Sippin' with the Shannons
Sippin' with the Shannons
Je Ne Sais Queef
On this week's episode, Colleen kissed another boy and Bridget had a whimsical night out in Boston. Then we get into the topic of the week.... HOT GOSS. For the first time in SWTS history... we've got a Whistleblower. Bridget tells the insane story of the woman with amnesia. Is she telling the truth or is she a fraud? We'll let you be the judge. Then Colleen does a deep dive into Reddit stories that will make your family look sane for once. At least your dad didn't give your girlfriend herpes? At least your mom isn't sleeping with your husband? The bar is so low it's in hell.
Review and subscribe! You can find us on Instagram @Sippinwiththeshannons or send us your stories at Sippinwiththeshannons@gmail.com. Love you, mean it.
Wop, wop, wop! Wop, wop, wop, wop! I'ma do my stuff. Why does that sound like when you go to cross the street and you hit the button? It's like, hoit, hoit, hoit! Hoit! So we had a cousin's day last weekend and I could not stop doing the Kendrick shuffle around the bar. No. Gimme the ick by the end. I'm sorry. You had to stop. No, I was, I was outta control Like, I remember you were outside. I go, enough is enough. Enough is enough. I blame it on the baby gu shots personally. No, that's facts. I'm not judging you. I'm just saying like, there, there it needed to end. Yeah.'cause it was like the 13th time I'd, I'd done the same bit all night. Like the first two times were funny. The 11th. You're like, we've seen it. We've seen it. Get over it with the baby getting shots in hand Sorry, you guys can't see me for God. It's on a visual. How many times do you think I say that? Mustard on that beat. Oh Yeah Big summer blowout. Hi everyone. Hey, welcome to this week's episode of sipping with the Shannon's We're cousins in every other week. We sit down. We sip on some wine. We talk some shit and we have a good giggle Are you okay? I'm Bridget Channon, and I'm Colleen Channon, and I'm not okay. She was like, I've lost the plot tonight, which when you say it actually scares me because you're normal. Like your norm is losing the plot. No, I'm normal. I'm just feeling silly. Honestly, I literally haven't slept in like two days. Why is that? What does your Aurin say considering it tells you all? I couldn't wear it last night because it died. You have to charge it? Yeah, I have to charge it. What the frig is the use of that? So I actually don't know what mine was. I didn't get home from work until like 12, 3 last night and then I had to be at that event. I had to be at work early. Eww. Like 7am. That's early. Suffering succotash. Anyways we're just living, we're just. What just happened? I just lost my complete thought. I genuinely thought you were having a stroke. I just lost a complete thought. I think I was going to say we're just like feeding off of vibes right now. That's what we're kicking off of. What's the word I'm looking for? Survive? No. Let's keep going. I don't know. I'm just living off of vibes. I hate it when I do that with the tongue. I hate it when you do that with the tongue. Oh, guys, great news. Great news. Your car window is fixed. Oh yeah, it's been fixed. When did you get it fixed? Like weeks ago. Okay, well don't say that to me like it's something we all should know. Oh, but new things have been found. What? Not found. So I accidentally smoked a legit chunk of ice. Like a massive piece of ice. Outside my house, so like, there's a big chunk of paint missing in the front of my car now. And, so that was user error. Two, doors make a really weird noise when I close it. It's like, almost off its engine. You know, it doesn't matter. It's okay because it runs. No comment. You know, like, it's okay. It's running, and that's all I'm just not responding anymore. No, that's fine. And that's okay. But I, I think I owe the people an update. That's all I'm saying. Anyways, my big update. it's really hard for me to find my one true love. Which is Black Cherry Carmex Chapstick. Very hard to find. Can't find it anywhere. Not the kind you twist and it pops up. The, the other kind. The squeeze kind, the squeeze bottle. Sure. I found'em on Amazon. I've been, I bought like a 12 pack. They're everywhere. But also when I came in here, I was hashtag blessed because I found an old one on the floor. Obviously you do leave your bits and bots, so if you see me around licking, doing a little licking and dicky mind your business. I'm obsessed. It tastes so good. Black cherry, black Cherry CarMax sponsor Bank. Hmm. Do you like the seltzer flavor, Black Cherry? Yeah, yeah, it's alright. I burp a lot though, so I don't really like seltzers. Fair. I got an iPad as well, so now we're little iPad buddies. My iPad. My iPad. my iPad. I think we should get little Sippin with the Shannon covers on them to look V official. That could be a sleigh. Anything else? What do you got? What do you got for us? You want me to run through my manicness? I mean, I have some updates as well, but I'm sure, I'm sure the people want to know what you've been up to. Okay. Okay. These are all of my thoughts. Okay, ready? Hey guys. Buckle up. It's really nothing. Colleen here. It's not really that crazy. Okay, so I have things we have to talk about and what did I do? Question mark. Those are both segments. I have what did I do and things that I've watched. Okay. I'll start with things that I did. I put, we saw each other. We did. We see each other. We see each other. We did. Cousins day. Very fun. We went to Colleen's apartment, and then we went out to an Irish bar. Yeah, it was snowing cats and dogs. It was hilarious. It was so fun. Twas. Girls day. Twas. The USA game was on. It was a slay. Yeah, Erin was thrilled because she got to watch hockey at the same time. Yeah, it was good. I think they won, right? The Kachuks immediately got into a fist fight. It was fucking It was so arousing. Yeah. Simply nothing better. The man, you were at the bar, but the man that dropped the food was actually really funny. And then I picked it up and was like, I'll follow you. As if I like worked there. That was a slay. Yep, I have a photo of Colleen behaving as if she is waitressing at work. I love that Erin's immediate reaction was to just pick up the phone and take a photo. Like, immediately. It's a great photo of you. You look great in it. Oh, thank you. You do. Thank you so much. But I was like, no, no, you go. I'll follow you. Like, as if I was just. On the clock, babe. I was. I was on their payroll. Make her work. Something happened to me last Saturday. I was at Loco and I have never sweat so much in my entire life. Like I have, I, to the point where I was in the bathroom just standing there naked. And I was like, Erin, I just need a minute. Like I just need a moment. I'm covered in sweat. Like my jeans were soaked. Like, it was like, not, it was not normal. Think about how cold it was last week. Profusely sweating. What do we think was happening? I literally don't know. And we were obviously like, trolling for men. Because, obviously. I don't know who's employing the people that work at Loco, but they are all so unreal looking. I'm just like, where do you come from? Where do you hide when you're not here? Where are these people hiding from us? The bartenders? The bouncers? I'm not, I'm not okay. I'm not okay. And they're all our age. And I'm like, where, where, where do you come from? And I just want someone who listens to like, be like, oh my god, no, you're right. Like, and I'm not crazy. Okay, well. So listeners, let us know if you agree. If you're employed by Loco and Come forward because I don't know. Where are you getting your pool of applicants? I don't know and there was also the fucking I hate men. Honestly, I was sitting at the bar. I'm trolling for them. I'm on I'm prowling. I hate them. I Do hate them. I'm sitting minding my business, right? I'm like, I'm facing you like how I would be at the bar, right? Yeah, I can sense Wait, this exact thing happened to you before? No, but it was different this time. Well, same but different. I could sense someone, and I would go like this, and all of a sudden it was just a man like You can't, guys can't see me, but it's just like this creepy, like, dark eyed staring at you. And I was like, okay, and I would, like, turn around and, like, look at Aaron again. And we were both like, what the fuck? And then I would turn my left and he just hadn't moved. And he was just at the bar by himself, like, what are you doing? First of all, this isn't even a sitting bar, this is a pussy pop bar. Stand up and pop your pussy, what are you doing? And then all of a sudden I just hear, I feel, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, over. I'm ignoring, I'm completely ignoring it. I'm like, I'm literally not turning around and, like, speaking to this specimen at all. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, what? You might as well bark at me. What are we doing here? You should have barked at him. You should have turned around and said, I'm so sorry. I have no free change. I went like this. I have no spare. Oh, big shoulder. Yeah. Sorry. Again, you guys can't see me. Big shoulder. Did a shoulder. As if like, I feel like I was itchy or something. And that's the sensation I was feeling. Then he didn't bother me after that. But like, what is? What happened to hi? How are you? Yeah, fuck off. Smack! You should have barked at him instead. No, I know. I know! And then I pussy popped in the North End this past weekend, but like, nothing really came of it. But you were also down the street from me, which, you won't tell me where you were. Oh, I had been in Portland for the night visiting Hillary with Paula. It was so nice. We got like a really nice girls dinner. Got to see the kids. It was great. Then we drove back from Portland and I got home. I napped and then I woke up and was like, I don't know, there's something in the air tonight. Vibes are high. Vibes were high and I texted Leanna and I was like, what are you up to? And she was like, nothing, what do you want to do? I go, I can be ready in an hour. She was like, same. So we get ready, and I'm like, do you want to just meet in the North End? And we'll just see. Like, we'll go to Brico and see if there's any See where the wind takes you. Yeah, see. And we get there, absolutely packed. Nothing at a bar. No one's even close to paying a tab. Like It was so packed. Absolutely insane. And they were like, we recommend Umbria across the street. It's our sister restaurant. It's essentially the same menu, like. And they have four different bars you can sit at. So shout out to the women who work at Umbria. Umbria? Umbria. We walk in, I've never been, and for whatever reason, I don't really know why, it's just like not on my radar. So we walk in and I go up to the, the desk and she's like, oh, there's not a reservation for like three hours. And I'm like, oh shit. And I go, okay, we're just going to take a look at the bar. She was, can you give us one second? I go, yeah. The girlies, they huddle up at the hostess stand. They walkie talkie a bitch. And they're like, guess what? There's a rooftop. There are two seats left at the end of the bar and they're holding them for you. We called our girl. I go, miss, miss ma'am. I ran. I was like, oh my God, thank you so much. Run up the stairs. The last two seats at the, in the whole restaurant. They saved for us. We had a lovely meal. We had a bunch of Cosmos. It was so great. On the way out, I was like, you guys made our whole night. Like thank you so much. They didn't have to do that. They could have just been like, Oh, the next people who come in, get it. Or go check the bar. I don't know. Call upstairs and be like, hold, hold the fort. Our girls are coming? No one does it anymore. I was like, fucking girlhood, hell yeah. No one does that shit anymore. So we're sitting, we're hanging out, we're having all these drinks and starting to get packed and there's music playing and we're giggling and it's so much fun and she goes, my boyfriend and his friends are going to Muriel. They're going to Muriel. Do you want to meet them there? And I go, fuck it, let's go. So we start walking, and it's frigid cold out. You walked to Marielle from North End. So she was like, it's 11 minutes, it's not that big of a deal. No, it's a far walk. That's a far walk. So it's like 15 20 minutes, turns out. And it was frigid cold out, and I had no gloves or a hat or a scarf or anything. Yeah, because no one goes out with passengers. We stopped halfway. She's like, well, they should stand in line. We're not gonna stand in line outside. Correct. We stopped at the Hong Kong. I love that about you. So we start drinking at the Hong Kong. We're singing all the karaoke songs. And then we leave and we get there and they're at the front and we just scooped in and walked in. No one, no one said a word. And then we got seats at the bar, which you would have hated because it's definitely a pussy popping event. But we got seats at the bar and we made friends. Upstairs. Upstairs. Oh, you can sit upstairs. That's fine. But just so much fun. Like, everyone is pussy popping, tons of Spanish speaking people. So it was like all, guess what? They take a break in all the Spanish music and all of a sudden I hear mustard on the beat. Oh, I was like, let's fucking go. And they shut it off and the whole bar went A minor. And I was like, this is wild. This is so wild. But it ended up just being a night, like it felt whimsical. It felt like an episode of a TV show. Like nothing went wrong. Where it's like, we planned nothing. We got ready in an hour and we were just like, see you in the city and just let the wind take