Sippin' with the Shannons
Sippin' with the Shannons
Merry Christmas, You Icons!!!
On this week's episode, it's Christmas!!! Bridget is bringing big Martha energy into 2025 and Colleen gives us a recap on her Paris trip. This week's topic is all things Christmas and 2024! We learn the history of Santa, a version of Twas' The Night Before Christmas that slays the day away, exchange crazy Reddit Christmas stories and do our annual present swap. Don't worry... Nana's cookies are back and still making us emosh. Bridget does a recap of all the biggest pop culture of 2024 and we set resolutions for 2025. 2025 is the year of the Sippers!!!! WE LOVE YOU SM!!
- ChatGPT
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It hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore. Really? Our Christmas episode? Happy birthday, Jesus. Happy birthday to you, baby Jesus. May we, what is the three kings, brought the three gifts, and Jesus was born by Joseph the carpenter and Mary the hoe er. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Myrrh day. That's the tea. And there he was, and then he went in the cave, and then they closed him up, and he died, and then he came back. Hallelujah! Is that what that Catholic school taught you? Yeah, I don't really remember too much of that. Anything else you want to share with the class? No, that's it. That, that was your entire high school? He was, happy birthday Jesus, you were a slay. Yeah, this is actually coming out on Christmas Day. It's a week from Christmas right now, but this is coming out. The best gift you could have received is our voices and this holly jolly holiday. You hate Christmas. I, I've been better about Christmas. You've been posting quite a bit. Yeah, because I like Eloise. That's my favorite movie. Christmas. You like the vibe. Yeah, that's true. I like Vince Vaughn and Four Christmases. I like Christmas. Okay, and that's it. We've come a long way because I just saw because I got like I'd say like two years ago I decided that christmas is mine and I will do what I want on christmas and it's been better Yes, so when you take christmas into your own hands, I did I christmas is for the girls It's for the pussy poppers and it's back and it's back and i'm fine now. That's all Great. What are your thoughts on christmas? I love christmas. Yeah, you do. I'm a big christmas girl It does get harder when you get older though. I erin having kids was a game changer For sure, you know, a lot of people I know died. You're refilled with the spirit again because it's like the children believe or whatever Yeah, and they make it really fun. And it's not about like, oh, yeah There's a bunch of people who should be here who aren't it's like, oh, it's for them Yeah, we're gonna do this for them because the children the children love the books. How did you find out Santa wasn't real? On the school bus. Oh, that's sad Yeah So I was getting picked on and Erin came home one day and said mom you gotta tell her It's time. It's his time. Oh, because everyone else knew but you. Oh, that's rude. Because I was on the back of the bus and I was one of the youngest. And so they were all older than me talking about it. I think I was seven or eight. And I was like, That's old. Guys, Santa's real. And then, then I tried to lean in. And then I was like, no, I'm just kidding. Because I realized I was the odd man out. But the whole day at school I was like, I know he's real. Like, they're just being mean. He's gotta be real. Oh, that's really upsetting, actually. Yeah, no, very wholesome of me. And so, my mother I've never been mean, unlike you. What do you mean? I know that when we talk about how you were younger and like you were actually like the wholesome innocent one and it's just like not, it's just not the vibe you give. Not that you're like feral or anything, but like for you to be like, Oh, I was so innocent. No I was It just was not, it's not giving. Erin, you used to call me Pollyanna. Like, I just thought every I was so naive. I was just like this very That's the good word for it. Yeah. No, like, I liked cheering in musicals. Yeah, that's just it's not giving. Well, it is, but it's not at the same time. I don't know how to explain it. I feel like a hearted version of that. I feel like the listeners won't understand what I mean by that. Yeah, no, no, no. I I think you see a lot of my in real life, I would say, I'm very direct. Yeah. Like I know what I want. I know what I don't want. I spend time with who I want. I don't. Yeah Yeah, and I'm good with boundaries. Yeah, so you see a different. We understand boundaries here. I don't like so I get home from school and Erin's like you gotta tell her and so my mom sat me down and she was like Bridget So Santa's not real and then she talked about how it's all about the feeling and the magic of Christmas And it's a feeling in your heart. It's not a person And I was like, in the leprechauns. That was the immediate response. Did you believe in the Tooth Fairy at that point? Oh yeah, I was like, in the Easter Bunny? Are you crying right now? I'm laughing. Oh okay, I was like, Jesus Christ, is this something we need to unpack? I go to therapy to talk about this, no I'm kidding. No I was super upset. I was like, you've all been lying to me. Every single holiday, I Has a mascot that is a lie. No, true. T. Yeah, that's T. Yeah, I was really upset about the leprechauns specifically. Really? Yeah. I think I never believed in leprechauns. Yeah. I think I knew. They left little things for us. Not like Christmas. Oh, like the coins? Yeah. The gold coins? Yeah. Yeah, okay. And, you know, Dan the Man got very into it. My mom got very into it. But yeah, because duh and that was the day that Santa died in my heart. It's really tragic. Honestly, I know Bag of the school bus will humble you. It's character building. I never took a school bus that explains a lot You wouldn't last five seconds on the back of a school bus respectfully. All right, sure enough. I'll take it. Oh also. Hi everyone Oh my god. Hey Welcome to this week's episode of Sippin with the Channins. We're cousins and every other week we sit down, we sip on some wine, we talk some shit, and we have a good giggle. I'm Bridget Channin. And I'm Colleen. And this is the Christmas episode and Merry Chrysler. The end of 2024. Our next episode will be our first 2025 episode, which is crazy. Oh my god, so true. Are we gonna like set the tone? What do you want, what do you want to accomplish in 2025? Uh, I want to be healthy and happy. Okay. Is that too lame? Hmm, I guess. I mean, I'll take it because it's like not wrong, but like, can we do better? No, but I am actually going into 2025 with big Martha Stewart energy. Okay. I'm just, I don't care anymore. Not that I don't care. You know, I give all of the fucks to almost a bad degree. But I But we're not overextending. No. And I'm not going to apologize. I apologize. Like I'm an overthinker. I'm thinking about okay, how can I text this person back? How do I make? I just don't care. If you're a man and you are crawling back from months ago, you're just not getting a response. You're getting blocked. I'm not gonna think up how to, you know, save your feelings and keep my, no, you're just, you're getting blocked. I don't care anymore. I had this thought the other day about us. About you and I? Yeah. Okay, cool. So I was thinking, because I was like, obviously, like, I interact with men, but in a different scope I'd say from you, because you're just like, very to the point, like, what is this? What are we doing here? Because also because you're older and have had to do it for way longer than me. Yeah. And I am the complete and total opposite. I am like, scraping for any ounce of attention I could possibly get, and I will take it from simply fucking anybody at this point in time. Yeah. And I was giggling to myself, because I'm like, oh my god, Bridget would have shut that down in like two seconds. And the fact that you're like, block someone, I would never block someone. I would be like. Just any bit of it. Like I Scraping I was flirting with the tow truck man the other day. Like I I think that's an age thing I told him he was a sly and I said Peter you're a sly and what was the response? He just laughed He was actually laughing at me because of the car situation, you know, cuz I oh guys really stupid really quick I'm not your fault. Not my fault for the record. Not your fault I got home from work the other day and Aaron said to me. Oh your insurance came and picked up the car. That's great I said, No, I didn't. I didn't sign up for that. I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't even notice my fucking car was gone outside the apartment. Oddly enough, when me and Fiona pulled up though, I said, wait, where do we live? Cause I'm so used to seeing it subconsciously as like a landmark. Cause it's a fucking, you can't miss it. It's beat as fuck outside my house. Like can't miss it. So I got home and I was like, wait, what the fuck? So then I texted my lawyer, my insurance and they're like, no, it wasn't me. So I'm like, okay, I'll call the police. So I call the police and they're like, oh yeah, I know where it is. So I call the tow place. The tow place is literally. Within seeing I can see it from my apartment. So I, I go there. I'm like, hello. And he's like, he goes, is it a Nissan? I'm like, yes. Where is she? It was because allegedly a cop drove by it and thought the metal looked, uh, Not safe question mark. You shouldn't have to pay for that. You did nothing wrong. Yeah, and so I was like sir I could drive it and he was like legally. I can't let you drive it off the lot And I was like so you're telling me I have to come down there to walk down the street walk down the street I drove to Call triple a to come get my car and pay you two hundred dollars to put my car back outside my house Which I never asked to be moved in the first place It's some random ass cop took it upon themselves and made my life and you're not gonna let me drive it. I can drive it I was like, sorry, I took that shit down 93 through the tunnel Let me take it home and he was like can't do it. I was like cool so I went I went did that I get there the they're like, oh, where's the key? I go You you got this bitch here without the key. Why did you why did you think I brought the key to the car? That doesn't work. What why would I brought that? Yeah, and they were like appalled and like laughing at me. I was like, you know what women in STEM Did that just come out of nowhere? You looked so surprised after you said it. I shook it. Yeah, no, I don't know, but I was like, why would I have, why would I have brought that? So I got my little ass in the car, whipped back to my house, ran in, got it, came back. It was a whole thing. So fucking stupid. The car is now gone, gone. I couldn't get the license plate off. They took the car with the license plate. I have to buy new ones. It's like a whole thing. It's because of the damage, not because I'm stupid and couldn't figure out how to use a fucking screwdriver. No, I know, So what I was trying to explain to people, all my gang, I know righty tighty lefty loosey, I understand a screwdriver. Yes. She's, she broke. She's stuck. Well, you were hit there. So it was like indented into the car. So I, it's gone. It's gone, guys. We're okay. But just know that that was really inconvenient. What was the point of this? What were we talking about before this? And if you're a cop, could you just not do that? Yeah, could you just fucking leave me alone? And then I got pulled over the next one. That cost you hundreds of dollars for nothing. Correct. Literally nothing. It didn't help anyone. It just made you pay hundreds of dollars for nothing. Yes. And then you got pulled over. It was not like I was speeding being reckless I would tuck a right where you're like not supposed to take a right I don't I don't know it was like onto the highway and the guy like The stage drooper was at the on ramp to the highway And he literally got out of the car and stood in front of me and goes pointed at me Who's he was like not mean looking but he was definitely not happy and I was I and I go Me? I pointed at myself from inside the car. That's kind of a baddie move to just stand in front of the car and point. He literally got out and stopped so I wouldn't keep going up the highway. Yeah. And I was like, me sir? And he was like, you can't see me, I'm like doing like a windmill situation, like over. And I like pulled over, I was like, hi! And he just like took it and I was like, it's a rental, just an FYI, thanks. So, but like, thank God, because I don't know what comes up. The people pleaser in you. I don't know what comes up, like, oh, it's on my license, not on my plate, so never mind. Yeah, he just gave me a warning, which was like kind of sly of him. Yeah. It said Happy Holidays. Ma'am. Hit me with a fuckin ma'am. Okay, is it time for Botox? Like, no, I'm a young whippersnapper. I'm spry. And also, I will get on my hands and knees right now if you need me to if you're about to give me a ticket. I will do it. Don't ma'am me, sir. He's bald, though, so like, not really that sly. That's all. Oh, golly. And that's the tea. What was the point of the reason we started talking about the car situation? We were talking about boys and you were flirting with them. Oh, right. Oh, yeah. Oh, the reason that I was prompted to think of this, because I was thinking of my actions from like a random weekend that I had, and I was giggling because I was out and about with the girly pops for my friend's birthday, and we were just at like, uh, Landmark, the, just like a little divy situation bar in Dorchester. And There was a guy I was talking to, you know when I have a couple drinks I just I'm like if I feel like I've known somebody or like it could be like a weird connection I just like we'll say it I just like always do that after like a couple drinks would never do it sober So I passed this man and I was like you were an