying that this sad, lonely woman who had been beaten and cheated on by her husband asked her, asked him for help because he's this honorable man. Okay, what was me? And he, you know, because he is who he is, he dicked her down. Like, I, I don't know, he like writes this whole thing and he honestly, thought he was protecting his political career by proving that he wasn't embezzling and he wasn't stealing. And he thought if, if he comes clean about the affair, it will make him look honorable and honest and essentially save his reputation. And I obviously don't agree with this. he never thought about, I don't know what your wife and children would feel about you airing your dirty laundry for America to see. Yeah. Like why did you think this was a good idea? Even his friends were like, why the fuck did you do that? It's like facebook. Hey facebook Just a few updates from me It gets published He completely tanks his political career. He never becomes president because of this. That was why? So it turns out people were more upset that he was a cheater than he was a bezzling. And he just aired all of his dreams gone. His enemies Just because he couldn't keep his wang in his pants? Because he couldn't keep his wang in his pants and he can't keep his goddamn mouth shut. People are shooketh. It is the talk of the motherfuckin town. His enemy, his His enemies are thrilled. Thomas Jefferson is, Tommy Jeff is partying tonight. They don't wanna see you winnin And so many people hate him, like, John Adams hates him. James Madison hates him. Monroe hates him. Thomas Jefferson hates him. Dude, where's John Wilkes Booth? Literally the first 10 presidents hate him except for George Washington. It's crazy. So people are pretty excited. He tanks his political career. I mean, he'll be employed the rest of his life. He's fine. Don't worry about him. But Eliza's fucking devastated. It's just brutal. Like what? Why? Poor girl. Yeah. So Hamilton and Monroe after this have a face off because he's like, all right, it's all out there. You can't hold it over my head, but I fucking know it was you who did this to begin with. And Monroe's like, listen, I know you're mad at me over like X, Y, and Z, but get over it. And Hamilton's like, that's cute. And he lists off every argument they've had since the day that they met. Yeah. Yeah. On day one, he's just absolutely went down the list and listen to how fucking petty this is of Hamilton. Monroe, every time, he just keeps listing shit, and Monroe's like, Yeah, I get it. Like, getting wicked impatient. Yeah, no, no, no, I was there, I get it. Hamilton goes, You interrupted me, I have to start over. I've lost my train of thought. No, I must begin again. No, no, like, I need you to listen silently for this entire thing, so now I will go back until you listen to me quietly. Oh. Okay. The rage. And he just was like, okay. The rage I would feel. No, they get into a fight. They have to be held back from each other's faces. Ooh, I love that. So they get like, all hot and bothered. Again, men, so dramatic. It gets even pettier, okay? So they go back to their friends and James Monroe goes up to Aaron Burr and says, can you go tell Hamilton? I'm dead serious. It's giving Harry Potter. In Goblet of Fire where she's like, Shame is still deemed to have a body. Like, I'm not an owl. I'm not an owl! Yeah, no, legit. He's like, can you go tell Hamilton that if he's challenging me to a duel, I don't want to fucking do it. But if he is, then we're on. But like, I don't want it to go down like that. So if he's not, that's fine. And so Aaron Burr goes up to Hamilton and is like, Monroe would like me to tell you, passing it on like it's a letter in fucking class. So. Somehow, Burr squashes it. I don't know how he does it, but he squashes this beef, which is hella ironic when you realize how all of this ends, but Burr, Burr squashes it. So let's talk about dueling for a second so people get how this works. Like what the fuck is a duel? So a duel is, was a big deal way back in the day. It is now obviously illegal, but it was a, it was a thing and this is how it worked. If you were insulted or slighted, you could challenge someone to a duel. I'm dead fucking serious. Okay. You could pick swords or guns were the most common. It's not giving like, take this outside kind of thing? It, that's exactly what they're doing. Okay, cool. Uh, they pick a place, so for a while, it ends up being illegal in New York, so they have to go to New Jersey. And there's a joke in Hamilton where they go, everything is legal in New Jersey. And they have to row across the Hudson. Get to a spot and the way it works is you bring a second, so you bring a bestie and if, Ooh, fun, if the two people who are dueling can't figure it out, if there's no apology between the two of them, you send in your second to negotiate. So, okay, we're not gonna agree. I'm gonna send in my Bessie, you send in your Bessie, and we're gonna, they're gonna negotiate on our behalf. And if that doesn't Good friend alert! And if that doesn't work, then they duel. There's also a doctor on site. I'm really trying so hard not to sing. There's a doctor on