us. It was so fun. It was so fun. While you were saying that was we stopped at Corner Cafe, and then we tried to go to Cafe Victoria Then we were like, should we just go in Umbria? And we didn't. Oh wow, that's so weird. Imagine if I just like casually ran into you but like had no idea. Oh my god, I would've died. I was gonna say, I'm surprised you didn't see how close, I don't check locations at all. I do. I was surprised. Yeah, no, I didn't, I didn't look. I think I, oh, you know why? Because I saw you in Portland, so I just assumed you were staying. So I think I just didn't think. No, we just did a night. Yeah, no, I don't know, I think I thought you were there the whole weekend. Anyways, not the point, but almost saw you there, went to, I went to Flamingo after that. Things we have to talk about. Yeah. Is it time for that? Sure. We have to talk about the AI POVs. On TikTok. It's crazy. No, it's my new hyperfixation. I can't stop. Like, I wanted to know what it was like to wake up in the plague. Yeah. Wake up as a pharaoh. Constantine? See the last day before Mount Vesuvius erupted. Pompeii? Insane. Absolutely insane. No, I'm literally obsessed. I'm not kidding. I can watch them all fucking day. I know. They are so addicting. It's so cool. The miners? Did you see Salem Witch Trials the other day? No. One was wake up during the Salem Witch Trials. Oh my god. It's crazy. If you guys don't know what we're talking about. They're doing these AI generated point of views where it's like wake up as an ancient pharaoh and based off what we know They generate an image. So it literally looks like you are waking up your day It almost looks like a video game. Like you can just see someone's hands. It's like a POV or a doctor in World War two It's fucking crazy. It's and they're doing all throughout time. It's so cool. I can't stop watching it there's even one that was like a pirate in the Caribbean. Yes, it's crazy Grow up and look it up. Educate yourself. That's how I educate myself. I literally put new hyperfixation alert, AI POVs on TikTok. What is a SAG? The SAG awards are SAG AFTRA is the actors union. It's how they make sure everybody has benefits because of course when we think of actors we think of the most elite, the people who make the most money, but there's actually a lot of struggling artists and they make sure everyone has fair wages and hours just like you love a union man, same thing but it's for the actors. Oh cool, they get, they get health benefits? They do, the Screen Actors Guild does. And so, You're nominated by your peers, you win by peer nomination, so a lot of people say it means more because it's from your peers. You can usually tell who's gonna win an Oscar by the lead up. Sag is rogue. Whoever wins Sag does not mean you'll win an Oscar. Do you know what I mean? Yes. It's a different audience. A lot of people are trying a totally different vibe. Way more easygoing of a night. Less stuffy. Usually just, like, nice and fun. But it's, unfortunately if you watched It's usually the one people skip. Yeah. If you could get that vibe at all. I don't know. Yes, I did. I did skip it. Yeah, yep. However, protect Kristen Bell at all costs. At all costs. At all costs. She's a sweet angel. Her intro was, I know. Do you want to be an actor? Yeah. It's so cute with all the little cameos. She really just does it all. Zoe Saldana one in Crossroads. Oh my god. Can't little L fanning on the phone. Oh, yeah, or like Karen Culkin in home. I didn't know that was Yeah, crazy. Yes. Yeah So cute. I wrote let's not get on a plane for the time being so I am getting on a plane tomorrow I am going to Disney World to see my family, so thank you so much for bringing it up. I feel super calm and safe and not anxious about it at all. No notes. I forgot. Cool. No, but I'm sure like you'll get there and like you can clap at the end. Yeah, I love someone recently posted like it's totally normal to clap at the end now. Like it's totally okay. Oh yeah, we accept. Yeah, we accept clapping. Makes sense. Have you been following the Bonnie Blue Girl? I don't know. That's been fucking, she fucked like a thousand people in a day. Isn't she pregnant? Yes. And then she's just like, Oh, like, this is crazy. But she's really just like out and proud about it. So there's women and all, but like that shit's bananas. Yeah. I'm not a fan. I'm really not. I'm not either. I hate to say it. I'm not either. So there's this woman, if you do not know, like pop your pussy, named Bonnie. And she. sought to sleep with over a thousand men in one day. It was a goal. She was like, I'm trying to break records. It's like just do jumping jacks or something. Yeah, maybe maybe try a different record. A poker stick. I don't know. But it was kind of Ugh, I hate to use the word disgusting, but it was disgusting because they were posting videos and they weren't showing men's faces. They're wearing masks. But they were showing the line up to her room and like it went all the way, because it's, it's less than a minute for each man in one day. Yeah, I, I really don't, and now she's pregnant and everyone's joking, of course, like, even Mari can't figure this one out. Yeah, but she literally was on a podcast and was like, I did see a clip of her being like, no, I know who, I think I figured out who it is and like, I'm going to let him know. Like, you haven't let him know yet? You're on a podcast talking about it? Like, get it together. Also, It's time to like, just retire. It's time to retire. They're just better things we can be doing with our time. You know what I mean? I agree. Glenn Powell and Lily James. Are they dating? That's the tea on the street. Allegedly? They were leaving the British Whatever it is for the British Academy TV Award, whatever show that is, B A T, whatever it is. BAFTA? Yeah, yes. They were leaving together and they were like very giggly. Oh cute, I like them. That's why I love her, but honestly like, I only love her so much because she's on Mamma Mia too. Like if I didn't Bitch. I know, Cinderella, I know, whatever. Well she's gorgeous. She's so cute. Such a nice body. Stunning. Yeah, she's really beautiful. Stunning. I'm obsessed. They're very hot, so that makes sense. Lainey Wilson got engaged and I couldn't be happier. Oh, happy for you. Happy for her. Happy for her. She's so You went to Kelsey Bellarini, by the way. Oh, I did go to Kelsey Bellarini. I forgot. Yeah. Oh my god, such bullshit. She was at the fucking bar I was at right after I left. Yeah, I heard. And it was the greatest bar. Says, you come to Boston, and that's where you're gonna go? Greatest? The greatest across the street. I know it says the greatest goddamn bar, but it's not the greatest goddamn bar. You'd be better off at the Harp, by the way. Oh, the Harp. They redid the inside of the Harp. Why? Not fully, but it's like nicer. Oh! The downstairs is still shitty. Like Hurricanes? What they did to Hurricane O'Reilly's? I haven't been to Hurricanes in a while. I don't know. But it had like I remember walking into there and feeling like, This is some Twilight Zone shit. Oh, really? Why is this so new? I think it would have been better as like an old, Like it's like um No, they need it. They need it. It has a Genesee Queef to it, you know? Genesee Queef! You did it! Where did you get that? I don't know. My soul? Genesee Queef! That's Genesee Queef. Genesee Quah? I know it's Genesee Quah. Genesee Queef! I asked one of my friends the other day, my guy friends, can you tell the difference between a far and a queef? Ugh, I hate that question. And he said yes. Yeah, obviously. I would fucking hope so. One of my friends was like, no! That's crazy. Anyway, let's continue. I don't like that. I still, like, I don't really care when that happens to me, to be completely honest. And honestly, I don't think the men should be No, you can't help it. It's an air pocket. Yeah, and I feel like if anything, the men's like, oh yeah, I did that. Like, ugh, sure. Go ahead. Don't take the credit, you bastard. No, but just like, I'd rather you take the credit than be like, Where did that come out of? You know what I mean? Like, just, sure, you want to feel like you just, you just did something? Sure. It's like Meghan and Bridesmaids where she's like, I'm sorry, I have no idea what hole that came out of. I'm not confident which came out of. Which end, that's what she says. No, yes. I just, just let it rock, you know? Let's just keep it moving. Let's just keep it moving. Let's just keep it moving. Quite literally sweep it under the rug, you know? I did kiss a boy this weekend, not that it matters, but I did, I did kiss one. A new one? A new one, yeah. At a bar? No. Congratulations on kissing another man. Thank you so much. Pete Davidson and his tattoo removal like him so much better now. Yeah, why is he hot now? Why am I attracted to him all of a sudden? I usually like tattoos, and for some reason now that he's gotten rid of them, I'm like, more attracted to him. He did it for like, more He looks very healthy. For more like, acting gigs. He thinks it would be more helpful for him. I will say, I watched the SNL 50th, he was on it. Yeah. I loved it. It was like a love letter. To SNL fans. I was smiling and kicking my feet all weekend because they did like a concert. I absolutely loved it. Adam Sandler sang a song and I cried. So, that's all. One more, one more. Well he, his, Chris Farley, anytime they talk about Farley it breaks my heart and they just love and miss him so much and it was like a, he, I, yeah, I could go into a whole thing. But anyway, continue. He looks great. I mean you can, what else do we have to talk about? We actually have a shit ton to talk about but Pete Davidson looks awesome. He really does. Yes, he does. I like him. I heard it cost him like 200k to do all that, which is crazy. And it's so painful. Yeah. You have to like keep going in and getting your skin burned off. He's been through enough, I'm sure it's fine. Oh, jeez Louise. No, I'm being serious, like. Yeah, he's been through the rigor. He's cool with it, probably. I hate a thing that I, a random thought I had. I hate Respectfully. The sports illust Why do influencers get so much more opportunities just for being an influencer? Like, no hate to Alex Earl, like, like her and everything, but like, why are we getting all these opportunities? Like, Well, she's hot and she's skinny. There's no need for you and fucking Zandra or whatever her name is to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated twice. Like, there's just simply no need for that? Like, let's get Can we get I don't know. More deserving people. I'm a, like, I'm a legit mom. Why? Just because you make a TikTok doesn't mean you can be on Sports Illustrated! I mean, Alex Earl has the body for a Sports Illustrated. No, I know, but it's just, come on! Well, they just want the people, it's all about media, it's all about that much about Alex, I mean, that fucking girl's Andra, I hate her. It's all about the audience. They don't give a shit who's on the cover of it. They just want it to be a hot person that people actually talk about. Whatever, it's just annoying. It's just annoying to me. Like, get, get Martha Stewart back on there. All right, fucking write them a letter. The Gabby Petito documentary. Did you watch it or no? Colleen. What's wrong? I'm so upset. No, I only watched the first one and I'm really, really upset. Like, obviously I knew, I knew what I thought, like, the most I knew about it, but watching it in the way that they did it, whoever produced it, like, it made me so fucking upset. It makes me so sick. The video of them getting pulled over. There's a part where she's sitting in the back and she asks for her phone to call her mother and I Imagine how her mother probably feels. Oh my, I can't even imagine her parents looking for her for weeks, trying to figure out where she is and that video gets posted. I would be catatonic. Brian's parents, what the fuck is going on there? The way I would be on their porch every single night for the rest of their life, like, what? It's so weird. It's so creepy. I don't know if you've gotten to the letter. No, I've only watched the first episode. Oh, no. It will infuriate you. I don't know how they have not been arrested. I don't, I don't understand. They were fucking with an entire investigation. What, what is going on? Next episode, I'll have a better update for you. Okay. I only watched the first one. It was while I was getting ready, so I wasn't like Yeah, I would finish it and then let me know your thoughts because, oh man, it's just so It's so upsetting from beginning to end. I felt so bad for her parents and her step parents. It's heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking. It's not it. Okay, here are some things that I've watched. Okay. You're Cordially Invited with Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell. Oh, did you like it? So cute. So silly. I mean, how could anything with the two of them in it be bad? Yeah, it's cute. It's like a perfect airplane movie. Something to have on the background. Very nice, very sweet. Funny. Was I like, oh my god, I'm pissing my pants? No. But it was great. Warm and fuzzy, so that's all we need. Yeah. One of them days. With Kiki Palmer and SZA. Oh, is it good? I went to the movie theater with Sarah the other day. Oh, is that what you saw? You didn't answer me when I said, what are you seeing? Yeah, we were, we were yapping. We were at Applebee's. Having a, a, a Crapplebee's? We went to Crapplebee's. Out of all the places in It was, it was so fucking cold. It was a wind tunnel. We came out of that movie theater and we were like, the first thing we laid eyes on and it was Applebee's. There was at least an olive garden, come on. We, we just went into Applebee's. Okay, I'm not judging, I'm not judging. Okay, okay, don't. No judgment. Don't. Just wanted some background on it. Sarah, love you. Yeah, Sarah's the best. And we went to the movies and it was so fucking funny. For some reason I thought Issa Rae was in it. She just produces it. She's not in it. Oh. But we all know Kiki Palmer is perfect and hilarious and gorgeous and so funny. Sizz is wicked funny. Is she? So funny. I like a picture of her in that pose from the Superbowl when she's like, Oh yeah, when she's like laid out. Like that's her whole last yoga pose and she's like, I'd be like, She's great. She's great. Kat Williams makes a cameo. He's wicked funny. I loved it. I thought it was great. Highly recommend. I was actually laughing so hard. We left in Sour Side. My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. Really? Okay. And I was like, yes. Very buddy comedy, you know, they have until the end of the day to do something and it like ticks them down. It's so good. Love Island all stars ended. I won't spoil it because I know we do a lot of spoilers on this show. I am actually very happy with a couple that won. I cannot stand Ronnie and Harriet. I cannot fucking stand them. Harriet drives me insane. His toupee? I don't care about the toupee, like whatever, pop off. Harriet is so annoying. She is literally either talking shit about someone or scream crying. About how everyone hates her and it's like, no one, very weird looking, no offense, but no one can make a comment about her and her relationship without her, like the whole thing with Luca. I was like, get a grip, get a grip. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. You're so annoying. Also, just go date on the outside. Leave us all in peace. Agreed. Like, why are you, why are we down this road again? Didn't we already try this? So I don't know if I said this on the last episode, so Tom and Molly won last season of all stars. Yeah. They are Casey's best friends. Yes. Sammy, the girl, the brunette who got totally screwed with the whole Luca situation, left her season with Tom. Oh, I didn't know that. And then they broke up and Tom went on All Stars and won with Molly. Oh, okay. So at one point they were doing Snog Mary Pie. And it's like, oh, your best friend's ex type of thing. Oh! Yeah. The mouth is mouth thing. Yes. Okay. I understand now. So that's Casey's best friend's ex girlfriend. Got it. Got it. Got it. A lot of that happening on Love Island. I mean, obviously. A lot of that. The island's only so small. I mean, only so big. Elma and Sammy kind of took a turn for the worse for me. I don't like her. Sorry. I just was like, I love a fiery woman who stands on business and says shit with her whole chest, but it just got No, I think she's wrong in every argument she's been in. Yeah, it just got so out of control, and Sammy's just really fucking immature, and I was just like, it's just a lot of hot headed n like, just everyone fucking relax. Agreed. I love Grace. I would die for Grace. Thoughts on the text thing? It's totally fake. That's like a producer. Fiona said she saw the text. No. And I'm like, where? No. But also this is coming from the girl that uses Snapchat as social media because she deleted all of her social media. So she goes on Snapchat to like the news. Oh no. Which is not real news, which is literally not real news. But yeah, I think. There's always a plant, there's always something that the producers send in to like, to send people into a tailspin. She's just like so high, she's just a class act. In the way that they absolutely came for that girl Olivia. I was like Jesus Christ. I don't blame them though. But yeah, I was very happy. It made me a little sad that it was over. So usually, I think it was like 30 something episodes, usually it's like 50. Yeah. And they cut out a lot of like really good themed episodes. You know how they do like the heart rate challenge and they do. Snogberry Pie is a big one and they do a kissing challenge, like there are classic challenges that happen on every season and they cut out a bunch of them. Now I just don't think they have the same volume of all stars, so they can't, but I was like, oh, already? Also usually the parents go in person. Oh. They fly them there. They fly the families there. Interesting. Yeah. So I was like, oh, we'll take a video call, I suppose. I saw a picture of what Luca used to look like and it completely changed things for me. In a good way or a bad way? Bad way. Really? Really bad, yeah. Well, he must have veneers. A lot of them do. No, it's not. It's his hair. Did he have an implant? No, he used to have like, legit long, like, Tarzan hair. Oh, wow, Luca! No, bad. Bad, bad, bad, bad. That's just not what I pictured at all. No, I would look it up for you, but obviously, my phone's Yeah, that's fair. Okay, after that, The Traitors. If you are not watching The Traitors, what the fuck are you doing? Season 3 of The Traitors is literally perfect. I'm obsessed with everyone. Is Dolores on scene in season 3? Dolores is on it. She's at I literally have I love Dolores so much, and I don't know any of the housewives. I am obsessed with Dolores. I am a Dolores stan. So she, she's, Frankie Tanya is her ex husband and they just like co, like they're like legit just the best of friends but they haven't been married in like 20 years. They are, they like live together. I'm obsessed. Like I'm obsessed with them. I love Dolores. Everyone makes fun of Tom Sandoval so much. It brings me so much joy. Wait, I'm sorry. There is him singing. So on TikTok the other I wet my pants laughing. I rewound it and sent Paula a Snapchat video of me just not breathing, wheezing, and he's like, I was, it was the entire season was worth it just for that five minutes with Alan coming, dying, laughing in the background, Gabby, Wendy back on my love list. Okay. I loved her on her seasons of The Bachelor Bachelorette. Then she drove me insane on TikTok and now we are back in love with Gabby. Big, big, big fan. Big fan. Fine, fine, fine. Also, justice for Carolyn. Danielle, someone get that woman an Oscar. She falls on the floor and she's like, no, enough. No. Get rid of her. Get rid of her immediately. Try it on! Try it on! I saw a TikTok that was of Tom Sandoval and it was him singing and the captain was like, how do we explain this to the Pilgrims? Oh my god, it is, it is so, if you haven't seen the episode, they have to go into a house of scary dolls and all the dolls are singing backwards and they have to, on a phone, call and sing what they hear and then the people on the other end repeat it and then it flips it around and they have to say what lullaby it is. If that makes any sense. Yes, yeah, yeah. So he's like trying to memorize a song backwards and sing it into a phone, and he's like, I'm really the only one musically inclined here. I must do this. And everyone's like, it's the worst noise I've ever heard come out of a human being. And it's so hard to explain to the pilgrims because on the other end of the line, you have Gabby Windy, okay, from The Bachelorette. You have someone from Survivor. Okay. Dylan Efron, Zac Efron's brother, and then Britney Spears ex, Sam. Standing around a phone. How did they get anywhere? And you're like, how did this group, how did we get here? Oh, I think Dolores too. Probably. So it was just like the most random, it was so fucking funny. The traitors, here's the thing, it's spooky, it's scary, they're traitors, they are faithful, it's backstabbing, it's drama, it's funny, it's silly, it's not that serious. It's fantastic television. Ten out of ten. Okay. The new Love is Blind. I fear I am too invested. I put, did you watch Love is Blind I did. And I am too invested. I'm very glad this season I actually have people to root for. God bless. But yeah, there's some, there's some sus, there are some sus things happening. So you'll have to watch and get back to me. I don't watch it. I'm sorry. I can't do it. Okay. Give me the biggest dick. But I did see a clip the toast. And they were like, why was that girl perpendicular this whole time? And I just was waiting to tell you. Because I was like, I don't even know what this is, but I just know it's Perpendicular? Like, she was like, some girl was like they had done the, I love you, like, get married, and then they do the reveal. And she was just like, horizontal the whole time and just kept being like, Oh, there, I know exactly what you're talking about. She The reaction wasn't great. I'm sure she watched it back and cringed herself. She's actually wicked cute though, so we'll let it slide. No, I know, but they were giggling and they were like, Why was that girl perpendicular? It was wild. I was like, stand up straight. Shoulders back, bitch. You're about to get physically engaged. Yeah, it's not time for a big back right now. Yeah, it's not time to curl over and be a jumbo shrimp. You gotta roll. But they're actually very cute, so we'll let it slide. Posture. Okay, Gabby Petito, we already talked about Zero Day on Netflix. I have no idea what that is. Ooh, okay. How about on Netflix in a minute? Bobby DeNiro. I don't even know who that is. Connie Britton. Oh my god, I fucking love her. Die for Connie Britton. Oh my god! I started White Lotus, I meant to tell you that. Love. I haven't watched this season yet. So I watched the first episode of season three and Fiona's like, what the fuck do you mean you haven't watched the other two? I'm like, I haven't watched the other two? No, so I just started it. Like, I just started season one. Like, two days ago. Oh my god, Jennifer Coolidge. I want to be her. These gays, they're trying to murder me. Well, I knew what that was. Like, obviously, I know she's in it. I know that scene when she's on the boat. Yeah. I know. Okay. Well, thank god. No, I'm just like, I'm dying laughing at her just, like, showing up every day at the masseuse. Oh my god, she's so funny. And She's the best. She's the best part. She steals the show every season. Can I have some alcohol on the boat? She's the best. Yeah, that's all. So Zero Day is somewhere, if I had to pick, is somewhere between House of Cards and 24, the TV show. Okay. Twists, turns. It's a limited series. It's like six episodes. It's good. I love a limited series, actually. It's a little dark. Did you watch The Night Agent? Yes. Did you hate it? I can't remember. I just hate how he kept going, Rose! Rose! Did you watch season two yet? No. Because I'm assuming it just gets worse. He's hot. I'll probably watch it. He is hot. That's true. I'm just like, why is watching TV like a full time job? I'm just trying to listen to my audio book and read my book and watch my shows. Like, no one's asking you to, no one's begging you to do that. Exactly, but why does it feel like a full time job to me? Because it's many hours. It's just like, I want to, but when? You know? When? First world problems. Kim, there are people dying. There's just not enough time in the day for me to watch my programs. I literally can't. Okay. Last but certainly not least is apple cider vinegar. Have you watched Apple Cider Vinegar? No, when I was dying I used to sing us about Apple Cider Vinegar. I go, guys, Apple Cider Vinegar is wild. And Colleen was like, yeah, it tastes like shit. I'm like, it tears you apart. From the inside. Like a health guru. And I was like, oh, no, no, I meant the show on Netflix. Sorry. My bad. Should have specified. Thought we were all on the same page. I like I'm crying right now. I don't know why. Yeah. Belle Gibson. Wild story. Caitlin Dever plays her. She's American and she has an Australian accent in it. She is so fucking good. She is so, I hope she wins an Emmy at the very least, but she's so good. It's a crazy story. There's an interview comparison of the show versus real life that is so on point in this Australian. interviewer, handles herself with such grace and asks all the right questions. And it is just like a dream interview session, but can't recommend it enough. Okay. I think that's everything. That was a lot to unpack. That was a lot. So, that brings us to the topic of the week, which is hot goss. Hot, piping goss. And you have some silly stories for us. I do. I will say, I asked the girly pops, and they in fact let me down. I'm like, bitches, you're gonna tell me for over a decade that we've been spilling the tea, you have nothing for me right now that I can't, like, I'm not thinking of? Nothing. Couldn't think of anything. So, I turn to the dark places where we usually turn for Insight. Love that for us. So before we do that, I have a story that I kind of told you but didn't really tell you yet. Yeah, you wouldn't tell me actually. So this is a pretty insane story and it's definitely a Sippin with the Shannons first for us. Oh, I'm wicked scared. And I know we're usually like really silly and giggly and just professional yappers at this point, but I'm going to take it a little bit seriously because it's actively happening right now. Okay. And I'm gonna apologize in advance because I'm gonna be a bit vague with the details and I swear it is not to infuriate you. I promise there is There's good reason. I'm not, I won't judge. I mean, I won't question. Okay, so I heard a story about this woman, who I'm not going to name, who suffered amnesia and is essentially like Drew Barrymore's character in Fifty First Dates, okay? And there is a documentary about her. on one of the streaming services and so I wanted to watch it. I wanted to see how it all happened, like what is the background to the story. And so in the documentary they rewind back to 