electrician, but you didn't work for us You were just and I just knew it No, Bridget. Do you know I know what this man said back to me? What he goes you're calling Shannon you went to Plymouth State. I worked with you at Shaw's years old And I said, he did it back to you. I said, you're Brian from produce. I remember you like it was fucking, you talked about him on this podcast. Have I? Yes. No, I saw Brian from Shaw's swear. So I saw literally said this on the podcast. Like, I know I, yeah, you've done this before. Oh my God. I actually saw him at a bar, but I said something to him about. Yeah, so he's not cute at the moment, but he wicked was when we were 13. And so obviously I'm entertaining the conversation, because I'm like, whatever. And he buys me a drink, and I, I guess I had been, I was like, touching his arm. But like, also again, scraping for any attention. Like, I'm not trying to, to the point where Erin and Fiona were yelling my name across the bar. Because they were like, absolutely not. And then they texted me and were like, walk away, what are you doing? What's happening? And I was like, no guys, it's Brian from Shaw's. It's Brian from Produce. What am I supposed to do? Brian from Produce. Brian's, Brian from Produce is buying me a drink. I'm poor. I will, I will stay here all night. I'm sad if I have to be, you know? Yeah. The tow truck. He did, and I think I gave him my number and then he texted me about like going to this bar after and I just didn't answer, but. Yeah, little 13 year old me would have been so like disheveled. I loved this produce man. And that's the team. They didn't believe me when I was like, no, you guys, you don't understand. That's so funny. And I texted my other high school friend who also worked at the same time. I was like, Brian from produce, was he hot or was he not? And she was like, Colleen, yes. And I was like, guys, they didn't believe me. They were like, get over here. They thought I was like, so drunk that I was like going to get with this, like, He look he has a mullet now like it's just a whole thing. Yeah, he's not like that's a choice No, he's not looking right. But anyway, yeah pride and produce but you got a free drink out of it, which is nice. No for sure I didn't pay for like one drink the whole night. We definitely handle situations different Yes And I entertain an old man because I like the way he said my name because he was irish because he said clean Instead of colleen. So everyone's like everyone's like why should they Why is she doing this? And I'm like, attention! I don't know, just leave me alone. So I think I've talked about how in my phone, when I stop talking to someone, I put gravestones next to their name. So if I add another contact with the same name to it, I know which one I've dated and which one I have not. And let's just say I got a breadcrumb text from a past, the gravestones were there, the gravestones popped up. And Colleen was like, go do it. No, entertain it for the plot. And I was like, I just don't need, you said it. Do it for the plot, just cause it like feels good. It's like nice to have that validation. Yeah. like, no. Yeah, like I don't need the validation. But I'm like, but I'm not saying you need it, but like, doesn't it feel good either way? Like, it's not toxic. I just don't want it from bad people. But to be clear, he hadn't done anything to you other than maybe not be solid with his planning at that point. At that point. At that point. So yeah. And then how did it go? And then he just didn't, he just kept his dick out the door. Like he just was not, he's not it. No, he wasn't it. He didn't, he didn't follow through. He didn't follow through. He's an asshole. He pulled out. He pulled out Eden Falter. Yeah. Yeah, he's an asshole. So yeah, that's. So we, we, I'm not. He didn't do anything cruel. He just didn't. He just sucks. Yeah, he's just not. He sucks. That's exactly the right way to phrase it. He just sucks. But next time, I'm following my intuition and not following Colleen's. See, I would still be like, no, but he still tried to, though. No, Colleen. We don't have the time. I do. Oh lord. Plenty of time. Okay, so last night we went to the Celtic Woman for my mom's birthday, like a big group of us. We did do that. And we went out to eat before and then we went and listened to these lovely Irish women sing Christmas songs. And Colleen and I, during intermission, go to the bathroom and we're standing in line And we're right at the front of the line where you're waiting for the stalls to open up. Like, you're just waiting for the next stall to open before you go in. Yeah, yeah, it's packed. It's booked and busy in there. It's packed. The old, oh, by the way, the elders, the old hags, respectfully. Yeah. Great gals. They move even slower than teenagers in bars. In the bathroom. That's true. It's horrible. But yeah. Got it. It's true. And so we're standing right at the front of the line, right next to the bathroom stall. In Colleen and I are mid conversation, a woman goes in and just starts machine gun shitting. In Colleen and I, grabbed him. You thought she levitated, levitated off the toilet. Grabbed him and literally prayed for her. Right there in the front of the line. Let us pray. Shook our heads, held hands, and we're like, we're thinking about you, girlfriend. Hoping you're well. Hoping you have something in your purse that can help you through the rest of this season. I hope you find relief. And I hope you come out. I hope you feel better. I hope you come out on the other side. I, I truly do. Before the end of the show. Yeah. Hopefully not during. Hopefully you get back soon. Get back there soon. Yeah. But also like, get it moving, because we've got a line. Sorry. There is a long line though. There is. We did hold hands under the stall. Yeah, we were peeing and the stall next to me ended up being the one Colleen went into so she asked to hold hands, which I normally would say. Don't touch me. No, I wouldn't. I would just be like, no. And Colleen, get away from me. And we held hands under the stall. And I'd be like, but why? You didn't touch me anyway. Yes. But we held hands under the stall, which was nice. We had a moment. I put my toes on you earlier on the couch and you didn't notice. No, I definitely did. I just. Chose not to argue. They also weren't bare. Your bare toes Unacceptable. I put on shoes because I was insecure. Those dogs, they'd be barking. No. If those dogs could bark, they would be, their jaws would be unhinged and they would be screaming. Foaming. High pitched. Feral. That's fair. So they were covered. So that made me feel better. I was at work the other day and there was a sale and they were selling shoes and my boss was like, Oh, try this one on and I said, ma'am. They're gonna have to stay where they are right now. I was wearing my running sneakers and socks, and I've been wearing them all day. Oh no. With my unpainted hairy toes. Uh, imagine. Pale, unpainted, hairy, swollen sausage toes that have been inside my work sneakers for an entire work day. That could, I don't know. Take down a fully grown man. No, for sure. Like Shrek. Yes. That's all. Somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me. Okay, I found this story on TikTok and I have to share it with you. Okay, cool. Give me the day. Keep in mind, I could not find this on the news. And I feel like it would be a news story. Weird. All I could see it on was TikTok and threads. So just take this with a grain of salt. But this is the story. That's where I get my news, so that's solid. Mmm. I'm gonna let that one slide because it's Christmas, okay? Okay. So, this is from a guy whose handle is TheRobbieShow. A New York City concierge was arrested after it was revealed she had been food poisoning hundreds of men. I don't know if that's a verb, food poisoning, but that's what she was doing. Plural. Whenever a guy was checking in with a woman, she would take the reservation info and look them up on social media. And if they were married, and if they were checking into the hotel with someone who was very clearly not their wife, she would DM the wives and give them a list of options they could pay for. Everything from minor annoyances to a room with bedbugs. Or food poisoning in their room service that they ordered to the room. And so, this ends up being like a side hustle for her. Oh. And one day, it all goes to shit because one woman wakes up and chooses violence. I guess she felt like she was doing them a service because if they get food poisoning, they're not hooking up that much. Yeah, that's fair. They're shitting themselves. Nothing to kill the mood when you're violently ill and both of you are shitting yourselves. I guess. So she ends up getting caught because one of the women she DM'd, like I said, woke up, chose violence, shows up to the hotel and says, I'll give you 20, 000. You will give me a hotel uniform or I'm going to blow this whole operation up in your face. And so she takes the money and she gives the woman the uniform and the woman brought a wig to like disguise herself and when her room service, their room service was ready, she went up and delivered the room service. And when she went in, her husband was in the bathroom, and the other woman is in the room, obviously. And she goes to sign for it, and the wife says, Do you know that he's married? And she goes, yeah, but she's a huge bitch. They get into a fistfight and so when the husband comes out of the bathroom His disguised wife in a wig in a wig in hotel uniform Is beating the shit out of the other woman and vice versa And they had to call the cops and it all go blown up and the concierge got arrested Arrested? Yes, Colleen Why? She's just The comments though, so funny. Like, girl's girl. Yeah. How much is her bail? We're bailing her out. No, yeah. Like, not all heroes wear tickets. I mean, like, it's a I'm a little concerned as to how she's, like, gathering bedbugs and putting them in beds. I don't think it's a gathering of bedbugs. Oh, she just knows what rooms have bedbugs, which is also really fucking disturbing. Well, I'm sure it's, like, not I'm sure it's, like, a holiday on the side of the highway. I mean, I've seen it It's New York City. I've seen it in Super 8 and Motel 6. I ain't never seen a bedbug. That's fucked up. Okay, knock on wood. Right fucking now. Absolute worst case scenario in a hotel is bedbugs. That's not sly. Yeah. And so I just needed you to hear that story and get your thoughts. It's just, it's also like, how bored are you with your time, respectfully? Like you're looking these people up, like, I respect the level of nosiness, but the action is concerning me. I feel like she is. Must have been cheated on before. Yeah, something's not right. And she, this is her vendetta. Yeah, the level of pettiness I'm here for. Level of nosiness, here for. Some things, if you really think about it, you're like Her bat signal flares when a, when a man walks in with another woman that isn't his wife. Yes, 100%. Her, her spidey senses be tinglin Mm hmm, she be knowin Yeah, isn't that crazy? That is wild. I hope, I hope that's like so true in every aspect, in every facet. Oh my god, Colleen, you went to Paris! Literally, tell us everything. Oh, yeah, I went for a couple hot days. It really wasn't anything crazy. Yeah, it doesn't matter, that's so exciting! Tell us everything! Who cares if it was 24 hours? It's so cool. What? Oh yeah, it was cool. No, it was, it was a slight. I definitely am so American. It's like painful. Yeah, that's true. No, like I diet Coke and iced tea is for me. America is for me. Also ice cubes. Oh my god. Europe doesn't love a fucking ice cube. I know you do. What's good with the hot mud coffee and the, the, the coke light that tastes like regular coke? It's some bullshit. And the coke zero. Like what are we doing here? Anyways, I went for a couple hot minutes my first independent flight. I WAC airline that apparently, so Aaron's like, oh yeah, like they'll give you like food. It's like international and like wine or whatever. I'm like, yeah, not where I'm flying because it's giving spirit of. International. Was it Frontier? No, it's Play. I've literally never even heard of it. It's new, it's a very cheap Icelandic airline. So all All my least favorite things. All of the flight attendants, and I took technically four flights because I had a layover, so four different sets of flight attendants. The most stunning, bright blue eyed, gorgeous, cheekbones, I couldn't stop staring. Yeah. Were they really tall? Yes. Yeah. There was there was a man one of the times. I just was so enth I enthralled by him. I've also never been attracted to a blonde. I was like, wait a minute. And he had like a little hint of a tattoo. They were, yeah, no. And then he would like talk to obviously some people in Icelandic, whatever it is. Yeah. It's Icelandic now. It's a crazy language. No, it is. I'm like, there's no way. How did you learn that? I'm sorry. Did you see the signs? There's way too many consonants next to each other. I am like, you're, you're making things up right now. You're telling me this person understands you because, and then you just like turn to the left and be like, Hey, how are you? I'm like, well, I'm stupid. So I'm sitting in my chair like this. Well, I will say. Just like for my time traveling as well, Americans not being bilingual, like we just expect everyone to speak English. But they do. And they, a lot of them do. Yeah. They speak most English. Not happily, which I don't blame them. I want to be like, yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm American I know you know, isn't it brutal brutal and when you're in a public space and you're trying to blend in and you just hear One really loud person. That's so clearly American who's like, where's the Metro and you're like, oh my god Oh my god, so stop There was a set of four to one of my layovers in Iceland mind you the ice Iceland Airport is, looks like a fucking Ikea showroom. It was really freaking me out. There was hot dogs everywhere. They love a hot dog. Hot dogs are their thing. I did have one. Of course you did. Was it 30? No, I think it was like 14, whatever the number is, that I S Y S or whatever, whatever the number, I don't know. Sure. Also, why do you have to use your boarding pass to buy things? It's weird. I don't know, that happens sometimes. Like are people just going to the airport for fun and just having hot dogs? Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. It's all very confusing. So I was very confused myself. I'm so proud of you though, like you don't do things alone and you flew. overseas for the first time on a red eye with a layover by yourself. Like, that's a pretty big deal. Yeah, I'm a slay. Slay. I'm a slay. I actually wasn't bothered. I was totally fine. And I also, like, I For someone who doesn't sleep and is a freak, I just have this weird issue where I just legitimately knock out on planes before they take off. No, that's a good thing. Some people would kill for that. I just It's emotion. Yeah, it's not sly. And I have like my Do you do that in cars? I don't feel like you do that in cars. No, because I'm always driving. Oh. Weirdly though, when I was there, every Uber we took, I fell asleep in. But I think I just was really tired. Like, I would literally just fall asleep against the window in every single Uber we took in Paris. Like, I I don't do that ever. When I was younger my mom used to put me in the car when I, so I would fall asleep. And then she would just carry me to my bed. Cause I just like, loved to sleep in the car. Interesting. Yeah, I don't know why. Yeah, so it's the motion. Yeah. So I just, peace the fuck out. So Paris. So Paris stunning. Thought the people would be really mean to me. They weren't, but also like No, no, they just don't care. They're indifferent. They're not warm and fuzzy. No, they're, yeah, they're just like, okay. So I just like expected people to be like, Oh, this fucking stupid ass American bitch. Which like, fair, and I wouldn't have been mad if they did, but I was really hoping they wouldn't, you know? Yeah, yeah. But also I'm walking around like this. You know? And it's just like, how can you be mean to me? She's cheesing. Yeah, how can you be mean to me if I'm just like, hello bonjour? Like, pfft, you can't be mean to me. Oh, the reason I was talking about the Iceland airport is because there was two like 65 year old couples like in their fucking Reebok sneakers and like just being so loud being like, but where do we go now? And like, you gotta get, we have to, I'll go check this out. You check this out and then we'll circle back. I was like, shut the fuck up. I know. Sit down and shut up. Shut up. And they were like all matching outfits. It was insane. Also the flight attendants wore, that's how I knew. I was like, I literally thought that the gate wouldn't exist. One, you couldn't add the ticket to your Apple pay. What? Your wallet? Yeah. Apple wallet. You couldn't add it. It was like a screenshot. It was a screenshot of what it would look like in your wallet. It was no, so I'm like, so this gate doesn't exist. And they were in bright red uh, pants and blazer with like, which is a white t shirt that's a play on it. I'm like, this isn't real. This is a fake line. Like it was like a cute fit. Like it wasn't like, I was It wasn't business dash. I was confused. Yeah, it was very weird. And I also like, I don't, I expect, I think my airplane etiquette is like the lowest of the low. Like I don't even make eye contact with the, I'm like, don't look at, I don't even drink anything. I don't even take off my AirPods. I don't do anything. Yeah, that's okay. Like I don't want, if they ask me for something, I'd be like, no, it's okay, I'm fine. I'm sorry. Like why is everything a burden on a plane to me? I don't know. I don't even like to go to the bathroom. It makes me feel bad. Colleen, this is a personal problem. No, I know. I'm telling you. I, guys, I'm So deeply unveiled. This is my cross to bear. I can't be normal on an airplane at all. Never, never can. So, I think you only Getting up? Excuse me? Oh my God, can't do it. Can't. Gotta be on the aisle or else I'm not peeing. I'm holding it. Yeah, so you would feel bad tapping someone to make them move. Oh God, no. I wouldn't even do it. I would just suffer. Wear a diaper. I would suffer. Probably cry. So, As long as you're not being rude or forcing them to do something outside of the norm, you're just, you're way overthinking it. If they're coming down the aisle and they're asking what you want to drink, you're not out of your mind for just being like, can I have a ginger ale? Yeah, no. I just don't, I just don't drink anything. You just did, you were like, I'm sorry, I don't need anything. I just don't, I just don't look. Sometimes I smile. You don't look hold on now. I'm confused when they go when they roll by when they roll by and they ask you for What do you want for a snack? What do you want for a drink? You don't look them in the eye? No, I usually just Sometimes they just look at you. The tisms. The tism is tisming. I can't do it. That's fucking crazy Colleen That's that is like you going to pay for something at Target in Someone never taking their air pods out and never looking at you at the eye as they As you pay for your stuff. Like, it's part of their job. I just am like That's fucking crazy. You just say no thank you. Like, just little ol me. Okay, well we're just gonna unpack that on a different day. Anyway, so you get to Paris. I get to Paris. I spent I got there at like 11am and obviously I didn't really like sleep. Like, I kind of Like not at all, but I the time was so confusing to me You went to Versailles and we spent the whole day there. We went isn't it gorgeous? So stunning Marie Antoinette is a fucking goddamn slay. She's on my list to do for the pod. Oh my god She's so so just her the rooms I could live and die there like I I didn't, we didn't, it was a really shitty weather day, and like, honestly, we just weren't like, gonna go explore the whole ass fuckin property, like, we just didn't. We did the inside, and like, the standard garden, and that was it, but, so we didn't get to like, see her like, secret hideaway or anything, or any of her clothes, but But it's so beautiful. Like I just didn't have any words. It also, my camera sounds like how it sounds. We all know that. So I actually was like, gang, you make a shared album and I'll pretend like I'm in on this because I'm just gonna, so I'm sad. I just looked at everything and I didn't take any like pictures or anything, which was kind of cool. I loved it. Would live, would live there. I would like to live here. And then we went on a night. I noticed we got dinner and stuff, obviously, which was like, so easy. You were worried about ordering food. I really was. I was like, Oh my God, I don't fucking understand. I just don't understand, like, I just, I was nervous and I hate looking dumb or feeling dumb or feeling like I don't know what's going on, so like, I, which is funny because I look and feel dumb every day probably, you know what I mean, like, it just, no, no, so it's like, I don't know why, but I just was really nervous about that, especially because I did have to spend a day alone and I was like, I'm so fucked, but thank god the third day, like, my last day was my day alone, so I was like, relatively comfortable, yeah, you were more in, settled in, yeah when we went out at night, it, when it, Something was different in the air. So like, mind you, we hadn't slept for probably a full 24 hours at this point, maybe even 36. I don't even know. And it was like 4 a. m. and we felt like it was fucking like 6 p. m. It was crazy. We went to this bar that we just thought was I had read online, like it was, I saw it on TikTok, obviously, that it was like dinner and then like a guy comes and sings from like 9 to 11 and then it's a club until, this is a Sunday also, and It's a club until 6am. Like a disco club situation. Very much like New York. You can do anything at any hour, really. Yeah. There was a guy, he came and sang. He was very old school, sang all the good oldies. He was, he sounded, he was like like a soul, like soul R& B, like soul, soul R& B. I've never heard someone sound like that in person. Like, I'll show you a video. He was so good. And he had his little friend with him and he was like playing like the violin, the guitar, so cute. But obviously he was like really interactive with like the, the, the rum and we were the only Americans in there. And so he was like targeting us and being like, just like making fun of us and stuff. And but everyone was so nice. It was like, probably like six tables. Like it was a small place. And then he put us up on stage and was like, you have to stay here the whole night if you can't sing every word to this song. And of course, It was, I will survive because obviously my time has come. I'm like, okay, so the three of us gals get up there and obviously everyone knows the standard parts. And then all of a sudden it would like switch to like the chorus and like the, I mean the verse and I'm like taking the microphone on every fucking word.. And we, we got the place bumping the people and we said it the next day, like not to be like, Aaron was like, Why were we famous last night? Like why did, why did everyone want to be our friend? Like, I have never felt like that quite in such a way in my whole life. Like, but also not scared of it either. Like we just were living. We loved it. And people were coming in and out the entire night. Like new people were coming, loved us. I kissed three men. I kissed two French ones. One was American. He was from Texas. I'm like, thanks Paul from Texas. So nice to meet you here in Paris. One, I could have died, this guy, this French man. He, uh, made me dance with him. Like, super, like, how, like a, I just feel like a normal, like, mature man would make you dance and, like, do the very Dancing with the Stars. This man Picks me up off the ground full blood. I have never been picked up by a man That wasn't like my father as a child fully picks me up and dancing with the stars like up to the side And around my waist are swung you swung me and I went around my legs were around his waist like you get backwards swing dancing Bridget, I almost called you Aaron. That was weird. I Was too sound to speak. I had no words look to Aaron and Aaron is absolutely like and I'm just Frozen and then he just pursued he was buying us drinks all night. It was so nice It was so nice because I was checking your location just to see like where you were staying and stuff. Yeah, and it was my 11 p. m. Mm hmm And you were still out. Yeah, I was like five and I texted you later. It was like, how was it? And you were like, oh, we were out till 6 a. m And I made out with three boys and I was like The girl who literally will not kiss a stranger in a bar goes to Paris for one night It is getting swung around dancing with the star style and make it out with everyone. I was so excited for you I loved it. Like this is what it's all oddly enough. One of them wasn't even in the bar and I didn't make out with him I just kissed him but it was funny because we were like waiting for our uber like trying to figure out where we should go like You So we, after the guy sang and we danced with for a while and we were like loving it, we were like, well, what are the other places? Like, well, let's just go see. Cause we were on like a street that had a bunch of bars. So as we leave, people are like coming out of the bars being like, come, come like drink, drink, like we'll get you a free drink, whatever. And of course we're like sketched out. Cause like, that's fucking weird. Like imagine people doing that in Boston. Like they would fucking never do that. So we did it at like three different bars. We only had three different drinks at. Three different bars just like and they just like let us go after it wasn't like anyone was like they just loved us It was so weird. And then eventually like let's try like a club like there's gonna be a club open on Sunday Let's just like see we're just so curious. So we stopped we're talking to these guys through Google Translate They don't speak any English obviously and but they like loved us anyways, and he told me I was very charismatic and beautiful Over Google Translate. Oh my god And then I left. You're a hit. Yeah. I was like, I've never received more male attention in my entire life. Like, but also like, I wasn't really like attracted to any of them. One of them really smelled like truffle fries and I didn't like that. He tasted like it too. I really didn't like it. I didn't like it at all. You guys. You had your Martha Stewart Duomo moment. I did. I did. I don't remember his name, but he did tell me I was a good person. I was like, thank you. I told him I had a boyfriend and he said, it's fine. I have a girlfriend. And I was like, okay. Oh, he probably meant that though, or you were joking. Yeah, probably. The French don't give a shit. No, they don't. They really don't, but he really smelled like truffle. I didn't like that part. There was like an interaction with a man and lady in line for the bathroom and Paul from Texas like defended my honor and it was like literally seen out of a movie. I loved it. I loved it. Wow. Yeah. Filling so many voids in Paris. No, it was so great. I was so deeply unwell the next day that I missed the activities, but it was fine because I did those activities by myself the next day. Okay. Yeah. I was not doing well. I tried to, like, get up and, like, get in there, and I was, like, I was just so tired that I couldn't. Yeah. Yeah. So it just wasn't, it wasn't great. But they're, they're stronger than I. The girlies went and did the things I did not. Well, they also had been there before you. So your body had not. Irene and I landed at the same time. Oh, she did? Yeah. Yes. Oh, I thought she was there a couple days before you. I think the other, her