site and they spin around so that in court they have deniability. They're like, well, I didn't see it. I wasn't there. Listen, this is back in the day. Okay. So, no apology, the seconds can't figure it out, they meet in the middle face to face, they spin around, they walk, they count their paces, and then they turn around and they face each other. And most times, with guns, right, you aim it at the sky. And if you both aim it at the sky and you throw away your shot, What does that mean? You throw it away. You just aim it somewhere. You don't aim it at the person, you aim it up. Okay. So if you aim it to the sky, you both fire the gun, it's over. Beef squashed, you move along with your life and you let it go. Some people didn't throw away their shot and aimed to kill. Oh, I was gonna say, so we're just doing this for fenzies? Like we're not shooting each other? It's more of like, uh, like a way to just squash the beef. It's like, you have a problem with me, I have a problem with you, agree to disagree, no murder here. We're dueling. It's a duel. I'm just saying, like, in what world, if we're like at the point of duel, are we just like, to the sky? Like, no, I'm fucking shooting you. Do you know what I mean? Like, if we're at the point that we cannot come to a decision, like, we're arguing that heavily that we have to, one, go to a duel, and two, we need a second, and three, we need a, like, I'm shooting, I'm shooting you. We've, we've come all this way. Do you know what I mean? Like, I'm not, I'm not understanding this at all. Yeah, I think it also ends up being ceremonious almost, because if you turn down a duel, men were afraid to look like cowards. So if you, if you RSVP no, it's like, Oh, I look like a pussy. Like, shut up. So I'll just go and shoot at the air. So I'll just go shoot at the fucking sky and say that I did this thing. Talk about small dick energy. many men in the story just have like massive egos. Like, shut up. I'm down for barbaric man. Like, but to a certain extent, like this is giving Too much. We really had to get all the way to the duel. Yeah. For you to shoot at the sky. Oh, you just wait baby girl. So Can we shoot each other outside of a duel? No, that's murder. Oh! But it's not in the duel. Oh, I'd be dueling everybody. Oh, another thing is you can only duel someone your rank. So like, I couldn't have gone up to George Washington and been like, I challenge you to a duel. You have to be on the same level. So you'd be dueling a lot of peasants, respectfully. I think I'm a little The Town Crier. I'm a little I don't want to duel the Town Crier. You love being the Town Crier. I aspire to be the Town Crier, so why would I want to duel him? I want to learn from him. Teach me your best. Just kidding, you can take a few notes from me. Okay, anyway. So with Monroe and Hamilton, the beef is over. They don't duel because Burr just squashes it. And now Hamilton's out, all of his shit is out for the world to see. We continue on. Okay. Up until this point, Burr and Hamilton have been frenemies, right? They've been friends this whole time. Until, this changes, in 1791, Burr runs for Senate and beats Philip Schuyler, who is Alexander Hamilton's father in law, Eliza's dad. Okay. And so, Hamilton takes this super personally. Hamilton is like, how fucking dare you, I thought we were friends. And Burr is like, Dude, it's not personal. I saw a job that was, it's a great job, it gets me more power, And I want it. It puts me up in the world, and I wanted it, and I won fair and it on the same fucking day. Like, what is your problem? And he's like, we're not fucking friends. You're, you just, smited my family. Fuck you. Please. And so Burr is like, I roll, fuck off. Okay, but also the family you cheated on, no? True. So like, Eliza does stay with him. She, she sticks around different times, but, and she is a queen. But yeah, but it doesn't surprise me though, because if you think about their personalities, right, Burr, Burr wants what Hamilton has politically, and Hamilton wanted what Burr had military wise. Like they want the opposite career the military career in the political career burr wants to be in the room where it happens He wants to be where decisions are made He wants to be part of the inner circle and Hamilton is there and burr feels a little bit on the outskirts Got it. So the fact that A Senate seat opened up or, you know, you could run for it and Berth saw it as a position of power that could one up him in the world. Doesn't surprise me at all that he didn't think of it as a slight to Alexander and Alexander takes everything fucking personally so it also doesn't surprise me how he reacts and how he holds a grudge and then never lets it go. Drama. So. Flash forward. We're now in 1800. This is nine years later. Okay. Burr is running for president. And he is running against Thomas Jefferson. So for Alexander Hamilton, it's someone he dislikes versus someone he loathes. He fucking hates Thomas Jefferson. So he's not down for this at all. So, the votes are coming in. And the Electoral College is at a complete deadlock. It's at a tie. the time, it's seventy three versus seventy