2022 and the story goes that this woman took a nap one day and when she woke up she had memory loss and she was living, she's 30 something, she lives with her boyfriend, totally normal life, normal job, like everything's fine. And she just wakes up from this nap and she's very disoriented and she's very confused. And they're recording this so you can see it all play out. Her boyfriend asks her, What year do you think it is? Like what, what year is it? And she goes, 19 2008. And he's like, okay. And then she says, are you my Uber? Like she thought he was the Uber driver. And it looks like they're laying in bed. It looks like they're in bed. And he's like, no, I'm your boyfriend. And so this goes on for a bit of time. Like we're past the time where you woke up from a great nap and you have the, the pillow mark on your face and you just don't know where you are or what year it is. We're past that. Got it. And he starts to get really flustered. And so he calls a family member of hers and the family member comes over and now it's been a couple of hours and they're. panicking. So they bring her to the hospital. And so they take her to the hospital and they do a CAT scan. They run all of these tests and everything comes back clear. They're like, we don't know what's going on, but it's nothing life threatening. So just keep an eye on it. We're going to send you home. If it gets worse, call us, come back in, but there's not much we can do. Right? So, she goes home and it doesn't get better. She's still losing more and more of her memories. She still thinks it's 08? She does. Yeah. She says to her family at one point, when did I become a grown up? Because if she thinks it's 2008, she's probably late teens. Yeah. And so she's like, why does my body, when did this happen? When did I age? Yeah. And also, she has a child. Oh. And she was in a, with a previous relationship, not with a boyfriend. Yeah, yeah. And so she starts to realize, like, there's a child involved. And she's like, where is the child? And she can't remember the kid's name, like, she just starts asking, like, where is the child? Is the child okay? Because that chunk of the child's life is not in her memory, right? Right. And so this documentary, it's about her life. It's about her experience and the boyfriend's experience. What it's been like for them as a couple, as individuals, as a family, as they navigate this freak thing that's happened to them, right? Colleen, I know she's lying. Why? Because we have a whistleblower. What does that mean? I have someone who approached me, a source who wants to remain anonymous. Okay. Who has known her for many years and knows for a fact that she's lying. And I have the receipts, and I have the screenshots, and I have videos. I have all the proof. And so I am just gonna give you what I have seen and heard and I'm gonna let you decide what you think. Okay. Yes. But brief question. Yeah. My question being, did you watch this program and relay that you watched this program to said person? This person said, Oh, wait a minute. Or did this go vice versa? Did this person tell you about this and then you watch the program? So this is a fabulous question. I watched it with the context. Oh, okay. So I watched it through a different lens than someone who's never seen it before. Got it. However, what I also want to keep in mind and the reason why I need to be vague is because our source, who I trust implicitly would not lie about something like this, actually told me a very long time ago about this story and it came up again recently because the documentary came out. Got it. Okay. Does that make sense? Yes. Perfect sense. So I think that's key though of like, yes, I watched it with a different lens. But this person also didn't just, you know, come to me angry and be like, Well, what the fuck? Why does she have a platform? It was like, The goss. No, it's like, things have gotten out of control. Like now, she has a platform. Like, she has a following. Oh. Right. ask the context of in which they know each other? It's just like oh child Like I can't tell you that. Okay. Yeah. No, that's okay. Like I know sorry, let me rephrase that the Length, the level of relationship. A long time. Okay. Okay. A long time. Got it. That's all I wanted to know. Has phone, has exchanged with the family quite a bit. Oh, okay. Like, is this someone like, like for example, I was talking shit about someone I went to high school with but I haven't seen in a decade. No. Okay. No. We're in the trenches. Okay. Got it. Thank you. So I know based off of what I've seen and heard that this woman has been a pathological liar for a very long time. There's a reddit thread where people are starting to put the puzzle pieces together. People who have watched the documentary and are using very logical You know, there are some holes here. I mean, doctors can't find anything, no? She makes excuses. She's just like, I have this invisible thing, and people suffer from stuff like this all the time. And I think that's the worst part of, actual people do. Yeah, so many people do. Actual people do. Actual, I can't even tell you the amount of women who go in and are like, hey, my uterus hurts and people are like, nah, you're fine and it ends up being horrific endometriosis. I'm using that as an example. But there are plenty of people who suffer, who get scans back that are all clear and something is still incorrect. There's a word for it. I can't think of what it is though. But it's like, I don't know, but it's just really frustrating because she picked something vague enough. So there are people on Reddit who are kind of coming out of the woodwork and some people are from her childhood and have said that she has been lying and making up stories her entire life. When she was younger, she lied to her friends and she told them she was being hired, hired for bridal modeling gigs. It was like, oh, sorry, gotta leave school, gotta go to my modeling gig for bridal magazine. She ugly and they were like, okay, and then she told everyone she was filming something for MTV and then whenever that series came out She was like, oh, yeah, that's so weird. They didn't hear my episode and everyone was like, okay cool Got it. And then when she got older the lies got taller and crazier and a couple years ago She was like, oh, yeah, I have a one on one meeting with Elon Musk Like, she's, yeah, she told her boyfriend that she owns the place that they live together and he was almost fully financially supporting her at this point and he was like, great can I get on the deed because I'm paying the mortgage and she was like, yeah, yeah, yeah, no problem and she was out of town and he made all the necessary phone calls and they got him on the phone. They were like, so she rents. So I don't know what you're talking about. They had lived together for a while, she just lied. And there are. Many, many, many more lies, some that I cannot share. But it got so bad that the boyfriend's therapist and her family advised him to leave her. And a week later, she had amnesia. If the family's telling you. And right after the amnesia episode, the boyfriend held a meeting with her family, and he was like, I think she's lying. And her own family has also had their doubts from the jump. And. Are you my Uber driver? First of all, if you think it's 2008, Uber didn't exist yet, so that's selective. Also, while she's asking, answering these questions, which he somehow had the wherewithal to pull out his cell phone the moment she woke up from her nap to catch all of this, and they've recorded every single thing since she was texting her friends as if nothing was wrong. So it seems, because I've seen the timestamps, it seems the amnesia is a bit selective. Okay, cool. After the amnesia, our Does this man really love her that much? To like put, like I don't know. I don't know. There has to be something wrong with him too. I, I can't say, and to be totally honest with you, I don't know if he's in on it, or I don't know if it's like cult mentality, he's in so deep he's just going along with it. Because I will tell you in this documentary, they have a child together. So she now has two children. Great. So he's not going anywhere. He's locked in. So, after the amnesia, our source in this woman had a rather large falling out, eventually. I mean And the amnesia wasn't It was something else that was the falling out purpose, but it was leading up to that. I'm sure it's like one of the many straws that broke the camel's back. And during their fallout, one of this woman's family members reached out to our source and was like, I get it. She's been making shit up her whole life. Like, I totally get why you're over it and not speaking to her anymore. I mean, I don't know. I probably would have lost it at the one on one meeting with Elon. Yeah. Yep. And then after a year goes by, okay, so a full year passes, the boyfriend reaches out to our source. Oh, wow. And says, and I have seen these texts. Okay. with timestamps, the boyfriend texted our source out of the blue and was still trying to understand why they weren't speaking to each other anymore. And he said he was in a lot of distress and didn't know left from right. He was still trying to figure out what actually happened to her. And he said, well, she told me you guys don't talk anymore because you're into me. And that this is all my fault and that's why you guys don't talk. Huh. And our source was like, so no, it has absolutely nothing to do with you and solely because of all of her behavior. Sorry? I'm stressed. She was calling herself an influencer immediately, was sending off texts like, Oh, it looks like my video got X amount of likes, looks like I have this amount of followers. She said, Oh wait, how do you even know how to influence? She said that she found her niche market, which was broken brains. She said that she has to optimize on this opportunity and really make it work for her. Okay. Okay. Mm hmm. And she started pitching her story to people into film studios almost immediately after all of this happened. And she got denied a bunch of times, but someone, obviously, eventually said yes to her. Throughout the entire documentary, she talks about how everyone refers to them as a rom com couple and how they live in a rom com, and she's like, people just don't get how traumatic this is. Giving life to that story. And how it's all bullshit. Every single ounce of it is bullshit. Also in the documentary, they bring in a doctor. on the show. She is not this woman's doctor. She's not the one who's been, you know, caring for her. It's just a random ass person? Random ass person who vaguely talks about brain injuries and how complicated they are. Okay. Again, she picked something very elusive and it turns out the brain is a complicated organ and we, we don't know everything about it and unfortunately there are people who this happens to. She is not one of them. This woman pulls out all of her records of all the times she's visited hospitals. She pulls out a highlighter and she starts highlighting sentences. They are summaries of her visits. There's not an actual shred of proof there is a single fucking thing wrong with her. And the summaries are exactly what you would tell a doctor. Like, patient came in and feels pain in X, Y, and Z. It's just like, yes, it's a recap. It's a recap of what you told a doctor. Not findings. And she doesn't go to the doctors anymore because they're not helpful. That's And she knows how that works, like, it's the same thing every time they go in. They just give her a handout. They print something out and hand it to her. They should put her in a straightjacket. And they just re she reads them off as if it's proof. And again, she has not one piece of evidence that she's ever had anything at all. Now mind you, we can't prove she doesn't because it's the brain. But I would argue that the way that she speaks and the way that she treats people leading up to and after it Speaks volumes, I would agree, but come to your own conclusion. That's just My take. The only thing that I will say to her defense, question mark, I'm putting that in air quotes because you can't see me. She's different from the Belle Gibsons from Apple Cider Vinegar or the Skamandas of the world if you've watched that podcast or listened to that podcast. I couldn't find anywhere she has done a GoFundMe or any crowdfunding asking people for money. That I hate that. Because that is when we cross a line into a criminal. Right, because if she's accepted money and said, you know, 50 percent of the proceeds go to X foundation There's no proof that foundation ever received that money. You're a fraud. Okay, so I'm not a web sleuth I didn't find anything like that. I asked our source about it. She's smart. Yeah. The source doesn't know anything about it and said, I'm, I'm not sure. So I can't say she's doing anything criminal, but I do know that she's lying. She's been on podcasts. She's been on the news. She has a TikTok following. She acts like she is this baddie mom who's gone through something so traumatic and she's here to just help the people and share her story and stand up for the people who have invisible illnesses or whatever you want to call it. she's an advocate. In reality, I think she is someone who is completely addicted to social media, to fame, to likes, to follows. Mentally ill. I don't think this person is well. I think her brain should be studied for much different reasons than she is claiming. What is frustrating, like I said, is she picked something vague, so there's really no way to prove she's lying, and there's also no way to prove anything is wrong with her. And the way they filmed this documentary