other co work that we spent the whole time with, she was there the night before, I think. Okay. But yeah, Erin and I actually ended up landing at the same time, which is like literally the exact same minute. And so she had her like company Uber and just like picked me up. So that was really nice. Her hotel was the weirdest hotel I've ever fucking stayed in in my life. Okay. It was called Mama Shelter. But everything, like their marketing and their branding had Mama on it. So like, yeah, no, it'd be like Mama welcomes you and then like Mama says go to sleep. Even like all the stuff in the bathrooms. Maybe that's supposed to be soothing? I don't know. But it's just weird? No, it was seriously so fucking weird. Mama says wash. Mama says Oh, no. No, it was so weird. Mama said, Mama has dirty clothes, and it would be like a laundry basket. It was just fucking weird. Oh my god, the weirdest, weirdest, weirdest thing about the hotel was when we walked into, our room wasn't ready, so we went to the co workers room, and we walked in and there was like Batman masks on the lamps next to the bed. It was very weird. And so, I was like, oh, that's kind of funny. Like, they're just like quirky, kind of weird. Like, you went in one of the bathrooms and there was like cartoons playing on the ceiling. Like, you'd think it'd be like, kind of cool. Like Tom and Jerry was playing and so then we got our room and there was like a Spider Man one and then like a Batman one and we just like thought it was kind of weird. One of the days I was alone, I turn on the TV because I can't deal with silence. I don't even give a fuck if it's French. Just put something on. I can't deal with my own thoughts and it's movies and then you can see XXX in the Whatever, like, the porn thing was, was two girls in the masks. So, I don't know what the fuck was going on in that hotel. Or what the vibes were. I don't, it was crazy. It was very dark, too. Like, it was just Brothel y? Kind of. I've never been to a brothel, so I don't know. But it was also nice. Yeah, me neither, but I think you can Like, it was nice. Like, the hotel was nice, but Maybe a sex hotel? I don't know. It was very, it was in a weird part of Paris, too. Like, I had to take a 45 minute Uber every time we left. Outside of the city. Yeah, the the Eiffel is stunning, but also like, okay, like why are people See, I feel that way about the Mona Lisa. I love the Eiffel Tower. Oh, I refuse. I absolutely refuse. Was it a madhouse to get in there? Oh, I didn't go in. Yeah. I, I did the walkthrough and I like went to the Louvre and like whatever that is behind it and like the gardens and there was a Christmas market. It's like I did all that shit by myself because I was like, I'm not gonna go in. Like, I know how underwhelming the Mona Lisa is. Uh, the Eiffel loved it at night. During the day I was like, kind of confused by it and then also like people going all the way up like, why the fuck are we paying millions of dollars to go all the way up there? At night though when it sparkles. It's so beautiful and we got dinner at a place that was like within view. And I like that they're not legally allowed to build skyscrapers taller than the Eiffel Tower. Air rights or whatever? Yeah, so it, it literally stands above the whole city. I fucking love it. Yeah, it's so, it's so pretty when it sparkles at night. So fucking cold. Yeah, it's cold. So fucking cold. And I'm not, I'm like, it's a new thing for me. Confused. I was like, Okay, since I lost weight, I'm cold more often. I am so cold. What is up with that? I don't know. I don't like it. We have less blubber, less blubber. I have no fucking idea, but I was like, Oh my God, like my bones hurt. I've never experienced this in my life. Like I'm usually sweating. I'm usually fucking sweating. Yeah, not down for that. What else did I say? I did all like obviously the touristy shit. Oh my god, this is what I meant to tell you. This is important. Okay, I'm ready. Unsaid. So there's this place, which you know probably, where the ARC is, that street with all the shopping, like the Chanel and the crazy Louis Vuitton. They have that shopping mall. The, it's like Ulysses Day, the Champ, or whatever the fuck it is. It's like the iconic like shopping gallery and mall that you go to Sean. Yeah. Yeah. Some shit like that. I don't know. I was by myself, so I'm just like, just wandering around. And I like knew it was there. I was like, oh, that's what that is. So I go in and they usually have the big Christmas tree in the middle and like, that's what I always see on like TikTok and shit. I walked in and I looked down. I'm like, why am I on Yellow Brick Road? Ah. It was wicked themed, Bridget. Shut the fuck up. I took pictures on my ca uh, my camera for you. They had the dresses in, in glass boxes. Shut up! Yeah, everything was wicked. I was looking for something to buy you because it was all wicked shit, but it was like nothing you would have wanted. Yeah, that's okay. They had a, like, those veluspa candles too, and they smelled like shit and they were like 90. I was like, she doesn't want that. And they were like alpha, beta, and glitter themed. They had Oh, but that's so cool. They had so much shit. All the clothes and like the nice designer bags were wicked themed. They had the murals of them on the side of the wall. Yeah. They had a it was Oz was there. Like, it was fun. It was, normally, it's like a, it's like walking into a Chanel and it being wicked. That's the equivalent. Here is the pronunciation, because I know I just butchered that. Champs Élysées. Champs Élysées. Champs Élysées. Oh, no, I was like, yeah, you did good. Jean Zelize. So I was, I walked in and I was like, and I immediately looked like, I had my digital camera, too. I'm like, snapping, snapping, snapping. It's so funny that digital cameras are making a comeback because I used to be that bitch at the bar with the digital camera. Oh my god, I love it. There's nothing better than me waking up and plugging it in and sending a shared album to everybody. I love it. I live for it. That's what I meant to tell you. I knew you would love that. Oh, love. Uh, the catacombs? We'd live there. Like, I have never felt more like invigorated and alive than in the catacombs. Can you say that sentence one more time? I have never felt more infigurated and alive. It was also What are the catacombs? So the catacombs are back in the day, a million trillion years ago, not really, but like a long time ago. Oh I also forgot to pick up like the voice tour. that you're supposed to listen to. So you just walked around with no Yeah, but I kind of liked it better. Like, it was like spooky. But I was reading the things, like, when there was, like, no option to read or whatever. So I'm like, I gotta read? Like, is this educational? I was just trying to get, like, a good, like, pussy poppy feeling down here. I think that's how people feel when they listen to this podcast. That's fair. I'm just here for the pussy pop and they're teaching me something? Yeah, we're doing U. S. History today. Woof. Uh, basically like a million years ago they had nowhere to bury all these people so they just like made, they put them underground and there's like 90, 100 millions of miles of catacombs underneath Paris. Like, underneath Paris is a catacomb. Like there is just tunnels and tunnels of bones. There's only a certain chunk that you can go into. So I did like a mile of like, uh, just. So just to be clear, you have never been, you've never felt more invigorated or alive Doing a tour of the dead just to just be crystal clear. No, for sure. Because you think about, well, one, these people are on, and they have a wall where it shows like, these people are down here. We just don't know where, which is like kind of creepy in a way that it's like, they're there. They are one of these. And it's just walls and walls of like femurs and like skulls. And it says like, don't touch. I might touch a little bit, but I guess I was just curious. There's a really famous one in Rome. They give me claustrophobia. I do not enjoy. This one was spacious. It was spacious. Okay. Well, listen, I love that for you. It's right up your alley. So it also is self guided. So there's no down there. So I was by myself. Yes. I mean, if I slowed down, I could have, or sped up, I could have either. You wanted to be alone in the catacombs. But I also like didn't have the tour that everybody else had. So I was just like standing there and I could hear, like, they had like an air, I was like, okay, I have FOMO. So I'm just gonna just wander around by my fucking self. And like, everything's in like, you loved it. I loved it. It was really cool, but even though they're all dead, but it's just like yeah, it's cool It's a story and they did it obviously as a way to make it seem more Of like an official resting place. It wasn't like we're throwing you fuckers down here and like yeah, we have no it was like more like There's more to it. Peaceful. Just fucking look it up. I'm not explaining it. But like, it was peaceful. It was like, to make it seem like it was a proper burial. That kind of thing. Yes. Yes. They do a lot of respectful things to it, so. But it's cool. It's really fucking cool. Loved it. Walked by it for like a mile. Alright, well, one day when you die and we cremate you, I'm going to take a little bit of your ashes and go sprinkle them in the catacombs in Paris. Perfect. Great. And also it's like, I didn't realize it's like way below like trans. Oh yeah. I didn't realize how low it was. The metro is low. Yes. The metro is down there. It's like you, they do, they have a sign when you get down there that says like, you are here. I was like, oh shit. Yeah. Slay. Down. Sly. And then. Any other updates from Paris? No, that's really it. I ate a baguette. As you should. I ate a croissant. I didn't really eat in Paris, which is crazy. But also like, it's all like deserty pastries and that's just not me and I did a disservice. I'm sorry. No, you had, you had bread. Did you have some cheese? I walked around and I went to the, Did you get some sure coots? So the day that the cheese we had was the day that I was unwell. Mmm. A lot of hot coffee. Yeah, you're not a hot coffee girlie. No, it's just not good. But I had, Croissant, I had raclette. Mm hmm. That was good. Mm hmm. That's it. That's all I ate. I really didn't eat. Amazing. Would you go back? Yeah, I would. Did you, so you enjoyed it? I did enjoy it. I'm so happy for you. Thanks! I also booked our, our river dinner cruise on the wrong day, so that was my fault. So I just ate that money. It's like 400. Yeah, I don't want to talk about it. Oh, golly. Yep, because the month and the days are backwards. That is true. Uh huh. So, that was mine. But you live and you learn. That wasn't my bad. I didn't tell them though that I ate the money because I think they would have tried to pay me and I didn't. I was like, this is my fault. This is not yours. Yeah, I'm just gonna You know what I mean? Suffer in silence. I I did miss America after three days. I like America. I like iced coffee. I like Diet Coke. And I don't like French men, really. I decided. Yeah. Okay. That's the tea. Your first European city though. Very exciting stuff. Check. Let's go to Ireland. I'm kind of bored. Yeah, tell me about it. Okay, cool. Twist my arm. Last time we were listening to the Celtic woman, I leaned over to Erin and said, I just want to live in Ireland for like three months. Yeah. In like a cottage. Yep. In the middle of Killarney or like in the middle of a village, rent a car, drive around, go to Galway. See sheep. See all the things. See some Have a goodness. Yep. Cut the G. Yep. All the live music, all the potatoes, all the beef stew. I've actually never had beef stew. Yeah, they have a really good plot twist. Beef get a stew. You don't say. You don't say. Oh, you know what I think is cool, actually? What? Whatever Krampus is. I keep seeing it on my TikTok. Okay, so it's really funny you should say that. Austria, right? I asked ChadGBT, what is the history of Santa Claus? Like, what happened? So I'm just gonna, it's not gonna be a deep dive, guys. Don't worry. Don't panic. They're like, fuck, come on, man. They're like, oh, Bridgette, come on, we don't care. No, just really quick. No, it's so true, though. It says the OG Santa, Saint Nicholas, Santa's roots trace back to St. Nicholas, a 4th century Greech, Greek Bishop from Myra, which is modern day Turkey. Oh, okay. He was the real deal. Known for his generosity, particularly towards children and the poor, legend has it he once saved a family from destitution by secretly tossing gold coins through their window and some say it landed in stockings. Drawing by the fire. Oh familiar St. Nick's reputation spread across Europe and he became the patron of Saints and sailors children and merchants Okay, and so then he went from st. To Santa fast forward to the Middle Ages St. Nicholas became a big deal in Europe, especially in the Netherlands Dutch folks called him sinterklaas Oh, actually was watching the Santa Claus with Tim Allen, which still fucking holds up. That first one is so good. Yeah. And he's, he's going like the Popeye's usual, you know, when he does all the different Santa Claus names. Yeah. He says Sinterklaas. Oh. And I giggled. Uh, so Sinterklaas was depicted as a kind old man in robes, riding a horse and carrying treats for kids. Dutch immigrants brought the concept of Sinterklaas to America in the 17th century. So Santa hits the U. S. By the 1800s, the legend started evolving thanks to writers like Washington Irving and Clement Clarke Moore, who wrote Twas the Night Before Christmas. So Moore gave Santa the sleigh, the reindeer, he's jolly. He invented Christmas, essentially. He invented the image of Santa, but Coca Cola is what really sets Santa off. The Coca Cola makeover happened in the 1930s. Uh, they commissioned an artist named Hadden Sunbloom to create a Santa for their ads. Like a new marketing campaign. That's cool. I