three. Interesting. People go to Hamilton and they ask him, who do you plan on voting for? And he says Jefferson. Hmm. And he says, I've known Burr for a long time. He stands for nothing. Where I have fought with Jefferson on every stance, at least he stands for something. Okay, that's kind of crazy. and then everyone votes for Jefferson who wins in a landslide. And Burr loses his shit. That's fair. And back then, when you lost, you became vice president. So Jefferson is now president, and Aaron Burr is vice president. Yikes. And because of this, Jefferson does not like Barenber, and gives him no responsibility. So he finally gets this position of power, or close enough to it, Hamilton opposes him, he certifies the man he has hated all of these years, burr is sitting in the office. He finally wanted to get in with nothing to show for it. Whaf. And he takes stock of his life and he's like the reason why I don't have the things that I have fought and killed for is because of Alexander Hamilton. That's crazy. So what was simmering before is now full boil. Like we are just full hatred of each other. We're down anymore. We're not down anymore. Quick pause in the story. In the musical, Hamilton's eldest son, his pride and joy, his name is Philip. Philip is in a duel. In the musical, it's before the election. In real life, it's after Burr loses. Okay. So, but this is key for later. In 1801, this guy named George Eaker was at, he did like some public speech and he just absolutely eviscerates Hamilton. He's like, he's a monarchist, he's a threat to democracy, he sucks. And Philip and his friend go to the theater one night, and they approach George Eaker. And they're like, hey, what'd you fuckin say about my dad? And it gets heated and George Eaker calls them damned rascals. Oh, whoa. Which at the time was enough to provoke a duel. That's crazy. And Philip goes home and tells his dad, I just got challenged. I be dueling. I be dueling. And Hamilton says, take my gun and fire at the sky. Just throw it away and then it'll be over and you won't have to worry about it. Oh, he doesn't shoot at the sky, does he? He shoots at the sky and George Eaker kills him. He shoots him in the hip, and then it yeah, it kills him the next day. And Alexander Hamilton never recovers from it. It's so hard to watch the musical. Oh, it's because he told him to do it? I know, and he knew, and Eliza doesn't know that it's happening. Oh. And he knew Yeah, it's just It's wicked fucking sad. So his son dies in a duel at 19. Also I don't know if this is disrespectful. Philip Hamilton can fucking get it. Oh, really? What's he look like? I cannot wait to show you a photo of Philip Hamilton. You're gonna be like, excuse me? Oh now I'm sad. Um, No, I just completely disagree with you. For back then, Colleen, do you remember what people looked like back then? Do you remember George Washington's teeth? I guess, but no, I'm completely disagreeing with you on this one. This person, right here. Yeah, that person, no. Not this person. No, yeah, I agree, no, no. Okay, well, I'll just go fuck myself. Yeah! Anyway, I mean, like, I'm picking up what you're putting down, but like, I'm not surprised he died in the duel. Because of how he looked? Yeah, he's giving him, like, really skinny lip man. Oh, okay. Skinny nose, skinny face. Well, anyway, he dies, which is a super bummer. And so let's, again, let's go back to Burr and Hamilton. So his son dies, he goes into a depression. Eliza, they're just heartbroken, obviously. And you know how people are with their eldest sons back then? It's like very, yeah, you'll carry on my legacy kind of thing. So it's now 1804. So Burr has been vice president for four years. And it's three years after Philip died. Okay. Burr has been just stewing in his hatred, right? Maybe waiting for the dust to settle after his son passed away. I don't know. He writes Alexander Hamilton a letter and he's just is like, apologize for the shit that you've talked about me or we're dueling. And Hamilton says, Listen, I really don't want it to go down like this, Burr. But, I'm not going to apologize for what I said, because it's fucking true. So sorry not sorry, and I guess I'll see you at the duel. And so Because Amanda has nothing left to live for at this point. On July 11th, in 1804, Hamilton and Burr head to Weehawken, New Jersey. They cross the fucking Hudson with the doctor in their seconds. First thing in the fucking morning. Who's their seconds and what are they, irrelevant people? No, no, not anyone you would, you would know. From Burr's perspective, there is no reason why Hamilton would not fire at him. Hamilton showed up wearing his glasses, and he didn't wear them all the time. Okay. And he also was analyzing the gun. He was like, looking at it, he was playing with the trigger. For aim purposes. He, he, he was looking, he wasn't just like, oh, does this thing work? He was looking at it. Very intently. He was analyzing it. And so Burr is just seething with anger. He's thinking about all of the years, all of the things, and he's watching him look at the gun, and he's like, I need to kill him before he kills me. Also, it