is just so high level. There is just no doctor who's like, I've been working with her for years. That could solidify the information. Nothing. There's nothing. My source says that this woman does all the recordings herself. She records herself everywhere. But when you ask her, she claims her boyfriend insists on filming things. Big ick. As for the boyfriend, like I said, I don't know if he's in on it. I the family, I know, for a fact, has had their doubts. I've seen it in text messages. They are also a part of the documentary. That's crazy. I don't know if they're also being manipulated as well. Like, I don't know. But she is out here. She is online. She is giving people advice. She is speaking about a thing that she does not have, and it's wrong. And I think like most people, if you are our source and you know the truth and you know that this person has been lying for years and you're sitting on your couch and you're watching this person lie through their teeth, anyone's gonna feel like, I need to do something about this. And we now live in a world where I think there's this new age of person who grew up with social media. And it's this group of people who lie. just for the likes and the comments and the followers and they get addicted to it and so greedy about it that they let their lie snowball and I just hope this woman gets the help she needs and gets out before innocent people give her money or take her advice about going to a doctor or not going to a doctor because she doesn't go to a doctor anymore. millions of people are listening to this person and I know she's lying. People are so unwise. And that is my hot goss. It's a lot. And I've been sitting on this for a week and a half, trying not to tell you. That's a lot. That's a long time. It's far too much time. To sit on anything. known about it for a long time, but when we compiled our sources and what I saw, that was a synopsis, and that's not even a third of it. The rest of it is to protect our source's identity. But it's worse, turns out. It just gets worse. I can only fucking imagine. So I, I don't know what's happening. I think it's really scary to live in a world where you're on TikTok and you see someone talk about something and you feel seen and there's, there's a chance they're just totally making it up. And I think I trust issues now. Well, I think we saw the beginning of this and I don't know, right before TikTok was going to end. People did this trend and it was like, Oh, right. I'm just going to come clean about my tea now. It's the last day of TikTok. And influencers all over the place came clean about, you know, I didn't do that workout I told you all to do. Or, Oh, I actually didn't do, I told you all to eat this and I didn't eat it. Which is like what made them famous. Came out of the woodwork and kind of gave up their own shtick. And it's just really sad. And now, now I know there's a lot of people out there making a living off of it. And so some people are just trying to like make ends meet, which I totally get. Yeah. But at what fucking cost? When, when innocent people start taking your advice and you are just Word vomiting, lies, you're Icarus and you're flying way too close to the sun here. Like, this woman has, she's either mentally ill or has balls the size of fucking Texas. And that's the tea. That's some tea. Some tea. No, people are simply deeply so unwell. Like, I feel like I like a good white lie every once in a while, but that's, like, so next level. She should not see this on. I think that Respectfully. It's, it's really upsetting, that having kids involved is always shitty. And there's no way around it. Yeah, it's not their fault. It's not their fault. They didn't do anything wrong. I did not ask about her parenting skills, I don't know how she is as a mother, and I won't comment on that because it's not my place. All I know is how she's treated the people in her circle. That's what I know. And I know it's a sham. It's so nice to be on the other side of the tape, to know the truth. Fucking crazy. Crazy. Dude. I have the receipts. Receipts! Proof! Timelines! Screenshots! Fucking everything! Heather Gay is a crazy bitch. That's for sure. That's for sure. The Ozempic did her really good. Good for her. Yeah. Love her. Didn't like her before, but it's okay. I don't know who that is, but I'm assuming. She's from Real Housewives. Salt Lake City. No, I'm assuming she's the blonde girl who screams. Yes, she is. know who, do you know who John Oliver is? Yes. He's a late night host on HBO. Yes, I think so, yeah. He was on Stephen Colbert recently and he was like, It's the most fabulous show is Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Yes, it is. He's like, The next time I come on, I solely just want to talk about that. Lisa, Lisa Barlow is everything and fucking more. I recently got in a fight with a man over it. On one of your prowls? No. It's a, man, I know, personally, that was like, I cannot believe you're Lisa Barlow Stan. I said, I can't believe you're not, and you have beef with her before I have beef with you. We got into a fight at, at his engagement party, actually. Oh, cool. Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool. That's all. Lovely. So, just switch up the team. Yeah, now we can go back to being giggly. And ridiculous. Yeah. So I have the YLT for you from obviously Reddit because where the fuck else would I get it from if it wasn't for the girly pops because the girly pops let me down and you know what, I'll say it and they can listen to this and then they'll, they'll feel bad and I bet you they'll circle back with a good tea story for me from hearing this. I'll do a follow up. Yeah, a hundred percent. So I have a couple of little tidbits for us to giggle at, okay? On my iPad. On my iPad. On my iPad. The first one I have for you, obviously from Reddit, because, duh. A friend of mine broke up with her boyfriend and slept with this guy who had the biggest crush on her for years. A few days later, she started getting a burning in her vagina. No. As one does. Not an STD. An STD. As one does. She thought it was a yeast infection, but nope, it was in fact herpes, which is fine. Like, it happens. It happens. It happens. No, you want it to be one that goes away. Yeah, we don't love a permanent girly. However, the guy she slept with had never had a herpes outbreak prior to the current one, so his herpes was in fact new too. Wait, what? Where did Guy A get the herpes from is the question. He slept with a woman who had a recent herpes outbreak. This woman also slept with a guy's father and is now pregnant. But where did the herpes originally come from? From Guy A's father. So, to sum it all up, this woman is now pregnant. They don't know if the child's father is father or son, and now everyone has herpes. Can't wait for Christmas. Thanksgiving should be fun. Come to find out there's a theme here also. Herpes? No, not herpes, unfortunately. But, family Incestuals. Like, can we not? Like, when I say I want the gossip, like, I want shit that I'm, like, not expecting to hear. Not like, oh, this person slept with this person. Like, I'm Eskimo brothers with my fucking dad? Yeah, like, Jesus. Why was I unimpressed with these two? Like, I was, I was scraping. I'm like, give me a good one. Come to find out, the Amish, the Mormons, people in Utah, they've got some fucked up shit going on. Yeah, they do. And I'm here to spill the tea. I'm so excited. Another one for you is as a hairstylist, also a great place to get tea. I would. I would literally like to be the hairstylist. Well, also, because I love doing hair, but also for the tea. Yes. Suck it. Fuck it. Love it. Came from a hair, from a hairstylist. I think I need to like reevaluate my career like a little bit. Did you just hear what I said? Yeah, but what hairstylist? I don't get it. Oh, I thought you meant like heard at the hair salon. I was like, what? Yeah, she cut hair. It was at her hair salon. Oh. I thought someone made it up in the fam. You don't know the suck it, fuck it, love it story? No, I guess not. I don't think I'm understanding this conversation. Okay. Give us the tea. So, we knew a person who was a hairdresser. Yes. And at the hairdresser, a woman came in, she was a divorcee, right? This woman's talking about someone she's dating and she's like he has a massive dick Okay, and she's like and I suck it and I fuck it and I love it And she was screaming for all the world to hear and it got relayed back to us And our boy cousins say all the time suck if I could love it and what our family does not know The best kept secret that I'm about to tell everyone is that at one of their weddings The hashtag was SFL and they told everyone it was Smith for life. It was suck it, fuck it, love it. Oh, I didn't, well, that, okay. It's hashtag SFL. So I knew that part, but I didn't know the origin. Yeah, suck it, fuck it, love it. T! I suck it, I fuck it, and I love it. See, that was T, that we didn't even. Yeah. And now it's like a big family joke. One of our cousins got it embroidered and then framed, and so it's hanging in another cousin's house. Like, The boys have hung up the phone like, Okay, love you, second fuck I love it, bye! Like, it's, second fuck I love it. It's like one of my favorite vids. I feel like they should trademark it. A hundred percent. That's something we should look into. If you're listening. If you're listening. Which they are. You know who you are. You know who you are. Send your lawyers, I'm ready. But that came from a hair salon, that's why I brought it up. Got it, got it. As a hairstylist, I hear a lot of crazy gossip. Sometimes I'll get a client and they'll refer to their, they'll refer to their sibling or parent or some other relative. As one does. I just have to pretend I don't know shit when they start telling me gossip about other clients. It's wild. A friend slash client of mine referred her aunt and she was very comfortable telling me a lot of her personal business. Aunt wouldn't stop telling me how much she hates her son in law and vice versa. They literally despise each other. Her and her daughter are very close and I was thinking maybe she's just overbearing and overprotective of her. She then refers her daughter to me. I don't tell her anything her mom says to me, obviously. Daughter tells me that her husband cheated on her before, so she's just mentally checked out of their marriage. Also, imagine saying that. What? Like, can we not overshare? Like, I get that we share. But also, GTFO. The way you would have divorce papers tomorrow. Fuck them, kids. Get out of there. I'm just mentally checked out. After he cheated on me the first time. To your hairstylist. Crazy. I think it's like vulnerable. I think there's some psychology around it. Like if you're looking at yourself in the mirror, you, or something, I don't know. Try to avoid doing that, but. Get a therapist. Just get a therapist. But there's, there is the problem. That is the crux of the problem. Not enough people go to therapy. And then they get one person who's like, how's your day? And they're like, well. There's nothing worse than when you ask someone how they are and they actually tell you. We all work with someone like that. Just say, good, how are you? Yeah, just the Irish say, how you keeping? Oh, I like that. How you keeping And I think the not well kept Australian I am unkept actually, Australians say, how you going? Interesting. So maybe we get a spin because how are you doing? Is like, how are, how are things? Oh yeah. Just like, Hey, how are ya? How's your pussy? Like, I don't know. Is she breathing? Have you aired her out recently? I think that's a good question. Like you're Colleen in my living room every day? How's your Poussoir? How's your Poussoir keeping you? Is it keeping well? Do you feel refreshed? No. Literally no. He's checked out of their marriage. She knows he lies. He says he's staying late for work when he's actually seeing other girls. She just doesn't care anymore. She just stays for the kids. Ugh, moms. And there we have the problem. Because of this, her mom hates him. Which, why does your mom know that at that point? Keep it from her. I would. If you're going to stay with him, keep it. Keep it hidden. I would. Right? Come on. I will say, I have talked to my friends about this. Sometimes. When people are dating someone new, you only tell your friends about the things you complain about. And then the only reference they ever have about your significant other are negative. Even if it's not that bad. Yeah. But if you have a ton of things to complain about, it's like, it's kind of like a double edged sword. It's blurring, it's blurring the vision. So you have to share the good things too, so that the overall effect is positive. If you just share the negative, of course your friends aren't gonna like him. Of course your family's not gonna like him. Yeah, just hide the negative then. No, you gotta, you gotta, Colleen. That's the wrong takeaway. No, I'm just saying, you could say all the annoying things that he does, but like to say like he's cheating on you and doing all these things like Yeah, to call your mom and spill the beans. Don't tell your mother that. What do you think is going to fucking happen? Are you stupid? I'm just going to resent him. It's your mother! Yes. That's all. That's true. That's true. Well, who knows how our mothers would react. My mother would light someone's house on fire. Yeah, my mother would too she's staying full of the children. So naturally her mother fucking hates him and tries to keep the kids away from their dad, which is also fucked up if you ask me, but whatever. She takes care of the kids when the daughter works because