love vintage Santa. And Santa, this Santa is the one we know today. Like the rosy cheeks, the big belly, the red suit with white fur trim, the smile. So Coca Cola's marketing spread this image globally, solidifying the modern Santa. I actually did not know that. Yeah, it's because of Coca Cola. So St. Nick, who knows what he even looks like? He actually, my mom always used to say he was in a powder blue suit first, and they changed it to red. Red's more his color. mashups, Santa also pulls from a blend of cultural traditions. So Yule traditions from Norse mythology, I think it's called. Like Odin, who wrote a flying horse and delivered gifts. Father Christmas from England who embodied holiday cheer and Krampus in other European folklore that brought a bit of spice and fear into the mix. Yeah, I've been watching their Krampus parades and it just, yeah, it hits, they approach. It's nice. Good lord, Colleen. And so it says, I asked it for like a gay recap. I'm like, make it gay. Santa's penchant for glamour, hello bold red statement piece, and his undeniable sparkle may not have historical basis but let's be real, the jolly old icon gives off ally vibes. So Santa Claus is really a glittering patchwork of saints, myths, marketing, and culture. He's been reimagined by everyone from Dutch sailors to Coca Cola execs and he still evolves to reflect our times. What a legend am I right? What a king. That's Hannah. Santa! So I wasn't totally done with Chat GPT. I had one more thing to ask you. Santa's definitely hung. You think? Does he have BDE for you? Yeah, he does. Oh, Santa. Good for him. Yeah, he's giving. He definitely has some shrinkage though. It's cold. It's colder than North Pole. Yeah, but that's what he's Santa. He's magical. He's a shower. He's giving. Wink wink, you know? Or he's a grower. He's a grower, not a shower. Okay, that's fair. So I asked Chat GPT to write us a rhyme that you might have heard of. Oh, Twas the night before Christmas? But make it Sippin with the Shannons. Oh my god, I'm scared. And make it gay. Oh, okay. Are you ready for this? I don't even, I can't even. Yes. Okay. Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the pod, Colleen and Bridget were sipping eggnog. The mics were set up by the table with care in hopes that their listeners soon would be there. The vibes were immaculate, merry, and bright as the Shannons prepared for a fun festive night. With Bridget in her sweater and Colleen in her hat, they laughed till they giggled. It was just like that. When out on the lawn, there rose such a clatter, they sprang to the window, with wine and a cheese platter. That's so true. Away to the curtains, they sashayed with flair, because the drama, the tea, honey, they needed to be there. No true. Yep. The moon on the snow with a glitter and glow lit up the yard like a fabulous show when what to their wondering eyes did appear but a gorgeous sleigh and eight tipsy reindeer with a driver so extra all sparkles and quick they knew in a moment it must be Saint Nick. He carried a flask with a wink in his eye and he hollered let's sip Shannon girls don't you be shy more rapid than gossip his reindeer they came. And he whistled and shouted and called them by name. Now Chardonnay, now Merlot, now Rosé, and Port. On Malbec, on Riesling, on Pinot, of course. Why is this so good? Chat GPTA girlies. To the top of the house, to the top of the wall, They dashed away, dashed away, dashed away all. But Santa stayed back with his sack full of cheer, To share a quick sip with a cousin so dear. He pulled out a flask, bedazzled with care, And Bridget yelled, Slay! As Colleen fixed her hair. Spot the lie. Spot the lie, I dare you. They toasted and laughed under twinkling lights, Feeling the joy of these magical nights. He laughed as he poured and he toasted their show. Your podcast, he said, is the best gift I know. Keep sipping, keep sipping and sharing and spreading good fun. Because sipping with the Shannons is loved by everyone. I'm upset. Then Santa stood up with a gleam in his eye and said, love, you mean it? As he waved them goodbye. With giggles and cheers, the cousins both smiled. Their holiday spirit was perfectly styled. He sprang to his sleigh with jolly delight, and they heard him exclaim as he flew out of sight, Merry Christmas, you icons, and to all a gay night! Okay, where is he? We must find him. Is that not incredible? Hang it in the Louvre. Like, that is Hang it in the Louvre. That is bananas. I literally might get it printed. No, you should. Isn't it so fucking good? Trademark it, do some I don't know, we need something. Wow. So yeah, I just wanted to read that to you. Chills. Okay. So now that we got the corny stuff out of the way, let's get to the juicy goss that you have prepared for us. Everyone's family is crazy, right? Everyone's family is crazy. Everyone's family is not well, that is for sure, for sure. But if you ever need to feel better about yourself, your family, the whole shebang, these stories will definitely do that for you. Somewhere, absolutely. Insane. I obviously got them from reddit because reddit's a dark hole and others I was just like What was the thought process? So sit back Pour some wine. Let's enjoy a horrific christmas holiday giggle. Well, I think too As we get older like the picture perfect nothing happens in our family That's just a lie. Everyone has some shit going on. Yeah and holidays are stressful. Yeah Like it's a lie. Like, you grow up and you're like, no, like my parents know everything and everything is perfect. So what the fuck let's, let's, let's run that one back. Let's run that one back. Okay. So let's shit. Here are these absolutely fucking unhinged family Christmas stories. Okay. Oh, I'm so sorry. I just opened this. So it reminded me. ACOTAR. What, what are you saying? Why did you just, are you reading it? I'm halfway through the first book. Are you fucking kidding me? You waited this long to tell me you're halfway through ACOTAR? I wanted to tell, when you brought it up earlier, I wanted to tell you on the pod for a true reaction, hold my hand. I love this journey for you. so much. I need you. Okay. No, I'm not. It took me way too long to understand that the per the main person that I can't pronounce. Feyre, is that how you say it? Feyre. Was a girl. It took me way too long to figure that out. Bitch. Yeah, I know. Until they talked she talked about Isaac. Then I was like, wait, that's a man. Well, in my defense, she's like slaying away and hunting in like the first fucking twenty pages. Yeah, because our family's gonna fucking starve. Yeah, so I thought she was the man of the house. I was confused. She is. She is the daddy of the household. She's just a woman. And who am I to just assume, but like, then I figure it out, you know, misogyny. Yeah, I know. It's my bad. I'm crossed a bear. Here I am. Okay, we, we must talk about this. I will say the first half of the first book is the slowest part and then it like picks up like crazy. Got it. What part are you at? She just found out that he is, uh, hi Lord or whatever. High theory. Fucking, I fucking don't know. That's okay. You don't have to know. It's okay. Just buckle in. He's some high bullshit. And keep going. He like has fangs or something. I dunno Dunno. He does it. Yes, he does. He He shifts. He shifts. Yeah. I'll let you know. I'm very excited. Okay, keep going. I'll let you know. But I did go on TikTok and look it up and then I realized what was gonna happen in the next book. So that's my bad, because I was like, oh, who's that? And then I was like, oh god damn it Colleen. That's the best part. Yeah, it's my, it's okay. It's fine. But I think I still would be Tam's fan, I think. Mm. Okay. We'll find out. We'll circle back on that. Pause on that. Yep. Pause on that. And anyways. Okay. First sentence. Many Christmases ago, when my brother was almost five, he shot the priest. Oh my god! See, my baby brother loved to play cowboy. It was his favorite thing. He'd throw fits if he couldn't bring one of his toy guns with him everywhere, and eventually my mom just gave up and let him. However, she always made him take the gun that was just a solid chunk of plastic, not one of his cap guns. Well, mom was singing in the choir that year, and my dad was a Eucharistic minister, and she left it up to my aunt to get us around. My aunt didn't know which guns my brother was allowed to bring, and he was being fussy, so she just grabbed one and threw it in the car. So we're sitting there in the front pew, the whole big family, and my brother's on the end. The priest is walking around with his bucket of holy water, which he is sprinkling us with, and my brother is fiddling with his gun. When the priest approaches the pew, he points it at him and just straight up pulls the trigger. Only it wasn't a solid piece of plastic. It was a loaded cap gun. The church is silent, and then boom. Bang. The priest drops the bucket of holy water on the floor, which makes an even louder bang, clutches his heart, and staggers backwards while people start freaking the fuck out because they think he's just been shot. My brother's crying, my dad looks like he wants to die, and my sister and I are absolutely silent. Then we realize what happened and start laughing our asses off because we can see that it's a cap gun. But the church is in panic, the cops come, it was a hulk. Needless to say, it was the end of my brother's cowboy phase. Oh. My God. Picture a priest being like Your brother shot the priest. No, of course he thought he was actually shot. Oh. My. Why are you Whose parents are letting even a toy gun into a fucking church? He was unsupervised. It was the aunt. It would have been you. You wouldn't have known. Oh. My fucking God. I'm just saying. That's crazy. This one's just, uh, short and sweet. My mom left a turkey out to defrost the night before Christmas in our family reunion. Come sun up, it was, come sun up, it was covered in ants. She just washed it off and cooked it anyway and served it to her in laws. No. No. No. Fair enough. Did you see the meme where the dog is fucking the turkey? Like there's like a little dog. No. And the mom, one of the kids texts the mom and is like, Oh my god, we have to throw this turkey out. She's like, well just watch it. Take out the giblets, give it a good rinse, slap some butter on it, and shove it in the oven. I don't give a fuck. That bird's been Grind that bitch. The bird has been through worse. Look at it. You know? It's a literal cavity. It's been plugged with steroids and then killed. And then shipped, wrapped up and shipped and sent to us. I don't know what's worse, the people that pick out their turkeys or that. Jesus Christ, but shout out to those the deli turkey sandwiches, like D'Angelo's you're slaying. I get texts from D'Angelo's every single day and I only ever go and get it when I have a buy one get one free coupon because then I get dinner and lunch the next day. Like, I have issues. I guess, I guess send them to Fiona. I'm like, you doubt? There's two of us. She's like, no. There's one so close D'Angelo's texting people. Oh, I'm on there. I'm a member. I'm a member. I get the texts all the time. Of course you fucking are. I'm just saying. They're really, they were on their turkey bullshit for the fucking gobbler sandwich or whatever during Thanksgiving. I'm like, I don't want it with cranberry sauce. I don't want it at all. I don't want your stuffing. I just want deli turkey, lettuce, cheese, mayo, pickles, toasted. Okay. Everyone remember that. Okay. Both of my parents come from families with 10 plus fucking children. Our holidays have always been dysfunctional as hell, but I will give you the top three incidents. Fuck yes, let's go. Uncle gets shitfaced off wild turkey on Christmas Eve. Which I think wild turkey is like a whiskey. Alcohol, yeah. Yeah, it's whiskey, right? He starts airing his grievances against his father. You never let me wear green. I hate your fucking fat beard. And then shouting at all of us kids to shut the fuck up, I'm trying to have a discussion with my dad. My gra oh wait, no, that was it. That was the first one. Sorry. Wild turkeys bourbon. Oh, it's bourbon. He has demons. He has fighting something. And you know what? You're okay. Who among us? Shut the fuck up. I'm trying to have a discussion with my dad. Okay. Pop off. Sure thing. Chicken wing. Next one. My paternal grandfather holding his first great grandchild and then just saying, Christ, this one's ugly. Great grandparents can say whatever the fuck they want though. They're great. They've been around for too long. They're so old. I trust their judgment. Probably. You've seen enough of them at this point. Best one was in Chris was Christmas 2001. My dad was just diagnosed with diabetes. It literally says diabetes. Diabetes. Like I'm crying. I, we, one of my best friends from high school is diabetes. And we've always said we'll call it the betas. Yeah. Like her and her betas. Like, so to see diabetes typed out is fucking hilarious to me. Very Reddit. Yeah, he was just diagnosed with diabetes, so no delicious pie and treats for him. My uncle makes awesome pies and is a huge troll. True. He comes over with a pumpkin, apple, cherry, and blueberry pies and says they're all for my dad. Dad gets pissed because he can't have pie and my uncle just keeps teasing him. My dad asks for the potatoes to be passed to him and my uncle passes him pie. My dad gets up, walks over to my uncle, punches him straight in the face, Breaks his nose. Pandemonium ensues. And my dad's excuse? I'm stressing over 9 11 and wanting pie made me goofy. So this is Christmas of 2001. So I'm stressing over 9 11 and the pie made me goofy. Oh, oh, good Lord. What would you do if I almost just said, well, I said your dad punched my dad in the face, but he's dead Colleen. That's insensitive. What if my dad roundhouse punched Uncle Bobby in the face on Christmas? That would never happen. But like that's crazy. That's fucking wild. Yeah, physically assaulting a family