is the same place Philip died. Or near there. It's the same spot. Yeah. And so, there are no apologies. The seconds go in, they can't do anything, so it's time to duel. So they walk towards each other and they meet in the middle. They turn. It's getting so icky. They count their paces and when they turn to face each other, Hamilton points his gun at this guy and Burr shoots him. And Burr's bullet hits Hamilton between the ribs in the stomach. Oof. And they say that the first thing that happened was Burr rushed towards Hamilton. And, His second grabbed him. It was like, dude, you gotta get the fuck out of here. Like this is not the place to be. You just shot Alexander Hamilton. You gotta go and you gotta go lay low. So they row him across the Hudson. And Eliza shows up, poor fucking Eliza. And Alexander Hamilton dies the next day at 47 years old. And what is so crazy about all of this is that Hamilton Classic Hamilton was playing chess when everyone else was playing checkers. And he did something before the duel happened that would cement both of their legacies forever. And Hamilton wrote letters. And in the letters, he says, I am going to this duel, and I'm going to throw away my shot. I'm gonna waste the shot. I don't believe in duels from a moral stance or a religious one. I'm a good Christian man, and I never intended to kill Burr. And if he kills me, he's an asshole. I'm paraphrasing, but like, you get my point. Like, he essentially set it up, whether he lived or died, Burr was the bad guy. In birth, the cautious, reserved, charming smooth, never tell anyone where you stand. Looks like the biggest fucking asshole in the whole land. Yeah? Yeah. And Hamilton, the reckless, abandoned, I don't give a fuck what you think, I'm gonna tell you what you think, what you want me to apologize to you? And this is what he does. Yeah. So, they are now viewed in the history books, like Hamilton's a martyr. To the point where, I'm talking about it on a podcast, and 200 years later, Hamilton has an award winning musical about him not getting his flowers. The irony. When it's really kind of the opposite. And so Leslie Odom Jr., who plays Adam Burr, Adam Burr, Bridget, Aaron Burr in the musical, this man's voice is literal butter. If you ever listen to his Christmas album, you will die. We also have the same birthday. Quick sidebar. But Leslie Odom Jr. talks about how judging someone based off of the worst day of their life And what that would mean for anyone, not just Aaron Burr. And I think that's super interesting. So what happens after, right? Aaron Burr is still the vice president of the United States at the time of this duel. He is charged with murder, but it doesn't go anywhere because they did it in New Jersey, where it was legal. And also they both entered into a duel I thought you could do that. Willingly. Yeah. Knowing what could happen, right? So he gets canceled though. Like the people are not fucking having it. He just killed one of the biggest, it's not, it's not a good look, right? He finishes out his term quietly, but then he does this really weird fucking thing. He decides that if America doesn't want him, he's gonna create his own kingdom? Okay, cult. He goes West, and he Gets into this scheme where he allegedly wanted to take parts of Western U. S. And maybe Mexico and create his own independent nation. Like, sir? Okay, Jamestown. Sir? Jamestown? Jonestown. Jonestown. Jamestown. Oh, Jamestown was the settlement. Yes. Okay, but like kind of relevant. Okay. Kind of relevant. It's gonna be Jonestown. This catches the eye of, I don't know, the president, Thomas Jefferson, who never fucking liked him anyway. He's like, I like what you're thinking. He has Burr arrested for treason. Oh, okay, okay. I was like, we're not He's like, no, you're not gonna take the country Like, what the fuck are you doing? So he's arrested for treason. He ends up getting acquitted because there wasn't enough evidence, but the trial made him even more infamous. Like, obviously not helping your reputation at all. No. And it was in 1807, and Alexander Hamilton died in 1804. So this is only three years later. He's like, fuck you, fuck this, I'm gonna create my own kingdom. It's been some time, I think I'm good. So then, he doesn't let it go. He then goes to Europe. And he tries to get, and fails, to convince European leaders to like fund different schemes that he has. It doesn't work. It's literally giving the people, when you walk around in the city and all of a sudden there's someone that is like, Jesus is here. Yes. Like that is like. Yes. That is Aaron Burr. He's like. In Europe. In Europe. Like please give me money. So. Do you want to listen to the word of God? He is here. For real. Jehovah's Witness. So he comes back to the U. S. in 1812. He's broke. He's completely disgraced. People have moved on, but his reputation is in complete tatters. He lived the rest of his life quietly in New York. He practiced his law again, and he basically just tries to stay out of trouble. In 1833, Okay. He marries this woman, her name's Eliza Jumel or something like that. She's a wealthy widow and one of the richest women in