the husband won't show up to pick up the kids just to avoid seeing her. So this shit's a mess. Fast forward a couple weeks later, we cycle back to my friend who originally referred them to me. She asked me how the appointment went. I said it was good. I was vague about it. I just said that it seems that they're going through a lot. She then spills the beans. Long story short, the woman that the daughter's husband was having an affair with is her own mother. What? What are you saying to me right now? Woman that the daughter's husband was having an affair with was her own mother. So he's wanking the mom. The one who's making his life a living hell and won't let him see his children? Yes, he cut things off with her and she now hates him and makes his life difficult. The daughter doesn't know. So that's why they hate each other. That's an opposite. Yes. Oh no. The mother's husband's, the mother's husband knows she had an affair but doesn't know it's the son in law. Several people in the family know but no one's telling them and it's all just a fucking mess. So the daughter's coming in and complaining. I'm sorry. If a bunch of people knew and no one told me, I would be livid. Jail time. If you knew that and you didn't tell me, I would kill you. I would actually set, like, set your house on fire. I think I'd do the same. And it would be deserved. But it's, it is weird, I will say, I knew someone who found out someone was cheating, told the partner, and then they looked like the asshole. they shot the messenger, if you will. And sometimes when people are married it's weird, it's weird, yeah, so it's, it's a, a line, there is a line, you specifically, if you don't fucking tell me, obviously, ma da, ma da, I will not do that to you. Thank you. Then, between two things, one, my loyalty, two. That needs to tell somebody something. And who am I, who do I always say I would tell? Even though you're like, you're not supposed to say things. Someone tells you not to say anything, but I'm like, no it's fine. You know when someone says it's like, oh it's your sister, you can tell them. Like, I would tell you. Even though you'd be like, are you supposed to tell somebody? You're not supposed to tell anybody that. But like, I can tell you. Who are you gonna tell? Everybody on this podcast. This podcast. Wink wink. My secret's safe with me. All my sippers. Okay. My half sister's boyfriend, maybe 20, 21, has been cuddling with my step mom, who is 40. What the fuck is going on, Colleen? I, I, I actually don't No, we're out of it. We're out of this. Out of it. After this. Thank God. But I told you, it's a fucking trend. Why is this happening? I don't know. I don't like it, though. Everybody. Figure it out. I don't know. Aren't They all supposed to be Jesus lovers? No, we're not. This isn't the Utah Mormons yet. Oh, okay. These are just the regular fucking people in Kentucky. And they love Joseph Smith. So my half sisters. My half sister's boyfriend. And you're, so say you're the person, my half sister, and then No, don't put me in this. I knew what you meant. Don't, don't add me into the mix. And then your stepmother. Good lord. Apparently they're very close and love to touch each other while having regular spooning time. I, Colleen, Colleen. Regular spooning time. That's not a thing. That's not normal. That's not a thing. Regular spooning time with anyone outside of your significant other is not a thing. And I hate that I even have to say that out loud. You want to have spooning time with me? Colleen, I'd rather die. Respectfully, your dirty ass toenails, your grubby little fingers, I can't. You're sweaty, you're always naked in front of me, you've already crossed every boundary. No, I don't want to spoon with you. Respectfully. Okay, and I accept that. I see you, and I'm here with you. I'm respecting. I'm respecting. Immediately naked when she walks in. Standing in front of me with all the lights on. I said she's got to breathe and respect that. Let her breathe in the bathroom. No, I don't like it. In peace. I don't like it in there. Why? I don't know. My bathroom's cute. I like your bathroom. I just like, I want to be around you. I don't want to be alone in there. Okay, well, I don't like being around you with your poussoir. Find a middle ground. The kitchen? That's great. You get, you get, you can yell to me from there. I'm like prancing around the island. I love this. We're finding a middle ground. Cool. Happy Mayday ams. So they're spooting, okay? Oh god. Half sister is apparently okay with it. Apparently okay with it now, but she was very upset in the beginning. Can't imagine when he told her to make it sound okay. So like, he like talked her out of it, basically. Being like, no, no, no, don't worry about it. Like, it's just our spooting time. This all started when COVID hit and he was quarantined at my dad's house. I guess his mom is a nurse and it made sense to stay at his girlfriend's family's house instead. He was a little under 18 when this first started. I think it does annoy my half sister more than she lets on because she was in a very big hurry for them to move out after the quarantine ended. But that didn't matter because he drives back to the house to specifically have cuddle time, sometimes alone in the house. And that's just it. Like, that's just how it ends. That's the end? Yes. The way I would kill to see that comment section. I I'm gonna hold your hand when I save this ma'am. Oh, God, why? Your boyfriend's fucking your stepmom. Ew, and he's so young. That's so gross. No, I know. Oh, I'm glad that they said he was at least 18. I was not going to bring that one up. The way 20 year olds look like 12 year olds to me, it's so gross. No, it's so icky. Like, one of my friends lives by a college campus because if you live in Boston, everyone you know lives by some college campus, even if you're outside the city. And a group of them were walking by the other day and I was like, ew. No, ew. You look, you look pre pubescent to me and you have the ability to buy alcohol. Like I, I, it's so gross. No, I grew up in a very tiny community. We all knew each other. When I was maybe 12 or 13, my best friend's aunt got a little tipsy and told us that the local hairdresser, obviously, and her husband were swingers, and had approached her and her husband at a bar. Oh, fun. Yeah. Pop off. Consenting adults, we love that for them. Live your life. Me and my friend giggle about it, but overall, it wasn't a shocking relevation. Relevation, Jesus Christ, Revelation. This past year, my best friend's aunt died. It was awful, really shook the community. We were all sharing stories of her impact on our lives, and I mentioned how she had told me and my best friend Stop. that the hairdresser and her husband were swingers, and how it was so funny at the time of us being so young. Now being an adult, my mom decides to let me in on the juicy gossip. Apparently, it wasn't just the hairdresser and her husband, but everyone who lived Gah. A cul-de-sac of swingers. Mm-hmm A whole suburb development in a small ass town that was made with the entire purpose of swinging. Teachers Seamstresses the guy that does your taxes. Everyone. Okay. Pop off. So many absolute pillars of the community had settled in specifically made a swingers suburb whenever anyone moved out of the area. Apparently it was an exile of the couple from a swinging group, and it was quite the debacle. It was just common knowledge apparently. But I had reached. just finally reached the age to know about it. That's crazy. That's like a nudist colony kind of thing to me. Yeah, but it's more like a nudist colony. When you go in, you know, something is awry. You're like, damn, no one here be wearing any clothes. Swingers immediately tell. Yeah, it's a radar. It's immediate help. A cul de sac of swingers flies, right? It's your everyday people. I told you about. When we were in the bar in Falmouth, right? And we accidentally went to a swingers night? Yes. Yeah. That's like, we had no idea where I put our name tags. I think about that all the time. I'm like, how do these people find each other? That's so interesting like a Facebook group or something. There's gotta be a secret way. I mean, maybe not so secret if they're all living in a cul de sac together. Yeah. Yeah. But you know what I mean? Yeah. Like I hope people, I know we brought up herpes earlier, I hope other people with herpes meet each other. Yeah. Cause I'm sure it's hard to have it and try to meet, do you know what I mean? Yeah. Like I hope there's just a community for everybody. Oh god, that sounds so fucking corny. I meant it though. I'm sorry, I'm cringy. But too I am. Let's keep it moving. Okay. When I was younger, my dad used to take me to his married quote unquote, in quotation marks, friend's house. I called her Lassie, which is actually so funny. So cute. So cute. Love that. I didn't think anything of it because I had known her and her son since I was born. More, more on this later. So bookmark that. It started to get awkward when my dad got a girlfriend. I would get yelled at or silenced for asking to go to her house to play with her sons and when my dad would take me to the mall or park we'd come home and my dad's girlfriend would privately take me aside and ask me if we went to Lassie's house. On some occasions, I told her we did, because that was the truth. Obviously, this led to fights, her making me promise to tell her whenever we went, and my dad asking me to promise him I wouldn't tell her, or else I couldn't play with Lassie's sons anymore. Whoa, okay. Whoa! That's totally normal. Eventually, there was a day I woke up to brush my teeth. And my dad's girlfriend was in the bathroom peeing. When I looked at her face, it was green and purple and horrid looking. I was about four at the time, so I felt no shame in asking her what happened to it. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, I went to Lassie's house to see if her dad was there, and she punched me in the face. After that, my dad stopped taking me to Lassie's house. When I was a bit older, I expressed to my mom how I missed Lassie and her son. My mom let me know that Lassie was my dad's lawyer when he won custody of me. He, she helped my dad and his friends lie in front of a court of law about my mom's character so that he would win. The most messed up part about it is that my dad literally kidnapped me before he won custody but made everyone think that my mom was out of her mind so nobody believed her in court. Also, he wanted me to be aborted when he found out I existed. Anyways, I found out from my aunt and my grandma that Lassie's youngest Son is my aeg legitimate brother. Lassie and my dad were banging during, through banging during the whole custody battle 20 ish years later. I tried to find them on social media. I couldn't find her sons, and her Facebook profile picture seems fake. It has really weird Photoshop pictures, and she never responded to the message I sent her years ago. My dad, his girlfriend and my new siblings moved states away about seven years ago, and they were just married on New Year's day of this year. I don't think my brother knows any of this. But I wonder what good it would do since he has a whole life, a loving father figure, her husband, and my dad and his now wife, I imagine, wouldn't like to revisit their time this time in their relationship. Part of me wants to just bring it all up to appease the heartbroken four year old in me, realizing she couldn't see her buddies anymore. I'm an adult now, though, and I talk to my toxic ass parents as little as possible. Hopefully one day I can find my brother without going through them. Holy shit. But we thought we had it. That's what I mean, like, People think their families are crazy. Yeah, no. It's really humbling. Makes you feel a lot better about yourself, honestly. Yeah. Imagine Christmas with that family. No, I would love to, actually. Do you know what I mean? I would love to be a fly on the wall for that. Fucking crazy. And then add, like, a lot of alcohol to the mix. Imagine. No. It's like, who's my brother? Who's my father? Who's who? No. No, no. A 17 year old boy got a 14 year old girl pregnant while at school, so the welfare department got involved, obviously. The boy's mother worked for a lady lawyer, so she helped and advised the son on what to do. Lawyer was in her 30s and married, no kids. No clue what happened to the baby, but it never materialized, next thing, boy and lawyer lady are having an affair, and she's pregnant with his child. They're still together a year later. Life can be stranger than fiction. That is giving SVU. Oh DUH NUH DUH! BODUH! Ba dum, ba dum, buh dum, ba dum, baa dum, baa dum BD Wong, baby! I love him. Her always like low key catches the case every time. Every time. Smart man. Benson, Stabler, BD Wong. Iced tea. Iced tea. I love him. Officer Tutuola. At the SAG Awards they did this bit, actually Kiki Palmer and Coleman Domingo did this bit if, drink if you've been on Law Order Criminal Intent or SBU and everyone in the room drank. Yeah. Cause it's like, it's how you get your SAG card is you do all those like small roles. Watched that episode yesterday, Sabrina Carpenter. at like age seven. Oh my god, a baby. She's like seven or eight and that shit. Yeah, yeah, tiny. He touched me. I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy. Did you consent to this? the absolute weirdest one I read. Let's end on an absolute weirdest one. Funny, I just said that. My mom's, my friend's mom went camping with some friends of hers. They went on a hike and they came back to what they could tell was something, somebody had been rummaging through their tents. Nothing