member is wild. I agree. I agree. Just for the record, you know what this podcast has always said? Violence is never the answer? Violence is never the answer. I disagree. I so fucking disagree. Bring that shit back. Just not the the things with the swords and the guns. Dueling. Dueling. Fuck that shit. But, hey, get your, you didn't get. You did not enjoy the dueling. I was pissed. Get your hands dirty. Grow up. We're rowing across the Hudson. We're shooting to kill. Yeah, we're, we're killing. We're We're shooting! Okay, I have a small family with just one cousin. That sucks. She is about five years older than I. When she brought her when she bought her first house and had a kid, she wanted to host Christmas. The rest of the family's like, fuck yeah, take all the mess, cooking, do all the shit. So we went to cousin Josie's house. Highlights of the night. Literally numbered 1 through 11, okay? 1. Cousin getting mega drunk, trash, and forgetting about about any cooking or hosting and it was at her house. Grandpa drunk in the corner yelling slurs member that walks by within range. Good lord. Two uncles getting in a fist fight about the presidential race. I think it was Jesus. I think it was Bush versus Clinton. Well, you just wait. My mother's screaming at me, you ruined Christmas, I hope you're happy. One uncle's ex wife is sneaking smoke with me in the garage, hinting that we should get at the naughty stuff. No thanks, lady. An unattended baby smearing shit everywhere. A hundred percent burned turkey. Fire alarm's going off. Fire department comes. Oven is fully engulfed in flames. Nobody had anything to eat or drink other than cheap wine and Ritz crackers. Grandpa insists that we take him to the old country buffet, his favorite place ever. It is closed. No. There's so many. I would have shot myself after the shit. I would have just shot myself after the shit. But then came back for the Ritz crackers. All of that happened in the same day. Yes. Yeah. Same odd hours. That is, that is insane. Feel better about your family? If someone wrote that in a movie, you'd go too much. No, we're doing too much. There's no way this many things. Yeah, I'd be annoyed. you're, you're Grasping for straws here. This is not real. When I met my boyfriend's relatives the first time during Christmas, I was really touched that they gifted me with high end toiletries. After a few weeks of using the lip balm, I got serious rashes and chemical burns around my lisp. Stop. Around my lisp. Your lisp? Around my lips. I had to stop watching Below Deck the other day because one of the deckhands had a wicked bad lisp and I was like, I just can't watch it anymore. She only lasted like an episode so it was fine. So she's getting chemical burns. Turns out the stuff they had had, the stuff they gave me had been expired for years. Apparently, recycling presents is a thing for some people. Eww. Yeah. And I love high end toiletries. I would 100 percent use those. Yeah, you'd be honored. You'd be like, oh, this is so helpful. Yeah, this is so nice. At least it wasn't like, like body lotion or something. That would be like fucking burning like your vagina or something. Yeah, no, that would be terrible. My grandma is notorious for giving awful gifts. One year she gave us the bible on VHS, the year was 2012, and no one had a VHS player at that point. I still have a VHS player. She gave me a guitar for my 10th birthday and then made me pay her back for it. She gave me a The fuck? I know. What the fuck, grandma? What are you doing? She gave me a gumball machine with expired candy and kept the key to get the money out of it. She said the money I used to put in the machine was payment for the machine. The best one was the cooking pan set she gave me with egg residue on it from when she last used it. Stop. Nanowind ever. Nana would never that's also just gross like at least wash it I hate people who are purposefully bad gift givers or who are super cheap and leave the tag on to make sure that you see How much? Hate. Ew, people do that? Yeah. Ugh, ew, so gross. I was opening presents with my then boyfriend in front of his huge religious family. We had been together for some time and we all thought he was going to propose to me. They all waited with bated breath while I opened the tiny envelope from him that he put a quote unquote lot of thought into. The envelope contained a gift certificate for laser hair removal and mole removal. I would never once had I expressed any interest in this ever. My 13th reason. I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry. We broke up shortly thereafter. Yeah. But I hope you still got your laser hair removal. Or if you had a mole, like, get that shit taken care of, sister. Yeah, for sure. But like, Christmas present? Horrifying. No, like why would you, and also why are you open to that being unveiled in front of your whole ass fucking family? Yeah, that's so embarrassing. At least he didn't propose. You'd be in a stickier situation. That's true. That's true. You don't want to marry that guy. Yeah, no. He sucks. No. This one's a little wholesome. It's not really like fucked up. I just thought you would like it, so I put it for the last one. Okay, great. First Christmas after my grandpa died. I was 17 and still very confused on how to handle the shitshow of emotions I was having. Christmas morning, I was sitting on the floor with my brother, opening presents, when we noticed two cards tucked into the tree. I opened the one with my name on it and it was in my grandpa's handwriting. All it said was, Love you, Peanut, which was my nick which was his nickname for me. He had passed in August and had never given me a card for Christmas in my life. My mom refuses to acknowledge that this happened, but my brother remembers it well. And we both talk about it. Up until about nine years ago, there was a picture of me holding the card. But when I finally dealt with the grief I shoved down, the picture had vanished. I still remember it. Oh, that's really nice. I know, it's so sad. That is sad. That's all I got! Can you tell everybody about what Erin got you? Oh my god, thank you for reminding me. You're welcome. That would have been so upsetting if I forgot. No, no, no. Yesterday when we were at the thing, I was going to get in Bridget's car to carpool to the event, and I was like, oh my god, no, like, Erin's going by herself, I want to go with Erin. So I run into Erin's car and she's like, trying to grab something off the seat, and I'm like, what? And she's like, so I was going to give this to Bridget, to give to you, blah, blah, blah, whatever. A sweet Erin, and like, also like, the best gifts in the whole world are like, She, she is top tier gift giving. Yeah. Yes. Well, either way. Yes. A hundred percent. She is just so thoughtful and she just has the memory. Of a I don't know what who what type of animal is in an elephant, right? Yeah, she just always remembers and she does this thing It's called a sussy and it's when you buy something for someone when they don't expect you to but you just saw it and reminded You of them that is my left my lovely incredible. She is incredible the thoughtfulness when we lost our grandmother Yeah, so when our Nana died, my one, like, core memory is that she had this necklace that I was obsessed with, which I think, like, any, like, cleric you said is obsessed with, like, touching jewelry and stuff, but, like, I was hyper fixated. It was this gold necklace that she had that was, like, solid gold heart, but it wasn't, like, a flat heart. It was, like, filled It was puffy. It was, like, a puffy gold heart. It was so cute. It was very Nana. Very Nana. Very classy. Not tacky. Like, it was just so cute. I was obsessed with it. So, when she died, I was like, Do they even know where that necklace is? Like, gotta get that sh It was lost in the sauce. Yeah, what? I will say too, it's hard because they have five kids who are all alive, and then they go to the house, and if you've lost a grandparent, you probably, it kind of gets messy of like who gets what, in certain people on certain things, and so in, in the mix, and you were, it was 2010, how old were you in 2010? Uh, I was 20. I was 13. So, You know, 13 year old Colleen wants this necklace. I mean, like, give me this necklace. Like, no, I would be like, shut up. No, but you deserve, like, Erin got her ring. Yeah, that's fair, but like, there were so many of us also. There was just a lot of us, right? Like, I didn't actually care, that's the point. Like, I was just like, yeah. I was like, oh, shit. I mean, like, I don't think we, like, ever found it or anything either. And I was like, where is the gold necklace? And they have 17 grandkids on that side. Yeah. Like, I have 15 cousins. Yeah. And so, Erin had been walking in the store and she saw a necklace that looked exactly like it and just was like, Oh, this is like immediately thought of that. And she bought it for me and surprised me with it. I could have died. I cried. It's just like, does not cry. No, I just was like, so I just wasn't expecting it. Yeah. Also it was just like getting in the car casually. She's like, Oh, by the way, this is for you. And I was like, lost my mind. She texted me, will you give this to her? And I was like, not as my gift though. Like I'm not going to take credit for how kind and thoughtful this is. She's just too good. And the fact that she read my, and I feel like that's not something I talked about. No. You know what I mean? No, it probably happened, it was probably said in front of her. In 2010. In a room full of adults and she was in the other room listening and never mentioned it again. No. Which is so crazy. Like, I don't remember that at all. To the thought, my like number one thing that I, one, can't compute and two, I think is like a love language thing is like, you know, people are like gifts or like acts of service, whatever. Yeah. The thought of somebody else having a thought of you is like not something I can like, I Just, you do it all the time. No, I do it for other people, but like someone doing it to me, like to be walking in a store and be like, that reminds me of Colleen, like I need to get, like, that is just like absurd to me. I know that sounds weird, but it just like means more to me. I don't know why. Yeah, of course it means a lot. That's all. And so it just really made my soul feel better. Thank you for bringing that up. Thank you, mother. Love you, our matriarch. And that is why she's our matriarch. That's right. We would simply pass away without her. She's perfect. St. Aaron. Speaking of which, you want to do a little gift exchange? Yes. Why am I shy? Why am I nervous? I don't know. I don't know. I'm stressed out. I'll go first. Like, I'll give to you first. Do you want to give to me first? Okay, cool. Pass that bad Larry over here. Okay, okay. I'm so excited. I love presents. Okay, like, you have to read the card first because that's the item that I forgot. I didn't get you a card, I'm sorry. No, I got you a card because I forgot to. Well, one of them didn't come in. Okay. People can't hear you, but she's saying that some of it didn't come in on time. Okay, no worries. I'll see you in a couple days. Okay. There's a card. We're gonna start there. Just an FYI. This is a very large bag. It's not, the items are just like, it's not, trust me, it's not anything special. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, you big fat whore. Colleen! It's endearing, a term of endearment. Sorry, I couldn't bring you a husband or a big fat dick. Maybe Santa will. I don't know. He's so giving. You are deaf on the nice list, loser. Love your number one hater, Colleen. Oh, Colleen, what am I going to do with you? She loves me, believe it or not. Don't, don't let that silly card fool you. She's obsessed with me. Of course. She tries to touch my toes all the time. Yeah. Okay. And that's love. Do you want me to open these first? Yeah. Because I'll feel bad if you open that, that, and then you're like, what else was, you know. So I got those for you in Paris, but I left them at home. You got me sapphire earrings? Yeah, I saw them and they just reminded me of you. Cause, sapphire, you loved it. I love sapphire. Colleen, I love these! I'll give them to you on Saturday. Ugh, obsessed! Obsessed! You got me a Shiz University sweatshirt! I have beef with this Etsy seller, she has not fucking delivered shipped it yet. I bought it like three weeks ago. Oh, is it navy blue too? Or what color is it? Yeah, it's blue, I think it's blue. Oh, I almost bought myself one and I didn't. I was like, oh, you can wait. Don't buy yourself in my other how fucking how much of a dork am I? My other favorite sweatshirt is Hogwarts alumni. Yeah. No, I know. I know made up school. Yes Oh and Aaron got me one that says Agrabah University. So I just have So ridiculous I couldn't decide if that was loser or not, but then I thought about your Hogwarts one. So then I was like, no, she won't think it's loser y. I almost bought myself one. And your sister also said that it was not loser y, so. Okay. Therefore, I, I trusted. Oh! So they were little. I'm not offended if you don't like them. I kept them safe. I do like them. I think they would look really cute with a, like a, uh, a flare or bootcut jean. For those who do not follow us on Instagram, these are very cute booties. Very cute black. For those of you that don't know, Bridget's a weirdo about heels because she's tall, but I also I am. I can't fucking walk like, sometimes just a flat boot is not a sleigh. It's just not. You're right. You're right. So I got you little baby ones. What is this? Oh, it's just a blanket for your new living room. Oh my god, it's so comfortable. Kate Spade. Okay, bitch. Okay. I love it. I just, it's so fucking comfy. You need a new cozy, that's all. Yes, I agree. I agree. I agree. Is there one other thing in here? There's other things, yeah. Other things? Yeah, like a couple things. Yeah, yeah. Just throw that blanket on the floor. Get it out of