New York. But from the jump, it was rocky because he was, it says, because of Burr's shady financial dealings and I also heard infidelity. Jesus Christ. And in 1834, one year later, she hires a lawyer to seek a divorce. She hires Alexander Hamilton Jr. Shut the fuck up. And he gets her the divorce. So, he gets the woman divorced from his father's. Killer. Pop off. Yeah. So, it's finalized just before Burr's death in 1836. He was financially reckless, so he did not leave a lot behind, but there's like some full circle poetic justice with Alexander Hamilton Jr. He dies at the age of 80, alone and largely forgotten, and it says he spent his final years reflecting on his epic fall from grace and probably regretting that duel. What's so crazy is, in the moment where it counted, he was the reckless one, and Hamilton was the reserved one. When he spent his whole life being He spent his whole life, and he let Hamilton even though Hamilton died, he still had the upper hand. He set it up that way. Yeah. It's true. Pettyness. Crazy. And I honestly, I think, and I have no, there is no fact checking on this. Like I have truly no idea if this is true. I think Hamilton went, I think it was a suicide almost. I think Hamilton was ready. Like, the way he wore his glasses, the way he was inspecting the gun, the letters, it's, it almost is so methodical and like premeditated. Yeah. That I think he almost went in wanting it to end that way. Well, he obviously was going in, I want him to think that I'm gonna shoot, I'm obviously not going to. 100%. The way they talk about him analyzing that gun, like, if anyone were to do it, never mind someone you don't get along with, were to do it, you'd be like, oh, that person's obviously gonna fucking shoot me. You never wear your glasses and you showed up wearing your glasses and looking at that gun for 20 straight minutes. Like, you've never fired a weapon when you were a veteran. Like, what are we doing here? Yeah. So, anyway, to end on a bit of a high note, because this is also how the musical ends, and it's one of my favorite parts, Eliza Hamilton. She raises all seven children alone, and even after Hamilton is gone, and she has all of these financial issues, She makes sure that they are well taken care of, that they all get an education. She carries on his legacy like the fucking queen she is. She co founded the Orphan Asylum Society in the city's, New York City's first private orphanage. It provided care and education for children in need. Which continues to operate as a social services organization. She defends Hamilton to her dying day. She organized and preserved all of his papers, all of his letters, all of his correspondence and it eventually becomes his biography. She works with biographers and anyone who worked with him to correct misconceptions about his life and his work. Boyle. Well, even though she wasn't loyal, but she was, you know? He wasn't, but she, just to her dying day, she went out of her way to honor him. She gets a construction of a statue done in his memory. She does everything to keep his memory alive and to make sure people remembered him for his legacy. Cause he really did so much. But it's just like, oh my god, Eliza. So she ends up moving to D. C. and she continues her charitable work, and she dies at 97 years old. Good for her. In that day and age? In that day and age. And that is the story of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Wild. Why did I think Aaron Burr was the president at one point? Like, this is But he's president. Okay, so maybe that's why he's going. Close enough. Yeah. That's crazy. I'll have to watch Hamilton now. Yeah. I'm so proud of myself for not singing. I'm actually proud of you too. There, so, I've seen Hamilton, I've been very lucky to see it multiple times. The first time I ever saw it, it was right after my dad passed away. My mother bought me and my sister and her tickets and we drove to New York in my favorite day trip. Some people go on road trips, some people go to cabins. I drive to New York and I try to see a show. That's like my favorite thing to do. And we drove to New York and we saw a matinee. That was And at the time, Hamilton, they hadn't even recorded it for Disney Plus yet. Like, it wasn't anywhere. And so all you had was the soundtrack. And Satisfied is one of my all time favorite songs ever of any musical. In Satisfied, like, I, I don't want to ruin it for you, but I have to tell you because I know you don't care. When you watch Satisfied, right, so the, the song before it is Helpless. It's Helpless. And so while they're singing you see just like a series of events, just normally, like they're telling a story, right? In Satisfied, they rewind it. Like they physically rewind their bodies, the stage flips, and then they start from the beginning and they start from her sister's point of view. And then they do the whole thing again from a different point of view, and then it ends where the song started. Erin and I, because at the time, like, we weren't prepared. We didn't know what we were about to see. My brain would, like, legit explode. I wept. I was like, this is the most, I've