was taken though, so they shook it off and eventually went home. Well, said mom, took the film to be developed, remember those days. when they got the pictures, they discover what actually happened. Some guy took all of their toothbrushes, shoved them up his ass, and took a picture with the camera. The same toothbrushes they had been using the entire fucking time. My jaw is on the ground. What would you do? You know how I feel about teeth. I know, that's why I had this one. I'm really upset. I'm really upset. Imagine you go on one of your trips. That happens. Colleen. What would you do? Tell the people what you would do. I would go out into the ocean with bricks strapped to my waist and say, it's over. It's over. But you've already like I did what I needed to do here. You've gotten through it though already technically. You just didn't know. The, the level of mouthwash I would drown myself in. Ugh. I mean, people put private parts in their mouths all the time. It's whatever. Yes, different. But also, it's just like, against my will. Consent! And, ugh. No. No, I can't. I can't. I can't, I won't, and I shan't. How about that? I can't, and I shan't, and I won't. I actually have one more for you. I lied. Okay, great. In Utah! Fuckin Utah. I don't even know where Utah is on the fuckin map, but some shit's goin on. Yes, you do. To the left. That's all I know. Someone asked me where Ghana was the other day, and I said, To the right. And everyone looked at me and laughed, and I was like, But I'm not wrong. To the right. The Earth is round. Technically everything's to the right if you look at it that way. Oh, when I'm like looking at the U. S., to me it's to the right. You know? That's true. That's true. That's fair. That's all. That's how my brain processes it. But if I was on the Earth and looked up, like, to me that's, I don't know, it's very weird to describe it in my brain. No, you, I, I understand what you mean. You're looking at a map. Europe's on the right, everything over is to the right. Yeah. And then California's on the left, and then everything to the left. Yeah. Yeah, I, I get it. I'm picking up what you're putting down. Yeah. I mean, you're insane, for the record, but like, I get it. I'm not saying it's normal, we're like. Yeah, he's like, I bet you don't even know what Ghana is. And I was like, to the right? Everyone at the bar was like, am I wrong? You know what? That's great. In Utah, USA, which thanks for like, double checking, USA, I'm aware, thank you. There is a company that sends college students on a mini English teaching program outside the country. The idea is you teach English for them and they give you a cheap housing and time to travel in said place. The catch is that you have to follow the owner's strict religious morality rules. Nope. Hard pass. Out. I'm out. That's it. That's all that needs to be said. Get your crazy, Mormon loving ass away from me. The Mormons are like fuckin wild out here. Secret lives of Mormon wives. Did you watch that at least? No. I have no interest. They don't do they like go to bot, get Botox just so they can like have a little laughing gas and like they, they like have done ketamine, but then they're like, no, we don't drink alcohol. We go through the drive through service. They're also not allowed to have sugar or coffee. It's crazy. It's crazy. Real house. House of Salt Lake City are the good Mormons. They're really nice and they pop out crazy amounts of children. Heather Gay is Mormon. Do you? Well, ex Mormon technically, follow strict religious morality, such as you can't date anyone in your group. This included no sex, no alcohol. You get the gist. I ended up in China in a group of 22 people. The trip was built for 6 months. There was a best friend pair that came, let's call them N and H. N is male, H is female. Got it. So they're just wildin in China. Their story is that they're childhood best friends. Their families know each other, etc. Okay, cool. Childhood best friends. Who cares? Oddly enough, no one in the group would have cared if they were dating, or were going to, because none of us cared about the stupid moral the stupid rules. Right. Even the quote unquote leaders of the group, a young couple and an unhinged, barely 19 year old, didn't really care. Yeah. It's that they legit lied, denied, and manipulated the secret. That was their relationship. H told us that she had a fiancé at home, yet came on this six month trip with her male best friend. You can imagine the gossip that surrounded the group. It was It was all about building evidence of these two liar lovers. You can tell I would've loved to be on that trip was gonna say, as someone who has been on a trip, With a group of people who just met with a couple and with people who are starting to hook up. It is like being at Camp The way that gossip spreads on the bus, like you can't help it. You are in, a lot of times you don't have service. So every stupid icebreaker you could possibly think of every game to like pass the time and all you have is each other and you're all in your own time zone. So you can't even like talk to friends and family the same amount. It's. Fuckin crazy. The tea must be piping. People be fuckin People. Be. Fuckin I don't think I like that. I went on a trip once. Wait, sorry. Continue your story. No, no, continue. I went on a trip once, and someone in the group was hooking up with our tour leader who works for the company. Are you not supposed to do that? You're not supposed to do that. But we're adults. And they literally, yeah, but it's like, he worked for the, he was at work. Oh, okay. I understand. And she was You know, just a traveler and so they took there's like extra money that goes into the pot to celebrate birthdays and stuff And they were like seven birthdays on our trip and they took that money to get a hotel room to fuck for one night And so when someone's birthday came around he was like, oh, I don't have it We were like, well, where the fuck did it go? It was a pot It was a pot. It was a pot. Yeah, so we all paid for it. Which I, I didn't get it at first and then someone later was like, Oh my God, they used it for that hotel night. And then another night, every hotel was booked. So they went to this random woman's house. He was like, Oh, I know her, spoke to her in a different language and they used her basement room, fucked, and then left. And I was like, that is so sketchy. Like, go have sex on the beach or something. Any, literally anywhere else. Yeah, no. It's so, it's so creepy. Like, in a bush. Anywhere else. Like, ew. Listen, I get it. It's, you know, it's secretive. You're sneaking around. There's like a hot aspect to it. But to go out of your way to do that, it's like too premeditated at that point. Mind you, we are staying in rooms all together. So everyone knows she's missing. It's not like you, it's not like everyone has a single room and you sneak out when everyone goes to bed. We're backpacking. It's, it's a hostile situation. No. Yeah. Like, oh, that's so weird. She didn't sleep here last night. That's crazy. Ew. Yeah, and they thought they were being, they were keeping this massive secret. No. And they were like rubbing legs under the table. It was, ugh. But I loved it for them because they were happy, but I was like, you guys are being fucking weird. By the end of the trip, it was weird. Midway through, very cute. End of the trip, ick. I don't like that. Yeah, sometimes it's wholesome though, like, we'll meet someone who just got engaged. Yeah, that's cute. And we'll see pictures of their wedding one day and you'll be like, oh my god. I love that. I'm so happy for that. Yeah, but the first one was icky. Yeah. I don't like that at all. Yeah, that's fair. So Miss H is saying that she has a fiancé at home. Yet she came on this trip with her male best friend and blah blah blah. So, they're all trying to gather evidence and there's a lot of tension. They're fighting, they're being flirty, they're being weird, giving ick. It came to a huge, just giant confrontation when H's roommate went through her camera to see if she had any photos of herself from a trip they had just taken. Lo and behold, she found a picture of H and N kissing in front of a temple. This blew up as she went around showing everyone the evidence that finally validated everyone's suspicions. H and N still denied it and claimed it was an accident and that H cheated on her fiancé. Which was totally fucking What? The fuck? Which was totally fucking dumb because why would you rather Admit to being a cheater. Turns out, N was her fiancé. Oh, for the love of Christ. These people are just doing it for the drama. I can't. Better yet, N's middle name was the made up fiancé's name. They married as soon as they came home. It was the weirdest shit ever. I, I genuinely don't understand what you just said to me. I'm so confused. So, the made up fiancé's name, she says my fiancé's name is Paul. That was the guy that was on the trip's middle name. Who cares what your name is? Why are you lying about basic information? That makes it so much sketchier. It's so weird. You had to have had a joint conversation about being like, what are we going to tell them? Which is even creepier. I went on a trip with someone who wouldn't tell anyone their age. Like, was being very elusive, guess what it led to? Everyone trying to figure out their age, going on every single form of social media. Listen, if you just lie, if you just, I mean, I guess she did in that scenario. She wasn't being elusive, she said it, it was just a lie. But like, who cares? Yeah, but why lie? You're being sketchy at that point because the rules say you can't, like, why couldn't you just been a couple? Yeah, just be a couple, yeah. And also, no one knows here what religion you have. Like, I don't know. But also, like, no one knows what religion you are, so no one here is gonna, like, hold you accountable. No one's here to slap your wrist and be like, well That Mormon slut? Yeah, no, what? You're a Mormon whore. It's like, just live your life. I agree. Just lie and say you're not religious. Just enjoy China with your fiancé, bitch. I don't get that. No. Behavior whatsoever. No, no. I agree. As someone who likes a good lie, don't get that at all. Yeah, they must get a rush out of it. The secrecy of it all. Did you ever have people at work you knew were hooking up? No. I worked at a company where everyone be fucking. Oh, no. Not that I'm aware of. And, like, in the bathrooms of work. Oh, no. I've never worked anywhere like that. Which, that's so fucking gross. I know so many people who got hungover and slept in those bathrooms. No, like, that's crazy. That's crazy. It's giving college. It basically was. Basically was. Good to know. Good to know. But you've never had, like, a workplace romance happening? In front of your eyes? Yeah, but, like, not in a sketchy way. Like, people were just honest about it. I think you shouldn't share where you eat. I agree. And I If you can't find somebody else out of this building And I have very rarely seen it go well. I also hate that saying. I don't know why. I'm just thinking about it, how I hate it, after you said it. Well, don't take it literally. It's a metaphor, you bitch. No, I know. I still don't like the metaphor. Like, now I'm just picturing you being like, oh, can't do that. Well, just don't fuck someone you work with, and then you have to go and see them every day and like, not make it weird. Yeah, so whatever drama that's caused, that's your own fault. Like, just don't do it. Well, one time, I worked with a couple, and they were secretly hooking up. Yeah. And then it got more serious, and they told everyone, and yada, yada, yada, and they were gonna get engaged, and he broke up with her. And she quite literally lost like 40 pounds. She cried and didn't eat for like weeks. And he was just like, on to the next one. And she had to go to work. And they sat near each other. And she had to look him in the face every day. 10 out of 10, do not recommend to a friend. No, that just sounds horrible. No, it's awful. Unless you're getting married, like, sorry. I think you have to keep it a secret until one of you gets a new job. in my experience, I have seen it very rarely turn out well and if it does, you are the exception, not the rule. Agreed. Mm hmm. Which brought me to my thought process was, what's the weirdest or if there was one like, piece of gossip that you've heard about yourself? Has anyone ever like said that, started one about you? Oh. That was obviously completely not true, that you were like, the fuck? Yeah. Yes and no. I mean I don't, not a lot of people gossip about me. There's like not much to gossip. I'm pretty honest. It's kind of both of our faults is that we're like overly truthful. I actually sat down and thought about the other day, do you have a secret? And I couldn't think of one thing that I know and no one else knows. I don't have one single secret. Everyone knows something. And not everyone knows everything, you know what I mean? But it's like pockets of people know. Yeah. Even the most embarrassing things that have ever happened to me, I had to share. Yeah, I think same here. So it's like hard to go I guess people would like gossip about my love life. Yeah, I guess. Cause I'm still single. You wouldn't know about that though. But I wouldn't know. I will say when I was in high school when I ran away from that party, drunk, remember I got caught by the cops. Yeah. And they had to drive me home. That story got blown completely out of proportion and I remember it was school vacation week and when I went back to school people were like, we heard your dad took your license and cut up in your face