there. Okay. Oh, jeez Louise, Holly. Oh my god, the bag is open. Oh my god, it's spilling. Oh my god. Bag of what? Bag of what? Oh. Oh, yeah. Ah, new wine glasses. I really need these. I said that to you. And you listened to me. That was so kind of you. I do listen sometimes, not that often. Oh, that's from Parasuit, so just a wine opener. Oh, I love it. It's a magnet? I love magnets! You do love magnets. Oh my god, Colleen! Oh, I just, I, I have a wet brush, and then I was like, I love a wet brush. Okay, cool, I bought you another one, I don't know. I don't know if you had one, but. Oh, I love a wet brush. I don't know, I just saw it in the store, and I was like, actually. Oh, honey. Okay, the wine glasses are, in fact, rolling all over the bag, so I'm just going to put this down. Oh, there's two big boys, and the other ones are like a cool shape. Oh, they're different kinds. Yeah, there's one box of like a. Oh, yeah, yeah. Because I tried to understand when you were like, I like the, when you were like this, I like the. And I was like, I don't know what that means, but I'm gonna pretend. I think that was it, yeah. Oh, thank you, Colleen. That was so kind of you. Hey, you know, I wish things arrived, uh, in a timely manner, but, you know. It's okay, I don't care. I know you don't, but it's just for the presentation. Okay, you ready? No, I'm scared. Call the police! I told you, I really didn't feel like I slayed Christmas this year. I absolutely loved it. You knocked it out of the park. Thank you. It's a perfect mix of like, things I love, you dressed me, you got me new house stuff. It's perfect. Okay, if you say so. I mean, you obviously have to say that. You're not going to be like, yeah, this fucking sucks, so. No, you literally got me all things I love. Okay, cool. And you thought of, they're very thoughtful and kind. Okay, I'm going to save this one for last because it didn't fit into the box. Okay, why am I so stressed out? I love this box also. Merry Christmas. Thank you. Thanks Santa. I'm so scared! Okay, okay. I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared. Sorry, Scarlett. I'm so excited. Oh, wow. This is, this, this is This is true. Gang, it's a professional yapper sweatshirt. And I know you're, you're so correct. I've never needed something more in my whole entire life. I cannot wait to wear it. Yeah. And I got it extra, extra big for your body dysmorphia. Fuck. Yes. That's what I love to hear. I also, I was going to get us matching dramas, but we talked about, uh, I don't know if I'm handing it to you as if you're like my, I'm not like my bridal shower and you're like, I'm taking notes. What the fuck is I just going to say? I don't remember. It doesn't fucking matter. I'm so excited. Okay, okay, okay, okay. You listen to me! For those of you that don't know, sorry, I just legit yodeled in your fucking ear. I was very upset because I, we, we know that I lose things, right? And I don't drink water. And I finally got my hands on a Stanley and I fucking left the Stanley on a party bus in a drunken sleigh. And Bridget just got me another one and she matches my pajamas. And it's your favorite color, but I kept it neutral enough so it's not obnoxious. I love it so much! It's so thoughtful! Is that why you were asking what my favorite color was the other day? Yeah, I had one in my cart that was like more beige y, and then when you said pink and that was an option, I was just like, oh. You're already doing too much, also. I'm so scared. Let me tell you something. These right here. Nana's cookies. Nana's fucking good ass cookies. I literally cannot wait. Can we open them right now? Yeah. It's tradition. We actually have to eat them. Oh my god. Sorry for the crinkling. This is not ASMR. Not ASMR at fucking all. Oh I will literally fight someone on the Christmas swap on Saturday for that out of the box. You're like my plug for this. Give somebody a link. Yeah. All right. Thank you, ma'am. Oh, wow. Stunning. This is what it looks like. It's the best cookie on earth. If you know, you know. Cheers. Cheers, sister. Wow. Mmm. The smell. This is so good. Do you remember what you said last year? No. Fuck you, Archway. Yeah, literally, fuck you, Archway. I smell this when I'm in the kitchen. I know, in Anna's kitchen. At the table. I can see the floor. Yep. And hear the front door. And the sound of maybe it would click and then go tssss. And you're making your tea. Yep. And the cool whip in the freezer. Mmhmm. I'm upset. Okay, let me hold. You finish. Okay. I'm like, mmhmm. So many things. Too many things. You're being too nice to me. Mmhmm. Mmhmm. Mmhmm. I'm saying sorry to this, like, what? What could it be? This is so exciting! Oh, Jesus. GASP! I'm so emotional. It's an ice cube tray. You guys know I was so upset about the fucking thief at my work with the ice cube tray. So you know how you love the acoustics? So those are the ball ones. Yeah, those are my favorite. So those are the good ones. Those are my favorite ones. Okay, last but not least. I'm so excited right now. What? I'm scared. One more thing. Okay, I'm scared. Put that back in the Okay. Just make room for yourself here. Oh, sorry. Oh, it's heavy. What could it be? I'm so scared. Is this something about autism? No. Why are you smiling? I'm so stressed out! You did not. I have no words. Where did you get her? I got her a Martha Stewart cookbook. She's so You had to have one. You're so right! And I wouldn't have bought it. It was one of those things where I was like, I would really like it, but I wouldn't have bought it. I know. I'm so upset. You did so good. Martha! This is going right in my kitchen. Right on my It's not the OG OG one that was like 1400. Dude, that's a Shut the fuck up. Five cheese souffle BUCATINI! Oh my god, we are about to be slaying the fucking kitchen away. This bitch. I'm legit like aroused right now by this. She even has an onion ring recipe. Oh my god, I'm so She's beautiful. Happy Christmas, Harry. Happy Christmas, Ron. Happy Christmas, Ron. She's so emosh. I'm so upset. Here's your sweatshirt. It is so good. That's so nice of you. You're so welcome. No help from you, at all, either, by the way. I asked for help. I said, do you want anything? Do you need anything? I don't know, a hug? I was like, I will punch you in the fucking throat. So my issue was like, I can't, I can't let people ask me. It's like, I want to tell you, like. Yeah, but if there's something you needed that you would get a lot of use out of a lot of things Yeah, not a loaded gun. That was the other an irs payoff a fucking Well, I don't have that kind of cash a new brain A lobotomy the fucking new toes. I don't know So to wrap up the year I wanted to do a few things just like highlights of 2024 of the things that have happened like in life or us Pop culture in the last year. Okay. But before we do, we now have an annual tradition where I read off your hyperfixations of the year. Oh my god. And this year's a little shorter because we did take a couple months off. Yeah, that's true. But, here we go. Nevertheless. Chicago PD. That was his year? Yeah. Oh shit. Pirate TikTok. Oh yeah, that's so true. So, that was, like, ages ago. Thank God this year is coming to an end. Jesus Christ. Hot yoga. Oh, that's not a hyperfixation. Pilates. It's a lifestyle. Oh yeah, that, just a try. That made me just want to punch you in the throat. That wasn't serious. Obviously that wasn't serious. I know, but it felt serious and I just need you to be humbled for a second. No, that wasn't serious. Go touch some grass. Call Tommy and Sean. I'm telling Tommy and Sean on Saturday what you just said to me. That's fine. Get a grip. That's fine, I deserve it though. You just, we love a healthy lifestyle, but like, I'm not healthy, I'm not, look at me. I'm gonna punch you in the throat. That's fine. Okay, nice one. Veggie chicken nuggets. Literally brought it up today how obsessed you are with them. Had them like three hours ago. Bridgerton. Oh yeah. You are a feral animal. Loved it. Like, you're obsessed with Bridgerton. I feel like I felt, Kind reader. Yes. I felt like, Something connected when I was like at Versailles. This is just, it's a, it's a, like I was born in the wrong time. I feel like that would have been my time. I feel like you probably would have been burned at the stake, but I get what you mean. Nevertheless. I, I get the aesthetic, the wear. Off with her head. Next, green beans. You weirdly went on a whole thing about green beans. Did I? Yeah. I don't remember that. Yep. What aspect? Did I like them? You were eating them all the time. Oh, really? Yeah. They're cheap, I think that's why. Probably. That was my really poor phase. I mean, I still am. I was gonna say, that was like two months ago you were acting like you was. It's like years ago. Still terrible, but like, that was down bad. Like, they're dollars. You were down bad. Yeah, you were down bad. The wagons of the Oregon Trail. The fucking wheels. The, how the wagons were made. What did I type to Erin last night? So. We were talking about how we need to have Erin back on eventually. And Colleen wants to do a bit with her called the Erin Answers Everything. Yes. Which we've, we've done before with her. We just like asked her rapid fire questions. The first question Colleen had is, what is a dowry? Oh no, I was, yeah, that's true. But with no context. But I was thinking about when I texted like, was there wagons last night? Oh, when we were at the Celtic thing. Oh. What the fuck were we talking about? And I typed out and What, what, what was the time frame on this and you were like, no, do not ask me. Turn to your right and ask Aaron. Do you know what happened? Because the Cal State woman were explaining something that happened in old Ireland and she turned to me and she opened her mouth and I just went, nope, not tonight. Pass it off to Aaron. You know how I'm on your left? Turn to the right. Bridget was on my left. Aaron was on my right. I have, I have served my time. I have clocked out for the evening and you can direct that question over to your right. And I did. And it was handled with grace and care, as, as Erin only does. She sent something, like she typed out like a nice novel, and I just, my only question back that I typed out, because we weren't all shocked, because like, you know, the Celtic women were yodeling was were there, were there wooden wheels involved? And she was like, yes. That's correct. And that's all I remembered. But yes to whatever you were talking about before that. Great. The wagons. The wagons. Oregon Trail. Yep. How I Met Your Mother. Oh my god! I forgot about that! Yeah. I loved that show. So upset about the ending. Wow. Yeah. Damn. We actually never talked about it cause this was right about the time we took a break from the pod. Oh right. That's true. So we, I only got your like random thoughts. It was some bullshit and I still hate Ted. Honestly. And honestly Robin too. Like just stop being a loser and just like be okay with like finding love. Like why are you being a hard o? Sorry. Okay. That's all. That was your first watch, sir. Lily and Marshall forever. Lily and Marshall forever. And I really thought that, what's his name, was gonna die, but he didn't. Yeah, you texted me, is Barney gonna die? And I was like, no. Because my friend gaslit me and was like, just, just watch it. And I was like yeah. No, Barney doesn't die. No. He could never die. And last but certainly not least, Martha Stewart. Big Martha energy. Big Martha energy to 2025. So here were the biggest 2024 pop culture moments. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. The year, this is how the year started. I'm scared. Gypsy Rose got out of prison. That was the beginning of 2014. That was January. Wow, what a rollercoaster. Now she's pregnant. Gypsy Rose got out of prison, whole ass married. Yep. Went on a wild media tour where she was everywhere. What did she say in that two part sound? She then, the D is fire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The D is fire. She then got divorced. Yep. Got back with her ex. Got pregnant. Yep. And we can't get a text back. That was in like seven months. Wow. And all I get is boobs? Head? Question mark? Sure. Sure. Both. But like, come on, Jimi. Whatever. Anyway, we all believed the conspiracy theory that Kate Middleton in her marriage were going under or she was getting a BBL to the point where she had to come out and tell everyone she had cancer. That's really not funny. It's not funny. No, that's crazy. It's fucking crazy. Like, can we not have her for her cancer? We were part of it. We were like, oh my god, how funny is this? She's up to something. Everyone thinks she's getting fucking lipo or some shit. Why does she look like that? She looks withered. She's clearly going through something. She has cancer. She's getting a BBL. Her husband is cheating on her and she's getting a BBL and she had to be like, Hey gang. I'm actually croaking. You're outing me in the sense of cancer. Like, I have no choice because all of you are out of control. I have cancer, by the way. Do we ever apologize for that? Publicly? No, we're sorry, Kate. Sorry, Kate. That's our bad. We speak for everyone when we say we're sorry. Things we did not see coming. The Glasgow Willy Wonka experience. Crazy. Crazy. Mudang and Pesto, the animals that really took 2024 by storm. Oh, you're so right. Mudang is so cute. The Look A Like Contest. There's so many lookalike contests now, and Timothee Chalamet showed up to his own. Somebody sent me a Jason Kelce one the other day, and it was just like a line. I said I would let them run a train on me, all of them. Colleen, you need to seek medical attention. I'm just saying, I just love Jason Kelce and the fact that there's a lot, like, I should have been there. We pulled into a spot last night, it's with the Celtic Woman. All of the parking near it was full, and we got into this one, parking spot, but the only two left were handicapped, but he let us in, like the guy running. And