never seen anything like it on stage. And I will say, in the show, they focus much more than I did on the Schuyler sisters. in the women who surround Hamilton are much more of a focus. And like I said, I would have done that. It just would have taken forever, but I cannot recommend enough. It's so fucking good. Christopher Jackson plays George Washington every time he sings one last time. I mean, I could talk about it all day long and then we won a lottery and we got to go into Boston and we sat like I could just see their spit. I was like, this is the closest I've ever been to a stage ever in my life. It just makes me weak in the knees. And so that, I was gonna do Watergate. Turns out gang, Watergate, super fucking boring. What the fuck is Watergate? Yeah, don't even worry about it. I'll ask chat GPT, you ready? Okay. Oh my god, yes. I'll ask chat GPT to explain it to me like I'm on an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race. Okay. I'm loving this. Darlings. Here's the Watergate scandal served to you RuPaul drag race style. Let's get into the drama because the library is open with a nail polish emoji and a sparkle emoji. In 1972, a crew of shady Queens, actually Republican operatives, sashayed into the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate complex, trying to pull a little spy stunt, tapping phones and stealing secrets But honey, their duct tape job was a total reed. Security caught them red handed. Busted! Then entered the main character, President Richard Nixon, aka Tricky Dick. Yes! Instead of saying, Oops, my bad. He went full villain covering it up like he was an untucked fight. He was in an untucked fight, but the tea spilled faster than a lip sync fail. Journalists from the Washington Post, the Bob, the drag queens of journalism dug deep and said, Oh no, she better don't. The gag of it all. Tapes from Nixon's own office had him serving receipts of the coverup. Mama Rue, a. k. a. Congress said, Sashay, I'm sorry. Away. And Nixon quit the gig before being impeached in 1974. Gerald Ford stepped in, pardoned Nixon, and that's how you snatched the crown. With drama, not charisma. And the moral of the story is, don't sabotage democracy, sis. America's watching. Why is that so good? Like, I am bamboozled about this. Yeah, led astray. Shook eth to my core. Yeah, it's amazing. I'm gonna use it for everything. Yeah, I was gonna do that. I listened to, like, two podcasts on it and I was like, I'm falling asleep, this is so boring. That's so unlike you. I know, I'm usually so fucking in. Because the whole time it was just like, oh, Richard Nixon said he didn't know, they do all this court testimony, guess what he knew? That's it. That's it. And then he was like, all right, I quit. I don't want to get impeached. And someone else stepped in like that. That's the whole story. I thank you for not doing that. Thank you so much. Like 2024 is like, hold my beer. That would be like a fucking footnote compared to the shit we see nowadays. That's fair. So fair. Anyway, I can't wait for you to watch Hamilton now. Okay. I'll let you know. Mm hmm. I'll circle back on this. Wanna be in the room? Where happens? The room happens? I think I have an issue where if I don't, I don't like to watch things that I don't know the songs to. Oh, okay. You should just listen to the song then. Okay. But seems pretty, that seems pretty straightforward. But is that weird if I just like, no. Okay. It's never too late. Like I know all the songs from Legally Blonde, but I've never actually seen the musical legally. Like, you know what I mean? I think that's weird. Like, why do I know that? That fucking soundtrack could make me run through the wall like a Kool Aid man. I feel like that's most, most for you. No. So much better from Legally Blonde the musical does something to my soul. That's a fair, that's a fair statement. I'll give you that one. It's so fucking good. You need a fuse, so go show em who's legally. Okay, I have a game for you. Who would win in a duel? I'm dialed, dialed in. The Thousand Pound Sisters. Uh, amy and Tammy. Yeah, I know, but I can't remember which one's which. Oh, I don't fucking know, Colleen. Just look up Tammy Slayton. Tammy, Tammy Slayton. I thought you would know. No, I don't, I forget which one's which. Gang, you can't blame me for this. Okay, yeah, I was right. I think Tammy would win. You think Tammy? Yeah, I do. I do think that. I think she has more grit. Teresa Giudice or Kim Zolciak? Teresa. Zolciak? Zolciak? I don't know. Teresa's really stupid. Teresa would get really confused by the gun. I, maybe Teresa wouldn't know how to count, like, would miscount the steps. No, she would be like, Joe, which way am I going? Yeah, no, I think Kim. Kim, actually. Kim. I take it back. Bethany or NeNe? That's hard. Bethany. She's just so skinny. Oh, I'm a NeNe girl for life. But I think Bethany's just, something's wrong with her. Kim Richards or Brandi Glanville? Brandi. Okay. Abby Lee Miller or Mama June? Mama June, pre drugs. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Why? How is she post drugs? It's just like, something ain't right. You say that about everyone. But before that, she could fuck some shit up before drugs. When she was with Sugar Bear, before drugs, before the weight loss surgery, she could do some damage for sure. Noted. Snooki or JWoww? JWoww. Yeah, I mean, duh. Where's the beach? She could, she could, her clocking someone could kill. Not that we're doing that in Duelsware. We're, we're using our guns. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Johnny Bananas or CT? Ugh, come on. CT. Yeah, 100%. Obviously. 100 percent agree. Forever. Gordon Ramsey or Guy Fieri? Gordon. He's crazy, dude. He's so fucking crazy. Gordon. I hate that name. Gordon. Ugh, but I wish Guy would win. I love him. Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood? Carrie. Kelly Clarkson is the songbird of our generation. She has more part though. Kelly Clarkson. What? She has more heart, I think. Kelly Clarkson's voice, the kellyoke of it all, the fact she can sing fucking any song ever written by any anyone at any time. So underrated. In any fashion like she sang a version of a popular song the other day in like a r& b I cannot get over how fucking talented she is. She does it all She is truly american's idol. Like we we voted her first and we made that's the that's the one voting We did right that was the right choice. Kelly clark. So kim k or paris kim k Mike the situation or vinny Pre Drivers? Why would you say that? Situation. You said it right. You said it good. You said it well. Sorry. You said it good. You said words good. Sabrina, Carpenter, or Olivia Rodrigo? Olivia Rodrigo. I totally disagree. I think Sabrina would. Hmm. Interesting. They're both very Polly Pocket esque. Yeah. But Olivia gives Avril Lavigne Paramore energy, and Sabrina Carpenter gives Christina Aguilera Pop Princess vibes. Okay. I like them both equally, I will say. I do too. I think people are like seriously so obsessed and would pay like thousands of dollars to see either one of them and I wouldn't. That's all. I don't know if I would pay that I mean I was just talking about how obsessed I am with musicals so Sabrina Carpenter was like literally hundreds. Hundreds to see. can't imagine an artist right now I would pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars to go see. I don't know. Yes, you can. You can think of one. No. Okay, I would see a sh like an experience. Rue's doing a one woman show. Oh, you didn't that's different. Like, you mean? There's not one artist right now that I know the entire discography to. Okay, okay. Where I would go, this would be worth, because I'm gonna know every single song. Where you don't like to watch musicals. of songs you don't know. I don't like to go to concerts where the songs are stuff I don't know. That's fair. So why would I pay hundreds of dollars to go and hear the one most popular song I know or the two? You have to be like diehard. I understand. I was given Taylor Swift tickets and I did my research and I fucking listened like crazy. You came prepared. I, I did my fucking homework and so when I got there I enjoyed every second of it. And I know you're going to hate this, but one of the best concerts I've ever been to is Bruno Mars, because every fucking song he sang was just banger after banger after banger after banger. Mm. Same thing with Gaga. Gaga puts on an insane concert. I'll give you that one. And every time you think she's done, she just whips out like, telephone, or That's a good fucking song. She hates that song. I fucking love that song. Yeah. She'll just whip out poker face, and you're like, oh my god, I know every single word to this. This is buried deep into my brain somehow. Mm hmm. Can't remember what we did last week, but don't worry. We can just whip that out of our fucking subconscious anytime any day. Oh, okay. You ready for the positive stories of the week tiz? Okay, this is from good news underscore movement that I always go to on instagram. This is from abby for the people At Abby for the people. That's her handle. Yesterday I asked the guys who are doing construction in my office where their burritos were from because they always smell so good. They told me that the foreman's mom makes them for them. Which was disappointing until this morning when the foreman came running over to give me the burrito. His mom had insisted he bring after he told her I commented her cooking. Oh. So anyway, I guess I'm just saying that sometimes being a nosy bitch pays off. And also Guatemala and moms are amazing. And then there's an update on this. Cuz then she goes to say Updating to add the Guatemalan moms are devious and sneaky and very good at hiding notes inside burritos lmao Oh my god, Rosa wanted to let me know that her son is charming and a hard worker in single Incredible work on her part 10 out of 10 Rosa. Where is he? She wrote it like in the wrapper. No, I'm obsessed. Isn't that so funny? I love that. Rosa. Rosa. Oh, you're so sneaky. We love you. Reveal yourself. Reveal yourself, Rosa. Okay, so Colorado fans serenade superfan Peggy. Have you seen this yet? For her 100th birthday? I'm not ready to talk about it. No, like I'm not ready to talk about it. So at Folsom Field during their win