and you're grounded for the rest and it just got like high school crazy. Like telephone. And I, I was hiding in the bushes and rolling through the mud and I was like, you guys. I was walking on the street and also I don't even have a license yet. I had my permit. It was the paper. I'm like, there is nothing to cut up. I don't even have it yet. It's in the mail. What about like, how nice of you to think so, like, crazy of me. No, do you know what I said, which is so cringy to think back on? I was like, do you know that quote from Mean Girls where she's like, when you walk into a room and everyone stops talking, cause that's what it felt like walking down the hallway. But I'm sure some of that was like, in my own head. You know what I mean? I'm sure some people didn't give a shit and had no idea what I was doing over the weekend. But in your head you're like, Oh my god. I paid my license! Look away! I just have my permit! You know what I mean? It's just so silly. But as far as gossiping about me, no, people have said really sad things, like, when I go through something traumatic. Okay. Well, they're just like, oh, doesn't that fucking suck? I'm sure. What about you? What weird sh Oh, you were pregnant. Yeah, I've talked about that, though. Like What was the name of the baby? Jenny Craig. I hate that story. I hate everyone in that story. They're literally all my friends this day. I know, and I hate it. Well, neither of us are really, like, fat anymore, so, like, it's fine. You and I? No, me and the guy. Oh. I'll just sit over here. But obviously you do. Big Bertha over here. But you weren't part of that fucking story, Big Bertha. Big Bertha over here. Listen, you big fat bitch, you weren't part of the story. You big fat. Listen, you big bent whore. You weren't part of the story. Bigged, backed, potato skinned slot. When this was happening, you were probably fucking deep throating everyone at Curry. I don't know. Oh my God, Colleen! That was so aggressive. Sometimes I forget we're legit recording a podcast. You were just like bopping around Curry. That's all you were doing. My God. I'm sorry, I forgot something. That was so aggressive. My Jesus. Anyway. Oh, sorry. I forgot. Was that the worst rumor? More secrets. Yeah, probably. I did actually start. I think I've talked about it on the pod too. Obviously, we have a hundred and other fucking episodes. Of course I've talked about it. I don't have that much to say about myself or other things. You have plenty to say. The story. I hate to tell you this. I'm going to hold my, I'm going to hold your hand. I'm going to hold space for you. You don't want to because my hands are clenched. Oh God. You're so clenched. There's always a thing happening with your body. uh, I did start a rumor, I told you about, well you can just tell me, you remember, about the time that I flexed this story about how the girl's clit fell off. Did I tell you this? I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh my god, I've never told the story you're telling me. You might. I genuinely don't remember. If you have, I, I truly don't remember. I feel like I would remember something like this, cause this feels crazy. So this is a story about how I accidentally. I think it was me single handedly created this rumor and it like kind of spread but like it was half true But I telephoned it badly So in high school, there was a story which I don't even know if this fucking part is true But like if there's smoke, there's fire. There was a story about this girl that was older than me that someone like if I was like a freshman, maybe they were like seniors, she got with this guy and something happened where he went like a little too roughly and something might have fallen off of downstairs. Ripped off a little bit. Fallen off? So, I don't think it was actually fallen off, but it was slightly ripped and it was like a whole thing that she had to go to the hospital. That's all. That is the point of the story. Okay. Over the years, it has turned into her clip fell off and then it was put on ice in a bag and brought to the hospital, and that was my fault. Colleen. So, randomly, this is how long ago, 20, this is 2011. And so recently, we were talking about this, and I was like, oh yeah, when so and so's clip got ripped off and was put in a bag on ice and then brought to the hospital, which is all good now. 15 years ago. And my friend Kylie was like, so, I don't think That's what happened. And I was like, what do you mean? Like, I've been telling people that for over a decade, not, not that it comes off that often. I just literally about someone. I don't even know everybody. I've been telling everybody this girl clip fell off and was put in a bag on ice. Like, I'm not joking. Did you start the Marilyn Manson rib? I wish. I fucking wish. My friend Kylie had, I was with her and we were talking about it and she was like, so I'm gonna like. Reference check this so I voice memoed the source and I was like is this true or not and she responded back and was Like what the fuck is wrong with you? That did not happen. Like the first part happened. There's definitely a situation There was a situation a situation. I don't look at that. I don't know the details because clearly I spun the whole thing There was no bag No clip falling off. There was no it was probably like a tear or something for some reason I don't know where that came from, but I think I might have So everyone in our friend group was like, Did you start this? This is recently. And I was like, I think I did. I think I was the one. And, yeah, I started that, that assortment of girls. And I recently saw her by accident. This girl that I probably haven't seen in 10 years. Were you like, I'm so sorry I made up all those lies about your clitoris? like, Oh, so and so's here. And mind you, I have never really talked to this girl. And I was just like, in my head, I was like, I was just like, Does she know that I'm the one that spread the rumor that her clit fell off? No, I don't even think she knows that that, like, is a, like, No one her face. Okay. Would you prefer to have the worst thing that's ever gossiped been gossiped about you? Would you rather know it or never know it? Never know it. I would rather never know. Ignorance is bliss. I think where that comes in, I agree. So I googled. Oh my god. What, I obviously read it. What is the wildest piece of gossip you've ever been told about yourself, like been heard about yourself? Hmm. This one that I kidnapped my minor girlfriend and fled her across the state lines after murdering her parents in front of her younger sister. Oh my god. Yeah. About 20 years ago, a person a few years younger than me with the same last name, similar first name did just that. Just that, a few towns over. This happened on a Friday or a Saturday. When I showed up to work on Monday, people were looking at me like they had seen a ghost. I was at work for less than 5 minutes when I got called into HR. When I walked in, the plant supervisor, GM, and most of the supervisors were all there. The HR rep just casually said, hey, whatcha doin here? Well I was trying to go to work, now I'm wondering what the hell's going on. I had to explain that while his name started with the same letter, it was in fact a different name, he was several years younger, and most importantly, looked nothing like me. His picture's all over the fucking news. Also, this is why people use first, middle, and last name. This is why murderers have three names. Yep. This one is Oh my god. Also, look at the news. It's obviously not me. That one's silly. Yeah. I guess. Like, employer. Come on. I mean, think about, like, for us here. Like, maybe it's like in a small town. I don't know. I don't know. That's crazy. This one just says that I enlisted in the Navy. I actually just got a job at Old Navy. Not Old Navy! That's amazing. I agree. Ah, my grandma wanted to stir up some shit, which we love. So when I was planning a solo trip to Europe, she told my parents I was actually going with a secret boyfriend just to have sex. The solo trip thing was just an excuse so they wouldn't suspect anything. They just laughed in her face, or as much as you can over the phone, and said why would I go through all that when I could do that in my own house without the need for a secret boyfriend or traveling thousands of miles. Oh. But grandma, string the pot. Okay, grandma. Pop off. That is so Shannon Family Coded. Yeah, for sure. Obviously, Nana would never start that, but like, I can see fucking Oh, our aunts have started so many rumors. Where it's like three degrees more than it was, but it somehow spins completely out of control. Amped up the drama. And you're like, who the fuck told you that? That's litera I was there. That's not what happened. Any time I get any information from my mom, I'm like, who was the, who was the origin? Yeah, who's origin story. And then who's origin was that before that? Because that's the source and that is still a dramatic version. So. Yes. There's your version, their version, and it's somewhere in the middle. Yes. I, last one is. There was a rumor I was a lesbian drug dealer pregnant with twins. Jesus Christ. For context, I was a super shy virgin who carried Tylenol that I would share instead of making classmates go to the nurse. Oh, Angel. Why is that you? Angel. Why is that you as a child? Oh no. Someone saw me outside the women's clinic where I went because my menstrual cycle was super screwed and I had to get birth control to straighten it out. Not sure why it was turned into twins. Oh, that's so mean. I don't know where the lesbian part is. She's poppin out Tylenol because she's a shy virgin. And she's just like, I just have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina. And I'm shy and I'm a virgin and I'm giving out Tylenol therefore you think I'm a lesbian? The virgin part is I'm pregnant with twins. That's what I think my mom used to think about me probably because I literally like I've never spoke about a man until like last year. Well, that bubble popped on this podcast a long time ago. Okay, even though she doesn't listen, it gets brought back to her. Don't worry. Don't worry. I know you're out there. Yeah, messengers. Rude. I know you minions are out there. Be an ally. That's all I got, big boys. My fellow big back bitches. Wow, what an ep. I feel like we say what an ep at the end of every episode now. Wow, that was crazy. That was a movie. I hated that so much. I'm so sorry. Obviously I'm not serious. If you had said that, seriously, we would have had to have a discussion. No, of course not. I've never been serious a day in my life. So, what are you up to this week? Anything fun coming up? Anything to look forward to? No, I'm working the next, all weekend. Oh. Yeah. She's a hustler. She's a hustler, baby. And she's in debt. She's in less debt. It really didn't make a difference. She's in less debt. I'm in less debt. I'm still in debt, but less debt. Let's take stock of things that we are grateful for. We are in less debt. We have paid off a few things. A chunk. A little chunk. A little chunk? I did do my taxes. And I owe again. I don't know what you mean. It's because I waitress. That's why. That's exactly why. One day I would, I pray that you just get something in return from the government. Yeah, I think I'm gonna just start taking extra out of my paycheck, just so that way I don't have this issue come tax season. I do recommend that. It does make things a little easier. Yeah. Yeah! I saw a meme the other day that was like, America, do your taxes and pay us. And the person's like, great, will you tell me how much I owe? And they're like, no, you have to do it and guess. And they're like, what happens if you get it wrong? Prison. No, yes. Like, you know. You know how much I owe. Why are you making me do this? And also TurboTax, stop charging me. Also, they charged me and then it wouldn't let me e file. I gotta figure it out. It's literally still pending. I'm like, what? Fuck, you took my money and you e file? And I know how much I owe, but you won't e file? What, am I understated by carrier pigeon? Hedwig! The Fook! Do I need to show up in person to the government to pay this? In a fuckin buggy? Like, what are we doing? Petticoat? Well, I'll be in Disney World. Yeah, I hope you have so much fun. I think it's gonna be great. I mean, Danny's five and Claire's two, so they're such a fun age. They're like people. Yeah, they're people with personalities and they're funny and It's gonna be warm. It's gonna be in the 70s. I feel like you can't be unhappy anywhere warm. Well, there's certain areas of Disney. I feel like you could find. No, it's a magical place and we're gonna have a lot of fun. And the Pirates of the Caribbean ride where Walt Disney is. Yeah, I'll see if he's there or isn't it like in the in the Main Street Square? There's a few little, there's a few places. There's a few little. Shall I revert back to our Walt Disney epithon? Okay, anyway everybody I hope you have a wonderful week. I hope that You don't hear any gossip about yourself. Yeah, pers up. But you're always a part of the tea. Without actually being part of the tea. That's the best place to be. Yeah, you're told the tea without being a part of it. You're an innocent bystander of the tea. But you're still there and can appreciate it. And can still be like, wow, that's crazy. And still understand all the context. That's crested. Okay gang, love you mean it. Love you mean it. Bye. Goodbye.
Speaker:Shannon's. This
Speaker 9:podcast was produced by me, Bridget Shannon. Music is written and performed by Matt Derosiers. You can find his band, Super Stoker, anywhere you listen to music.