so I went up to him and I was like, is it okay? You let two more cars in and there's only two spots left and they're both handicapped spots. And he was like, no, no, no, that's fine. Don't worry about it. Like for the night. This isn't like, don't worry about it. And so we were like, oh, okay. And Susan goes, does mentally handicapped count? Cause we got a few. We have many of those. Liam Payne dying. Yeah, that was very much swept under the rug. We don't talk about that enough. What the fuck? He's just fucking dead. Off a balcony. In B. A. Not the vibes. Not the vibes. Wicked sad. Uh huh. Celebrities who flopped. Drake. Justin Timberlake. Justin Timberlake saying, this is gonna ruin the tour. And the cop being like, what tour? And him saying, the world tour. He must be so Ah! Stop. He gave me the ick before he even opened his mouth like that. He, he is big ick vibes. J Lo. The fall of J-Lo. She had me going after her documentary Done, done. And then she came out with that weird ass movie and then she like ruffled her hair and was like, this reminds me when I was running down the block. And then everyone made fun of her, like, no. And then she tried to the block, she tried to go on tour and had to cancel because she didn't sell enough tickets. And then all these people were coming out and saying she's been an asshole for decades. To every single person who works with her. Not a sleigh, no. Inflop isn't the right word. Diddy. Piece of literal garbage. Yeah, Flop's not the word. Let him burn in hell. And he shall. In the fiery pits of hell. He shall. Okay, other things. The Olympics. Right. Very big deal. The New Zealand breakdancer. Right. Yes. That I do recall. That one. That one's on the tip of the Truly my favorite Halloween costume was people being her. Like Erin's best friend Lauren was her and was just like on the ground doing those moves. So fucking funny. Iconic. Raygun or whatever her name is. Iconic. Stephen the Pommel Horse King. Okay. Alona. Simone. Yes. The whole gang. Gabby. Everybody. we fell in love with those Olympians. And then a bunch of them were on Dancing with the Stars. I did love that. And then Joey won. He did. He's so hot. He is. I'm feral for Joey Grasaday. Music. Big music year. Usher at the Super Bowl. Oh my god, I forgot about that. Yes. That was like February. Wow. Yeah, that was a good one. That was amazing. Cowboy Carter. Beyoncé's a slay. Beyoncé's a slay. And she can do anything, including country. This ain't Texas. Brad Summer? Yes, bring back Brad Summer next year. Yeah, I agree. Chapel. Chapelle Roan took over the world this year, and Sabrina Carpenter. Short and sweet, espresso, it was everywhere, all the time. You couldn't avoid it. Also, Barry cheating on, how do you fumble Sabrina fucking Carpenter? I don't know. Okay, I will say this. Not that I'm Team Barry on this, obviously Team Sabrina forever. People were showing up to his grandmother's house to harass her, and I was just like, listen, touch grass, touch some fuck. If you are a fan and you're like, wow, that's super fucked up. He cheated on her. That's the extent that you should go to when you start showing up places that his family lives and harassing people online. You are, you are part of the problem. You are mentally ill, you're pathetic. Yes. Like get a fucking leave his grandmother alone. Like, like you wouldn't do that to ru. I would never. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, we're normal. I don't know. It's crazy to me that you can't just, like, have an opinion and call your girlfriend or your cousin and just talk about it. Yeah. And then that be it. Like, the people who go out of their way to troll, like, you're pathetic. Mm hmm. Get a hobby. Get humbled. Do something. Anyway. Also, Taylor Swift. She gave us Tortured poets tortured. Wow. I can't talk today. You're doing great. The tortured poets department ttpd, right? She gave us some new stuff. She is finally taking a break eras was a year and a half long I saw a fucking tick tock the other day of these two girls who were like early days eras tour, right? Like went to one of the first shows. Yeah, this second picture is both of them with their children That's wild. Is that not absolutely crazy? That's so long You That's so long and here's the thing about taylor. She comes out with so much stuff all the time I hate when the fans go feral and it's just like more more more more let this woman take a much needed break Yeah, she deserves to go into a hole and not pick her head up for six months what she does for reputation tv Right? Like, leave her alone. Yeah. Let her be. At peace. She is the most in fit person on the planet. She has to be. She must be fucking exhausted. Imagine. I'm tired of this grandpa! Okay, most impressive movie press tours of the year. Challengers. Zendaya's fits. Zendaya walking the red carpet with movie themed outfits. That white dress with the braid and it looks like a tennis dress. Stunning. She is so fucking stunning. It's so unfair. I'm obsessed with her. She even in like Euphoria as a crackhead is stunning. Stunning. And she's like actively like withered on drugs dying like. And she's gorgeous. Agreed. Deadpool and Wolverine. I know you didn't watch it. No, it was everywhere though. Very impressive. They spent a lot of money on that press tour. That's for sure. Twister. Glenn Powell's face was fucking everywhere. Glenn Powell. Horrible movie. I didn't love it. Aaron said it was amazing and so did my best friend Jessie. They both saw it in theaters though. Oh, I didn't. I watched it on my couch and I was just like I was getting the ick. I don't know the CGI like wasn't great and I'm like he's a youtuber with a heart of gold like I don't know it just Didn't do it for me, but I love everyone in it Yeah And I actually don't mind it was like a super it wasn't a super love interest type of movie like there was chemistry But it didn't really go anywhere as I didn't mind that there wasn't like a Romantic. I was waiting for it and it just didn't. I don't know. It just didn't really do it for me. Gladiator and of course Wicked. We hold space for Wicked. Wicked literally took over the finger. Just took over that planet. We just hold space with the finger. So TikTok, if you don't, you know, use TikTok, watch TikTok, you might skip ahead a minute. I'm looking for a man in finance. Trust fund. Six five. Blue eyes. We did our versions, I remember. Very demure. Very mindful. Very cutesy. Jewels. Uh, Nara Smith. Nara Smith? Oh, I fucking hate her. What the fuck is happening? Seek help. Get a fucking grip. You're weird. You're fucking weird. Why are they always like, She's like, Borderline having sex in every video. Do you know they're, they're early 20s? That's disgusting. Isn't that fucking crazy? They look like they're from a different time. Like, they look like they're time travelers. I agree. Jojo Siwa invented gay pop. Enough is enough. Carbo's a bitch! Why is she speaking at like Harvard and shit? Get out of here. What does she have to say? Not much because she has a lisp. I can't. I can't with anything that she does, truly. The Four Seasons Orlando baby. Iconic. If I could be resurrected and go into a baby's body, it would be that kid's body. This baby is getting free trips fucking everywhere now. You know who I miss? Who? Mason Ramsey. Who? That boy that sang The Cowboy Kid? Did I get it right? Yes, I miss him. With the little cowboy hat? Yeah, he's not, he's a man now. Oh, weird. Yeah, I like him. That's great, Colleen. Uh, Brianna Chicken Fry. Ugh, I'm done with her. I am so Team Grace in the fact that Alex Cooper just signed Grace is the fucking kind of energy I'm here for. I haven't dialed into it really because it really gives me the ick. Oh my god, I want nothing but good things to happen to Grace O'Malley. I agree. I just think that Brianna Chicken Fry was a really shitty friend to her. And like she did not deserve to be in the relationship. But to tit for tat like things she's done for her is like weird. It's so weird and she Grace's stand up or her comedy. She just wasn't a girl's girl. I think she got the fame. She got the boyfriend and just left her high school best friend behind. And I'm just not here for that. You're not better than Grace. And I think it's all coming to light. And Grace is really getting her, her people behind her. And so I saw her do stand up recently, like on a tick tock video. And she was like, if I seem off tonight, sorry, everybody, I'm going through a divorce. She said something like, I lost my job, but we're doing things the old fashioned way and we're letting the kids decide who they want to back. Or she said something like that and everyone in the room cracked up laughing. That is funny. And so then she gets signed by Alex Cooper and I just hope she blows up and everybody knows who she is. I think so too. Big fan. Broski Nation. Broski motherfucking nation. Long live. She's been quiet lately. No she's not. She just had Timothee Chalamet on. You know what? You know what it is? It's because I had to make a new TikTok, so she's been off my feed lately. Yeah, no, she's not been quiet at all. I have to re cultivate my feed. You have to go like some of her shit. Fuck, okay, you're right. Yeah, she just had to be on, big deal. And he knelt in front of her and was like, hail broski nation. Oh, I did see him on that actually, that's a lie. Uh, Caleb Heron. Yes. Kills me. Between Caleb, Drew, and In Broski, Britney Broski, it's like my favorite trio of all time. The trio I did not know I needed but am now obsessed with. They can do no wrong. Truly. And these are just my personal favorite TV shows of the year. Take it or leave it, just my opinion. I haven't watched them all either. I've watched a lot, but I haven't watched them all. The Bear, Agatha all along, is so fucking good. Really? Katherine Hahn forever. Okay. Aubrey Plaza, Patty, fucking, Lapone. Nobody wants this. I loved it. Slow Horses. Slow Horses. Abbott Elementary, Baby Reindeer. Really? This year. That's on your favorites? I loved it. I thought it was so well done. They gave me the week Well, yes, it was, but I Oh, it's a terrible story, but I loved it. Something ain't right. Hacks. Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Drag Race, of course. I had to put it up there. I know that everybody knows, but it had to be said. In Love Island, UK and USA. Yes! This year, I added USA into my list. And that was 2024. That feels like 2011 to me. That feels like 17 lifetimes in one year. Scares me. So what do you want to do in 2025? If we listen to this a year from now, what would you like to say to future Colleen? I hope you're skinny. Hope you're skinny and don't hate yourself as much and you're a little bit nicer and maybe you kiss a different boy and maybe learn that men can find you intriguing without you Going to suck their dick immediately. That's what I would say. I think that's a really good list call. Sorry to my aunts and uncles that just heard me say that, but That's okay. It's just a fact. I'm just being honest. Yeah. Maybe I'll try new foods, or new places or something. And just be like less of a freak. That'd be, that'd be cool. Yeah. Maybe a new job. Yes. I think that's a good one as well. And that's the take. I would also like to keep a job. This year? I would like you to keep one too. No sabbatical Susie for No sabbatical Susie for a while. Yeah. I want to keep health insurance. I would also like to be skinny. I just want to feel good. Like now that I've lost some weight, I'm not strong though. Do you know what I mean? Like I want to be fit now that I feel healthier. I also want to be fit. Yeah, I know what you mean. So I want to do that. I want to knock a bunch of places off my bucket list. As always, I want to have fun. 2025 is my year of Martha energy and having fun. Like this whole next year, I'm just going to choose fun. Choose yeah. Choose yeah. Choose fun. Choose yes. In only spending time with people and men who make me happy and if they don't then they don't deserve my time and energy And that's tea. Yeah, I'm here for it. Drink lots of water. Go outside more I guess and have fun. Have fun. Take care of my skin. My skin finally looks good The first time in my life. Not that it ever looked bad to me, but you know, I struggled with it for a while though Yeah, you did have a about about and now look at it She's glowing. She's stunning. She's fugly. She's fugly as ever. Yeah. And just keep doing this podcast and giggling our faces off and slaying the day away. So listen, this is, this is the end of our 2024 year. It's the end of an era. I hope that however you celebrate the holidays, whatever holiday you celebrate, that it's peaceful and that if your family doesn't give you peace or the people around you don't give you peace, you find your own peace. Like Colleen and I were just talking about earlier chosen family versus birth family and how important it is and how once you take your happiness into your own hands on the holidays, it gets so much better and so much more fun. And so spend time with people who give you peace, who make you feel happy and loved and full, and fill your cup if, yeah, hope. I hope your cup runneth over. Yeah. Same. 2025 is the year of the Sippers slay. Sippers, let's just take over the world. What do you say? I would agree. Awesome. Well, gang, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year. We love you so, so much. This year was a fucking rollercoaster. I was worried for a minute there we wouldn't be able to figure our shit out. Come out on the other side. And here we are, too blessed to be stressed. Too skinny. One gust of wind, we'd blow right away. We could behind, behind a grain of rice. Manifest that shit. Love you, mean it, everybody. Love you, mean it. Bye. Bye. See y'all in 2025. 2025!
Speaker:sippin with the Shannon's. This
Speaker 9:podcast was produced by me, Bridget Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt Derosiers. You can find his band, Super Stoker, anywhere you listen to music