over Utah, the entire crowd saying to her for her 100th birthday, and I am not kidding you, the tears that were just streaming down my face as I watched this. So she has been a fan of Colorado football since her family moved to the area in 1939. Jesus Christ, I never want to live that long. Colleen! That's so long. I'm sorry. She and her twin sister, Betty. began attending games in 1940 and were season ticket holders for decades. Her twin sister Betty passed away in 2020, but Peggy still attends every Buffalo's game she can. Peggy and Betty, bring those fucking names back right now. And the head coach, Dion Sanders, has bonded with Peggy quite a bit. And they're creating, a sunglass sleeve featuring an image of her waving golden pom poms. I cry. I cry. But she basically was like, I just wish my sister was here which made me so sad But after the game he brought her into the press conference. Look at this I can't look at her. I'm, so i'm sad Happy birthday Is she not the cutest thing you've ever seen She's so sweet and they've they have such a beautiful friendship and i'll post the tick tock and I got this article off of Yahoo Sports, and I, I'll post that too, by Ian Castleberry. So yeah, shout out to Peggy. I wish Nana was alive. I'm a hundred years old. Dude, every day. I miss Nana every fucking day. That's all. Those are my thoughts. Yeah, someone was saying recently, someone we know lost a great grandparent, and I was like, to know your great grandparents is such a fucking honor. Yeah. Like, I can't even imagine. Being a kid and growing up with a great grandparent in my life. No, literally We lost our grandparents so young like I cannot even imagine that how amazing is that? I can't but like I feel like i'm half and half like right now, if I saw a wicked fucking ridiculously long post about someone losing their grandmother on Instagram, I am like, shut up. But, do you know what I mean? But, all pain is relative. No, I know, but I'm saying like, I'm like half and half, and then at the other times I'm like, ugh, and then when I see people with their grandparents I'm like, can you cherish them for like nine seconds? Like, And I remember when I was younger too, I'd be like, Oh, I really don't want to go drive all the way to Burlington and have to perform for you know what I mean? And be like, huh? And they would be, you know, my parents would be like, Well, they really, that's all, that's all they get excited about is to see you and stuff. And that's like, why was I such a little fucking asshole? You know what I mean? Well, because when you're a kid, you don't understand how much of a gift it is. Yeah, I agree. Uh, but yeah, I mean like, I was talking to somebody recently, and I won't say who it was, but they were like, yeah, it was just so devastating. We lost my grandmother. You know, we're beside ourselves. She was a hundred and three and I'm just like, you know, a part of a part of me, I do understand what you're saying, but for a lot of people losing their grandparent, like that's, that's the first person they lose. Yeah. It's not, we, we are the weird ones. We have so many people we've lost that losing a grandparent at a normal age is like, it's You're so lucky the fact that you got so much time with them, and so it, it's almost out of like jealousy. The, the, no, it is the anger that I feel. I don't, I'll happily be bitter like It's like, oh, no, no. Died at 104. Please. Yeah. Be fucking for real for nine seconds. Yeah, no, I get it. I get it. But you know, here we are. Grandparent less. Some of us dad less. Stack them up. Uh, next time we go to the funeral home, the next one's free from my punch card. Slay. Okay, uh, well, that was the episode. I cannot believe we've done this podcast for two years and it took me this long to do fucking Hamilton. That is really true actually. Because I was talking to Erin, I was like, I was going to do Watergate so boring and she was like, do the Reynolds pamphlets. Like, why do Hamilton? So Erin to say do the Reynolds pamphlets. Like, well, because I was like, what's something juicy that's happened in American history that you saying about it right now during the times that we're in won't make me jump off the Tobin. And she was like, Bridget, do the duel! Do Burr and Hamilton! Meow! And I was like, oh, fuckin obviously. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. I hope you guys are having a wonderful week. I hope your luck is turning like Colleen and you're sleeping better than I am? Question mark? Fair statement. I don't know. Control what you can control. Do what you gotta do, dude. Do what you gotta do. Watch the light and fluffy shit. It's so dark so early. I hate this. I want to get off. Mom, can you pick me up? I want to go home. I want to get off this ride. That's not what you want. The girls are being mean at the party. I want to go home. I hate it here. Anyway, you know what? We hate it here, but we love you. Love you, mean it. Love you, mean it. Bye.
Speaker 9:podcast was produced by me, Bridget Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt Derosiers. You can find his band, Super Stoker, anywhere you listen to music